Project with Excel Calculating Inventory Costs and Picking EOQ MGMT4102 J. Wang Name ________________________ Generate an Excel spreadsheet which is able figuring out annual inventory holding costs and annual ordering costs for various order quantities (Q), with given annual demands (D), unit annual holding costs (H), and unit ordering costs (S). Your spreadsheet calculates the total annual holding cost, total annual ordering cost, and total annual inventory cost for order quantities Q = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, …, 498, 499, 500 units per order. Unit annual holding cost (H), unit ordering cost (S), and annual demand (D) are entered by the user on the top of your spreadsheet. Total annual holding cost = (Q/2)*H; Total annual ordering cost = (D/Q)*S. Total annual inventory cost = total annual holding cost + total annual ordering cost. Download the template Excel sheet from my website,, which is on the page for MGMT4102, Chapter 12, with title Template for Inventory Costs. The template is as below: A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 B C D Inventory Costs with Varied H, S, D, and Q. Unit holding cost, H= <-Enter your H Unit ordering cost, S= <- Enter your S Annual demand, D= <- Enter your D Min Total Inventory Cost= EOQ, Q*= Order Quantity, Q 1 Annual Total Holding Cost Annual Total Ordering Cost Total Annual Inventory Cost 2 3 4 Develop you Excel worksheet based on the template, using the following Excel techniques: Formula and function, Cell address (absolute address and relative address), Copy and Paste. Make sure your spreadsheet can be used for various H’s, S’s, and D’s by simply change the numbers in cells C3, C4 and C5. Use Copy-Paste as far as possible. 1 (1) Run your finished spreadsheet with following given values of Q, D, H, and S, and fill up the following table according to the results of your spreadsheet. (You may need to press F9 key to tell Excel for re-calculation.) H, cost of S, Unit Q, Order holding D, Annual ordering quantity one unit demand cost per (units/order) for a year (units/year) order ($) ($) 100 10 320 1,800 340 10 320 1,800 465 10 320 1,800 35 40 110 1,200 80 40 110 1,200 325 40 110 1,200 10 8 70 1,200 145 8 70 1,200 400 8 70 1,200 Annual inventory holding cost ($) Annual ordering cost ($) Total annual inventory cost ($) (2) Use your spreadsheet to identity the best order quantity for each of the following circumstances. (You may need to press F9 key to tell Excel for re-calculation.) Fill the table below with the results of running your spreadsheet. H, Unit holding cost ($) S, Unit ordering cost ($) D, Annual demand (units/year) 10 8 40 40 40 320 70 70 220 220 1,800 1,200 1,200 1,200 2,400 Q*, Best Order Quantity (EOQ) (units/order) Annual inventory holding cost ($) with Q* Annual ordering cost ($) with Q* Total annual inventory cost ($) with Q* Turn in your finished workbook by e-mail with the workbook as an attachment. Your email must be titled as MGMT4102-Inventory-Costs-YourFullName, for example, MGMT4102-Inventory-Costs-John-Smith. My e-mail address is: . Turn in the hardcopy of this sheet with the results filled in the above tables. 2 Excel Functions you may use. You may find the further details of the functions and examples in the “Help” of Excel. =MIN(R) Pick the minimum number from the range R. For examples: =MIN(D15:D87) To pick the smallest number from the cells D15 to D87. =IF(C,a,b) If condition C is true, then the value is a otherwise the value is b. For examples: =IF(C6<0.5, “Head”, “Tail”) If value in cell C6 is less than 0.5, then this function’s value is Head, otherwise it is Tail. =IF(D14>E14,D14-E14,0) If value in D14 is larger than value in E14, then the function’s value is the difference between the values of D14 and E14, otherwise it is 0. Detailed Instructions for Setting up Excel Spreadsheet, in case you need them. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 B C D Inventory Costs with Varied H, S, D, and Q. Unit holding cost, H= <-Enter your H Unit ordering cost, S= <- Enter your S Annual demand, D= <- Enter your D Min Total Inventory Cost= EOQ, Q*= Order Quantity, Q 1 Annual Total Holding Cost Annual Total Ordering Cost Total Annual Inventory Cost 2 3 4 For cells C3, C4, C5, enter tentative numbers. For example, 10 for cell C3, 50 for cell C4, 1500 for cell C5. For cell B11, =(A11/2)*$C$3 For cell C11, =($C$5/A11)*$C$4 For cell D11, =B11+C11 Copy cells in row 11 all the way down to row 510 (order quantity 500 units). For cell C7, =MIN(D11:D510) For cell C8, (It is left to you to figure out a way so that Excel can automatically pick the best order quantity with the minimum total inventory cost in cell C7.) 3