Business & Technical Writing ENG 215 Fall ‘10 Instructor: Devin Wood Office: 151 Maine Hall Contact: Email Office hours: By appointment Work 974-4636 Faculty page Text: Business and Technical Writing: Communication at Work, course text (Required) Purdue’s OWL, online writing lab at (Supplemental) Catalog Description This course is designed to give students hands-on experience writing technical communications for business and industry. Students will learn to address a variety of writing situations by selecting appropriate methods of development, including business letters and memoranda, informal and formal reports, technical instructions and a professional resume. In addition to written assignments, students will conduct research using a wide spectrum of primary and secondary resources. Prerequisite: ENG 101 or equivalent. Course Goals To develop skills in: assembling information through observation and personal interview; as well as through more traditional methods arranging selected data into clear organizational patterns that arise from the nature of the information and the topic presenting the selected structured information in a style and format that meets the needs of the particular problem and intended audience. Performance Objectives At the end of this course of study, you will be able to: comfortably define “technical communications” discuss, in an informed manner, and from within the framework of the workplace, the critical nature of communicating clearly and concisely critically evaluate writing for accuracy and completeness apply strong, logical organizational patterns to writing control the tone and style of writing conduct accurate technical correspondence illustrate technical data for written documents understand and prepare proposals prepare various types of technical reports prepare a quality resume and letter of application Grading Correspondence Inquiry Complaint Transmittal Application (40 points) 10 10 10 10 Documents Résumé Instructions (20 points) 10 10 Reports Formal analytical Informal proposal (30 points) 20 10 Editing (Best 5) (10 points) Total 100 points ***** Correspondence Formal business letters that apply basic principles of good communication to address various common workplace needs. Reports Formal analytical report A multi-part research document in which you’ll collect, organize and analyze information in order to achieve a clearly defined purpose. This assignment will require the use of primary and secondary resources and MLA documentation. Informal proposal A document used to suggest a course of action or to request approval to take a course of action. For this class your proposal will be a memorandum in which you’ll seek approval to pursue your semester research project. Documents Résumé An advertisement designed and produced to most effectively present your relevant skills to a prospective employer. Technical instructions An action document that employs layout and design techniques available on most word processors to increase usability. For this assignment you’ll conduct an operational check to ensure your instructions work as intended. Editing You’ll edit classmates’ original documents using checklists (in your course manual). Your editing will receive the same score as the document you edit minus the difference between your editing score and mine. This portion of your grade will be based upon your 5 best efforts. Policies and guidelines These policies and guidelines apply to all students and all circumstances, without exception. If you aren’t comfortable with them you should consider trying to move to another section of this course. Attendance □ Please legibly sign the daily attendance sheet, which will be available ONLY for the first 10 minutes of class and at the end of class. Your legible signature is your official attendance record. □ 10 points extra credit for perfect attendance. Late work and make-up □ Assignments not submitted to me before the next assignment’s due date will receive a score of zero ( - 0 - ). □ You may make up any two assignments (except the formal report), one at midterm and one at the end of the semester. □ The formal report must be submitted by its deadline* and you may not make up its grade. All documents produced for this course must be fully Microsoft Word-compatible. Please silence and stow your cell phone before entering the classroom. A first infraction will draw a warning; subsequent infractions will result in a letter-grade drop per infraction for the current assignment. Computers during class time are for course work only. No recreational internet use (email, chat, games, surfing). Plagiarism, cheating, or disruptive behavior will result in administrative failure (AF). You’re welcome to attend any of my sections of ENG 215 (if space is available) to ask questions, work with others, use a computer, or listen to a mini-lecture. If you do choose to drop in, please use your time in class in serious academic pursuits, preferably related to my subject. * Deadlines and due dates are two different things. A due date is flexible, a deadline is not. The formal report deadline is a fixed component of the assignment, intended to reflect common workplace expectations. It is NOT negotiable. You may submit your formal report any time before the deadline to address any potential unforeseen circumstances, but absolutely no excuse will be accepted for missing this deadline. This course complies with Affirmative Action, Americans with Disabilities, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, as detailed in the course catalog and student handbook. Tentative class schedule Week 8/30-9/2 Topic Readings Due Overview .............................. 7-17 OWL Professional, Technical Writing OWL HATS: A Design Procedure for Routine Business Documents 9/6-9/9 Document design .................. 122-125 Technical instructions ........... 129-136 ............................... Technical instructions (draft) 9/13-9/16 Technical instructions operational check ............................. Technical instructions 9/20-9/23 Business letters .................... 21-32 OWL Basic Business Letters Letter of inquiry .................... 34-39 9/27-9/30 Letter of inquiry .................... ............................................. Letter of inquiry Letter of claim ....................... 40-43 10/6-10/9 Letter of claim ...................... ............................................. Letter of claim 10/11-10/14 Formal report overview ......... 55-87 Data collection & MLA........... OWL Research & Citation (MLA Style) 10/18-10/21 Memo and proposal .............. 50-51, 89-94 OWL Memos 10/25-10/28 Proposal ............................... ............................................. Proposal 11/1-11/4 Resume ................................ 101-118 OWL Job Search Writing 11/8-11/11 Letter of application .............. 44-45 .................................... Resume 11/15-/11/18 ............................................. ............................................. Letter of application 11/22-11/25 Formal report ........................ ............................................. Collected Data & Works Cited 11/29-12/2 Formal report ........................ ............................................. Conclusion & Introduction 12/6-12/9 Formal report ........................ ............................................. Supplements 12/13-12/16 REPORT DEADLINE! .......... REPORT DEADLINE! ......... REPORT DEADLINE!