Certified Product Procedural Guide - National Air Filtration Association

Approved Version 1
April 10, 2000
With revisions Aug, 2000
Second Revision February 2001
National Air Filtration Association
PO Box 68639
Virginia Beach, VA 23471
NAFA Product Certification
Procedural Guide
Approved Version 1
Table of Contents
Title, Purpose and Scope - Basis of Participation
Page 3
Abbreviations and Definitions
Page 4-6
Reported Testing Criteria
Procurement Procedure
Page 7
Page 7-8
Testing Procedure
Test Standard
Certification Timetable
Page 8
Page 8
Page 9
Filters in Compliance
Filters Out Of Compliance
Page 9
Page 10-11
Testing of Filter Types
Page 11-12
NAFA Product Certification Symbol
NAFA Product Certification Symbol Advertising
NAFA Product Certification Certificate
Page 12
Page 13
Page 13
Page 13-14
NAFA Administrative Agency
Page 14
Challenge to Certified Values
Challenge Confirmed – Not Confirmed
Participant Refusal to Comply
Page 14-15
Page 15-16
Page 16
NAFA Product Certification Forms and Documents
Page 17
Participation Request for NAFA Product Certification
Participant Product Release Form
Chain of Custody
Product Description Form
Compliance Challenge Submittal Form
NAFA Certificate of Certification
Page 18
Page 19
Page 20
Page 21
Page 22
Page 23
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NAFA Product Certification
Procedural Guide
Approved Version 1
Title , Purpose, and Scope
Title: NAFA Product Certification Program
To provide on-going certification of performance claims made by air filter
To develop a database of test results that provides performance data to the end user.
All media-style air filtration products used in general ventilation heating, ventilating and
air conditioning (HVAC) systems.
Basis of Participation
The NPC will be a voluntary program with voluntary participation by air filter Participants
for the purpose of certifying that their air filter devices submitted under this program meet
the published criteria and performance levels as stated by the Participant and submitted for
certification on the NAFA’s Product Specification Form.
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Abbreviations and Definitions
Media Area - designated effective filtration area of media given in square feet.
Arithmetic symbol is “A”
Standard Cubic Feet Per Minute (scfm) – volumetric rate of flow of air at standard
conditions (dry air at 70 F and 14.696 psia (20C and 101.325 kPa). Under these
conditions, air has a mass density of 0.075 lb/ft3 . Arithmetic symbol is “Q”
Certify/Certification – to give credibility to a technology as meeting a standard or
performance criteria.
Certification Certificate – a certificate issued to a specific end-user or other designee,
requested by the filter Participant. This document will be the only official hard copy
document and will bear the NAFA Seal cut into the paper along with the name of the client
for whom it was requested. This document will be mailed directly to the client along with
a copy to the filter Participant.
Challenge Procedure – a specific protocol for the challenging of test results published or
filtration performance otherwise represented by a Participant.
Efficiency (Particle Size Efficiency - PSE) – quantifiable term used to measure the ability
of a filter to remove particles from an air stream per Section 10 of ASHRAE 52.2. Results
are reported in a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) and a Particle size vs.
Efficiency Chart as shown in Figure 11-1c in the ASHRAE 52.2 Standard.
NAFA Product Certification Participant - A company that assembles air filter devices
from products of a filter manufacturer.
Feet Per Minute – (fpm) measurement of air delivery by flow. Arithmetic symbol is “V”
Filter Manufacturer - A company that produces filter media or component from raw
goods, i.e. fibers, metal, etc.
In Compliance – description of a tested filter that falls within NAFA Product Certification
testing specifications. This filter will be listed on the NAFA Website and will have a
NAFA Certification Symbol.
NAFA Product Certification Administrative Agency (CAA) – designated agency that
handles all of the administrative affairs of the NAFA Product Certification Program.
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NAFA Product Certification Administrative Board – a group of individuals from the
membership of NAFA composed of three (3) media manufacturers (not filter Participants),
one (1) Associate Council appointee, one (1) Professional member, and two (2) Active
members along with one (1) Administrative Agency Representative. Associate appointee is
an annual rotation. Other terms to initially be 1, 2 or 3 years (depending on number) for
rotation with terms renewable for three years. The NAFA CAB shall oversee the
administration of the program along with the testing protocol, review problems and
concerns from the user and Participant community, handle complaints, and administer noncompliance issues. NAFA CAB picks their own chairperson. NAFA CAB members must
sign a confidentiality agreement as to discussions and results.
NAFA Product Certification Database - a computer database of filter test results
maintained at the NAFA Headquarters. The name of the Participant, model of the filter,
and type (general description) will be listed on the NAFA Webpage along with the four (4)
reporting criteria listed in Section 7.
NAFA Product Certification Symbol – symbol used to denote product has completed
and passed NAFA certification procedures.
NAFA Product Certification Testing Criteria - a set testing criteria to which filters will
be tested. These include criteria from ASHRAE Standard 52.2 along with NAFA required
test criteria
NAFA Testing Laboratory – an independent laboratory designated by NAFA as one
approved to perform NAFA Product Certification testing.
.5.17 NAFA Website – electronic website maintained by NAFA listing certified products by
company and type.
Non-statistical Random Sample – term identifying the selection from Participant
warehouse stock of a sample number of filters for testing.
Out-of-Compliance – description of a tested filter that falls outside Participant claims as
submitted for NAFA Product Certification.
Participant – any business or organization that is participating in the NAFA Product
Certification Program. A filter fabricator.
Procurement Agency – company designated to do a non-statistical random sample
procurement of filter(s) from the filter Participant for testing.
Product Specification Form – form describing product submitted for NAFA Product
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Published: Specifications and performance criteria which is printed, advertised or in
electronic format.
Weight Gain – Loading Dust Weight Gain (weight gain):
The total of the loading dust weight gains for all dust increments performed during a
complete ASHRAE 52.2-1999 test. The synthetic dust weight gain for each dust increment
is determined as the weight of the dust fed (as specified in section of ASHRAE
52.2-1999 minus the weight of the synthetic dust passing the air cleaning device, as
determined in accordance with sections 11.3.2 through 11.3.14 of ASHARE 52.1-1992.
Determine the ASHRAE loading dusting weight gain of an air filter, by defining
additional test procedures and observations to be made during a 52.2 test.
None of the additional procedures may conflict with the requirements of 52.2. The test
must be a complete test in accordance with 52.2, with additional procedures and
observations reported.
Perform the Test Program for Dust Loading and Particle Size Efficiency in accordance
with section 10.7 of 52.2, with the following additional steps described below. Establish
the test parameters and dust increments according to section 10.7.1 of 52.2.
For each dust increment:
1. Weight the final filter to the nearest 0.1 gram (52.1 : 11.2.1)
2. Proceed with the Dust Loading procedure as specified in through of
52.2. While performing step of 52.2, also brush dust remaining in the feeder
tray into the aspirator, as required in section 11.3.7 of 52.1.
3. Stop the air flow and remove the final filter in accordance with of 52.1,
also collecting and weighing the test dust remaining in the duct, as specified in section
11.3.12 and 11.3.13 of 52.1.
4. Add the weight of the dust collected between the test device and the final filter to the
weight increase of the final filter to establish the amount of synthetic dust passing the
device during the feed period, as specified in 11.3.14 of 52.1.
5. Calculate the weight gain for the increment as the weight of the dust fed minus the sum
of the weight increase of the final filter and the weight of dust collected between the
device and the final filter.
Calculate the weight gain of the filter as the sum of the weight gains for all of the dust
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Procedural Guide
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Reported Testing Criteria
Airflow rates for tests conducted for MERV reporting purposes shall be at the upper limit
of the test air cleaner’s application range (as claimed in Participant’s data sheet). Also,
they shall be calculated by first selecting one of the following face velocities in m/s (fpm)
and then multiplying by the air cleaner’s face area in m2 (ft2).
Velocity m/s (fpm):
0.60 (118)
1.25 (246)
1.50 (295)
1.90 (374)
2.50 (492)
3.20 (630)
3.80 (748)
Tests will be done at the upper limits of filter participants claims in Data Sheets ( per 52.2)
Initial Pressure Drop – given in inches of water and Pascals
Final Pressure Drop – given in inches of water and Pascals
Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) – at the given flow rate - given as a
numerical value determined by ASHRAE 52.2 specifications
Weight Gain – given in grams using ASHRAE Synthetic Test Dust per definition in 5.24
& Weight Gain will be a reported value only.
All filters with a MERV of 5 through 8 will be run to a final pressure drop of 0.6 inch w.g.
All filters with a MERV of 9 through 12 will be run to a final pressure drop of 1-inch w.g.
All filters with a MERV of 13 through 16 will be run to a final pressure drop of 1.4 inch
Reserved for Future Use
Procurement procedure
The Procurement Agency will advise the Participant that they wish to come and select a
case of filters from a warehouse of filters for the NAFA Product Certification process. The
agency shall give the Participant the size that will be selected and the Participant shall
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Procedural Guide
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confirm an adequate stock of size with a minimum quantity to assure a non-statistical
random sample and the Participant shall provide the date the product was fabricated.
8.1.1 For filters with an MERV of 5 – 8, there shall be at least 500 filters in the random sample
8.1.2 For filters with an MERV >8, there shall be at least 50 filters in the random sample stock.
If there is a question as to the MERV rating, reference may be made to the ASHRAE 52.2
draft document table showing anticipated crossover values to ASHRAE 52.1 test numbers.
The Procurement Agency shall give the Participant no more than two hours notice before
arrival to procure the test filter(s).
Upon arrival agency representative and Participant representative will immediately go to
warehouse and select a case(s) of filters by size and type.
A material release sheet and the chain of custody sheet shall be completed and the agency
representative shall return to their office to send the case via (best way) to the NAFA
Testing Laboratory. The ship ticket shall contain the chain of custody documentation.
Agency personnel should keep one copy and send one copy along with material release
document(s) to the Certification Administrative Agency.
Testing procedure
Upon arrival at the NAFA Testing Laboratory, the testing technician shall date and initial
the case and shall randomly select one filter from the case. This filter will be checked to
assure no damage by shipment and the laboratory designee shall confirm that all necessary
paperwork has been completed. This paperwork shall be copied and forwarded to the
NAFA Certification Administrative Agency.
The filter will be labeled with the initials of the designee (Technician) along with the date
received. Remaining filters will be secured and stored until testing of the selected filter is
completed and certified.
Test Standard
Filter testing will be done using the removal efficiency by particle size method (minimum
efficiency method) as detailed in ASHRAE 52.2 along with the inclusion of weight gain as
designed in section 5.24.
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Procedural Guide
Approved Version 1
Certification Timetable
Year One
11.1.1 The NAFA certification timetable will allow each Participant registering to participate in
the program to submit an application to the NAFA Certification Administrative Agency for
the number of filters they wish tested. If the total number of filters requested is within the
ability of the NAFA Testing Laboratory’s capacity, all applicants filters will be tested
(without regard to model or type). If applicant requests exceed the capacity of the NAFA
Testing Laboratory, the NAFA Certification Administrative Agency will decide the
number of filters to be tested and will prorate between the applicants with each applicant
designating which model of filters they wished to be tested in the first year.
Succeeding Years
11.2.1 Each year, Participants will submit an application for filters to be tested. It is anticipated
that the NAFA Designated Laboratory would be able to complete testing on all filters
during succeeding years. If this is not possible, the NAFA Certification Administrative
Agency will perform the same procedure of prorating as outlined above.
Ongoing Re-certification
11.3.1 All Certified filters will be re-tested on a random basis and at least every 24 months at a
NAFA Testing Laboratory
All laboratories must be approved by the NAFA Certification Administrative Board. All
testing information must be submitted to the NAFA Certification Administrative Agency.
Filter In Compliance
Filters submitted for certification shall be tested by the NAFA Testing Laboratory
according to the NAFA Product Certification Testing Criteria. If the filter performs to the
specifications designated by the Participant’s data and with the approval of the Participant
of same, the filter will be issued a NAFA Product Certification Symbol and the filter
model(s) and four (4) test criteria will be listed on the NAFA Product Certification
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Weight Gain will not be a condition of compliance, only a reported value, unless filter
participant publishes a weight gain value in printed data.
Filters Out of Compliance
Filters submitted for initial testing or selected by the NAFA non-statistical random
selection for testing and found to be out of compliance will be handled in the following
The filter Participant shall be notified by the NAFA Product Certification Administrative
Agency of the test results and provided copies of testing information. The filter Participant
shall be given the opportunity to evaluate their raw materials, components and the
fabrication process.
Within 5 working days, the Participant will discuss with the NAFA Testing Laboratory
personnel the nature of the failure and corrective measures that must be taken (if any) to
bring the filter into compliance. Conference information shall be documented and shall
become part of the testing file. This information will be transmitted to the NAFA Product
Certification Administrative Agency.
Within 90 calendar days, a second filter will be randomly selected for retest. A
procurement and testing fee will be assessed for this service. If this filter fails the test, the
Participant will be notified by the NAFA Product Certification Administrative Agency that
their filter is out of compliance and the use of the NAFA Product Certification Symbol will
be suspended. Suspended means they can not obtain a NAFA Product Certification
Certificate until the product is back into compliance.
Within 45 calendar days, the Participant, the NAFA Product Certification Administrative
Agency and the NAFA Testing Laboratory will work to correct the deficiency and a third
filter will be randomly tested. A procurement and testing fee will be assessed for this
If the third filter fails to pass the test, the Participant will be notified by the NAFA Product
Administrative Agency and the license to use the NAFA Certification Symbol will be
revoked. The NAFA Product Certification Administrative Board will receive notification.
The filter registration will be shown as delisted on the NAFA Website for a period of 6
months or until the filter is reclassified. The NAFA Product Certification Symbol must be
removed from the product (or physically marked out on the product). Distribution of any
material – printed or electronic – with reference to the NAFA Certified Product that has
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Procedural Guide
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failed three tests, will cease. The Participant must reapply for NAFA Product Certification
for this product as if it were a new applicant.
At anytime during the certification testing, compliance challenge or retesting process, the
Participant may withdraw the reference and published performance data about the filter
and adjust data to reflect new test data.
Any product that is reclassified shall be so noted on Website.
Testing of Types (Models) of Filters
Panel Filters:
To obtain NAFA Product Certification a flat panel filter commonly referred to as fiberglass
panels, are tested at the manufacturers advertised velocity (normally 300 fpm for a 1”
panel). Polyester panels shall be tested at ASHRAE 52.2 velocities or the manufacturer’s
listed upper limit velocity, whichever is higher. NAFA Product Certification of filters will
be listed by manufacturers’ model reference. (For example, a fiberglass panel with a
certain style of backing will allow the NAFA Product Symbol to be placed on all fiberglass
panels with that style of backing of exactly the same Model Number and construction and
fabrication – size being the only difference). Other filter sizes may be evaluated using the
same calculated media/velocity ratio.
To obtain NAFA Product Certification a pleated panel filter shall be tested at a velocity
listed in the NAFA Guide to Air Filtration, page 4.7 or the manufacturers advertised upper
limit velocity, whichever is greater. NAFA Product Certification of filters will be listed by
manufacturers’ model reference. (For example, testing of a high capacity pleat will allow
the NAFA Product Certification Symbol to be placed on all high capacity pleats of exactly
the same Model Number and construction and fabrication – size being the only difference).
Other filter sizes may be evaluated using the same corresponding media/velocity ratio.
Extended Surface Filters:
To obtain NAFA Product Certification an extended surface (pocket or bag filter) shall be
tested at the velocity listed in the NAFA Guide to Air Filtration, page 4.7 or the
manufacturers advertised upper limit velocity, whichever is greater. (For example, testing
of an extended surface filter will allow the NAFA Product Certification Symbol to be
placed on all extended surface filters of exactly the same Model Number and construction
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and fabrication – size being the only difference). Other filter sizes may be evaluated using
the same corresponding media/velocity ratio.
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ASHRAE Box-type Filters:
To obtain NAFA Product Certification an ASHRAE box-type filter shall be tested at the
velocity listed in the NAFA Guide to Air Filtration, page 4.7 or the manufacturers
advertised upper limit velocity, whichever is greater. (For example, testing of an ASHRAE
box-type filter will allow the NAFA Product Certification Symbol to be placed on all
extended surface filters of exactly the same Model Number and construction and
fabrication – size being the only difference). Other filter sizes may be evaluated using the
same corresponding media/velocity ratio.
Other Filter Types:
15.5.1 To obtain NAFA Product Certification, “Other” style filters shall be tested at the velocity
listed in the NAFA Guide to Air Filtration, page 4.7 or the manufacturers advertised upper
limit velocity, whichever is greater. Certification of one style of “other” types of filters
may not necessarily allow the NAFA Product Certification Symbol to be placed on “other”
products of the same construction and fabrication – size being the only difference. See
Any Participant receiving license to use the NAFA Product Certification Symbol must
have the review and approval of the NAFA Product Certification Administrative Board.
When there is a question as to flow rate used for testing, Participant published data, or
results of testing, the NAFA Product Certification Administrative Board shall resolve the
issue based upon; 1) NAFA Guide to Air Filtration or 2) ASHRAE Standards 52.2 or 3)
accepted industry standards and practices. All matters not resolved by the NAFA Product
Certification Administrative Board shall be referred to the NAFA Board of Directors for
final resolution.
The NAFA Product Certification Symbol
When issued, the NAFA symbol maybe displayed on the following;
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Advertising Literature
Advertisements in newspapers and print media and electronic media
On each filter and filter carton
Listed on Company website
NAFA Product Certification Certificate
Upon certification of a filter for the first time or upon recertification, Participants will be
given a NAFA Certification Certificate and test report showing results of the complete
ASHRAE 52.2 test results including the four (4) criteria as designated by this Guide in
Section 6 as part of the NAFA Product Certification process.
The Participant may request additional Certification Certificates be sent to an end-user or
other designee. The NAFA Product Certification Certificate will consist of;
The test document addressed to the specific designee of the Participant
Complete test data including the four (4) criteria as designated by NAFA in Section 6.
The NAFA Product Certification Symbol embossed into the document.
Examples of when this document would be used but are not limited to:
Architectural specifications
Mechanical contractor specifications
End-user requests
Public or private bid specifications
Fee for any special requested NAFA Product Certification Certificates will be set by the
NAFA Product Certification Administrative Board.
NAFA Product Certification Funding
Administrative Fee
The administrative fee for funding the NPC program will be $ 2,500.00 per Participant, per
year. This fee will include all of the costs for administration, webpage support,
advertising and promotional, and all other incidental expenses.
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Fees for non-NAFA Members shall be $ 5,000.00 per year.
Testing & Procurement Fee
Fee for testing will be $ 1,250.00 per filter plus $ 400.00 per filter procurement fee for a
total of $ 1,650.00 per filter tested.
Fees for non-NAFA Members shall be $ 2,500.00 and $800.00 respectively.
All fees are determined by the yearly budget of fees set by the NAFA Board of Directors
and may from time to time be adjusted to reflect changes in program costs, CPI
adjustments, etc.
The NAFA Product Certification Administrative Agency will be ITS, Inc., 3933 US Route
11, Cortland, New York, 13045. Duties of the NAFA Certification Administrative Agency
are detailed in Addendum A of this Guide.
The NAFA Certification Administrative Agency will work in conjunction with the NAFA
Product Certification Administrative Board. The Administrative Board will report directly
to the NAFA Board of Directors.
Challenge to Certified Values:
In the event that a Participant in good standing desires to submit a “Challenge of NonCompliance” the following procedure will be used by NAFA Participants in the challenge
of a members products to their published/certified values, which have been submitted and
certified by the NAFA Product Certification Program.
Challenges made to a Participants Certified product can only be made by another
participant with a certified product in the same MERV ranges (1-4; 5-8; 9-12; 13-16) or
product in the same “Type” category as listed in the NPC document.
The Participant who is making the Challenge (challenger) must complete the Non-compliance
challenge submittal form along with the following support documentation:
Copies of the published certified values being challenged
Test data or other supporting documentation to claim of non-compliance
Advance payment of testing and product selection - $ 2,000.00.
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All documentation shall be sent to the NAFA Certification Administrative Agency. The
NAFA Certification Administrative Agency will make copies of the challenge and
distribute them to the NAFA Product Certification Administrative Board for review and
place the challenge fee in escrow. All challenges will be reviewed for:
After review, the NAFA Product Certification Administrative Board will – within 15 days
- A.) affirm the challenge and notify the Challengee, and send all documents to the
designated NAFA Designated Testing Laboratory for testing, B.) contact the Challenger to
request clarification or further information regarding the challenge, or C.) contact the
Challenger and deny the challenge. Any NAFA Product Certification Administrative
Board member who is associated with the Challenger or Challengee company in any way
will abstain from comment or vote on the challenge.
Challenge Confirmed (Filter Fails to Meet Participant Listed Specifications)
If the NAFA Product Certification Administrative Board agrees that a possible noncompliance issue is valid, notification of the challenge is sent to the Challengee. The
Challengee must – within 5 days – either accept the challenge or resubmit their product for
testing to new specifications. If accepted, the process of testing begins as outlined in
regular certification. In the event that the challengee would agree with the challenger and
the nature of the challenge, or the filter tests out of compliance, the challengee must
immediately agree to cease using the NAFA Product Certification Symbol for the product
in question. The NAFA Certification Administrative Agency will inform the NAFA
Certification Administrative Board and will show the product certification as suspended or
removed on the NAFA website. The Challengee firm will be billed for all costs related to
the challenge. The $2,000.00 will be returned to the challenger.
Challenge Not Confirmed (Filter Performs to Participant Listed Specifications)
If the challengee wishes to maintain its certified values are correct, the NAFA Testing
Laboratory will continue with their certification procedure. The NAFA Testing Laboratory
will test the product and inform the NAFA Product Certification Administrative Agency of
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the results. Should the product meet the challenge the challenger will pay for all cost
associated with the process. This includes but is not limited to;
The NAFA Product Certification Administrative Board will be notified that the challenge
has been sustained and the issue is completed.
Participants Refusal to Comply
If either the Challenger or the Challengee refuses to accept the determination of the
compliance status of the challenged product or otherwise refuse to comply with challenge
procedure, the issues will be submitted to the NAFA Product Certification Administrative
Board for resolution. If either the Challengee or the Challenger refuse to accept the final
ruling of the NAFA Product Certification Administrative Board, their participation in the
NAFA Product Certification program will be considered terminated. Their products and
company will be delisted on the NAFA website, and they must cease using the NAFA
Product Certification Symbol on products or for promotion.
Confidentiality Agreement
See Attachment – Confidentiality Agreement
Participation Agreement
See Attachment - Participation Agreement
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Procedural Guide
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Filter Participant Request for NAFA Certification
Filter Participant Product Release
Chain of Custody Form
General Product Components and Product Description Form
Compliance Challenge Submittal Form
Sample NAFA Certificate
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Filter Participant Request for NAFA Product Certification
________________________________________(Participant) request that the following products
be submitted for testing and certification according to the NAFA Product Certification Program.
We understand that limitations may be imposed upon the total number of filters tested in any
given year based upon the capacity of the NAFA Testing Laboratory and will abide by this
limitation if necessary.
Product Type/Model to be Submitted:
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Procedural Guide
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National Air Filtration Association
Product Certification Program
Participant Statement of Product Release
As authorized below, I am releasing the product described below for inclusion in the National Air Filtration
Association’s Product Certification Program.
Product Name
& Date
Type & Model
Having released the product described to:
Agent Name:
Agency Name:
Product selected by agent was chosen at random from regular inventory stock of at least the minimum quantity of
filters as designated by the NAFA Product Certification Program Procedural Guide and of the same type and size as
shown above.
I further attest that this case was removed from the premises immediately after selection.
Participant Name:
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National Air Filtration Association
Product certification program
Chain of Custody
Product procurement
I Attest that the product secured from _____________________________________, on
_______________________(date) @ ___________________(time) was selected at random from an inventory stock
of at least the minimum quantity of filters as designated in the NAFA Product Certification Program Procedural Guide
and of the same type and size as the product selected.
Further, I verify that the product selected at the time and location shown above did not leave my possession since
selection until ship Via______________________ to the destination requested by NAFA Administrative Agency.
Attached to this verification statement is the shipper documentation and or tracking numbers along with a copy of the
signed Participant statement of release:
Agent Name
Company Name
Signature of Agent
Shipping Carrier Name
NAFA Laboratory
Receiving Agent
Name and Signature
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NAFA Product Certification
Products Components List
Manufacture Name
Contact Person
Product Name
Product Type/Model
– SQ./FT.
(as published)
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Procedural Guide
Approved Version 1
National Air Filtration Association
Product certification program
Our Company is a Participant in good standing with NAFA. It is our opinion the product described below is not in
compliance with the currently published certified values from the NAFA Product Certification Program.
The Participant of the product being challenged is named below along with our specific challenge. Supporting
documentation for the basis of this challenge is attached for review.
Participant Name:
Type of Product:
Model Number:
Challenged Values of Product:
We submit this information and request that a challenge test be performed as described in the NAFA Product
Certification Program Procedural Guide.
We further agree to post the attached check for the fee associated with the challenge procedure, and that if the product
we are challenging meets the published values that said monies are forfeited and will pay any additional fee associated
with this challenge.
Further it is agree that the information in this procedure will be held in confidence until a final determination by the
NAFA Certification Administrative Agency. Further, I attest that I have the authority of company listed to enter this
challenge and authorize the payment of fees.
Authorized Signature:____________________________ Date:_________________
Print Name:
Challengor Company Name: ______________________________________________________
Copies of Published certified value(s) being challenged
Data in Supporting Challenge
Advance Payment of certification Process
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NAFA Procedural Guide
Final Draft for Board Review
September 25, 1999
National Air Filtration Association
Certified Product
Filter Model Number
Is registered with the National Air Filtration Association
as a NAFA Certified Product
Initial P___Final P____MERV____Weight Gain ___
NAFA Certified Product
Administrative Agency
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Not valid without raised seal