Department of Spanish and Portuguese

American Fulbright Grantees
in Hungary
Academic Year 2004/2005
Hungarian-American Fulbright Commission for Educational Exchange
Budapest H-1146, Ajtósi Dürer sor 19-21.
Tel: (36-1) 462-8040 Fax: (36-1) 252-0266
1. Distinguished Chairs
Dr. Eric Chapman Browne
Dr. John A. Moore
Political Science
American History
John Marshall Chair
László Országh Chair
2. Regular Lecturers
Dr. Terrence Curry
Dr. Michael Eldridge
Dr. Reinhold Hill
Dr. Ronald Johnson
Dr. Catherine Kodat
Dr. Alexander Nagy
Dr. Judith Nemethy
Dr. Ted Schwalbe
Dr. Ravi Sheorey
Dr. David Vanderwerken
Dr. Beata Vidacs
Dr. Aram Mekjian
Dr. Tyrus Miller
Dr. Susanna Rich
Architecture/Urban Planning (extension)
American Studies
American Literature
TEFL/Applied Linguistics (extension)
American Literature
Cultural Anthropology
Physics & Astronomy
Language & Literature (Austrian-Hungarian Joint
Research Award)
Creative Writing
Ms. Katie Bagley
Mr. Karl Brown
Mr. Matthew Douglas
Mr. William Eichmann
Mr. John Mastrojohn III
Ms. Linda Huang McCullough
Mr. Anthony A. Noody
Ms. Lisa Overholser
Ms. Elizabeth M. Szilágyi
Ms. Mary Taylor
History (extension)
Music Theory
Archeology (extension)
Medical Sciences
Urban Planning
Cultural Anthropology
Teaching Assistants
Ms. Mary B. Gurry
Mr. Christopher J. Hayden
High School Teacher Exchange Program Participants
Mr. Gregory Deegan
Mr. Lucas Jacob
Ms. Maureen Mehrer
Ms. Kendra Mosier
Mr. James N. Murphy
ESL, Literature
Other Categories
Dr. Haney Lynne
Ms. Felicia Rosu
Mr. James Ward
Sociology, New Century Scholar
History, Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research
History, Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research
1. Distinguished Chairs
Dr. Eric Chapman Browne
Dr. John A. Moore
Eric C. Browne
Department of Political Science
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
John Marshall Chair in Political Science
Political Science
Comparative politics and political systems, formal
theories of political decision-making, political
philosophy, democratic theory.
Affiliation in Hungary:
University of Pécs
Department of English Literatures and Culture /
Department of Political Science
Duration of Stay:
September 2004 - May 2005
Academic Background:
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1972
B.A. Old Dominion University, 1964
Professional Background:
Professor, Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1984 Assoc. Prof., U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,1978-1984
Asst. Professor, U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1973-978
Asst. Professor, Univ. of Georgia, 1970-1973
Lecturer, Univ. of Strathclyde, 1969-1970
Foreign Languages:
Selected Publications:
“Factional Rivals and Electoral Competition in a Dominant Party: Inside Japan’s Liberal
Democratic Party, 1958-1990.” European Journal of Political Research, 42: (2003), 107-134
“An Empirical Theory of Rational Nominating Behaviour Applied to Japanese District
Elections.” British Journal of Political Science, 29: (1999), 259-289.
“Legislative Politics and the Paradox of Voting: Electoral Reform in Fourth Republic
France.” British Journal of Political Science, 26: (1996), 165-198.
“Simulation of Global and Local Intransitivities in a Simple Voting Game Under Majority
Rule.” Behavioral Science, 36: (1991), 148-156.
“An Exponential Model of Cabinet Stability: The Durability, Duration, and Survival of
Cabinet Governments.” American Journal of Political Science, 30: (1986), 628-650.
John Allphin Moore, Jr.
Professor Emeritus
Department of History
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
László Országh Chair in American Studies
American Studies/History
America in the World (Intellectual History/Post World
War II US)
Affiliation in Hungary:
Pázmány Péter Catholic University
Faculty of Humanities
English Studies Institute
H-2087 Piliscsaba, Egyetem utca 1
Duration of Stay:
September 2004 - December 2004
Academic Background:
Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University, 1972
M.A., University of Tulsa, 1964
B.A., University of Tulsa, 1962
Adjunct, Assistant, Associate, and Professor, California
State Polytechnic University, 1965
Senior Fulbright Lecturer/Scholar, Finland, 1999
Foreign Languages:
Limited research capability in French, German
Selected Publications:
Encyclopedia of the UN: with Jerry Pubantz, Facts on File, 2002
To Create a New World?: American Presidents and the UN; with Jerry Pubantz, Peter Lang,
A Grand Experiment: The Constitution at 200: ed. with John Murphy, Scholarly Resources,
2. Regular Lecturers
Dr. Terrence Curry
Dr. Michael Eldridge
Dr. Reinhold Hill
Dr. Ronald Johnson
Dr. Catherine Kodat
Dr. Alexander Nagy
Dr. Judith Nemethy
Dr. Ted Schwalbe
Dr. Ravi Sheorey
Dr. David Vanderwerken
Dr. Beáta Vidacs
Dr. Terrence Curry
Fordham University
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Visiting Lecturer
Architecture/Urban Planning
Architecture Education; Community Design; Housing
Affiliation in Hungary:
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp.3. K. build. I.10/a
Duration of Stay:
September 2004 – December 2004
Academic Background:
M.Div., Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, 1994.
Th.M., Institute for Black Catholic Study, 1990
B. Arch., Pratt Institute, 1984
Professional Background:
Director/Artist-in-Residence, Fordham University, 2002Associate Prof./Director, University of Detroit Mercy,
Foreign Languages:
Selected Publications:
HOUR Detroit, "Building-up Neighborhood," Rebecca
Powers (Feb. 2000)
The Michigan Catholic, "Promise Kept," Robert Delaney
(May 2000)
Detroit News, "Detroit Center improves City Life",
Christopher Singer (Oct. 1999)
Michael Eldridge
Lecturer and Undergraduate Coordinator
Department of Philosophy
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Visiting Lecturer
Philosophy and American Studies
American Philosophy & Contemporary Moral Theory
Affiliation in Hungary:
University of Szeged
Department of Philosophy;
Institute of English and American Studies
H-6722 Szeged, Petőfi Sándor sgt. 30-34.
Duration of Stay:
September 2004 - January 2005
Academic Background:
Ph.D., University of Florida, 1985 (Philosophy)
M.A., Columbia University, 1980 (Philosophy)
B.D., Yale University, 1969 (Religious Studies)
B.A., Harding College, 1964 (Biblical Languages)
Professional Background:
Lecturer (1995) & Undergraduate Coordinator (2003),
UNCC, 1995
Chair & Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
& Religion, Queens College, Charlotte, 1989-1994
Director, Discipline of Philosophy (1987-89), and
Assistant Professor (1986-89), Spring Hill College
Foreign Languages:
Selected Publications:
“Chapter Four: Naturalism,” Blackwell Guide to American Philosophy, edited by Armen
Marsoobian and John Ryder (Blackwell Publishing, 2004), pp. 52-71.
“Dewey on Race and Social Change,” Pragmatism and the Problem of Race, edited by Bill
Lawson and Donald Koch (Indiana University Press, 2004), pp. 11-21.
"Dewey's Limited Shelf Life: A Consumer Warning," in In Dewey's Wake: Unfinished Work
of Pragmatic Reconstruction, edited by William Gavin (SUNY Press, 2003)
Introduction, Correspondence of John Dewey, 1919-1939 (InteLex Corp., 2001)
Transforming Experience: John Dewey’s Cultural Instrumentalism (Vanderbilt, 1998)
Reinhold Hill
Associate Professor
Department of Languages and Literature
Ferris State University
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Visiting Lecturer
American Folklore, ethnography, composition studies,
and belief studies.
Affiliation in Hungary:
University of Debrecen
North American Department, Institute of English and
American Studies
H-4010 Debrecen, P.O. Box 73
Duration of Stay:
September 2004 - January 2005
Academic Background:
Ph.D., University of Missouri, 2001
M.A., University of Louisiana-Lafayette, 1996
B.A., Brigham Young University, 1994
Professional Background:
Associate Professor, Ferris State University, 2004
Assistant Professor, Ferris State University, 2001-2004
Foreign Languages:
Selected Publications:
“Mormon Literature and the Irreducible Other: Writing the Unspeakable in Holocaust
Literature.” Between Trauma and Redemption: Representations of the Holocaust and the
Possibility of Pedagogy. Ed. Michael Bernard-Donals and Richard Glejzer. Madison:
University of Wisconsin Press, 2003. 183-195.
"God's Chosen People: Mormon Fictional Portrayals of the Jewish Holocaust." CLIO 31.2
(Winter 2002): 151-165.
“‘These stories are not “real,” but they are as “true” as I can make them:’ Lee Smith’s
Literary Ethnography.” Southern Folklore 57 (2000): 106-118.
"Chapels, Baptismal Fonts, and the Curse of Cain: An Examination of the Obstacles to
Conversion in Louisiana Mormon Conversion Narratives." Louisiana Folklore Miscellany 11
(1996): 53-66.
Ronald Johnson
Professor of Music
School of Music
University of Northern Iowa
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Visiting Lecturer
Wind Music History and Conducting
Affiliation in Hungary:
University of Pécs
Faculty of Music and Visual Arts
7624 Pécs, Damjanich u. 30.
Duration of Stay:
September 2004 - June 2005
Academic Background:
Ed.D., University of Illinois, 1985
M.A., California State University, Northridge, 1971
BME, Texas Tech University, 1968
Professional Background:
Professor, University of Northern Iowa, 1982
Faculty, Modesto College (CA), 1972-79
Faculty, Bakersfield College (CA), 1972 (spring)
Faculty, Dallas Public Schools (TX) 1968-69
Foreign Languages:
German (ein bischen)
Selected Recordings:
Memories: University of Northern Iowa Wind Symphony, 1994
Requiem, University of Northern Iowa Wind Symphony, 1996
Poem Südwind Orchestra (Germany), 2001
Catherine Gunther Kodat
Associate Professor of English & American Studies
Department of English
Hamilton College
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Visiting Lecturer
American Studies
20th century American Culture (literature, film, dance,
music); Contemporary Literary and Cultural Theory
Affiliation in Hungary:
Department of American Studies
School of English and American Studies
Eötvös Loránd University
Budapest 1146, Ajtósi Dürer sor 19-21
Duration of Stay:
February - May 2005
Academic Background:
Ph.D., Boston University, 1994
M.A., Boston University, 1988
B.A., University of Baltimore, 1981
Professional Background:
Associate Professor, Hamilton College, 2001
Assistant Professor, Hamilton College, 1995-2001
Foreign Languages:
Some French and German
Selected Publications:
"Conversing with Ourselves: Canon, Freedom, Jazz." American Quarterly, 55:1 (March
2003), 1-28.
"Saving Private Property: Steven Spielberg's American DreamWorks." Representations 71
(Summer 2000), 77-105.
"Dancing Through the Cold War: The Case of The Nutcracker." Mosaic, 33:3 (September
2000), 1-17.
"Writing A Fable for America." Faulkner in America: Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha, 1998,
edited by Donald M. Kartiganer and Joseph Urgo. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi,
2001, 82-97.
Alexander Nagy
Music Teacher
Department of Performing Arts
Breck School, Minneapolis
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Visiting Lecturer
20th Century American Music; Jazz History and
Improvisation, Music Theory, Composition, Conducting
Affiliation in Hungary:
Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
H-1391 Budapest P.O.Box. 206
Duration of Stay:
September 2004 - January 2005
Academic Background:
Ph.D. in Music, City University of New York, 1992
M.M., Yale School of Music, 1981
B.M., University of British Columbia, 1979
Professional Background:
Symphonic and Jazz Band Director, Breck School,
Minneapolis, 2000-present
Teacher, The Taft School, Watertown, 1988-2000
Teacher, Mattatuck Community College, 1987-1988
Foreign Languages:
Hungarian, Romanian, Italian
Selected Publications:
2003 “Allegorie” for Solo Violin
1998 Lecture Series in Madrid, Spain entitled “Expressionism in 20th C. Music”
1996 Lecture Series in Madrid, Spain entitled “ Compositional Forms in the Music of Béla
Judith Kesserű Némethy
Senior Language Lecturer and Director of Spanish Language Studies
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
New York University
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Fulbright Scholar Program - Lecturing
Hungarian emigration to Latin America; diaspora studies
Affiliation in Hungary:
University of Szeged
Department of Hispanic Studies
Petőfi Sándor Sgt. 30-34
H-6722 Szeged
Duration of Stay:
February - May 2005
Academic Background:
Ph.D., University of Szeged, 2000
M.L.S., Syracuse University, 1982
B.A., Rutgers University, 1976
Professional Background:
Director of Spanish Language Studies and Senior
Lecturer, New York University, 1996-present
Language Coordinator and Lecturer, New York
University, 1992-1996
Senior Lecturer and Course Coordinator, Cornell
University, 1984-1984
Foreign Languages:
Hungarian, Spanish, French, German
Selected Publications:
"Szabadságom lett a börtönöm". Az argentínai magyar emigráció története 1948-1968. ["My
freedom became my prison". History of the Hungarian émigrés to Argentina. 1948-1968]
Budapest: A Magyar Nyelv és Kultúra Nemzetközi Társasága, 2003. 424 pp.
"Emigráció és szellemi élet: Magyar irodalom Dél-Amerikában" A szétszórtság arénája.
["Emigrés and intellectual life: Hungarian literature in South America" in The arena of the
diaspora].Stockholm: EKE Föreningen Transsylvanska Bokvänner–Erdélyi Könyv Egylet,
2003. pp. 145-155.
"Az argentínai magyar könyvkiadás". Tanulmányok a latin-amerikai magyar emigráció
történetéről. MTA-JATE Hispanisztika Kutatócsoport. Kutatási Közlemények I. ["Hungarian
Book Publishing in Argentina". Studies on the History of the Hungarian Emigration to LatinAmerica. Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and József Attila University .
Research Publication I]. Szeged, 1999. pp. 70-78.
Ted Schwalbe
Professor and Chair
Department of Communication
SUNY College at Fredonia
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Fulbright Lecturing Grant
International media systems, radio journalism, U.S. mass
Affiliation in Hungary:
University of Pécs
Department of Communication Studies
7624 Pécs
Ifjúság útja 6
Duration of Stay:
September 2004 - December 2004
Academic Background:
Ph.D., University of Southern California, 1980
M.A., University of Southern California, 1978
M.P.A., University of Southern California, 1978
B.S., Ohio University, 1975
Professional Background:
Professor and Chair, SUNY Fredonia, 1989-present
Associate Professor, SUNY Fredonia, 1986- 1989
Assistant Professor, SUNY Fredonia, 1980-1986
Telecommunications Policy Analyst, U.S. Dept. of
Commerce – 1979-1980
Foreign Languages:
Spanish, Bulgarian
Selected Scholarly Activities:
Recipient of Fulbright Senior Scholar Program Award, University of Swaziland, 2002.
Radio/TV News Directors Faculty Summer Fellowship Program, WTOP radio Washington,
DC, 2001.
Principle Investigator, Bulgaria Radio Management Program, USIA grant, 1997
Fulbright Scholar, American University in Bulgaria, 1997.
Principle Investigator, Southern Africa Independent Radio Station Development Project,
USIA grant, 1996.
Principle Investigator, Albanian Mass Media Development Project, USIA grant, 1994.
Dr. Ravi Sheorey
Associate Professor
Oklahoma State University
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Visiting Lecturer
TEFL/Applied Linguistics
Learning and Reading Strategies of Second Language
Learners; Survey Research in Adult Second Language
Affiliation in Hungary:
University of Veszprém
8201 Veszprém
Egyetem u. 3. P.O. Box 158.
Duration of Stay:
July 2004
Academic Background:
Ph.D., Univ. of Texas-Austin, 1978
M.A.., Univ. of Texas-Austin, 1972
M.A., Saugar University, 1963
Professional Background:
Associate Professor, Oklahoma State University,
1986 - present
Assistant Director, Bilingual Education Multifunctional
Resource Center, 1986-1992
Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University,
1981 - 1986
Foreign Languages:
Marathi, Hindi, Sanskrit
Selected Publications:
Co-ed. Special Issue of IJOAL on EFL in India, 28.2
"Differences…" System, 29, 431-449
Sheorey, R. and Nayar, B. (2002) Sophisticated noticing:
Examination of an Indian professional's use of English.
Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 28.2, 121-136
David L. Vanderwerken
Department of English
Texas Christian University
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Visiting Lecturer
Twentieth-Century American Literature
The American 1920s; William Faulkner; American
Jewish Literature: Sport-Centered American Literature
Affiliation in Hungary:
University of Debrecen
North American Department, Institute of English and
American Studies;
H-4010 Debrecen, P.O. Box 73.
Duration of Stay:
January 2005 - May 2005
Academic Background:
Ph.D., Rice University, 1973
M.A., Rice University, 1973
B.A., Colgate University, 1968
Professional Background:
Professor, Texas Christian University, 1986Associate Professor, Texas Christian University, 1977-86
Assistant Professor, Texas Christian University, 1971-77
Foreign Languages:
Kindergarten Hungarian; some Spanish and French
Selected Publications:
Faulkner’s Literary Children: Patterns of Development. New York: Lang, 1997.
Sport in the Classroom: Teaching Sport-Centered Classes in the Humanities. Associated UP,
Sport Inside Out: Readings in Literature and Philosophy, with Spencer K. Wertz. Fort Worth:
Texas Christian UP, 1985.
Beáta Vidacs
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Multicultural Center
York College CUNY
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Visiting Lecturer
Africa, Cameroon,
ethnicity, sports
Affiliation in Hungary:
Eötvös Loránd University
Department of Cultural Anthropology
H-1053 Budapest, Kecskeméti u. 12.
Duration of Stay:
September 2004 - January 2005
Academic Background:
Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center 2002
M.A., Eötvös Loránd University 1981
Professional Background:
Adjunct Assistant Professor, York College CUNY 2002Adjunct Assistant Professor, Baruch College CUNY
Foreign Languages:
French, Hungarian
Selected Publications:
“France in the Cameroonian Football Imagination,” in Gary
Armstrong– Richard Giulianotti (eds.) Football in Africa: Conflict,
Conciliation, and Community, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
“Football and Identity in Cameroon,” in Jean-Germain Gros (ed.)
Cameroon: Politics and Society in Critical Perspectives, Lanham:
University Press of America.
“Postcolonialism and the Level Playing Field in the 1998 World Cup,”
in John Bale – Mike Cronin (eds.) Postcolonialism and Sport, Oxford:
Dr. Aram Mekjian
Dr. Tyrus Miller
Dr. Susanna Rich
Aram Mekjian
Professor of Physics
Department of Physics
Rutgers University
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Theoretical Physics
Heavy Ion Collisions, statistical mechanics, Polya theory
Affiliation in Hungary:
KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics
H-1525 Budapest 114, P.O.B. 49, Hungary
Duration of Stay:
June-July 2005
Academic Background:
Ph.D., University of Maryland, 1968
B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1963
Professional Background:
Professor II, Rutgers University 1992
Professor, Rutgers University 1980-1992
Associate Professor, Rutgers University, 1974-1980
Assistant Professor, Rutgers University, 1970-1974
Humboldt Fellow, University of Heidelberg, 1969-1970
Foreign Languages:
Selected Publications:
The Liquid-Gas Phase Transition in Nuclear Multifragmentation, S.Das Gupta, A.Z.Mekjian,
B.Tsang, Advances in Nuclear Physics, J.Negele and E.Vogt, Editors V 26, 89-166, 2001
A Model for Studying Branching Processes, Multiplicity Distributions, and Non-Poissonian
Fluctuations in Heavy Ion Collisions, A.Z.Mekjian, Physical Review Letters 86, 220, 2001
Particle Multiplicity Distributions: Connections with a Feynman-Wilson Gas and a LandauGinzburg Theory, A.Z.Mekjian, Physical Review C65 044605 2002
Negative Specific Heat in a Thermodynamic Model of Multifragmentation, C.B.Das, S. Das
Gupta, and A.Z.Mekjian, Physical Review C68 031601 2003
Development of Particle Multiplicity Distributions Using a General Form of the Grand
Canonical Partition Function, S.J.Lee and A.Z.Mekjian, Nuclear Physics A730 514-547 2004
Tyrus Miller
University of California—Santa Cruz
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Austrian-Hungarian Joint Research Award
Language & Literature
Modernism; Avant-Garde; Cultural Theory
Affiliation in Hungary:
Central European University
Center for Historical Studies
H-1051 Budapest, Nádor u. 11.
Duration of Stay:
November-December 2004
Academic Background:
Ph.D., Stanford University, 1994
M.A., John Hopkins University, 1988
B.A., John Hopkins University, 1985
Professional Background:
Director, University of California Education Abroad
Program, Hungary 2001-2004
Associate Professor, University of California—Santa
Cruz, 1999
Associate Professor, Yale University, 1999-2000
Assistant Professor, Yale University, 1995-1999
Foreign Languages:
German, Hungarian, Italian
Selected Publications:
Late Modernism: Politics, Fiction, and the Arts Between the World Wars. University of
California Press, 1999
“Documentary/Modernism: Convergence and Complementarity in the 1930s. “
Modernism/Modernity 9/2 (2002) 225-241
Review Article:”Central European Avant-Gardes.” Forthcoming in Modernism/Modernity,
Susanna Rich
Department of English
Kean University
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Visiting Researcher
Creative Writing
Writing Memoir/Poetry/Fiction; Theories of the Creative
Process; 20th C. Autobiography
Affiliation in Hungary:
Collegium Budapest
H-1014 Budapest
Szentháromság u. 2.
Magyar P.E.N. Club
H-1053 Budapest
Károlyi Mihály u. 16.
Duration of Stay:
May – July 2005
Academic Background:
Ph.D., New York University, 1987
M.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1979
Professional Background:
Professor, Kean University, 1988-present
Producer and Host of Poets on Air over WKU-Radio,
Foreign Languages:
Hungarian, French, Latin
Selected Publications:
The Flexible Writer. 4 editions (Longman Allyn Bacon)
ashes, ashes (multiple exhibits)
“My Trianon: A Palimpset.” Nimrod International
Ms. Katie Bagley
Mr. Karl Brown
Mr. Matthew Douglas
Mr. William Eichmann
Mr. John Mastrojohn III
Ms. Linda Huang McCullough
Mr. Anthony A. Noody
Ms. Lisa Overholser
Ms. Elizabeth M. Szilágyi
Ms. Mary Taylor
Ms. Mary B. Gurry
Mr. Christopher J. Hayden
Katie “Brooke” Bagley
Graduate Student
Music Department
University of Mississippi
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Music: Voice
The Zoltán Kodály Method: How and Why it Works
Affiliation in Hungary:
Zoltán Kodály Pedagogical Institute of Music
Mr. Péter Rédei, faculty associate
6000 Kecskemét, Kéttemplom köz 1.
Duration of Stay:
September 2004 May 2005
Academic Background:
B.M., University of Mississippi, 2003
Professional Background:
Foreign Languages:
Selected Publications:
Karl Brown
Graduate Student
University of Texas
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Student Full Grant
Field of Study:
Affiliation in Hungary:
Central European University
Budapest, Nádor u. 9, 1051
Duration of Stay:
September 2004 - December 2004
Academic Background:
Ph.D, University of Texas at Austin, 2005
MA, University of Texas at Austin, 2001
BA, Lawrence University, Appleton 1994
Foreign Languages:
Russian, German, some French, Japanese and Spanish
Matthew Douglas
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Student Grant
Music Theory/Ethnomusicology
Jazz/Contemporary Music Performance and Composition
Affiliation in Hungary:
College of Liszt Ferenc Music Academy
Jazz Department
H-1052 Budapest
Semmelweis u. 12
Duration of Stay:
September 2004 May 2005
Academic Background:
B.A. in Music, New York University, 2002
Professional Background:
Group Leader, Grand Street Settlement,
New York City, NY, 2002-2003.
Promotions Assistant, Elektra Records,
New York City, NY, 2002.
Foreign Languages:
Hungarian, Czech
Selected Publications:
New York University Jazz Ensembles. Dancing In Frames. CD. NYU Records.
Prod. Tom Boras and Tim Newman. Bennett Studios, 2002.
The Duggs Trio. Tumid. CD. Writ. and Prod. Matthew Douglas.
“The Studio” Engineered and Mixed by Katherine Miller, 2001.
Wexler, Mike. The Fit In The Choir. CD. Beekiller Records,
New York, NY, 2001.
William J. Eichmann
Graduate Student
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Student Full Grant
Field of Study:
Affiliation in Hungary:
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Archeological Institute
1250 Budapest, P.O. Box 14.
Duration of Stay:
June 2004 - September 2004
Academic Background:
Ph.D, University of Wisconsin, Madison , 2007
BA., Grinnel College, 1997
Foreign Languages:
Defining the Historic Maya Domestic
realm:Ethnoarcheological Study of Soil Chemistry,
presented at a Conference in Madison, Wisconsin, 2002
Results of Research on Parasite-Host Relationships
Between Two Species of Gallmaker Flies and Two
Species of Goldenrod: Implications for Host Shifts in
Speciation Events, presented at P.E.W. Undergraduate
Science Symposium in Chicago Illinois, 1996
John Mastrojohn III
Palliative Care & Hospice Services
Summa Health System
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Medical Sciences
Hospice & Palliative Care
Affiliation in Hungary:
University of Pécs
Institute of Family Medicine & General
Internal Clinic
H-7623 Pécs, Akác u. 1
Duration of Stay:
September 2004 - May 2005
Academic Background:
M.B.A., Kent State University, 2001
M.S.N, Kent State University, 1996
B.S.N., University of Akron, 1987
Professional Background:
Director, Palliative Care & Hospice
Services, Summa Health System, Akron, Ohio, 1998present.
Adjunct Clinical Associate, Kent State
University, College of Nursing, Kent, Ohio,
1997 - present.
Course Faculty, Northeastern Ohio
Universities of Medicine, Rootstown, Ohio,
Community Facility Coordinator, Hospice of
the Western Reserve, Cleveland, Ohio, 1996-1998
Head Nurse, Emergency Services, Akron City
Hospital, 1990-1996
Foreign Languages:
Basic Spanish
Basic Hungarian
Selected Publications:
Linda Huang McCullough
Graduate Student
At Large
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Social Welfare and Equality for Asian Immigrants;
Cultural Competency Services
Affiliation in Hungary:
Minority Studies Department
1146 Budapest
Ajtósi Dürer sor 19-21.
Duration of Stay:
September 2004 - May 2005
Academic Background:
B.A., University of California Berkeley, 1998
Professional Background:
Project Manager, Wells Fargo Bank, 2001 – 2004
Council Member, Wells Fargo Diversity Council, 2003 2004
Board Member, Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness
Center, San Francisco, 2002 – 2004
Director, Ft. Mason Ceramics Guild, 2001 - 2003
Research Coordinator, University of California
San Francisco, 1999 – 2000
Foreign Languages:
Mandarin Chinese, French
Selected Publications:
Psychological stress and the subsequent appearance of new brain MRI lesions in MS. Mohr
DC, Goodkin DE, Bacchetti P, Boudewyn AC, Huang L, Marietta P, Cheuk W, Dee B.
(2000). Neurology, 55, 55-61.
Does treating depression improve cognitive functioning in depressed patients with multiple
sclerosis? Cox, Darcy S., Mohr, David C., Epstein, Lucy, Huang, Linda (2000) Poster
presented at the National Academy of Neuropsychology Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Validity of self-reported cognitive dysfunction in depressed multiple sclerosis patients. Cox,
Darcy S., Mohr, David C., Epstein, Lucy A., Boudewyn, Arne C., Huang, Linda, (2000)
Poster presented at the Society for Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN.
Anthony Noody
PhD Student
State University of New YORK (SUNY), Buffalo
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Urban Planning
Urban geography, urban form, GIS, transportation
Affiliation in Hungary:
Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public
Department of Sociology
Dr. János Ladányi
Duration of Stay:
September 2004 - May 2005
Academic Background:
B.A., SUNY @ Buffalo, 2001, Economics
B.A., SUNY @ Buffalo, 2001, Environmental Design
Foreign Languages:
Selected Publications:
Budapest: The Trajectory Toward a New Urban Morphology, Winds of Societal Change:
Remaking Post-communist Cities, 2004.
Lisa Marie Overholser
PhD Candidate
Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology
Indiana University-Bloomington
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Student Full Grant
Intersections of folk and “high art” genres; public
folklore; nationalism in music
Affiliation in Hungary:
Heritage House
László Kelemen, Director
Hungarian State Folk Ensemble
Corvin tér 8.
Budapest 1251. Pf. 23. Hungary
Duration of Stay:
September 2004 - May 2005
Academic Background:
Ph.D., Indiana University, (in progress)
M.M., Kansas University, 1997/musicology
M.M., Kansas University, 1997/piano performance
B.M., University of Missouri-KC Conservatory of
Music, 1992/piano performance
Professional Background:
Consultant, Brooklyn Arts Council, 2003-2004
Contract fieldworker, Traditional Arts Indiana,
summer 1993
Associate Instructor, Indiana University, 2001-2003
Team fieldworker, NEH-sponsored immigrant identity
project in Gary, Indiana, summer 2001
Teaching Assistant, Kansas University, 1996-1997
Foreign Languages:
Hungarian; some Spanish, French, and German
Selected Publications:
“FOLK FEET: Celebrating Traditional Dance in Brooklyn”. Educational pamphlet for
the FOLK FEET Traditional Dance Project sponsored by NEA and the Brooklyn Arts
Council; Co-author, Spring 2004.
The Piano Music of Zoltán Kodály: Its Nature and Characteristics, M.M. Thesis,
University of Kansas, 1997.
Elizabeth M. Szilágyi
Wellesley College
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Theoretical Chemistry
Affiliation in Hungary:
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Chemical Research Center, Department of Theoretical
1025 Budapest, Pusztaszeri út 59-67
Duration of Stay:
September 2004 - May 2005
Academic Background:
B.A., Wellesley College, 2004
Foreign Languages:
some Hungarian and Latin
E. M. Szilágyi, S. N. Gowda, J. H. Miwa.
Conformational Effects of Increased Hydrogen
Bonding on a-Hairpin. Poster, 225th American
Chemical Society National Meeting. New Orleans, LA,
USA. March 23-27, 2003.
Mary N. Taylor
Ph.D. Student
CUNY Graduate Center, N.Y.
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Student Full Grant
Field of Study:
Affiliation in Hungary:
Hungarian Heritage House
1011 Budapest Corvin tér 8
HAS-Institute of Ethnology
1014 Budapest, Országház u. 30
Duration of Stay:
September 2004-December 2004
Academic Background:
M.A., New School for Social United States of America
Research, 1998
B.A., University of Southern Colorado, 1992
Foreign Languages:
Hungarian, French, some Latin
Mary Bridget Gurry
Graduate Assistant/Graduate student
Department of Teacher Education
Miami University of Ohio
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Fulbright Grantee-Teaching Assistant
Education/English Language
Education; English language and literature
Affiliation in Hungary:
University of Szeged
Gyula Juhász Teachers Training College
Department of English
6725 Szeged
Hattyas sor 10.
Duration of Stay:
August 2004 - May 2005
Academic Background
M.A., Miami University of Ohio, expected May 2006
B.A., Northwestern University, 2003
Professional Background:
Graduate Assistant, Miami University, 2003-2004
Foreign Languages:
Spanish, French, Swedish (Conversational)
Selected Publications:
An anthology of Irish-American Women Writers (to be published)
Writing and Social Studies-A discussion (to be published in Review journal)
Chris Hayden
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Department of English
Oklahoma State University
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Fulbright Teaching Assistant
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Academic writing
Affiliation in Hungary:
Károli Gáspár University
Department of English Literatures and Cultures
Dept of English Linguistics
1461 Budapest,P. O. Box 75.
Fulbright Educational Advising Center
1146 Budapest
Ajtósi Dürer sor 19-21.
Duration of Stay:
September 2004 - June 2005
Academic Background:
M.A., Oklahoma State University, 2004
B.A., Thomas Edison State College, 2002
Professional Background:
Graduate Teaching Assistant, 2003-2004
Foreign Languages:
Mr. Gregory Deegan
Mr. Lucas Jacob
Ms. Maureen Mehrer
Ms. Kendra Mosier
Mr. James N. Murphy
Gregory G. Deegan
Social Studies Department
Beachwood High School
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
High School Teacher Exchange
Social Studies
World History; Philosophy
Affiliation in Hungary:
Deák Ferenc High School
József A. Sgt. 118-120.
6723 Szeged
Duration of Stay:
August 2004 - June 2005
Academic Background:
M.A., History, Bowling Green State University, 1995
B.S., Education, Bowling Green Stat University, 1995
B.A., Miami University (Oxford, Ohio), 1992
Professional Background:
Teacher, Beachwood High School, 1996-
Foreign Languages:
Selected Publications:
The Heart of Cleveland: Public Square in the 20th Century, Cleveland Landmarks Press, 1999
Cleveland Stadium: The Last Chapter, Cleveland Landmarks Press, 1997
“Receptive Congress, Resistant Executive: The Legislative Fight for Tribal Colleges in the
80s,” Tribal College: Journal of American Indian Higher Education (Volume IX), Summer
Lucas (Luke) Jacob
Upper School Teacher
Department of English
St. Stephen’s/ St. Agnes School, Alexandria, Virginia
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
High School Teacher Exchange
ESL, Writing, American Studies
Affiliation in Hungary:
Teleki Blanka High School
1146 Budapest
Ajtósi Dürer sor 37.
Duration of Stay:
September 2004 - June 2005
Academic Background:
M.A., Temple University, 1996
B.A., Carleton College, 1994
Professional Background:
English Teacher, St. Stephen’s/ St. Agnes School,
Alexandria, VA, 2001-present
English Teacher/ Dean of Students, Lancaster Country
Day School, Lancaster, PA, 1996-2001
Foreign Languages:
Spanish, some French
Selected Publications:
Poems in magazines including Willow Review, Anthology, Maelstrom, Potpourri
Winning poem/ Gival Press Tri-Language Poetry Prize, 2003
Fiction in the review Spitball
Maureen E. Mehrer
Teacher and Department Chair
English as a Second Language
Herndon Middle School
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
High School Teacher Exchange
English as a Second Language; Spanish
Affiliation in Hungary:
Batthyány Kázmér Grammar School
2310 Szigetszentmiklós
Csokonai utca 6-14.
Duration of Stay:
September 2004- June 2005
Academic Background:
M.Ed., George Washington University, 1996
B.A., University of Pittsburgh, 1990
Professional Background:
ESOL teacher/ Dept. Chair, Herndon Middle School,
ESOL teacher, Kenmore Middle School; 1996-2001.
ESOL teacher, Lincoln Multicultural Middle School;
EFL teacher, Kassai úti Általános Iskola; Szolnok,
Hungary: 1990-1992
Foreign Languages:
Spanish, Hungarian
Related work and recognition:
Peace Corps Volunteer: Hungary 1990-1992
Teacher of the Year; Kassai úti Általános Iskola: 1992
“Motivating Struggling Writers” presentation; WATESOL
Kendra R. Mosier
secondary teacher
English & Social Studies
Concord High School, Elkhart Indiana
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
High School Teacher Exchange
English & Social Studies
Affiliation in Hungary:
Sárospataki Református Kollégium Gimnáziuma
Rákóczi u.1
Sárospatak 3950
Duration of Stay:
August 2004 - June 2005
Academic Background:
B.A., Huntington College, 2000
Professional Background:
teacher, Concord High School, 2000-present
Foreign Languages:
Selected Publications:
James Murphy
High School English teacher
English Department
Essex High School, Essex Jct. Vermont
Date of Birth:
Grant category:
Teacher exchange
English Language
American and World Literature, Essay writing, poetry,
American History, Eastern religion
Affiliation in Hungary:
Teleki Blanka Gimnázium
7 Budai U. Székesfehérvár 8000, Hungary
Duration of stay:
August 2004-June, 2005
Academic Background:
Professional Background:
B.A. English University of Michigan, 1997, Secondary
Education teaching certificate, English and History,
University of Michigan, 1997
English teacher, Essex High School, 2000-2004
Foreign languages:
Dr. Haney Lynne
Ms. Felicia Rosu
Mr. James Ward
Sociology, New Century Scholar
History, Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation
Research Fellow
History, Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation
Research Fellow
Lynne Haney
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
New York University
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
New Century Scholar
Gender Studies and Feminist Theory; Comparative
Welfare States; Punishment and Social Control; East
European Studies; Ethnographic Research Methods
Affiliation in Hungary:
Rácsok Alapitvany
Duration of Stay:
July-August 2004; December 2004-January 2005; MayJune 2005
Academic Background:
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1997
M.A., University of California, Berkeley, 1992
B.A., University of California, San Diego 1990
Professional Background:
Associate Professor, New York University, 2003
Assistant Professor, New York University, 1997-2003
Foreign Languages:
Hungarian; Spanish
Selected Publications:
Families of a New World: Gender, Politics, and State Development in a Global Context.
Edited with Lisa Pollard. Routledge, 2003.
Inventing the Needy: Gender and the Politics of Welfare in Hungary. University of California
Press, 2002.
Global Ethnography: Forces, Connections, and Imaginations in a Postmodern World.
Michael Burawoy et al. University of California Press, 2000.