RURAL DEVELOPMENT FUND – Application Form 2016/17 Deadline – 12 midday on Monday 11 April 2016 You can apply for a grant online or download a digital copy (PDF) of the application form, and accompanying guidance notes, at Please read the guidance notes before completing this form. Please use black ink or typescript. IMPORTANT - APPLICATIONS MUST SHOW HOW THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY WILL HELP TO MEET THE KEY PRIORITIES FOR THE LOCALITY IN WHICH THE PROJECT IS TO TAKE PLACE. SECTION A – HEADLINE INFORMATION 1. Project title/activity 2. Name of group or organisation applying 3. Number of people living in the parish (where did you find this information from). 4. Amount of funding requested (maximum £10,000) See guidance note re; match funding requirements. 5. Purpose of group or organisation What are the main aims and activities of your organisation? 6. Project aim What is the main aim of your proposed project? 7. Target community Who will benefit from this project? 8. Contact details: Revised 2 November MG 1 Your name: Position within organisation: Address: Postcode: Telephone: E-mail: 9. Where will the project be based? If the project is delivered from a base, which is different from the organisation address or the address of the main contact, please provide the full address. Does the venue have full disabled access? – Yes / No SECTION B – PROJECT INFORMATION 10. Project need: What is the need or problem your project is trying to tackle? How has this need been identified? Who has been involved in developing the project? What options have been considered? How have you sought the views of potential beneficiaries? Revised 2 November MG 2 11. Project description: What do you intend to do to address the need identified above? What are your objectives? What activities will you undertake? Who will be responsible for delivering the project? 12. Contributing to the priorities of the Rugby Regeneration Strategy report - Achieving Social Inclusion in Rugby Borough’s Rural Areas. Please identify if / how your project will contribute to the objectives of the rural social inclusion report (see guidance note). Revised 2 November MG 3 13. Relationship to other projects, partnerships and services. How will your project fit in with any related projects or services? What other organisations will be involved in the project? 14. How will you know you have achieved your project aim? Please relate this to your answer in Question 5. 15. What benefits will your project achieve? How many people do you expect will benefit from your project? How many new volunteers do you hope to recruit through the project? BENEFIT TARGET Number of beneficiaries Number of new volunteers (if applicable) Others (please state): Are there any other benefits / added value that your project will achieve? Revised 2 November MG 4 16. Project timetable What is the planned timetable for the project, including, the expected start date, dates of key activities (such as purchase of key items, holding an event, all funding secured), and when the grant will be spent by? ACTIVITY DATE Project Start Project End: 17. Budget ITEM COST Please provide a simple breakdown of how the grant will be spent. Please attach estimates or other information where possible to justify costs and show value for money. For purchases / works – copies of 2 quotes must be provided. TOTAL: 18. Total cost of project Total cost of project: £____________________ What is the total cost of the project? You will be awarded a percentage of the total project cost. The percentage of grant that the council will contribute towards any project is based on the population of the parish to which the project relates (see guidance notes).The grant will not be released without evidence that there is match funding in place to cover the remaining costs. Revised 2 November MG Other funds applied for/secured (including amount): Funding Source (e.g. Lottery, own resources, etc) Amount (e.g. £5,000) Status (e.g. awaiting decision, confirmed) 5 19. Possible risks to the success of the project. What factors might delay the project or otherwise prevent you delivering your aims and objectives? (For example: failure to secure match funding; failure to recruit volunteers) How will you minimise these risks? 20. Sustainability of the project What do you expect to happen once you have spent your grant? How will your project provide lasting benefit to your local area or group? How do you plan to obtain any additional funding required to sustain the project? SECTION C – YOUR ORGANISATION 21. Status of your organisation Please explain the status of your organisation. (For example: independent voluntary organisation, registered charity, company limited by guarantee, affiliated to national association). 22. How many people are currently involved in your organisation? Management committee Other volunteers NB. This question will help us to get an understanding of the different types of organisations that benefit from this fund. Paid staff Service-users Other members Revised 2 November MG 6 23. Does your organisation have? A copy of your organisation’s constitution and audited balance sheet / profit and loss and details of any financial reserves and their intended use must be submitted with your completed application IMPORTANT – If your grant application is successful you may be required to submit copies of the additional documents. If it transpires that you are unable to produce these documents we may consider this to be an attempt to secure funding by fraudulent means and further appropriate action will be taken. All successful applicants will need to have minimum £5million Public Liability Insurance in place or be able to put it in place before implementing the project. You will be unable to draw down your grant without submitting proof of appropriate insurance cover. If you do not have a constitution and audited accounts, your grant will need to be administered by an established organisation, to whom the grant will be paid on your behalf. 24. Are there any important items / events likely to affect the current financial position of your organisation? Has your organisation got a Constitution? Yes No Has your organisation got recently audited accounts Yes No Does your organisation hold each of the following documents? Health and Safety Policy Yes No Equalities Policy Yes No Child Protection Policy Yes No Appropriate insurances Yes No Please specify the level of insurance cover (amounts and type) Date insurance cover expires Name & address of administering organisation (if applicable): YES / NO Detail and impact: If ‘yes’ please provide more detail, including the likely impact Revised 2 November MG 7 25. If your application is successful, how will you publicise the support given by Rugby Borough Council in helping you with your project? 26. Additional information Please use this section should you wish to provide additional information that may assist in your application. Please use a separate sheet if you need to. 27. Signature of main contact person As detailed in Question 7. 28. Date 29. How did you find out about this grant fund? Please return the completed application form and supporting documents to the Housing and Community Development Team, Rugby Borough Council, Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, CV21 2RR or email by 12 midday on Monday 11 April 2016. If you have any queries please contact the council on (01788) 533533 or e-mail: Data Protection Act – the information contained on this form will be held by the council and will be subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act. The Act requires the council to safeguard this information and the use made of it. The information given on this form may also be used for data matching exercises to assist in the prevention and detection of fraud and corruption. Revised 2 November MG 8