Kate Wright - Secretary
52 Kingswear Crescent, Leeds, LS15 8PH
Tel: 0113 294 3778
Jackie Friend - Treasurer
86 Potternewton Lane, Leeds LS7 3LW
Tel: 0113 262 8012
Annual Consultative Meeting – Monday 29th October 2012
1. Introduction
John Bates opened up the meeting with a short video celebrating Canoeing in Yorkshire.
2. Present
John Bates - Chair/White Rose
Chris Hawkesworth - Vice-Chair/CE Facilities
David Gent - Vice Chair/Pennine CC
Phil Scowcroft - CE Regional PDO
Stuart Teal – LCO and HCA
David Adams - Independent Rep / SOC
Andrew Carden - Polo / Pennine CC
John Lucas - RCO
Helen Adams - Coaching Sec / North Yrks Scouts
Norman Taylor - Washburn / White Rose CC
Andrew Carden – Pennine Canoe Club
Ken Harrap - West Yorks CC
Peter Dawson - West Yorks CC
Ellie Bates – White Rose Canoe Club
Wendy Bridgestock – Swaledale Outdoor Club
Pete Bridgestock – Swaledale Outdoor Club
Pete Ball – Swaledale Outdoor Club
Sharman Jones – Kool Kayakers
Kevin Jones – Kool Kayakers CC
Julie McDonnell – Kool Kayakers CC
David McDonnell – Kool Kayakers CC
Paul McDonnell – Kool Kayakers CC
Joy McAleese – White Rose Canoe Club
Andy Davison – White Rose Canoe Club
Nigel White – White Rose Canoe Club
Pam Taylor – White Rose Canoe Club
Julian Medina – Kingston Kayak Club
Janet Cartwright – West Yorkshire Scouts
Paul Cartwright – West Yorkshire Scouts
Maurice Young – Dales Canoe Club
Phillip Dunn Birch – Dales Canoe Club
Ian Holmes – Sheffield Canoe Club
Nigel Parkes – Manvers Waterfront Boat Club
Michelle Benton - Manvers Waterfront Boat Club
Mark Benton - Manvers Waterfront Boat Club
Trevor Coldron - Manvers Waterfront Boat Club
Mike Robson – WYCC and Salt and Shakes
John Firth West Yorkshire Scouts
Rod Dubber - Hull Uni/Sheffield City Kayak Club
Bill Mercer – East Yorkshire Canoe Club
David Jeffries – Pennine Canoe Club
Jackie Friend – White Rose Canoe Club
Dick Constable – White Rose Canoe Club
Vicky Constable – White Rose Canoe Club
Richard Clapham – Hambleton Paddlers
Richard Whittaker – Scarborough CC
Esther Mathews - Slalom / Green Star CC
Sue Couling - Lower Wharfe Canoe Club
3. Acceptance of Previous Meetings Notes
Minutes of last ACM read and accepted as a true record.
 Proposed by Norman Taylor; seconded by Ellie Bates.
4. Opening Remarks – John Bates
Firstly, thankyou for coming tonight.
We're a great region and as you've seen through the video we've got some great people and clubs.
What a year for canoeing, 4 medals in the Olympics. And we've had a busy time in Yorkshire too...
We've met 12 times over the past year for official meetings. We've run some regional roadshows
which you're going to hear a bit more about later.
And we've run the first Yorkshire Sprint series to try and grow sprint in the county. Something you'll
be seeing more of next year, we have 5 events planned already - and we're trying to arrange a
medalist to visit one of these as well.
On behalf of all the committees I would like to say that our thoughts are with families of several
paddlers who are no longer with us this year. Catherine Stainsby, Jason Raper and Joy Davis
5. Reports from the Region’s Elected & Delegated Reps
Secretary – No Officer
Treasurer – Jackie Friend
The accounts presented are to the year end 31 Oct 2011 and represent the accounts of the RDT and
all the sub-committees of the region.
Thank you to Richard Clapham who is offering to take over as Treasurer and who will work with
myself put together the accounts for the year end to 31 Oct 2012.
The accounts show a debt to the BCU of 5,500 which is an historic loan for the Washburn going
back many years and it is hoped the national committee will formally agree to this being removed
from the accounts next year. Without this figure we are in a good position. In 2010-11 we had a grant
from BCU for £1000 to enable works on the Ripon site that is being managed by the Washburn
committee. This financial year we completed repayment of the loan for this land that we received
from the Canoe Foundation – thanks to all who contributed over the last 2 years.
Thanks also go to Susan Hicks, Finance Officer of the BCU who helped to draw up the accounts for
2010-11 when I had a family crisis so that they could be submitted in time for the national auditors.
Slalom – Esther Mathews
No Report
Canoe Polo – Andrew Carden
It’s been another busy year for Canoe Polo in the region 2011/12 season with thirty two open Teams
in four leagues, which concluded with Pennine A crowned champions, and a youth development
competition. All other divisions provided levels of polo competition for the most serious international
paddlers to those purely out for fun and recreation. Clubs from the region also competed in the
National Leagues, big Congratulations to Kingston A on promotion to National Div 1. Several players
represented Yorkshire in the National Squads notably Charlotte Lister and James Longley who
competed at the World Championships in Poland. As well as the clubs it must be noted that the
regions universities continue to be a source providing players. Sheffield Uni competed in the BUCS
finals at Hatfield which is the biggest single paddling event in terms of participation in the UK.
The 2012/13 leagues have seen a fall in the number of teams to 29 and a league structure of 3
divisions. To support the development of the sport in the region we have a number of events planned
which include:o Referees courses
o Youth polo Development Day
o Women’s Polo Development Day
o Improved results service
o A fun knock out competition
Our priority will be to recruit volunteers to leagues organisers.
It is appropriate to thank White Rose and Kingston for support with venues for leagues and
maintaining access at Roundhay and Princess Quey, respectively. These venues are regarded as
two of the best venues for raising the profile of polo and paddlesport in the country and it is worth
celebrating them.
Surf Kayak Report – Richard Whittaker
- There have been no BCU / UKCC surf specific courses run in the region this year.
- There is only one “old school” Level 3 Surf coach in the region. (Terry Hailwood)
- There is only one 4 Star Surf Leader in the region. (Richard Whittaker)
- The new UKCC system makes it extremely difficult to access the new Level 3 Surf award or the
Moderate Water Surf award due to the system itself, location of provided courses and numbers
required to ensure courses run. (No L3 Surf course ran in the UK in 2012. Only one possible
MWE Surf course to run in 2012 – in Cornwall in December, subject to sufficient numbers.
Leader courses only run in Thurso or Cornwall.)
In February there was a surf competition in Scarborough organised by Scarborough Surf Club for
both boards and kayaks. This was the first surfkayak competition in the region since 2008. The day
went very well and the kayak category was won by Scarborough & District CC member Adam
Harvey, beating both the current mens and ladies World Champions in the final.
The British Championships are on the weekend of 3rd & 4th November in South Wales. There are
three competitors from Yorkshire in the High Performance Surf Kayak event and one in the Waveski
Scarborough & District CC have weekly surf sessions (not lead or coached), other clubs in the region
run occasional surf trips (East Yorkshire CC, West Yorkshire CC, Swaledale Outdoor Club)
- Two “Intro to Surf” days ran over summer introducing whitewater paddlers from York CC to the
surf environment.
- The “North East Surf Kayaking” facebook group now has 107 members and is a useful tool for
advice and surfing contacts in the North.
Richard Whittaker 07504001617
Yorkshire Sea Kayakers (YSK) - Mike Robson
Mike updated the group that the Sale and Shakes had run a trip to the Farnes at the end of 2011 and
a couple of local sea trips early in 2012. Unfortunately due to injury Mike has been unable to get out
paddling since the spring and so there haven’t been many trips through the summer. Now fixed he’s
hoping to get some trips going again for the next year.
Contact Mike for information and to be added to the email distribution
list. You will only receive emails relating to forthcoming paddles.
Waterways & Environment – Chris Hawkesworth
1. Everyone needs Access to water, whether this be to River, Canal, Lake or Swimming pool for
Competition, Recreation or Training.
2. Traditional Access: that of an advisor for each river telling an enquirer where to put on and take
out has been replaced by information from various web sites or guide books.
3. We are entering a new era of partnerships, of sharing resources, of compromise, and the
making of arrangements not agreements.
4. In general paddlers are paddling where and when they want to but this is no substitute for
5. The threats and challenges to our sport have changed; we now have Hydro Power, weirs being
rebuilt and/or taken away, combined Fish and Canoe passes, water abstraction, flood
alleviation schemes, major improvements to urban rivers, real or imagined environmental
issues, The incoming Water Framework Directive, and so on.
6. Canoe England is promoting Canoe Trails and asking us to play our part in their creation. Our
numbers are expanding. Competition disciplines are expanding. Our sport is being accepted by
arms of government as main stream. In short we are coming of age.
7. It is now time to re-organise, to modernise access in our region. It is necessary for us to have an
advisor for every stretch of water, whether this be river, Lake or Canal.
8. We must do things differently, and look to our clubs for help. It is in their interests to look after
their local, local, water and where they paddle at a distance. E.g. WYCC at Pugneys and the Ure
at Slenningford, Manvers WBC at the Lake and the Dearne.
9. Over this past year we have engaged with, sometimes more than once with:
The Yorkshire Dales National Park, British Waterways, now the Canal and River Trust, The
Environment Agency, various Rivers Trusts, Leeds Flood Relief Scheme, Aire Action Leeds,
private bank owners and anglers, the Don Catchment management group, the National Fish
Pass Group, the East Yorkshire Waterways partnership, and various local authorities.
10. We have been involved with specific site negotiations. Slenningford, Ripon, Washburn,
Manvers Lake, Dearne, Don, The Pocklington Canal, several weirs on the Aire, possible club
premises on the Calder, the Aire and Canoe Trails on the Ouse, Calder and Aire. A new White
Water Course on the Aire upstream of Leeds and a new flat water rowing and canoe course
downstream of is being looked at.
Advanced negotiations have been held with the CRT over the use of Yorkshire’s commercial
waterways for canoeing and an arrangement is expected shortly. (We are still officially
banned), and again with the CRT over how they will check canoe canal licences.
A big victory was acclaimed earlier in the year when British Waterways lawyers accepted that
river navigations extended to the natural river back channels around cuts and locks.
These are just a few of the constant on-going Access issues that we have covered this year.
11. Over the year we have been preparing and populating a spread sheet of all Yorkshire Waters
(including border waters). We are looking for a new breed of advisors. The idea is that they will
watch and advise on their waterway or section of waterway and shout up if they need help
from me or the National Access team. We are starting an Email access newsletter telling
everyone what is going on. A copy of the spread sheet is here tonight. Please offer to help to fill
in the advisor blanks if you feel you can. You must be a member and you must be contactable
by Email. If you are a member and want to receive the access newsletter then please let me
know and I will add you to the list.
12. We are also hosting a Members Access Forum at Manvers Boat House on January the 26th
2013. Our hosts will be the CE National Access team headed up by Richard Atkinson. All
members are invited and in particular Richard would like as many Waterways advisors to
attend as possible.
Washburn & Ripon – Norman Taylor
2012 Washburn Events
The 2012 Washburn Calendar included 35 events- the maximum permitted by Yorkshire Water- and
so far all except the Children’s Day of 6th June have run successfully. Remaining events include
11th November and 9th December Sunday Cruises via the Washburn Committee and the university
students BUCS WWR Weekend of the 1st and 2nd of December.
The 3 Slaloms run by Esther Mathews and the Yorkshire Slalom Team had large numbers
participating and apart from the April event had the advantage of dry (and warm) accommodation in
their new mobile home accommodation. Since only the top one third of the river is used by slalom we
intend in 2013 to introduce cruises on such days using the Wood Yard as parking to enhance river
Wild Water Racing was absent from the Washburn this year due to the dwindling participation in
2011. We have asked that the WWR Committee should consider sharing a date or dates in the
coming year as one means of making adequate use of the water resource.
Club run cruises were mainly financially successful for the organisers but in four cases the takings
did not reach that normally passed to the Washburn Committee for such an event. Likewise two of
the weekend cruises run by the Washburn Committee itself did not raise the funds anticipated.
The Wednesday Cruises- again run via committee members- had variable outcomes but remain
important contributors to Washburn funds.
All the calendar events are highlighted on the Washburn Information Line and participating clubs are
expected to maximise their own success via additional advertising and provision of food etc. That
said, the river levels and some clashes of dates were factors but we ask that ALL regional clubs put
Washburn dates as priority in their club calendars.
A new draft calendar will be available post our own ACM on the 19th November.
Site Developments
The access required for the sale of standing timber by Yorkshire Water led to dramatic improvement
at their expense of the entrance and roadway to the Thruscross site and the reconstruction of the
ford near the footbridge. The overspill car park was also enhanced but requires some minor attention
The Washburn Committee are progressing a 10m extension of roof area adjacent to the toilet block
to create a catering area for events.
New rocks are already on site to protect the footway near the broken weir and improve features in
the region of the footbridge. This work will be carried out as soon as possible.
The Wood Yard
The removal of the large Lawsons Cupressus trees has dramatically altered the river outlook of the
site and again we gained from track improvement work to the river carried out by Yorkshire Water. At
the same time we fenced our boundary with them towards the river as this was a requirement
hanging over from our purchase details.
Mains water is now available at both of our buildings and the modest toilet block within the long shed
is now fully operational including lighting. We encourage paddlers to use this area as a changing
facility and will supply bench seats etc. for the coming year.
The upper building remains in fine condition and currently functions as storage space but can easily
be temporarily emptied to allow meetings etc.
Routine maintenance is carried via a local contractor- recently tackling the dreaded Himalayan
Balsam, clearing roof and parking space debris and numerous other tasks.
All in all the Wood Yard allows convenient parking for events and as noted above this will be
essential for cruises on the lower parts of the river during slalom dates.
The Washburn Information Line etc.
The Information Line is essential to the operation of the Washburn events since confirmation of
water release will not normally be given by Yorkshire Water on a timescale longer than some two
weeks or so. Panic sets in when cancellation occurs and we endeavour to broadcast such changes
via the Yorcie website as an emergency measure.
We have set up an autoreply message to emails sent to which provides
links to the latest calendar, a google link to the location of the site, where to stay (and what to do) in
the locality and other information. This removes from Esther Mathews and the Taylor household the
somewhat tedious task of postal distribution!
We are looking at any new proposals for Yorcie updates arising from the meeting this evening and
will fit in as required with these.
Note that the Washburn Calendar contains all contact details for the Committee and participating
clubs. Please use this as required.
The Ripon Site
It was decided by the RDT and the Washburn Committee that the latter would provide formal status
for Ripon in terms of site finance and at least organise initial development. Fencing and gating has
already been carried out and signing is in place. Mowing has now been organised to reduce the
rather unkempt look and allow recreational areas to be used by paddlers.
There is an autoreply facility via which has much information about
location and use of the site.
We DO ask that Esther Mathews is informed about use by clubs or individuals rather than the lying
low attitude prevalent at present!
Contacting us
The other Officers apart from myself are Esther Mathews (Secretary) and Stephen Henderson
(Treasurer). Perhaps we should rely on the latest Calendar for updated details of contacts within the
committee but suffice it to say that all contribute greatly to the running of the committee and via their
clubs to the success of the Washburn.
Good Paddling, Norman
6. Reports from our Full Time Staff
PDO Report - Phil Scowcroft
Over the last twelve months I have been involved in numerous areas of work and events throughout
the region. These include:
o Organising several ‘Safeguarding and Protecting Children’ workshops which were attended
by 82 People.
o Assisting with the running of ‘Go Canoeing’ Events at Manvers Boat Club, Hatfield Activity
Centre, Green Star CC, Pennine CC, Yeadon Tarn, Dales CC, Sheffield Uni, Hallam Uni and
Lower Wharf CC.
o Assisting with the running of ‘Canoe 2012’ Events at Lower Wharf CC, Roundhay Park,
Manvers, Pennine CC, Kelsey Gardens, Sheffield CC and Kool Kayakers CC
o The research and then running of several ‘Go Canoeing’ Tours on the River Ouse in York
o Assisting Manvers, Kool Kayakers and Lower Wharf Canoe Clubs to achieve ‘Clubmark’
o Assisting Sheffield and Green Star Canoe Clubs to achieve ‘Top Club’ reaccreditation.
o Carrying out ‘Clubmark’ health checks at Bradford & Bingley and Halifax Canoe Clubs
o Assisting with the running of the RDT’s Yorkshire Sprint Series
o Promoting canoeing at major regional such as the Great Yorkshire Show, Driffield Show,
North Yorkshire School Games and West Yorkshire School Games.
o Assisting with the Coach Update day at Aldwark.
I have also assisted clubs and individuals throughout the region with a range of different issues as
I have worked with other bodies to promote canoeing and to ensure that canoeist best interests are
taken into consideration wherever possible.
I also helped promote canoeing during the Olympics at the Lee Valley White Water Course.
7. Election of Officers
Not up for re-election this year, middle of a two year term to October 2013:
John Bates
Elected at the meeting for a 2 year term
Vice Chair 1:
Vice Chair 2:
Richard Clapham
David Gent
Chris Hawkesworth
8. Confirmation of Delegates from Specialist Groups
John Lucas
Other reps are as nominated by the sub-committees;
Esther Mathews
Sea Kayaking:
Surf Kayaking:
Washburn and Ripon:
Andrew Carden
David Jefferies
Mike Robson
Richard Whittaker
Norman Taylor
The following committee appointments were approved at the meeting.
Independent Rep 1:
Independent Rep 2:
Independent Rep 3:
Independent Rep 4:
Dick Constable
David Adams
Kevin Jones
Jackie Friend
Disability Rep:
Waterways and Environment:
Les Ford
Chris Hawkesworth
10. Coaching Committee ACM
Another busy year, with a full complement of support staff
Local Coaching Organisers
South Yorkshire; Jed Wright
West Yorkshire; Dick Constable
North Yorkshire; Tony Liddy
Humberside; Stuart Teal (retiring)
The support of both Helen Adams as the Coaching Secretary and Paul Bull as the Treasurer has
been vital in supporting my enthusiasm and drive to succeed in helping coaches across the region,
we would have been able to embrace United Kingdom Coaching Certification (UKCC) scheme within
Yorkshire and achieve the results we have to date – 12 more UKCC Level 1 coaches after this last
weekend (Oct 2012).
I would just like to say on behalf of the Yorkshire coaching community, a big thank you for all your
help and input over the 12 last months.
The programme for 2011/12 started off with a paddlesport skills weekend, aimed at helping the
paddlers of all standards in developing their skills. Fully catered with accommodation for only £60
where the delivery team was made up of both aspirant level 5’s and level 5 coaches. A great
weekend with an opportunity to watch those at the top of their class delivering outstanding sessions
for many candidates not to mention the entertaining evening we had with Tom Parkers holiday
This was followed up with our usual coach re-validation weekend - our 9th year encompassed
everything from coaching, first aid, personal skills, come and try-it, Continual Professional
Development (CPD’s) sessions and coach updates. On behalf of the coaches in Yorkshire, I would
like to say thank you to the Aldwark Management Committee and Central Yorkshire Scouts for their
continued support.
We’ve continued our coaches’ road shows across the region which seems to have been received
well and continues to grow in terms of the number of attendees. Each evening, we cover Canoe
England’s keynote speach together with an update of the up and coming events in the region. The
second part of the year, saw the coaching team supporting the Regional Development Team during
these events.
Next year 2012, the coaching team are looking at coach support/mentoring opportunities aimed at
those coaches wishing to progress in the sport – watch this space.
John W Lucas Regional Coaching Organiser – Yorkshire
11. Coaching Treasurers Report
This is my first year on the Committee and it has been an eye opener for me in terms of how much
actually goes on “behind the scenes” in the Yorkshire Region!
In summary, the balance of accounts remains strong, with the bank account holding a surplus of
£2,167 at year end. However, this year has provided certain challenges and overall the coaching
committee has operated at an operating loss of £2,460. This has been mainly driven by a lower than
expected turn out at the Coach Update / Revalidation weekends in March 2012. There were
significantly lower attendance at this even which could be attributed to the current economic climate.
A full breakdown of income and expenditure is detailed below.
Balances brought forward
Int. rec'd
VAT (reim'd)
Skills courses
Winter Program/CPD's
Apr 12 Forum
Total income
Current Account
Petty Cash
BCU certificate fees
Committee exes
Skills Courses etc
Food costs
2012 Forum
Coaching subsidy
Travel exes
Bank charges
Coach Expenses
Caterer Expenses
Matched funding
Web hosting
VAT (to reclaim)
Total expenditure
Net income/(outgoings)
Balances carried forward
Current Account
Petty Cash
Other areas of development this year include developing PayPal functionality to allow for alternative
electronic payments to be taken at point of booking. Whilst this is not yet in place, we are expecting
this to be available in the 2012/13 year and this is hoped to significantly reduce the administration
time relating to course bookings and chasing payments.
Paul Bull
12. Coaching Regional Development Team Events
Skills Weekend – Aldwark
Winter Training Module No2. Mentoring, delivered by
Scott - Barnbow Club, Old Manston Lane, Leeds near
LS15 8ST
Year 2012
Year 2013
Winter Training Module No2. Mentoring, delivered by
Scott - Barnbow Club, Old Manston Lane, Leeds near
LS15 8ST
Winter Training Module No3. Fitness for Paddlesport,
delivered by Scott - Barnbow Club, Old Manston Lane,
Leeds near LS15 8ST
Winter Training Module No4. Coaching Young People,
delivered by Scott - Barnbow Club, Old Manston Lane,
Leeds near LS15 8ST
UKCC L1& L2 - Aldwark
16th - 17th
Aldwark Re-Validation
UKCC L1 & L2 (Second weekend)
Manvers Re-Validation
15th – 17th
UKCC L1& L2 – Aldwark
18th- 20th
25th – 27th
Skills Weekend – Aldwark
15th – 17th
11. Yorkshire Development Plan
We’ve held 4 Roadshows held across Yorkshire this month with two objectives. Firstly to spread the
word about the committees and to get peoples input to the 2013 development plan for Yorkshire. 55
people attended and contributed to the meetings, thank you to everyone who got involved.
Following the consultation I’ve outlined 11 development objectives which the committee will work
towards next year. These were approved by those present at the meeting.
These objectives are as follows;
11. Regional Volunteer Awards
The following awards were presented by Vice Chair Chris Hawkesworth:
Young Volunteer – Paul McDonnell
Event Volunteer – Barbara Cox
Community Volunteer – Mark Benton
Coach of the Year – Ian Holmes
Paddlepower Award – Sharman Jones
(Also shortlisted for national award)
Performance coach Award – Dennis Newton (Junior)
(Also won national award)
Outstanding Contribution
Nick Burne
Debbie McDonald
Janet Cartwright
12. Long Service Awards
The following Long Service awards were presented by Vice Chair Chris Hawkesworth:
Dr Maurice Young
Phillip Dunn-Bir
Hugh Pashlie
Rob Dubber
Dennis Newton (Senior)
13. Date of Next ACM – Monday 28th October 2013
Closing Remarks
Thankyou to Pete and Wendy Bridgstock for another wonderful presentation. And many thanks for
their help with the roadshows as well.
The committee would like to thank our hosts West Yorkshire Canoe Club for again providing a
meeting venue at Ossett, along with a wonderful pie and pea supper for all attendees.
Meeting closed at 22.00h.
The committee confirm the date of the next RDT meeting as 13th November 2012 via Skype.