Software Partner or Software Partner Plus Application (DOC

Together Commerce Alliance Software Partner and Partner Plus Application
Your company information
Company name
Company address
Customer country
Company web site
Contact name
Contact email
Contact phone
Your solution information
Solution name
Solution description (minimum of 150 words)
Solution version number
Solution web site URL
Toshiba platform information
List the Toshiba point-of-sale hardware
platforms that run your solution
List any Toshiba software solutions integrated
with your solution
List the name of any customers who currently
have your solution installed on a Toshiba
hardware or software platform. (This client
list is for the purposes of this submission only
and will not be contacted.)
Stop here for Software Partner Application.
For Software Partner Plus, continue to next section.
Software Partner Plus application
A verified Business Partner solution is a two step process that can earn you up to 12
points in the Toshiba Commerce Alliance Partner Program. It is simply verification that
your solution is installed at a customer site running on strategic Toshiba technologies,
with a technical assessment of that solution to verify that the nominated Toshiba
products are being used correctly.
A technical assessment includes a review of your software listing in the Together
Commerce Alliance Solutions Directory, the information included in this submission
process and materials on your Web site. The technical team may also contact you
directly for additional information.
When submitting a solution for verification that will be used in earning points toward
levels in the Together Commerce Alliance, you should consider the following rules:
An ISV will earn 4 points for each verified solution
An ISV can earn no more than 8 points for a given software solution.
An ISV can earn no more than 8 points for a given end user customer.
The maximum number of points that may be earned combined is 12.
Further details can be found in the Together Commerce Alliance program guide at
Information included in this submission is not published internally or
externally. It is considered confidential information. However, once your
company is approved as a Software Partner Plus in the Together Commerce Alliance
program, your company name and web site will be listed on the Toshiba Global
Commerce Solutions Software Partner Plus web page.
All fields are required to complete this transaction. If you do not want to provide us
with the required information, your request can not be processed.
Toshiba will award points for verified solutions that leverage Toshiba Global Commerce
Solutions hardware in the customer solution. The Business Partner solution must be a
repeatable, for sale solution, which leverages Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions’
Toshiba will verify the Business Partner’s solution in two steps: by reviewing the content
of the Business Partner’s offering and confirming how it leverages Toshiba hardware,
and confirming with a customer who has the Business Partner’s solution installed.
Your customer information
Customer name
Customer address
Customer contact name
Customer contact email
Customer contact phone
Customer’s industry or segment
Have you confirmed with your customer listed that he/she is
willing to talk to Toshiba about the use of your solution at
his/her site?
If the answer is no, your request cannot be processed.
What is the customer’s preferred method of communication?
_____ Phone _____ Email _____ No preference
If by phone, is there a preferred time of day?
Preferred language?
Customer implementation information
Project start date
Date solution put into production:
Must have been within the last 18 months
Number of Toshiba solutions installed
Toshiba hardware product running the solution
Toshiba hardware product model number
Toshiba hardware product serial number
By signing this submission document, you agree that the above information is accurate
and may be verified.
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