lesson planning template

PHED Lesson Plan
Teacher Education Candidate
__Caitlin McGunn________
Block No. _1_
Supervising Teacher
Subject: _Environmental
UWG Supervisor
_Rosalind Duplechain___
Grade Level: __1st grade__
Teaching Skills Focus for This Lesson:
Stage 1 The Desired Results
Specific Learning Objective(s)
NHES 8: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for
personal, family, and community health.
NHES 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health
enhancing behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks.
The student will be able to demonstrate the difference between recyclable
and non-recyclable materials with a class poster.
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Assessment Instrument
(Ex. Test, Poster, Presentation,
Picture, etc.)
Recycle flash card poster
Recycle Worksheet
Evaluation (Grading) Instrument
(Ex. Point System, Rubric,
Checklist, etc.)
Stage 3 Learning Plans
Recycling book, 3 R’s Poster, magazines, pencils, yarn, recycle worksheet
Sequence of Teacher Actions
*The teacher will ask the students if they recycle at home or know
anything about recycling. Then explain to the students the meaning of the
3 R’s. (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
*The teacher will then read the recycling book to the students. The Three
*Tie to Previous Learning
*Significant Actions to Introduce
and Guide Lesson
R’s: Reuse, Reduce, Recycle by Nuria Roca
*The teacher will tell the students that they are going to go through
items that can be recycled and ones that cannot be recycled. The
students will be shown the flash cards and put them on the poster
under the correct category. (recycle vs. don’t recycle)
Sequence of Student Actions
*Explain How Students Are
Engaged During Lesson
* Explain How Students Discuss
or Present Results of What
They Did During the Lesson
Teacher’s Lesson Closure/WrapUp/Transition
Adaptations for Exceptional
Students (Anyone who requires
modifications for their needs)
Related Activities/Extensions
(What can students do who need
more than is in the lesson? Should
be related to lesson.)
Connections to Other Disciplines
*The students will be engaged during the flash cards and poster
activity and students will volunteer to give the answers to show that
they understand.
*The students will then work on the recycle worksheet and write a
sentence about how they will recycle at home.
*The students will then make their “catalog necklaces”.
After the students have completed their necklaces and they are
letting them dry, some students can share their recycle worksheets
and tell how they will recycle at home. Students can also share their
necklaces when they are dry.
Students who need extra help can be helped by a student who has
finished or work one-on-one with the teacher to understand the
Students who have finished early can write more sentences about
what they can recycle and they can also make another necklace for a
family member if they have extra time.
Fine Arts, Writing, Reading
Books related to recycling:
 The Three R’s: Reuse, Reduce, Recycle by Nuria Roca
 The Adventures of a Plastic Bottle by Alison Inches
 Don’t Throw That Away! by Lara Bergen
Teacher Website:
--http://42explore.com/recycle.htm : The Topic: Recycle, Reduce, Reuse
--http://www.theteachersguide.com/Recyclinglessonplans.htm : Recycling Lesson Plans
Student Website:
--http://www.kidsplanet.org/ : Kids Planet
--http://www.captainplanetfdn.org/index.html : Captain Planet Foundation
--http://www.recyclezone.org.uk/ : Recycle Zone
Resources for Materials: