6th Grade Book Reviews List 6

Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin
Genre: Fantasy
Rating: 4 stars
Review Written by Someone in Grade 6
When Liza dies and goes to heaven, also known as Elsewhere, things are not the way they seem. At first, she believes her
life is over. Soon, with the help of her grandmother, she learns the rules, and how to break them. She learns that
romance doesn't stop in death. She also learned how to move on, and still be happy. Follow Liza's death in this timereversing tale, Elsewhere.
Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyers
Genre: Fantasy
Rating: 2 stars
Review Written by Someone in Grade 6
This novel is graphic and inappropriate. In my opinion, it told too many stories in one book. At the beginning, the fear
factor was almost obliterated. By the end, however, there was a fight. However, with no casualties, barely any sadness,
and a disappointing end (way too happy for the series). Overall, the novel was driven by the reminder in the back of your
head of all of the bad things that might happen. In Breaking Dawn, everything turns out to well for this slightly scary and
sad series.
The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan
Genre: Mythology
Rating: 4 stars
Review Written by Someone in Grade 6
This book is from Rick Riordan's series. In the books, Jason and his friends, Piper and Leo are all finding things out about
themselves, along with the reader. In the beginning, it is confusing, but, by the middle, the hunger for the last few pieces
of the puzzle eats you from the inside. Learn how their fates are all twisted with Percy Jackson's, our favorite hero. A
fantastic page-turner, it is absolutely worth reading.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
Genre: Fantasy
Rating: 5 stars
Review Written by Someone in Grade 6
The last book in the series, I enjoyed the ending. While wrapping up all of the loose ends, it has a significant plot as well.
I'm glad things turned out okay, because overall too many sad things happen during the series. This includes Sirius Black
and Dumbledore’s death, the problem with Buckbeak, and Sirius having to hide from the world since they don't know
he's innocent. But, the happy ending comes with drawbacks, which sums up the sadness in the book. A satisfying ending.
Are We There Yet? by David Levithan
Genre: Realistic Fiction/Romance
Rating: 3 stars
Review Written by Someone in Grade 6
In the beginning, this book has very little plot. There is no dramatic foil between the brothers because both have their
obvious skills and flaws. There is no telling where the story will go. Somewhere nearing the end, things start to get
interesting with a romance, a betrayal, and some things in between. Overall, the book was worth reading, but just
The Death Collector by Justin Richards
Genre: Fantasy
Rating: 4 stars
Review Written by Someone in Grade 6
The story starts nicely, with a clock repair man, an actress, and a common street pick-pocket thief. After some time, they
all meet, perhaps due to fate? Things start to turn weird... the book's plot is nicely tied together, and has an essence of
mystery throughout. Enter the realm of mad scientists, dinosaurs, and a whole lot of running.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling
Genre: Fantasy
Rating: 3 stars
Review Written by Someone in Grade 6
The Order of the Phoenix is the fifth book in the Harry Potter series. It was my least favorite book. I didn't like how Harry
wasn't able to get his point across to his friends, so for most of the book, he ended up looking like some sort of brooding
jerk. He seems angry with the world to anyone but the reader, and instead of creating a connection between the two of
you, it turns into you processing all the things he should have done, but didn't. However, since you do learn everything
about his connection with Voldemort in this book, I'd have to admit it IS worth reading.
Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson
Genre: Historical Fiction
Rating: 4 stars
Review Written by Someone in Grade 6
As the revolutionary begins, Isabel, black slave is waging a war of her own. She has to struggle through betrayal, illness,
caring for her younger sister, Ruth. She even has to fight through a prison sentence, just to make it through the war. At
first, she knows she is on the Patriots side. However, after being betrayed by both, she finds herself unsure of which side
is right, but that doesn't matter anymore. Now, she needs to save her sister, care for her best friend, and not get caught.
Avalon High by Meg Cabot
Genre: Fantasy/Historical Fiction
Rating: 5 stars
Review Written by Someone in Grade 6
I wanted to start by saying I'd recommend this book to any tween girl at any time! As you follow the plot of the story,
with main characters Jennifer, Lance, Will, and Ellie, and the story starts to weave itself, you realize how similar it is to
the story of King Arthur. But it's all just coincidence...right? Well, maybe not! This book is intriguing, exciting, and
medieval while being modern.
All American Girl by Meg Cabot
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Rating: 4 stars
Review Written by Someone in Grade 6
This book is your regular teen girl book. You know, a girl saving the president's life, or a girl in love with her sister's
boyfriend. Or a girl who hates her art teacher, but by the end, admits she's wrong, giving up what she thought she
wanted the most. Okay, so it might not be the most ordinary book... but it definitely is good!
White Fang by Jack London
Genre: Adventure
Rating: 5 stars
Review Written by Someone in Grade 6
In this book, White Fang, a wolf who began his life in the wild, is captured by a group of Indians. He is bullied and
mistreated by the other dogs, and, although he doesn't realize it, his life is very unfair. Then, he is sold to a man whose
only purpose for him is dog fighting. After more and more trying years, White Fang is finally saved by a kind man. White
Fang goes on to love this man, and risks his own life for him in the future.
When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead
Genre: Science Fiction
Rating: 4 stars
Review Written by Someone in Grade 6
This book is filled with time travel, secrets, romance and.... $2 bills? When You Reach Me can be slightly confusing, but
by the end (which is really the beginning...) the entire thing makes sense. Follow Miranda as she shows you how she
understood everything. See how friendships are torn apart. And, most of all, experience true time travel!
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling
Genre: Fantasy
Rating: 5 stars
Review Written by Someone in Grade 6
The first book in the Harry Potter series is my favorite. Since Harry has not yet learned of ANYTHING, he is surprised by
what he can do, which gives the reader space to relate with him. I'd recommend any book in the series, to be honest.
However, his learning of friendship, using his true powers, and finally feeling like he fits in makes this book scary in some
parts, but overall, a great book. I'd recommend it to anybody!
Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie
Genre: Mystery
Rating: 4 stars
Review Written by Someone in Grade 6
The beginning of this novel starts out nice and clean... nothing murderous about it. Then, once crawling into the death,
you see exactly who the murderer was. The only problem: It’s too obvious to be true. And one might be right. Follow this
tale of blackmail, murder, a possible jewelry theft, and a beautiful journey on the Nile.
Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld
Genre: History
Rating: 5 stars
Review Written by Someone in Grade 6
Leviathan was a book about an alternate history of WWI. Alek, the protagonist, is a young Austrian prince whose
parents’ deaths caused the war. He boards a storm walker (ATAT in Star wars) to battle the fabricated beasts. He travels
miles and miles into the Swiss Alps to hide from the British. This is the first book in the amazing leviathan trilogy.
Chew on This by Charles Wilson and Eric Schlosser
Genre: History
Rating: 5 stars
Review Written by Someone in Grade 6
Chew on This is a fabulous book that tells you everything you do (and don't) want know about fast food. It gives the
history of fast food. McDonalds actually started out as a clean healthy family-eating place but over the years it broke
down. And how the workers in China that make the happy meal toys are only paid 17 cents an hour! I learned a ton of
interesting facts about fast food places and I have officially decided that I probably will never eat at a fast food
restaurant again. So you can do one of two things in life, go to school, or go to work at a slaughterhouse where 1 in
every 3 workers is maimed while chopping meat.