DR. –ING. HARYANTI SAMEKTO Tel: +607-453 7717 Email: haryanti@uthm.edu.my Dr. –Ing. Haryanti Samekto is a contract lecturer and she joined Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia in 2006. She obtained her PhD in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Stuttgart, Germany, her Master in Mechanical Engineering and her Bachelor in Metallurgical Engineering from The University of Indonesia. She had experience in research and teaching in higher education for almost 15 years. Her research interests are metals processing technology, tool and die design of metal forming and mechanical metallurgy which include modeling and simulation as well as experimental studies. To date, she has conducted research under various research grants, as project leader, in forming and springback simulation of advanced high strength steel, design and prototyping of high wear resistance metal on metal artificial joints, and process simulation of superplastic forming for Titanium and Aluminium alloys. Her teaching subject is mechanical engineering design and tool & die technology. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Haryanti Samekto, Nurdin Ali, Mohd Imran Ghazali (2009). Surface characteristics of Nitrogen ion implanted pure Titanium at different energy beam and doses, Proceeding of ASEAN-India Annual Conference on Surface Engineering, 1-3 December 2009, Indonesian Institute of Science, Bandung-Indonesia. Haryanti Samekto, Caroline Tanyifung (2009), Finite element micro mechanical modeling of the plasticity of dual phase steel, Proceeding of the international conference on Quality in Research 2009, 3-6 August 2009, The University of Indonesia, Jakarta-Indonesia. M Nizam Katimon, Haryanti Samekto, Mustafa Yusof (2008). Optimisation of Deep Drawing Process Parameters using FE Simulation, Proceeding of Malaysian Technical University Conference on Engieering and Technology, 15-16 March 2008, UNIMAP, Perlis-Malaysia. Haryanti Samekto (2007). Explicit and implicit time integration in the finite element modeling of metal forming process, Journal Ilmiah Mesin Universitas Trisakti Vol. 9, No. 4, September 2007. Haryanti Samekto, Darwin Sebayang, Sulaiman Hassan (2007). Integrated approach in materials and engineering design, Proceeding of Aeeseap Regional Symposium 2007, February 14th, 2007, Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia. Haryanti Samekto (2005). Finite elemente simulation des superplastischen umformprozesses für aluminiumlegierung 5083, DGM Informationsgesselschaft., ISBN 3-88355-348-4. Dr. Ing. Haryanti Samekto PhD (The University of Stuttgart, Germany) haryanti@uthm.edu.my Specialization and Research Interest Metals Processing Technology Tool And Die Design of Metal Forming Mechanical Metallurgy