PESS for Wales

Module 1 Nov 2010
‘Module 1
PESS Gymnastic Activities’
Promoting Physical Development within the
Foundation Phase
Tutors’ Manual
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
Title: Module 1
To increase practitioners’ confidence, knowledge, skills and understanding in order to enhance children’s Physical
By the end of this course practitioners should have an increased understanding of how:
• the Body Schooling Activities can contribute to health, fitness and well-being
• the approach can enhance existing practice
• the approach can complement Foundation Phase planning and philosophy, presenting opportunities for
Physical Development in continuous, enhanced and focused provision
• to present a range of stimulating opportunities for individuals, small groups, and whole classes, both
indoors and outdoors
They should also be able to:
• improve children’s physical skills
• begin to identify how they might use and disseminate this information to enhance existing practice
• begin to compile an action plan
Target Group
Foundation Phase Practitioners
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
1: Theory
(20 minutes)
2: Practical
(90 minutes)
Aspects of Gymnastic
To introduce tutors and confirm that the
course has been constructed in line with the
CPD-PE Standards and Code of Practice.
To share the outcomes for the course.
To make links to ‘Play to Lean’ and ‘Creative
Movement in the Foundation Phase’
To introduce and experience the aspects of
Gymnastic Activities: What? Where? With?
How? To introduce and develop a language
for learning.
RESOURCES: Data projector, laptop, PowerPoint presentation,
‘Module 1’ CD-ROM, personal laptops if available, blu-tack, flipchart,
flipchart pens
Course Organiser
PPT slides
CPD-PE Standards and
Foundation Phase Documentation,
Code of Practice.
Physical Development & Creative
Movement Guidance.
Resource Cards: Body Schooling
Activities Basic Actions, Directions,
Levels, Pathways, Spatial
Arrangements, Quality, and Question
Move Cube and Basic Actions small
flash cards.
PPT slides
PPT slides
3: Practical & Theory
(60 minutes)
Engaging All Learners
To consider a variety of ways to engage
learners. To familiarise practitioners with the
‘Module 1’ CD-ROM and resources.
4: Theory
(30 minutes)
To consider when, where and how the ideas
could be used.
PPT slides
5: Practical
(50 minutes)
Adult Directed
Focused Provision
6: Theory
(30 minutes)
Quality Learning and
Teaching 1
To introduce practitioners to RECIPE as a
structure and a process.
Lesson plan
PPT slide.
7: Theory
(30 minutes)
Action Planning
To begin to consider how to ensure the
professional development is value for money
and has a positive impact on standards of
learning and teaching in their schools and
settings. To discuss if Bingo Cards can be
used to develop success criteria
To consider the opportunities to make links to
other areas of learning. To consider the
opportunities for children to develop and
apply skills.
To review the CD-ROM to identify how this
can be used to support learning.
PPT slide .
To provide opportunities to ask questions and
to review the course and undertake an
PPT slides
8: Theory
(30 minutes)
Quality Learning and
Teaching 2
9: Theory
(15 minutes)
Module 1 Nov 2010
To use resources to plan, perform, evaluate,
assess and target set. To consider
‘Achievement and progress in learning’ and
‘Teaching approaches’ Bingo Cards.
PPT slides.
Hierarchy of Gross Motor
Skills Worksheet, one per
Body Schooling Resource
Using apparatus handouts
Body Schooling Stories
Module 1 Games Cards
‘Play to Learn’ Activity
Games Worksheet, one
per pair.
Lap tops
Blank Planning Triangle,
one per delegate.
Mats, benches,
agility/trestle tables,
steeping stones, ropes,
markers, cones, etc.
Creative Movement
Progression Maps.
Bingo Cards
Gymnastic Activity
Progression Maps
Bingo Cards
Triplicate Action Planners.
CD-ROMs for use on the
day. CD-ROM and
resources to be issued to
those schools that have
not already received a set.
CD-ROM Navigation Plan,
one per delegate.
Evaluation forms.
Module 1 Nov 2010
Session 1
(20 minutes)
Support Resources
Foundation Phase Documentation, Physical Development & Creative Movement Guidance.
CPD-PE Guidelines
PPT Slides
 To introduce tutors and confirm that the course has been constructed in line with the
CPD-PE Standards and Code of Practice
 To share the outcomes for the course
 To make links to ‘Play to Lean’ and ‘Creative Movement in the Foundation Phase’
Suggested delivery ideas/content/critical tasks
- Welcome practitioners to the training. Emphasise they are not going to pretend to be
Foundation age children and can work at their own pace
- Introduce tutor team and training housekeeping arrangements
- Use PowerPoint presentation (PPT) slides - to discuss course overview and outcomes
- PPT slide – introduction
- PPT slide – The Big Picture: Ask delegates to consider if anything is missing from this list. If
‘yes’; collate thoughts on a flipchart headed ‘Foundation Phase Ethos’
- Ask practitioners to consider this ethos throughout the course and how the approach
complements the Foundation Phase ethos
- Use PPT slide to make the links between ‘Play to Learn’, ‘Creative Movement’ and ‘Module
1’. In an ideal world practitioners will have already attended WAG training modules and
‘Play to Learn’ and ‘Creative Movement’ in the Foundation Phase
- Use PPT slide to highlight where Gymnastic Activities features in the Foundation Phase
- Use PPT slides to share the details from the Area of Learning
- Gymnastic Activities have an important role to play in developing health, fitness and safety
- Gymnastic Activities are part of Physical Development which is part of the
Foundation Phase; practitioners should be planning and helping children make
progress in their physical skills
- Delays in Physical Development and Creative Movement may be indicative of delays
or concerns in other Areas of Learning
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
Additional delivery ideas
Tutor log
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
Session 2:
(90 minutes)
Aspects of Gymnastic Activities
Resource Cards: Body Schooling Activities, Basic Actions, Directions, Levels, Pathways,
Spatial Arrangements and Quality. Spinner Game (Optional - Move Cube and Basic Actions
small flash cards). Hierarchy of Gross Motor Skills Worksheet, one per pair. ‘Using
apparatus’ hand-outs
 To introduce and experience the aspects of Gymnastic Activities: What? Where? With?
 To introduce and develop a language for learning
Suggested delivery ideas/content/critical tasks
- Use PPT slide to introduce Aspects of Gymnastic Activities.
- Module 1 has been offered since 2004, but the training has been revised to complement
the Foundation Phase and other resources now available. The activities included in
Module are still appropriate for children in this phase, although some of the original
Module 1 activities have now been included in the ‘Play to Learn’ hierarchy of Technical
Skills for example, Crawling Soldiers, Frog Hopping, Angry Cat, etc.
- Explain that this session is for them to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding
of Gymnastic Activities.
- Ask the practitioners to role model good practice and remove jewellery, socks and shoes.
Emphasise that changing is very much part of PSD and children should change for focus
provision and, where appropriate, be barefooted in the hall. Children need to work in bare
feet to develop quality, strength and flexibility.
- Explain that this session develops knowledge and understanding of the language of, and
for, learning in Gymnastic Activities.
- Warm the participants up by playing ‘Traffic Lights’, ‘Gears’, ‘Beans’, ‘Stuck in the mud’ or
another well known warm up activity involving the following Body Schooling Activities
(BSA’s): Foxes, Crawling Soldiers, Angry Cat and Log Roll to reinforce the Body
Schooling Activities included in the ‘Play to Learn’ Technical Skills Hierarchy.
2.1 What?
- Introduce ‘What’ using resource card.
- Hand out the hierarchy of Gross Motor Skills worksheet from ‘Play to Learn’ and ask
practitioners to consider where the Body Schooling Activities they are going to be
introduced to fit within the hierarchy, both in terms of stage – as they develop, as they
progress, as they become more skilful and whether they are examples of Locomotor,
Body Management or Manipulative skills.
- Organise a carousel of Body Schooling Activities in four ‘Gardens’ – Red, Blue, Green,
and Yellow with 3 pairs in each Garden. Red Garden – Happy Cat, Saucer & Cat Roll,
Blue Garden – Bunnies, Sky Diver, Pogo Jumping, Green Garden – Tunnel/Bridge Crab,
Trap the Mouse and Yellow Garden - Cup, Scorpion and Camel Walking. If practitioners
are familiar with the BSA’s used in the warm up, then there is no need to include these
BSAs in the carousel, however if they are not familiar with them then include them by
adding one to each garden and Angry Cat to the same garden as Happy Cat.
- Create a word wall using resource cards.
- Ensure practitioners experience a range of stimuli, for example learning from the video
clips (lap top and CD-ROM), learning from just pictures, reciprocal learning from one
another using the datasheets, etc. At each station to have two pairs doing and the other
pair observing who split up and watch a pair each. The doing pairs must try the activities
but not try too hard!!! The observers should use the BSA resource cards/datasheets to
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
identify how they might help the doers make progress. They can then intervene by
prompting, adult modelling or questioning, however they are not allowed to simply tell the
doers what to do.
Once the doers have had a time to practise the BSA and the observers have intervened,
ask each group to consider where they would place that BSA in the Technical Skills
hierarchy and why.
Two rotations in each garden before exchange Gardens i.e. Red move to Blue, Blue move
to Red, Green move to Yellow and Yellow move to Green. Again under take two rotations
each pair should have been the doers twice and the observers twice.
Ask Groups to suggest where BSA’s should be placed. Confirm that most should be in as
they become more skilful as we are looking for the tension, control, co-ordination and
flexibility expected in this stage. Locomotor – Bunnies, Moving Crab, Moving Scorpion,
Pogo Jumping and Camel Walking – although could argue about the order is Pogo easier
than Crab and Scorpion???? Body Management – Happy Cat (could be as they develop),
Cup, Saucer, Skydiver, Frozen Crab, Frozen Scorpion, Cat Roll, Trap the mouse.
Trap the Mouse is an interesting one - as referred to in Play to Learn as they develop
skills like Straight Shape etc. But it is quite difficult to do so it is in as they become more
skilful as a skills and then can be applied to those early skills).
Discuss how the BSA can also be categorised using the National Curriculum groupings of
Travel, Turn (Rotation), Jump and Stillness and Balance.
Children should be introduced to these Body Schooling Actions as they become more
skilful and they possess the necessary control, tension and co-ordination in order to
successfully attempt these activities. If these activities are introduced too early children
may be unsuccessful and may get injured. Remind practitioners that they may have
children in Nursery who are entering the as they become more skilful stage and children
in year 2 who are still in the as they develop stage and therefore these activities are not
appropriate for them. Practitioners will need to assess what children can do and are
interested in and build on this, introducing activities as children are ready not because
they are in a certain year group. This will require skilful planning and differentiation to
ensure all children make appropriate progress.
How can the datasheets be used? Like the Technical Skills Cards to help children
acquire and develop skills, to guide adult intervention.
Show slide to confirm ‘What’.
2.2 Where?
- Introduce ‘Where’. Add the resource card to the word wall. Discuss Spatial Awareness
and the concept of ‘Gardens’. Once children become more aware of space they can begin
to consider other aspects of ‘Where’. Ask Red and Blue pairs to split up and make a new
pair with someone from either Yellow or Green.
- Ask pairs to teach one another the BSA’s they have been introduced to and explore ways
of holding these as still shapes and moving them.
- Give practitioners different resource cards from the sets Directions, Levels and Pathways.
Ask them to include these somewhere in their work. Layer the introduction of these
aspects to avoid overload.
- Discuss how the resource cards can be used to both support and challenge learning. Add
the Directions, Levels and Pathways resource cards to the word wall.
- At several stages during this section discuss health, fitness, well-being and safety and
how the BSA’s contribute to developing strength (particularly lower back, abdomen and
wrists all sites where a weakness can lead to lost work days), flexibility and stamina. How
frequently do children need to have these opportunities and for how long in order to begin
to impact on health benefits? Ideally daily, but improvements can be seen from regular
exposure for relatively short periods of time. Discuss how once children are aware of the
BSA they can then use this in any game or activity they might attempt in continuous
provision and their own play and how most children practise these skills again and again
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
because they enjoy doing them, all they need is an opportunity. Also discuss right hand left brain crossing the mid line and antagonistic/in opposition movements/actions like
Crawling Soldiers, inversion and vestibular stimulation all impacting on physical
development and cognitive development. Will try to find some research we can quote
2.3 With?
2.3.1. Cones/Markers
- Introduce ‘With’. Add the resource card to the word wall.
- Again reinforce the concept of Spatial Awareness. Hand out the ‘Using Cones’ sheets
from the CD-ROM. One pair per garden – ‘Our Cone’ explore moving towards, around,
over, away from the cone(s) or marker and holding still shapes/balances beside, on, over,
near, far from the cone.
- Explain doing this in pairs for the practitioners comfort. Children initially work alone and
only when socially ready work in or as pairs.
- Discuss prepositional language and how by performing the concepts physically may help
children understand these concepts more easily.
- Encourage practitioners to link BSA’s together, so one movement’s end is the next one’s
beginning, no shuffling between actions.
- Introduce another cone or marker in each Garden – ‘Our Cones’.
2.3.2. Small equipment
- ‘Our Garden’ - Join two gardens together so two pairs share a larger space. Introduce a
range of small equipment for example ropes, hoops, bean bags, soft toys, steeping stones
etc. Encourage practitioners to share equipment and to include equipment in their
sequence work. Discuss use of pictures/clip art and resource cards as prompts for non
- Discuss ‘no queuing’ and ‘moving to find a free space’ or ‘another piece of equipment’.
- Discuss simple sequences. Practitioners in pairs to create a short series of between 3
and 6 linked actions demonstrating a change in direction and moving over and around a
piece of equipment.
2.3.3. Small apparatus – mats, benches and agility/trestle tables
- Introduce small apparatus and discuss lifting, carrying and placing apparatus. How to
carry and which items are brought out first and put away first, etc. Discuss safety and
show practitioners clips on CD-ROM to reinforce correct carrying techniques. Reinforce it
is necessary to spend time on these principles as once learned children can apply them to
any piece of apparatus they may use in the future. Discuss giving children the
responsibility to lift, carry and place…when should they start this?
- Introduce Spatial Arrangements. Hand out spatial arrangements resource cards and add
them to the word wall. Practitioners to amend their sequence to include at least two
different spatial arrangements.
- Still encourage use of prepositional words, changes of direction, level and pathway. Need
to discuss level is relevant to the piece of apparatus, if a child is on a high agility/trestle
table on their tummy they are still working at a low level as they are close to their point of
contact irrespective of how high that is off the floor.
- Ask practitioners to self-evaluate in response to the questions: which part was your
favourite? What did you do well? What could you do next time to make it better?
Encourage practitioners to use the word wall to help them evaluate.
- Explain that there is a clip of children getting out and putting away a climbing frame on the
Module 2 CD-ROM. Discuss the benefits of using a climbing frame and any issues they
may have about them. Climbing frames can add variety, creativity, problem solving,
opportunities to apply skills in new situations and physical challenges in that the
apparatus may require higher levels of strength, stamina or flexibility to include these in
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
their sequence work. It is not compulsory to include a climbing frame, but it does provide
challenges that most children really enjoy.
Discuss use of apparatus inside and outdoors, individually, in pairs, in small groups and
as a whole class. Do any schools have outdoor frames/equipment that children could
practise their Body Schooling Activities on? What are the safety issues?
Are there any other issues about using apparatus? Solve between the groups or through
tutor input and refer to AfPE ‘Safe Practice’ (2008).
Use PPT slide 15 to confirm ‘With’.
2.4 How?
2.4.1 Quality
- Introduce quality words and ask practitioners to concentrate on one or two and try to
improve the quality of their work.
- Give them time to feel the improvements in quality.
- Discuss Choreographic Devices - Unison, Canon and Repetition. Ask the practitioners to
describe how they could have included these in their sequences.
- Again refer back to the word wall to evaluate their performance and set targets for
improvement. Could children undertake this evaluation? If ‘yes’, what would the
practitioner need to do? Discuss how the word wall could be used to support Assessment
for and of Learning.
- Important to highlight the links with ‘Play to Learn’, ‘Creative Movement in the Foundation
Phase’ and ‘KS2 Dance’ and ‘Module 2’ so the child is presented with a seamless
continuum of learning that is consistent and progressive.
Support & Challenge
- Show practitioners the ‘Spinner Game’. Discuss how this could be used to support and
challenge children. How else can children be supported and challenged? Move Cubes,
Dice, Flash Cards, ICT sequences, working along side a practitioner, working with a more
able child, more/less demanding sequence criteria, etc. You will need a bank of ideas to
help out here.
- Stress the importance of visual cues/displays (word wall/pictures/child-produced work,
other visual stimuli in the environment) for the children and the adults to continue to refer
- Now you have nearly all the language of, and for, learning.
- Practitioners should introduce children to these aspects gradually, using new
language and concepts when the children are ready.
- Sequencing BSA’s should be the main focus of intervention and progression.
Children may attempt them in isolation initially but very quickly they need to
include these actions in sequences that flow.
- Children should take increasing responsibility for getting apparatus out and putting
it away.
- Children should behave responsibly and understand what safe and appropriate
behaviour in this situation is.
- The resource cards can be used to support and challenge learning.
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
Additional delivery ideas
Tutor log
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
Session 3:
(60 minutes)
Engaging All Learners
Support resources
Body Schooling Stories, Module 1 Games Cards, ‘Play to Learn’ Activity Cards, and Games
Worksheet, one per pair. Lap tops.
To consider a variety of ways to engage learners. To familiarise practitioners with the ‘Module
1’ CD-ROM and resources.
Suggested delivery ideas/content/critical tasks
Body Schooling Stories
- Adult led with practitioner working in parallel with the children. Use ‘Down on the Farm’ and
‘Tom’s new pet’ as examples.
- Highlight other stories that could be used to stimulate movement – ‘Play to Learn’ story
books and the A1 poster, plus others they may be aware of. Some schools have created
their own stories. North wales example on website need to check has this happened????
- Discuss action songs and rhymes like ‘Old MacDonald’ and how these cold be adapted to
present opportunities to practise, adapt and refine Body Schooling Activities.
Body Schooling Games
- Back to colour gardens with 6 practitioners in each garden. In each garden 2 practitioners
to look at the games resource cards and the video clip with a view to helping the others play
the game, whilst the other four practise the skills required for that game referring to the
appropriate BSA resource cards. Red garden – Foxes and Bunnies, Blue Garden – Cups
and Saucers, Green garden – Crabs and Scorpions, Yellow garden – Trains and Tunnels &
Ships and Bridges.
- Ask those leading the games to get them going as quickly as possible. Discuss quality and
HFW and safety.
‘Play to Learn’ Activity Cards
- Hand out the ‘Play to Learn’ Activity Cards one or two sets per pair. Hand out Activity Card
worksheet. Ask practitioners to consider the ‘P2L’ activities and identify opportunities for
children to practise, consolidate and apply their Body Schooling Activity skills in any of the
‘P2L’ activities. Allow practitioners to share ideas and complete worksheet identifying
opportunities. Discuss children inventing their own games/activities inside and outdoors,
individually, in pairs, in small groups and as a whole class.
- Children need regular opportunities to practise and develop their skills in order to
build the necessary flexibility, strength and stamina to become fitter and enable them
to develop control, co-ordination, confidence, tension and agility.
- These opportunities need to be frequent and demanding so that the children are
breathing hard.
- Discuss well-being and how children might feel doing these activities.
- The Datasheets can support practitioners’ observation, intervention, planning and
- Reinforce that Activity Cards are not lesson plans and that they should be used over
extended periods of time.
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
Additional delivery ideas
Tutor log
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
Session 4:
(30 minutes)
Presenting opportunities
Support resources
Blank Planning Triangle, one per delegate.
To consider when, where and how the ideas could be used.
Suggested delivery ideas/content/critical tasks
- Explain that so far you have used a range of ideas to introduce the language and concepts
associated with Gymnastic Activities. Now there needs to be a discussion about how these
ideas could be used within the Foundation Phase, given that there should be a balance
between child-initiated and adult-directed activities.
- Ask practitioners to think about the activities undertaken so far and identify those they can
see as adult-directed tasks and the opportunities for child-initiated Gymnastic Activities.
Most practitioners will be able to see the opportunities for adult-directed tasks easily, but will
find the child-initiated opportunities more difficult.
- What else could be left out on an on-going basis that might inspire children to engage in
gymnastic activities? Markers, cones, chalk markings, apparatus/climbing frame. How
could this be enhanced? Pictures, video clips, artefacts, books, etc. How do you use these
to set the scene, create a context for learning/theme, or learn a new skill, for example pets
or places? Need to make sure that Gymnastic Activities is an integral part of learning
planned for in a holistic way and not viewed discretely away from other Areas of Learning.
- Show the WAG ‘CEF’ Triangle (PPT slide ). Continuous – what stimuli might practitioners
put out on an on-going basis to encourage children to spontaneously engage in Gymnastic
Activities? Enhanced – add in specific stimuli to create specific responses. Adult-directed
focus: task-planned activities in relation to specific skills, concepts or ideas. Refer
practitioners to WAG FP training Module 4.
- In pairs, discuss ideas covered so far. Consider children who may be ready for these
activities. Complete a blank planning triangle to consider how this could be developed
within the Foundation Phase.
- Emphasise the cyclical nature of planning and how, once children have developed some
ideas, the practitioners can leave out stimuli in continuous provision to enable children to
practise, consolidate, adapt and refine their skills.
- Explain that the triangle-planning format can never be a true representation as it is a
dynamic process, which is live and ever changing. As an activity it helps consider
- Encourage practitioners to be creative in their responses: outdoors, on the field, in the
classroom, small groups, individual, pairs, etc. Emphasise continuous and enhanced
provision as well as adult-directed hall time focus tasks. Appreciate planning for just
gymnastic activities or Physical Development is unrealistic and would need to be holistic,
but explain they do that bit well; it is the Gymnastic Activity planning they need help with.
- Reinforce the importance of planning for HFW and safety.
- Discuss, in groups, the opportunities within their current context of learning/themes, etc. for
child-initiated Gymnastic Activities. Ask them to consider the provision over the last term or
two terms; with what they know now, are there any opportunities for Gymnastic Activities
which could be exploited next time they cover this context/topic, and what additional
resources, if any, could make the provision more stimulating/engaging?
- Discuss home learning and how school can work with parents and carers to develop healthy
habits using the datasheets and stories and other resources.
- Gymnastic Activities should not just occur in dedicated ‘hall time’ as focused tasks.
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
It should feature as part of spontaneous child-initiated activities (both indoors and
outdoors). This could take place as individuals, in pairs or small groups as short
duration focused tasks and small group longer duration focused tasks. If
practitioners establish provision that is sufficiently stimulating, children will engage
in Gymnastic Activity more frequently in a variety of traditional and non-traditional
A range of stimuli should be presented that appeals to/motivates all learning styles.
Practitioners must plan, for those children who are ready, to make progress in their
Gymnastic Activities skills.
Estyn CIF says ‘pupils should take part in sufficient physical activity to be healthy’,
‘practitioners should provide appropriate time and activities to support Physical
Development’ and ‘practitioners should encourage pupils to be healthy’.
Additional delivery ideas
Tutor log
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
Session 5:
(50 minutes)
Adult Directed Focus Provision
Support resources
RECIPE Cards, Lesson plan, Mats, benches, agility/trestle tables, steeping stones, ropes,
markers, cones, etc.
To introduce practitioners to RECIPE as a structure and a process.
Suggested delivery ideas/content/critical task
Deliver a model lesson from the bank of lesson plans that includes apparatus.
Share learning outcomes for that particular lesson with the participants either verbally, or via
flip chart. Tell teachers which lesson from the bank of plans you are demonstrating.
If there are non-participants give them an activity to do. E.g. one person/group could look at
planning the next session where would they go next. Another could look at focuses for peer
evaluation; another could look at characteristics of learning to identify what the group can
do or need to do next, another could look for good practice in teaching and learning.
Commit to flip chart paper.
Select a different warm up activity from those used in the Body Schooling session.
Emphasise the importance of warm up. Relate to HFW.
During the lesson use the words recap, explore, create, intervene, perform and evaluate in
each of the appropriate phases of the lesson.
Make sure that apparatus comes out during the lesson and reflect on correct methods of
carrying. Refer to the CD apparatus section. Both for handling and procedure.
Emphasise how the body schooling activities can be used to develop sequences. Make
sure that teachers understand that the focus of this lesson was ‘x and y’ but that in other
plans changes in level, direction, speed and shape are covered as are the quality features
of control, coordination, body tension, fluency and clear shapes.
Refer to the language wall throughout the session. Discuss what makes a good sequence
start finish, control, flow, clear shapes, body tension, changes in direction level, pathway,
good use of apparatus and space, originality etc.
Ensure the lesson has pace and is sufficiently challenging physically to allow them to
understand the nature of pace and vigorous exercise.
Use resource cards including those from Creative Movement in the Foundation Phase to
support learning.
At the end of the lesson listen to the feedback from the non-participants and ask for any
further ideas from the participants.
Explain that RECIPE is used as the planning format/structure for the lesson plans on the
CD-ROM, but it can also be used as a process to support and prompt child-initiated
Explain that they do not have to cover the whole RECIPE process in one session. They can
move through this process over time. Refer to/show practitioners RECIPE on CD-ROM and
on ‘Creative Movement in the Foundation Phase’ CD-ROM.
- Practitioners should provide opportunities for children ‘as they become more skilful’
to build their gymnastic activity content progressively from one session to the next.
- Focused tasks can be developed from child-initiated activities or adult-initiated,
child-developed activities. They can be for small groups, or a whole class, as well as
indoors and outdoors.
- The lesson plans have been provide to act as a spring board for practitioners. They
can not be appropriate for every child in every situation, therefore practitioners will
need to amend and adapt the plans to suit their circumstances, it is highly unlikely
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
that they will be able to simply follow the plans through; they will need to ensure that
their particular learners and circumstances are catered for.
Focused tasks can be developed from child initiated or adult initiated child
developed activities.
Additional delivery ideas
Tutor log
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
Session 6:
(30 minutes)
Quality Learning & Teaching 1
Support resources
Creative Movement Progression Maps, Bingo Cards, Gymnastic Activity Progression Maps
To use resources to plan, perform, evaluate, assess and target set. To consider ‘Achievement
and progress in learning’ and ‘Teaching approaches’ Bingo Cards.
Suggested delivery ideas/content/critical tasks
Progression Maps
- In groups of four. Hand out the ‘Creative Movement in the Foundation Phase’ Progression
Maps ‘as they become more skilful’.
- Ask practitioners to identify the areas of commonality and flip chart the differences between
Creative Movement and Gymnastic Activities. Again highlight the fact that these two come
together in KS2 as Creative Activities in the PE orders.
- Hand out Gymnastic Activities Progression Maps. Explain that the Progression Map
overlaps with the lesson plans in terms of content.
- Give each pair of practitioners some questions from the example question bank to consider.
- Discuss how the Progression Maps and the questions could be used: support and prompt
child-initiated learning; guide practitioner questioning; Assessment for Learning;
Assessment of Learning; creation of success criteria; practitioner evaluation; to support
child self-evaluation; peer-evaluation and target setting; learning log; practitioner planning;
continuous, enhanced and focused provision; to include support staff.
Evaluation and target setting
- Remembering the sequence you performed in the session earlier, use the Progression
Maps to set a target for next time (self or peer target).
Bingo Cards
- Explain that some practitioners may have seen these before but they have now been
revised in line with the new common inspection framework 2010. Not every single aspect is
covered but they represent some of the main issues for classroom practitioners.
- Many of the aspects included are appropriate to consider over longer periods of time and
use to aid reflection and evaluation.
- Use only a small selection of cards as otherwise too overwhelming. Suggest the
‘Achievement and progress in learning’ and the ‘Teaching approaches’ Cards. Discuss
these in relation to what they have experienced today and how the cards could be used to
enhance provision and raise standards.
The Progression Maps can be a useful tool to help plan, deliver and evaluate learning in
gymnastic activities.
The Bingo Cards can be used as a tool to aid self-reflection, self-evaluation, peer
assessment, mentoring, and planning.
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
Additional delivery ideas
Tutor log
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
Session 7:
(30 minutes)
Action Planning
Support resources
Action Planning Triplicates, Bingo Cards.
To begin to consider how to ensure the professional development is value for money and has a
positive impact on standards of learning and teaching in their schools and settings. To discuss
if Bingo Cards can be used to develop success criteria.
Suggested delivery ideas/content/critical tasks
- Discuss accountability and value for money in relation to the investment, production of
resources, time out, etc. Practitioners, schools and settings need to be accountable and
ensure the investment has a positive impact on outcomes for learners.
- Improvements in standards achieved by pupils, Communication and Health & Well-being
are important plus development of skills, thinking, ICT and numeracy. Some of these should
feature strongly in the success criteria.
- Practitioners need to consider continuity and progression within the Foundation Phase, and
between Foundation Phase and KS2, and how this information is cascaded to other
- Use PPT slide to introduce Action Planning template. Short term (next six weeks), medium
term (next term/year) actions because of attending the course. Ask practitioners to discuss
with one another the sorts of things they cold go away and do. Need to make sure that
what the practitioners are discussing are actually observable actions, rather than
- Need to discuss and identify effective mechanisms to cascade this information to others so
that the approach can become whole school practice and policy. This may involve twilight
sessions, team teaching, collaborative planning, joint assessment and moderation activities,
sharing good practice etc.
- Could they establish a ‘Professional Learning Community’ to investigate the impact of
Gymnastics Activities on healthy attitudes and behaviours etc. Tutors to make some
suggestions but need to highlight some research as well otherwise not a PLC.
- Success criteria: what would you want to see that would say the investment is value for
money/or has added value? Consider using the Bingo Cards to identify success criteria, and
identifying a ‘smart’ target so ‘all’ children, ‘many’, ‘a few’ etc. using Estyn words.
- What evidence will they need to collect to confirm the impact? Is the evidence sound and
reliable? Could it be staged? If so need to consider more stable effective evidence. Need
to listen to learners and involve other stake holders’, parents, etc. How will they know things
have improved …Do they know where the children are at now? Do they have any evidence
of this? May need to collect some baseline/starting point evidence to evaluate progress
against. Need to be able to identify improvements in standards.
- Decide on mechanisms for reporting progress: to whom and how. How will they share good
- Explain that a certain percentage of course attendees will be followed up in relation to
impact and that the action planner should feed into individual, subject and school/setting
self-evaluation and development planning cycles.
- Importance of action planning to success and importance of audit trail in relation to
- To be value for money it must impact positively on the child’s standards of learning
and health and well-being.
- Continuity and progression is vital and will include accurate information about each
child, transferred from practitioner to practitioner.
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
Collaborative practice is important
Additional delivery ideas
Tutor log
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
Session 8:
(30 minutes)
Quality Learning and Teaching 2
Support resources
CD-ROMs for use on the day. CD-ROM and resources to be issued to those schools that have
not already received a set. CD-ROM Navigation Plan, one per delegate.
To consider the opportunities to make links to other areas of learning. To consider the
opportunities for children to develop and apply skills. To review the CD-ROM to identify how
this can be used to support learning.
Suggested delivery ideas/content/critical tasks
Rich opportunities
- In pairs identify some of the links to others areas of learning. Give each pair a different
aspect – Thinking, Communication, Number, ICT, PSDWB&CD, LLC, MD, WLD, KUoW, PD
and CD. Share thoughts. Refer to the backs of the ‘Play to Learn’ Activity Cards’ for Rich
- Discuss how they can make sure that Gymnastic Activities are planned for in a holistic and
progressive way.
- Discuss how children’s skills are transferable from one situation to another and the
elements of progression as children are ready to move on. PESS resources provide a
continuum of ideas to support practitioners in helping children develop their Physical
Development and Creative Movement skills, regardless of their age. Refer to Module 2
course content so that practitioners can see the progression from Module 1. For more
information on these courses, resources and CPD opportunities contact local PESS
- Allocate one CD-ROM per two or three practitioners.
- Give practitioners some time to browse and navigate independently.
- Discuss how the CD-ROM might be used to support planning and dissemination.
- Gymnastic Activities can be linked to many of the other areas of learning and present
a wide range of opportunities for children to develop and apply skills. This must be
planned for. Progress and achievement must be recorded and reported on.
- Estyn CIF says ’Pupils should achieve standards appropriate to their age and ability.’
Pupils need to make progress it is not acceptable for children to continue to only use
Module 1 activities throughout KS2, they will ne dot make progress and access
Module 2 skills and most of Module 3 skills as well. Otherwise the school is failing to
provide appropriate progression and challenge.
- There is a vast amount of information on the CD, so need to alert them how to find
key aspects.
- Show hyperlinks and Welsh toggle.
- Show practitioners how to print off resources, etc.
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
Additional delivery ideas
Tutor log
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
Session 8:
(10 minutes)
Support resources
PPT slides, Evaluation forms.
To provide opportunities to ask questions, review the course and undertake an evaluation.
Suggested delivery ideas/content/critical tasks
- Revisit course outcomes using PPT slides
- Q&A session.
- Hand out evaluation forms.
- Explain that you want to make the course as useful as possible and are always looking to
improve on content, delivery, etc. so their reflective comments are very welcome, including
thoughts on anything else they would find useful.
- Wish practitioners every success with Gymnastic Activities.
- Thank participants and wish them a safe journey.
Module 1 Nov 2010
Module 1 Nov 2010
Additional delivery ideas
Tutor log
Module 1 Nov 2010