New Road Surgery Patient Participation Group (NRPPG) Minutes of

New Road Surgery Patient Participation Group (NRPPG)
Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 15th October 2013
At New Road Surgery Conference Room at 11.00 am
Lin Addy, Jo Bleasdale, Alan Danter, Isabel Hyde, Carol Killner, Karen
Leech, Michele Meller, Sheila Oxspring, Robert Trigger, Heather
Williams, John Wyatt
Dr N White
Item 2Minutes of Meeting held 13th August 2013: Approved and then
retrospectively amended following a discussion under Matters Arising from the
minutes. This relates to Item 5, second paragraph. It was felt that the minutes of
13th August 2013 didn’t accurately reflect what had been said. It was agreed to
amend the paragraph to read” Jan Pavley strongly recommended that the proceeds
of all future events, with the exception of the MacMillan event, should be held within
the PPG’s bank account and distributed once the management committee has
determined the appropriate charitable commitment”.
Item 3 Matters Arising from the Meeting held 13th August 2013. No other
matters arising, apart from what is referred to above in Item 2.
Item 4 Membership. Review and discussion. John Wyatt confirmed that
Robert Trigger was now the Membership Secretary. Robert then outlined how he
saw this role, as administrating existing members rather than being proactive in
obtaining new members. Robert stated that he had a list of existing members from
Ralph Webster and was in the process of formatting this as a mailing list.
A general discussion followed which included: First, the small numbers of members
attending events such as the MacMillan Coffee Morning. Only 5 non committee
members had attended. Jo Bleasdale pointed out that 3 of the 5 non committee
members were extremely interested in NRPPG and that it would be sensible to
encourage them. The 3 members were Ian Marshall, Hugh Potter and Robert Gould.
Second, there was a discussion about what members might want to do under the
auspices of PPG. Karen Leech had asked other GP PPG’s in the area what activities
they engaged in. It is generally the annual survey and fund raising.
It was agreed that Robert Trigger would produce a questionnaire to go to all 40
members asking various questions about what members might like to get out of/get
involved with, such as fund raising events; talks e.g. health education; what skills
could members offer themselves; why had members signed up.
John Wyatt reported that he was to have a meeting with Dr William Dowley later
that day to see what the doctors at the practice would like from NRPPG.
Item 5Events and Fund Raising. It was reported that £300.19 had been raised
by the MacMillan coffee morning on 27th September 2013. This had been paid into
the bank. A cheque was to be sent to MacMillan Nurses by Jo Bleasdale as soon as
Jo Bleasdale reported that the idea of a Fair to be held next year at the surgery, had
been raised. She expressed serious doubts that the 3 members of the Fund Raising
Sub-committee could organise this on their own. It would need the involvement of
a lot of people. It was agreed that a request for volunteers could go on the
questionnaire which Robert Trigger was to produce. Alan Danter had suggested a
bouncy castle. Jo Bleasdale was in the process of obtaining information about costs,
Health & Safety, insurance etc., for a bouncy castle.
Item 6Appointment Review Sub-committee. Karen Leech reported on the
Sub-committee meeting held 6th September 2013. They had discussed how the
current appointment system was working. One of the questions of interest was
“how far in advance do DNA’s book their appointments” but information about this
was not available. A message had been put on the surgery website about cancelling
appointments. Karen further stated that the surgery does publicise monthly DNA
numbers in the surgery waiting room via the electronic notice board.
Karen also reported that she had received a visit from Neil Gordon from the Standard
Newspaper. He made a request for DNA numbers under the Freedom of Information
Act. He was to publish data from GP surgeries in the area in the Bromsgrove
The text message reminder for appointments had been discussed. There seemed to
be conflicting ideas amongst the general committee about when the text reminder
was actually sent. Karen Leech to investigate. The Sub-committee were to meet
again in late October/November.
Karen concluded her report by summarising the DNA situation. New Road Surgery
numbers of DNA’s are actually relatively very low. The greatest number of DNA’s
was for nurse appointments, especially health care assistant appointments e.g. for
blood tests. Only 25% of the DNA’s were for doctor’s appointments.
Item 7Annual Patient Survey.
John Wyatt circulated the proposed
questionnaire. A few alterations were agreed. The rota to cover the week of the
survey was also agreed:
Am sessions are 8.30 am - noon. PM sessions are 2.00 – 5.30 pm.
Monday 4th November
Tuesday 5th November
6th November
Thursday 7th November
8th November
AM –
PM –
Jo Bleasdale
Michele Meller
Sheila Oxspring
Heather Williams
Alan Danter
Jo Bleasdale
Heather Williams
John Wyatt
Robert Trigger
Carol Killner
Jo Bleasdale to contact Ian Marshall and ask him if he would like to be involved in her
Wednesday session.
Item 8 Future Committee Meeting Dates.
January 2014 agreed.
19th November 2013 and 14th
Item 9Any Other Business. Sheila Oxspring asked if the NAPP E-Bulletin had
been received by all committee members and suggested that it be placed on the
NRPPG notice board in the surgery waiting room. John Wyatt asked if the committee
membership could be updated on the notice board. He also suggested that the
constitution be amended as agreed at the AGM and the amended version be
displayed on the notice board. Karen agreed to do this. Heather Williams to action
the notice board issues.
21st October 2013
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