Parent Council Minutes March 13

Bearsden Academy Parent Council - Meeting 43
Held on 5th March 2013 at Bearsden Academy
Attendees – Alan Howie (Chair), Elaine Jeffrey, Shirley Stuart, June Fraser,
George Cooper(Head Teacher), Mrs Maureen Daniel, Sally-Anne Eagers, Karen Kane
(Vice-chair), Elaine White and Tara White (Clerk).
Welcome & Apologies
Mr Howie welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were noted from
Councillor Keith Small, Veronica McLaughlin, Pam Gourlay, Aileen Discombe,
Luanne Boyd, Gerry Boyd, Stephen Hayes, Councillor Ashay Ghai and Councillor
Manjinder Shergill.
Minutes of previous meetings
Minutes of the meeting held on 5th February 2013 were approved.
Matters Arising
 Disclosure Scotland – The school is awaiting Disclosure Scotland forms from
East Dunbartonshire Council and these will be forwarded on to any members
requiring one in due course.
Behaviour Policy Update and Self Evaluation – Mrs Maureen Daniel
Mrs Daniel explained that when she previously spoke to the parent council
regarding the Anti- Bullying policy and extended guidance she received a lot of
helpful feedback which staff were then able to reflect on and use when putting the
policy together. The school are now at a stage where they are looking to update
two other policies and Mrs Daniel is hoping that the parent council will again work
jointly with staff on the policy consultation process. Mrs Daniel said now was a
good time to reflect on these policies and think about updating them as following
the recent Quality Review there is a lot of information available on how to take
things forward.
Mrs Daniel made a presentation to the parent council regarding the Behaviour
Policy and Self Evaluation and this is attached as an appendix to these minutes.
Mrs Daniel invited members of the parent council to future meetings where their
input to these policy updates would be of great value. It was agreed that a list of
dates for meetings would be sent out to parents and that if there were particular
times on those dates that suited parents to attend they would feed this back to the
school who would try and accommodate those times if possible. A number of
parents expressed interest in being part of the consultation process. Mr Cooper
thanked Mrs Daniel and Mrs Daniel left the meeting .
Head Teacher’s Report
Mr Cooper ran through his report which is attached as an appendix to these
Mr Cooper requested that one trained person from the parent council be available
for the forthcoming interviews for the position of Deputy Head Teacher. Training is
available from EDC for any members who are interested and details of dates for
interviews and training will be distributed via e-mail.
Mr Alan Howie discussed an e-mail he received from EDC regarding legislation that
was introduced in recent years requesting all local authorities to put into place
how they were going to teach Gaelic and asked if this had an impact on Bearsden
Academy. Mr Cooper advised that it did not affect Bearsden Academy.
Next meeting – Tuesday 7th May 2013 at 7.00 pm