VILLAGE of SAVONA 15 McCoy Street – PO Box 411 Savona, NY 14879 607-583-2124 607-583-2617 Fax July 16, 2015 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:02 PM in the Village Hall on the above date by Mayor Harrian. PRESENT: Mayor: Gregge Harrian Trustees: Brian Scott, Charity Beebe, and Jason Miller ABSENT: Trustee Donald Walker ALSO PRESENT: VCT Susette Harrian, Deputy Alyssa Sears, Jack Fine, Jane Dinehart, Animal Control Officer Carl Tuttle, and Hal Bailey Pledge was led by Mayor Harrian. ADJOURNMENT TO GO TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Harrian stated that we need to go into executive session to discuss the fire department application(s). It was moved by Tr. Miller, seconded by Tr. Beebe and adopted by roll call vote to adjourn the meeting and go into executive session to discuss the fire department application(s) at 7:03 PM. Tr. Scott Tr. Beebe Mayor Harrian yes yes no vote Tr. Miller Tr. Walker yes absent EXECUTIVE SESSION: It was moved by Tr. Scott, seconded by Tr. Miller and adopted by roll call vote to enter into executive session to discuss the fire department application(s) at 7:03 PM. Tr. Scott Tr. Beebe Mayor Harrian yes yes no vote Tr. Miller Tr. Walker yes absent ADJOURNMENT TO END EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Harrian asked for a motion to adjourn the executive session. It was moved by Tr. Scott, seconded by Tr. Miller and adopted by roll call vote to adjourn the executive session at 7:06 PM. Tr. Scott Tr. Beebe Mayor Harrian Page 1 of 7 yes yes no vote Tr. Miller Tr. Walker yes absent July 16, 2015 VILLAGE of SAVONA 15 McCoy Street – PO Box 411 Savona, NY 14879 607-583-2124 607-583-2617 Fax RESUME REGULAR MEETING: Mayor Harrian asked for a motion to resume the regular meeting. It was moved by Tr. Miller, seconded by Tr. Beebe and adopted by roll call vote to resume the regular meeting at 7:07 PM. Tr. Scott Tr. Beebe Mayor Harrian yes yes no vote Tr. Miller Tr. Walker yes absent It was moved by Tr. Scott, seconded by Tr. Miller and adopted by roll call to vote on the junior fire department application of Bryant Gurnsey. Tr. Scott Tr. Beebe Mayor Harrian yes yes no vote Tr. Miller Tr. Walker yes absent Mayor Harrian stated that the junior application of Bryant Gurnsey has been accepted. It was moved by Tr. Miller, seconded by Tr. Beebe and adopted by roll call to vote on the junior fire department application of Sharon Hankinson. Tr. Scott Tr. Beebe Mayor Harrian yes yes no vote Tr. Miller Tr. Walker yes absent Mayor Harrian stated that the junior application of Sharon Hankinson has been accepted. MINUTES: Motion made by Tr. Miller, seconded by Tr. Beebe and adopted by roll call vote that the June 18, 2015 Regular Monthly Meeting minutes be adopted in their entirety. Tr. Scott Tr. Beebe Mayor Harrian yes yes no vote Tr. Miller Tr. Walker yes absent TREASURER’S REPORT: Motion made by Tr. Scott, seconded by Tr. Beebe and adopted by roll call vote that the June 2015 Village Finance Report be adopted in its entirety. Tr. Scott Tr. Beebe Mayor Harrian Page 2 of 7 yes yes no vote Tr. Miller Tr. Walker yes absent July 16, 2015 VILLAGE of SAVONA 15 McCoy Street – PO Box 411 Savona, NY 14879 607-583-2124 607-583-2617 Fax BOARD REPORTS: Tr. Miller – Stated we need to look at the roof on the concession stand at Benedict field; should be the blue metal to match the rest of the new buildings Asked the status of the drain project on the library side of the building; Mayor Harrian advised that he has spoken with both Rick and Wayne and needs to order the drains Tr. Scott – Received a quote from Fellows on sealing and striping the parking lot; repairing pot holes; repair of drain out front the library; should get to it in the next week or so Asked the status of the Empire contract; Mayor has made changes and needs to get with the attorney; Mayor Harrian added that he has also not heard from Atty Bowes on the Dog Law amendment Tr. Beebe – Stated that there is an additional sink hole around the drain in front of the library and it needs to be repaired Stated that there is a street light out near 58 West Lamoka Ave Mayor Harrian – Savona in the Park; Mayor Harrian reviewed the agenda and again asked for volunteers to work the event Music in the Park; July 2015 at the park; 6 – 8 PM; Travelin Lite; Food by Savona Fire Department, sponsored by King’s Gravel Pit was issued their permit on June 19, 2015; we will have a special meeting on our next steps July 22nd; this is the date that the Attorney was available; the meeting will be at 6:00 PM at Campbell Savona Elementary Dog Law have not received anything from Atty Bowes Savona Fire Department Gun Raffle/Jamboree is scheduled for 8/22/15 at the park; Noon to 4 PM will be the gun raffle and then 4PM to 8 PM will be music Fire Department report was read by Mayor Harrian for June 2015: EMS: 10 Mutual Aide: 11 Hazardous Conditions: 5 Motor Vehicle Accident: 1 Total Calls: 27 Calls to Date: 151 Received Mutual Aid: 1 Mutual Aid Given: 11 (Campbell 9/Bradford 1/Tyrone 1) Average Response Time: 3.5 minutes Page 3 of 7 July 16, 2015 VILLAGE of SAVONA 15 McCoy Street – PO Box 411 Savona, NY 14879 607-583-2124 607-583-2617 Fax Court report for June 2015 as read by Mayor Harrian: Report $6,610.00 Closed Cases 31 Opened Cases 38 Traffic Diversion Program $100.00 Bail Held $2,700.00 Code Enforcement Officer Report for June 2015 as read by Mayor Harrian: Hours Involved 23 Permits Issued: 2 Construction Inspections: 23 Complaints Investigated: 3 Mileage: 62 Dollar General building is moving along at a good pace; 112 yard of concrete for the floor was poured in 2.5 hours and finished that day Water Department report for June 2015 as read by Mayor Harrian: Hours Involved: 46 Water Permits: 0 Water Inspections: 9 Complaints Investigated: 2 Mileage: 108 Water entrance Dollar General has been installed Seven fire hydrants that Rural Water found to be leaking; the sealing disc nut was loose and disc was bad; nuts were not properly installed at Kennedy Valve when hydrants were assembled Animal Control report for June 2015 Complaints: 9 Strays: 4 ACTION TAKEN: Seized 4 At Large 4 Mileage 143 Page 4 of 7 Animal Control Officer Tuttle reported that there were 130 at the rabies clinic Met with Steuben County Sheriff and Assistant District Attorney (along with other dog control officers from the area) regarding how to handle getting tickets that are issued paid through the local courts; they will be trained on how to issue warrants once a ticket has not been paid Did have 2 defecation issues at the rabies clinic and approached both parties; one cleaned it up and one refused until he went to get his tickets to issue a ticket and then it was cleaned up July 16, 2015 VILLAGE of SAVONA 15 McCoy Street – PO Box 411 Savona, NY 14879 607-583-2124 607-583-2617 Fax Tr. Miller reported that the fire department is looking to replace M-4 because it is costing too much to repair too often; Bradford Fire has offered to donate a truck for replacement; we will continue to work on. Mayor Harrian added that Chief Beebe also told him that they continue to look on how to replace the pumper. Town of Bath report given by Hal Bailey: Business as usual Town meeting was just Monday and he will bring the minutes to the next meeting Stated that he needs the car show flyers earlier next year; before Memorial Day NEW BUSINESS: BATH TOWN MEETING ASSIGNMENT: Tr. Walker is to attend the August 10, 2015 at 7:00 pm Town of Bath meeting. PARK ASSIGNMENT: Tr. Walker is responsible to open and close the gate daily for the park for the month of August. TAX COLLECTION UPDATE: Mayor Harrian stated that as of July 9, 2015 we have received tax money for 244 properties; 61 properties remain unpaid; total properties to collect 305; total tax collected $151,481.50 and $71.36 in penalty to date of the tax warrant. The total outstanding is $44,762.45. Mayor Harrian stated that he did attend the tax sale auction regarding 65 Main Street. The bidding started where we were maxed to, $1,000.00. There were 3 bidders and it was won by Carla Nichols at $3,250. QUARTERLY REPORT, 2Q2015: The quarterly state, federal and Worker’s Compensation Unified Employer Assessment reports were given to the board for their review. Upon careful review of the monthly bank statements and the general ledger entries, the governing body found the financial transactions for the 2nd quarter of 2015 to be true and accurate. Motion made by Tr. Scott, seconded by Tr. Miller and adopted by roll call vote that the state, federal and Worker’s Compensation Unified Employer Assessment quarterly reports be filed and accepted. Tr. Scott Tr. Beebe Mayor Harrian Page 5 of 7 yes yes no vote Tr. Miller Tr. Walker yes absent July 16, 2015 VILLAGE of SAVONA 15 McCoy Street – PO Box 411 Savona, NY 14879 607-583-2124 607-583-2617 Fax RESIGNATION AND APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING BOARD CHAIRMAN: Mayor Harrian stated that he has received an e-mail from Planning Board Chairman Dennis Nichols stating that he no longer wants to be the Chairman but will remain a member of the Planning Board. Mayor Harrian also stated that he has spoken with Planning Board member Steve Beebe to see if he would be the Chairman and he accepted the position. Motion made by Tr. Miller, seconded by Tr. Scott and adopted by roll call vote to accept the resignation of Dennis Nichols as the Planning Board Chairman; he will remain a member of the planning board. Tr. Scott Tr. Beebe Mayor Harrian yes yes no vote Tr. Miller Tr. Walker yes absent Motion made by Tr. Scott, seconded by Tr. Miller and adopted by roll call vote to accept Steven Beebe as the Planning Board Chairman. Tr. Scott Tr. Beebe Mayor Harrian yes abstain yes Tr. Miller Tr. Walker yes absent STORM WATER AGREEMENT: Mayor Harrian stated that we are in receipt of a Stormwater Control Facility Maintenance and Inspection Easement Agreement from Midwest XX, LLC of the Dollar General. Does anyone have any questions or concerns? None stated. Motion made by Tr. Scott, seconded by Tr. Beebe and adopted by roll call vote to approve the Stormwater Control Facility Maintenance and Inspection Easement Agreement between Midwest XX, LLC of the Dollar General and the Village of Savona. Tr. Scott Tr. Beebe Mayor Harrian yes yes no vote Tr. Miller Tr. Walker yes absent PUBLIC SPEAKERS: None BILLS: Page 6 of 7 Prepay, A Vouchers #40 to #44; Monthly, A Vouchers #45 to #71 totaling $16,569.57 Prepay, F Voucher #23; Monthly, F Vouchers #24 to #36 totaling $2,737.16 As Annexed in Abstract #2; Dated July 16, 2015; July 16, 2015 VILLAGE of SAVONA 15 McCoy Street – PO Box 411 Savona, NY 14879 607-583-2124 607-583-2617 Fax Motion made by Tr. Miller, seconded by Tr. Scott and adopted by roll call vote that the bills be paid as per the approved abstract. Tr. Scott Tr. Beebe Mayor Harrian yes yes no vote Tr. Miller Tr. Walker yes absent ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING: It was moved by Tr. Scott, seconded by Tr. Beebe and adopted by roll call vote to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:33 PM. Tr. Scott Tr. Beebe Mayor Harrian yes yes no vote Tr. Miller Tr. Walker yes absent _____________________________ Alyssa E. Sears DVC Page 7 of 7 July 16, 2015