LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Date: 2/19/2010 Lesson Topic: Understanding Natural Disasters Grade Level(s): 7 8 9 Course: Intro. III (Imeression) Textbook: Realidades II Time Required: 80 minute period Targeted Standards-based Objective(s): (What will students be able to do as a result of this lesson that they could not do before in terms of their language, culture, etc.?) 1) Students will discuss and write about natural disasters using unit vocabulary and appropriately use at least 7 of those vocabulary words. 2) Students will write about natural disasters using preterit, imperfect and unit vocabulary with 80% accuracy 3) Students will compare and contrast about when to use preterit and imperfect using question and answer format with 100% accuracy. Communicative Context for the Lesson: 1) 2) 3) 4) Topic (from core curriculum): Natural Disasters Communicative Function(s): Discussing, summarizing, writing, listening Cultural Context: 1985 Earthquake in Mexico Text Type: DVD Cover of the Movie made about 1985 movie Targeted Grammatical Structure(s): Preterit and Imperfect Targeted Vocabulary: Huracán, terremoto, tornado, tormenta, volcán, inundación, incendio. Materials Needed: Vocab cards Timer Preterit/imperfect sheet Bubble Wrap DVD Cover Natural Disaster manipulatives Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2010 ♦ Dr. Cherice Montgomery ♦ cherice_montgomery@byu.edu LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Date: 2/19/2010 Lesson Topic: Understanding Natural Disasters Grade Level(s): 7 8 9 Course: Intro. III (Imeression) Textbook: Realidades II Time Required: 80 minute period INSTRUCCIONES Grupo 1 Miren la foto del DVD que se llama, “Tragico Terremoto en Mexico.” Después de mirar a la foto, escriben un “plot” para la película. ¿De que se trata la película? - ¿Qué pasa? - ¿Quiénes son los personajes principales? ¿Cómo se llaman? - ¿Hay una historia de romance en la pelicula? Cuando terminan, entreguen sus “plots” en la canasta. Grupo 2 ¡Charades! ¡Van a jugar charades con el vocabulario! Tomen turnos actuando las palabras en las tarjetas. Cuando es tu turno, no puedes hablar. Solo puedes actuar. Grupo 3 Divídanse en grupos de 2. Miren a la lista de “Triggers” para el imperfecto y el pretérito. Tomen turnos diciendo un “trigger” Tu compañero va a decir si el “trigger” es imperfecto o pretérito. Si adivinan bien, pueden reventar (pop) una burbuja. ¡La persona que reventa más burbujas gana! Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2010 ♦ Dr. Cherice Montgomery ♦ cherice_montgomery@byu.edu LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Date: 2/19/2010 Lesson Topic: Understanding Natural Disasters Grade Level(s): 7 8 9 Course: Intro. III (Imeression) Textbook: Realidades II Time Required: 80 minute period Grupo 4 Taller de Escritura (Writer’s Workshop) Un grupos de dos, comparten sus “outlines” Tienes que dar 2 consejos/sugerencias a tu compañero ¿Que pueden cambiar, clarificar o añadir? Cuando tú y tu compañero terminan, continúa compartiendo con otras personas. Grupo 5 Group 5 will be with me. I will have various experiments for the students to try that simulate different Natural Disasters. We will discuss how the simulations relate to the disasters and then the students will write about the science of the disasters, how they start. Closure Ask and discuss what was learned in each station. Reflect on the effectiveness of each activity. Homework Redo Storyline, adding, clarifying or changing according to suggestions given in Writers Workshop. Assessment/Evaluation: (Provide feedback, info. re: progress toward lesson objective, next steps) Informal Assessment(s): Observation of vocabulary usage through group discussion in group 5. Observation in general. Formal Assessment(s): Read through the plots and provide feedback. Adaptations: The assignments are designed to accommodate each level of learner. All activities are in groups which allows language learners to collaborate with the other students. They are also all activities that are not bound to one level. You can take each one and take it to whatever level you need. Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2010 ♦ Dr. Cherice Montgomery ♦ cherice_montgomery@byu.edu LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Date: 2/19/2010 Lesson Topic: Understanding Natural Disasters Grade Level(s): 7 8 9 Course: Intro. III (Imeression) Textbook: Realidades II Time Required: 80 minute period Back-up/Sponge Activities: Conjugation Subject Ball. Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2010 ♦ Dr. Cherice Montgomery ♦ cherice_montgomery@byu.edu