TABLE OF CONTENTS DISTRICT BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................... 2 COUNTIES,SUB COUNTIES, PARISHES,VILLAGES,AND HOUSEHOLDS ........................................... 2 HEALTH UNITS BY HEALTH SUB DISTRICTS .......................................................................................... 2 DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS ......................................................................................................... 2 DISTRICT LEADERSHIP AND CONTACTS. ............................................................................................... 3 MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT BY CONSTITUENCY ................................................................................. 4 DISTRICT HEALTH OFFICE STAFF AND PHONE CONTACTS.............................................................. 4 LOCATION AND CONTACTS OF TRAINING SITES ................................................................................. 6 MASS MEDIA ACCESSIBILITY & COMMUNICATIONS &NETWORKS .............................................. 6 HEALTH SUBDISTRICTS ................................................................................................................................. 7 HEALTH FACILITIES (SUMMARY) .............................................................................................................. 7 HEALTH INDICATORS .................................................................................................................................... 8 SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS.................................................................................................... 9 DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS (DONORS/NGOS)............................................. 10 BUDGET. ............................................................................................................................................................ 11 LOCAL REVENUES FOR FY 1999-2000(GRADUATED TAX) .................................................................. 11 NAKASONGOLA DISTRICT INSTITUTIONS……………………………………………………………..12 NAKASONGOLA DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS…………………………………………..……16 1 NAKASONGOLA DISTRICT PROFILE DISTRICT BACKGROUND Location and borders. Nakasongola District is located at the center of Uganda on Bombo –Gulu Road 114 Km North of Kampala. It boarders Apac District in the North, Lira in the North east ,Mukono in the East, Masindi District in the West and Luwero District in the South. Administrative Divisions For Administrative Purposes the district is Divided into; 1 County, 5 Sub counties,and 1 Town Council. Counties,Sub counties, Parishes,Villages,and Households County Sub county Buruli Lwampanga Kakooge Kalungi Nabiswera Nakasongola T.C Wabinyonyi Number of parishes. 7 6 10 9 3 6 41 Total Health units by Health Sub districts Sub Districts Nakasongola Number of villages 47 77 54 64 15 38 295 Number of Households. 5,633 3,661 5,479 3,489 1,666 2,148 22,076 No of Health Units Govt. 14 NGO 2 Source: DDHS Office- Nakasongola District. Demographic Characteristics Area; The District Covers an area of 3424.7Km Population ; The total Population is 141,000(Yr.2000 projection from 1991 Population and Housing Census). 2 Male Population = 68,859(50.2%) Female Population =68,311(49.8%) Rural Population =130,781 (95.3%) U rban Population =6,389 (4.7%). Pop. Growth Rate = 2.3 % per year Population by subcounty POPULATION SUB COUNTY Lwampanga Kakooge Kalungi Nabiswera Nakasongola T.C +Wabinyonyi Total 34,318 24,630 34,318 24,446 23,926 141,638 Source: District Planning Office-Nakasongola. Population between 0-4 yrs = 27,267 (19.9%) Population between 5-14 yrs = 37,218 (27.1%) Average size household = 6 People. Percentage of Population within 5 km of a health services unit = 6.25% DISTRICT LEADERSHIP AND CONTACTS. NAMES Mr.Bagonza Christopher Designation Postal address/phone. Mr.Lukyamuzi .A. Box 1 Nakasongola Tel ;077-701702 Chief Administrative Officer. Box 1 Nakasongola Tel ;077-497699 Deputy Chief Administrative Box 1 Nakasongola Officer. Vice Chairman LCV Box 1 Nakasongola Tel;077-498802 Assistant C.A.O. Box 1 Nakasongola Tel ;077-453396 District Planner Box 1 Nakasongola 077-472282 Chief Finance Officer Box 1 Nakasongola 077-463123 Senior Personnel Officer Box 1 Nakasongola Mr.Kalikumutima .J. Senior Internal Auditor Mr.Kayise C. Mr. Wadada Lawrence Mr. Nkoyoyo Christopher Mr.Mukoza Henry Mr.Senkasi Henry Mr.Aupal Samuel District Chairman 3 Box 1 Nakasongola 077-523398 NAMES AND CONTACT ADDRESSES OF LCIII CHAIRPERSONS SUB COUNTY NAMES OF LCIII C-MAN Lwampanga Mr. Butumya Fred B.W Kakooge Mr. Kitaakule Sekyanzi David Kalungi Mr.Maguzi Livingstone Nabiswera Mr.Wasswa Stephen Nakasongola T.C Mr.Sentongo .G. Wabinyonyi Mr. Ssemanda Japheth Source : Office of Clerk to Council. ADDRESS/CONTACTS Box 1 Nakasongola Box 1 Nakasongola Box 1 Nakasongola Box 1 Nakasongola Box 1 Nakasongola Box 1 Nakasongola MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT BY CONSTITUENCY NAMES Hon: Muruli Mukasa CONSTITUENCY Nakasongola (Buruli) ADDRESS Box 1 Nakasongola Hon: Margaret Komuhangi Women M.P Nakasongola Source:Office of Clerk To Council. Membership of local councils Lc I 10 members . Lc II 10 members. Lc III10 members. DISTRICT HEALTH OFFICE STAFF AND PHONE CONTACTS Names Designation Post Address/phone. Dr.Ssekitto Gerald DDHS Box 1 Nakasongola Tel;077-464674 Mr. Zziwa Moses District Health Inspector Box 1 Nakasongola (DHI). Tel;466468 Sr. Kajura Justine District Health Visitor Box 1 Nakasongola Mr.Kasozi Samuel DTLS/HMIS Officer Box 1 Nakasongola Mr. Sekandi William Supplies Officer Box 1 Nakasongola Mr. Tebasulwa .H. Accounts Assistant Box 1 Nakasongola Mr. Sinamanya .E. DCCA/Health Assistant Box 1 Nakasongola M/S.Nazziwa.J. Records Assistant Box 1 Nakasongola M/S.Nalwoga.J. Secretary Box 1 Nakasongola M/S Kanyesigwa Louis DADI Box 1 Nakasongola Source: DDHS Office-Naksongola District. MEMBERS OF DISTRICT TRAINING AND SUPERVISION TEAMS Reproductive Health Trainers 1-Mr.Asisa Joshua 2-M/s.Nakabiri Dorothy 3-M/s.Wateya Justine 4-M/s Nasozi Kyazze Specioza 5-M/s.Nalubowa Magret. 6-M/s. Kiganda Gorret. 4 IMCI Trainers 1-Sr. Kajura Justine 2-Mr. Kasozi Samuel 3-Mr.Mutumbwa Paul 4-Mr. Kidaga Constantine. 5-Mr. Asisa Joshua 6-M/s. Nakabiri Dorothy 7-M/s.Lunkuse Florence. Interpersonal communication Trainers. 1-Mr.Kasozi Samuel. 2-M/s.Nakabiri Dorothy 3-Mr.Wateya Justine 4-Mr.Zziwa Moses 5-Sr.Kajura Justine 6-M/s.Lunkuse Florence. Nursing Assistants Trainers. 1-Mr. Kasozi Samuel. 2-Mr.Asisa Joshua. 3-Sr.Kajura Justine 4-M/s.Nakabiri Dorothy 5-M/s.Wateya Justine 6-M/s Kyazze Specioza Nassozi 7-Dr. Sekitto Gerald. Drug Quantification Trainers. 1-Mr. Kidagga Costantine. 2-Sr. Kajura Justine 3-Dr. Kasibante Godfrey 4-M/s.Nazziwa Jackline 5-Mr.Sinamanya Edward 6-M/s.Lovis Kanyesigwa. 7-Mr. Zziwa Moses. SCHC/HUMC Trainers. 1-Mr. Zziwa Moses 2-M/s. Namakula Christine 3-Mr.Mafabi Saiya 4-Mr.Sekandi William. District CCB Trainers. 1-Sr.Kajura Justine 2-M/s.Namakula Christine 3-Mr. Kidaga Constantine 4-Mr. Kityo Peter 5-Mr.Kafuko J.P 5 Location and contacts of Training Sites Name of training site Location Contact Nakasongola Community Center. Cituulu Training Center Nakasongola district Council Hall Nakasongola Town Council Box 1 Nakasongola Nakasongola Town Council Nakasongola Town Council Tel;077-484265 Tel;077-497699 Source : DDHS Office.Nakasongola. MASS MEDIA ACCESSIBILITY & COMMUNICATIONS &NETWORKS Print: Local newspapers available in the district. 1. New Vision 2. Monitor 3. Bukedde Local radio and TV channels Radio (name) Channel CBS 88.8 FM Radio Simba 97.3 FM Radio Capital 91.3 FM Radio One 90 FM Star Radio 100 FM Radio Sanyu 88.2 FM Radio Uganda A.M+MW Soucre DDHS Office –Nakasongola District. Television Uganda Television WBS LTV Sanyu Television Channel 0,6,7. 13,15 7 11 Access to National channels -Radio Uganda Access to Cellular Phones -MTN THEATRE GROUPS: NAMES AND CONTACTS. Theatre group Contact Kyakumoyo Theatre Group Lwampanga S/C-Zengebe Village. 6 REGISTERED WOMEN GROUPS&ASSOCIATIONS INCLUDING MAIN CONTACTS AND PHONES Registered Women Group Contacts Christian Women Group Nabiswera Women Group Basooka Kwavula Women Group Maddali Women Group(Agali-Awamu) Nalubobya Women Group Source:DDHS Office: Lwampanga S/C. Nabiswera Town Ship. Wabinyonyi-Sasira Kalungi S/C-Maddali Kalungi S/C-Nalubobya Village TOP TEN CAUSES OF MORBIDITY IN THE DISTRICT. 1-Malaria 2-Acute Respiratory Infection 3-Trauma/Accidents 4-Intestinal Worms 5-Diarrhoeal Diseases 6-Dental Diseases 7-Anaemia 8-Protein Energy Malnutrition 9-maternal Complications 10-Others 25.7% 20.8% 5.7% 5.5% 6.3% 5.4% 3.2% 1.9% 3.4% 22.1% HEALTH SYSTEM INDICATORS Health Subdistricts HSD Name of HC IV/ HOSP. Nakasongola Nakasongola Health Centre Health Center Functional status. Name and contact of Theater Current MO(Tel./ Address) built status Dr. Kasibante .G. Yes Functional Tel;077-428134 HEALTH FACILITIES (SUMMARY) Facility Type Hospitals HC IV . HC III . HC II HC I Registered Drug Shops Private Clinics. TOTAL Source:DDHS Office. Public (GOVT.) Registered NGO Registered For Profit (Private) 1 1 4 8 0 0 0 14 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 Number of Ambulances by level of health unit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Health Units under construction 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 Health Service Providers Medical Officer Dentist Pharmacist Nursing Officer Nurse/Midwife (Reg) Nurse (Reg) Midwife (Reg) EnrolledComprehensive Nurse Enrolled Nurse Enrolled Midwife Psychiatric Nurse Psychiatric Clinical officer Clinical officers Dispensers Public Health dental Assistant Lab. Technologist Anaesthetic Officer Radiographer Physiotherapist Orthopedic officer Health Educator Health Information Assistant Health Assistants Medical Social Workers Nutritionists Nursing Assistants Nurse Aides Ophthalmic Clinical officer Health Inspector Medical Entomologist Total Source:DDHS Office. Number 2 0 0 0 1 3 4 0 Deficit according to staffing norms 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 8 10 1 0 6 1 1 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 39 0 1 1 86 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 42 Health Indicators Immunization Coverage = 47 %(1999/2000 UNEPI Survey) Antenatal Care ANC attendance rate = 17.1%(1999) Delivery by trainedstaff = 10.7 % Modern Contraceptive prevalence = 3 % (of target population) Health Units offering HIV Testing and Counseling Nakasongola Health Centre IV 8 Access to Safe Water = 38.6 %(2000) Number of villages with safe water =114 %(2000) Latrine Coverage = 56.2 %(2000) Number of households with latrines =11,469. SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS Main economic activities and related ratios Agriculture is by far the most important activity in the District employing 89.9% of the People. It is However of Subsistence nature.Live stock Keeping and Fishing is also being practised by a number of people. Main private companies (excluding Kampala Districts) There are no Major Companies in Nakasongola District but there is Small scale Trading going on.Small scale trade mainly of retail constitute an important source of livelihood to the people.The few Private copmanies in Nakasongola include: A cotton Ginnery and Maize Mills. Access to electricity 2 Subcounties Plus 1 Town Council have electricity. 3 Subcounties do not have electricity. Road network with respect to access of health centers The road network is still poor, with most of the areas being served by murram roads where transport may be very difficult during rainy days.However the marrun roads are graded and Passable in dry seasons. DISTIBUTION OF MARKETS IN NAKASONGOLA DISTRICT: Sub county Market Market Days Wabinyonyi Nakasongola Town Council Lwampanga -Kasirye -Sasira -Kamunina -Nalukonge Kakooge -Kakooge -Thursday of 3rd week. -Thursday 4th Week of month -Thursday 4th Week of Month -Alternate Fridays -Once Every 2 Weeks (Tuesday) Once Every 2 Weeks(Wednesday) Nabiswera -Namassa -Migeera -Nakitoma Kalungi -Kazwama -Kigazi -Kalongo Source:Markets Office –Nakasongola District. 9 -Thursday 1st week -Thursday 2nd Week -Once every 2weeks (Friday) -Mondays alternate with Kigazi -Mondays alternate with Kazwama -Friday 1st Week. Education Literacy Rate. Overall = Male = Female = 59.1% 37.6 % 21.5 % School Enrollment UPE children = 51,129 Non-UPE children = 0 Types and Number of School Institutions Type of school Number of Schools Primary. 114 Secondary 16 Tertiary 0 Vocational 0 Nursing Schools 0 Total 130 Number of teachers 815 104 0 0 0 919 DISTRIBUTION OF SCHOOLS BY SUBCOUNTY Sub county Number of Primary Schools. Number of secondary Schools Kakooge Lwampamga Nabiswera Kalungi Wabinyonyi Nakasongola T.C Total 21 18 26 27 11 4 107 9 1 2 4 1 3 20 Source: District Education Office-Nakasongola. Development and Implementing Partners (Donors/NGOs) Names, office contacts at the districts and telephones/e-mails Name of Development Partner/NGO Contact Address. 1) World Vision Tel; 077-471767 2) DISH II Project Box 20 Luwero Tel;041-610054 3) Wampiti Lower NGO Box 1 Nakasongola 4) Our Lady Lower NGO Box 1 Nakasongola 5) Mayirikiti Box 1Nakasongola. 6) AMREF Box. 34 Luwero 7) Norwegian Friends Of Uganda Box 1 Walukunyi- Nabiswera 10 Budget. Overall District Budget (1999/2000) = SH.2,340,729,564, 2000/2001=SH.5,481,101,933. Available total budget managed by district for implementation of District Annual Plan for Health (1999-2000 and 2000-2001) excluding in-kind assistance (1999/2000)=SH.168,374,015. (2000/2001)=SH.274,340,000. Budget for each HSD including budget for drugs&supplies; supervision and outreaches( Immunizations and other outreaches)-2000-2001. Health Sub District Budget for drugs/supplies Nakasongola HSD 11,000,000 Budget for support supervision. 5,220,000 Local Revenues for FY 1999-2000(Graduated Tax) Total number of TaxPayers =12,364 Total number of Tax Payers assessed =12,364 Total number Tax Payers who paid =10,100 G/Tax revenues =SH.227,410,000 Total local Revenue = SH.403,672,713 11 Budget for immunisation/ outreaches 3,909,800 Total HSD Budget for 2000/2001. 39,000,000.