Paradise Valley Community College ***** READ CAREFULLY THEN PRINT THIS OUT FOR YOUR FILES ***** Total Course Information and Syllabus CIS 105 – Survey of Computer Information Systems Sections #5570 and #5571 - ONLINE And late start section #5579 - ONLINE BlackBoard Class Login: Online Course Description: Instructor: James Gordon Patterson (If you want to reach me, online is the way to go. If you have a question others would benefit from knowing, post it within BlackBoard. Keep in mind - I live on the Internet!) PVCC Office: J-122 Textbooks and Supplies: Discovering Computers 2003 by Shelly, Cashman and Vermaat Microsoft Office XP by Michael Halvorson and Marjorie S. Hunt Visual Basic 6 by Shelly, Cashman, Repede, and Mick You are responsible for completing all work using Microsoft Office Professional XP software. NO OTHER VERSION IS ACCEPTABLE! You can get a educational discount (full version) of MS Office XP through many educational software stores on the Internet or through your school bookstore. You may purchase all textbooks and software at the PVCC bookstore OR order online at Internet access and a browser. I have great luck with MS Internet Explorer. You can use any ISP (Internet Service Provider) you want. I suggest you add the following two sites to your “bookmarks” (for Netscape) or “favorites” (for Internet Explorer) list so you can go to the sites quickly. BlackBoard Class Login: Online Course Description: WinZip. This neat little program will compress or zip your files or uncompress your files. You can get a free evaluation copy at 1 NOTE: You will be posting files and sending files to one another and me during this course. NEVER send or receive files without having a current, up-to-date virus checker operating on your computer! Both Norton ( and McAfee ( make good virus checkers. Any file sent me with a virus will be deleted, unopened and ungraded. So, it is in your best interests to use a virus checker. Course Objectives: Fundamental computer concepts and terminology; major applications of computers, database concepts, telecommunications and networking technologies, history of computers, current hardware and software. Basic use of Microsoft Office software for word processing (Microsoft Word), database (Access), presentations graphics (PowerPoint), Spreadsheet construction (Excel) and how to design and write a simple computer program using Visual Basic. What else do I want you to do? I want you to become self-motivated and self-reliant. Instead of giving up or asking me, first try to figure it out yourself. Re-read the syllabus, the chapter, or look it up on the Internet. Then, ask fellow classmates. I also want you to be able to effectively work together in groups for the group projects. You will also have to be willing to take on learning (for many of you) the new skill of web page development! Don’t worry; it’s fun and easy. Elementary school kids are posting marvelous web sites. I’m really not looking for much more than that level. Who is Jim? I have a liberal arts background, yet I love technology and computers. I am also an active (well, I could be MORE active!) and published author of four books. I am always on the lookout for new book ideas. My writing interests are centered on things related to management, communication, and instructional technology. I am represented by the Waterside Productions agency. I’ve made many national conference presentations and conducted training for both corporate and military audiences. Prior to coming to Paradise Valley Community College, I was an education specialist with the U.S. Army’s Military Intelligence School at Fort Huachuca, AZ. In my younger days, I was a radio reporter and news director for stations in both Michigan and Arizona. I started as a college faculty member at Jackson (MI) Community College where I taught at both the main campus and prison branch, then I moved on to Pima Community College in Tucson, the University of Arizona, and then the University of Phoenix. I have a B.A., University of Arizona; M.A., Eastern Michigan University; a Certificate in Distance Education from Thomas Edison State College; and an Ed.S. in instructional technology from Valdosta State University. I'm not done yet; I am now finishing an M.B.A. from Morehead State University. So, I am an online student just like you! I am the school contact for CompTIA exams like A+, Network+, and i-Net+ (there are more; just ask me!). I am proficient with many Microsoft products like Microsoft Front Page and Click2Learn Toolbook Assistant for developing computer based training products. I am a member of the Toastmasters International (you are welcome to join our PVCC Toastmasters club that meets Tuesday at 1 pm), CompTIA, and the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Class Procedure, Homework, Absences, etc…. 2 This is online. Online doesn’t mean easier. It is often HARDER. You must be self-reliant, selfmotivated, and a bit of an independent learner. As an experienced online instructor AND online student, my best advice is LOG ON EVERY DAY! Do a little each day for this class; otherwise, you will fall hopelessly behind. Believe me. I know. And read the announcements I post for the course within BlackBoard for any reminders and changes to assignments. This course is a combination of a little bit of weekly lecture (I don’t want to bore you or me!), group discussion on my lecture, group work completing the MS Office assignments, and individual hands-on stuff (doing a web page). Do the reading and homework and hand it in on time. No make-ups and no extra credit. I don’t care what other instructors do, either. That is my policy. Here’s a quote you will hear me say a million gazillion times: 99% of success is just showing up. Learn to budget your time and get the material in when it is due. Don’t bother if it is late. Don’t wanna see it. Wouldn’t be prudent (my crude attempt imitating President #41 – ha ha ha!). Common traits of those who have failed this course includes a failure to turn in assignments on time, not reading and following directions, and just not showing up. Common traits of those who are successful include doing work on time and as assigned, working well with their group, being a persistent learner who participates fully, and one who goes above and beyond what I want. You will need regular access to a PC Windows-based computer and MS Office XP. Whether that is at work, home, or in the PVCC computer lab, it doesn’t matter. YOU are responsible to turn in the material when it is due. One of the first things you must do within BlackBoard is click on TOOLS and complete EDIT YOUR HOMEPAGE and PERSONAL INFORMATION. The personal information area is where you will put in your working email address. This is an alternate way I have to communicate with you. If you change your email address during the term, you must go back and change it within PERSONAL INFORMATION. If you miss something, you are still responsible for it. If you take off for that extended four week tour of the continent with your relatives, YOU are still responsible to participate in the class and send in the material ON TIME. I have often gone on vacation AND kept up with teaching or taking an online course. It is possible. It really isn’t that hard. However, if you must be gone for any length of time, you might consider retaking the course when you can give your all to it. Make friends in here. I encourage students to learn from the text, from each other, and maybe even from me. Do not rely on me to re-lecture or re-explain material I have already covered. It’s hard to participate in class if you aren’t logging in! On plagiarism…. Plagiarism is stealing somebody else’s writing or ideas and not giving him or her proper credit. This is wrong. In the past, students who have plagiarized have received punishments ranging from failing the assignment in question, failing the course, all the way to being expelled from the college. Hint: DO YOUR OWN WORK! Don’t cheat. You aren’t the ex-President. Even for him it was wrong. Learn more about the plagiarism problem from Also see the Indiana University’s web page on plagiarism at It is your responsibility to become familiar with PVCC’s drop/add policy. I do not withdraw students from my courses for non-participation and I do not assign “I’s” or incompletes. If you 3 stop participating in class, you must complete an official withdrawal form through PVCC or you will receive an “F” for the class. Assignments and Grading: There will a final exam in this class. The final examination will cover the entire book and be worth 20 points. You are responsible for creating a web page for this class worth a total of 20 points (5 points + 15 points). Two sample student web pages (not perfect but close to it) include: and Weekly discussion postings to my lecturette questions, a student question and answer, and overall participation is worth 20 points. There is a course-long discussion board and assignment on global information technology, an often overlooked subfield. I will post a lecturette introducing the topic with some questions you will need to answer. Then you will select a topic related to global I.T. and write a lecturette complete with discussion questions and references. Then you will select one other student lecturette and respond to his or her questions. This is worth 10 points. Finally, there are three group projects from the Office XP lab book worth 10 points each or a total of 30 points. Each group will email me (copying each group member) ONE ZIPPED FILE containing all the lab assignments. DO NOT SEND ME MULTIPLE FILES FROM MULTIPLE SENDERS! Hint on group work: complete all the group assignments yourself. Do NOT rely on anybody – that covers you if others do not do their share of the work. Let me know if that happens and I will grade accordingly. All group members should decide well before the deadline on what files to zip and send me. Again, I want only ONE ZIPPED file containing all the assignments for that lab sent to me from EACH group. I DO NOT want gads and gads of lab files sent to me. Your guiding light on this assignment and all assignments in this course is, “How can I make my professor’s job as easy as possible?” CIS105 – A Breakdown of Assignments – All Sections Starting 3 September 2002 to Ending 13 December 2002 – Complete Final NLT 13 December 2002 NOTE: Late Start Section #5579 starts on 16 September and Ends on 13 December ASSIGNMENT COVERING WHAT? HOW MANY POINTS? DUE WHEN? HOW DO I DO IT? Global Information Technology Research and response on global information technology Worth up to 10 Points A specific, focused Global I.T. lecturette topic to be approved by me in advance NLT 10/20 (post your ideas in the Global I.T. discussion board). Post your lecturette NLT 13 December to the First, read the lecturette I posted on Global I.T. Then respond to the questions at the end of the lecturette within the discussion board. 4 discussion board. Post your responses to Your first task is to pick a another students’ questions by 13 subject related to global I.T. December. for your lecturette. Include questions at the end in the same format I used for my lecturette and your references. Post ideas for topics within the global I.T. discussion board. Then post your lecturette to the global I.T. board and respond to another students’ lecturette questions. Project FINAL EXAM Primarily covering chapters 1 to 16 in "Discovering Computers" book. Worth up to 20 Points. Every week I Worth up to Every week and ongoing! Our week will 20 Points. run from Monday through Sunday. You will be graded on the content and thoughtfulness of your postings. PARTICIPATION will post a IN ONLINE mini-lecture online with DISCUSSION several questions I want you to respond to within the BlackBoard classroom’s discussion board. At the end of the course on the BlackBoard class site. Finish no later than Sunday 13 December. 5 The “cheat sheet” (two solid pages of need-to-know information about the course subject) and chapter outlines you will create will help you prepare for this exam. And, the cheat sheet and chapter outlines will be part of the content of your web page! Make sure you include information from the global I.T. lesson, too! Taking the online practice tests located at the end of each chapter will help you pass this test. Wait for the announcement that the test is ready. Make sure you are using a reliable Internet connection (one that won’t kick you off) since you have to take the test in one sitting. Clear your Internet browser cache (in IE, go to TOOLS, INTERNET OPTIONS, DELETE FILES. Read the mini-lecture for that week. Post your answers to the discussion questions I have asked by WEDNESDAY of that week in the discussion area (include questions and answers). In addition, post your own question in the discussion area based on the topic of the week. By Sunday respond to one other students’ question. For full credit, do NOT merely regurgitate information in the text… add your own experiences and web sites for further information. Don’t be afraid to offer an additional or counter argument to the text or another student IF YOU CAN BACK IT UP! At about the Worth up to 5 Post your URL (web site address) to the BlackBoard classroom for peer and instructor review one week before the midterm examination. CREATE A WEB midway point points. PAGE, part one in the course you will have posted on your own web page: Outlines of chapters covered, a starting online annotated bibliography of topics covered, and a mid-point "cheat sheet.” Post a URL for your site so others may comment on it within the BlackBoard classroom and email me the URL. WARNING: Start on this WEEK ONE! You need to add to this as the course goes on. This is not an assignment you can do an hour before the deadline! There are many free web hosting sites. One that I have used successfully is AngelFire ( Another one is Geocities Sunday 10/20 ( When you are ready for a grade on this Can you find others that you assignment, EMAIL me your URL at would like to use? Do an Internet search on free web hosting sites and be prepared to discuss in our classroom. Whatever hosting site you decide to use, make sure you TEST the site prior to posting the website for us to review and comment on. You may use Word, Publisher, FrontPage, FrontPage Express, or any program that will allow you to produce HTML files. I encourage you to use color, graphics, workable links, sound, etc… to “spice up” your site, but concentrate on the web page requirements FIRST. Do a search online for help creating your page. This will get you started: Also, download the web page evaluation form from the BlackBoard site. What should you include? As a minimum, full chapter outlines (NOT your previous discussion responses or essays), a “cheat sheet” for the course (two page “must know” exam preparation guides), and an annotated bibliography/webliography (look up the term on the Internet…. use at least one or two sources per chapter) of working URL’s 6 and descriptions of the usefulness of the sites, and your working email address. DO NOT CUT AND PASTE from other sites or from each other (look up the term “plagiarism”). Now, have fun with this! A week before Worth up to 15 points. CREATE A WEB the final PAGE, part two examination you will have posted on your own web page: Outlines of chapters covered, a complete online annotated bibliography of topics covered, and a "cheat sheet" for the final exam. Post a URL for your site so others may comment on it within the BlackBoard classroom. When you are ready for a grade, email me your URL. You will be a Worth up to GROUP WORK, member of an 10 Points. part one assigned Post your URL (web site address) to the BlackBoard classroom for peer and instructor review one week before the final examination. Check your web page against the web page evaluation form. Do all the links work? Have you included all the requirements When you are ready for a grade on this of the assignment? Does it assignment, EMAIL me your URL at look interesting? Is it clear what the purpose of the web page is? Is the page easy to navigate? Sunday 12/8 Sunday 9/29 group. You will, as a group, turn in assigned projects from Word and Excel. You or a member of your group will email me (Make sure you copy - “cc:” - your teammates within your email program) ONE complete “zip” file of lab assignments. You can get WinZip for a free evaluation at From our BlackBoard classroom, locate and download to your computer the file CIS105 Lab – Save this file to your hard drive or to a floppy. Then unzip it to a 7 directory using WinZip. These are the files you will need for your group work. For the first GROUP WORK assignment: - - - - - - - - 8 Read the introductory material and “Getting Started with MS Office XP” in the Microsoft Office XP lab book. For many, this may be a review. Unzip lab files for Group Work Part One and save to a floppy or your hard drive. Read and do exercises in Unit A (Word) with data file WD A-1 and save the document you will create similar to the one on page A-17. Name this file WD#1.doc Read and do exercises in Unit B (Word) with data file WD B-1 and save the document you will create similar to the one on B-16 and B-17. Call this file WD#2.doc. Read and do exercises in Unit C (Word) using data file WD C-1 and follow directions through C-16. Save this file as WD#3.doc. Read and do exercises in Unit A (Excel) and save the document you will create from EXCEL A-18. Name it XL#1.xls Read and do exercises in Unit B (Excel) using data file XL B-1. Print once without the filter. After Step 6 on EXCEL B-12. Name it XL#2a.xls. Print after applying the filter as directed on EXCEL B14. Name it XL#2b.xls Read and do exercises in Unit C (Excel) using data file XL C-1 through page EXCEL C-16. Save the file as XL#3.xls For this assignment, your group will create, zip, and turn in seven files: three from Word and four from Excel. *****Include all group members’ names and copy (cc:) all group members when you email the file to me! Your group GROUP WORK, will turn in part two assignments Worth up to 10 Points. Sunday 11/17 from PowerPoint and Access. You or a member of your group will email me (Make sure you copy - “cc:” - your teammates within your email program) ONE complete “zip” file of lab assignments. You can get WinZip for a free evaluation at From our BlackBoard classroom, locate and download to your computer the file CIS105 Lab – Save this file to your hard drive or to a floppy. Then unzip it to a directory using WinZip. These are the files you will need for your group work. For the second GROUP WORK assignment: - - 9 Read and do exercises from Unit A (PowerPoint) and save the document you will create as PPT#1.ppt. Make sure you use HANDOUTS, 3 to a page. Read and do exercises from Unit B (PowerPoint) using data file PPT B-1 and save the document you will create as a result of page B-14 as PPT#2.ppt - - - Read and do ACCESS Unit A through ACCESS A-16. Save file as AC#1.mdb (this is referenced as Outdoor Designs Sales Reps). Read and do ACCESS unit B through ACCESS B-14. Save file as AC#2.mdb Read and do ACCESS unit C through ACCESS C-16. Save file as AC#3.mdb For this assignment, your group will create, zip, and turn in five files: two PowerPoint files and three Access files. *****Include all group members’ names and copy (cc:) all group members when you email the file to me! Your group Worth up to GROUP WORK, will turn in two 10 Points. part three assignments Sunday 12/8 from Visual Basic and a completed "Personal Computer Purchase Specification Sheet" attached to this syllabus. Do some research and come up with an ideal and a down to earth computer purchase for a small company business of your choice. You or a member of your group will email me (Make sure you copy - “cc:” - your teammates within your email program) ONE complete “zip” file of lab assignments. You can get WinZip for a free evaluation at From our BlackBoard classroom, locate and download to your computer the file CIS105 Lab – Save this file to your hard drive or to a floppy. Then unzip it to a directory using WinZip. These are the files you will need for your group work. For the third GROUP WORK assignment: - - 10 Read and understand “Introduction to Visual Basic Programming” in the Visual Basic 6 book. Do an Internet search - - and locate three excellent sites on flowcharting. You can use your work here for your annotated bibliography. Be prepared to discuss the sites on flowcharting you found in our weekly discussions! Practice (but do not turn in) flowcharting on page VB i.21. This assignment and the Internet search for flowcharting sites will help you complete the mechanical man flowchart. Using Word’s “Draw” function, flowchart the mechanical man on page VB i.23. Some students report excellent results by having somebody act like the mechanical man and another person recording the movements. Remember this is NOT linear; you will need decision points. Save the Word file as Mechanical Man.doc. Read and do work in Project One (Visual Basic). You will create a working sales commission calculator. When finished, save it as an EXE (executable) file to turn in ONLY IF you own Visual Basic. If you do NOT own VB6, please do the assignment this way: First, start Word. Then go to TOOLS, MACROS, VISUAL BASIC EDITOR. You will be creating a MACRO called “sales commission.” Your Word document should be named “sales commission.doc”. After you save the Word file and Macro, test it by: 11 1. Opening "Sales Commission.Doc" 2. On the Menu select Tools|Macros|Visual Basic Editor. 3. Select User Form "Sales Commission". 4. On the Menu Select "Run Sub/User Form". - As a group, complete the “Ideal Microcomputer Purchase” project form at the end of this document. Save it as a Word file called Ideal Computer.doc and send it in. For this assignment, your group will create, zip, and turn in three files: either a VB6 executable (sales commission.exe) or a Word document with a VB macro (sales commission.doc) and two Word files (“Mechanical Man” and “Ideal Microcomputer Purchase”). *****Include all group members’ names and copy (cc:) all group members when you email the file to me! . Item Global I.T. Project Final Exam Individual Web Page, Part One Individual Web Page, Final Online Discussion and Participation Group Lab/Homework #1 Group Lab/Homework #2 Group Lab/Homework #3 12 Points 10 20 5 15 20 10 10 10 Total 100 Grading Scale: 90 to 100 = A 80 to 89 = B 70 to 79 = C 60 to 69 = D < 60 = F NOTE: By accepting this syllabus, you understand the grading, assignment, and attendance policies I have for this class. This syllabus is subject to change, but I will announce the change in advance. You also agree to follow the section on campus computer technology (p. C-27) located in the Student Rights and Responsibilities in the student handbook. 13 (NOTE: Use this Form for Group Work Three – Cut and paste into a Word document and put all group members’ names on this form) Ideal Microcomputer Purchase 1. What kind of business are you buying a computer system for? 2. What other peripherals do you plan on getting? 3. What sort of applications would such a business need? 4. You have an unlimited budget to buy system #1. Describe the system in detail including the price. Where are you buying the system? What is the website address? 5. Now you’ve come back to earth. Configure a more realistic costing system #2. Describe the system in detail including the price. Where are you buying the system? What is the website address? BASE SYSTEM System #1: Dream Computer MANUFACTURER MODEL PROCESSOR/SPEED OPERATING SYSTEM HARD DRIVE MEMORY FLOPPY OTHER STORAGE CD/CDRW TOTAL PRICE = 14 System #2: Realistic Budget Computer