OB Syllabus KHAZAR UNIVERSITY School of Education Organizational Behavior (MGT 410) Instructor: Raziya Isayeva Office: # 214 Phone: +994 12 217916 E-mail: isayevaraziya@gmail.com Office hours: 17:00 – 18:00 Monday Term: Fall, 2014 Lecture hours: Thursday 15:10; 16:40 COURSE OBJECTIVE Course objective is to introduce students to the major content areas of OB including individual differences (e.g., perception, attitude, and personality), motivation, group dynamics, leadership, organizational design, and organizational culture. Course will discuss emerging issues and factors that influence behavior in organizations; develop an understanding of the value of OB systematic study and how the general principles are applied in organizations. COURSE DESCRIPTION The course will concentrate on how individuals’ behavior can be predicted, understood and changed. The course will develop students’ ability to understand and evaluate effective management, to predict and prevent behavioral changes found in work groups, the behavior of groups in intergroup conflict and goal setting and finally how behavior is a consideration of organizational design and organizational change. LEARNING OUTCOMES: As a result of these course students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate the ability to describe the manager’s functions, roles, why organizational behavior is important. 2. Understand the organizational, culture, structure, power and politics. 3. Identify the pros and cons of Applying OB concepts at work places. 4. Understand the relationship between attitudes, behavior and the major causes of job satisfaction. 5. Identify and distinguish between emotions and moods and list basic emotions and moods. Page 1 of 6 OB Syllabus 6. Identify personality, explain how it is measured, and describe the factors that determine an individual’s personality. 7. Term perception and factors that affects it, and explain how difference in perceptions affects decision making in organizations. 8. Demonstrate how motivation influences individual’s and group behavior. 9. Understand the team work and decide when to use individuals instead of teams. 10. Identify and decide which of the communications channels to use in different situations. 11. Define and solve challenges of the effective Leadership. TEXTBOOKS AND MATERIALS Core Textbooks: Organizational Behavior, 15th edition, Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge, Pearson, 2013 Supplementary Textbooks: Organizational Behavior, Hellriegel/John W. Slocum 10th edition by Thompson South-Western, 2011 Organizational behavior: managing people and organizations / Gregory Moorhead, Ricky W. Griffin. Houghton Mifflin 2012 Organizational behavior: a diagnostic approach / Judith R. Gordon Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, c2012. EVALUATION There will be two exams and quizzes during the semester. Exam time and location will be announced later in class. Your grade in the course will be determined based on the following scale: Quizzes: Written Assignments: b. Individual Paper Group Presentation: Participation: Mid-term Examination: Final Examination: 10% Total 100 10 % 10% 5% 30% 35% Quizzes Each class will begin with a quiz on the material covered last week. The quizzes are a substantial part of your semester grade. There are no make-up or late quizzes. Written Assignment A. Group paper - Cultural Diversity Report There are four aspects to this project: 1. The Research: You will be assigned a country (for example, Japan) and will need to research the background about this country: size, type of government, industry, education, average income, diversity, etc. Page 2 of 6 OB Syllabus 2. The Interview: You will Interview five people (for example, Japanese) about their experiences: i. Name and country. ii. Description of schooling in their community. iii. Find out what their classes were alike. iv. Description of life style at home. v. Description of village/city community interactions. vi. How is Azerbaijan perceived by their culture? vii. Language difficulties they had when the came to Azerbaijan. viii. How did they adjust to school? ix. How can managers be trained to learn about their culture? 3. The Dining Experience: Your group can choose to select either go out to a (for example, Japanese) restaurant or cook their ethnic dishes. i. Describe the foods. ii. How is the food served? iii. How does the food reflect the culture? 4. The Arts: Select a foreign film (for example, Japanese film) to watch as a group. i. How is the culture reflected in the film? ii. Are these specific gender roles? iii. How is personal and impersonal space used? iv. Can you determine the values of the culture? Cultural Diversity Report is due to week 11. You need to prepare the presentation on the same topic for the same week. B. Individual Paper - Generational Perspectives and Values i. Interview your parents and grandparents to learn what jobs they have had, what training they received, what they liked best about their work, and if they had to do it over again, what would they do differently? What work related activities created stress? What motivated them in their jobs? How did their culture play a part in who they are and what work they did? Use headings to separate each interview. ii. End your essay with your personal reflection or reaction to their answers. iii. Attach picture of family. Generational Perspectives and Values paper is due to Week 8. Note: Al papers are typed double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman with a cover page. NO late work will be accepted. If you are unable to come to class, the assignment may be emailed to me. Participation Substantive contribution to class discussions will be given high priority. Everyone is expected to be prepared and present. Midterm and Final Exam One midterm and one final exam are scheduled in this course. All exams will be given according to the attached course schedule. Page 3 of 6 OB Syllabus POLICY Attendance As this course success rests partly in student participation and discussion. Therefore, attendance is critical. Excessive unexcused absences (more than four) will result in student’s withdrawal from the class. To this end, regular attendance records will be kept. Those having legitimate reasons for absence (illness, family bereavement etc) are required to inform the instructor. Tardiness/other disruptions As punctuality is critical in a professional environment, the students are expected to be in time for classes. Tardiness is disruptive to the class and sends a message of lack of concern for the other’s time. If a student is late to the class for more than ten (10) minutes, s/he is NOT allowed to enter and disturb the class. Preparation for class The structure of this course makes your individual study and preparation outside the class extremely important. The lecture material will focus on the major points, so the students are encouraged to make notes during the lectures, which will guide them while preparing for the classes. As the lectures will be an amalgam of the best from various textbooks, journal and newspaper articles, Internet materials, and own experience, the students will be provided with handouts. After the lecture, you should study your notes and handouts to be prepared for class discussions, case studies, and simulations. Make-up Exams As the Quiz measures the students' current preparation for the class, Make-Ups are not permitted. If you miss the final with a valid excuse, you must make it up at a later date arranged and agreed with the dean. If you do not have a valid excuse for missing an exam, it will count as a zero. In order to be excused from the exam, the student must contact the instructor and the dean well before the exam. Excuses will not be granted for social activities. The exams will all be cumulative. You will have open-ended questions, multiple choice questions, essay questions. Most of the questions on each exam will be taken from the material covered since the last exam, but some will come from the earlier material. In general, the coverage will reflect the amount of time spent in class on the different topics. You are not allowed to use textbooks, handouts and any other material during the exams. For the exams you will be allowed to bring an A4 sheet of paper which you can use for your notes. Assignments For the best performance you will be assigned to write several papers and presentations to reflect your understanding of the course and the skills acquired. Those students who desire to accomplish assignments are required to turn them in on their due dates. All out-of-class assignments must be typed. No hand written submissions will be accepted. Withdrawal (pass/fail) This course strictly follows grading policy of the School of Economics and Management. Thus, a student is normally expected to achieve a mark of at least 60% to pass. In case of failure, Page 4 of 6 OB Syllabus he/she will be referred or required to repeat the course the following term or year. For referral, the student will be required to take examination scheduled by instructor. Cheating/plagiarism Cheating or other plagiarism during the Quizzes, Mid-term, Final Examinations and assignments will lead to paper cancellation. In this case, the student will automatically get zero (0), without any considerations. Professional behavior guidelines The students shall behave in the way to create favorable academic and professional environment during the class hours. Unauthorized discussions and unethical behavior are strictly prohibited. What instructor considers important for successful completion of the course For successful completion of the course, the students shall take an active part during the class time, analyzing case studies and participating in further discussions, prepare assignments and presentations. COURSE OUTLINE Week Date Topic I 25.09.2014 Introduction of Course Requirements What is Organizational Behavior? II 02.10.2014 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction III 09.10.2014 Emotions and Moods IV 16.09.2014 Personality, Values and Perception V 23.10.2014 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications VI 30.10.2014 Understanding Work Teams VII 06.11.2014 Mid-term Exam VIII 13.11.2014 Communication Page 5 of 6 Assignments Ice-breaking game Self-assessment test: Am I Engaged? Quiz 1 Case: Long hours, 100s of Emails, and No Sleep: Does this Sound Like a Satisfying Job? Self-assessment test: What’s My Emotional Intelligence Score? Quiz 2 Case: Is it ok to cry at Work? Self-assessment test: Am I a Narcissist? Quiz 3 Case: Personal Space Self-assessment test: How Confident Am I in my Abilities to Succeed? Quiz 4 Case: Bonuses can Backfire Self-assessment test: Why Don’t Teams Work Like They’re Supposed to? Quiz 5 Case: Personal Space Will include all topics have been covered till mid-term Self-assessment test: How good are my Listening Skills? Quiz 6 OB Syllabus IX 20.11.2014 Leadership X 27.11.2014 Power and Politics XI 04.12.2014 Conflict and Negotiation XII 11.12.2014 Organizational Structure XIII 18.12.2014 Organizational Culture XIV 25.12.2014 Organizational Change and Stress Page 6 of 6 Case: Using Social Media to Your Advantage Deadline: Individual Assignment Self-assessment test: Am I an Ethical Leader? Quiz 7 Case: Healthy Employees are Happy Employees Self-assessment test: How Good Am I at Playing Politics? Quiz 8 Case: Delegate Power, or Keep It Close? Self-assessment test: What is My Negotiating Style? Quiz 9 Case: Mediation: Master Solution to Employment Disputes Deadline: Group Assignment Self-assessment test: Do I Like Bureaucracy? Quiz 10 Case: Siemens’ Simple Structure – Not Self-assessment test: How Spiritual Am I? Quiz 11 Exercise: Rate Your Classroom Culture Self-assessment test: How Stressful Is My Life? Quiz 12 Exercise: Power and Changing Environment