Portfolio of Services to Education tool kit 2015-16 For internal Youth Connexions staff only Contents Setting up a meeting and resources to take Page number 2 Prices (IAG and WRL) and discounts including: - Additional free services - Early sign up offer - Discount 2 4 5 5 Services for Key Stages: - KS3 - KS4 - KS5- new Staying on Track and Morrisby 5 6 6 Supporting evidence for selling IAG - Statutory duty - Ofsted - Pupil premium 7 7 7 Agreement form 7 Further information - Apprenticeship ambassadors - Investors in Careers - Additional skill building (outdoors, music etc) 8 8 9 Careers and work related learning pathway example Yr7-13 Guidance day calculator 10 11 & 12 Setting up a meeting Suggested people to invite: careers/youth connexions coordinator, key stage leads, SENCO, 6th form head, governor, person responsible for careers resources/info, WRL/WEX coordinator. Allow additional time to discuss the joint WRL and IAG offer. Resources to take: Portfolio of services to education brochure hard copy. On-line version: http://www.youthconnexions-hertfordshire.org/media/301408/Youth-ConnexionsPortfolio-of-Services-to-Education-2014.pdf IAG conference information: http://www.youthconnexionshertfordshire.org/partner-agency-resources/professional-development/events/ Yammer user guide: https://www.youthconnexions-hertfordshire.org/partneragency-resources/professional-development/yammer/ Partners guide to web site can be found on front page of partner agency resources area Education Services Team offer: http://www.youthconnexionshertfordshire.org/partner-agency-resources/support-and-contacts/educationservices-team/ Morrisby product sheet Staying on Track KS5 product sheet April 2014 Statutory Guidance: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/30 2422/Careers_Statutory_Guidance_-_9_April_2014.pdf Price list CWRL pathway, an example of how a school may use our services Agreement form Calculator Price and discounts (see full price list) Guidance days Guidance day rate= £180 when purchasing over 30 days Guidance day rate = £225 when purchasing under 30 days Therefore package rate will start at £5,400 for 30 days; £9,000 for 50 days; £12,600 for 70 days Partners wishing to buy additional days on top of a 30+ package can do so at a rate of £180. Prices for ESC’s and UTC’s = £180 guidance day rate. Work Experience Placements Standard block placements (sourced by YCH) £45 per pupil £45 own placement in county £60 own placement out of county Late charges for own placement forms received after agreed deadline: 2 £60 own placement in county £80 own placement out of county Bespoke placement (work experience linked to a qualification i.e. BTEC or diploma): £75 per pupil sourced by YCH, own placement or out of county £90 late charge per student, sourced by YCH, own placement in or out of county Extended work experience (available to young people at KS4 or KS5 working with an employer one or two days a week over a term or as long as a full academic year. Historically the programme has supported students struggling in school but can successfully be used to work alongside Post 16 coursework): £300 per pupil sourced by YCH £150 own placement in or out of county £75 cancellation charge (in or out of county, own or sourced by YCH) Note – employers in both Hertfordshire and Essex are available to all Hertfordshire schools at the above prices. Work Related Learning Mock interviews Preparation - £225 per day - guide 2-3 days preparation Optional delivery/attendance if required £225 per day / £150.00 per half day per member of staff Plus £5 per student Careers carousel - (whole year group - one employer per 3-4 students. Students spend 10 minutes with each employer then move to another) Preparation - £225 per day - guide 2-3 days preparation Optional delivery/attendance if required £225 per day / £150.00 per half day per member of staff Plus £5 per student Careers fair (can be multi-school or multi-year groups) Charge on a sliding scale depending on number of employer required/work involved. Minimum charge £1,500. Industry talks and presentations Preparation - £225 per day - guide 1-2 days preparation Optional delivery/attendance if required £225 per day / £150.00 per half day per member of staff Note - all venue/catering costs need to be covered by the school/college. How to calculate Base the numbers on this years figures or approximate numbers for the agreement form, exact figures to be confirmed nearer the delivery time. Adjustments to costs will be made at invoice, one month following work experience or WRL event. 3 IOSH stands for Institution of Occupational Safety and Health. All WEX staff have the IOSH qualification which ensures that WEX placements are health and safety checked in accordance with HCC guidelines. Link2+ is the employer database used to collate employer offers and for schools to use to ‘run’ their work experience programmes. WRL Selling points Bank of over 30,000 employers in Herts and Essex. Investors in careers, outcome 4: CEIAG programme includes finding out about and preparing for the work of work has the indicator 4.3: School offers a range of workrelated and enterprise learning experiences which are planned, managed and monitored. And, 4.5: Students’ learning is enhanced by direct contact with employers, work-based learning providers, FE providers and parents/carers. Page 4 of brochure; Ofsted’s national thematic review of careers guidance in September 2013 found that: ‘Schools did not work well enough with employers to provide their students with direct experience of the world of work, which would help to broaden students’ minds about possible future employment.’’ 42. ‘A short period of work experience is only one way of developing students’ understanding of the world of work and exposing them to a vast array of careers and jobs available today. Link to full document ‘Going in the right direction: http://www.thecdi.net/write/Going_in_the_right_direction_(Ofsted_Report).pdf The DfE’s statutory guidance (Careers inspiration and schools April 2014) https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/30 2422/Careers_Statutory_Guidance_-_9_April_2014.pdf refers to ‘More contact with real employers, enthusiastic and passionate about their own careers, not only inspires pupil but also challenges pre-conceived ideas about jobs. Having the opportunity to talk to people in those jobs and visit workplaces helps to build knowledge and understanding of the full range of careers available in a particular sector. This can help to broaden horizons, challenging stereotypical thinking about the kind of careers to which individuals might aspire.’ ‘Every school should engage fully with their local employer and professional community to ensure real-world connections with employers lie at the hear of the careers strategy. Different interventions will work for different schools and pupils, but it could mean in practice: o Mentoring and coaching o Speakers from the world of work in schools o Workplace visits and work experience placements o Work ‘taster’ events such as games and competitions o Careers fairs and career networking events o Help with basic career management skills like CV writing, CV building, job searches and job interviews Additional services included if purchasing over 30 guidance days 2 FREE places at the annual IAG conference (usual cost £125 per person) Dedicated IAG network access on Microsoft Yammer. Access to our password protected web area (youthconnexions-hertfordshire.org) for resources for tutors and students. 4 2 days support from the Education Services Team- Schools will receive an Education Services Team offer form which allows them to decide how to use the allocated 2 days of support with a choice from; curriculum and information review, curriculum support, information and resource support, Investors in Careers support, inset and courses. These days are not interchangeable with guidance days. The charges for additional days are £225 for whole day, £150 for half day. For more details about the offer and support contact Vicky Webster Vicky.webster@hertfordshire.gov.uk An information destination graphic for your school (details of school stats on a poster)- £150 if not purchasing our products. See example in the brochure (page 16) Special early sign up offer: packages confirmed and signed by 31st March 2015 receive an annual software subscription to New Kudos for free costing £485+VAT if bought directly from Cascaid. Spend £10,000 or more on our products and services (IAG and/or WRL not youth work products) and schools will save 10%! An incentive to encourage schools to purchase more guidance days and WRL products. What services will schools receive if they do not buy from YCH? The Youth Connexions LDD team will continue to support to the contribution of the ‘Preparing for Adulthood Transition Plan’ for Year 9 and Year 11 students with a statement of special educational needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan. The Local Authority will retain the client database and schools will still have to pass client information onto the Local Authority, currently this includes Academies. The Local Authority will still be responsible for acquiring destination data, i.e. Activity Survey and lost contacts. Services for Key Stages Group work All group work described in the brochure is linked to the ACEG (Association for careers education guidance) framework which is constructed around the 3 main areas of careers and work related learning: 1. Self development 2. Finding out about careers and the world of work 3. Skills for careers management and employability This framework is used when the Education Services Team complete the careers curriculum and information review in schools. More details can be found on the YCH web site- Context for information advice and guidance > Framework for careers education and work related learning. Click! Is a package of motivational group work sessions; they can be delivered as a set or individually. For further details go to the YCH web site: https://www.youthconnexionshertfordshire.org/staff-area/traded-services-groupwork/click/ KS3 (pages 6 & 7 in brochure) Statutory duty requires school to provide independent, impartial IAG from year 8. Highlight 1-2-1, group and WRL opportunities available 5 KS4 (pages 8-11 in brochure) Highlight 1-2-1, group and WRL opportunities available KS5 NEW! Staying on Track Product sheet: https://www.youthconnexions-hertfordshire.org/media/355591/KS5-offerto-Heads-of-6th.pdf The target audience is for those students in yr12/13 who are not sure that University is the right route for them. This group is often the minority within schools in Hertfordshire and therefore schools may not have the capacity to provide them with the level of priority support that they may need to choose a successful progression route. We suggest that this is likely to be a small group of between 5 and 10 students. More info here: https://www.youthconnexions-hertfordshire.org/staff-area/tradedservices-groupwork/staying-on-track-sixth-form-resources/ NEW! Morrisby psychometric testing is available, more information can be found here: http://www.morrisby.com/Pages/Public/Morrisby-Profile.aspx Prices start from £75.00 per person for the test and an explanation of results and from £90.00 per person for the test and a guidance interview to make better sense of the results. The minimum group size is 10 Morrisby offer an on-line version of the test. We are not offering on-line tests, however we are able to offer follow up guidance if required. (Note, staff involved in this guidance will need to be briefed on this by one of the Morrisby webinars – http://www.morrisby.com/training) Re-engagement programme (page 13 in brochure) Week 1: Moving Forward Where I am now? Where do I want to be, How am I going to get there? (Assessment and action planning) Who am I? (Skills and Qualities) What do employers want? Employer visits Week 2: The Local Landscape Which way do I go? I’d like to work in…..? College and training provider visits Week 3: Presenting yourself Making the application, The first stage to getting that job The next stage: Preparing for an interview Keeping that job Mock interviews with employers Week 4: Review and Reflect Reviewing your next steps Money matters Having some fun developing your employability skills The reengagement programme was initially designed for a small year 12 group, however is flexible and can be adapted to the needs and requirements of individual learning providers and groups of young people. 6 Supporting evidence for selling IAG Statutory duty Link to the document: ‘Careers guidance and inspiration in school. Statutory guidance for governing bodies, school leaders and school staff.’ https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/302422/C areers_Statutory_Guidance_-_9_April_2014.pdf Useful quote: ‘Schools should have a strategy for the advice and guidance they provide to young people. The strategy should be embedded within a clear framework linked to outcomes for pupils rather than an ad-hoc set of activities.’ Ofsted handbook July 2014 P 43, Para154 - Quality of leadership will be judged amongst other criteria on the extent to which the school has developed and implemented a strategy for ensuring that all pupils in Years 8 to 13 receive effective careers guidance the impact of this guidance in helping young people to make informed choices about their next steps how well the school meets the needs of all vulnerable groups of pupils, including reducing the numbers who do not continue to education, employment or training how well the school works with families to support them in overcoming the cultural obstacles that often stand in the way of the most able pupils from deprived backgrounds attending university Pupil premium Link to the pupil premium Ofsted report (How schools are spending the funding to maximise achievement) referred to in page 5 of the brochure: http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20141124154759/http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/res ources/pupil-premium-how-schools-are-spending-funding-successfully-maximiseachievement Examples of how Hertfordshire schools have used pupil premium: to purchase a developmental programme (using YCH group work sessions) for a group of boys. to fund some activities linked to the C&G programme e.g. a trip to Stansted Airport to see what career opportunities are there. Agreement form We suggest you do one or more examples to take in with you based on last years numbers. Once initial figure are agreed and the form signed please send to Audrey Ryan. Final work related learning activity numbers will need to be finalised later in the year and a final agreement form sent to Audrey Ryan so that adjustments can be made for the last invoice/biscuit of the year. 7 Further Information Apprenticeship ambassadors Contact: Lucy Coddington lucy.coddington@hertfordshire.gov.uk http://www.youthconnexions-hertfordshire.org/staff-area/practicesupport/apprenticeship-ambassadors/ The Ambassadors are able to demonstrate to young people, parents, teachers and employers the benefits and options that apprenticeships create, with the support of a Youth Connexions Adviser. Ambassadors will present to others “their story” and how they have benefited since becoming an apprentice. The audience will have the opportunity to ask the ambassadors questions about their choices and experiences. Examples of where the Apprenticeship ambassadors could support: Events (options events/evenings),Consortium or school Careers events, Work experience preparation, Work experience debrief/reflection, Parents evenings Targeted group work o Highlighted by School/Youth Connexions as needing further information o Potential yr 12 dropout or leavers o Post 18 alternative options o Disengaged young people o Subject specific – e.g. Business students, Vocational subject students etc Targeted 1:1 o Highlighted by School/Youth Connexions as benefiting from peer advice o Potential yr 12 dropout or leavers o Post 18 alternative option o Disengaged young people Investor in Careers www.investorincareers.org.uk http://www.youthconnexions-hertfordshire.org/partner-agency-resources/leading-andteaching-careers/investor-in-careers-award/ Youth Connexions are the sole provider for the award in Hertfordshire. Investor in Careers support can be provided to trading partners as part of the education services team offer, non trading partners can access support at a cost. What is it? A Quality Assurance Award for quality in Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) One of the first 5 such awards to gain ‘kitemark’ accreditation against the new national validation ‘Quality in Careers Standard’ (Recommended by Securing Independent Careers Guidance – A Practical Guide for Schools (DfE 2012) Who is it for? Mainstream, Independent, Special Schools, Academies, Key Stage 3 / 4 Centres, FE Colleges and Training Providers. Three stages of assessment Assessment by licence holder (Youth Connexions) – Stage 1 External Assessment - Stage 2 & 3 charged at £475 each. Development Plan Reassessment after 3 years Working towards the Investor in Careers award supports the learning provider by: 8 Raising the standard of the management and delivery of careers and work related education, information, advice and guidance Raising the profile of careers and work related education in the wider curriculum Improving outcomes for young people and facilitating successful transition from learning to work Supporting preparation for Ofsted Providing a framework for meeting statutory guidance requirements Additional skills building These services are available as a separate service to purchase. Contact details for more information: Herts Young Mariners Base (HYMB), Cuffley Camp and Hudnall Park Hertfordshire Snowdonia Centre http://www.youthconnexions-hertfordshire.org/youth-work/youthconnexions-outdoors/ UK Youth Parliament (UKYP) Contact Alex Ferguson email alex.ferguson@hertfordshire.gov.uk http://www.youthconnexions-hertfordshire.org/youth-work/young-peoplesdemocracy/hertsukyp/ Youth Connexions Studio One (music and media) Contact Simon Wright 01923 482828 email studio1@hertfordshire.gov.uk www.youthconnexions.org/youth-work/county-music-and-media-studio/ The Duke of Edinburgh's Award (DofE) Email dofe@hertfordshire.gov.uk www.youthconnexions.org/youth-work/duke-of-edinburgh-award-(dofe)/ 9 Careers and work related learning pathway Yr7-13 An example of how a school may use our services Year group Services Year 7 Group work- Click! Aspiration lesson Outcomes (linked to ACEG framework) A ↓ Year 8 ↓ Year 9 Year 10 ↓ Year 11 ↓ 6th form ↓ One to one guidance interviews Work shadowing Group work- Accessing and using careers information and support Employer visits Group work- Sexual health and relationships A, B & C B B One to one guidance interviews Group work- Work experience preparation Block work experience Group work- Work experience de-brief A, B & C B B B One to one guidance interviews Group work- Post-16 decisions and pathways Group work- Employer expectations Group work- Dealing with exam stress Group work- Applying for apprenticeships (with apprenticeship ambassador) Careers carousel A, B & C C C A B&C One to one guidance interviews Group work- Higher education and personal statements Group work- Exploring labour market information Mock interviews and CV workshop A, B & C C B A B B C Positive outcome; work, training, apprenticeship, college or university Colour key: One to one guidance Group work Work related learning ACEG framework key: Self development (A) Finding out about careers and the world of work (B) Developing skills for career management and employability (C) More details can be found on the YCH web site- Context for information advice and guidance > Framework for careers education and work related learning. N.B. This guide is only intended to be an example of services we can offer. Your Youth Connexions team manager/leader for your school will be able to explain the full offer. 10 Guidance days calculator The red figures can be changed to meet school needs and other figures will be calculated automatically Cohort Size Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Total 1-1 days Total 1-1 & Group work Example 1 Estimated Estimated cohort % days for needing group work 1-1 0.5 5 0.5 5 2 40 2 60 1 20 1 10 120 6 6 48 72 24 12 Cohort Size 1-1 days for cohort of 120 1 1 8 12 4 2 150 8 8 60 90 30 15 Cohort Size 1-1 days for cohort of 150 1.25 1.25 10 15 5 2.5 28 7 35 35 180 9 9 72 108 36 18 Cohort Size 1-1 days for cohort of 180 1.5 1.5 12 18 6 3 210 11 11 84 126 42 21 42 42 Cohort Size 1-1 days for cohort of 210 1.75 1.75 14 21 7 3.5 240 12 12 96 144 48 24 49 49 Cohort Size 1-1 days for cohort of 240 2 2 16 24 8 4 56 56 Year 8 School with average cohort size 180 per year Group work planned (days) Percentage 1-1 planned 1 5 Number of students 1-1 9 Number of days 1.5 Year 9 Year 10 1 1 10 50 18 90 3 15 Year 11 Year 12 2 1 75 50 135 90 22.5 15 Year 13 0 Group work days = 6 30 54 9 1-1 days = 66 Group work & 1-1 days =72 270 14 14 108 162 54 27 Cohort Size 1-1 days for cohort of 270 2.25 2.25 18 27 9 4.5 63 63 300 15 15 120 180 60 30 1-1 days for cohort of 300 2.5 2.5 20 30 10 5 70 70 77 Days by KS KS 3 = 2xgroupwork + 4.5x11days KS3 = 6.5 days KS 4 = 3xgroupwork + 37.5x11days KS4 = 40.5 days KS 5 = 1xgroupwork + 24x11days KS5 = 25 days Total Group work & 1-1 days =72 11 Example 2 Year 8 School with average cohort size 210 per year Group work planned (days) Percentage 1-1 planned 0.5 5 Number of students 1-1 11 Number of days 1.75 Year 9 Year 10 0.5 2 5 70 11 147 1.75 24.5 Year 11 Year 12 1 1 80 15 168 32 28 5.25 Year 13 0 Group work days = 6 5 11 1.75 1-1 days = 63 Days by KS KS 3 = 1xgroupwork + 3.5x11days KS3 = 4.5 days KS 4 = 3xgroupwork + 52.5x11days KS4 = 55.5 days KS 5 = 1xgroupwork + 7x11days KS5 = 8 days Total Group work & 1-1 days =68 Example 3 Year 8 School with average cohort size 150 per year Group work planned (days) Percentage 1-1 planned 0.5 5 Number of students 1-1 8 Number of days 1.25 Year 9 Year 10 0.5 2 5 40 8 60 1.25 10 Year 11 Year 12 2 1 60 20 90 30 15 5 Year 13 1 Group work days = 7 10 15 2.5 1-1 days = 35 Days by KS KS 3 = 1xgroupwork + 2.5x11days KS3 = 3.5 days KS 4 = 4xgroupwork + 25x11days KS4 = 29 days KS 5 = 2xgroupwork + 7.5x11days KS5 = 9.5 days Total Group work & 1-1 days =42 12