Vocabulary Unit # 4 Find your own synonyms and antonyms for

Vocabulary Unit # 4
Find your own synonyms and antonyms for each.
1. bastion – (n) a fortified place, stronghold
2. concord – (n) a state of agreement, harmony; a treaty
3. consummate – (adj) complete or perfect in the highest degree; (v) to bring to a state of
completion of perfection
4. flotsam – (n) floating debris; homeless, impoverished people
5. frenetic – (adj) frenzied, frantic, highly agitated
6. glean – (v) to gather bit by bit; ie. to gather information
7. grouse – (n) a type of game bird; a complaint; (v) to complain, grumble
8. jocular – (adj) humorous, jesting, jolly, joking
9. ludicrous – (adj) ridiculous, laughable, absurd
10. recumbent – (adj) in a reclining position, lying down, in the posture of one sleeping or resting
Filling in the Blanks
Choose the word from this unit that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. It was pleasant to see the usually quiet and restrained Mr. Baxter in such a(n) _________ and
expansive mood.
2. People who are used to the unhurried atmosphere of a country town often find it hard to cope
with the _______________ pace of big-city life.
3. Since I had had only one year of high-school French, my attempts to speak that language on my
trip to Paris were pretty ________________.
4. The high ground east of the river formed a natural ______________ which we decided to defend
with all the forces at our disposal.
5. As soon as he struck the opening chords of the selection, we realized that we were listening to
a(n) _________________ master of the piano.
6. I get my best ideas while lying down; the _____________ position seems to stimulate my brain.
7. Though next to nothing is known about Homer, historians have been able to __________ a few odd
facts about him from studying his works.
8. I have yet to meet an adult who did not ________________ about the taxes he or she had to pay.
9. The _____________ that we observed here and there in the harbor bore mute testimony to the
destructive power of the storm.
10. Peace is not just the absence of war by t appositive state of _______________ among the nations of
the world.
Choosing the Right Word
Encircle the boldface word that more satisfactorily completes each sentence.
1. We were able to (consummate, glean) only a few shreds of useful information from his long,
pretentious speech.
2. During the 19th century, it was fashionable to spend a few weeks in the fall hunting (grouse,
flotsam), pheasants, and other game birds.
3. All that I needed to (consummate, glean) the most important deal of my career was her
signature on the dotted line.
4. Comfortably (recumbent, frenetic) in the shade of the elm tree, I watched the members of the
football team go through a hard, sweaty workout.
5. In the shelter, I saw for the first time people beaten and mutilated by life – the derelicts and
(flotsam, concords) of the great city.
6. I have always regarded our schools and colleges as citadels of learning and (bastions, grouses)
against ignorance and superstition.
7. Before the ceremony began, we all bowed our heads and prayed for unity, peace, and (concord,
recumbents) among all nations.
8. We were fascinated by the (recumbent, frenetic) scene on the floor of the stock exchange as
brokers struggled to keep up with sudden price changes.
9. There are few things in life as (consummating, ludicrous) as an unqualified person trying to
assume the trappings of authority.
10. Do you really think that those (jocular, grousing) remarks are appropriate on such a solemn
Choose 6 words and use each in an original sentence; draw a picture for each as well.