THESIS THE TRANSLATION OF THE PREPOSITION “ON” IN A NOVEL HARRY POTTER AND THE PHILOSOPHER’S STONE BY J. K. ROWLING This thesis is presented as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for Graduate Degree of Education in English Education Study Program. NAME NIM : EKO SUWARNO : 0511201335 THE FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION WIDYA DHARMA UNIVERSITY KLATEN 2006 2 PROPOSAL A. The Background of the Study People who are keen about reading novel as a hobby are familiar with a novel Harry Potter because this novel is well known around the world. The novel Harry Potter was written by Joanne Kathleen Rowling or it is often abbreviated to be J. K. Rowling. She lives in Edinburgh together with her daughter, Jessica. As a single parent she led a hard life to grow up her daughter. The beginning of writing a novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone happened when she wrote a story on small sheets of paper in a local café in Edinburgh, and at that time there was a person who was interested in her story and that person suggested her finishing it. That person regarded that the story of Harry Potter on small sheets of paper is a brilliant work. After she finished writing her work entitled Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, she published it in Bloomsburry, London in 1997 and at the same time she also got a copyright for her work. The novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is the first novel which was written by J. K. Rowling and then her novel got a great attention from novel readers and Harry Potter was one of the favourite novels. It was proved that Rowling got Awards from British Book Awards and Smarties Prizes. In writing this novel, Rowling used a classic narrative devices and delivered it with a complex and demanding plot in the form of hugely entertaining thriller besides that this story is also full of joke. In Indonesia the novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was translated into Indonesian by Listiana Srisanti to be Harry Potter dan Batu 3 Bertuah. This novel was published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama and its first launching was in September 2000. In Indonesia Harry Potter dan Batu Berutah also gets a great attention from novel readers. It is because the story in that novel is really interesting besides that the translator in this case, Srisanti, is successful in transferring the message from English as the source language into Indonesian as the target language. It is proved that this novel is printed by Gramedia fifteen times in four years. It is amazing. In translating preposition “on” into Indonesian, Srisanti translated it into various equivalences. It makes the writer interested in doing this research about the preposition “on”. 1. The examples of preposition “on” in literal meaning: a. When Dudley had been put to bed, he went into the living room in time to catch the last report on the evening news. (Rowling, 1997: 10) = Ketika Dudley sudah ditidurkan, Mr dursley ke ruang keluarga untuk mendengarkan kabar terakhir dalam berita malam. (Srisanti, 2004: 13) b. A wild-looking woman dressed all in green had waved merrily at him once on a bus. (Rowling, 1997: 27) = Seorang wanita tua bertampang liar dan berdandan serba-hijau melambaikan dengan riang kepadanya dari bus. (Srisanti, 2004: 42) c. In danger being speared on the end of an umbrella by a bearded giant, Uncle Vernon’s courage failed again; he flattened himself against the wall and fell silent. (Rowling, 1997: 46) 4 = Menghadapi bahaya di tombak dengan ujung payung, keberanian paman Vernon melempem lagi. Dia merapatkan diri ke dinding dan diam. (Srisanti, 2004: 75) d. It was on the corner of the street that he noticed the first sign of something peculiar – a cat reading a map. (Rowling, 1997: 8) = Di sudut jalanlah pertama kalinya diamenyadari adanya sesuatu yang aneh – seekor kucing membaca peta. (Srisanti, 2004: 9) e. Dudley’s gang had been chasing him as usual when, as much to Harry’s surprise as anyone else’s, there he was sitting on the chimney.(Rowling,1997:23) = Seperti biasa gang Dudlley mengejar-ngejarnya, dan Harry sama kagetnya dengan yang lain ketika tiba-tiba saja dia sudah duduk di atas cerobong asap. (Srisanti, 2004: 36) 2. The examples of preposition “on” in idiomatic meaning. a. His eyes fell on a huddle of these weirdos standing quite close by. (Rowling, 199: 8) = Matanya menatap rombongan orang yang aneh yang berdiri cukup dekat. (Srisanti, 2004: 9) b. On the contrary, his face split into a wide smile and he said in a squeaky voice that made passers-by by stare: “Don’t be sorry, my dear Sir, for nothing could upset me today! (Rowling, 1997: 9) = Sebaliknya, dia malah nyengir lebar dan berkata dengan suara melengkingyang membuat orang-arang yang lewat menoleh, “Jangan minta 5 maaf, Sir, karena tak ada yang bisa membuaku marah hari ini! (Srisanti, 2004: 12) c. Yes, yes, it’s all very sad, but get a grip on yourself, Hagrid, or we’ll be found,’ Professor Mc Gonagall whispered, patting Hagrid gingerly on the arm as Dombledore stepped over the low garden wall and walked to the front door. (Rowling, 1997: 17) = “Ya, ya, memang sangat menyedihkan, tetapi kendalikan dirimu, Hagrid. Kalau tidak, kita bisa ketahuan,” bisik Profesor Mc Gonagallsambil membelai-belai kengan Hagrid dengan amat hati-hati, sementara Dumbledoremelangkahi tembok halaman yang rendah dan berjalan ke pintu depan. (Srisanti, 2004: 25) d. Too tired to talk much, they pulled on their pajamas and fell into bed. (Rowling, 1997: 97) = Sudah terlalu lelah untuk mengobrol, mereka memakai piyama dan langsung rebah di tempat tidur. (Srisanti, 2004: 162) e. On the other hand, he’d got into terrible trouble for being found on the roof of the school kitchen. (Rowling: 1997, 23) = Tetapi sebaliknya, dia mendapat kesulitan besar gara-gara ditemukan di atap dapur sekolah. (Srisanti, 2004: 36) From the examples above, it can be concluded that preposition ‘on’ has a lot of equivalences when it is translated into Indonesian so it makes the writer interested in doing this study. 6 B. The Reason of Choosing the Topic Actually, there are three main reasons why the writer chooses this topic. They are as follows: 1. The preposition “on” in a novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone has a lot of equivalences when it is translated into Indonesian by Srisanti. 2. Preposition is a part of speech which has a function to connect a noun or pronoun to another word, usually a noun, verb, or adjective so it needs more comprehension to translate it from English into Indonesian or vice versa. 3. In this novel, there are two main constructions of preposition ‘on’ namely: in idiomatic meaning and in literal meaning in which they can influence the result of translation. C. The Problem of the Study From the examples on the Background of the Study, the writer realizes that a preposition has an important role in translation either from English into Indonesian or from Indonesian into English. In this study, he does a research about the translation from English into Indonesia in which his translation research is limited to the preposition “on”, which is translated into various equivalences and then at that time the question which will be verified are: 1. How is the preposition “on” translated into Indonesian? 2. In what condition is the preposition “on” translated into Indonesian with different equivalence? 3. When is the preposition “on” translated with literal or idiomatic meaning? 7 D. The Limitation of the Study In this research, the writer limits his analysis on the translation of the preposition “on” in a novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J. K. Rowling which was translated into Indonesian by Srisanti. E. The Aims of the Study In doing this research, the writer has three aims. They are as follows: 1. To know how the preposition “on” is translated into Indonesian. 2. To know in what condition the preposition “on” is translated into Indonesian with different equivalence. 3. To know when the preposition “on” is translated into Indonesian with literal meaning and to know when it is translated into Indonesian with idiomatic meaning. F. The Uses of the Study It is hoped that this thesis will be useful for readers: 1. To know more about the definition of translation, types of translation, types of meaning, process of translation, and kinds of equivalences. 2. To know how the construction of preposition “on” grammatically in which it can influence the results of translation. 3. To know how preposition “on” is translated into Indonesian with different meaning. 8 G. The Clarification of the Key Terms In this research, the writer will give the explanation of the key terms of the title: 1. Translation Sutopo and Chandraningrum (2001:1) on their book Translation give some definitions of translation from different linguists. Some of them are Catford, Nida, and Mc Guire. Their definitions are as follows: a. Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). (Catford, 1996: 20) b. Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in term of meaning and secondly in term of style. (Nida, 1969: 12) c. Translation is the rendering of a source language (SL) text into the target language (TL) so as to ensure that (1) the surface meaning of the two will be approximately similar and (2) the structures of the SL will be preserved as closely as possible but not so closely that the TL structure will be seriously distorted. (Mc Guire, 1980: 2) From three definition above, equivalence, SL text (message) and replacement are three important elements in translation. In this study, translation is a craft which is used to replace a written message Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone from English by the same message into Indonesian. 2. Preposition ‘on’ According to Frank (Frank, 1972: 171) in Modern English: A Practical Reference Guide, he stated that the preposition has the function of connecting a noun or pronoun to another word, usually a noun, verb, or adjective. Echols and Shadily (1993: 404-405) in Kamus Inggris Indonesia, preposition “on” has twelve meanings in Indonesia. They are di atas, di, pada, mengenai, atas, tentang, dengan, dalam, untuk, demi, di sebelah, and akan. In this study, preposition ‘on’ is used to classify the data based on the meaning in which the construction of preposition can influence the meaning. a. … last report on the evening news. (Rowling, 1997: 10) = … kabar terakhir dalam berita malam. (Srisanti, 2004: 13) b. … they pulled on their pajamas…. (Rowling, 1997: 97) = … mereka memakai piyama ... (Srisanti, 2004: 162) H. The Organization of the Study In this thesis there are five chapters. They are Introduction, Review of the Related Literature, the Method of the Study, the Result of the Study, and the last is Conclusion and Suggestion. Chapter I, Introduction, consists of the Background of the Study, the Reason of Choosing the Topic, the Problem of the Study, the Limitation of the Study, the Aims of the Study, the Uses of the Study, the Clarification of the Key Terms and the last of this chapter is the Organization of the Study. Chapter II, Review of Related the Literature, consists of a Brief Look at the Theories of Translation and a Brief Look at the Theories of Preposition “on”. The theories of translation consist of Types of Translation, Types of Meaning, and Kinds of Equivalences. On the other hand, the theories of preposition ‘on’ consist of Meanings of Preposition ‘on’, Function of Preposition, Forms of Preposition ‘on’ combination. Chapter III, the Method of the Study, consists of the Method Used in this Research, the Data and the Source of Data, and the Method of Analyzing the Data. Chapter IV is the Result of the Study. This chapter is divided into two main parts; they are the translation of preposition ‘on’ in literal and the translation of preposition 'on' in idiomatic meaning. Chapter V is Conclusion and Suggestion.