Stat 5605 Biometry 1 Syllabus - Scholar

Syllabus, Stat 5605, Biometry 1, Fall 2006
CRN 94957
Section STAT 5605 Biometry I
Golde I.
of Statistics
Phone 231-8356
Website (for
sylllabus, schedule, assignments, lecture notes)
Lecture Hutheson 204, Mon, Wed, Fri, 1:25-2:15
Office 210-B Hutcheson Hall, Mon, Wed, Thu 2:30-3:30 (a VT
Hours LGBTA Safezone)
Online Stat 5605 Question/Discussion Board (for questions
about statistics, homework, grades, software, anything nonBoard
e-mail (only for personal question, e.g., about your
grade specifically)
Text Zar, Jerrold H. (1999). Biostatistical Analysis, 4th ed. Prentice
(required) Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. (ISBN 0-13-081542-X)
Software (Free)
JMP, Version 6, a stand alone point-and-click product of SAS, Inc. It will be licensed (soon) for cost-free use
by VT faculty and students. In the meantime, you can download a trial copy for one month from
Class materials are available via electronic reserve (e-reserve)
STAT 5605 Homepage is the entryway to all materials. It can be acceessed by the U.R.L. or from the Virginia Tech homepage by
clicking on "Libraries," then "e-reserve," and following the directions.
STAT 5605 Schedule is a calendar of lectures, homework assignments, and tests. Check it often for changes.
STAT 5605 Grades will be posted on the web after each grade is issued. Please check your grades often.
Understanding the basis of descriptive and inferential methods applied in the biological sciences.
Descriptive statistics: variables and observations, empirical distribution, bar chart, stem and leaf, histogram,
box-and-whiskers, location (mean, median, mode), dispersion (range, variance, standard deviation, interquartile range), shape (modality, skewness), five-number summary. Probability: probability distributions
(Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, Normal). Inference: estimation & confidence intervals, significance/hypothesis
testing, one-way ANOVA, simple linear regression, and categorical data analysis as time permits.
In 5606 we will cover Experimental design, nested and factorial analysis of variance, multiple regression and
correlation, and multivariate analysis as time permits.
20% homework (drop two lowest, assignments will be made in class and listed in the schedule)
10% Test 1
20% Test 2
20% Test 3
30% Final Exam, tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, Dec 12, 2006, 3:25 pm-5:25 pm, Hutch 204
A student with conflicting final examinations, or with more than two officially scheduled final examinations in
twenty-four hours may reschedule an examination with permission sought by the student from the student's
college dean No later than 3 weeks prior to the start of Final Examinations and by arrangement with the
appropriate instructor. No fee will be charged.
Homework may be discussed among students, but you
must work alone on the final product alone, and the work
you hand in must be solely your own. Accuracy and
neatness count. You will learn the material by doing the
homework. Feel free to ask any question about the
homework before you hand it in. Please use 8.5x11 inch
paper for all assignments, and please staple multiple pages.
Late homework will not be accepted, regardless of
circumstances. See explanation under Class Conduct.
Each student ought to have a pocket calculator capable of
performing elementary statistical functions for use on
homework, quizzes, tests, and the final examination. Any
calculator that has a  (Greek letter sigma, for summation)
key is probably capable of performing the basic functions (mean and standard deviation). Bring to all class
meetings. (If you have a TI calculator you can get help at URL, or phone 1-800-TI-CARES for free, friendly
Class Conduct and Attendance Policy
Woody Allen says that "80% of success is showing up." Student attendance will not be
counted directly as part of the grade, but, of course, attendance counts indirectly, as the
lecture is the central component of the course. Homework might be announced only one
lecture before it is due. Late homework will not be accepted regardless of circumstances.
To allow for illnesses, emergencies, requirements of other classes, assignment-eating dogs,
etc., the two homeworks that most hurt your grade will be dropped. Makeup tests will be
given only under special circumstances, and by prior arrangement. Conduct is to comply
with the honor system code.
A schedule of topics to be covered in lecture, reading assignments, written assignments, and tests is currently
under construction in e-reserve.