
Учебно-методическое пособие
Практическая грамматика английского языка. Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов 1-2 курсов
лингвистических специальностей
Шевченко М.Ю.
Пособие составлено в соответствии с Государственным образовательным стандартом и включает
задания и упражнения для самостоятельной контролируемой работы студентов по курсу практической
грамматики английского языка.
Предназначено для студентов 1 – 2 курсов, обучающихся по специальностям 022600 – Теория и
методика преподавания иностранных языков и культур, 030100 – Информатика с дополнительной
специальностью 022600 – Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков и культур.
Section I. THE NOUN…………………………………………………………5
Section II. THE ARTICLE……………………………………………………8
Section III. THE ADJECTIVE……………………………………………….20
Section IV. THE PRONOUN…………………………………………………24
Section V. THE NUMERAL………………………………………….………33
Section VI. THE ADVERB …………………………………………………...34
Section VII. THE VERB………………………………………………………37
The Use of Tenses in the Active Voice …………………………………..38
The Use of Tenses in the Passive Voice………………………………….44
Modal Verbs………………………………………………………………49
The Subjunctive Mood……………………………………………………58
The Sequence of Tenses and Reported Speech…………………………..66
The Participle …………………………………………………………………..73
The Gerund …………………………………………………………………….75
The Infinitive …………………………………………………………………...82
Section IX. STRUCTURAL PARTS OF SPEECH…………………………..93
Section X. COMPREHENSION ………………………………………………98
Recommended Literature……………………………………………………….110
Список используемой литературы………………………………………….110
Предлагаемое пособие подготовлено на основе программы курса
«Практическая грамматика английского языка», разработанной кафедрой
английского языка СГУ в соответствии с Государственным образовательным
стандартом и предназначено для самостоятельной контролируемой работы
студентов 1-2 курсов специальностей «Теория и методика преподавания
иностранных языков и культур» и «Информатика, теория и методика
преподавания иностранных языков и культур».
Целью данного пособия является формирование навыков употребления
грамматических норм английского языка для исключения типичных ошибок,
препятствующих осуществлению эффективной межкультурной коммуникации.
Пособие состоит из предисловия,
10 разделов, соответствующих
тематике курса, которые включают в себя задания для самоподготовки и
различные грамматические упражнения, для тренировки того или иного
грамматического явления. Каждый часть завершает задание для самоконтроля
в виде теста множественного выбора с ключами. В разделе предлагаются
упражнения на повторение всей темы в целом. Последовательность упражнений
соответствует последовательности изложения грамматического материала.
Количество упражнений и заданий для самоконтроля по каждой теме
определяется как объемом самой темы, так и степенью трудности ее усвоения
Языковым материалом для упражнений служат предложения и отрывки,
взятые как из классической, так и современной англо-американской
литературы, обеспечивающие тренировку и закрепление основных
грамматических правил и норм английского языка.
Виды упражнений определяются характером грамматического материала,
подлежащего тренировке. Особое внимание уделено упражнениям, содержащим
примеры для анализа и объяснения употребления грамматических явлений, что
позволяет одновременно решить несколько методических задач.
Десятый раздел пособия включает комплексные тесты, диагностирующие
общий уровень владения студентами грамматическими нормами современного
английского языка. Кроме того, пособие содержит список литературы,
рекомендуемой студентам и библиографию.
Работу над пособием можно осуществлять как под руководством
преподавателя, так и самостоятельно. Упражнения аналитического характера
(проанализировать формы, условия их употребления и т.д.) и тренировочные
упражнения раскрыть скобки, употребить часть речи в соответствующей форме
и др.) могут быть выполнены письменно и проверены в процессе занятия с
Практической и теоретической основой данного пособия является
учебник “A Grammar of the English Language”, В.П. Каушанская и др.
Section I. THE NOUN
Preparatory activities.
Review the following:
1) Define the subject of the English Grammar. What do Morphology and Syntax study?
2) What is the difference between notional and structural parts of speech? Name all the notional
parts of speech and structural ones.
3) Give the definition of the Noun. Name its morphological categories.
4) What do you know about the morphological composition of English nouns?
5) Which nouns are called simple; derivative or compound? Give examples.
6) Which syntactic functions can the Noun perform in the sentence? Give examples.
7) Say, if there is the category of gender of English nouns.
8) What is the general formula of building the plural? Comment on the spelling rules.
9) What other ways of forming the plural do you know?
10) Revise the rules of building the plural of Latin or Greek borrowings compound nouns.
11) Which nouns have only the plural form?
12) Which nouns have only the singular form?
13) Speak on the classification of English nouns. Which nouns are called proper; class; collective;
abstract and nouns of material?
14) What do you know about the category of case?
15) How is the possessive case formed?
16) Speak on the restriction in the use of Genitive and Possessive forms.
17) Comment on the meaning of the genitive (possessive) case of English nouns; the Dependent and
Absolute Genitive (Possessive)
Exercise 1. State the morphological composition of the following nouns and the class they belong
Snow, sandstone, impossibility, widower, opinion, exclamation, passer-by, misunderstanding,
inactivity, snowball, kingdom, anti-cyclone, mother-of-pearl, immobility, might, warmth,
succession, ex-president, nurse, misdeed, wisdom, blackbird, attention, policeman, merry-go-round,
girlhood, usefulness, fortune, friendship, statesman, brother-in-law, population, fellow-boarder,
Exercise 2. State the syntactical function of the underlined nouns and define the class each
belongs to.
1. His hair was grey and he was short and fat. 2. Pursuing his inquiries, Clennam found that
the Gowan family were a very distant ramification of the Barnacles... 3. His face was sick with pain
and rage. 4. He drank coffee, letting the warmth go through his cold, tired body. 5. The mysteries
of storm and the rain and tide were revealed. 6. Having set the tea, she stood by the table and said
slowly: "Tea's ready, Father. I'm going to London. " 7. By this time, quite a small crowd had
collected, and people were asking each other what was the matter. 8. There were several small
losses: a spoon used for the baby's feeding, a pair of scissors. 9. He was professor of physics. 10.
A band of dark clouds lay across the sky, and underneath it was the last pale brilliance of the
evening. 11. "I have some luggage, " he said, "at the Brumblehurst Station, " and he asked her how
he could have it. 12. In the kitchen Bowen read the telegram aloud. 13. The crowd laughed and
moved, pushing every way and everybody. 14. De Witt fished through his pockets, found his
eyeglasses, carefully slipped them out of their case. 15. A stone caught her heel. 16. George
suggested meat and fruit pies, cold meat, tomatoes, fruit and green stuff. 17. The silver-coloured
carpet felt wonderfully soft beneath his feet, the furniture was of a golden wood. 18. The major
seemed to be looking out at the sky. 19. The moon was shining through the tree stems when they sat
again side by side on the log seat. 20. He looked down at his audience.
Exercise 3. Give the plural of the following nouns.
Face, portfolio, swine, house, tomato, hearth, mother-in-law, basis, clergyman, ox, cry, key,
fox, downfall, looker-on, rock, bush, enemy, leaf, roof, genius, hero, bunch, sheep, ship, criterion,
youth, journey, penknife, man-of-war, loss, datum, goose, deer, pie, Englishwoman, wolf, mouse,
formula, bath, volcano, possibility, forget-me-not, foot, handkerchief, thief, crisis, stepdaughter,
birth, echo, finger-tip, court martial, joy, mischief-maker, extremity, spy, lie.
Exercise 4. Use the appropriate form of the verb.
1. "There ____ money in my pocket," I said to the porter. (is, are) 2. I know my hair ____
beautiful, everybody says so. (is, are) 3. The works ____ his country, his home, his reason for being.
(was, were) 4. These white swine ____ not live. (does, do) 5. Means ____ easily found. (was, were)
6. ...this watch ____ a special favourite with Mr. Pick wick, having been carried about... for a
greater number of years than we feel called upon to state, at present. (was, were) 7. "Good," I said.
"No one shall tell me again that fish ____ no sense with them." (has, have) 8. The deer ____
ravaging the man's fields. (was, were) 9. Money ____ so scarce that it could fairly be said not to
exist at all. (was, were) 10. I was here before the gates ____ opened, but I was afraid to come
straight to you. (was, were) 11. The papers ____ dull, the news ____ local and stale, and the war
news ___ all old. (was, were) 12. At Capracotta, he had told me, there ____ trout in the stream
below the town. (was, were) 13. The sugar-tongs ____ too wide for one of her hands, and she had to
use both in wielding them. (was, were) 14. Her hair ____ loose and half-falling, and she wore a
nurse's dress. (was, were) 15. And the baggage ____ apparatus and appliances. (contain, contains)
16. The china ____ good, of a delicate pattern. (was, were) 17. The nurse's wages ____ good. (was,
Exercise 5. Explain the use of the possessive case.
1. For four months, since in the canteen she saw Jon's tired smile, he had been one long
thought in her mind. 2. Agnes was at her wit's end. 3. Since his illness, however, he had reluctantly
abandoned this attempt to get twenty-four hours' work out of each day. 4. The Radicals' real
supporters were the urban classes. 5. To Elizabeth it seemed that the lines with which fear had
falsely aged his face were smoothed away, and it was a boy's face which watched her with a boy's
enthusiasm. 6. For his honour’s sake Tom has got to commit suicide. 7. They were to leave the
house without an instant's delay and go at once to the river's edge and go aboard a steamer that
would be waiting there for them. 8. And he lifted his strange lowering eyes to Derek's. 9. I was
encouraged when, after Roger had proposed the guest of honour’s health, Lufkin got up to reply.
10. "Where are the children?" "I sent them to mother's." 11. Philip heard a man's voice talking
quickly, but soothingly, over the phone. 12. Presently Rex was on his two miles' walk to Offendene.
13. That early morning he had already done a good two hours' work. 14. Bowen sat on the veranda
of Buckmaster's house. 15. Crime is the product of a country's social order. 16. I spotted the
bride's father's uncle's silk hat on the seat of a straight chair across the room. 17. I spent Christmas
at my aunt Emily's. 18. We took some bread and cheese with us and got some goat's milk up there
on the pasture. 19. He was still thinking of next morning's papers. 20. Why, for God's sake, why
must we go through all this hell? 21. A man stepped out from a tobacconist's and waved to them,
and the car slid to the kerb and stopped. 22. A woman's love is not worth anything until it has been
cleaned of all romanticism. 23. Her skin was as dry as a child's with fever.
Exercise 6. Join the 2 or 3 nouns using the Genitive (or Possessive) Case form.
1. the mother / Ann; 2. the daughter / Charles; 3. the birthday / my father; 4. the newspaper
/ yesterday; 5. the new manager / the company; 6. the garden / our neighbours; 7. the economic
policy / the government; 8. the ground floor / the building; 9. the husband / the woman talking to
Mary; 10. that man / the wife / the fur coat; 11. the owner / that car; 12. the result / the football
match; 13. the jacket / that man; 14. the children / Don and Mary; 15. the top / the page; 16. the
husband / Catherine; 17. the cause / the problem; 18. the wedding / the friend / Helen; 19. the toys /
the children; 20. the car / the parents / Mike.
Exercise 7. Translate into English, using a noun in the genitive case where possible.
1. Давид провел две недели в Лондоне у дедушки, 2. Уезжая в Лондон, мальчик ничего
не знал о предполагаемом (intended) браке своей матери. 3. В этом озере много разной рыбы.
4. После путешествия, которое длилось несколько часов, Джейн с Давидом прибыли в
Лондон. 5. « Я дам вам один совет», - сказал он. Эти слова прозвучали странно: он никогда
раньше не давал мне советов. 6. Я предпочитаю мебель, сделанную из дерева, а не из
пластмассы. 7. Приближаясь к дому мистера Смита, Давид увидел детскую фигурку,
стоявшую на пороге. 8. Вся корабельная команда отправляется сегодня на берег. 9. Мы
должны зайти в булочную и купить хлеба. 10. Дядя Джона и Эмили усыновил (to adopt) их,
когда они были детьми. 11. Я провела праздники у своей тети. 12. Джейн с гордостью
говорила о доброте своего брата. 13. Двухнедельное пребывание в Лондоне доставило
Давиду большое удовольствие. 14. Ему очень пригодились знания, полученные в
университете. 15. В присутствии мужа миссис Смит боялась приласкать своего сына. 16.
После минутной нерешительности Давид подошел к миссис Смит и поцеловал ее. 17. Все
сотрудники его отдела помогают ему в этой работе. 18. Он живет на расстоянии двух
километров отсюда. 19. У меня сломались часы, и я должен был пойти к часовому мастеру,
чтобы починить их. 20. Я никогда не кладу лимон в чай. 21. Его успехи все учебе вполне
закономерны. 22. Вы уже читали сегодняшние газеты?
Choose the correct variant. Check your answers in the keys.
1. Mumps ___ not too problematic if contracted in childhood, but can be dangerous in later life.
a) is
b) are
2. The ___ has just phoned to say she’s been delayed in traffic.
a) chair b) chairwoman
3. For really good electric ____ , have a look in Martson’s.
a) pianos b) pianoes
4. Corn circles are one of the strangest ____ of recent times.
a) phenomenons b) phenomena
5. Parliament consists of 653 ____ , about two-thirds of whom belong to the Government.
a) MP’s
b) MPs
6. For this dish, you need to weight the ingredients carefully on the kitchen ___ .
a) scale
b) scales
7. The Asthma Helpline will be able to give you ___ .
a) advice
b) an advice
8. He was hit on the head by ___ and had to go to hospital.
a) stone
b) a stone
9. The supermarket is doing a lot of different ____ from the Far East at the moment.
a) fruit
b) fruits
10. The most exciting event for most British viewers in the Sydney Olympics ___ the rowing finals.
a) was
b) were
11. The Society’s President, against the wishes of the other founder members, ___ agreed to the
a) has
b) have
12. Bread and butter ___ eaten with meals by most people in the North of England.
a) is
b) are
13. “The Three Kings” ___ a great success for George Clooney.
a) was
b) were
14. Have you thought about doing gymnastics? I think ____very good for you.
a) it’s
b) they’re
15. Recent events prove the saying that twenty-four ____ a long time in politics.
a) is
b) are
16. The Council’s team of social workers ____ to be commend for their actions.
a) is
b) are
17. The United nations ____ sending a special envoy to the conflict zone.
a) is
b) are
18. I’ll take you to the station if you give me ____ when you’re ready.
a) shout
b) a shout
19. The first ____ of the epidemic was in Zaire in the 1980s.
a) outbreak
b) breakout
20. The villa we’re borrowing belongs to ____ my parents.
a) sister’s-in-law b) sister’s-in-law’s c) sister-in-law’s
Preparatory activities.
Review the following topics:
Comment on the definition, classification, meaning, forms, pronunciation and use of articles.
What other noun determiners do you know?
Which functions of English articles can you name?
Speak on the following cases of using articles:
the use of articles with class nouns;
the use of articles with collective nouns;
the use of articles with abstract nouns;
the use of articles with nouns of material;
the use of articles with class nouns modified by descriptive and particularizing attributes;
the use of articles with names of persons and geographical names;
the use of articles in set expressions and some syntactic relations.
Comment on the ways of expressing the meaning of the English articles in Russian.
6) Comment on the use of articles in general and generic sense.
7) Revise all the peculiarities of the use of articles in English (with nouns denoting time of the day,
seasons, meals, with nouns: school, college, bed, prison, town, country etc.).
8) Comment on the use of articles modified by certain adjectives, pronouns and numerals (E.g.:
few, most, same, wrong, number etc.).
9) Name the cases where articles can be omitted.
Exercise 1. Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with class-nouns.)
1. Not ____ word was spoken in ____ parlour. 2. ____ room itself was filling up, so was
____ staircase. 3. I think that ____ man's life is worth saving, whoever it belongs to. 4. Though
____ earth was cold and wet, ____ sky was clear and ____ , sun rose bright and beautiful. 5. He
made them provide not one car, but half ____ dozen. 6. ____ compass was invented in ancient
China. 7. Not ____ word was spoken, not____ sound was made. 8. ____ sky outside ____ window
was already dark, ____ secretaries had gone home, all was quiet. 9. Edward remained ____ week at
____ cottage. 10. I tell you, he's as brave as ____ man can reasonably be. 11. After that they would
meet, perhaps, two or three times ____ year. 12. Diane looked up at ____ house and suddenly saw
____ face in ____ window of ____ dining-room. 13. You know I never cared for____ drama. 14. "It
is not ____ large house," I said. "We don't want ____ large house." 15. He looks older than he is, as
____ dark men often do. 16. Roger looked at him and, without ____ word, took out his wallet and
gave him ____ ten-shilling note. 17. As ____ man sows, so shall he reap. 18. This morning ____
tobacconist was at his door. 19. It was Sunday afternoon, and ____ sun, which had teen shining now
for several hours, was beginning to warm ____ earth. 20. I have ____ long story to tell you. Come
and sit down on ____ sofa and let us have ____ comfortable chat. 21. ____ arm in ____ arm, they
walked toward home. 22. It was ____ cottage built like ____ mansion, having ____ central hall with
____ , wooden gallery running round it, and ____ rooms no bigger than ____ closets. 23. And what
____ beautiful moth there is over there on ____ wall. 24. She had ____ key of her own. 25. He was
____ short, plump man with ____ very white face and ____ very white hands. It was rumoured in
London that he powdered them like ____ woman. 26. ____ old couldn't help ____ young. 27. To
him she would always be ____ loveliest woman in ____ world. 28. ____ strongest have their hours
of depression. 29. Her aunt, in ____ straw hat so broad that it covered her to ____ very edges of her
shoulders, was standing below with two gardeners behind her. 30. I am afraid I addressed ___ wrong
person.. 31. They must have had very fair notions of ____ artistic and ____ beautiful. 32. ____ rich
think they can buy anything. 33. ____ room has three doors; one on ____ same side as ____
fireplace, near ____ corner, leading to ____ best bedroom. 34. My thousand ____ year is not merely
____ matter of dirty banknotes and jaundiced guineas but, it may be, health to ____ drooping,
strength to ____ weak, consolation to ____ sad. 35. Thank you, Stephen: I knew you would give me
____ right advice. 36. Sometimes visitors rang ____ wrong bell. 37. My family came from
hereabouts some generations back. I just wanted to have ____ look at ____ place, and ask you ____
question or two. 38. ____ woman will only be the equal of ____ man when she earns her living in
____ same way that he does. 39. He arrived half ____ hour before dinner time, and went up to ____
school room a ____ top of ____ house, to see ____ children. 40. You will see him ____ steady
character yet. I am sure of it. There is something in ____very expression of his face that tells me so.
41. Far away in ____ little street there is ____ poor house. One of ____ windows is open and
through it I can see ____ woman seated at ____ table. She is ____ seamstress. 42. ____ man who
entered was short and broad. He had black hair, and was wearing ____ grey flannel trousers with
____ red woollen shirt, open at ____ neck, whose collar he carried outside ____ lapels of his dark
tweed jacket. 43. Believe me, when ____ woman really makes up her mind to marry ____man
nothing on God's earth can save him. 44. I stopped still uncertain of myself and whether I was
saying ____ right thing. 45. Then it was night and he was awake, standing in ____ street, looking
up at ____ dark windows of ____ place where he lived, ____ front door was locked and there was
no one in ____ house. 46. I believe I can tell ____ very moment I began to love him. 47. We are told
that ____ heart of ____ man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. 48. "I must do
it," said Adam; "it's ____ right thing." 49. Mr. Boythorn lived in ____ pretty house with ____ lawn,
in front, ____ bright flower garden at ____ side and ____ kitchen-garden in ____ rear, enclosed with
____ wall. ____ house was real old house. 50. ____ bartender was ____ pale little man in ____
vest and apron, with ____ pale, hairy arms and ____ long, nervous nose. 51. ____ face to ____ face,
he was as warm and easy-natured as he had ever been. 52. I had not yet learnt how contradictory is
human nature; I did not know how much pose there is in ____ sincere, how much baseness in ____
noble, or how much goodness in ____ reprobate. 53. During ____ country house parties one day is
very like another. ____ men put on ____ same kind of variegated tie, eat ____ same breakfast, tap
____ same barometer, smoke ____ same pipes and kill ____ same birds. 54. Almost at ____ very
moment when she had returned Aileen had appeared. 55. ____ old man quitted ____ house secretly
at ____ same hour as before. 56. We are told that ____ wicked shall be punished. 57. ____ arm in
____ arm we walked on, sometimes stumbling over ____ hump of earth or catching our feet in ____
rabbit-holes. 58. Clare was ____ most vivid member of ____ family. She had dark fine shingled hair
and ____ pale expressive face, of which ____ lips were slightly brightened. ____ eyes were brown,
with ____ straight and eager glance, ____ brow low and very white. Her expression was old for
____ girl of twenty, being calm and yet adventurous. 59. When I was ____ child my mother used to
make ____ cakes and send me out with them as ____ presents to ____ neighbours. And ____
neighbours would give us ____ presents too, and not only at Christmas time. 60. I wrote to ____
Managing Editor that this was ____ wrong moment to change their correspondent.
Exercise 2. Translate into English.
1. Приходил почтальон? 2. Это был высокий белый дом; он был окружен большим
садом. 3. Дом построен два года назад. 4. Мое любимое дерево — дуб. 5. Возле дома рос
старый дуб. 6. Мы опоздали на поезд, и нам пришлось долго ждать на вокзале. 7.
Попугай может подражать человеческой речи. 8. Мы вошли в маленькую комнату, в
которой стоял стол, несколько стульев и кресло. 9. Я надеюсь, что завтра вы дадите мне
ответ. 10. Телескоп нужен астрономам, а микроскоп — биологам. 11. Серебряная луна
светила на небе. 12. Скрипка — струнный инструмент, флейта — духовой. 13. Шекспир и
Сервантес умерли в одном и том же году. 14. Мы получили телеграмму в самый день нашего
отъезда. 15. Вы мне дали не тот адрес. 16. Некоторые из гостей ушли рано. 17. Они живут на
одной улице. 18. Он постучался не в ту дверь.
Exercise 3. Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with nouns modified by attributes in postposition.)
1. ____ man of whom I speak is ____ low pantomime actor. 2. Excuse me now, I have to
see ____ man who's in trouble. 3.____ people familiar with these moors often miss their road on
such evenings. 4. He listened attentively to a great many stories she told him about ____ amiable
and handsome daughter of hers, who was married to ____ amiable and handsome man and lived
in the country. 5. I always think there's something rather cold and cheerless about ____ house that,
lacks ____ woman's touch. 6. He stood up and looked at ____ house where he had been born, grown
up, and played, as if asking for ____ answer. 7. Her throat aches because of ____ tears locked in it.
8. I am persuaded that this will be ____ shock of which he will feel ____ effects all his life. 9. There
were half ____ dozen pocket robberies ____ day in ____ trams of Brussels. 10. There we were in
____ country none of us knew anything about, amongst Indians and ____ people that were only half
civilised. 11. At last they reached ____ door at which ____ servant knocked cautiously. 12. We
passed ____ set of chambers where I had worked as ____ young man. 13. It is in ____ hour of trial
that ____ man finds his true profession. 14. We dropped into ____ very pleasant nook under ____
great elm tree, to ____ spreading roots of which we fastened ____ boat. 15. It chanced that when
this lonely young lady was about nineteen, she, being ____ fearless horsewoman, was riding, with
only ____ young lad in one of ____ woods near her uncle's house and, in trotting along, her horse
stumbled over ____ root of ____ felled tree. She slipped to ____ ground, not seriously hurt, and was
assisted home by ____ gentleman who came in view at ____ moment of her mishap. It turned out
that this gentleman was on ____ visit at ____ house of ____ neighbouring land owner. 16. He was
staring at ____ waves like ____ man cornered by ____ strange animal. 17. You don't know ____
man you are married to. 18. He spoke with a very slow, distinct voice and always looked over ____
shoulder of ____ person to whom he was talking. 19. There had been at ____ dining table ____
middle-aged man with ____ dark eye and ____ sunburnt face, who had attracted Martin's attention.
20. And he had tea sitting on ____ edge of ____ chair that did not look too firm, all gilt and spindly.
21. They walked ____ mile or more along ____ handsome street which ____ colonel said was
called Broadway. Turning, at length, into one of ____ numerous streets which branched from this
main thoroughfare, they stopped before ____ rather mean-looking house. 22. Colonel Mordaunt
does not look like ____ man who would do ____ mean or dishonourable thing. 23. She is ____
elderly matron who has worked hard and got nothing by it. 24. He was, in fact, ____younger edition
of his father. 25. As Dick took up his pipe, ____ man who had passed into ____ smoking car with
him put down his newspaper and looked at him. For ____ moment Dick was puzzled. It was ____
face he knew, but he could not put ____ name to it. Where had he seen ____ man? 26. During ____
twenty minutes Michael took to read ____ poem, there was not ____ sound, except from the sheets
being turned. 27. Rosa then noticed with surprise that she was in ____ room in which ____ party
had been held.
Exercise 4. Translate into English.
1. Сегодня я, наконец, достал книгу, которую я уже давно хочу прочесть. 2. Вот
человек, с которым вы хотите поговорить. 3. Я не люблю людей, которые ко всем придираются. 4. Я знаю девушку, которая удивительно хорошо декламирует стихи. Вчера она прочла
стихотворение, которое мне очень понравилось. 5. Улицы, по которым он проходил, были
узкие и грязные. 6. Старик постучал в дверь небольшого домика, окна которого были ярко
освещены. 7. Когда Ольга вернулась домой, она увидела, что ее сестра разговаривает с
человеком, которого она никогда прежде не видела. 8. Я нашла гостиницу, где мы жили
несколько лет назад. 9. Письмо, которое она получила утром, расстроило ее. 10. Утром она
получила письмо, которое ее расстроило. 11. Молодая девушка долго думала об
удивительном открытии, которое она сделала. 12. На дороге они увидели большой камень,
которого там раньше не было. 13. Я знаю адрес человека, которому вы хотите написать. 14.
Дверь открыла женщина; в ней он сразу узнал оригинал портрета, который ему показал его
приятель. 15. Она поехала в город, где жила ее дочь.
Exercise 5. Insert articles or some where necessary. (Articles with nouns of material.)
1. We sipped ____ tea so weak that it tasted like ____ metal against the teeth. 2. You will be
wishing to have ____ tea after your journey, I'm thinking. 3. George said that we must take ____
rug, ____ lamp, ____ soap, ____ brush and ____ comb, ____ tooth-brush, ____ tooth-powder and
____ couple of big towels for bathing. 4. ____ children of his age seldom have natural pleasure in
____ soap and water. 5. He bought ____ cold beef, and ____ ham, and ____ French bread and
butter, and came back with his pockets pretty heavily laden. 6. There were two bottles of ____ wine,
____ plate of ____ oranges with ____ powdered sugar. 7. Here, have
champagne, I quite forgot
to offer you any, or would you rather have ____ tea? 8. She made ____ coffee. 9. ____coffee
without ____ bread could never honestly serve as supper. 10. ____ rest of us had finished eating, but
Cave had cut himself another slice of ____ cheese. 11. Mrs. Leek frankly gave way to ____ soft
tears while eating ____ bread-and-butter. 12. You've caught cold: I saw you shivering, and you must
have ____ gruel to drive it out. 13. She did not answer, but her face was hard and pale as____ stone.
14. She hurried in again and found ____ water almost boiled away. 15. ____ blood is thicker than
____ water. 16. She went about looking into ____ dining room, which had been transformed into
____ kind of jewel box glowing with ____ flowers, ____ silver, ____ gold, ____ tinted glass. 17.
You drank, ____ wine with breakfast, dinner and supper, and fifty people always drank it with you.
18. She looked with ____ eager, hungry eyes at ____ bread and ____ meat and ____ beer that
____ landlady brought her. 19. She wears _____ little sailor hat of ____ black straw that has long
been exposed to ____ dust and soot of London. 20. The mother was yellow in colour and her skin
resembled ____ leather.
Exercise 6. Translate into English.
1. Портфель мал, но кожа хорошая. 2. Я люблю зеленый бархат. 3. Он не любил кофе. 4.
Ему не понравился кофе, 5. Чай слишком крепкий; я не люблю крепкий чай. 6. Не забудьте
дать кошке молока, у нее теперь котята! 7. Я ходил по аллее и думал о вишневом варенье.
Exercise 7. Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with abstract nouns.)
1. We both appreciate ____ simplicity. 2. In less than ____ week Cowperwood knew ___
financial condition of Messrs Waterman as well as they did, better, to ____dollar. 3. It is such ____
weary, weary work. 4. He had ____ comfortable feeling of working alone in ____ large empty
building, ____ feeling of ____ peace and ____ complete privacy. 5. I've reason to believe she has
never properly got over ____ feeling she used to have. 6. I had seldom heard my friend speak with
such ____ intensity of ____ feeling. 7. His footsteps were now heard striking upon ____ stony road
at ____ distance of about twenty yards. 8. We had ____ wonderful weather. 9. You must learn to
face ____ life seriously, Stephen. 10. However, ____ life of such striking monotony does not seem
to depress him. 11. May you be happy in ____ life you have chosen! 12. I love to think of ____ time
that must come some day when ____ man will have conquered ____ nature, and ____ human race
enter upon ____ era of ____ peace. 13. She was panting now, and in her face was ____ terror which
was inexplicable. 14. His round blue eyes be hind ____ spectacles were ghastly with ____ terror.
15. I think in some curious way ____ horror which she felt for him was ____ transference of ____
horror which she felt for herself because he so strangely troubled her. 16. She was brilliantly
familiar with ____ literature, ____ tongues, ____ art, ____ history, ____ physics, ____ metaphysics,
____ philosophy, and ____ politics (in which I include ____ modern politics). 17. It was ____ cold,
bleak, biting weather. 18. ____ weather was sunny and dry. 19. ____ modern science is
____wonderful thing. 20. He was ____ steady, uninspired researcher in ____ properties of ____
liquid state of ____ matter. 21. Their blue eyes became filled with ____ gaiety and ____ ferocity and
____ joy, and their mouths with ____ laughter. 22. Jon laughed, and ____ sound of ____ laugh was
hard. 23. Then she gave ____ crisp, ironic, almost cheerful laugh. 24. On that fine day ____ poverty
of ____ district she was entering seemed to her country - nurtured eyes intensely cheerless. 25. ____
reason is ____ greatest discovery ever made by ____ man. Yet it is ____ most disregarded and least
used. 26. ...what I offer is ____ security and ____ respect. That doesn't sound very exciting, but
perhaps it's better than ____ passion. 27. And ____ passion that held Strickland was ____passion to
create ____ beauty. 28. She looked ____ incarnation of ____ supreme loveliness, ____ loveliness
which was always revealing itself anew. 29. She knew nothing of ____ literature except ____ certain
authors who to ____ truly cultured might seem banal. 30. ____ expression on her face ____ hungry
and hard and feverish — had the most peculiar effect upon Soames. 31. She listened with ____
expression impatient, strained and intent. 32. At that age I had ____ very faulty view of ____
geography. 33. Mr. Pickwick stood in ____ principal street of this illustrious town, and gazed with
____ air of ____ curiosity not unmixed with ____ interest, on ____ objects around him. 34. He
longed for ____ comfort of his sister's society. 35. ____ empty windows of ____ ruins were filled
with ____ life of their own. 36. She sighed for ____ air, ____ liberty, ____ quiet of ____ country.
37. Miss Cherrell, I am going to do all I can to remove ____ unpleasant impression you have of me.
I am your very humble servant, and I hope some day to have ____ chance to be something else to
you. 38. It was ____ new fear, different from that which she had once confided in her own flat, yet
grown from ____ same root. 39. He spoke with ____ air of someone who has got over with an
unpleasant duty and can now get on to ____ brighter matters. 40. How quietly you live, John. I love
____ silence of this room and garden. 41. At other times he would come and sit for long periods in
her room in ____ silence. 42. What ____ noble thing ____ courage is. 43. Nothing gave him greater
pleasure than to listen to all ____ wonderful things ____ Miller used to say about ____ unselfishness
of _____ true friendship. 44. ____ friendship which he had imposed from ____ beginning he now
emphasised more than ever. 45. And when multitudes of men are hurt to ____ death in wars I am
driven to ____ grief which borders on ____ insanity
Exercise 8. Translate into English.
1. Декабристы погибли в борьбе за свободу народа. 2. Все народы земли хотят мира. 3.
Меня интересует история развития английского романа. 4. Я очень ценю в людях скромность
и простоту. 5. Природа играла большую роль в творчестве романтиков. 6. Музыкант должен
знать историю оперы. 7. С ней он мог говорить о литературе, об искусстве, о чем угодно, мог
жаловаться ей на жизнь, на людей. 8. Я хочу быть артисткой, я хочу славы, успехов, свободы.
9. Оставим пока геометрию. Обратимся к науке, которую вы, как чиновник почтового
ведомства, вероятно, любите. География — наука почтальонов. 10. Зачем я стереометрию
учил, если ее в программе нет? 11. Я с детства люблю музыку. 12. Он изучает английскую
историю. 13. Он изучает историю Англии. 14. На расстоянии 20-30 шагов мы увидели
странную фигуру. 15. Если вы плохо себя чувствуете, не выходите в такую погоду. 16. Мой
брат очень любит архитектуру и мечтает стать архитектором.
Exercise 9. Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with names of persons.)
1. Margaret was talking to ____ Osbaldistons. 2. In ____ dim light streaming down ____
stairs from behind her, he scarcely recognised ____ Lily he had known. 3. ____ barbaric Bertie got
no hint whatever that he was barbaric. 4.____father and ____ daughter appeared at last. 5. Gradman
is here, darling, and ____ mother, and ____ Aunt Winifred, and Kit and Michael. Is there anyone
you would like to see? 6. Louis seemed rather ____ grave, still, retiring man, but ____ Caroline of
this evening, which was not ____ Caroline of every day, thawed his reserve. 7. She watched ____
advent of ____ Tasburghs almost maliciously. Hubert and ____ young Tasburgh at once discovered
mutual service in Mesopotamia. 8. My visit was specially made to ____ good Mrs. Ames. 9. ____
professor Beans is ____ man to whom you'll be responsible for your undergraduate teaching. 10.
This Pat wasn't at all like ____ Pat of his memories. When she smiled he saw ____ Pat he had
known, _____ Pat smiling at him from ____ worn photo that still lay in _____ pocketbook against
his heart. But watching her, he grew aware that ____ family was divided in its attitude. Alice and
Mrs. Baxter were partisans of ____ new Pat. He still felt that he couldn't bring ____ two Pats
together; but he didn't hold that against ____ Pat of ____ present. 11. ____ flustered Clarice stood
beside me. 12. If you are ____ Napoleon, you will play ____ game of ____power; if you're ____
Leonardo, you'll play for ____ knowledge; ____ stakes hardly matter. 13. At that time I had ____
greatest admiration for ____ Impressionists. I longed to possess ____ Sisley and ____ Degas, and I
worshipped ____ Manet. 14. ____ medical practitioner quite refused to accept ____ unhappy
Selina's theory. 15. He cared to say no more; he had thrown quite dust enough into ____ honest
Adam's eyes. 16. This was ____ famous Frank A. Cowperwood whom he had read about. 17. ____
certain Joseph Zimmerman suggested that he undertake operating in street railway shares for him.
18. Elsie said she would ring up ____ Doctor Worple. 19. ____ poor Edward muttered something,
but what it was nobody knew. 20. ____ difference between ____ pair was that while ____ father was
violent and ____ bully, ____ son had thrice ____ nerve and courage of ____ parent, and could not
merely make ____ attack, but resist it; and finding that ____ moment was not come when ____
contest between him and his father was to be decided, he took his dinner with ____ perfect coolness
and appetite before ____ engagement began. ____ old Osborne, on ____ contrary, was nervous and
drank much. 21. I have ____ address of ____ man in London to whom ____ Professor writes. 22. "I
don't care about ____ Captain Dobbin's complexion," she said. "I shall always like him, I know."
"There is not ____ finer fellow in ____ service," Osborne said, "nor ____ better officer, though he is
not ____ Adonis, certainly." 23. "Oh, good evening," he exclaimed, removing his cap and bowing.
"How are you?" while his mind was registering that this truly was ____ beautiful, ____ exquisite
Sondra whom months before he had met at his uncle's. 24. ____ gentle, tender-hearted Amelia
Sedley was ____ only person to whom she could attach herself in ____ least. 25. Yet ____ room
itself was bright and elegant; on one wall was ____ fine Sisley, of poplars and sunny water, on
another ____ still life by Nicholas de Stael, pastel fruit in ____ white dish. 26. ____ captain Cuttle
lived on ____ bank of ____ little canal. 27. Mr. Tupman, by ____ nod, intimated that his question
applied to ____ disappointed Rachel. 28. I am ____ Mr. Martin for whom you were to inquire. 29.
I'm to meet ____ Professor Hallorsen on Monday. 30. If you're going West may I come with you? I
want to see ____ Aunt Emily and ____Uncle Lawrence.
Exercise 10. Translate into English.
1. Он решил сходить к Ивановым. 2. Мой муж ревнив, он настоящий Отелло. 3. И
мать, и дочь приняли приглашение. 4. Подождите немножко, отец сейчас придет. 5. Мы
сегодня пойдем в театр. Идет «Дядя Ваня». 6. Вы – Коля, тот самый Коля, неуклюжий,
застенчивый Коля?
Exercise 11. Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with geographical names.)
1. After ____ tour in ____ Austrian Alps they had gone to ____ Hotel Splendide at ____
Montreux, in order to enjoy for ____ day or two ____ charms of ____ Lake of ____ Geneva. 2.
Dusk was already falling on ____ noble curve of ____ Thames. 3. I hear he's off to ____ Central
Africa. 4. In «Ivanhoe» Walter Scott describes ____ England of ____ Middle Ages. 5. ____
Capetown is in ____ South Africa. 6. In ____ heart of _____ Central Asia lies ____ Khoresm, ____
small fertile area in ____ sea of ____ sand. 7. ____ prospect ends in little hills that come nearly to
____ sea; rudiments, these, of Atlas Mountains. 8. "We've been touring ____ world. We tried ____
South America. We lasted three days in ____ Australia. "Have you ever been to ____ States?" 9.
Michael looked quizzically at his parent. Did he quite understand ____ England of today?
Exercise 12. Translate into English.
1. Кордильеры находятся в Северной Америке. 2. Берега Рейна очень живописны. 3.
Эльбрус - очень красивая гора. 4. «Пиковая дама» была написана Чайковским во Флоренции
в 1890 г. 5. Средиземное море находится между Европой, Азией и Африкой. 6. Венеция
расположена на берегу Адриатического моря. 7. Ливингстон погиб в Центральной Африке.
Exercise 13. Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with names of hotels, streets, ships, and
1. She nodded ____ command to ____ footman, and they drove off westward, down ____
Strand, and so into ____ little side street by ____ Charing Cross. 2. I am going to Folkestone to-day,
and shall stay at ____ Metropole. 3. They were excited because they had been dining with ____
editor of ____ Times, and had been given ____ glimpse of next day's paper. 4. She sat in her superb
private drawing room at ____ Hotel Cecil. 5. ____ boys loved him because he told them that ____
Navy had borrowed him from ____ U. S. Army just in time to blow taps on ____ Maine as she was
sinking, and he remained long after everyone including ____ captain had abandoned ____ ship. 6.
He began to walk very rapidly up towards ____ Trafalgar Square. 7. He went out and ate ____ ices
at ____ pastry-cook's shop in ____ Charing Cross; tried ____ new coat in ____ Pall Mall; and
called for ____ Captain Cannon, played eleven games at ____ billiards with ____ captain, and
returned to ____ Russell Square. 8. ____ street was empty, unlighted save by ____ reflection from
____ Grandlieu Street behind them. 9. In 1905 ____ revolt broke out on ____ Potemkin, one of
____ battleships of ____ Black Sea Fleet. 10. Yet, in ____ bright drawing room in ____ Lord North
Street, all he was thinking of was what ____ Telegraph, ____ Guardian, the popular press, would
say next day.
Exercise 14. Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with nouns modified by proper nouns.)
1. I often go to ____ Pushkin Theatre. 2. I am very fond of ____Pushkin's short tragedies. 3.
____ Tretyakov gallery was founded nearly ____ century ago by Pavel Tretyakov. ____ Tretyakov's
devotion to ____ art and his indefatigable efforts had ____ magnificent results and furthered ____
development of ____ Russian painting. 4. I am ____ medical student and have held ____ post of
house surgeon at one of ____ London hospitals for some time. 5. ____ Fox apartment had ____
spacious old-fashioned feeling. 6. To wards ____ end of ____ year 1913 several young students
living in Moscow founded ____ small group known as ____ Students' Drama Studio. It was from
that group that ____ Vakhtangov Theatre sprang. Vakhtangov was _____ tireless innovator. Some
of Vakhtangov's pupils became ____ capable producers. 7. ____ sets of furniture were imitations of
one of ____ Louis periods. 8. ____ Pulkovo Observatory is over ____ hundred years old. 9. ____
chin of ____ founder of ____ Forsyte clan was settled comfortably between ____ widely separated
points of ____ old-fashioned collar. 10. He had known all ____ pretty Mont joy sisters scattered
over ____ society, but of them all Diana was ____ youngest, ____ prettiest, most tasteful and
Exercise 15. Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with set expressions.)
1. I trust you to tell me ____ bare truth, whatever it is. 2. The maid, looking to right and left,
spoke in ____ low and hurried voice. 3. On his trip round ____ world with Fleur he had often put
his nose out and watched the dancing on ____ deck. 4. He decided that he would not at ____ present
explain to her who he was. 5. I saw ____ good deal of him during ____ war. 6. He has taken his
death very much to ____ heart indeed. 7. What did her education and her accomplishments amount
to? She could keep ____ house. 8. All seemed perfectly at their ease, by. no means in ____ hurry. 9.
Somebody important must have been arriving from Europe by ____ air. 10. Am I dealing, young
people, with ____ case of ____ love at ____ first sight? 11. We've had some tea already on ____
board ____ yacht. 12. Rosa was well aware that she had never taken ____ trouble to get to know
Annette. 13. You will go to ____ sea and forget all about me in ____ month. 14. He was about to
start on ____ long journey, ____ difficult one, by ____ sea, and no soul would know where he was
gone. 15. It is ____ pleasure to see you. 16. He held ____ very guarded conversation with her on his
way home, for fear that she would take ____ additional offence. Argument was out of ____
question. 17. On ____ other hand, if he was beaten he took it With complete good humour. 18. He is
beginning to lose ____ heart, they say. 19. She burned like ____ fire from ____ head to ____ foot.
20. I got into conversation with him by ____ chance at ____ concert. 21. She's taken quite ____
fancy to you, Ridgeon. 22. ____ furniture was all sent round by ____ water. 23. I returned at once,
and found Ada sitting at ____ work by ____ fire side. 24. He played ____ flute. 25. Somewhere
____ great many men were singing. 26. He was chronically in ____ debt. 27. ____ woman I fixed
my eye on was ____ , woman who kept ____ house for me at my cottage. 28. It is ____ pity to
worry her if she has ____ talent for ____ uneasiness. 29. He has given ____ permission to go up and
see her there. 30. Behind ____ house was ____ large garden, and in summer, ___ pupils almost lived
out of ____ doors. 31. ____ rain had stopped, and we went on ____ foot to ____ Ebury Street. 32.
They started at ____ dawn, and ____ boy I sent with them didn't come back till next day. 33. On
being informed, that her departure would be delayed, she had flown into ____ violent passion. 34.
All of ____sudden, his face had become stony. 35. Dear, dear! It seems only ____ other day since I
took you down to school at Slough! 36. Mr. Byron Waller could play ____ violin.
Exercise 16. Translate into English.
1. Он всегда говорит очень тихо. 2. На днях я случайно встретила Нину. 3. Если вы ей
так ответите, она придет в ярость. 4. По правде говоря, я так и не поняла, почему она
обиделась. 5. Она читает, с утра до ночи. 6. Я люблю путешествовать морем. 7. Вы по ошибке
принесли не тот журнал. 8. Мы всегда заставали его за работой. 9. Приходите ко мне завтра. Об этом и речи быть не может, я очень занята. 10. Он даже не потрудился встретить нас на
вокзале. 11. Жаль, что вы не можете пойти с нами в театр. 12. Мы уже можем читать
Диккенса и Теккерея в оригинале. 13. Мой брат очень хорошо играет на скрипке. 14. В 1937
г. археологическая экспедиция отправилась в Хорезм. Экспедицию возглавлял профессор С.
Толстов, известный специалист по истории народов Средней Азии. 15. Качалов, изумительный
актер, которого оплакивали миллионы любителей театра, умер за месяц до 50-летнего юбилея
Художественного театра. 16. Озеро Байкал, сердце Сибири, как его называют, замечательно
редкой красотой берегов и удивительным цветом воды. Академик Берг, выдающийся
советский географ, называет Байкал чудом природы. 17. Беранже, знаменитый французский
поэт, родился в 1780 г. В детстве он жил с дедом, бедным парижским портным. Когда
началась революция, его отправили в провинцию к тетке, содержательнице гостиницы.
Exercise 17. Insert articles where necessary. (Special cases: day, night, morning, evening; bed,
school, prison; town; seasons; meals etc.).
1. Outside it was ____ night. 2. It was ____ warm summer night. 3. ____ night outside
seemed very quiet. 4. It was ____ foggy evening in November. 5. Every day I was up at ____ dawn,
clearing, planting, working on my house, and at ____ night when I threw myself on my bed it was to
sleep like ____ log till ____ morning. 6. It was ____ evening, and he was walking across the school
grounds on his way home. 7. He wondered what hour it was. ____ sun seemed to indicate ____late
morning. 8. I think it's going to be ____ fine morning, after all. 9. ____ morning was cold and
sharp and sunny. 10. It is ____ early morning. 11. It was ____ very dark evening for ____ summer.
12. ____ night being sharp and frosty, we trembled from ____ head to ____ foot. 13. It was early in
____ afternoon. 14. ____ fine September afternoon was dying fast. 15. It was ____ winter, and
____ night of bitter cold. 16. You see, ____ winter was ____ very bad time for me, and I really had
no money at all to buy ____ bread with. 17. ____summer drew to ____ end, and ____ early autumn.
18. It was ____ lovely evening in ____ spring time of ____ year; and in ____ soft stillness of ____
twilight, all ____ nature was very calm and beautiful. ____ day had been fine and warm; but at ____
coming on of ____ night, ____ air grew cool. 19. There was going to be ____ election soon, we all
knew: this was ____ spring of 1955. 20. It was ____cold fall and ____ wind came down from ____
mountains. 21. It was ____ fine day, early in ____ spring, and we were in ____ good humour. 22.
It was eleven o'clock. Annette was still in ____ bed. 23. Maycomb was ____ old town. 24. Dolores
said nothing all ____ way to ____ town. 25. Yes, he and my brother had been to ____ school
together. 26. Who could be in ____ prison ____ quarter of ____ century, and be prosperous! 27.
____ school was not ____ particularly good one. 8. I never knew ____ lawyer yet who didn't
threaten to put me in ____ prison sooner or later. 29. Steger next visited _____ county jail, close on
to five o'clock, when it was. already dark. 30. In all probability he was already in ____ town. 31.
After leaving ____ school, I became clerk to her father. 32. He told with ____perfect truth how he
had in time been released from ____ prison. 33. He came in one morning when I was having ____
breakfast on ____ terrace of ____ hotel and introduced himself. 34. I saw to it that he had ____ good
dinner. 35. We had ____ cold bacon for ____ lunch that day. There was not much of it. I took it to
be ____ bacon we had not eaten for ____ breakfast. But on ____ clean dish with parsley it looked
rather neat. 36. ____ dinner was very sound. 37. Come and have ____ tea on ____ deck. 38. They
had ____ supper in ____ silence. 39. In ____ tiny dining-room, we were having ____ excellent
dinner, cooked by Mary. 40. When he arrived, ____ famous Contract was at ____ dinner. 41. When
they arrived and mounted ____ stairs, Stefan behaved as usual, and soon they were eating ____ supper which Jan had prepared. 42. He had given me ____ dinner, and ____ good one.
Exercise 18. Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with nouns modified by certain adjectives,
pronouns, and numerals: most; few, little; number; second, third, etc.).
1. You have had ____ most distinguished career. 2. This was ____ most painful thought of
all. 3. She was ____ most beautiful young girl; ____ most beautiful girl he had ever seen. 4. I started
retelling ____ most interesting anecdote, but was some what surprised to observe that nobody was
paying ____ slightest attention to me whatever. 5. ____ most of ____ women had flowers or little
black feathers sticking up in their hair. 6. ____ Norman Conquest is one of ____ most important
events in ____ English history, and it had ____ greatest influence on ____ history of ____ language.
7. ____ news he had conveyed to her would have terrified ____ most women. 8. ____ mother and I
are planning to go to ____ country for ____ few days. 9. It was ____ cold, windy evening and there
were ____ few people in ____ Park. 10. ____ little I have to say can be said in ____ few minutes.
11.I am commonly ____ man of ____ few words. 12. Oh, I know there's no danger, but I'm ____
little frightened all ____ same. 13. Well, for instance, why don't you tell me about your sister? She
always sounds fascinating, from ____ little I hear, but I've no real idea what she's like. 14. ___ old
man replied that there were ____ few grown persons as trust worthy or as careful as she. 15. Harriet
closed her coat quickly and walked ____ little faster. 16. Lufkin's tastes were austere. He spent ____
little on himself. 17. I've travelled ____ little, but not enough. 18. Two people would have to hold
____ chair, and ____ third would help him up on it, and ____ fourth would hand him ____ nail, and
____ fifth would pass him up ____ hammer. 19. ____ professor Earle Fox ignored for ____ second
time ____ buzzing signal from, the secretary, in ____ adjoining office. 20. Take care, Caroline. I've
proposed twice now. I Shall not propose ____ third time. 21. Thirteen years of life with Frank had
taught her ____number of things. 22. ____ colonel says our losses have not been heavy. ____ exact
number is not yet known. 23. To this particular dinner ____ number of people had been invited. 24.
While he was dancing, Cowperwood had occasion to look at Aileen. She passed close to him ____
number of times. 25. He went up into ____ picture gallery. On ___ bureau there were laid ___
number of letters and things to be attended to.
Exercise 19. Translate into English.
1. Такую интересную книгу приятно перечитать. 2. Это слишком длинный роман,
чтобы его можно было прочесть в два дня. 3. Это такая же светлая каюта, как та. 4. Я не
могу ответить на такой странный вопрос. 5. Это довольно интересная статья. 6. Как вы могли
упустить такой редкий случай? 7. Какое нелепое возражение! 8. Оба письма были отправлены
утром. 9. Все бумаги подписаны. 10. Это слишком сложная проблема, чтобы ее можно было
разрешить в такое короткое время. 1 1 . Я не знала, что собака в комнате. 12. Я не знала,
что в комнате есть собака. 13. Принесите муку. 14. Принесите муки. 15. Девушка подошла к
окну. 16. К окну подошла девушка. 17. Утро было холодное и ветреное. 18. Был теплый
летний вечер. 19. Настала ночь, и путешественники решили отдохнуть. 20. Он пишет с утра
до ночи. 21. Он переночевал у приятеля. 22. Он провел бессонную ночь и был очень бледен.
23. Приятно поехать за город в ясный летний день. 24. И днем и ночью он думал об одном.
25. Было прекрасное утро — солнечное и тихое. 26. Было раннее утро, и все в доме еще
спали. 27. Была ранняя весна. 28. Была дождливая, холодная осень. 29. Осень была
исключительно теплая; стояла ясная, солнечная погода. 30. Мое любимое время года —
лето. 31. Лето 1941 года было очень жаркое. 32. Она легла спать в три часа и встала с
головной болью. 33. Почему вы так поздно вернулись из города? 34. Женщина подошла к
кровати и накрыла ребенка одеялом. 35. Она плохо себя чувствовала и провела весь день в
постели. 36. Сегодня мне надо пойти в школу на родительское собрание. 37. Я провела все
лето в городе. 38. Когда сестра окончила школу, она поступила в консерваторию. 39. Мы
провели несколько дней в маленьком городке на Кавказе. 40. Мы живем на даче, но часто
приезжаем в город. 41. О. Генри был обвинен в краже, и, хотя он был невиновен, его
посадили в тюрьму. Он сидел в тюрьме три года. 42. Мы позавтракали в восемь часов. 43.
Завтрак состоял из хлеба с маслом, сыра и кофе. 44. Не опаздывайте к обеду. 45. Обед еще не
готов. 46. Наши знакомые пригласили нас на обед.
Exercise 20. Insert articles where necessary.
1. What ____ strange feeling it was to be going home when it was not home, and to find that
every object I looked at reminded me of ____ happy old home which was like ____ dream I could,
never dream again. 2. On her face I saw ____ placid and sweet expression of ____ lady whose
picture had looked at me downstairs. It seemed to my imagination as if ____ portrait had grown
womanly and ____ original remained ____ child. 3. Rebecca's mother had had ____ education
somewhere and her daughter spoke ____ French with ____ purity and ____ Parisian accent. It was
in those days rather ____ rare accomplishment, and led to her engagement with ____ orthodox Miss
Pinkerton. 4. He had ____ wit, ____ keen sense of ____ humour, ____ sense of pathos. 5. ____one
thing that really interested him in connection with his parents was ____ existence somewhere in
____ east in ____ small city called Lycurgus of ____ uncle, ____ brother of his father's. 6. But ____
bed I made up for myself was sufficiently uncomfortable to give me ____ wakeful night, and I
thought ____ good deal of what ____ unlucky Dutchman had told me. 7. We went down ____
corridors, down ____ stone stairs. We crossed over ____ Park by ____ lake; one of ____ pelicans
was spreading its wings. ____ trees were creaking in ____ blustery wind; on ____ grass, ____ first
leaves had fallen. It was ____ dark evening, with ____ clouds, low and grey, driving across from
____ west. 8. I breathed deeply two or three times, but felt ____ little calmer, ____ enormity of
____ situation was too overpowering. 9. English of ____ 14th century differs from _____ Modern
English. 10. He was young still, and in ____ few years he would look back on all his misery with
____ sadness in which there would be something not unpleasurable. 11. After ____ lights within, it
was very dark, and ____ night was enormous and silent with ____ intensity which for ____ moment
made her pause in ____ awe. She was in ____ unfamiliar street. It was ____ damp night, with rare
stars. 12. I had often new temptations afterwards to wonder whether it was really singular, or only
singular to me, that he, who was ____ most grateful of mankind upon ____ least occasion, should so
desire to escape ____ gratitude of others. 13. Large drops of ____ rain, which pattered every now
and then against ____ windows of ____ chaise, seemed to warn ____ travellers of ____ rapid
approach of ____ stormy night. 14. It's pleasant to get used to ____ expensive, ____ soft, ___
comfortable. 15. ____ children of ____ poor know but ____ few pleasures. Even ____ cheap
delights of ____ childhood must be bought and paid for. 16. And there began for Soames ____ most
confused evening he had ever spent. For in his heart were ____ great gladness and ____ great pity,
and he must not show ____ sign of either. 17. ____ walls, down which ran ___ number and variety
of ____ pipes and cables, were painted in two contrasting shades of green ____ dark up to ____
height of five foot, lighter above that. 18. In ____ evening ____ weather broke, ____ wind shifted
from ____ South to ____ Northeast and brought ____ rain first and then ____ sleet and ____ snow.
19. ____ Miller said all kinds of beautiful things about ____ friendship, which Hans took down in
____ note-book and used to read over at ____ night, for he was ____ very good scholar. 20. She
drew ____ little away from him; then perceived that unwittingly she had done ____ right thing, for
he at once tried to take her hand again. And this was her first lesson too in ____ nature of ____ man.
21. ____ London train was on ____ point of ____ departure. It was yet ____ early morning, ____
hour of ____ milkmen and ____ postmen. ____ station had ____ chill, unused, deserted look; ____
passengers were few. 22. In ____ hands of ____ strong, like himself when he was at his best, ____
law was ____ sword and ____ shield, ____ trap to place before ____ feet of ____ unwary; ____ pit
to dig in ____ path of those who might pursue. 23. It had been ____ severe winter, and ____ snow
lay deep in , ____ gorges of ____ mountains. 24. ____ point is that ____ art now is just ____ subject
for conversation; and anything that anybody can understand fat ____ first sight is not worth talking
about and therefore not ____ art. 25. I do not consider that ____ cigars and whisky he consumed at
my expense, and ____ few dollars, borrowed with ____ civil air of conferring ____ favour upon me,
that passed from my pocket to his, were in any way equivalent to ____ entertainment he afforded
me. I remained his debtor. 26. He was ____ psychopathologist as well as ____ student of ____ art,
and ____ subconscious had ____ few secrets from him. 27. And now he was in large
over looking ____ Thames, ____ chamber with ____ writing table, ____ sofa, ____ telephone, ____
electric bells and ____ massive oak door with ____ lock and ____ key in ____ lock. 28. ____ sun
comes up from ____ East and goes down to ____ West. 29. As that day closed in, ____ girl's
excitement increased; and when ____ night came on, there was ____ unusual paleness in her cheek,
and ___ fire in her eye, that even Sikes observed with ____ astonishment. 30. Mr. Skimpole could
play ____ piano and ____ violoncello; and he was ____ composer, had composed half ____ opera
once, and played what he composed with ____ taste. After ____ tea we had quite ____ little concert,
in which Richard and Mr. Jarndyce and I were ____ audience. 31. In ____ civil life, Cassilis was
____ stage-designer on ____ threshold of ___ brilliant career. He was ____ quiet man, mildly
handsome, mildly intellectual, mildly witty. He was fond of ____ , women in ____ quiet sort of
way, but behaved with them always as if he were in search of ____ good quiet wife. 32. Though
____ young man was ____ honest fellow, and ____ son of ____ honest fellow, ____ latter had died
so early, and his widow had had such struggles to maintain herself, that ____ son was very imperfectly educated. 33. Next day, Margaret and I had to leave ____ house after ____ tea. ____
weather had not changed. Just as when we arrived, it was ____ evening so tranquil that ____
chimney smoke seemed painted on ____ sky, and in ____ air there was ____ smell of burning
leaves. 34. They never, one felt, dressed carelessly, said ____ wrong word, were ____ prey to ____
untidy passion. 35. Herzogs moved to ____ Midwest. 36. She was ____ mountain-bred and ever
____ lover of ____ mountains. She could see ____ little beauty in ____ sea, and that only of ____
terrible and overwhelming kind. 37. ____ very tall and very good-looking man who entered seemed
about thirty-eight years old. His clean-shaven face was full of ____ health, his eyes full of _____
light, his dark hair had ____ fleck or two of premature grey in it. 38. I've been taught ____ Latin,
and ____ Greek, and ____ mathematics. 39. At ____ dusk, on ____ evening of St. Valentine's day,
Boldwood sat down to ____ supper as usual. 40. Dinny wrote ____ letter to her brother in which
she said nothing of ____ Hallorsen, ____ Saxenden, or ____ Tasburghs, but discoursed in lively
fashion of ____ Aunt Em, Boswell and Johnson, ____ Uncle Adrian, ____ Lady Henrietta.
Insert the articles where necessary. Check your answers in the keys.
Did you hear ___ noise just now? – No. I didn’t hear anything.
If you want to write some letters you should take ___ paper.
Jane is ___ teacher. Her parents are ___ teachers too.
I’ve been walking for 3 hours. I’ve got ___ sore feet.
It’s a pity we haven’t got ___ camera. I’d like to take __ photograph of that house.
My friends live in ___ old house in ___ small village. There is __beautiful garden behind __
house I would like to have ___ garden like that.
7) We had dinner in ___ most expensive restaurant in ___ town.
8) I’m going away for ___ week in September.
9) What’s ___ name of ___ man we met yesterday?
10) We looked up at all ___ stars in ___ sky.
11) We had __ very nice dinner today.
12) Peru is ___ country in ____South America. ___ capital is Lima.
13) Two people were injured in ____ accident and were taken to ___ hospital.
14) I like to read in ___ bed.
15) There were some people waiting outside ___ school to meet their children.
16) If you commit ____ serious crime you could be sent to ___ prison.
17) ___ test wasn’t very difficult. I answered all ___ questions without ___ difficulty.
18) Don’t stay in that hotel. It is very noisy and ___ beds are very uncomfortable.
19) ___ apples are good for you.
20) All ___ books on ___ top shelf belong to me.
21) ____ young have ____ future in their hands.
22) ____ giraffe is ____ tallest of all ____ animals.
23) ____ flute is ___ wind instrument.
24) We saw ___ lion at ___ Zoo.
25) Do you know ____ Wilsons? They are ___ nice couple.
26) ___President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.
27) ___ Milan is in ___ north of ___ Italy.
28) ___ Seychelles are ___ group of islands in ___Indian Ocean.
29) This article was published in ___ Daily Express.
30) ____Trafalgar Square is in ____ centre of ___ London
Preparatory activities.
Review the following topics:
1. Give the definition of the Adjective. State its morphological composition giving examples.
2. Comment on the classification of English adjectives, their morphological and syntactical
3. What are the differences between relative and qualitative adjectives?
4. Name the ways of forming the degrees of comparison in English, comment on the spelling
5. Comment on wholly and partially substantivized adjectives.
6. Name all the comparative conjunctions you know.
Exercise 1. State the morphological composition and classification of the following adjectives.
Pretty, bushy, weather-stained, thoughtful, hard-hearted, illegitimate, sober, non-party, lowbred, improbable, sceptical, counter-revolutionary, careworn, beloved, wicked, disobedient, longlegged, regular, water-proof, large, well-timed, homeless, shaky, courageous, panic-stricken,
blindfold, Portuguese, newly-baked, antique, peace-making, forlorn, illegible, abundant, red-haired,
small, deep-blue, bookish, snow-white, respectable-looking.
Exercise 2. Give, the comparative and superlative degrees of the following adjectives.
Cosy, merciful, bad, complete, fat, cheap, big, clumsy, stupid, far, miserable, narrow,
virtuous, simple, merry, regular, expensive, low, deep, sad, significant, bitter, intimate, lazy, old,
serious, tiny, clever, little, considerate, gay, good, much, dark, beautiful, dear, fit.
Exercise 3. Use the adjective in the comparative or superlative degree.
1. He was the (amusing) lad you ever met. 2. He's a far (intelligent) person than my
brother.3. He was only five years ____ than I was, which made him forty-five. (young) 4. He loved
his brother and he had done his brother what people seemed to consider ____ of wrongs. (bitter) 5.
____ sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them. (bad) 6. He
had been a great fencer, before the war ____ fencer in Italy. (great) 7. She is stopping at one of ____
hotels in town. (good) 8. Difficult to believe it was so long, ago, he felt young still! Of all his
thoughts this was ____ , ____ . (poignant, bitter) 9. She received congratulations as if she were ____
of women. (happy) 10. Kate remembered the little general; he was a good deal ____ than herself.
(small) 11. I think we'll resume the conversation when you're a little ____ , Caroline. (calm) 12.
They had never made ____ pretence of believing him. (little) 13. Things went from bad to ____ .
(bad) 14. He took his trinkets, carried them to the ____ pawnshop he could find, and being offered
forty-five dollars for the lot, took it. (presentable) 15. He felt her breathing grow ____ and ____.
(slow, easy) 16. To be ashamed of his own father is perhaps ____ experience a young man can go
through. (bitter) 17. It's ____ in here than it is on the street. (hot) 18. I think you're about ____ girl in
school. (pretty) 19. All his life he had taken pains to be ____ , ____than his fellows. (strong, brave)
20. From that moment may be dated the downfall of ____ and ____ of the Indian nations, that
existed within the limits of the present United States. (great, civilised) 21. Mr. Micawber, under
pretence of showing me a ____ way than that by which I had come, accompanied me to the corner
of the street. (near) 22 He would walk here and there and be no ____ than an ant in an ant
hill.(conspicuous) 23. We slept in a double-bedded room, which was ____ that the little country inn
could do for us. (good) 24. This is Sam Penty one of our ____ artists. (good) 25. He basked in the
company of the young. 26. We must take the bitter along with the sweet. 27. She was the
(practical) of the family. 28. When they told me I was cured and could go, I can tell you I
was (afraid) than glad. 29. I wanted to ask you both what you thought of my (late) films if
you saw them. 30. He is (talkative) than his sister. 31. He won't tire you so much. 32. He
turned out to be (angry) than I had expected. Today I'm no (wise) than yesterday. 33. This
wine is the (good) I ever tasted. 34. Jack is the {clever) of the three brothers. 35. I don't
think it matters in the (little) which seat I choose. 36. He felt (bad) yesterday than the day
before. 37. The (near) house is three miles away. 38.Of the two evils let us choose the (little).
39. He was the (late) man to come. 40. She waited until her silence became the (noticeable)
thing in the room. 41. The (near) item on the program is a piano sonata. 42. He is the (tall)
of the two. 43. She is (amusing) in a small company. 44. Uncle Nick was the (old) son of the
family. 45. She warned the domestics not to touch the child, as Mrs. Osborne might be offended.
Exercise 4. Translate into English.
1. Киев — более древний город, чем Москва; это один из древнейших городов России.
2. В XVI веке Испания была самой могущественной державой мира. 3. Волга длиннее
Днепра; это самая длинная река Европы. 4. Ватикан – самое маленькое государство в Европе.
5. Одной из важнейших проблем сегодняшнего дня является установление прочного и
длительного мира. Условия жизни трудящихся в странах социалистического лагеря значительно лучше, чем в странах капиталистического лагеря. 7. Можно надеяться, что в
ближайшем будущем культурные связи с Англией будут еще более тесными. 8. Точка
кипения (the boiling point) спирта ниже точки кипения воды. 9. Платина тяжелее золота; это
один из самых, тяжелых металлов. 10. Утро было прекрасное, но к вечеру погода стала хуже,
ветер усилился, и темные тучи покрыли небо.
Exercise 5. Translate the following into English using various sentence patterns to express
1. Чем меньше ты будешь говорить, тем лучше. 2. К сожалению, я не смог
прийти так рано, как обещал. 3. Кошка упала с крыши, но чувствует себя нисколько
не хуже от этого. 4. Комната хорошая, но все же не такая хорошая, как бы мне хотелось.
5. Чем больше человек имеет, тем больше ему хочется. 5. Я не так молод, как вы. 6.
Окно узкое, как дверь. 7. Суп хорошо пахнет, а на вкус он еще лучше. 8. Как пройти к
ближайшей почте? 9. Если он поможет нам, тем лучше. 10. Если он не делает уроков,
тем хуже для него. 11. Чем скорее ты сделаешь это, тем лучше. 12. Он становился все
слабее и слабее. 13. На этот раз у вас меньше ошибок.
Exercise 6. Translate the following into English using substantivized adjectives where possible:
1. Слепых обучают ремеслам, чтобы они могли работать. 2. Нужны медсестры
для ухода за ранеными. 3. Доктор хочет осмотреть раненого. 4. После отъезда сына они
перестали приглашать молодежь. 5. Молодежи нравится все делать по-своему.6.
Англичане любят чай. 7. В гостинице было много англичан. 8. Больной попросил воды.
9.Он считал своим долгом помочь бедняку. 10. Работа по спасению пострадавших
продолжалась до глубокой ночи. 11. Ты говоришь как неграмотный человек. 12. Он
всегда навещал больных два раза в день. 13. Он надеялся застать юношу дома. 14. Для
безграмотных были организованы вечерние занятия. 15. Шестерых из пострадавших
было разрешено взять домой.
Exercise 7. Point out all the substantivised adjectives and state whether they are wholly or
partially substantivised.
1. He basked in the company of the young. 2. We must take the bitter along with the sweet.
3. She warned the domestics not to touch the child, as Mrs. Osborne might be off ended. 4. It was a
surprise to the "optimistic: but it was even more of a surprise to the experienced. 5. Oh, I know he is
a right good fellow, but it belongs to the rank of the impossible. 6. Imogene turning her luscious
glance from one to the other of the "old dears", only smiled. 7. How do I know what's gone on
between you? The rights and the wrongs of it; I don't want to know. 8. Willoughby was wearing
greens, garrison hat, and all his ribbons." 9. They were like poor savages confronted with a
beautiful white girl. 10. This year I covered half the world and saw people in such numbers — it
.seems to me I saw everybody but the dead. 11. But they had been such innocents then! 12. He was,
as they saw it, part of the rich and superior class and every poor man knew what that meant. The
poor must stand together everywhere. 13. I was soon to discover that Gevaert was never interested
in what "inferiors" had to say.
Choose the correct variant. Check your answers in the keys.
This elephant is 20 years ______.
a) old
b) young
c) dead
d) alive
Our boss is a ______ minded man (человек с «живым умом»).
a) quick
b) fast
c) soon
The ____- eyed (кривоглазый) old man looked very scary.
a) straight
b) cross
c) long
I’m really ______ . I’m looking for some water.
a) hungry
b) starving
c) thirsty
«Home _____ home» (дом, милый дом) was written on the welcome mat.
a) good
b) nice
c) sweet
Be _____, children. Don't talk, please.
a) quite
b) quiet
c) quit
There were no clouds in the sky. It was blue and ____.
a) clear
b) clean
The girl lost her favourite toy. She was very ____.
a) sad
b) mad
c) glad
Don't be ____ Give me one candy.
a) angry
b) lazy
c) greedy
The man is ____ That is why he can’t hear the signal.
a) death
b) deaf dead
_____ children were playing with the dog.
a) merry
b) marry
c) mary
The picnic was nice, but the flies were really ____.
a) depressing b) annoying c) terrifying
He was very scared. His face was as ______ as a sheet.
a) blue
b) red
c) white
You are so ______ - minded (рассеянный)! Try to concentrate on the test.
a) absent
b) upset
c) ancient
We didn't go fishing last weekend, because the weather was ______.
a) lusty
b) hasty
c) nasty
Jack greeted me with a ______ smile, and we went in.
a) large
b) broad
c) long
OK, then. Let’s meet at 8 o’clock ______.
a) sharp
b) aiwa
c) akai
Yes, we know each other very well. We are ______ friends.
a) open
b) close
c) locked
This chewing gum is so ______ . I can’t remove it from my jacket.
a) sticky
b) stinky
c) sleety
This day is over! I am so ______.
a) fired
b) admired
c) tired
a) a small Canadian thin lady
b) Canadian small thin lady
c) small thin Canadian lady
d) thin small Canadian lady
a) a carving steel new knife
b) a new steel carving knife
c) a steel new carving knife
d) a new carving steel knife
a) a beautiful blue sailing boat
b) a blue beautiful sailing boat
c) a sailing beautiful blue boat
d) a blue sailing beautiful boat
a) an old wooden square table
b) a square wooden old table
c) an old square wooden table
d) a wooden old square table
a) an new French exciting band
b) a French new exciting band
c) an exciting French new band
d) an exciting new French band
a) a red big plastic hat
b) a big red plastic hat
c) a plastic big red hat
d) a bit plastic red hat
a) a small Japanese serving bowl
b) a Japanese small serving bowl
c) a small serving Japanese bowl
d) a serving small Japanese bowl
a) a cotton dirty old tie
b) a dirty cotton old tie
c) an old cotton dirty tie
d) a dirty old cotton tie
Preparatory activities.
Review the following topics:
1. Give the definition of the Pronoun.
2. Revise the classification of the Pronoun. Name all groups of the English pronouns.
3. Comment on the grammatical categories, syntactic functions, morphological composition of
each pronoun group.
4. Comment on the formation of the Neuter Reflexive Voice in English.
5. Speak about the meaning and use of demonstrative, defining and indefinite pronouns.
6. What is the difference between relative and conjunctive pronouns? Give examples.
7. Comment on the use of the indefinite-personal pronoun one as a word-substitute.
8. Speak about the meaning and use of negative pronouns.
Exercise 1. Point out the pronouns in the following sentences and define the class each belongs
1. There's nothing for any of us to do. 2. Both these people were resolved to treat Mr. Polly
very well, and to help his exceptional incompetence in every possible way. 3. Torn presented
himself before Aunt Polly, who was sitting by an open window in a pleasant rearward apartment,
which was bed-room, breakfast-room, dining-room, and library combined. 4. Such were the
reflections of Felix before the brass tablet. 5. It was the sort of solemn warning that a sanguine man
gives to others, because he ought to give it to himself. 6. Elizabeth and George talked and found
each other delightful. 7. What we need is a higher and purer political morality. 8. She hesitated a
moment, and then sat down beside me, and laid her hand on mine. 9. The uniform had been cut for a
stouter person than myself, but one, fortunately, of approximately the same height. 10. "I didn't
know anything about it," cried Charlie indignantly. "I came to see you about something else." 11.
What about this coal strike? Will it ruin the country as the papers say? Isn't it a foolish thing on both
sides? 12. What was it in this girl that reminded him of that one with whom he had lived but two
years, and mourned fifteen? 13. None of us except Collingwood knew what the Prime Minister
thought of Roger or his policy. 14. There were some aviators in the compartment who did not think
much of me. 15. Then a guarded voice said, "Who goes there?" 16. Husbands and wives never listen
when they talk to each other, only when the other is talking to somebody else. 17. Let me tell you
something. 18. There was at least one person in the world who knew that he was alive and attached
some importance to the fact. 19. What are you talking about? 20. I can only say what I think. 21.
He seemed to get prouder and prouder over each item of his own deficiency. 22. We said good-bye
to one another and arranged to meet in the autumn.
Exercise 2. Use the appropriate personal pronouns
1. ___ say there's been a great earthquake in the Pacific. 2. If ___ see a giraffe once
a year ___ remains a spectacle; if ___ daily ___ becomes part of the scenery. 3. "Mary's
married now," said Mrs. Scott. "___ was in the 'Times'." 4. The "Frederic Weber" was a
freighter sailing from Hamburg to Colombo. ___ also carried passengers. 5. There was a lot
of noise all around now, and amongst ___ could hear a plane flying unusually low. 6. Pat
soon made ___ clear that ___ did not want to stay there long. 7. I got my hat and beat ___ .
8. He is dreadfully ugly. ___ must not startle when ___ see ___ , or ___ will put ___ off.
___ doesn't like ___ to feel sorry for ___ . 9. We were climbing a steep hill and the car
throbbed as if ____ were going to expire. 10. ___ was cold to sit on the terrace, pretending
that a summer evening. 11. "Our aim is to keep Italy out of the war until ___ enough to
come in on our side," said the colonel. 12. Poor old England! I don't suppose I shall ever see
___ again.
Exercise 3. Choose between a possessive pronoun and the definite article:
l. She got to ___ feet and began to brush off ___ dress. 2. Mr. Black gave ___ wife
a leather bag for ___ birthday. 3. Don't show this letter to ___ brother. 4. There was a cold
wind blowing, so I put on ___ heavy coat. 5. He took me by ___ hand and led out of the
room. 6. His father touched him on ___ arm. 7. He took the child into ___ arms. 8. What
have you done to ___ face? 9. He patted Jack heartily on ___ shoulder.10. He bent ___ head
low. 11. She slapped him on ___ cheek. 12. It's going to rain. I'd better take ___ raincoat.
13. She put ___ glass back on the table. 14. He crossed ___ legs. 15. He was wounded in
___ leg. 16. He buttoned up ___ coat. 17. He caught me by ___ sleeve.
Exercise 4. Use the appropriate form of possessive pronouns:
1) The man next door has been busy cutting the grass in (he) garden. 2) He put
(he) hand in (she). 3) "This foolish wife of (I) thinks I'm a great artist," said he. 4) Very
well, Mother, I'll have (I) hair cut this afternoon. 5) Then he stopped and pointed and said:
"Those are peas." I said, "We've got some peas, too." "I expect (you) are bigger than
(our)," he said politely. 6) Edwin said, "Dear Mary, we all felt with you. (you) distress was
(we). 7) "We can do (we) shopping before lunch. 8) There's a ghastly article of (he) about it
in this evening's paper. 9) She folded the letter and replaced it in (it) envelope. 11) The
children had had (they) tea. Kate was late for (she) as usual, Mary and Paul were having
(they). 12) This demand of (they) is quite ridiculous. 13) She makes all (she) clothes herself.
14) This book is (I). There is (I) name on it.
Exercise 5. Supply self-pronouns where possible:
l. We enjoyed ___ at the dance. 2. She had made ___ very unpopular. 3. Why is she
sitting all by ___ in the dark? 4. Jessica looked at ___ in the long mirror.5. I liked having
lodgings of my own, where I could be by ___. 6. I closed the door behind ___. 7. Every
man is important to ___ at one time or another. 8. All day the children were beside ___
from excitement. 9. The young leaves unfolded to their utmost and the fields gen erously
spread ___ on either hand. 10. He was amiability ___ . 11. I found ___ doing nearly all the
talking.12. I ___ married early, and nothing good came of it.
Exercise 6. Point out the reflexive pronouns and define their syntactic function.
1. Much more than most politicians Cave knew, himself. 2. Meanwhile, he paraded, himself
gloriously before this young man. 3. Of course, I myself used to be very wealthy. 4. He was not
doubting the logic, he realised suddenly; what he was doubting was himself. 5. Still, he must be
thankful that she had been too young to do anything in that war itself. 6. Simon calmed himself
with an effort. 7. But you might remember that one respects oneself more afterwards if one pays
one's way. 8. Miss Adele Gerry opened the, door herself. 9. He sunned himself in Chanton's
admiring gaze. 10. What was the use even, of loving, if love itself had to yield to death? 11. This is
where we wash ourselves, Elise, and where I am going to wash you. 12. Gevaert cleared his throat
and addressed himself to me. 13. They blamed themselves for this unlucky marriage. 14. The theatre
manager himself came to shake hands with them. 15. I have made myself perfectly pleasant here.
16. Several times he reminded himself that he had not rung up Brown yet. 17. He could talk races
with Hurstwood, tell interesting incidents concerning himself. 18. I want to be kept in constant touch
with his progress myself. 19. Anne's terror of being discovered in London or its neighbourhood,
whenever they ventured to walk out, had gradually communicated itself to Mrs. Clements. 20. James
added: "Well, I hope, you'll both enjoy yourselves." 21. Cave might have concealed from others, but
not from himself, that he profoundly envied Roger.
Exercise 5. Use one of the demonstrative pronouns:
1. ___ is a cooking apple, ___ an eating one. 2. She gave the ___ answer as before.
3." I'm going alone and ___ 's ___ ," I said. 4. What do you want me to do with ___ ? 5. His
mental level at the time of his death was ___ of a four-year-old child. 6. He dined there only on
Sundays, and not every Sunday at ___ . 7. Do you see ___ bushes on the other side of the
river? 8. Well, ___'s exactly what I did. 9.Don't be in ___ a hurry.10. He continued to
frequent the ___ cafe as when he had stayed at the hotel. 11.I believe you but there are ___
who wouldn't. 12. ___ is what I thought last year. 13. ___ is life. 14.I can't find all the
books you asked me for. I put ___ I found on your desk. 15. ___ is what I want you to do.
16.I have divided the books into two piles. ___ are to be kept. ___are to be sold. 17.I have
had ___ a busy morning. 18. My seat was next to ___ of John's mother. 19. He can't be more
than three or four years older than you, if ___ . 20 One can't compare Chopin's waltzes with
___ of today," said she. 21. My services, ___ as they are, are at your disposal.
Exercise 6. Supply some, any or no:
1. If you have ___ news, call me back. 2. She helped me borrow ___ more money.
3.There is hardly ___ place in this house where we can talk alone. 4. ___ boy at the school had
ever taken a scholarship to the university. 5. It meant real hardship to my mother unless I
earned ___ money at once. 6. My mother hoped that perhaps the school had ___ funds to give
me a grant. 7.It was unlikely that ___ of the guests would take particular notice of it. 8.
They understood each other without ___ words. 9. "Let's go back home. It's already late."
"I'd rather stay out a little longer." "I suppose we've got to go home ___ time." 10.There
isn't ___ boot-polish in this tin. 11. You have ___ fine flowers in your garden. 12.Go and
ask him for ___ more paper. I haven't ___ in my desk. 13. Later we had ___ tea. 14. He
wants ___ more pudding. You can take it away. 15. There are ___ matches left. We must
buy ___. 16. I wouldn't go to his concert. He is ___ pianist. 17 ___ time ago I read his
story in a magazine. 18. I don't think there is ___ milk left in the jug. 19. ___ student can answer
the question.
Exercise 7. Supply one of the compounds with some-, any- or no-:
l. At the party you'll see ___ you haven't met yet. 2. Will there be ___ at the club
so early? 3.I'm not going to see him because I have ___ important to report. 4.I was late. I
found ___ in the house. 5. I am expecting ___ at twelve o'clock. 6. I think there's ___
wrong with my watch. 7. Is there ___ at home? 8.The doorbell rang but there was ___
there. 9. I know ___ at all. 10. Otherwise there was hardly ___ to occupy him. 11."Why
don't they do ___ about me?" Mr. Scot cried out hearing that his friend had got promoted.
12. ___ can become a member of the club by paying a subscription. 13. When we get there it
may be too late to do ___ . 14. ___ has been here before us. 15. "Why don't you say ___?"
he demanded. 16. In the winter he lived without doing ___. 17.He wondered if he would
ever again share ___'s emotion. 18.This is my affair and ___ else's. 19. Sometimes he
would sit silent and abstracted, taking no notice of ___ . 20. ___ is better than ___ in a
situation like this. 21.Can't you do ___ by yourself now? 22. I took care to ask him ___
about his own doings 23. Will you bring ___ with you or will you come alone? 24. ___ has
any right to interfere in this matter. 25. If ___ delays you, you must let me know. 26. It
was clear that ___ had happened. 27. ___ at the airport could tell me ___ about the Trianon
hotel. 28. It's a cave. I'd like to find out if there's ___ left inside. 29. He looked at my
pictures and he didn't say ___ . 30. Her parents are ___ much, you know. I'm afraid you
will be disappointed. 31. But in any case, what can ___ do? 32. ___ had heard a rumour that
he led a "wild" life.
Exercise 8. Use the pronoun one in the proper form and, if necessary, with the required article:
1. ___ man's meat is another man's poison. 2. His parents never appeared in the
parish church except on special occasions. Mr. Evans' funeral was such ___ . 3.They are
six in the family. ___ you saw are David and Tommy. 4. Brown's old car is much better than
our new ___. 5. There are woollen gloves and leather ___ in the crate. 6. It is the most
natural thing to start talking to someone who knows nothing whatever about ___ and who
is never likely to cross ___ way again. 7. He was rather pale, and the expression on his face
was ___ I had never seen before. 8. "Which girl is Jean?" " ___ in the green dress." 9. "What
has happened to all the brushes?" "I saw ___ on the table in the hall." 10.Such ___ as you
want is very rarely seen
Exercise 9. Choose between no one and none:
1. ___ I tried to teach her anything. 2. ___ of us is perfect; we all make mistakes. 3.
___ of us knew how ill she was. 4. I'm sure you heard it from Mary, ___ else could tell you
that. 5. ___ had anything to gain by his death. 6. I wanted some more coffee but there was
___ left. 7. ___ of them knows his duty yet. 8. We had ___ to give us accurate information,
let alone advice. 9. Philip slowly mounted the stairs. ___ of his family was yet up. 10.I
looked around the room, expecting to see piles of books ___ were visible. 11. ___ of us
knows how much he has suffered. 12. Since ___ had an answer to his question, silence
fell in the room. 13. He asked for food but his mother said there was ___. 14. ___ of the
new men have been able to pass the test. 15.Of all the girls he phoned ___ were at home.
16. During that time he saw ___ who could tell him what had gone wrong. 17. ___ of us
were sure of the facts. 18. "Where are the apples?" "There are ___." 19. A hundred yards or
so from the cottage stood a brick house that looked unfinished. ___ in the party gave it a
second thought.
Exercise 10. Choose between all and a compound with every-:
1. I shall want to hear ___ they say. 2. She took the initiative and herself spoke to
___ she knew. З. He couldn't help noticing how well dressed ___ was. 4. I want ___ to be
happy. 5. Then, to ___'s surprise, she married someone quite undistinguished. 6. ___ who
have studied this issue have come to the same conclusion. 7. She believed that ___ was
watching her. 8. ___ of his friends had offered him his help. 9. Soon ___ were asleep. 10.
The lady laughed immoderately at ___ that was said to her. 11. ___ has been taken away that
could be removed. 12. ___ felt indignant when he began hitting the boy with his stick.
Exercise 11. Choose between all, every and each:
1. I have ___ book he has ever written. 2. He shouted her name twice, ___ time
banging his fist on the table. 3. He had been brought up by a mother who had taught him that
___ pleasure must be paid for. 4. They did not talk much about what ___ feared most. 5.
___ trunks must be labelled before being deposited in the left-luggage office. 6. He has ___
right to know who you are going to marry. 7. That's the sort of job ___ boys like doing. 8.
They broke into little groups; ___ had his own wonderful story to tell. 9. ___ the people were
cheering loudly. 10. Before he left the classroom he gave ___ boy a task. 11. She had
something to say on ___ subject. 12. ___ the money was spent. 13. ___ the family were
present. 14. And I had to sit out there with ___ eye on me.15. He has ___ chance to win.
16. He looked at ___ of us in turn. 17. Hugh had ___ advantage of education. 18. I'd like
you to make ___ effort to obtain ___ the data we spoke about. 19. Frank's wasn't a bad
place. The tables had yellow tops, which Frank wiped after ___ customer. 20. Almost ___
boys like sport. 21. The doctor took his gloves out, and pulled one on his left hand,
concentrating on ___ fold in the leather. 22. The actor could make you hear ___ word in
the last row of the gallery.
Exercise 12. Use the pronoun other in the proper form and with the required article:
1. I think the first thing to do is to have ___ talk with your sister. 2. It was not a large
garden, but it was long and narrow. John and I walked right to ___ end of it in silence. 3. I
talked to a lot of people. Some said that in the same circumstances they would do as they had
done before. ___ told me that if they had known what it would come to they wouldn't have
ever done it. 4. Then I read the novels of George Meredith one after . ___ 5. ___ day I
made an epigram. I hope you'll like it. 6. They were going to get punished, one way or ___
7. The bar was kept by two very nice girls, one was American and ___ English. 8. ___ people
have told me the same thing 9. That night Kate was gay and could make ___ laugh. 10. He
was always somewhat indifferent to the feelings of ___ . 11. Well, I met him in the club
___ night. 12. I made few friends in those days, for I was occupied wit h ___ things. 13.
Without ___ word he started up the car. 14. He sat in ___ arm-chair at the opposite side of
the fire-place. 15.The servant opened the door and ushered in ___ visitor. 16. Young men
and young women would greet me on their way to or from the tennis court. Some found more
to say to me than. 17. The houses on ___ side of the river were built out of grey stone. 18.
Some people refused to take the advertisements and walked away and ___ dropped them
on the grass. 19. Why are you alone? Where are ___? 20. Would you like ___ cup of tea?
Exercise 13. Use both, either or neither:
1. We drove along a wide road with ditches and trees on ___ side. 2. Ed and I were
___ very big men. З. He invited us ___ , but I knew he felt it irregular; he did not want
___ of us at a family party. 4.The verandah stretched on ___ side of me. 5. The first apple
pie of the season was on the table and a large dish of purple grapes. Muriel was too angry to
touch ___. 6.I could hear them ___ , but saw ___. 7. Cords were drawn on ___ side of the
picture gallery on days when the public were admitted. 8. These are ___ very gloomy
rooms. I'm afraid ___ will suit me. 9. ___ his legs were broken in the accident. 10. "Which
of the two newspapers would you like?" "Oh, ___ will do." 11.She had brown shining hair
which hung down on ___ side of her face. 12. "What are you going to have, orange juice or
Coke?" "___ . I'm not thirsty." 13."Tell ___ your mother and father that I'm expecting
them tonight." "I'm afraid I won't see ___ of them today." 14. "Which job are you going to
take?" "I'm afraid ___ ." 15.She can play with the tennis racket in ___ hand. 16. By that
time ___ his sisters had got married. 17. There were trees on ___ bank. 18. You can borrow
___ of my two cameras. 19. Nick and Tom are ___ my friends. But ___ is in the town now.
They are ___ in the Navy. 20. "What have you written, a short story or an essay?" "I'm
afraid it doesn't come within ___ description." 21. "___ the jars, the big one and the small
one, are empty. You can take ___ of them." "I'm afraid ___ will do." 22. "She's either very
ill or has gone away." "What can one do about it in ___ case?"
Exercise 14. Choose between much and many, (a) little and (a) few:
1. Nowadays he was very busy and he saw ___ of his old friends. 2.I suggested that he
should get ___ grapes and some bread. 3. Aunt Florrie had ___ money while none of the
other family had inherited as ___ as a pound. 4. He was so happily absorbed in the building
of his house that events outside it affected him ___. 5. My sister spends so ___ money on her
clothes that she has none left for holidays. 6. My dear, I'm afraid I have not ___ news to
convey but still there are ___ things I should like to add. 7. I began to miss London: it
was not so ___ that I had ___ close friends there, for I have ___ friends, but I missed
variety. 8. Tom has eaten so ___ that he can't move. 9. Adeline had slept ___ last night and
she had a headache. 10.She was glad to see me because I was English and she knew ___
English people. 11. My engagements were ___ and I was glad to accept the invitation. 12. He
knew he was not a good teacher, and he intended to do ___ of that. 13. At the bar ___ men
were discussing the coming elections in loud barking tones. 14.Virginia returned to England
at the moment when ___were leaving it. 15. I have so ___ things to do that I don't know
which to do first. 16.Last week there was so ___ rain that I was not able to go out.
Exercise 15. Point out conjunctive, relative, and interrogative pronouns and define their syntactic
1. She was heartily sick of London fog and cold and soot and messy open fires which fill the
room with dust but don't warm it. 2. "Who is that girl with yellow hair and dark eyes," he asked. 3.
You see, Hushabye you are what women consider a good-looking man. 4. Who could tell what his
son's circumstances really were? 5. You don't want to do anything that you'll be sorry for. 6. A man
is mostly what you want to see in him. 7. What do you. expect me to believe? 8. She rises with an
air of one who waits and is almost at the end of her patience. 9. It was evident, indeed, that she
wished me to drop the subject, which I did accordingly. 10. Several times their eyes accidentally
met, and then there poured into hers such a flood of feeling as she had never experienced. 11. Would
she go with them or stay here and write to William. Which, which should it be? 12. He mentioned
things in the play which she most approved of, things which swayed her deeply. 13. I do so wonder
what Jolyon's boy is like. 14. What hurt him most was the fact that he was being pursued as a thief.
Exercise 16. Use interrogative, relative or conjunctive pronouns:
l. They had brought few books with them ___ she hadn't read. 2. You're one of the
few people ___ I'd like to know better. 3." ___ of the two of them is right?" he asked me.
4.I don't honestly see ___ I can do about it. 5. That is the worst news ___ we've ever had
from you. 6. He was compared with everyone ___ had ever written a successful travel book
and the accents of ___ were certainly to be caught in his own works. 7. ___ do we call
the sea between England and France? 8.I told him everything ___ was relevant. 9. ___ I
saw was a solid-looking brick house. 10. ___ pronoun is always written with a capital
letter? 11. In this room there was a small grate, on the mantle shelf of ___ she had arranged
two vases of flowers. 12. Looking at him she wondered ___ sort of small boy he had been.
13. ___ cost more money, ready-made clothes or tailor-made clothes? 14. All ___ they would
tell me was that Uncle Nick was ill. 15. ___ did he say? 16. There had grown between them
an understanding ___ required no words. 17. ___ other things did you buy? 18. Now ___
you see all the family together tell me ___ you think of us. 19. Tell me ___ daughter you're
going to take along with you and ___ is staying behind. 20. It is for you to decide ___ is to
speak to the chief. 21.They're a family that would quarrel about ___ way a doorknob turns.
22. ___ quality do you admire in a man? 23. He is the man ___ car I noticed in the square.
24.Take these books to your brother and ask him ___ are his. 25. If you ask for "the
German", every one will know ___ you mean. 26.1 didn't tell her ___ it was all about. 27.
He examined the official records to find out in ___ name the house and plot were
registered. 28.They explained ___ they wanted. 29.I was sure that ___ he said about the
girl was true. 30. Later that afternoon Phil went to San Fernando, where he soon found
the house in ___ the Klement family was said to live. 31.They asked a young woman ___
the street was called. 32.Then they were asked ___ company they represented and ___
sort of factory they intended to put up in the area.
Choose the correct pronoun. Check your answers in the keys.
1. ___ is your closest friend?
a) Which
b) What
c) Who
2. Give me ___ pen. I don't like this one.
a) the other
b) another
c) other
3. Not until moon and stars faded away and streaks of daylight began to appear, did Meitje Brinker
and Hans look hopelessly into ___ face.
a) each other b) one another c) each other’s
4. Who is there? – It is ___ .
a) I
b) me
c) mine
5. The baker ___ baked that bread should win an award.
a) who b) that c) which
6. Seated in a row close to ___ were three ladies – Aunts Ann, Hester and Julie.
a) each other b) one another c) each one
7. But I think that was ___ I spoke to.
a) he
b) his
c) him
8 The domino theory, ___ stated that when one country fell to Communism others in the area would
likely fall, was used as an argument to continue the Vietnam War.
a) which
b) that
c) who
9. He took the letters from the gilt wire cage into which they had been thrust through the slit in the
door. ___ from Irene.
a) No one
b) None
c) No
10: ___ do you bank with?
a) Whom
b) What
c) Which
11. I am thirsty; I should like … cup of tea.
a) the other
b) another
c) other
12. In this he would make little fires, and cook the birds he had not shot with his gun because there
were ___ .
a) no one
b) none
c) no
13. The girl dropped ___ handkerchief and he picked it up.
a) she
b) her
c) hers
14. There are two books here; take one and I'll take ___ .
a) the other
b) another
c) other
15. Larry will work on the project with ___ you suggest.
a) whoever
b) whomever
c) whom
16. ___ side of the bed do you like, Mum?
a) Whose
b) Which
c) What
17. He realised that she was making an effort to talk his talk, and he resolved to get away from it and
talk ___ .
a) she
b) her
c) hers
18. Besides, it required woods and animals, of which he had ___ in his nursery except his two cats.
a) no one
b) none
c) no
19. Kathy was not sure ___ she was voting for.
a) whom
b) who
c) which
20. He could not see that it would be better to make her feel that she was competing with ___ .
a) hers
b) her
c) herself
21. She had brown shining hair which hung down on ___ side of her face.
a) neither
b) either
c) both
22. This is ___ more than genius. It is true, every line of it.
a) something b) anything
c) everything
23. You can borrow ___ of my two cameras.
a) neither
b) either
c) both
24. ___ his legs were broken in the accident.
a) neither
b) either
c) both
25. ___ who have studied this case have come to the same conclusion.
a) everyone
b) all
c) anybody
26. Soon ___ were asleep.
a) everyone
b) all
c) each
27. You walked into the waiting room, into a great buzz of conversation; you knew almost ___ .
a) somebody
b) everybody c) anybody
28. When he brought his suitcase down into the hall, Isabel left ___ and went over to him.
a) the others
b) others
c) the other
29. He has ___ chance to win.
a) all
b) every
c) each
30. They did not talk much about what ___ feared most.
a) all
b) every
c) each
31. Often among the women he met, he would see now one, now ___ , looking at him, appraising
him, selecting him.
a) other
b) another
c) the other
32. ___ tried to teach her anything.
a) No one
b) None
c) No
33. Before he left the classroom he gave ___ boy a task.
a) all
b) every
c) each
34. I closed the door behind ___ .
a) myself
b) me
c) I
35. He wondered if he would ever again share ___’s emotion.
a) somebody
b) nobody
c) anybody
36. The tomatoes from her garden, ___ grew larger than those in the grocery store, were sweet and
a) which
b) that
c) who
37. ___ man’s meat is another man’s poison.
a) no
b) any
c) one
38. The tomatoes ___ grow in her garden are unlike those you buy in a store.
a) who
b) that
c) which
39. My services, ___ as they are, are at your disposal.
a) those
b) such
c) that
40. There is a ghastly article of ___ about it in this evening’s paper.
a) him
b) his
c) he
41. My seat was next to ___ of John’s mother.
a) this
b) that
c) such
42. I will vote for ___ you suggest.
a) whoever
b) whomever c) whom
43. All ___ they would tell me was that Uncle Nick was ill.
a) what
b) that
c) which
44. She can play with the tennis racket in ___ hand.
a) both
b) neither
c) either
45. Don is the skydiver ___ broke his back last week.
a) who
b) that
c) which
46. ___ of them answered; but their faces seemed to him as if contemptuous.
a) No
b) None
c) Neither
47. ___ wins the lottery will become a millionaire.
a) Whoever
b) Whomever c) Who
48. She wore a red ribbon in her hair, and was the only one of the white company who could boast
of ___ a pronounced adornment.
a) such a
b) so
c) such
49. The only honest people, if they existed, were ___ who said: "This is foul brutality".
a) these
b) those
c) they
50. ___ was wise enough to be sure of the working of the mind of the other.
a) No
b) None
c) Neither
Preparatory activities.
Review the following topics:
Give the definition of the Numeral.
State the classification and morphological composition of numerals in English.
Name the syntactic functions of the Numeral. Give examples.
Comment on the use of articles with numerals.
What do you know about the use of numerals in mathematical equations?
How common and decimal fractions are read in English?
Choose the correct pronoun. Check your answers in the keys.
150 _____ live in the Russian Federation.
a) millions people
b) millions of people c) million of people d) million people
_____ are starving in the world today.
a) Thousands people b) Thousands of people
You are _____ who asks me this stupid question.
a) fifth
b) the Fiveth c) the Fifth
d) five
Two _____ of my income I spend on my pet’s food.
a) twelve
b) twelfth
c) twelves
d) twelfths
Every _____ person in our company is not satisfied with his salary.
a) three
b) the third
c) third
Ok! See you on _____ of April.
a) the twentyth-seventh
b) twenty-seven
c) the twenty-seventh
It is _____ hit. I like such songs.
a) his the third
b) his third
c) the third his
_____ of the territory is covered with ice.
a) one thirds
b) one third
This bouquet costs _____ dollars!
a) two hundreds
b) two hundred
c) two hundred of
Two thirds of my work _____ dedicated to the theory of the subject.
a) are
b) is
Two _____ two will be four.
a) on
b) to
c) by
I need _____ of your annual turnover.
а) three-nineths
b) three-ninths
c) three-nine
So, this will be two _____ five.
a) point
b) comma
_____ can save the situation.
a) ten percent b) ten percents
A fortnight means _____ weeks.
a) two b) three
c) four
_____ we need to think this problem over.
a) the first of all
b) first of all
Have you ever experienced love _____ ?
a) first sight
b) at the first sight
с) at first sight
The length of this avenue is 5 kilometres _____ four hundred _____ fifty meters.
a) and ... and
b) and ...
c) ... and
I wonder what the world will be at the end of _____ century?
a) twenty one b) the twentieth-first
c) the twenty-first
Personally, I prefer music of _____ .
a) nineteen seventys b) the nineteen seventies c) the nineteen seventeens
Preparatory activities.
Review the following topics:
1. Give the definition of the Adverb, name all groups of English adverbs and state their syntactic
2. Comment on the morphological composition of English adverbs.
3. What are the peculiarities of forming adverbs in English.
4. Speak on the degrees of comparison of English adverbs.
5. Comment on the place of adverbs in the sentence in accordance with their classification.
Exercise 1. State the morphological composition of the following adverbs:
Where, abroad, too, tenfold, nowadays, inside, quickly, underneath, once, homeward, seldom,
nowhere, heartily, afoot, headlong, twice, beyond, then, eastward, otherwise, upstairs, rarely, late,
outside, ahead, forever, so, beneath, forward, fast, scarcely, inquiringly, sometimes, good-naturedly.
Exercise 2. Point out the adverbs, define their morphological composition and the group each
belongs to.
1. She talked to them naturally, sang a little song to them. And gave them their Sunday toys. 2.
He was free to go off with his easel where and when he liked. 3.The man must have had diabolically
acute hearing. 4.Patients insist on having microbes nowadays. 5. As soon as Annette found herself
outside, she began to run. 6. I never felt better in my life. 7. I think sometimes there is nothing
before me but hard work. 8. It was as if his soul had been cramped and his eyes bandaged from the
hour of his birth. Why had he lived such a life? Why had he submitted to things, blundered into
things? 9. Yes, George had lived too fast, or he would not have been dying twenty years before his
time – too fast! 10. She consulted her husband at once. 11. Fleur having declared that it was "simply
too wonderful to stay indoors," they all went out. 12. And she lived at Mapledurham a jolly name,
too, on the river somewhere. 13. A week later I am visited by a very stylishly dressed young
woman. 14. They had been dancing together. 15. He remembered her birthday well – he had always
observed it religiously. 16. The driver was ordered to take the car to the pool, and Jates and Karen
went afoot. 17. The only thing is to cut the knot for good. 18. Why, you've hardly started, it isn't fair
to bother you. 19. Twice I doubled round corners, thrice I crossed the road and came back on my
tracks. 20. They went eyeing each other askance. 21. He took a few steps towards her and looked
less at her than at the open doorway behind her. 22. In another moment Adel was leading the way
downstairs. 23. James looked at her hard. 24. The boy was due to go to-morrow. 25. She seems to be
simple enough. 26. The cry came from the terrace below. 27. They are quiet at present. 28. I must
get the money somehow. 29. He had never had a love of music. 30. He spoke little and listened
Exercise 3. Use the comparative or superlative degree of the adverbs.
1. Then the bus... began to run, ____ still, through a long avenue. (fast) 2. Moreover, he was
____ educated than the others. (well) 3. She was the one who was being hurt ____ . (deeply) 4. He
contrived to get a glimpse of Montanelli once or ____ in every week, if only for a few minutes.
(often) 5. Driving ____ now, she arrived between four and five, (slowly) 6. However, I must bear
my cross as ____ I may. (well) 7. Then he dismissed the thought as unworthy and impossible, and
yielded himself ____ to the music. (freely) 8. He followed her mental process ____ now, and her
soul was no ____ the sealed wonder it had been. (clearly; long) 9. Felix's eyebrows rose ____ than
ever. (high) (James) 10. It was a comfort to Margaret about this time, to find that her mother drew
____ and ____ towards her than she had ever done since the days of her childhood. (tenderly;
Exercise 4. Choose the right adverb:
1. He stood (close / closely) to the door. 2. You can get the book (free / freely). Не
couldn't explain it (clear / clearly). 3. I (hard / hardly) studied at all last term. You guessed
(wrong / wrongly). 4. He opened the door (wide / widely). 5. She was (high / highly) praised
for her work. 6. He has been working (hard / hardly). 7. I'm getting (pretty / prettily) tired.
8. You can speak (free / freely) in front of him. 9. My friends are (most / mostly) students.
10. I haven't been to the theatre much (late/lately). 11. I (wrong/wrongly) assumed that you
were my friend. 12. He (close / closely) inspected the lock. 13. He came back (late / lately).
14. You're doing (fine / finely). 15. Take it (easy/easily). 16 The kite flew (high / highly).
17. The girl was dancing (pretty / prettily). 18. I understood his English (easy / easily). 19.
He pulled the strings (tight / tightly). 20. It was (near / nearly) midnight. 21. Of all fruit he
loved apples (most / mostly). 22. They differed (wide / widely) in opinions. 23. The car
drove up (near / nearly) to the gate. 24. I (clean / cleanly) forgot about it. 25. He loved his
parents (dear / dearly). 26. He will be in (short / shortly). 27. He bought it (cheap /
cheaply). 28. His refusal cost him (dear / dearly). 29. He turned round (sharp / sharply). 30.
They travelled (cheap / cheaply). 31. They treated him (fair / fairly). 32. The foreman cut
me (short / shortly). 33. She clenched the letter (tight / tightly) in her hand. 34. She wiped
the table (clean / cleanly). 35. He always travelled (light / lightly). 36. You must play (fair
/ fairly). 37. He kissed me (light / lightly) on the cheek. 38. It was ten o'clock (sharp /
sharply). 39. Stand (clear/ clearly) of the machine.
Exercise 5. Find the best possible place for the adverbs:
1. I can't do it (possibly). 2. He has mentioned it (never). 3. We just watched TV
(tonight). 4. Has he been out of his native town (ever)? 5. Mother is in the kitchen (now). 6.
He can be seen in the local pub in the evening (usually). 7. What have you been doing (here)?
8. He will be sick of living alone (soon). 9. She went to bed (early). 10.They all went
upstairs (presently). 11. "Fools," she said to herself (angrily). 12. She was indifferent to him
(entirely). 13. He looked hurt (deeply). 14. He could have managed it (easily). 15. She
listened to him (respectively). 16. They kept laughing (uproariously). 17. She was trying to
explain (simply). 18. I think she's lying (frankly). 19.They've forgotten the time (probably).
20. The visit has been very successful (politically). 21.He knew what was happening
(perhaps). 22. I did not see him (honestly). 23. The letter is sent off (anyway). 24. He is
very happy (obviously). 25. The players could see the ball (hardly). 26. Turning the books
over he looked at the titles (rapidly). 27. We had a nice game (certainly). 28. The idea
passed through my mind (idly). 29. She spoke Italian (perfectly). 30. I must just wait for his
letter (patiently). 31. She began to cry (hysterically). 32.You can see in people's thoughts
(sometimes, clearly)
Choose the correct variant. Check your answers in the keys.
1. Jim hates speaking in public, he is _____ shy.
a) absolutely
b) completely
c) painfully
2. The Wimbledon final was ____ exciting.
a) absolutely
b) utterly
c) terribly
3. Your new bracelet’s beautiful. It looks _____ expensive.
a) very
b) completely
c) absolutely
4. I think I’d better lie down. I feel ____ sick.
a) practically
b) a little bit
c) virtually
5. Yes, Sir. You’re ____ correct. I’ll give you a refund.
a) quite
b) very
c) rather
6. Since the accident Clive has been _____ paralysed.
a) totally
b) absolutely
c) very
7. After a month with no rain the grass is ____ dead.
a) slightly
b) almost
c) somewhat
8. I wasn’t expecting much but, surprisingly, the play was _____ good.
a) nearly
b) absolutely
c) quite
9. You’re bound to be promoted; the boss thinks very ___ of you.
a) high
b) highly
10. The elephant trek took us ____ into the rainforest.
a) deep
b) deeply
11. In our school ____ students have mobile phones.
a) fifty roughly
b) roughly fifty
12. As we descended the hill the car began to go ____ .
a) more fast
b) faster
13. I’ve had a lot of insomnia recently. _____ four hours.
a) I only slept yesterday
b) Yesterday I only slept
14. The train strike won’t affect her, she ____ by taxi.
a) arrives usually
b) usually arrives
15. Liz isn’t our most punctual member of stuff, she ____ late for work.
a) is often
b) often is
16. ____ , so I can pay the rent on Saturday.
a) Weekly I get paid
b) I get paid weekly
17. You’ll never get your money back, because the company isn’t ____ .
a) trading any longer
b) any longer trading
18. He slapped him ____ on the back.
a) friendly
b) in a friendly way
19. Does that flight do ____ or is there a stopover?
a) direct
b) directly
20. I get the feeling you haven’t ____ understood my point.
a) entirely
b) really
c) probably
Preparatory activities.
Review the following topics:
Give the definition of the Verb. Comment on its morphological and syntactic characteristics.
Comment on the classification of the Verb according to lexical meaning.
Which verbs are called transitive, mixed?
What is the difference between notional and auxiliary, notional and link verbs?
How many types of the predicate can be distinguished in English?
State the morphological composition of the Verb. Which verbs are called composite?
Characterise modal verbs in general.
Which forms of the Verb are called non-finite? Name them and comment on their peculiarities.
Name and define all the grammatical categories of the English Verb.
Exercise 1. State the morphological composition of the verbs.
To worry, to precipitate, to retell, to do away, to whitewash, to whiten, to ascend, to
apologise, to engage, to enfold, to give in, to decompose, to translate, to transport, to browbeat, to
subscribe to subordinate, to run away, to underestimate, to backbite, to mislead, to forget, to
succeed, to disobey, to take off, to overrun, to satisfy, to recede, to come in, to resign, to
superintend, to descend, to blackmail, to put up, to unbind, to win, to counter-act, to go on, to
forecast, to befriend, to go away, to lie, to predispose.
Exercise 2. Point out notional, auxiliary, modal, and link verbs.
She went into the drawing-room and lighted the fire; then, picking up the cushions one by one,
that Mary had disposed so carefully, she threw them back onto the chairs and the couches. That
made all the difference; the room came alive at once. As she was about to throw the last one she
surprised herself by suddenly hugging it to her, passionately, passionately. But it did not put on the
fire in her bosom.
Oh, on the contrary! The windows of the drawing-room opened onto a balcony over-looking the
garden. At the far end, against the wall, there was a tall, slender pear tree in fullest, richest bloom; it
stood perfect, as though becalmed against the jade-green sky. Bertha couldn't help feeling even from
this distance, that it had not a single bud or a faded petal. Down below, in the garden beds the red
and yellow tulips, heavy with flowers seemed to lean upon the dusk. A grey cat dragging its belly
crept across the lawn and a black one, its shadow, trailed after. The sight of them, so intent and so
quick, gave Bertha a curious shiver. Really – really – she had everything. She was young. Harry and
she were as much in love as ever, and they got on together splendidly. She had an adorable baby.
They didn't have to worry about money. They had this absolutely satisfactory house and garden.
Exercise 3. Point out all the verbs. State whether they are transitive or intransitive; terminative,
non-terminative or verbs of double lexical character. Translate into Russian.
1. She had spoiled his life, wounded his pride to death, defrauded him of a son. 2. The door
opened, and a thick heavy-looking young man entered. 3. The paddock was well filled with people
and they were walking the horses around under the trees behind the grandstand 4. Fleur did not
answer. She stood for a moment looking at him and her mother. 5. After turning the matter over and
consulting with Irene, he wrote to his daughter, Mrs. Val Dartie. 6. The soldiers pushed the foreign
workers into groups and led them off. 7. Hughson marched him up to a sort of large desk that was
all glass and shining metal. 8. While she stood hesitating the door opened, and an old man came
forth shading a candle with one hand. 9. Fleur looked at her watch and rose. 10. It was Fleur’s turn
now. She spoke of dogs and the way people treated them. 11. The stream which worked the mill
came bubbling down in a dozen rivulets. 12. He was waiting for us at the public house; and asked
me how I found myself, like an old acquaintance. I did not feel, at first, that I knew him as well as
he knew me, because he had never come to our house since the night I was born, and naturally he
had the advantage of me.
The Use of Tenses in the Active Voice
Preparatory activities.
Review the following topics:
1. Comment on the grammatical categories of Tense, Aspect, Voice and Mood of the English
2. Comment on the formation and use of the Indefinite Form giving examples.
3. Name all the cases of use of the Continuous Form giving examples.
4. Comment on the formation and use of the Perfect Form.
5. Comment on the formation and use of the Perfect Continuous Form.
6. Which tense-aspect forms can be used to express future actions?
7. Name verbs, which can not be used in the Continuous Form.
8. What kind of actions is expressed by the Present Perfect Inclusive?
9. Which verbs are not used in the Present Perfect?
Exercise 1 . Comment on the use of tenses expressing future actions or states. Translate into
1. I'm not going to Berth; I'm going to Craddock direct and I mean to give him a piece of
my mind. 2. Pearl, be quick and go. Minnie will be wondering why you don't come. 3. "Dr. Ramsay
is coming to luncheon tomorrow," she said. "I shall tell them both that I'm going to be married to
you," 4. I'm terribly sorry not to be able to ask you to lunch, but we're having it early in rather a
rush and leaving immediately after. 5. I am not going to play at all, I must see to the tea, and I
daresay some more people will be coming in presently. 6. "Well, so long, anyway, Greta," Roy
called to her. He waved his hand in her direction. "I'll be seeing you again, too. Maybe I'll be seeing
you at the Round-about some night soon." 7. I hope you're going to enjoy staying in the house.
Nobody will bother you there. And if you yell in the night, I'll probably hear and I'll rush in to
wake you. 8. I shall be having a quiet day with Antonia. We're staying in London this time,
Rosemary will be at the Rembers with Alexander. 9. You'll be sorry for what you've said when
you've calmed down and then you'll want me to forgive you. 10. "Are you going out again, Miss
Jane?" "Not me, I'm off to bed soon with a good book."
Exercise 2. Comment on the use of the Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect
and Present Perfect Continuous. Translate into Russian.
1. Women are constantly trying to commit suicide for love, but generally they don’t take
care to succeed. 2. You probably haven't seen her since those summer holidays when Mum and
Dad were abroad. 3. Gerald, if you are going away with Lord Ulingworth, go at once. Go before it
kills me: but don't ask me to meet him. 4. There's the car. Arnold 's come back. I must go and bathe
my eyes. I don't want them to see I've been crying. 5. I am seeing the other nurse, Nurse O'Brien,
today. 6. As she turns to go, she finds that Bella has entered and is staring at her and her father
with impassive hatred. 7. Bella is a Negro woman of fifty who has been in the Langdon home for
twenty-four years and thus occupies a favoured position. 8. "You are being very absurd, Laura,"
she said coldly. 9. When I've taken off my things we shall go into the next room and have tea. 10.
I'm always doing things on the spur of the moment to my own inconvenience and other people's. 11.
He has all the virtues. Dr. Ramsay, Miss Glover, even Mrs. Branderton have been drumming his
praise into my ears. 12. Fatty came over to Lanny's table. A fat, cheerful Greek with laughing
wrinkles at the sides of his eyes. "You're alone today," Fatty said. Lanny nodded and lit a cigarette.
"I'm leaving tonight." "Leaving?" "Yes, Fatty. I'm going home to the Karroo." 13. Do you know
that Robert Oldham and Caroline have been madly in love with one another for the last ten years?
They've waited all this time, and now at last Caroline is free. 14. This will be the death of her when
she hears it. 15. You have told my learned friend that you have known Mr. Pickwick a long time.
16. He is always breaking the law. 17. "It is Mrs. Sedley's coach, sister," said Miss Jemima.
"Sambo, the black servant, has just rung the bell." 18. She doesn't like me... She's always saying
sharp things to me. 19. "I think you are being very wise. A complete holiday, a complete rest, that is
what you need. Have you decided where you are going?" "I've changed my mind," I said. "I don't
think I'm going away after all." 20. Ah, Miss Marple. Good morning. Glad you've come. My wife's
been ringing you up like a lunatic. 21. A woman never acknowledges such a nondescript age as
forty-eight unless she is going to marry a widower with seventeen children. 22. "By the way,
you've been talking about me. I see it written in your faces. Your silence tells me all. I could even
guess what you've been saying..." "You've been listening," Gladys cried, making a face at him. 23.
You are being far too romantic about it. 24. "Do you like me at all, Berth?" he asked. "I've been
wanting to ask you ever since you came home." 25. Years have passed since we began this life. 26.
I've been making some sandwiches. Won't you come up and have some? 27. I cannot imagine why
I've lived thirty years with a man I dislike so much. 28. "Antonia has been telling me about your
flat," said Rosemary. "It sounds ideal. And there's a heavenly view over to Westminster Cathedral."
29. We've been going to pictures about twice a week ever since. 30. I've flown a kite every Saturday
afternoon ever since I was a kid and I'm going to fly a kite as long as ever I want to. 31. I know
this is an old story, I don't understand it myself and if I set it down in black and white it is only
with a faint hope that when I have written it I may get a clearer view of if. 32. Who is coming to
tea? 33. "I don't know what's been the matter with me. I've been so miserable, Eddie..." "You've
been crying."
Exercise 3 . Comment on the use of the Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Past Perfect and Past
Perfect Continuous. Translate into Russian.
1. The cook used to snatch away the letters from home, before Ma Parker had read them. 2.
As she neared the kitchen, Chris came from the garage where he'd been attending to a lorry with a
magneto trouble, wiping his hands on some waste. 3. She was always telling herself that the only
rational course was to make Edward a final statement of her intentions, then break off all
communications. 4. I realised that he had come away with me in order to discuss once more what he
had been already discussing for hours with his sister-in-law. 5. I saw that it was 2 o'clock. We had
been sitting there an hour and a half. 6. It had long been dark when Arthur rang at the front door of
the great house in the Via Borra. 7. It was three o'clock. The wind had fallen, the moon was
shining over the quiet sea. 8. Every Sunday morning Ethel would read aloud while Ma Parker did
her washing. 9. We'd got to Ruby's room by then. She wasn't there, of course, but she'd been there,
because the dress she had been wearing was lying across a chair. 10. To take off her boots or to put
them on was an agony to her, but it had been an agony for years. 11. Here I saw this man, whom I
had lost sight of for some time; for I had been travelling in the provinces. 12. When the Gadfly
raised his head the sun had set, and the red glow was dying in the west. 13. It was Sunday morning
and they had all been back at Grayhallock for three days. 14. Rainborough noticed that she had
been crying, her face was stained with tears. 15. Ann was certainly being bravely cheerful in a
way which both exasperated Hugh and half compelled his admiration. 16. The moment the noise
ceased, she glided from the room; ascended the stairs with incredible softness and silence; and was
lost in the gloom above. 17. We hadn't been married a month before I was out of love with him.
He was in Lincolnshire at the time, and I was living near him. 18. When Cowperwood reached the
jail, Jasper was there. 19. Susan Nipper stood opposite to her young mistress one morning, as she
folded and sealed a note she had been writing. 20. The whole party arrived in safety at the Bush
before Mr. Pickwick had recovered his breath. 21. Hugh jumped to feel Ann's clasp upon his arm.
She had been saying something to him. 22. He had scarcely had time to form this conclusion,
when a window above stairs was thrown up. 23. The door was just going to be closed when an
inquisitive boarder, who had been peeping between the hinges, set up a fearful screaming. 24. Mr.
Pecksniff and his fair daughters had not stood warming themselves at the fire ten minutes, when the
sound of feet was heard upon the stairs. 25. Cowperwood was forever asking questions with a keen
desire for an intelligent reply. 26. He turned off the electric light. The electric light had been
burning all night. 27. She would go on discussing a book she said she had read but manifestly
hadn't or she would break up a dull conversation with some fantastic irrelevance for which
everyone was secretly grateful. 28. When Katie brought in the tea-tray, the boy opened his eyes
and sat up with a bewildered air. 29. When we were boy and girl we used to call each other by our
Christian names. 30. There were bits of the work that, because I had been doing them so long, I
knew better than anyone else. 31. He had sat down with the child on his knees, and was helping
her to put the flowers in order. 32. He had sat ruminating about the matter for some time, when the
voice of Roker demanded whether he might come in. 33. He seemed to be quietly and carefully
deciding what he was going to say. 34. There was no doubt that their arrival had transformed the
factory for her. Rosa had been working in the factory for about two years. Before that she had
been a journalist. 35. After dinner Ruby came and sat with us in the lounge. She remained even
after the dancing had started. We had arranged to play bridge later, but we were waiting for Mark
and also for Josie. She was going to make a fourth with us. 36. She used to sit with him and his
family a lot. He used to take her for drives sometimes. 37. George made no answer, and we found
that he had been asleep for some time. 38. She talked and laughed and positively forgot until he
had come in, that Pearl Fulton had not turned up. 39. Some years ago, when I was the Editor of a
Correspondence Column, I used to receive heartbroken letters from young men asking for advice
and sympathy. 40. I took the sculls. I had not been pulling for more than a minute or so, when
George noticed something black floating on the water. 41. The voice had no sooner ceased than
the room was shaken with such violence that the windows rattled in their frames. 42. The figure
had suddenly retreated from the gate, and was running back hastily to the mill. 43. As he was in
dinner dress, Fanny asked where he had been dining.
Exercise 4. Translate into English, using the Future Indefinite or Present Indefinite.
1. Вы опоздаете на поезд, если не возьмете такси. 2. Я не уйду, пока вы не вернетесь. 3.
Мне хотелось бы узнать, когда ваша сестра вернется домой. 4. Мне хотелось бы узнать
точный день, когда ваша сестра вернется в Ленинград. 5. Я не могу с уверенностью сказать,
будет ли он на собрании, но если он придет, то обязательно примет участие в дискуссии. 6.
Пока дамы будут у себя в комнатах, я спущусь вниз и постараюсь все выяснить. 7. Когда
найду Джона и привезу сюда, то позову тебя. 2. Я не уйду, пока не получу ее адрес. 3. Когда
мне исполнится двадцать три года, я женюсь на ней. 5. Не знаю, удастся ли мне объяснить
тебе как следует.
Exercise 4. Translate into English, using the Present Indefinite or Present Continuous.
1. He говорите так громко. Я вас хорошо слышу. 2. Становится темно. 3. Я уезжаю в
Москву на будущей неделе. 4. Когда бы я ни пришла к вам, вы всегда работаете. 5. Где ваш
брат? — Он провожает приятеля. 6. Пароход уходит завтра. 7. Я слышу шаги. Кто-то идет
сюда. 8. Не беспокойте его, когда он работает. 9. Мой брат завтра уезжает в Москву. 10. Вы
чувствуете себя лучше сегодня? 11. Где же новый твой приятель? — Его нет дома; он обычно встает рано и отправляется куда-нибудь. 12. Ее глаза сияют, когда она говорит с
Эдвардом. 13. Знаешь ли ты, о чем я думаю? 14. Вы едете в Ставрополь? 15. Тебе нравится
моя сестра? 16. Поднимитесь наверх. Вас ждут. 17. Джон! Почему ты не ешь? 18.
Здравствуй... Как себя чувствуешь? 19. В школе занятия начинаются в девять часов утра. 20.
Нет! я не всегда смеюсь! Я вовсе не веселый человек. 21. Мама, кто это поет? 22. Ее голос
недурен, но поет она плохо.
Exercise 5. Translate into English, using the Present Perfect or Past indefinite.
1. Вы написали контрольную работу? Покажите мне ее. 2. Она написала последнюю
контрольную работу без ошибок. 3. Я давно видела эту пьесу. Я уже забыла ее. 4. Я давно с
ней познакомилась. 5. Я, давно ее не видела. 6. Я давно пришла сюда. Я здесь с девяти часов.
7. Я только что видела Джона. Он недавно приехал из Нью-Йорка. 8. Я не слышала вашего
вопроса. 9. Что вы сказали? 10. Я не слышала, что вы сказали. 11. Хотелось бы знать, куда
она положила мои книги. 12. Когда вы начали читать эту книгу? — Мы начали читать ее на
прошлой неделе. 13. Я рад, если вы это поняли. 14. «Давно вы приехали? Видели вы его?»...
— «Я вчера приехала. Я видела дядю и говорила с ним». 15. Месяца три спустя он уехал в
Грузию. С тех пор мы не встречались.
Exercise 6. Translate into English, using the Present Indefinite or Present perfect in the
subordinate clauses.
1. Если он об этом узнает, он придет в ярость. 2. Я не смогу вам дать определенного
ответа, пока не поговорю с главным инженером. 3. Мы выедем в пять часов, если дождь к
этому времени перестанет. 4. Я переведу предложение после того, как проанализирую его. 5.
Я приду после того, как закончу работу. 6. Он поедет на юг, как только защитит диссертацию.
7. Я дам вам эту книгу после того, как прочту ее. 8. Как только мы решим этот вопрос, я вам
позвоню. 9. Я умру, если с тобой что-нибудь случится. 10. Если хотите, давайте рисовать,
пока еще не совсем стемнело. 11. Как только он придет, я заставлю его все объяснить. 12. Я
подожду, пока он уйдет.
Exercise 7. Translate into English, using required form to express future actions.
1. Они начнут строительство клуба в ближайшие дни и закончат его к концу года. 2.
Не звоните ей в одиннадцать часов. Она уже будет спать. 3. Позвоните в семь часов. Я
думаю, что к этому времени машинистка уже напечатает ваши документы. 4. Я еще буду
работать, когда вы вернетесь. 5. Я тебе вечером позвоню, часов в восемь. 6. В субботу
вечером я вас жду. 7. На днях я буду у вас. 8. Надеюсь, вы поймете меня. 9. Доктор, я жду вас
завтра в четыре часа. 10. В котором часу ты будешь дома? 11. Приходите завтра на турнир
часа в два. Я буду вас ждать. 12. Запомни: завтра в пять. К этому времени, надеюсь, у
тебя настроение изменится. 13 Вы завтра идете в цирк? 12. Что ты собираешься делать? —
Не знаю.
Exercise 8. Translate into English, using the Present Continuous or Present Perfect Continuous.
1. Сколько времени вы меня ждете? 2. Я знаю ее уже два года. 3. Я всегда
предпочитала трагедию комедии. 4. Они пишут изложение уже два часа. 5. Сколько времени
вы занимаетесь музыкой? 6. Мне уже давно хочется прочесть эту книгу. 7. Я не имею от него
писем с августа. 8. Я не видела словаря с тех пор, как вы его взяли из шкафа. 9. Я чувствую
себя очень одиноким с тех пор, как брат уехал. 10. Я очень устала. Я готовилась к экзамену
по политической экономии. 11. Почему вы все так смотрите на меня? Нина вам говорила чтонибудь обо мне? 12. Лена сказала: — Я ищу тебя весь вечер. 13. Я не ел с утра... 14. Вы
действительно знаете меня шесть лет. 15. Я прожила с ним много лет и хорошо его знаю. 16.
Я не видел ее уже два месяца. 17. Я тебя ждала три дня. 18 . Я уже три дня об этом думаю.
19. Они живут поблизости, на улице Жак Колло, около тридцати лет – с тех пор, как
приехали в Париж. 20. «Он рассказывал мне ужасные истории», — сказала она, когда Олег
вышел. 21. Пойдем, Виктор. Бабушка нас ждет. 22. А я вас давно жду, Елена. 23. Вы меня
оскорбляете. Извольте выйти вон. 24. Вот уже два года, как я живу с ней в одном доме. 25.
Она, верно, давно уже наблюдает за мной, ждет, когда я обернусь и замечу ее.
Exercise 9. Translate into English, using one of the past tenses.
1. Когда Давид приехал, отец уже ждал его. 2. Когда декан вошел в аудиторию,
профессор читал лекцию. 3. He успел он пообедать, как ему позвонил приятель. Он только
что приехал из Крыма, где провел несколько месяцев. 4. Она постоянно говорила о своем
ребенке. 5. Том Сойер не мог играть со своими приятелями. Он белил забор. 6. Миссис Смит
постоянно жаловалась на холод. 7. Он не прочел и трех страниц, как его прервали. 8. Уже
солнце садилось, когда я подъехал к Кисловодску. 9. Становилось темно. 10. Около семи
часов вечера я гулял на бульваре. 11. Катя беспрерывно краснела. 12. Гости еще спали,
когда явился посланец с письмом. 13. Они вышли, когда было еще светло и дул сильный
ветер. 14. С двух до пяти Мистер Браун сидел у себя в комнате. 15. Она проснулась в ту
самую минуту, когда я входил в комнату. 16. Старик любил эти одинокие прогулки, которые
с недавнего времени стали его единственным развлечением. 17. Наконец она осталась одна.
Гости ушли. 18. Я не пробыл и пяти минут в комнате, как дверь отворилась и она
вошла. 19. Когда мы приехали в санаторий, мы, прежде всего, пошли к морю. 20. Едва дверь
за ним прикрылась, Валя бросилась ко мне. 21. Елена закрыла окно. Она дурно спала всю
ночь. 23. Отец встал, подошел к креслу, присел на подлокотник, и положил руку на плечо
Виктора. 24. Я не успел заснуть, как от дверей снова донесся голос вахтерши. 25. Когда я
проснулся, на дворе уже было темно. 26. Молодые люди спустились к Москве-реке и
пошли вдоль ее берега. 27. Я смотрел на него, он очень изменился, похудел 28. Глаза у
Сергея покраснели и чуть припухли. Неужели он плакал? 29. Я сел за стол, положил перед
собой рукопись, закурил. 30. 31. Она между тем закончила писать письмо и запечатала его.
32. Том принес воды и побежал играть с приятелями. 33. Том принес воды и играл с
приятелями. 34. Я стоял, пока машина не свернула за угол. 35. После ужина, когда гости
уехали, он пошел к себе. 36. Когда я проснулся, солнце уже взошло. 37. Когда я проснулся,
солнце уже ярко светило. 15. Когда я вышла из дома, ветер уже стих и светило солнце. 38. На
днях, когда я провожала брата, я встретила на вокзале приятельницу, с которой вместе
училась в школе и которую не видела много лет. 39. Когда мальчик вошел в комнату,
его отец сидел у камина и читал письмо, которое он получил в его отсутствие. 40. Лемм
долго сидел на своей кровати с нотной тетрадкой на коленях. 41. К вечеру им уже казалось,
что они знают друг друга всю жизнь. 42. Ему было тяжело. Он давно любил Наталью. 43.
Прошло два года с тех пор, как он видел Виктора в последний раз. 45. Вдруг что-то
заставило его обернуться. В дверях стояла Элен. Сколько времени простояла она, наблюдая
за мужем? 6. Лиза старалась возвращаться домой как можно позднее, когда девушки уже
спали. 46. Она отложила в сторону письмо, которое писала, и задумалась. 47. Она пошла на
почту отправить письмо, которое написала накануне. 48. Все еще спали, когда зазвонил
телефон. 49. Сад потерял, свою прелесть: садовники скосили всю траву. 50. К счастью, он не
заметил ее воспаленных глаз и не догадался, что она плакала.
Exercise 10. Translate into English, using required tense-aspect forms of the verb.
1. Ты уложила свои вещи? Такси уже десять минут ждет у дверей. 2. Теперь я поняла.
3. Он уже пять месяцев заведует лабораторией и многому научился за это время. 4. Я приду к
вам, если только меня не задержат на работе. 5. Я всегда интересовалась естественными
науками. 6. Кто взял мой словарь? Я уже полчаса ищу его. 7. Мы здесь уже с начала месяца,
но не было еще ни одного солнечного дня. 8. Она вечно говорит по телефону. 9. «Виктор, ты
меня слышишь?» — «Да, слышу», — ответил он. 2. Что с вами?.. Или вы что потеряли? 10.
Здравствуйте, целую вечность вас не видела. 11. Она всегда встает раньше меня. 12. Ваш сын
— один из самых замечательных людей, с которыми я когда-либо встречался. 13. «Мы давно
не видались». — «Давно, и переменились оба во многом». 14. Почему же ты не здороваешься
с ним, Алеша? Ведь ты давно знаешь его! 15. Ты что делаешь сегодня вечером? 16. Прошла
почти неделя, а я еще не познакомился с Браунами. 17. Ты не заболела? — Нет, я просто не
ела с самого утра. 18. Он послезавтра приезжает в нашу деревню и будет жить со мной на
одной квартире. 19. Вы, кузина, не похудели в эти восемь лет. 20. Что же вы намерены теперь
сделать? 21. Если я сумею помочь тебе, я буду счастлива. 22. Я ее давно знаю, и хорошо ее
знаю. 19. Я знаю, кто нас подслушивает в эту минуту. Марианна подслушивает нас. 20.
Мистер Смит! Ваша дочь у нас. И вас ждем. Джек приехал. 21. Я, милая, давно уже ничего
не читал. Впрочем, иногда читаю Жюля Верна. 22. Он уже целый час играл на скрипке, когда
мы пришли. 23. Сестра была больна уже несколько дней, когда я узнал об этом. 24. Мальчик
начал работать на заводе, где его отец проработал двадцать лет. 25. Девушка долго играла
на рояле, и мы слушали ее с большим удовольствием. 26. Когда туристы вернулись, они
увидели, что машина их уже ждет. 27. Когда я ее видел в последний раз, она казалась очень
счастливой. Она только что получила письмо от брата, который вернулся с Севера, где
он пробыл долгое время. 28. Утром, едва я перешагнул порог школы, как почувствовал: чтото изменилось. 29. В доме было тихо. Дети уснули. 30. В саду никого не было. Пахло
свежескошенной травой. По-видимому, садовники косили.
Use the verb in the required form. Check your answers in the keys.
Mark Twain
One day Mark Twain ___ 1) (to arrive) at Salamanka, New York, where he ___ 2) (to be) to
change trains. The people on the platform ___ 3) (to try) to get into the train which ___ 4) (to pack)
already. He ___ 5) (to ask) if he ___ 6) (can) have a sleeping car, but the answer was: "No." He
___ 7) (to feel) hurt. And his companion ___ 8) (not to believe) they ... 9) (to give) anything. But
just then Mark Twain ___10) (to notice) that the porter of a sleeping car ___ 11) (to look) at him.
He ___ 12) (to see) the expression of his face suddenly ___ 13) (to change). He ___ 14) (to
whisper) something to the uniformed conductor and Mark Twain ___15) (to understand) that he
___ 16) (to talk) about. Then the conductor ___ 17) (to come) forward, his face all politeness. He
___18) (to offer) Mark Twain a big family compartment and asked if there ___ 19) (to be) anything
he ___ 20) (to want).
Peter and Mary
Peter and Mary ___1) (to stand) at the top of the steps at the railway station. They ___2) (to
wait) for John and Julie. John and Julie ___3) (to come) on the twelve o'clock train People ___4)
(to walk) up and down the steps, and Peter and Mary ___5) (to watch) them and ___6) (to talk).
They ___7) (to wonder) what the different people ___8) (to do) there at the entrance to the station.
Then Mary said: "Some of the people ___9) (to walk) slowly up the steps, but some of them ___10)
(to run) Than man ___11) (to walk) very fast and ___12) (to look) very worried and unhappy. I
wonder what he ___13) (to hurry) for. This ___14) (not to be) the rush hour. Now there ___15) (to
be) some schoolchildren. They have all got big cases." Peter ___16) (to explain) that the children
___17) (to be going) back to school. They ___18) (to carry) books and clothes in their cases. Their
teacher ___19) (to take) them back to school. He asked Julie if she could see the man with a pack of
mountain-boots over his shoulder. He and his wife ___20) (to limp) after their first mountain
holiday. Then Peter and Miry ___21) (to look) round and ___22) (to see) their friends John and
The Use of Tenses in the Passive Voice
Preparatory activities.
Review the following topics:
What does the category of Voice express?
How many voices are there in English? Name and characterise them.
State the general formula of building the Passive Voice in English.
Which tense-aspect forms are missing in the Passive Voice?
Comment on the formation and use of tense-aspect forms in the Passive Voice.
What are the ways of translating the Passive Voice into Russian?
In which cases the agent of the action should be mentioned with the preposition “by”?
Comment on the uses of the Passive Voice peculiar to the English language.
State the cases where the combination to be + Participle II denotes an action or a state.
Exercise 1. Put the verbs given in brackets in the required passive tense-aspect forms.
1. "I don't want to hear another word. I ____ never ____ so ____ in my whole life. (to
insult) 2. But what shall I do if you ____? (to kill) 3. Godfrey waited, before he spoke again, until
the ale ____ and the door ____ (to bring, to close) 4. In whatever spare time he could find, he read
the current research journals, trying to understand the implications of the experiments which ____
throughout the world. (to perform) 5.Merriman, order the dog-cart at once. Mr. Ernest ____
suddenly to town. (to call back) 6. The gentleman was so startled that he, took the night train for the.
Continent and ____ , never ____ of since. (to hear) 7. In 1834, the Houses of Parliament, with the
exception of Westminster Hall ____ by fire. They ____ by Sir Charles Barry. (to destroy, to rebuild)
8. "I'm afraid that we're going to have to move," he said. "This lab won't be big enough for us after
all. But there's a double room on the eleventh floor that ____ ." (to use — negative) 9. Lanny
noticed that he ____ by three white men from the coffee stall on the other side of the road. (to
watch) 10. It was past eleven o'clock – a late hour for the little village of Cobham – when Mr.
Pickwick retired to the bedroom which ____ for his reception. (to prepare) 11. We ____ if we ____,
but never mind. (to scold, to see) 12. The Nobel. Prize ____ to him in 1924 when the advent of wave
mechanics had revealed the importance of his work, ten years after his famous experiment ____. (to
give, to perform) 13. Antonia: Thank you. Thank you. Martin: What ____ I____ for? (to thank) 14. I
called to ask if a diamond brooch of mine ____. (to find) 15. The tea-things ____ scarcely ____
when the London coach deposited Mr. Weller, senior, at the door. (to put away) 16. Annette's most
valuable stone was ruby, which ____ to her when she was twelve by an Indian prince who was in
love with her mother. (to give) 17. Jim put down his pail and bent over the toe with absorbing
interest while the bandage ____ (to unwind) 18. He carefully examined the contents of his case, and
did not speak again until the beer ____ and he had paid for it. (to bring) 19.The little patient ____
and ____ , and now lay composed in her crib. (to examine, to. soothe) 20. It was an idea that ____
at that moment ____ by Colonel Melchett and Colonel Bantry. (to discuss) 21. Lanny ____ cruelly,
heartlessly in the way Sam ____ .When he ____ , the barking of a dog ____ . It ____ by hurried
footsteps. (to beat, to beat, to beat, to hear, to follow) 22. Arthur went up to his room. Nothing in it
____ since his arrest. (to change) 23. You can feel when you ____ .(to watch) 24. The oldest of
London's present-day theatres is the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, which ____ in 1663 and ____ since
____ several times. (to open, to reconstruct) 25. Below decks the atmosphere was close. Many
cigarettes ____ and ____ . (to smoke, to smoke) 26. She kept an eye on the Leanham people to see
that her action ____ duly ____ . (to notice) 27. Rumania is a Balkan State which ____ long ____
for its mineral springs. (to know) 28. After a few routine questions ____ and ____ Dr. Lord leant
back in his chair and smiled at his, patient. (to ask, to answer) 29. Harry was twenty-three. He ____
by an uncle in San Francisco and was visiting his father and mother in Torino when war ____ . (to
bring up, to declare) 30. He strode up to the front door of the house and rang the bell like one who
____ there for weeks. (to expect) 31. After lunch, we heard that Charles Lenton ____ for. (to send)
32. Breakfast ____ scarcely ____ when a waiter brought in Mr. Dowel’s card. (to clear away) 33.
One could not walk or drive about Philadelphia without seeing or being impressed with the general
tendency toward a more cultivated and selective social life. Many excellent and expensive houses
____. (to erect) 34. I ____ constantly ____ in the street. I like it. It gives an amusement to the
dullest walk. (to follow) 35. A minute earlier, a small boy with a partly deflated red balloon had
run out into the cleared forbidden street. He ____ just ____ and ____ back to the curb by his father.
(to capture; to drag) 36. The railway ____ at all at that time. (to use - negative)
Exercise 2. State where the combination to be + Participle II is a simple predicate and where it is
a compound nominal predicate.
1. Mr. Dorrit's rooms were reached. Candles were lighted. The attendants withdrew. 2. The
door was instantly opened. 3. I have been treated and respected as a gentleman universally. 4. About
noon, I was summoned to dress Madame. 5. My boxes are locked, strapped and labelled; I hate
being hurried. 6. This brisk little affair was all settled before breakfast. 7. He was like a. man who
had been separated from one he loved for many years. 8. I stopped at a barber shop and was shaved
and went home to the hospital. 9. We shall have time to-morrow, when my packing is finished. 10.
My wife and daughters were charmed with her. 11. The purchase was completed within a month. 12.
You are deceived. 13. The door was opened by a girl. 14. I'll be dressed in a minute. 15. The small
room was lit only by a dying fire and one candle with a shade over it. 16. A short bridge .. over a
canal was blown up but we climbed across on what was left of the span. 17. The chambermaid's
curiosity was aroused at once. 18. Was your novel ever published? 19. He has not been well
educated up to now. 20. Huckleberry was filled with admiration of Tom's facility in writing and the
sublimity of his language. 21. The beds, which for years had been neglected, now were trim with
the abominations of carpet bedding. 22. A whisper goes about the house that Mr. Dombey's hair is
curled. 23.He was in the house when the diamond was lost. 24. When at last the notes were
finished, I typed them out. 25. Penn was fascinated and troubled by this suggestion. 20. The big
brightly lit stone-flagged kitchen was silent. The shutters were closed and barred. 27. Red carpet
was laid down for the occasion; hothouse plants and evergreens were arranged in bowers at the
extremities and in every recess of the gallery. 28. Perhaps you know that Mirah's brother is found!
29. Another half-hour and all doors would be Socked – all lights extinguished. 30. Sam's body was
twisted and deformed. But he had not been born like that. Early one morning farm labourers on their
way to work had come upon a twisted heap lying in the open. It had turned out to be Sam. The
right side of his head had been crushed in, as though by a boot. Most of the ribs in the right side of
his chest were broken. His right arm was broken in many places. 31. The scoop, under the ranger's
fence, selected for his sleeping place, was overhung by branches. 32. My things are all packed. 33.
Two doors opened out of the passage to the left and to the right. One of these had obviously been
closed for many weeks. 34. In the front room the bricks of the floor were being tumbled aside by
the shoots from old tree-roots. 35. She realised that the old life was gone and done with.
Exercise 3. Translate into Russian.
1. That day she was seen little of. 2. At that moment hasty steps were heard in the entry. 3.
A man who is much talked about is always very attractive. 4. I was told, too, that neither masters nor
teachers were found fault with in that establishment. 5. I shall be quite safe, quite well taken care of.
6. I've been sent for urgently, to get at the truth. 7. A sound of a piano is heard in the living room. 8.
He could see that the bed was empty, and that it had not been slept in. 9. The gate was opened by
one of the maids. 10. Nothing more was said on either side. 11. I don't suppose there's anybody who
isn't cared of by someone or other. 12. With old and young great sorrow is followed by a sleepless
night.. 13. He was forbidden to receive either letters or telegrams. 14. The visitor was allowed to
come forward and seat himself. 15. The match was looked upon as made by her father and mother.
16. Klesmer bowed round to the three sisters more grandly than they had ever been bowed to before.
17. That's a thing I've not been accused of before. 18. The child shall be taken care of somehow. 19.
I just chatter when I'm chattered to. 20. And for four years now I have been trying to make myself
heard in the popular press. I have been laughed at as a crank. I have endured insults. 21. Knight had
been looked upon as a bachelor by nature. 22. We know that she likes Nurse O'Brien and is well
looked after. 23. Her uncle and mother came two days ago, and she is being well taken cane of. 24.
The effect of my education can never he done away with. 25. The strained and precarious
relationship between Ann and Randall, which had been quite unprepared for, was also a constant
source of pain and surprise. 26. She is so absolutely to be relied on as that? 27 Fabrizi told me he
had been written to and had consented to come and take up the campaign against the Jesuits. 28. One
child in a household of grown people is usually made, very much of, and in a quiet way I was a good
deal taken notice of by Mrs. Bretton, who had been left a widow, with one son, before I knew her.
29. She's quite well thought of in Cambridge. 30. I was taught music and singing. 31. Habble was
dismissed, but Kinney was not allowed to retire with him. 32. By now we had been joined by two
other people. 33. About an hour or so later I was sent for and found Mary unconscious. 34. Gemma
was both pleasant to look at and interesting to talk to.
Exercise 4. Translate into English, using the Passive Voice and the Compound Predicate where
1. Его нигде не видели в течение всей недели. Он болен? 2. Пожар начался ночью, и
пламя было видно издалека. 3. Когда я приехала в Лондон, этот дом еще строился. 4. Этот
дом был построен до того, как началась война. 5. Я уверена, что вам помогут в вашей работе.
6. Город, в котором родился Низами, был основан в IX веке. 7. Московский университет
назван именем Ломоносова. 8. Павлову была присвоена почетная степень доктора
Кембриджского университета. 9. Как мало еще сделано, а уже свистит свисток на обед. 10.
После того, как письмо Петру было написано, он повеселел. 11. Телеграмму послали поздно
вечером, так что она будет получена только утром. 12. Эта книга уже распродана. 13. Когда
Ленни вернулся, дома никого не было. Миссис Шварц попросили прийти постирать бельё. 14.
Произведения Пушкина переведены на 76 языков народов России. 15. В этот момент
обсуждался очень важный вопрос, и все внимательно слушали. Он обсуждался уже более
двух часов. 16. Миссис Лекки стояла в прихожей, держа в руках открытку, которую только
что принесли. 17. Она знала, что сестра вернется домой поздно. Ее пригласили в театр. 18.
Домой они пришли очень поздно, все двери были уже закрыты. 19. Когда я появился здесь,
уже все было утверждено, подписано. 20. В кабинете давно не открывали окна. Воздух был
тяжел. 21. Почему такая работа не напечатана? 22. Когда Джона привезли в Ливерпуль, ему
было семь лет. 23. В тот же день послано было письмо в город. 24. Его повели вниз. 25.
Послышался топот копыт. 26. В доме заметны были некоторые приготовления: все было
вытерто и вычищено. Видно было, что нас ждали. 27. Не прошло трех минут, как преступник
был связан. 28. Его везде охотно принимали. 29. Мне только что предложили интересную
работу. 30. Больному запретили курить. 31. Детям велели идти спать. 32. Меня попросили
прийти через несколько дней 33. Мне задали несколько вопросов, на которые я не сразу мог
ответить. 34. Больному посоветовали ехать на юг. 35. Мне вчера сказали, что вы были
больны. 36. Нам вчера дали несколько новых журналов и книг. 37. Ему посоветовали
остаться дома. 38. Мне показали проект нового театра. 39. Это как раз та статья, которую нам
посоветовали прочесть. 40. Меня прислали помочь вам. 41. Мне велели прийти ровно в пять
часов.42. Ей посоветовали заниматься музыкой. 43. Ему посоветовали обратиться к
хорошему врачу. 44. Оратора слушали очень внимательно. 45. Дети любят, когда им читают.
46. Не понимаю, почему об этом фильме так много говорят. 47. Он исключительно
добросовестный человек, на него можно положиться. 48. На эту книгу никогда не
ссылаются. 6. О поступке Бермана много говорили в колонии. 49. За машиной послали, как
только вещи были уложены. 50. В нашей стране с неграмотностью давно покончено. 51.
Зимой в этом доме никогда не жили. 52. Послали ли за свежим молоком? 53. От Ивана с тех
пор не было никакой весточки. 54. Послали за такси. 55. В нашей стране дети обеспечены
всем необходимым. 56. Его речь на собрании была такой блестящей, что о ней потом много
говорили. 57. К счастью, доктор жил в этом же доме, и я была избавлена от необходимости
выходить ночью. 58. Когда самолет скрылся из виду, все пошли домой. 59. Опять вы
опоздали. С этим надо покончить. 60. Ребенка положили в больницу, где за ним очень
хорошо ухаживали. 61. После лекции был концерт. 62. В доме миссис Рид к Джейн Эйр
постоянно придирались. 63. Когда длинноногий парень скрылся из виду, Давид сел отдохнуть. 64. За первой мировой войной последовала революция в России. 65. После смерти
миссис Копперфильд к Давиду всегда придирались. 66. С такими серьезными вещами не
шутят. 67. За молнией последовал удар грома. 68. Перевод такой хороший, что в нем нельзя
найти никаких недостатков.
Use the verb in the required form. Check your answers in the keys.
1. The building ______ two years ago.
a) destroyed b) was destroyed
2. I ______ by the news he had told me the day before.
a) am surprising
b) surprised c) was surprised d) am surprised
3. ______ he ______ at the airport tomorrow?
a) Is ____ being met b) Will ____ be meet
4. The place ______ to me.
a) is hands
b) was handed
c) will be handing
5. I ______ into buying a motorbike by Martha.
a) was talked
b) talk
c) have been talked
6. Yesterday the whole program ______ over to a report from Bosnia.
a) has been given
b) was given c) gave
d) gives
7. A number of priceless works of art ______ in the earthquake.
a) have been destroyed
b) was destroyed
c) has been destroyed
8. Because my visa had expired I ______ from re-entering the country.
a) prevented
b) am prevent
c) prevent
d) was prevented
9. It’s generally agreed that new industries ______ for the southern part of the country.
a) are need
b) are needed
c) need
10. It’s incredible to think that these clothes ______ by Queen Victoria.
a) wear
b) are being worn
c) were worn
11. A new drug ______ to combat asthma in small children.
a) is developing
b) has been developed
c) develops
12. A number of political prisoners ______ within the next days.
a) will be released
b) release
c) were released
13. The problem ______ to me.
a) was saying
b) was mentioned
c) was being mentioning
14. The game ______ to the children.
a) demonstrates
b) was demonstrate c) is demonstrating d) will be demonstrated
15. When I was young I ______ by my aunt and uncle.
a) was looked for
b) was looked after c) was looked at
d) was being looked
16. He ______ for nearly 12 hours.
a) operates with
b) is operated at
c) was operated on
17. His decision ______.
a) approves of
b) was approved of
18. The land next to our house ______.
a) has been bought b) have been bought c) was being bought
19. The tennis court ______ so we couldn’t play.
a) has been used
b) was used
c) was being used
20. Better results ______ soon.
a) will be expected b) are expected
c) expect
Modal Verbs
Preparatory activities.
Review the following topics:
1. What is modality? What do modal verbs express?
2. Name modal verbs and combinations existing in English.
3. Why do we call modal verbs defective? Comment on their peculiarities.
4. Comment on the meaning and use of modal verbs and combinations.
5. What for and in which cases is the Perfect Infinitive used with modal verbs?
6. Which modal verbs or combinations are used to express possibility due to circumstances?
7. Which modal verbs or combinations are used to express obligation?
8. Which modal verbs or combinations are used to express command or order?
9. Comment on interchangeable modal verbs and combinations.
10. Illustrate regular and modal use of the verbs dare and need.
Exercise 1. Comment upon the meaning of modal verbs. Translate into Russian (can, may).
1. "Can't you sleep, Signor Tenente?" he asked. "No." "I can't sleep, either." 2. Alice: .I'll
come too if I may. 3. I said, "I am Martin Lynchgibbon. We have met before, though you may have
forgotten. Palmer asked me to meet you. May I carry something?" 4. "She can-not have heard of her
father's death," said Braybrooke. "But she had! For I expressed my sympathy and she thanked me."
5. It was not many hours ere he, Esmond, was in London, of that you may be sure, and received
with open arms by the old Dowager of Chesley. 6. Darling, I'm sorry I was so drunk yesterday. I
may have seemed churlish, but don't think I'm not deeply grateful for your concern. I may yet need
your help. 7. Julia: Why is she coming home? Maude: I don't know.. I suppose she got fed up with
Paris after five years. She couldn’t have had much fun. 8. Howard: Lieutenant, may I ask a
question? 9. "Can I possibly have made a mistake?" she thought. 10. Oh, this house, this house! I
come back to it after twenty-three years, and it is just the same really. Someone might at least have
been here: some preparation might have been made for me. 11. "He may not even know I'm here."
12. They can't understand the English language, anyway.
Exercise 2. Insert may (might), can (could) or the contracted forms of may not, might not, cannot,
could not (mayn't; mightn't; can't, couldn't). Translate into Russian.
1. "There is a man I know," I said; "you ____ have met him, a man named Longrush." 2. He
noticed at once that her manner was as natural almost as a frank, manly schoolboy's, there ____
never – he thought – have been a grain of affectation in her. 3. I ____ neither lie comfortably in bed
nor find anything to do with myself if I got up. 4. She jumped up when she saw me and said,
"Really, I think she ____ have waited a bit before dismantling the house!" 5. I beg the Magistrate's
pardon, but ____ I request a few minutes private conversation with him on a matter of deep
importance to himself? 6. "You are a sworn constable?" "I be, sir." "Then pursue the criminal at
once, with assistance, and bring him back here. He ____ have gone far," (contracted) 7. I said, ":
____ I help you?" 8. "Perhaps," said the Captain, "you ____ have heard your head governor mention
my name?" 9. "She's gone, she's gone! Your Heathcliff's run off with her!" gasped the girl. "That is
not true!" exclaimed Linton, rising in agitation. "It ____ not be: how has the idea entered your head?
Ellen Dean, go and seek her. It is incredible: it ____ not be." 10. "I didn't say he wasn't a
colonel," he said, "he ____ have been once for all I know. After all, lie's almost forty." 11.
Catherine's cup was never filled: she ____ neither eat nor drink 12. Oh, well, you ____ be right. I
don't know. I'm not going to try to explain or adjust myself now. 13. "Old Callendar wants to see me
at his bungalow", he said not rising. "He ____ have the politeness to say why."
Exercise 3. Translate into English using the verbs can and may whenever possible.
1. He может быть, чтобы она прочла эту книгу за два дня; она, возможно, только
просмотрела ее. 2. «Не может быть, чтобы вы потеряли билет, вы могли положить его в
карман». – «Нет, я могла выронить его в трамвае». 3. Не может быть, чтобы он уже приехал, я
получила телеграмму только вчера. 4. Неужели он уже получил мое письмо? 5. Неужели он
не получил моего письма? 6. Ваши часы, возможно, спешат; не может быть, чтобы сейчас
было девять часов. 7. Он не мог получить книгу, потому что библиотека была закрыта. 8. Не
может быть, чтобы он получил книгу, ведь библиотека была закрыта. 9. Не могли ли бы вы
дать мне эту книгу дня на два? 10. Нет, я не верю этому, не может быть, чтобы она меня
обманула. 11. Я останусь дома; она, возможно, будет мне звонить. 12. Право, Джордж, ты мог
бы помочь мне нести этот тяжелый чемодан, разве ты не видишь, как мне это тяжело? 13.
«Где ключ?» – «Не знаю, Ольга могла взять его с собой по ошибке». – «Не может быть, чтобы
она его взяла, у нее ничего не было в руках, когда она уходила». 14. Наконец-то вы пришли!
Вы могли прийти пораньше, ведь вы же знали, что я больна.
Exercise 4. Comment on the meaning of modal verbs. Translate into Russian.
1. I have brought back your man – not without risk or danger but every one must do his duty.
2. "May I escort you home?" he said. 3. Blanche: I'm sorry. I must 'have lost my head for a moment.
4. "There must be something wrong somewhere," he said with a solemn, dejected movement of his
head. 5. Gracing the centre table was a Bible and a yellow plush album, in which was not a single
picture. It must have been the yellow plush that had fascinated them. 6. "Something must have
happened. He behaves quite – differently to me, he's cold and he looks at me in such a terrifying
way as if he were thinking about killing me. And honestly Martin, I'm frightened." "Pull yourself
together," I said. "You must be imagining all this." 7. Sir Robert: Gertrude, what you tell me may be
true, but it happened many years ago. It is best forgotten! Mrs. Cheveley may have changed since
then. 8. She passed the girls' room, noticed that they were quiet and therefore must be doing as they
had been told, and went on to the children's room. 9. "May not the editor have been right in his
revision of your Sea Lyrics?" she questioned. "Remember, an editor must have proved qualifications
or else he would not be an editor." 10. Stanley: That must have been a pretty long time ago. 11.
Both of you behaved very badly. You might have given me a little encouragement.
Exercise 5. Insert may (might) or must. Translate into Russian.
l. She said: "Please, please make no sign. That man at the door is mad. Do something. He ____
kill me!" 2. He was the father of three sons and two daughters, so I was told, all of whom ____ have
hated him; those I knew did anyhow. 3. You ____ be exhausted after all the tennis you played this
afternoon, Minnie. 4. You ____ be getting better, since you can leave your bed? 5. "I can't stay,"
Stephanie said. As she walked down the corridor, she heard Marguerite calling after him. "You ____
have told me before I started tea." 6. I said, "What time is it, Antonia?" "Ten o'clock." "I ____ have
slept for twelve hours." 7. She ____ have recognised his voice, for the light disappeared from the
apartment, and in a second or two the door was unlocked and opened. 8. Late 299 stood, smiling, in
front of the door. "Well, Bertha?" he said. "Ah, Beryl! Well, Jack! His daughter alone replied.
"Well, father, you ____ have let us know beforehand!" 9. "How did it happen?" "It was the
streetcar," Esther said. "It hit her. It ____ have tossed her right onto the cinders at the side of the
track." 10. It occurred to him that perhaps his hostess ____ be in her boudoir. It was a possibility; he
would go and see. 11. The doorway was all dark. The lights in the house, ____ have gone out. 12. I
____ do these things sometimes in absence of mind; but surely I don't do them habitually.
Exercise 6. Translate into English using the verbs can, may, must.
1. Уже пять часов. Собрание могло уже кончиться; подождем немножко, он может скоро
прийти. 2. Петя, должно быть, заболел, иначе он был бы уже в театре, он никогда не
приходит в последний момент. 3. Не может быть, чтобы она забыла о концерте, это совсем на
нее не похоже. 4. Я его сегодня не жду; но, кто знает, может быть, он и придет. 5. «Хотела бы
я знать, где она достала "Три товарища" Ремарка?». – «Она могла взять ее в нашей
библиотеке». – «Не может быть, чтобы она взяла ее в нашей библиотеке: Семенова вчера
взяла последний экземпляр». – «Ну, должно быть, она взяла ее в другой библиотеке». 6. «Где
Павел?» – «Не знаю, он, возможно, пошел в филармонию». – «Ну, это не очень-то любезно с
его стороны; он мог бы взять билет и для меня». – «Посмотрите-ка, на столе что-то лежит, он,
должно быть, оставил вам билет и записку». 7. Не может быть, чтобы она здесь была вчера.
Если бы она была здесь, она оставила бы мне записку. 8. Не возвращайте пока книгу в
библиотеку; она может вам понадобиться для доклада. 9. Можно мне взять вашу книгу? 10.
Можно употребить здесь настоящее продолженное время? 11. Он сказал, что доклад у него
уже готов, и он может прочесть его завтра на собрании. 12. «Он, должно быть, уже ушел». –
«Не может быть, чтобы он ушел, не повидав меня». 13. «Где Мария?» – «Она, должно быть,
еще спит». 14. Вы, должно быть, ошибаетесь, на двадцать пятой странице нет таких слов.
Exercise 7. Translate into English using the verbs can, may, must. (Based on an episode from To
Let by J. Galsworthy.)
Сомc остановился перед картиной одного из начинающих художников, с интересом ее
рассматривая. «Что бы это могло изображать?»— думал он, «Они могли бы, по крайней мере,
сделать надпись. Ах, вот, судя по каталогу, это, наверное (должно быть), и «есть картина,
изображающая “Город будущего”. А что значат эти вертикальные черные полосы? Может
быть, это самолеты? Джун опять устраивает выставки произведений молодых художников.
Она, должно быть, все еще полна иллюзий и думает, что со временем они могут стать
знаменитостями. Но где же Флер? Что могло ее задержать? Не могла же она забыть о своем
обещании? Да нет, она, наверное, опять пошла к Имоджин Кардиган. Эти женщины! На них
никогда нельзя положиться!» Вдруг он заметил даму и юношу. Что-то в ней показалось ему
знакомым. Неужели Ирэн?- После стольких лет! И она его увидела. В глазах его, должно
быть, отразилась саркастическая улыбка Джорджа Форсайта, так как лицо ее приняло
жесткое выражение, и она прошла мимо.
Exercise 8. Comment and translate into Russian (to be + infinitive).
1. The typewriter people were again claming for money, insistently pointing out that according
to the agreement rent was to be paid strictly in advance. 2. By that time of evening only a few
persons were to be seen on the wet streets and most of the shops and stores were closed for the
night. 3. "You're to go now, Blick!" said Hunter, getting up. 4. I distinctly told you to stay with her
every minute I was away. You are not to be trusted. 5. It was after breakfast, and we had been
summoned in from the playground, when Mr. Sharp entered and said: "David Copperfield is to go
into the parlour." 6. Demetrius was nowhere to be found. 7. When my wife and I settle down at
Willowmere it's possible that we shall all come together. But if this isn't to be, for Heaven's sake, let
us recognise that it is simply because it can't be, and not wear hypocritical faces and suffer and be
wretched 8. The snow which had lain so thick and beautiful when I left the country was scarcely to
be seen in the city. 9. Your mother arranged that she was to come down from London and that I was
to come over from Dover to be introduced to you. 10. Mrs. Moore, your delightful doctor has
decided on a picnic, instead of a party in his house; we are to meet him out there. 11. For June this
evening, that was to have been "her treat", was the most miserable she had ever spent. 12. Elise, you
are to live here for the next six months, learning how to speak beautifully, like a lady in a florist's
Exercise 9. Comment and translate into Russian (to have + infinitive, to be + infinitive).
1. Blanche: I didn't save a penny last year and so I had to come here for the summer. That's
why I have to put up with my sister's husband. And he has to put up with me, apparently so much
against his wishes. Surely he must have told you how much he hates me. 2. "His mother, my dear,"
said Miss Fox, "whose acquaintance I was to have made through you, does not at all resemble her."
3. I had made arrangements so as not to have to come to the office again for a little while. 4. I could
scarcely repress my curiosity as to the nature of this composition which was to be published, at his
request, presumably by The Banner. 5. There are some things that have to be said sooner or later,
and I'd rather hear them from you than from anybody else. 6. She begins stroking Mangan's head,
reversing the movement with which she put him to sleep. "Wake up, do you hear! You are to wake
up at once. Wake up. " 7. "I can't stay in this place any longer!" she cried in utter desperation. We've
got to move out of this apartment. 8. He had been indeed with that luckless expedition of the
Chevalier de St. George, who was sent by the French King with ships and an army from Dunkirk,
and was to have invaded and conquered Scotland.
Exercise 10. Insert to have (to have got) or to be in the appropriate form. Translate into Russian.
1. He worked hard all day, recollecting, at the last moment, that he ____ to have dinner at the
Morses. 2. He shook his head again, when Gertrude offered him money, though he knew that within
the day he ____ to make a trip to the pawnbroker. 3. There were thirty poems in the collection and
he to receive a dollar apiece for them. 4. But just then we hit a stretch of unpaved road where the
mud was thick and the ruts were hard to follow. I ____ to stop talking and watch what I was doing.
5. During their absence, Mahmed Ali had gone off in his carriage leaving a message that he should
be back in five minutes, but they ____ on no account to wait. 6. At this meal they arranged their
daily habits. The major ____ to take the responsibility of ordering everything to eat and drink; and
they ____ to have a late breakfast together every morning, and a late dinner together every day. 7.
Stella: People ____ to tolerate each other's habits, I guess. 8. He told me to say you ____ not to
worry about him and that he'll recover in time. 9. She trembled that day as she prepared to go down
to the wedding. She ____ to be a bride’s maid. 10. The time was fixed for his sailing. It ____ to take
place almost immediately: yet much remained to be done; many domestic preparations ____ to be
made. 11. "You see practically the minute he left town, Lon spent his whole allowance. All of it."
"But he's only been there a week and that money ____ to last him through October," Mrs. Smith
Exercise 11. Translate into English using modal verbs and expressions (should, ought, to have to,
to be to).
1. Вы должны были давно эту книгу. 2. Как это вы умудрились потерять книгу? Вы
должны были положить ее в портфель, тогда вы бы ее не потеряли. Теперь вам придется
расстаться с какой-нибудь из своих книг. 3. Собрание должно было состояться вчера, но не
состоялось. 4. Мне придется пойти к ней, у нее испорчен телефон. 5. Вам бы следовало
сделать то, что я вам говорила, тогда вы не оказались бы в таком глупом положении теперь.
6. Как мы условились, я должна была зайти к ней и привести ее сюда. 7. Вы должны были
мне сказать, что вы были больны. 8. Это случилось как раз в то время, когда она должна была
уехать на юг. 9. Я должен был прийти к ней в два часа, но я оставил дома ее адрес, и мне
пришлось вернуться; поэтому я опоздал. 10. Вам следует помочь ей, она ведь очень устала.
Exercise 12. Comment on the meaning of modal verbs. Translate into Russian (shall, will).
1. "Don't want it, thanks. Finish it yourself." "Shall I? or shall I keep it for an emergency?" 2.
No, Hubert; no chivalry and that" sort of nonsense. You shan't have all this beastliness alone. I'm
going to share it. 3. I ask your advice; and I am waiting for it. I will not have all the responsibility
thrown on my shoulders. 4. Ellean: I will offer to go down to the village with Paula this morning –
shall I? Aubrey (touching her hand gently): Thank you – do. 5. I am yours for ever and ever.
Nothing can or shall divide me from you, unless you stop loving. 6. James lifted his eyes: "I won't
have anything said against her," he said unexpectedly. 7. Let snobbish people say what they please.
Barbara shall marry not the man they like, but the man I like. 8. He won't see a doctor, or take any
advice. He won't see anyone. 9. And now, Dr. Trench, since you have acted handsomely, you shall
have no cause to complain of me. There shall be no difficulty about money; you shall entertain as
much as you please: I will guarantee all that. 10. "If I could have a picture of you, I should treasure
it." "Of course you shall!" 11. I've told you over and over again that I will not be interfered with
when I'm playing patience. 12. Will you have rum in your tea? 13. I've proved to you that I love you
more than anybody else loves you and still you won't leave that Glenn Kenworthy and go with me.
14. Barbara: I will not have Charles called Cholly: the vulgarity of it positively makes me ill. 15.
Only don't talk to me about divorce, for I simply won't hear of it!
Exercise 13. Insert shall, will or the contracted forms of shall not, will not (shan't, won't).
Translate into Russian.
1. You ____ not run away before you answer. I have found out that trick of yours. 2. " ____
you come in a moment?" "Thank you kindly, young man." (contracted) 3. Once more, and only
once, will you give me those papers or ____ I tear them from you by force! 4. You must be tired,
dear; ____ you go to bed? (contracted) ____ I bring you something up? 5. James is very fond of you,
he ____ have anything said against you; why don't you show him more affection? (contracted) 6.
You may come, if you ____ . 7. ____ you please leave my room? 8. Then he ____ be here in a few
minutes! What ____ I do? 9. "____ I speak to Diana, then, about what we've been saying?" "If you
____ , Dinny." 10. Mohammed Latif ____ be severely punished for inventing this. 11. Jack:
Gwendolen, ____ you marry me? Gwendolen: Of course I ____ , darling. 12. I give and bequeath a
hundred pounds to my younger son Christopher Dudgeon, fifty pounds to be paid to him on the day
of his marriage to Sarah Wilkins, if she ____ have him. 13. "Martin darling, you're drunk," said
Antonia. " ____ I order you a taxi to go home in?" 14. Mrs. Cortelyon: You know we are
neighbours, Mrs Tanqueray. Paula: Neighbours? Are we really? ____ you sit down? (contracted)
15. A man who ____ work is no good, take that from me. (contracted) 16. I'll go, Dinny, if
Hallorsen ____ take me. 17. Since you have taken the minister's place, you ____ go through with it.
The execution will take place at 12 o'clock as arranged; and unless Anderson surrenders before then,
you ____ take his place on the gallows. 18. "I'm not lying," I said. "If you ____ believe what I say
why do you keep asking me?" (contracted) 19. ____ we go, Blanche? 20. "Your master is a true
scoundrel!" I replied. "But he ____ answer for it."
Exercise 14. Comment on the meaning of modal verbs. Translate into Russian (should or ought,
1. If I do lose my temper, 'tis not with you, or Cornelia either, but with him that should be
helping me and never does. 2. Dad's away at some conference. I wanted him to take me, but he
wouldn't. 3 "If Clare's to see Kit and Kat before we start," said Dinny, "we ought to go up, Fleur." 4.
"I was for letting you sleep on," she said, "but they would go up and wake you. I said you didn't
really want to come." 5. He ought to have phoned Simkin earlier, knowing his habits. 6. After a
hasty breakfast they consulted. To whom should they go? "Not to the police," said Dinny. "No,
indeed." "I think we should go to Uncle Adrian first." 7. The lady I liked wouldn't marry me – that is
the main point, but that's fifteen years ago and now means nothing. 8. If only one editor, he
sometimes thought, would descend from his high seat of pride to write me one cheering line! 9. I did
something – a certain thing – something I shouldn't have done – but couldn't help it! 10. And now
you feed me, when then you let me starve, forbade me your house, and damned me because I
wouldn't get a job. 11. It isn't the sort of thing one should talk of in private. 12. He seemed to me
quite normal, except that he would not go out or see anybody.
Exercise 15. Insert should or would. Translate into Russian.
1. Never forget that we ____ always think of others and work for others. 2. Anna began to feel
a little uncomfortable, but she ____ not admit it. 3. I had that door painted only last week, you ____
be more careful. 4. You, Patty and Pricilla, are going to college, and ____ realise the necessity of
being prepared. 5. "Then Agnes came by with Bunchie's sister," Tootie went on. "They were going
to ride on the bridge, and we wanted to go. But she and Bunchie ____ n't take us." 6. I tried often to
get him to talk. It was not that he ____ n't talk, it was rather that he didn't seem to hear me. " 7. A
man ____ always have an occupation of some kind. 8. Every one, except Mrs. Reffold, seemed to
recognise that Mr. Reffold's days were numbered. Either she did not or ____ not understand. 9.
Algernon: Oh! it is absurd to have a hard and fast rule about what one ____ read and what one ____
n't. 10. All of her other former belongings. Had either been sold or lost for non-payment of dues.
Just the same, she either could not or ____ not work. 11. Eunice: How is she? Stella: She ____ n't
eat anything but asked for a drink. 12. "Why didn't you come before?" he said. "You ____ have
come, instead of writing."
Exercise 16. Comment on the meaning of modal verbs. Translate into Russian.
1. On the fourth day, feeling that she could bear the suspense no longer, she telephoned to
Fleur and asked if she might come up to them. 2. I should be grateful if you would keep your hands
off my business in future. 3. You know you didn't dare give the order to charge the bridge until you
saw us on the other side. 4. Poker shouldn't be played in a house with women. 5. They didn't have to
worry about money. 6. Although his residence and his family were in the country, he was frequently
to be found about the restaurants and resorts of the radical section of the city. 7. She would not
answer me, of course, but went on cording the crate. And when I thought it was done with, she
found a volume slipped under a chair, and she would open up the crate and put it in. 8. "I suppose
you know what I've been through since that bag came this morning," said mother. "You might have
had some consideration for me. There is simply no excuse for all this." 9. You need not meet him
unless you like. 10. He's... let me see... He can't be more than thirty, dear. 11. Misha followed her,
and they were to be seen a moment later in conversation. 12. Meanwhile, Margaret seemed to hear a
faint knocking, but as no one appeared to hear it, she thought she must be mistaken. 13. And of
course you should have introduced us long ago. 14. I could not, and would not, believe that she was
becoming interested in me. That could not be. 15. Anyhow, John won't hear of you seeing her. 16.
And here now was this young and promising doctor, who could, if he would, keep her supplied with
work, and might even eventually marry her. 17. Aubrey: What is to be her future? It is in my hands;
what am I to do? 18. Your family may object to me; and then it will be all over between us. 19. Rosa
reflected, as the train was leaving Naples, that perhaps she ought not to have left Hunter alone. 20.
How dare he speak so to me? 21. I need hardly say I would do anything in the world to ensure
Gwendolen's happiness. 22. How dare you address me as dear Sir, Sir? How dare you look me in the
face and do it, Sir? 23. Mama came down, and in a voice which was both astonished and distraught,
exclaimed: "Grandpa is not upstairs. Where can he have gone?" 24. But you might have been firing
away at the Australians still if we cavalry fellows hadn't found the ford and got across. 25. You must
be dying with curiosity. Take a peep. 26. Madam, may I speak 'to you a moment? 27. She gazed at
me severely. "You ought to be in at your essay." 28. "Land ought to be very dear about there," he
said. 29. The substance of her observations, along with those of others, is to be found in a series of
articles published in a series of screen publications of the time. 30. But you've got to finish college.
We can't get married for a long time. 31. Cain said: "I don't have to pay to find that out. I could have
asked anybody at the meeting, and found out." 32. Soames would often come down to watch with
secret pride the building of the house which was to have been his home. 33.. Miss Femm opened the
door. "I've none of this electric light. I won't have it. You'll have to wait till I've lit the candles." 34.
"Well," James said, with a nervous emphasis, "I don't see what you want with a tree." "It shall come
down to-morrow," said Bosinney. 35. "What are we to do?" she gasped. "Can't we stay here? Shall I
lock the door?" 36. I felt suddenly dizzy with pain and unable to face whatever scene was to follow.
37. But Sally, with a towel round her, went down to the water's edge. "You're to come out this
minute, Philip," she called, as though he were a small boy under her charge. 38. It seemed like an
age, but I suppose the whole thing can't have lasted thirty seconds really.
Exercise 17. Insert modal verbs and explain their use (use the contracted forms shan't, won't,
shouldn't, wouldn't if necessary). Translate into Russian.
1. You ____ have looked lovely in a veil, Aunt Em. Didn't she, Uncle? 2. Won't you sit down,
Mr. Anderson? I ____ have asked you before; but I'm so troubled. 3. I went over to the window. The
pavements were damp and reflected the yellow light. It ____ have rained to-day. 4. "Now please tell
me how you are going to celebrate the great event of my having won a scholarship. ____ we have a
grand sort of school-room treat?" "We certainly will," replied the mother. "You have ____ worked
hard and ____ have your reward." (contracted) 5. "I mean they're sending me to New York for good.
To be the head of the New York office." "I don't believe it," Mrs. Smith said. "I simply don't believe
it. I think you ____ have lost your mind." "It's true," he said, "I ____ to start a week from
Saturday." 6. There were two letters for him. One from his guardian, the other from his sister. The
man she was engaged to was afraid that his leave was going to be curtailed. They would ____ to be
married at once. They might even ____ to get a special licence. 7. Pearl: I sent out to the garage and
gave instructions that the old Rolls-Royce ____ to be taken down at once and the other ____ to go to
London. 8. "Tootie ____ have been in school this year," Mr. Smith said defiantly. "And would have
been too, if you hadn't carried on so about her being the baby. She'll ____ to start school sometime,
you know." 9. Hush! He's still asleep. What ____ we to do when he wakes? ____ we go up to him
and wait for it? 10. Let's go over and see old Shropshire. He ____ have known your father well,
Con. 11. "Did you ____ to take a cab?" "No, there was nothing much to bring." 12. Mrs. Ferse
asked him if he had had dinner, and if he would like to go to bed; and if he would see a doctor; but
he ____ speak, he sat with his eyes closed, (contracted) 13. From time to time he and Esther ____ to
be seen together. 14. You ____ to stay out so late, it makes you fit for nothing. (contracted) 15. A
doctor called in at this late hour. He suggested a nurse, but this Mrs. Widdle, ill as she was, ____
not hear of. It would cost so much. 16. You ____ not be so careless with your things. 17. You ____
not to tell Dad what I told you, Mother. 18. Indignation against Martin ran high. No one ____ have
anything to do with a Socialist traitor. 19. It's all over the town, and ____ injure your reputation. 20.
We ____ have children, Gretta – a lot of children. There would be no time to worry about ourselves
then. 21. "O Sue!" he cried, sitting down beside her and taking her hand. "How is this! You couldn't
write?" "No, it wasn't that!" she answered. "I did catch a bad cold — but I could have written. Only I
____!" (contracted) 22. She was always well-dressed and carried herself with an inimitable air that
____ have been born in her. It ____ never have been acquired. 23. "Go and order your men to drop
their arms. They ____ to leave the hotel singly and with upraised hands." 24. There are some
houses there somewhere. We'll ask, they ____ have seen him. 25. "Well, Annie," he said. "I gave
Trask a dollar for his trouble." "You ____ not have done that, Father," Mrs. Smith said. "After all,
we do pay him to watch the house." 26. On the inland side hills____ to be seen, spotted with olive
trees. 27. "____ I ask," he said, "what it is that is bothering you, my dear?" 28. "I ____ be out again
directly," he said to the driver, or I ____ be kept some time." 29.
Exercise 18. Translate into English, using modal verbs.
1. «Помочь вам?» - «Нет, спасибо, я сделаю все сама». 2. «Не знаю, справлюсь ли я с
этой работой в такой короткий срок». - «Вы должны были подумать об этом раньше». 3. Не
может быть, чтобы он уже вернулся, ведь он вчера только уехал в Москву. Вы, должно быть,
ошиблись. 4. Вы не должны позволять ей читать в сумерки, она может испортить глаза. 5. Вы
не должны были оставлять гореть газ, такими вещами нельзя шутить, ведь мог произойти
пожар! 6. Он должен был поехать в Москву на прошлой неделе, но конференция задержала
его на несколько дней. 7. Тысячу раз я просила ее не хлопать дверью, когда я занимаюсь, но
она все равно хлопает. 8. Я вас, должно быть, неправильно понял и поэтому пришел так рано.
9. Вам не к чему брать зонтик, на небе нет ни облачка. 10. Мне придется оставить ей записку,
я ее, наверно, не увижу. 11. «Почему они ее тогда не видели?» - «Она могла уйти до их
прихода». 12. Вам незачем идти на почту, я отправлю ваше письмо. 13. Джордж должен был
вчера у нас обедать, но он не пришел. 14. Погода была прекрасная; мы пошли в сад, всюду
можно было видеть счастливые лица детей. 15. «Купить вам “Сдается в наем” Голсуорси?» «Нет, не надо; моя сестра была вчера в книжном магазине, она, возможно, купила эту книгу».
16. Доктор велел ей лежать в постели, но она и слышать об этом не хотела. 17. Обычно я
хожу в филармонию пешком, но вчера я вышел поздно, и мне пришлось сесть в автобус. 18.
Концерт должен был быть пятого февраля, но был отложен из-за болезни дирижера. 19. Петя
узнал об этом до дня концерта, но не сообщил своему приятелю Коле, так как у него был
испорчен телефон. 20. Коля очень рассердился на него. «Ты должен был сказать мне, не мог
же ты быть так занят, чтобы не зайти на почту или позвонить», - сказал он, когда они
увиделись. 21. Петя объяснил, что как раз в тот день заболела его сестра, и он должен был за
ней ухаживать. 22. Но его приятель и слушать не хотел его объяснений. 23. «Ты мог бы найти
способ дать мне знать», - упрямо повторял он, хотя Петя продолжал оправдываться, говоря,
что никого не было дома, и он боялся, что сестре может что-нибудь понадобиться во время
его отсутствия. 24. Кристин поражалась перемене, происшедшей в Эндрю. «Не может быть,
чтобы он потерял интерес к работе, не может быть, чтобы он думал только о деньгах», думала она. Эндрю в свою очередь не понимал, почему Кристин стала такой нервной и
почему она ни за что не хочет сказать, что с ней такое. 25. Он думал, что вместо того, чтобы
сердиться на него, ей следовало бы радоваться его успеху. 26. «Она могла бы подумать о том,
как получше обставить нашу квартиру теперь, когда мы можем позволить себе это», - думал
он. 27. Но он не мог долго думать об этом, так как был очень занят: ему надо было обслужить
всех своих пациентов, поэтому он решил, что ее странное поведение - просто каприз, на
который он не должен обращать внимания. 28. Однажды миссис Лоренс позвонила ему и,
сказав, что супруг ее уехал на рыбную ловлю в Ирландию и она, быть может, через несколько
дней поедет к нему, позвала его к завтраку. 29. Он принял ее приглашение, хотя и подумал,
что она могла бы пригласить и Кристин. 30. Потом он пришел к заключению, что это визит
скорее деловой, а не светский и что он должен бывать в обществе и заводить знакомства,
которые могут быть полезны для его карьеры, и что ему не к чему говорить об этом Кристин.
Choose the correct variant. Note that sometimes more than one variant is correct. Check your
results in the keys.
1. The fire spread through the building quickly but everybody ___ .
a) was able to escape; b) managed to escape; c) had to
2) The phone is ringing. It ___ be Tim.
a) might
b) can
c) could
3) Why did you stay at a hotel when you went to New York? You ___ with Barbara.
a) can stay b) could stay
c) could have stayed
4) I've lost one of my gloves. I ___ it somewhere.
a) must drop
b) must have dropped c) must be dropping
d) must have been dropping
5) Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It ___ rain later.
a) may b) might c) can d) could
6) What was wrong with you? Why ___ go to hospital?
a) had you to b) did you have to c) must you
7) There's plenty of time. You ___ hurry.
a) don't have to
b) mustn't
c) needn't
8) It was a great party last night. You ___ come. Why didn't you?
a) must have b) should have
c) ought to have
d) had to
9) Ted’s flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He ___ be exhausted after such a long
a) must
b) can c) has to
10) The book is optional. My professor said we could read it if we needed extra credit. But we ___
read it if we don’t want to.
a) cannot
b) must not
c) don’t have to
11) Susan ___ hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so loudly.
a) can’t
b) couldn’t
c) might not
12) The television isn’t working. It ___ damaged during the move.
a) must have been
b) must
c) must be
13) ___ hold your breath for more than a minute? – No, I can’t.
a) Can you
b) Are you able
c) Might you
14) You ___ do the job if you didn’t speak Japanese fluently.
a) can’t
b) couldn’t
c) won’t be able
15) You ___ be rich to be a success. Some of the most successful people I know haven’t got a
penny for their name.
a) can’t
b) don’t have to
c) shouldn’t
16) You ___ worry so much. It doesn’t do you any good. Either you get the job or you don’t.
a) can’t
b) don’t have to
c) shouldn’t
17) You ___ be kidding! That can’t be true.
a) should
b) might
c) ought to
18) You ___ leave the table once you have finished your meal and politely excused yourself.
a) might
b) may
c) would
19) Jenny’s engagement ring is enormous! It … a fortune.
a) must cost
b) must be costing
c) must have cost
20) ___ we move into the living room? It’s more comfortable in there and there’s a beautiful view
of the lake.
a) Shall
b) Will
c) Must
21) I told my boss that I had previously worked with Sam, and that he ___ take another look at his
resume and reconsider him for the position.
a) must
b) ought to
c) has to
22) The machine ___ on by flipping this switch.
a) may turn
b) could be turning
c) can be turned
23) I can't stand these people - I ___ get out of here. I'm going to take off for awhile while you get
rid of them
a) had better
b) have got to
c) might
24) You ___ forget to pay the rent tomorrow. The landlord is very strict about paying on time.
a) mustn't
b) don't have to
c) couldn't
25) Do you always have to say the first thing that pops into your head. ___ you think once in a
while before you speak?
a) Can not
b) Can't
c) Don't can
26) Terry and Frank said they would come over right after work, so they ___ be here by 6:00.
a) have to
b) can
c) should
27) Yesterday, I ___ cram all day for my French final. I didn't get to sleep until after midnight.
a) had to
b) should
c) must
28) We ___ no longer suffer the injustice of oppression! Freedom shall be ours!
a) would
b) might
c) shall
29) The lamp ___ be broken. Maybe the light bulb just burned out.
a) might not
b) must not
c) could not
30) I have no time. I ___ leave now. My parents are waiting for me.
a) have to b) ought to
c) would
d) had better
The Subjunctive Mood
Preparatory activities.
Review the following topics:
1. Comment on the Category of Mood in English. What does it express? Which moods can be
distinguished in English?
2. Comment on the formation and use of the Imperative Mood in English.
3. Name synthetic and analytical forms of the Subjunctive Mood.
4. Comment on the use of the Subjunctive Mood in simple sentences.
5. Comment on the use of the Subjunctive Mood in complex sentences: conditional clauses,
adverbial clauses of purpose, concession, time and place, comparison (or manner), predicative
clauses, subject clauses introduced by the anticipatory it, object clauses, attributive appositive
6. Comment on the use of the Subjunctive Mood to express emotional attitude towards real events.
Exercise 1. Insert the appropriate form of the Subjunctive Mood. Comment on the form and the
use of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate into Russian (conditional sentences).
1. I honestly think it ____ better if we ____ each other for a while. (to be, to see – negative) 2.
If you ____ already married, Mr. Clay, I ____ for you. (to be – negative, to wait) 3. Now if only
Betty ____ able to come this evening she ____ it. But, of course, she had to choose this evening to
go and see her mother.(to be, to do) 4. If he ____ ordinary, I ____ him (to be, to love – negative) 5.
And if anything ____ to him, there ____ something in the Press. (to happen, to be) 6. I ____ it a
few months ago, Mr. Chapin. (to believe) 7. If I ____ you, I think I ____ very much as you do. (to
be, to feel) 8. You first brought your friend into my sister's company, and but for you we ____
never ____ him. (to see) 9. I certainly won't leave you so long as you are in mourning. It ____ most
unfriendly. If I ____ in mourning you ____ with me, I suppose. (to be, to be, to stay) 10. He was a
power in the College, and ____ in any society; (to be) 11. If you ____ news before morning, ring
me up at once. (to have) 12. I like the place. The air suits me. I ____ surprised if I ____ here, (to
be – negative, to settle down) 13. There is nothing the Barkers ____ for a few pounds. (to do –
negative) 14. Well that wasn't true what she said and, if It ____ that ____ , no business of hers. (to
be, to be) 15. "She told me the other day that her heart stopped for five minutes when that horrid
nurse was rude to her." "Nonsense! She ____ alive now if her heart ____ for five seconds." (to be –
negative, to stop) 16. I think it ____ her so much good to have a short stroll with you in the Park,
Dr. Chasuble. (to do) 17. The story I have to tell ____ never ____ if one day I ____ across the
street. (to happen, to walk – negative) 18. "She is so wretched," I told him, "that she ____ gladly
____ tomorrow morning if it ____ for the baby." (to die, to be – negative) 19. If I ____ you I ____
abroad again. (to be, to go) 20. "I think, Edward," said Mrs. Dashwood, "you _____ a happier man
if you ____ any profession to engage your time and give an interest to your plans and actions. Some
inconvenience to your friends, indeed, might result from it: you ____ able to give them so much of
your time." (to be, to have, to be – negative) 21. Jago was longing for me to say that he ought to be
the next Master. A few years before I ____ yes on the spot. (to say) 22. And if I ____ I was going to
meet you, I ____ differently. (to know, to dress) 23. If he ____ here, send him to us at once. (to
return) 24. I ____ what I am but for him. (to be – negative) 25. "Why are you talking this rubbish,"
he said, "and making me talk it too?" "If what you say ____ true, women ____ either poisonous or
boring!" (to be, to be) 26. Just think, if I ____ the pictures I ____ a rich woman now. (to buy, to be)
27. Mr. Gresham, this marriage will, at any rate, put an end to your pecuniary embarrassment,
unless, indeed, Frank ____ a hard creditor. (to prove) 28. Anyhow, a fire started, and if a young
fellow who's working here ____ instantly ____ with an axe, their big storage tank of gasoline ____
in the air and God knows what ____ then. (to set about – negative, to go up, to happen) We all
____ with it. (to go) Honestly, we're all lucky to be alive. If it ____ for this chap, we ____ (to be –
negative, to be – negative).
Exercise 2. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood where required (conditional
1. Вы бы чувствовала себя лучше, если бы не ложились спать так поздно (to keep late
hours). 2. Мы бы не опоздали на поезд, если бы взяли такси. 3. Мы могли бы дойти на каток,
если бы не было так холодно. 4. Если бы вчера не было так холодно, мы, возможно, пошли
бы на каток. 5. Если бы вы не сидели на сквозняке (to sit in the draught), вы бы не
простудились. 6. Вы бы себя хорошо сегодня чувствовали, если бы приняли вчера лекарство.
7. Если бы я был на вашем месте, я бы больше проводил времени на открытом воздухе. 8. Вы
бы лучше знали язык, если бы прочитали летом несколько английских книг. 9. Если бы не
моя болезнь, я бы уже окончил университет. 10. Вы бы не разбили вазу, если бы были
осторожны. 11. Мы, возможно, не заблудились бы, если бы ночь не была такой темной. 12. Я
вернусь не позднее шести, если меня не задержат в университете. 13. Если бы не дождь, мы
могли бы поехать за город. 14. Вы были бы уже здоровы, если бы вовремя обратились к
врачу. 15. Если бы не ваша помощь, я бы не смог кончить вчера работу. Предположим, мы
были бы свободны сегодня вечером, куда бы мы пошли? 17. В случае, если пойдет дождь, я
останусь дома. 18. Я бы не упал, если бы не было так скользко. 19. Если бы не такси, я,
возможно, опоздал бы на поезд. 20. Она ахнула (to moan), пошатнулась и наверно бы упала,
если бы Давид не поддержал ее. 21. Если бы Эндрю мог предвидеть эту встречу, то конечно б
он повернул в сторону (to turn in another direction). 22. Если бы он мог слышать, что говорили
ее родители в этот вечер, если бы он мог перенестись на точку зрения семьи (to put oneself at
the point of view of somebody) и узнать, что Кити будет несчастна, если он не женится на ней,
он бы очень удивился и не поверил бы этому.
Exercise 3. Point out mood auxiliaries and modal verbs. Translate into Russian.
1. If Savina were with him at this moment, his doubts and loneliness would evaporate. 2. She
felt if she could lose herself in her mother's arms she would be able to endure the pain that was so
intense. 3. Herzog pictured what might have happened if instead of listening so intensely and
thoughtfully he had hit Madeleine in the face. 4. When she's alone and humiliated and broken it
would be dreadful if she had nowhere to go. 5. I think, if he wouldn't mind, I should rather like him
to spare me five minutes. 6. If the tradition be ever broken it will be for an abler man than Stephen.
7. Jeff wished to suggest that it might be best if he went back to Lord's Creek. 8. It would be worse
than before if I should lose you now. 9. I left a message for him that I should be glad to see him for a
moment on a matter of importance for himself, and that if he would look in here when he was
passing he would be welcome. 10. He wondered what Bob Watson would say and do if he should
happen to see one of his tenants' crops in that condition. 11. My shirt and trousers, stained with heat,
dew, grass, and the Kentish soil on which I had slept – and torn besides – might have frightened the
birds from my aunt's garden, as I stood at the gate. 12. She thrilled from head to toe at the question.
A piece of ice dropped down her back could not have startled her more. 13. I should tell your son to
keep away from him if I were you. 14. If I had gone overseas, instead of him, I might have learned
something and been somebody. 15. If she could have been compressed to about three quarters of her
actual width, she would have been very attractive.
Exercise 4. Insert the appropriate form of the Subjunctive Mood. Comment on the form and the
use of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate into Russian (simple sentences, conditional sentences,
adverbial clauses of purpose and concession).
1. She wanted him to be a member of Parliament only that he ____ a claim on the gratitude of
his party. (to have) 2. God ____ me from such friends in future. (to save) 3. Andrews turned up the
collar of his coat, lest he
(to recognise – passive) 4. I am prepared to gratify all your whims,
however unreasonable they ____ (to be) 5. Do you think she ____ and have lunch with me if I ____
her? (to come, to telephone) 6. "Oh God ____ you! How could you strike an old woman like that?"
(to forgive) 7. Tell them I leave my country that I ____ free, and it is the end and the beginning. (to
be) 8. "Mr. Penty," said the doctor, "in my experience, very few people are perfectly well, although
they ____ they are." (to imagine) 9. I keep a diary in order to enter the wonderful secrets of my life.
If I ____ them down, I ____ probably ____ all about them. (to write – negative, to forget) 10. He
seemed to be dozing when she returned, and she put the low fire together very softly lest she ____
him. (to awake) 11. Whatever your father ____ once ____, to day he's decay; he's age; he's
everything that's corrupt and evil. (to be) 12. God ____ for her kind heart. (to thank – passive) 13. If
necessary, I could cable her to tell her his address in order that she ____ Australia without seeing
him. (to leave – negative) 14. I ____ you if I ____ a way out, but there isn't one. (to press –
negative, to see) 15. It was plain that however conscientious Cassilis ____ , however desperately
hard and intelligently he ____ , he would never get his captaincy, (to be, to work) 16. And fearful
lest he ____ Soames turned away and mounted slowly to his room. (to see – passive) 17. This was
true, and he ____ to meditate on this sad confession if he ____ otherwise engaged.(to pause, to be
— negative) 18. He had to admit to himself that whatever Miss Dobb's faults ____ , she was the
right sort of girl to take to a restaurant. (to be)
Exercise 5. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood where required.
1. В этом зале очень хорошая акустика (acoustics); где бы вы ни сидели, вы все
услышите. 2. У нас были очень плохие места; если бы акустика в этом зале не была такой
хорошей, мы бы ничего не услышали. 3. Как бы он ни был занят, он находил время ходить в
театр. 4. Как он ни занят, он находит время ходить в театр. 5. Что бы вы ни говорили, мне эта
пьеса не нравится. 6. Врач сказал: «Как ни слаб больной, его надо оперировать». 7. Если бы
не операция, больной, возможно, умер бы. 8. Сестра закрыла одно, чтобы шум не разбудил
больного. 9. Врач сказал: «Больной теперь вне опасности. Но если бы случилось так, что у
него опять поднялась температура, позвоните мне немедленно». 10. Когда бы вы ни пришли
ко мне, я всегда буду рад вас видеть. 11. Приходите пораньше, чтобы я мог показать вам свои
книги. 12. Машина остановилась, чтобы туристы посмотрели развалины старого монастыря.
13. Как бы темна ни была ночь, нам придется продолжать путь. 14. Как ни темна была ночь,
туристы решили продолжать путь. 15. Если бы не звезды, которые так ярко светили, не было
бы видно ни зги (to be pitch dark). 16. Я принес вам журнал, чтобы вы прочитали эту статью.
17. Позвоните мне вечером, как бы поздно вы ни вернулись домой. 18. Наденьте пальто,
чтобы не простудиться. 19. Как бы он ни был взволнован час тому назад, сейчас он кажется
совершенно спокойным. 20. Мне пришлось взять такси, чтобы не опоздать на поезд.
Exercise 6. Insert the appropriate form of the Subjunctive Mood. Comment on the form and the
use of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate into Russian (simple sentences, conditional sentences,
adverbial clauses of purpose, concession and comparison, predicative clauses, and subject
1. She took up her work and began to sew, as if it ____ always ____ her custom to work in
this room. (to be) 2. It's important that he ____ what he wants. (to have) 3. Have you realised that
though you ____ towns and win battles, you cannot conquer a nation. (to occupy) 4. It was not Sir
Edgar's intention that such a remarkable performance ____ (to curtail – passive) 5. You ____ to
carry so much weight if you ____ the proper exercise. (to have – negative, to take) 6. Mrs.
Strickland was taking her family to the coast of Norfolk, so that the children ____ the sea and her.
husband golf. (to have) 7. You look as if you ____ toothache. (to have) 8. Then he looked at his
hands he looked at them as if he ____ just ____ he had them and ____ yet ____ what they were
for. (to discover, to puzzle out – negative) 9. The poor little woman will stand up for her brother,
whatever he ____ . (to be) 10. I thought it was necessary that we ____ a short conversation before I
left this house. (to have) 11. You are as right as can be and far ____ it from me to tell you
otherwise. (to be) 12. He sounded as though he ____ , us to see, ____ himself to see, that he was
happy. (to want - negative, to want – negative) 13. I dared not express my anxiety, lest it ____ her
offence. (to give) 14. Without his help she ____ never ____ abler to achieve an independent establishment and a clientele. (to be) 15. After a while she saw Tommy. She went straight towards him,
as if she ____ for him all. the while. (to look) 16. She had brought the nurse back to attend to Laura,
so that all her time ____ for her husband and his mother. (to be) 17. If only he ____ free! (to be) 18.
Letters came to her from the family worded with a sort of anxious astonishment that James ____
such a thing happen to him. (to have)
Exercise 7. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood where required.
Based on an episode from Vanity Fair by W. Thackeray.
1. Мать Бекки была француженка, и девушка говорила по-французски так, словно она
всю жизнь прожила в Париже. 2. Когда Бекки было шестнадцать лет, друзья ее отца
обращались с ней, как со взрослой женщиной (как если бы она была взрослой женщиной), и
часто отказывались (to give up) от самых веселых балов и пирушек (parties), чтобы провести с
ней вечер. 3. После смерти отца Бекки переехала в Чизик (Chiswick), в пансион мисс Пинкертон, которая взяла девушку для того, чтобы она говорила по-французски с ее ученицами.
4. Когда мисс Пинкертон услышала, как Бекки играет на рояле, она подумала, что было бы
желательно, чтобы девушка учила ее воспитанниц также и музыке. 5. Мисс Пинкертон
никогда не была добра к Бекки и всячески (in every way possible) старалась оскорбить и
унизить ее. Она бы иначе относилась к девушке, если бы та была дочерью богатых родителей.
6. «Что бы Эмилия ни говорила, – думала Бекки, – я знаю, что мисс Пинкертон ненавидит
меня. Она никогда не взяла бы меня, если бы моя работа не была для нее выгодна». 7.
Бекки тоже ненавидела мисс Пинкертон и относилась к ней, как к своему злейшему врагу
(worst enemy). 8. Бекки уехала бы из Чизика, но она прекрасно понимала, что для нее очень
важно получить хорошее образование. «Какой бы несчастной я себя ни чувствовала у мисс
Пинкертон, мне придется некоторое время здесь оставаться», – думала Бекки. 9. Как ни
выгодна была для мисс Пинкертон работа Бекки, она решила, наконец, что будет лучше, если
девушка уедет из Чизика. Она понимала, что для того, чтобы Бекки не оказала плохого
влияния на ее учениц, им лучше расстаться. 10. Когда Бекки выразила желание, чтобы мисс
Пинкертон нашла ей место гувернантки, та немедленно нашла такое место и таким образом
избавилась от девушки.
Exercise 8. Insert the appropriate form of the Subjunctive Mood. Comment on the form and the
use of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate into Russian (object clauses, attributive clauses, sentences
with the emotional should).
1. Strange that so simple a thing ____ birth to beautiful delight. (to give) 2. I wish I ____
what has frightened you so. (to know) 3. I hate telephones. I wish I ____ never ____ one put in. (to
have) 4. When we had sat for an hour or so, she insisted that we ____ all ____ to the restaurant
below and have supper. (to go) 5. That they ____ before nine o'clock to see him off was astounding.
(to arise) 6. It's time I ____ a new leaf. (to turn over) 7. Oh! I am so ill! so miserable! Oh, I wish I
____ dead. (to be) 8. Apart from his awe, and his concern that the tent ____ up, Goldstein was
watching the storm with a fascinated interest. (to remain) 9. I proposed that we ____ all ____ and
eat ices in the park. (to go) 10. I wish Fleur ____ seriously to water-colour work. (to take) 11. Why
____ people ____ with others like that? (to interfere) 12. I appreciate your coming, yet in a way I
wish you ____ .(to come – negative) 13. I suggest that he ____ home for a while. (to go) 14. I wish
I ____ your talent. (to have) 15. It seemed unbearable to him that she ____ . (to suffer) 16. I thought
also of Field him-self, of his easy charm, of his genuine desire that all ____ happy so long as it
involved no inconvenience to himself. (to be) 17. Soon I said that it was time I ____ home. (to go)
18. She wished he ____ pestering her with this sort of reminder. (to stop) 19. "I demand," says the
small man, "that you ____ with me." (to come) 20. "I want to be treated with respect," Miss Zelinka
wailed. "I was brought up in a good family, why ____ I ____ with respect?" (to treat – negative,
Exercise 9. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood (object clauses and attributive
clauses, emotional “should”).
1. Как жаль, что идет дождь. Я бы хотел, чтобы была хорошая погода, тогда мы могли
бы поехать за город. 2. Я слышал, что вы очень хорошо играете на рояле. Я бы хотел, чтобы
вы поиграли мне. 3. Мне жаль, что он не приехал ко мне на каникулы! Ему давно пора
посмотреть этот прекрасный город. 4. Погода была такая плохая, что я пожалел; что вышел
из дому. 5. Хотелось бы мне, чтобы вы не были таким рассеянным и не задавали один и тот
же вопрос несколько раз. 6. У ребенка очень хороший слух (to have a good ear for music).
Жаль, что его не учат музыке. Его давно пора отдать в музыкальную школу. 7. Хоте лось бы
мне, чтобы вы не перебивали меня каждую минуту. 8. Мне очень жаль, что я это сказал; мне
кажется, что он обиделся на мое замечание. 9. Я пожалел, что у меня не было времени, и я не
мог пойти с ними в Эрмитаж. 10. Я бы хотел, чтобы вы побыли со мной. 11. Как жаль, что я
не принял участия в этой экскурсии; говорят, она была очень интересна. 12. Я бы хотел,
чтобы вы держали свои вещи в порядке. 13. Я чувствую себя очень плохо. Боюсь, как бы мне
не заболеть. 14. Было очень поздно, и мы боялись, как бы нам не опоздать на поезд. 15.
Погода была очень хорошая, и я предложил поехать за город и провести день на свежем
воздухе. 16. Проследите за тем, чтобы студентов известили о перемене расписания. 17. Нам
очень хочется (to be anxious), чтобы вы приняли участие в концерте. 18. Он хотел сразу же
уйти, но я настаивал, чтобы он снял пальто и выпил чашку чаю. 19. Уже поздно, нам пора
идти (to be off). 20. Вам давно пора вернуть книгу в библиотеку. 21. «А вы его любите?» —
«Он хороший человек; отчего же мне его не любить?» 22. Не понимаю, зачем тебе нужно
мучить меня? 23. Нет, почему же тебе не приехать? Жена ждет тебя. Пожалуйста, приезжай.
24. 25. Почему же не попытать своего счастья? (to try one's luck).
Exercise 10. Comment on the Subjunctive Mood and modal verbs. Translate into Russian.
1. There was no immediate answer, but presently I heard my name again, in a tone so very
mysterious and awful, that I think I should have gone into a fit, if it had not occurred to me that it
must have come through the keyhole. 2. As he walked along the north side of a certain street, what
should he see but the truly beautiful and remarkable eyes of Mr. Angelo. 3. You should never
neglect a chance, however small it may seem. 4. I hope he may not return here just yet. I pray God
he may, not come into my sight, for I may be tempted beyond myself. 5. Annette sighed. If Nicholas
were only here, he would advise her. As he was not here, should she confide in Rosa? That was the
question. 6. Harper Steger walked always as though he were a cat and a dog were prowling
somewhere in the offing. 7. It was as if she had received a physical blow and were rocking on her
feet. 8. She had suggested that Abraham arrive precisely at one-thirty. 9. If I were to die – and I may
die soon – it would be dreadful that you should always think mistakenly of me. 10. She strove to
ensnare him with comfort and would not see that comfort meant nothing to him. 11. I wished he
would not always treat me as a child. 12. It is likely that except for the instruction of his
grandfather, Karl himself would now be more like the other children. He would not have the
military manner of walking which is the chief difference between him and the other children. 13. He
proposed to change his will to the effect that his collection should be bequeathed to the city only on
certain conditions, the most important of which was that I should be retained as curator. 14. His
spirits fell, however, when, upon reaching the park, he waited and waited and Carrie did not come.
Could something have happened out there to keep her away? 15. I never saw a man so hot in my
life. I tried to calm him, that we might come to something rational; but he got hotter and hotter, and
wouldn't hear a word. 16. I think you might have the decency to treat me as a prisoner of war, and
shoot me like a man instead of hanging me like a dog. 17. At lunch she did not tell Michael she was
going – he might want to come, too, or at least to see her off. 18. It's odd, be thought, very odd; I
must be mistaken. Why should he have followed me this distance? 19. My only terror was lest my
father should follow me. 20. But I find now that you left me in the dark as to matters which you
should have explained to me years ago. 21. Tony must have had several drinks by the time Erik
arrived, and he insisted that Erik join him in still one more. 22. It would be monstrously selfish if I
disturbed a state of things which is eminently satisfactory to you both. I will not come between you.
23. You shall smart for this! You shall rue it to the end of your days. 24. And I will arrange that the
funeral shall take place early tomorrow. 25. Your husband shall be treated exactly as if he were a
member of the royal family. No gratitude, it would embarrass me, I assure you. 26. He felt as if
something in him were collapsing. 27. I am sure this William Wallace is a fine fellow, but I can't see
why my daughter should marry without even sending me an invitation to the wedding. 28. Stener
was to be sentenced the maximum sentence for his crime in order that the party and the courts
should appear properly righteous. 29. Vincent knew that his sketches from life were not all what
they should have been; but he was confident that if he worked hard they would come right in the
end. 30. An old gentleman suggested that she walk to the village where she might yeti catch the bus
to the Plaza. 31. This was to be the very last dinner he would ever eat at Mrs. Fawset's; but he did
not know this and neither did Mrs. Fawset. 32. That girl that I spoke of was to have married me
twenty years ago. She was forced into marrying that same Drebber, and broke her heart over it. 33.
Indoors nothing was to be heard save the droning of blue-bottle flies. 34. The light was not good
where they had stopped, and he might have made a mistake. 35. No doubt life held many strange
secrets. Perhaps it was essential that somebody should investigate them. However that might be, the
call of his was in another direction. His business was to make money. 36. Your feelings do you
honour. You are young; may you never outlive your feelings! 37. This mayn't be the first time
you've pulled me out of a mess, but I swear it shall be the last. 38. He insisted that the boy remain in
bed. 39. I ought not to have left Knapwater last night. I wish I. had not. 40. You must have mistaken
him, my dear. He could not have intended to say that. 41. Hooker repeated the name as if he had
never heard it before. 42. If the tradition be ever broken it will be for an abler man than Stephen. 43.
Whatever unfortunate entanglement my dear boy may have got into, I will never reproach him with
it after we are married. 44. I may have been foolish, inspector, but I've never done anything wrong
before the law. 45. Erik carried the books silently down to his own office, picked up his hat and coat
as though he were in a daze and left the building. 46. It would be a lovely thing, he thought, if
Hawland were to get killed in an accident tomorrow so that nobody would ever know what a fool
Erik was going to make of himself in embarking upon an impossible job. 47. He began to whistle to
the snake, to see if the music would have any effect on its movements, if it would make the snake
dance, but the snake would not dance. 48. That she should have been there, to hear everything – it
was the last thing he had wanted. 49. She looked as if she might do something to herself! She had no
veronal, or anything of that sort, he hoped. And all the time he was wondering what had happened.
If the issue were still doubtful – if she were still waiting, she might be restless, feverish, but surely
she would not look like this! No! It was defeat. 50. 10. How good he had always been to her!
Incredible that he should die and take that goodness away, that she should never hear his flat-toned
voice again, or feel the touch of his moustache on her cheeks or forehead. Incredible that he should
never give her a chance to show that she had really loved him.
Exercise 11. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood and modal verbs where
(A) Based on an episode from Jane Eyre by Ch. Bronte.
1. «У нее такой вид, как будто она маленькая фея, как будто она пришла сюда из
сказочной страны (the fairy land)», – подумал мистер Рочестер, когда увидел Джейн в первый
раз. 2. «Странно, что они пришли сюда, – подумала Джейн, увидев в церкви незнакомцев. –
Они, может быть, слышали, что мистер Рочестер собирается жениться. Да, должно быть,
слышали». 3. Когда один из незнакомцев потребовал, чтобы бракосочетание было прервано
(to break off the ceremony), мистер Рочестер вздрогнул, словно перед ним разверзлась (to open)
пропасть. 4. Священник сказал, что невозможно, чтобы миссис Рочестер все эти годы жила в
Торнфильде. «Не может быть, чтобы она жила здесь столько лет. Мы бы давно услышали об
этом», – заметил он. 5. Джейн пожалела, что приехала в Торнфильд. «Было бы лучше, если
бы я никогда не видела мистера Рочестера», – думала она. 6. Мистер Рочестер понимал, что
сколько бы он ни уговаривал Джейн, она не останется с ним. Он жалел, что обманывал
девушку. «Я должен был сказать ей, что я женат», – думал он. 7. Джейн ушла из Торнфильда
ночью, так как хотела (to be anxious), чтобы никто не узнал, куда она идет. 8. «Как мы были
бы сейчас счастливы, если бы Джейн не покинула меня», – думал мистер Рочестер. 9. Джейн
не могла забыть дня, который должен был быть днем ее свадьбы (wedding day) и который
окончился так трагически.
(B) Based on a fairy-tale.
Сестры Золушки (Cinderella) обращались с нею так, словно она была их служанкой.
«Как жаль, что я не могу угодить (to please) сестрам, – не раз думала Золушка. – Как бы я ни
старалась угодить им, они всегда недовольны (to find fault with somebody)». Однажды было
объявлено (to announce), что в королевском дворце должен состояться большой бал. Всем
очень хотелось пойти туда. Сестры Золушки были приглашены, но Золушка так и не
получила приглашения. «Как жаль, что меня не пригласили! – думала бедная девушка. –
Как жаль, что я не смогу увидеть Юного Принца! Как он, должно быть, красив! А что,
если я попрошу сестер взять меня на бал? Нет, бесполезно даже и пытаться. Они меня не
возьмут, хотя бы я умоляла их об этом целый день».
Наконец наступил день, когда сестры Золушки должны были поехать на бал. Золушке
пришлось много работать, причесывая сестер и стараясь сделать их как можно красивее.
Вечером сестры уехали, и Золушка осталась одна. «Какие они счастливые, – думала Золушка,
сидя у камина. – Если бы у меня было красивое платье, я бы тоже могла поехать на бал». В
эту минуту появилась ее крестная мать и сказала: «У тебя будет красивое платье. Ты
пойдешь на бал. Но помни: как бы ты ни веселилась (to enjoy oneself), ты не должна
оставаться во дворце после полуночи».
Золушка в своем прелестном платье, которое точно (выглядело так, словно) было
соткано из лунных лучей (moonbeams), вошла (to step) в карету. Она никогда не видела такой
красивой кареты. Что касается кучера, то он был просто великолепен; он точно (выглядел
так, словно) никогда и не был крысой. Когда Золушка приехала во дворец, король подумал,
что это, должно быть, какая-то иностранная принцесса. Она держала себя так, словно всю
жизнь прожила в королевском дворце. Золушка забыла приказание крестной и осталась на
балу после полуночи. Едва она успела выбежать из дворца, как снова превратилась в
бедную Золушку. «Как жаль, что я не послушалась моей доброй крестной матери. Если
бы я не осталась во дворце после полуночи, я бы сейчас ехала (to drive) в карете в своем
прелестном платье».
Юный Принц всюду искал Золушку, но ее нигде нельзя было найти. «Где может быть эта
прекрасная принцесса? – думал он. – Неужели она потеряна для меня навсегда (to be lost to
somebody)? Я боюсь, что, сколько бы я ни искал, я не смогу ее найти».
Принц приказал, чтобы все девушки в городе примерили (to try on) хрустальный
башмачок (glass slipper), который потеряла Золушка. Он думал, что таким образом он, может
быть, найдет прекрасную принцессу. Многие девушки старались надеть башмачок, чтобы
выйти замуж за Юного Принца. Когда пришла очередь Золушки примерять башмачок,
сестры стали смеяться над нею. Но башмачок наделся на ногу Золушки с величайшей
легкостью (to slip on with the greatest ease), и к своему ужасу (dismay) сестры узнали в
девушке прекрасную принцессу, которую они видели на балу. Они пожалели, что плохо
обращались с Золушкой.
Choose the correct variant. Check your answers in the keys.
1) If I had gone to the University of Miami, I ___ participated in their Spanish immersion program.
a) could
b) could have
c) could be
2) What would you do if you ___ President?
a) are
b) were
c) will be
d) would be
3) If public transport ___ free, less people would use their cars.
a) is
b) were
c) will be
d) would be
4) If motorists had to pay an extra tax to drive in cities, they ___ their cars a lot less.
a) use
b) used
c) will use
d) would use
5) It is essential that she ___ at the meeting.
a) be
b) must be
c) should be
d) ought to be
6) If I ___ you I would call her tonight.
a) don’t mind b) didn’t mind c) never mind d) not mind
7) Jane ___ a car.
a) suggested that I buy
b) suggested that I should buy
c) suggested me to buy
8) I think all drivers ___ seat belts.
a) should wear
b) had better wear
c) had better to wear
9) It's late. It's time ___ home.
a) we go
b) we must go
c) we should go
d) we went
10) I'm not tired enough to go to bed yet. I wouldn't sleep if I … to bed now.
a) go
b) went
c) had gone
d) would go
11) If I were you, I ___ that coat. It's much too expensive.
a) won't buy b) don't buy
c) am not going to buy
d) wouldn't buy
12) I decided to stay at home last night. I would have gone out if I ___ so tired.
a) wasn't
b) weren't
c) wouldn't have been d) hadn't been
13) I wish I ___ a car. It would make life so much easier.
a) have
b) had c) would have
14) We require that all receipts ___ to the committee for approval.
a) be submitted b) are submitted
c) were submitted
15) It’s time they ___ to clear up the mess.
a) forced b) were forced c) are forced
16) These kids act as if they ___ the place.
a) own
b) had owned c) owned
17) If only nuclear bombs ___!
a) were not invented
b) hadn’t been invented
c) might not be invented
18) I wish your father ___ there to see it all.
a) could have been b) could be c) were able to be
19) They are acting as if nothing ___.
a) has happened
b) were happening
c) had happened
20) It is vital that every applicant ___ complete this form.
a) complete
b) completed c) should complete
The Sequence of Tenses and Reported Speech
Preparatory activities.
Review the following topics:
1. What is called the Sequence of Tenses in English?
2. In which types of subordinate clauses the Sequence of Tenses is observed? Give examples.
3. What speech is called reported?
4. Which changes should be made when the exact words of the speaker are reported?
5. Comment on the shift of tense-aspect forms in the Reported Speech.
6. Comment on the rules of forming reported statements.
7. Name verbs used to introduce the Reported Speech.
8. Comment on the rules of forming reported questions.
9. Comment on the rules of forming reported orders, commands, offers, suggestions and advice.
10. How are interjections and exclamations expressed in the Reported Speech?
11. Give examples of reported greetings and leave-takings.
Exercise 1. Use the appropriate form of the verb.
1. Cowperwood realised, that he ____ making a very remarkable confession. (is, was) 2. She
scarcely realised what ____ happening. (is, was) 3. Then all at once he remembered what the
program ____ be. (will, would) 4. Little Hans was very much distressed at times, as he was afraid
his flowers ____ think he forgotten them. (will, would; has, had) 5. Rosa told herself that this ____
the day that ____ decide her fate. (is, was, will, would) 6. She realised that he____ trying to convey
to her that he ____ lonely. (is, was; is, was) 7. Mrs. Sohlberg felt that this ____ going to be a
wonderful evening. (is, was) 8. He felt sure he ____ sleep now. (shall, should) 9. He thought
how beautiful and serene their life ____ be. (will, would) 10. I was thinking that it ____ be
interesting to start a little gas company in one of these outlying villages that ____ growing so fast,
and see if we ____ not make some money out of it. (may, might; are, were; can, could) 11. Each
fresh noise crept through her senses like an enemy who ____ found a gap in the walls of a
beleaguered city. (has, had) 12. Lunch came just as they were off Sheerness. He didn't feel so
hungry as he thought he ____ be. (shall, should) 13. He knew that in a week or two, at most a
month, the actual campaign ____ begin. (will, would) 14. When I found Mr. Bennett ____ left his
house, I thought I ____ find him here. Of course, he had told me that he ____ consult you. (has,
had; shall, should; will, would) 15. Brother Sumpter asked Jack Harrick how he ____ to day. (is,
was) 16. We got to Waterloo at eleven and asked where the eleven-five ____ from. The porter who
took our things thought it ____ go from number two platform, while another porter ____ heard a
rumour that it ____ go from number one. The station-master, on the other hand, was convinced that
it ____ start from the local. We went upstairs and asked the traffic superintendent, and he told us
that he ____ just seen it at number three platform. (starts, started; will, would; has, had; will, would;
will, would; has, had) 17. I was thinking that if any stranger ____ in here now, he ____ take us for
man and wife. (come, came; will, would) 18. He knew that he ____ been to college. (has, had)
Exercise 2. Put the verb in the required form.
1. I am just passing through Chicago and I thought you ____ tell me a little about the city from
an investment point of view. (may) 2. He said he ____ be obliged to run on to Pittsburg for thirty six
hours but he ____ back on the third day. (may, to be) 3." It had not yet occurred to her that she ____
get money for the locket and ear-rings which she ____ with her. (may, to carry) 4. I thought you
____ better sense. (to have) 5. Sir Wilfrid knew, from the frequency with which she used her handkerchief, that the tears ____ down her cheeks. (to run) 6. She hesitated no longer, but opening her
own door gently, went out and tapped at Hetty's. "I knew you ____ not in bed, my dear," she said.
(to be) 7. We came to this part of the country in the hope that the bracing air ____ a good effect
upon him. (to have) 8. The door opened suddenly, and a young fellow came in, with the air of one
who ____ the master. (to be) 9. She clung to the belief that he ____ so fond of her that he ____
never ____ happy without her; and she still hugged her secret that a great gentleman ____ her. (to
be, to be, to love) 10. At ten o'clock he telephoned again, saying that he ____ his mind. (to change)
11. Mr. Jackson departed upstairs, and immediately returned with a message that Mr. Fogg ____ Mr.
Pickwick in five minutes. (to see) 12. It chanced that Mr. Bennett received a letter from a fellowstudent in Prague, who said he ____ glad, to have seen Professor Pusbury then. (to be) 13. I thought
I ____ well, being tired. (to sleep) 14. We asked if there ____ anything further that we ____ do for
him. (to be, can) 15. I hailed them and asked if they ____ tell me the way to Wollingford Lock; and
I explained that I ____ for it for the last two hours. (can, to look) 16. I invited them all to come
and spend a week with me, and my cousin said her mother ____ pleased to see them. (to be)
17. His correspondent announced that he ____ unexpectedly ____ to London. (to summon —
passive) 18. He says he ____ free tomorrow (to be).
Exercise 3. Translate into English.
1. Он был уверен, что они работают вместе. 2. Он думал, что его товарищи работают с
утра. 3. Он думал, что его товарищи работают, и не хотел им мешать. 4. Он знал, что они
никогда не работали прежде. 5. Он полагал, что они будут работать вместе. 6. Она знала, что
они обычно встают в 8 часов. 7. Она не знала, что они ее ждут. 8. Она не знала, что он уже
купил словарь. 9. Она знала, что мальчик интересуется историей. 10. Она сказала, что этот
профессор читает лекции по истории. 11. Он сказал, что профессор читает лекцию. 12. Мне
сказали, что лекция начнется в 5 часов. 13. Я не знала, что вы тоже любите музыку. 14. Я
думала, что они знают друг друга с детства. 15. Она сказала, что идет дождь и что нам лучше
сидеть дома. 16. Она сказала, что думает, что завтра будет хорошая погода. 17. Вчера я
написала статью, которую буду читать в конце месяца на заседании кафедры. 18.
Школьникам сказали, что вода состоит из двух газов. 19. Я думала, что моя сестра их
хорошо знает. 20. Я думала, что она их давно знает. 21. Мне сказали, что вы читаете эту
книгу уже больше месяца; пора вам вернуть ее в библиотеку. 22. На днях Елена получила
письмо, которое ее очень расстроило, но о котором, я уверена, она никому не сказала. 23. Она
часто говорила, что хотела бы увидеть Черное море. 24. Она сказала, что очень занята и давно
не была в театре. 25. Она мне не сказала, что говорила с вами. 26. Она всегда говорила, что
хорошо их знает. 27. Она никому не сказала, что уезжает. 28. Она часто говорила, что
знакома с ними. 29. Он сказал, что ему надо позвать товарища. 30. Профессор сказал, что в
лаборатории было сделано много опытов. 31. Он говорил, что каждый день ходит в
Публичную библиотеку. 32. Он мне говорил, что интересуется геологией. 33. Сказала вам
Ольга, что она приняла ваше предложение? 34. Она говорила, что не может понять, почему
они переменили решение. 35. Она говорила, что книга ей нравится. 36. Она сказала, что
любит исторические романы. 37. Она говорила, что примет участие в работе. 38. Мы сказали,
что хотим пойти в оперу. 39. Она говорила, что Нина хорошо пишет стихи. 40. Мы сказали,
что вернемся через час. 41. Мы им сказали, что не будем их ждать. 42. Она говорила, что
любит балет.
Exercise 4. Convert into indirect speech.
1. The General said: "I want to consult you, Lionel. It's about my boy, Hubert." 2. The old man
said, "I had to go in the cave, son." 3. "My father is a preacher," Isaac said, "so I have read my
Bible, I remember about the miracle of the loaves and fishes." 4. "Hans," said the Miller, "I will give
you my wheel-barrow." 5. "Well!" cried Pinch, "you are the strangest young man, Martin, I ever
knew in my life." 6. "Very well, then," said my friend's wife, rising, "all I have to say is, that I shall
take the children and go to a hotel until these cheeses are eaten. I decline to live any longer in the
same house with them." 7. "Maurice," she said, "I've just telephoned to the doctor." 8. "I can go to
England at the beginning of June, doctor, but not before," I said. "You must go before. It is
absolutely necessary," said the doctor. "You must go at once." 9. "I will ring when I want " you,"
she said to the maid. 10. "Boy," the lieutenant said, "if you aren't careful you'll be ordered off this
mountain." 11. "Davis, Davis," he called, "what's the time? My watch has stopped." 12. "Jebb," he
said, "have you been in many caves? Are you a caver?" 13. "When will Mr. Dodson be back, Sir?"
inquired Mr. Pickwick. 14. "And have you anything else you want to explain to me, Denry?" said
Mr. Maybold. "Nothing, Sir." 15. "What," said Dinny, when they were seated before an omelette
Bulgarienne, "do you know about Professor Hallorsen, Uncle Adrian?" 16. At last she said: "Well,
Uncle Adrian, will you try and think of any way of strafing that man for the scurvy way he's treated
Hubert?" 17. The first question on Marianne's side was, "How long has this been known to you,
Elinor? Has he written to you?" "I have known it these four months." 18. "Who is there?" Arthur
whispered. "It's me, Sir,'' answered a venerable voice. "Mrs. Newitt, the housekeeper. Is Mrs. Forrest
ill?" "Mrs. Newitt," he said, "where is your master?" 19. "Who's that fellow?" said Lord Saxenden.
20. "What are you doing humped that way on the ground? Do you think that is ladylike?" Mrs.
Bingham said to her daughter. 21. "Is there any-thing else on your mind, Erik?" Haviland asked. 22.
"Tom," Maggie said timidly when they were out of doors, "how much money did you give for your
rabbits?" 23. Arrived at Shropshire House Sir Lawrence said: "Can we see the Marquise Pommett?"
"I rather think he's having his lesson, Sir Lawrence." 24. "О, Dick!" she exclaimed, "I am so glad
you are came!" 25. "Sylvan! Forgive me!" Arthur exclaimed. 26. "It's lovely here," Kay Rimmer
said. "What a lot of books you have." 27. "Oh, how can you be cruel like that!" she cried. 28. "O,
please forgive me, Tom; my heart will break," said Maggie. 29. "How nice to see a new face," the
woman in black velvet said. 30. "Oh, there is Tom!" exclaimed Lucy, clapping her hands. 31. "Oh,"
she said again at sight of the only picture on the walls, "how lovely. Who's that?" 32. "Get up, Joe,"
Mrs. Bingham said. 33. "Daddy – oh, Daddy," the girl said, "oh, let me stay." 34. "Martha!" he
called in a loud, commanding voice that echoed up and down the corridor. "Martha, come back
here!" 35. "Greta, please say something," he begged. "I've got to know if you are all right." 36.
"Both of you come with me," Conder said, "and have a drink at the Fitzroy." 37. "Now, Miss
Dunbar," said Holmes, "I beg you to tell us exactly what occurred that evening." 38. "Now you go
and get me my hammer, Will," he would shout. "And don't you go, Maria." 39. "Come here,
Martha!" he called, at the same time beckoning urgently. "What is it, Dr. Kenworthy?" she asked in
her shy, breathless manner. "Let's have some coffee, Martha." 40. She went to the window and
looked out. "Do come and look, Arthur," she said. 41. "And now, mamma," said Sylviane, "let us
hear this wonderful news." 42. "Come back," said the warning voice of Mrs. Hewitt, "don't let him
see you." Arthur withdrew his head. 43. "The lake is lovely," said Arthur. "Suppose we go for a
sail," she replied, taking his hand. 44. "What can I do?" he said, gruffly. "They wouldn't listen to
me." "Try," said Jean. "Some men are always listened to." 45. He turned to her with a rough gesture.
"Don't worry, Savina!" 46. "Lilly, Lilly," he said. "Don't go away!" 47. "Play one," he said to Monty
softly, "play one of your brother's songs." 48. "Then, dearest, look at me," said Stephen to Maggie in
deepest, tenderest tones of entreaty. "Don't go away from me yet. Give me a moment's happiness make me feel you've forgiven me." 49. "Do me a last favour, Betteredge," says Mr. Franklin, "get
me away to the train as soon as you can!" 50. "Now, Mr. Betteredge," he went on, "suppose we drop
speculation, and get to business." 51. Swindon: Who arrested this man? Sergeant: I did, sir. I found
him in the minister's house, sitting at tea, with the lady with his coat off, quite at home. If he isn't
married to her, he ought to be. 52. "Good-bye, Lillian," he said to his wife, pleasantly, kindly. "I'll
be coming out to attend some of these court proceedings." To his sister he said: "Good-bye, Anna.
Don't let the others get too down-hearted." 53. Dorset was on the corner waiting, in good spirits.
"Hello, Carrie," he said. "Got here safe, did you? Well, we'll take a car." 54. "Who is there?" cries
the Doctor. "Little Hans, Doctor." "What do you want, little Hans?" "The Miller's son has fallen
from a ladder, and has hurt himself, and the Miller wants you to come at once." 55. "Have you
mended the hole in the roof yet, little Hans?" cried the Miller in a cheery voice. "It is quite mended,"
answered little Hans. "Oh!" said the Miller, "there is no work so delightful as the work one does for
others." "It is certainly a great privilege to hear you talk," answered little Hans, "But I am afraid I
shall never have such beautiful ideas as you have."
Exercise 5. Translate into English.
1. Она заявила, что не хочет идти с нами. 2. Она нас уверяла, что не говорила с Ниной. 3.
Она отрицала, что говорила с Ниной. 4. Она напомнила мне, что я обещала позвонить Елене.
5. Она признала, что ошиблась. 6. Он нам сообщил, что достал билеты. 7. Мы его спросили,
где он купил словарь. 8. Он меня спросил, читала ли я Теккерея в оригинале или в переводе.
9. Она меня спросила, где я живу. 10. Я спросила сестру, почему она не хочет идти со мной в
театр. 11. Я спросила, часто ли она ходит в филармонию. 12. Он спросил меня, видела ли я
когда-нибудь его сестру. 13. Он спросил, где я работаю. 14. Она спросила, почему я
отклонила это предложение. 15. Она спросила, когда приходила Нина. 16. Он спросил,
люблю ли я драму. 17. Он ей сказал, чтобы она не запирала дверь. 18. Мы ей сказали, чтобы
она не звонила Ольге. 19. Мы ему сказали, чтобы он нас не ждал. 20. Доктор сказал им, чтобы
они не будили больного. 21. Секретарь сказал, чтобы они не отправляли письма. 22. Мой
приятель предложил, чтобы мы пошли в Русский музей. 23. Она предложила нам провести
день за городом. 24. Доктор посоветовал мне поехать на юг. 25. Она предложила перевести
для нас статью. 26. Она предложила, чтобы мы перевели статью. 27. Мы ему сказали, чтобы
он пришел к пяти часам. 28. Он сказал с горечью, что они забыли свои обещания. 29. Она с
возмущением сказала, что никак (never) не ожидала такого ответа. 30. Она с грустью сказала,
что не может принять участия в экскурсии, так как у нее больна сестра. 31. Она радостно
вскричала, что нашла книгу, которую искала несколько месяцев. 32. Она с удивлением
спросила, почему ей не сообщили эту новость раньше.
Choose the correct variant. Check your answers in the keys.
1. Samira said, "Monica speaks English very well."
a) Samira said that Monica spoke English very well.
b) Samira said that Monica is speaking English very well.
c) Samira said that Monica had spoken English very well.
d) Samira said that Monica speaks English very well.
2. Yolanda said, "I have to leave the class before 12:30."
a) Yolanda said that I have to leave the class before 12:30."
b) Yolanda said that she has to leave the class before 12:30."
c) Yolanda said that she had to leave the class before 12:30."
d) Yolanda said that she has had to leave the class before 12:30."
3. Gabriela said, "I can't possibly finish my work by five o'clock."
a) Gabriela said that she can't possibly finish her work by five o'clock.
b) Gabriela said that she won't possibly finish her work by five o'clock.
c) Gabriela said that she couldn't possibly finish her work by five o'clock.
d) Gabriela said that she hadn't been able to possibly finish her work by five o'clock.
4. Martha said, "I am going to go to Mexico next year."
a) Martha said that she is going to Mexico next year.
b) Martha said that she was going to Mexico next year.
c) Martha said that she had gone to Mexico next year.
d) Martha said that she will be going to Mexico next year.
5. Baruch said, "I might teach ESL 843 next semester."
a) Baruch said that he is going to teach ESL 843 next semester.
b) Baruch said that he will teach ESL 843 next semester.
c) Baruch said that he might teach ESL 843 next semester.
d) Baruch said that he could teach ESL 843 next semester.
6. Truc said, "I went to Vietnam to visit my family."
a) Truc said that she went to Vietnam to visit her family.
b) Truc said that she had gone to Vietnam to visit her family.
c) Truc said that she is going to Vietnam to visit her family.
d) Truc said that she was going to Vietnam to visit her family.
7. Olena said, "I will ask the teacher to explain the differences between quoted and reported
a) Olena said that she would ask the teacher to explain the differences between quoted and
reported speech.
b) Olena said that she will ask the teacher to explain the differences between quoted and
reported speech.
c) Olena said that she was going to ask the teacher to explain the differences between quoted
and reported speech.
d) Olena said that she had asked the teacher to explain the differences between quoted and
reported speech.
8. The teacher said, "You must study hard for the test on reported speech."
a) The teacher said that we must study hard for the test on reported speech.
b) The teacher said that we had to study hard for the test on reported speech.
c) The teacher said that we could study hard for the test on reported speech.
d) The teacher said that we are going study hard for the test on reported speech.
9. Chanty said, "My English may improve very quickly."
a) Chanty said that her English was going to improve very quickly.
b) Chanty said that her English had been able to improve very quickly.
c) Chanty said that her English improved very quickly.
d) Chanty said that her English might improve very quickly.
10. Sang said, "I have already written a letter to my family in Thailand."
a) Sang said that he had already written a letter to his family in Thailand.
b) Sang said that he wrote a letter to his family in Thailand.
c) Sang said that he was writing a letter to his family in Thailand.
d) Sang said that he will write a letter to his family in Thailand.
11. Rosa asked Jose, "Have you been studying English very long?"
a) Rosa asked Jose when do you study English.
b) Rosa asked Jose if he had studied English.
c) Rosa asked Jose if he had been studying English very long.
d) Rosa asked Jose if he was studying English very long.
12. Samira asked me, "May I borrow your English dictionary?"
a) Samira asked me if she may borrow my English dictionary.
b) Samira asked me if she could borrow my English dictionary.
c) Samira asked me if I could borrow her English dictionary.
d) Samira asked me if I had borrowed her English dictionary.
Monica Cheng asked Roeun, "Are you going to visit Cambodia?"
a) Monica Cheng asked Roeun if he is going to visit Cambodia.
b) Monica Cheng asked Roeun if he had visited Cambodia.
c) Monica Cheng asked Roeun if he had gone to Cambodia.
d) Monica Cheng asked Roeun if he was going to visit Cambodia.
The teacher said, "Study chapters 1-4 for the final test!"
a) The teacher told us to study chapters 1-4 for the final test.
b) The teacher asked us if we studied chapters 1-4 for the final test.
c) The teacher said us to study chapters 1-4 for the final test.
d) The teacher asked to us to study chapters 1-4 for the final test.
The teacher said, "Don't come to school on Monday because it is a holiday!"
a) The teacher asked to us to don't come to school on Monday because it is a holiday.
b) The teacher asked if we were coming to school on Monday because it is a holiday.
c) The teacher told to us don't come to school on Monday because it is a holiday.
d) The teacher told us not to come to school on Monday because it is a holiday.
The teacher said, "Review exercises two and three for the test!"
a) The teacher told us to review exercises two and three for the test.
b) The teacher told to us to review exercises two and three for the test.
c) The teacher asked if we were going to review exercises two and three for the test.
d) The teacher said us to review exercises two and three for the test.
Anne said, "Don't listen to Mr. Bascomb because he is not an honest person!"
a) Anne asked to us not to listen to Mr. Bascomb because he is not an honest person.
b) Anne said that Mr Bascomb is not an honest person.
c) Anne said not to listen to Mr. Bascomb because he is not an honest person.
d) Anne told to us to don't listen to Mr. Bascomb because he is not an honest person.
Mr. Bascomb said, "Don't vote for Otis because he doesn't want to build factories!"
a) Mr. Bascomb said not to vote for Otis because he doesn't want to build factories.
b) Mr. Bascomb asked us to don't vote for Otis because he doesn't want to build factories.
c) Mr. Bascomb told to us not to vote for Otis because he is not wanting to build factories.
d) Mr. Bascomb said to us to don't vote for Otis because he had not wanted to build factories.
Olena said to Martha, "You should visit Russia in the summer."
a) Olena asked Martha if she was visiting Russia in the summer.
b) Olena told Martha that she should visit Russia in the summer.
c) Olena told Martha to her if she should visit Russia in the summer.
d) Olena asked Martha where she should visit in Russia this summer.
Harold said, "Don't bring sodas near the computers!"
a) Harold told us not to bring sodas near the computers.
b) Harold asked us if we were bringing sodas near the computers.
c) Harold told to us that we had bringed sodas near the computers
d) Harold said to bring sodas near the computers.
The Participle
Preparatory activities.
Review the following topics:
1. Give the definition of the Participle. Comment on its double character.
2. Name verbal and nominal characteristics of the Participle.
3. Comment on the Tense-Aspect and Voice correlations of the Participle I and the use of its forms.
4. Name functions of the Participle I and II in the sentence. Give examples.
5. Speak about the ways of translating the participle into Russian.
6. Comment on the structure and use of the Objective Participial Construction.
7. Comment on the structure and use of the Subjective Participial Construction.
8. Comment on the structure and use of Absolute Participial Constructions
9. Comment on the structure and use of Absolute Constructions without a participial.
Exercise 1. Insert the appropriate form of Participle I.
1. Derek, who had slept the sleep of the dead, ____ none for two nights, woke ____ of Nedda.
(to have, to think) 2. The street was full of people, ____ and ____ home. (to laugh, to go) 3. The
gypsy smiled, ____ his teeth, (to show) 4. While ____ my directions, he glanced at me now and
then, suspiciously, from under his frost-white eye-lashes. (to obey) 5. ____ them, he raised his
coffee cup. (to watch) 6. The letter contained very little matter, ____ in haste; but the meaning was
bulky enough. (to write) 7. He went upstairs again, ____ past the door, and, ____ his room, switched
on the light. (to tiptoe, to enter) 8. The missionary, ____ daily opportunities of looking at this
seascape for thirty years or so, pays no heed to it, ____ in trimming a huge red geranium bush. (to
have, to absorb) 9. ____ my back on him I started down the steps. (to turn) 10. At that moment he
was plunged in the depth of an easy-chair, ____ to by Mr. Wanderwood. (to talk) 11. There was
only one candle ____ on the rough board table. (to flicker) 12. Boldwood, ____ her comparatively
isolated, came up to her side. (to see) 13. On the sultry platform of Grand Central he opened the
bulky Times, ____ the valise on his feet. (to set) 14. Young Herndon had done preparatory work at
Illinois College for a year but, not ____ to the college proper, had returned home, (to admit) 15.
____ his hands and ____ a towel over his face, he followed her down the stairs of the hushed house.
(to wash, to pass) 16. Frank ____ the step on the gravel, turned sharply round. (to hear) 17. She had
not brought him money or position, ____ no more than the daughter of a Wortley doctor. (to be) 18.
Abraham was back at the end of three weeks, ____ an extra eighty miles. (to ride) 19. Then swiftly
____ neither to left nor right, she returned to" Adrian. (to look) 20. And ____ this in her official and
impersonal tone of voice, the chambermaid then grinned, winked and vanished, (to say) 21. ____
The campaign progressed uneventfully, from day to day, no Longer ____ in news broadcasts. (to
mention) 22. ____ that no one else was coming, Mr. Lincoln rose. (to see) 23. ____ dinner,
James lighted the second of his two daily cigars, and took up the earphones of the wireless. (to
Exercise 2. State the form and the function of Participle I. Translate into Russian.
1. Having traversed seven hundred miles he was now travelling toward the border of the
United States. 2. There was a tiny smile playing about the corners of his mouth. 3. He had a
beautiful old house in Queen Anne Street, and being a man of taste he had furnished it admirably. 4.
Dona Carlotta covered her face with her hand, as if swooning. 5. Turning in anger, she gave John a
shove, spilling his tea. 6. To Maggie, the new protective gentleness of her son was sweet, and also
very frightening. 7. Judging him by his figure and his movements, he was still young. 8. Placing his
drink upon the mantelpiece the ex-convict stood for a moment observing the young man out of the
corner of his eye. 9. Being very tired with his walk however, he soon fell asleep and forgot his
troubles. 10. He raised his eyes, looked at her as though peering over the top of spectacles. 11. There
were four girls sitting on the wooden benches of the agency's front room. 12. Having shaken hands
with them, he brought his own hands together with a sharp slap. 13. Manuel went in, carrying his
suitcase. 14. While pondering this problem, I sat in the dormitory window-seat. 15. I am going to
Rome, having friends there. 16. There was sunlight coming in, through the shutters. 17. Abraham
appeared at noon the next day, bringing with him two hundred dollars in cash. 18. Much of the
afternoon I looked out of the window, as though thinking, but not really thinking. 19. He was
thoughtful for a moment while leaning perilously close to the fire. 20. Cecilia had heard very little
being absorbed in her own reflections. 21. Having breakfasted, out I went. 22. He looked at his
father listening with a kind of painful desperation. 23. She recrossed her legs comfortably, as though
preparing for a long session on the sofa. 24. Never having encouraged friends to drop in
spontaneously, she was almost totally alone. 25. A cold wind swept the pavement, bearing a scrap of
silver paper from a chocolate box across the lamp-light.
Exercise 3. Translate into English, using Participle I where possible.
1. Получив телеграмму, моя сестра немедленно выехала в Москву. 2. Войдя в класс,
учительница спросила дежурного, кто отсутствует. 3. Мать улыбалась, глядя на детей,
играющих в саду. 4. Взяв ручку и бумагу, мальчик стал писать письмо отцу, уехавшему на
Дальний Восток. 5. Услышав голос товарища, я вышел из комнаты, чтобы встретить его. 6.
Увидев незнакомого человека, я извинился и вернулся в свою комнату. 7. Будьте осторожны,
переходя улицу. 8. Приехав в Москву, мы, прежде всего, сдали вещи в камеру хранения (to
leave something in the left luggage room). 9. Прожив много лет в Англии, он хорошо говорит
по-английски. 10. Читая эту книгу, я встретил несколько интересных выражений (to come
across). 11. Прочитав книгу, мальчик вернул ее в библиотеку. 12. Проведя лето в деревне,
больной совершенно поправился (to be fully recovered). 13. Студенты, читающие английские
книги в оригинале, легко овладевают языком. 14. Увидев своих друзей, пришедших
проводить его, он подошел к ним. 15. Законы, существовавшие в Америке в 19 веке,
позволяли покупать и продавать негров. 16. Выйдя из дома, Элиза направилась в городок Т.,
который лежал на берегу реки Огайо. 17. Добравшись до реки Огайо, она постучала в дверь
небольшой таверны (public house). 18. Женщина, открывшая ей дверь, была хозяйкой
таверны. 19. Ребенок Лизы заплакал, так как устал после долгого пути. 20. Положив ребенка
на кровать, она подошла к окну, выходившему на реку (to overlook the river).
Exercise 4. State the function of Participle II. Translate into Russian.
1. Stirred by the beauty of the twilight, he strolled away from the hotel. 2. All the country near
him was broken and wooded. 3. For a moment the trio stood as if turned to stone. 4. Through the
dark hall, guarded by a large black stove I followed her into the saloon. 5. If left to myself, I should
infallibly have let this chance slip. 6. He spoke when spoken to, politely and without much
relevance. 7. He cast upon her one more look, and was gone. 8. Miss Brodrick, though not
personally well known in the county, had been spoken well of by all men. 9. Prepared, then for any
consequences, I formed a project. 10. Thus absorbed, he would sit for hours defying interruption. 11.
As directed, I took the lead, almost happily. 12. He looked at her for a moment as though amazed at
her friendliness. 13. Fancy a married woman doomed to live on from day to day without one single
quarrel with her husband. 14. He bowed low when presented to Dinny. 15. Displeased and uncertain
Brande gazed from his son to the Spanish gardener.
Exercise 5. Translate into English, using Participle II where possible.
1. На листе бумаги было несколько строк, написанных карандашом. 2. Если меня
спросят, я скажу правду (to tell the truth). 3. В вазе было несколько увядших роз. 4. Я не
люблю смотреть на посаженных в клетку животных (to cage). 5. Книга будет здесь, пока ее не
спросят (to ask for). 6. Муж ее был отставным полковником. 7. Хотя он был очень удивлен, он
не сказал ни слова. 8. Вот новые учебники, присланные для нашей школы. 9. Оставленный
один в темноте, ребенок заплакал. 10. Студенты писали сочинение о системе образования в
Англии, как она описана Диккенсом. 11. Солнце село, и деревья казались темными, как будто
высеченными (to cut) из черного мрамора.
Exercise 6. Point out the Objective and the Subjective Participial Construction. Translate into
1. In the midday quiet of the bush she heard a small bird singing. 2. The taxi could be seen
waiting outside. 3. His face clouded when he heard his name spoken. 4. She had the drawing-room
redecorated. 5. All the while she felt her heart beating with a vague fear. 6. The darkness found him
occupied with these thoughts. The darkness found Mr. and Mrs. Plampish knocking at his door. 7.
Somewhere a long way off a telephone bell rang and a voice could be heard speaking. 8. For their
New Year's Eve party she had all the furniture moved out of the parlour and sitting-room. 9. Get
your things packed. 10. Temple heard the woman fumbling at the wall. 11. The two men were heard
descending. 12. Two days later she heard sleigh bells coming up the drive. 13. They wanted the
Committee convened over the week-end. 14. She had her bed moved to the corner of the porch. 15.
Mary could feel Elizabeth reviewing their hopes and dreams, their relationship as sisters. 16. She
averted her eyes each time she found herself being stared at. 17. The noise in the entrance hall
continued, and more vehicles could be heard arriving at the door. 18. She heard the musicians tuning
up in the back parlour.
Exercise 7. Translate into English, using the Objective or the Subjective Participial Construction.
1. Была тихая летняя ночь. Мы сидели в саду и наблюдали, как луна медленно
поднимается из-за деревьев. 2. Мы услышали, что кто-то поет вдали. 3. В детстве я часто
слышал, как моя мать пела эту песню. 4. Мы увидели, что по дорожке сада идет сын нашего
соседа. 5. Мы не видели его уже много лет, но часто слышали, как его имя упоминалось в
доме его родителей. Мы не раз слышали, как его мать говорила о нем и его работе. 6. Полчаса
спустя Джон стоял перед калиткой сада (garden gate). Он нашел ее запертою и вынужден был
перепрыгнуть через забор. 7. Слышно было, как он быстро встал. 8. Подходя к церкви, он
увидел, что народ уже расходился (to come out). 9. Я видел, как вы садились на пароход (to
come on board). 10. Видно было, как по переулку подбегали (to run up the alley) люди.
The Gerund
Preparatory activities.
Review the following topics:
1. Give the definition of the Gerund. Comment on its double character.
2. Name verbal and nominal characteristics of the Gerund.
3. Comment on the Tense-Aspect and Voice correlations of the Gerund.
4. Name syntactical functions of the Gerund in the sentence. Give examples.
5. Name the cases of using Active Gerund with the passive meaning .
6. Comment on the use of the Gerund with prepositions.
7. Speak about the ways of translating the Gerund into Russian.
8. Comment on the structure and use of Gerundial Nominal Constructions.
9. State the differences between the Gerund and verbal noun.
10. State the differences between the Gerund and the Participle I.
Exercise 1. Insert the appropriate form of the gerund.
1. Stark sat down without ____ (to speak) 2. He did not go without ____ by Amy. (to
congratulate) 3. After ____ more closely than usual and ____ his hair, he took the bus uptown. (to
shave, to brush) 4. At South Square, on ____ that Michael and Fleur were out, he did not dress for
dinner, but went to the nursery. (to discover) 5. I had to sound as if I didn't mind ____, as though I
had no temper of my own. (to insult) 6. She kept on ____, her voice low and controlled. (to talk) 7.
In the morning light, she was ashamed of herself for ____ so ____ the night before. (to elate) 8. The
house wanted ____ (to do up) 9. Even a criminal must be told the nature of his crime before ____ (to
convict) 10. She showed none of the usual feminine pleasure at ____ hard to understand,
inscrutable, mysterious. (to be) 11. I still reproached myself for not ____ open with Douglas
Osbaldiston from the start, when he had invited me to do so. (to be) 12. No woman looks her best
after ____ up all night. (to sit) 13. His legs were somewhat stiff from not ____ or ____ for days. (to
hike, to climb) 14. I'm tired of ____ like a silly fat lamb. (to treat) 15. I know everyone who's worth
____ (to know) 16. After ____ this, he cursed himself for not ____ the opposite, so that he might
have used the expected guest as a lever to get rid of Misha. (to say, to say) 17. There is vivid
happiness in merely ____ alive. (to be) 18. "Your tie needs ____," Mrs. Simpson said. (to straighten)
19. The attempt is at least worth ____ (to make) 20. Mr. Creakle then caned Tommy Traddles for
____ in tears, instead of cheers, on account of Mr. Mell's departure. (to discover) 21. He apologised
to Hooker for ____ so late. (to be down) 22. One could not walk or drive about Philadelphia without
____ and ____ with the general tendency toward a more cultivated and selective social life. (to see,
to impress) 23. I just couldn't stand ____ away from you any longer. (to be) 24. I remember ____
him with her and Marner going away from church. (to see) 25. When I told him that I meant to live
in Paris for a while, and had taken an apartment, he reproached me bitterly for not ____ him know.
(to let) 26. He had a flat smooth face with heavy-lidded green eyes that gave the impression of ____
at a slant. (to set) 27. His latest craze was to discover her age, which he cursed himself for not ____
when he had her passport in his hands. (to observe) 28. Let me tell you whose house you've come
into without ____ or ____ (to ask, to want) 29. I'm tired of ____ to you. (to talk) 30. They soon
discovered that the gate was. securely locked. They looked at one another in a mixed fashion, a trifle
disappointed at ____, but still triumphant at ____ the place. (to hold up, to find)
Exercise 2. Point out the Gerundial Construction and comment on the way the nominal element
is expressed. Translate into Russian.
1. You must excuse my being so breathless, I'm not really breathless, it's just the excitement.
2. These happy events occurred without any recommendation having been made by Rainborough,
and indeed without his having been officially informed. 3. The maid said something about the
American lady's having come back to Rodnik. 4. It was easy to imagine Cave sitting silent. 5. She
was interrupted by her father's voice and by her father's hat being heavily flung from his hand and
striking her face. 6. He brought in a portmanteau with him, which he doubted its being worth while
to unpack. 7. Besides, there's no danger of it happening again. 8. "It's no good you staying," Jack
Burton said. 9. Jack laughed. Their being bothered amused him. 10. He was wakened by someone
knocking at the door. 11. There is something so inexpressibly absurd to me in the idea of Caddy
being married. 12. I was not surprised by Caddy's being in low spirits. 13. You knew young Pyle
well didn't you? I can't get over a thing like that happening to him. 14. She laughed at the thought of
her husband and Johnny looking after the house. 15. He felt almost a gloomy satisfaction at the
thought of all these disasters happening at once.
Exercise 3. Translate into English using the gerund where possible.
1. Увидев карикатуры, все рассмеялись. 2. Вы ничего не имеете против того, чтобы я
открыл окно? 3. Врач приказал больному бросить курить. 4. Мальчик не отрицал, что потерял
книгу, взятую в библиотеке. 5. Извините, что я заставил вас ждать. 6. Детям доставляло
удовольствие играть в саду. 7. Эту книгу стоит почитать. 8. Читая этот рассказ, мы не могли
не смеяться. 9. Я предпочитаю сделать эту работу сегодня. 10. Я надеюсь, что ничего не
помешает мне пойти на концерт. 11. Преподаватель возражал против того, чтобы студенты
пользовались словарем, переводя этот текст. 12. Преподаватель настаивал, чтобы новые
выражения записывались. 13. Преподаватель настаивал, чтобы студенты записывали новые
выражения. 14. Я устала оттого, что со мной обращаются как с ребенком. 15. Я не возражаю
против того, чтобы помочь вам, но я возражаю против того, чтобы мне мешали, когда я занят.
16. Мы слышали, что ваша сестра уехала в Англию. 17. Мне не хочется (to feel like) гулять.
18. Было невозможно достать билет, и мне пришлось отказаться от мысли послушать
знаменитого пианиста. 19. Я не одобряю того, что вы пропускаете лекции. 20. Похоже на то,
что будет дождь. 21. Вы можете рассчитывать на то, что я достану вам эту книгу. 22. Декан
не согласился, чтобы собрание отложили. 23. Мать горячо благодарила доктора за то, что он
спас ее ребенка. 24. Не упустите случая посмотреть эту выставку. 25. Все были удивлены, что
этот трудный вопрос был так быстро разрешен. 26. Мы уверены, что письмо будет получено
вовремя. 27. Мы уверены, что письмо было получено вовремя. 28. Я горжусь тем, что была в
состоянии помочь вам. 29. Мне стыдно, что я сделала так много ошибок в последней
диктовке. 30. Том никогда не упускал случая убежать из школы и поиграть с товарищами. 31.
Он был уверен, что сумеет скрыть от тети Полли свои проказы. 32. Том отрицал, что ходил
купаться, но тетя Полли узнала об этом. 33. Она была недовольна тем, что Том обманул ее.
34. Том был единственным сыном ее покойной сестры; она очень любила мальчика и
избегала наказывать его. 35. Однако на этот раз она решила наказать Тома за то, что он ходил
купаться без разрешения. 36. Надо было побелить забор, и тетя Полли велела Тому белить его
в субботу. 37. Мальчику не улыбалась мысль работать в такое чудесное утро, и он просил
тетю Полли простить его за то, что он ее ослушался. 38. Тому не удалось заставить Джима
работать вместо себя: пришла тетя Полли и запретила Джиму белить забор. 39. Он осмотрел
свои сокровища, но их было немного, и ему пришлось отказаться от мысли уговорить
мальчиков помочь ему белить забор. 40. Но вскоре ему пришла в голову блестящая мысль, и
он принялся за работу (to set to work) с таким видом, как будто он ничего не имел против того
(to mind), чтобы белить забор в это солнечное утро.
Exercise 4. State the function of the gerund and Gerundial Constructions. Translate into English.
1. Nobody can go on living without some belief. 2. She did not like being plunged back into a
slave state. 3. He greeted me noisily, but I cut him short by giving him the telegram. 4. "She cannot
sleep without seeing and speaking to you once more," I said. "She does not like the thought of
leaving you." 5. Without putting anything into words, they bade each other farewell. 6. I remember
laughing aloud, and the laugh being carried by the wind away from me. 7. There came the sound of
the door closing then being locked. 8. Upon awakening she dressed quickly and left the house. 9. He
felt better for having written the letter. 10. "It's no good you hating it," said Mr. Bunting, becoming
didactic. 11. Do you mind giving me your name and telephone number, please? 12. Peter only
replied by staring at the paper knife and shaking his head slowly, and twisting his long legs into
knots under the desk. 13. Mr. Dorrit positively trembled in addressing the great man. 14.
Unfortunately this fruitful silence was ruined by the sound of a door being banged. 15. At night I
would imagine him going up my stairs, knocking at my door, sleeping in my bed. 16. Well, it's no
use my telling you a lie. 17. Life seemed worth fighting for. 18. Petra sat through her first lesson
without saying a word and without paying much attention to the lecture and the examples on the
blackboard. 19. She seemed a little self-conscious now and she avoided meeting his eyes. 20. Only
the other day they had been talking about something happening, and now it had happened to him.
21. I was torn between the fear of hurting a nice woman's feelings and the fear of being in the way.
22. She cursed herself for not having thought to bring a visiting card. 23. It is awfully hard work
doing nothing. 24. He was angry with me for bringing the news. 25. He went on talking to my wife.
26. She was listening hard all the time for any sound of Jan descending the stairs. 27. After washing
his heavy stone cup and tin plate, he stretched himself wearily on the bed. 28. She enjoyed giving
parties. 29. He could stand behind the door and take a chance at surprising Joseph. 30. I wish I'd
never told you the truth, but it's no use denying it. 31. He meant to begin his investigation by seeing
the church. 32. But outside it kept on raining. 33. I began by explaining the situation in the North.
34. Being alone in your own country is worse than being alone anywhere else. 35. She tried, by
staring into the glass, to see what the expression was on the man's face.
Exercise 5. Insert the correct preposition before the gerund where required.
1. "I hated the idea ____ your going," he said simply. 2. She said: "Excuse me ____ coming
in ____ knocking." 3.The others insisted ____ accompanying them. 4. I am tired ____ being old
and wise. 5. We'll look forward ____ seeing you. 6. Why were you so anxious to prevent anybody
____ leaving the house? 7. I'm afraid I shan't succeed ____ being as sympathetic as you have the
right to expect. 8. I was afraid ____ , saying the wrong thing. 9. Look here, it may sound funny, but
I'm terrifically grateful to you ____ saying it. 10. Both windows needed ____ cleaning. 11. I've paid
very heavily ____ being a romantic girl. 12. She could not bear ____ lying. 13. I suppose nothing is
gained ____ delaying. 14. They were in the habit ____ coming up to London for the season. 15. We
wouldn't mind ____ being poor again. 16. I didn't at all like the idea ____ going to the station in the
luggage cart. 17. He looked at me for a long time ____ answering. 18. If you won't tell me what's
wrong, what's the use ____ my being here? 19. I thought you had just been blaming me ____ being
Exercise 6. Insert not + participle or without + gerund.
1. Dr. Wallace filled a pipe from the bowl on his desk, then put it down ____ it. (to light) 2.
____ what he wanted, he looked slowly about the room. (to find) 3. John drew a breath and leaned
against the birch for a moment ____ anything. (to say) 4. I won't go abroad ____ you. (to see)
5.____ what to reply, I remained silent. (to know) 6. On the street he would look directly at friends
____ them. (to see) 7. Only then, ____ what further to say, had he become silent. (to know) 8. We
walked ____ for a short while. (to speak) 9. Would she have gone away ____ you if she loved
you? (to see) 10. Then she saw Lisa and turned away, ____ to talk with her. She went hastily to
cross the road ____ and was almost run over by a bus. (to want, to look) 11. ____ to leave him in the
club, I offered to take him home to my wife, or to go with him to his own house, deserted now. (to
like) 12. He returned the salutes of several privates ____ them. (to see) 13. He stopped, ____ how to
continue and stood shifting from one foot to the other. (to know) 14. Miss Casement stood for a
moment, ____ whether to be pleased or not at this unforeseen familiarity. (to know) 15. He sat
down, ____ his mackintosh. (to take off) 16. ____ the driver rudely shrugged his shoulders. (to turn
around) 17.____ any sale to take place I told Evan I wanted a chat with him and took him
downstairs. (to wish) 18. They sat there ____ for several minutes. (to talk) 19. ____ him greatly, she
could not be jealous in a disturbing way. (to love)
Exercise 7. Translate into English, using the gerund where possible.
Based on an episode from The Pickwick Papers by Ch. Dickens
1. После завтрака мистер Уордль сказал, обращаясь к своим гостям: «Вы ничего не
имеете против того, чтобы покататься на коньках? Погода прекрасная, и времени у нас
хватит». 2. Все охотно согласились, и дамы стали просить мистера Уинкля присоединиться к
ним. Они были уверены, что он великолепный спортсмен, так как он никогда не упускал
случая похвастаться своим искусством. 3. Но мистер Уинкль сказал, что он давно не
практиковался (to be out of practice): ему не улыбалась мысль показать в присутствии дам, что
он не умеет кататься на коньках. 4. Дамы стали настаивать, чтобы он пошел с ними и показал
им свое искусство. 5. Было бесполезно говорить, что у него нет коньков: ему тотчас же
предложили несколько пар. 6. После этого мистер Уинкль не мог не пойти на каток. 7. Когда
они подошли к озеру, мистер Боб Сойер надел коньки и стал описывать круги (to make
circles) на льду, не останавливаясь ни на минуту, чтобы перевести дыхание. 8. Бедный мистер
Уинкль постоял несколько минут с коньками в руках и, не зная, как их надеть, стал
привинчивать их острыми концами назад (with the points behind). 9. Наконец, коньки были
надеты. Прежде чем подняться на ноги, мистер Уинкль попросил Сэма помочь ему. 10. Он
начал с того, что заметил, что очень скользко: он не мог даже стоять на льду, если кто-нибудь
не поддерживал его. 11. Вдруг мистер Пиквик, не зная, что его молодой друг не может стоять
на льду без посторонней помощи (unassisted), позвал Сэма с другого берега озера. 12. Сэм
смог вырваться из рук мистера Уинкля (to disengage oneself from somebody's grasp), только
оттолкнув его от себя. 13. Несчастный мистер Уинкль упал и сидел на льду, даже не делая
попытки подняться. 14. Мистер Пиквик был возмущен тем, что его друг говорил всем, что он
хороший спортсмен. 13. Он выразил свое негодование тем, что назвал мистера Уинкля
хвастуном и обманщиком (humbug).
Exercise 8. Point out the gerund, the participle, and the Predicative Constructions, and state their
function. Translate into Russian.
1. She thought of her father sitting on the veranda, a palm-leaf in his hand, watching the Negro
mow the lawn. 2. She was woken out of her fevered doze by Harry shaking her, holding her arm. 3.
On trying the door of the girl's room, she found it still locked. 4. I wouldn't say such a thing without
being sure. 5. "You are young yet, you could go back to the cities and better yourself without lifting
more than an eyelid," he said. She didn't move leaning lightly against the wall, her arms folded. 6.
Lying back on the cushioned seat, the warm air flying at his face, Felix contemplated with delight
his favourite country-side. 7. You must go and lie down. It's no good making yourself ill. 8. The old
man walked away, and Cowperwood heard his steps dying down the cement-paved hall. He stood
and listened, his ears being greeted occasionally by a distant cough, a faint scraping of some one's
feet, or the iron scratch of a key in a lock. 9. In the heart of the forests great trees grew almost a
hundred yards high, their lowest limbs sprouting out two hundred feet from the ground. Through the
densest portions a man would lose an hour in moving a few hundred steps. 10. I've got your drawing
framed and hung above my bureau, and very jolly it looks. 11. He took the Taylor road, increasing
speed. He drank again from the jar without slowing down. 12. Seeing me he stood irresolute, his
eyes dark and mournful. 13. The idea of anybody wasting his time was obnoxious to him. 14. She
listened to the tapping for a while before she finally got up, grumbling for being disturbed when she
felt so comfortable in bed. 15. As if summoned from a long distance, Sir Lawrence refixed his
monocle. 16. When immersed in a book, she was, as her husband had put it, its slave. 17. Mechanically he went to the telephone. He found the number with difficulty, his eyes being misty. 18. He
stopped angrily, as if looking for words. 19. Being your husband is only a, job for which one man
will do as well as another. Being my wife is something quite different. 20. For six years now she had
watched these slave gangs being pushed along the road. 21. From somewhere toward the rear they
could hear a dinner table being set, and a woman's voice singing obviously to a small child. 22. Then
came the loud ringing of a bell, mingled with the noise of fire-arms, and the sensation of being
carried over uneven ground. 23. I distinctly recalled hearing someone moving about in the lounge on
entering after my morning walk with Kitty. 24. Firing the machine gun had partially deafened him.
25. Although they loved each other, their minds were like two countries at war, with the telegraph
wire down and the rails torn up. 26. Nessie fiddled with her teaspoon, dropped it, then blushed
shamefully as though discovered in a wicked act. 27. I got into the dinghy, and found William and
Christopher sitting in it, staring bad-temperedly at one another. 28. I'll have you watched as long as
you stay in Lewes. 29. The man remained standing, with his hands in his pockets. 30. Please, do
make an effort at entertaining her. 31. Being a doctor he knows that he won't live much longer and
he's afraid of dying; which, being a doctor, he ought not to be. 32. After prolonging his visit by
every conceivable excuse in his power, he summoned courage, and offered her his hand and his
heart. Being in no way disinclined to him, and her uncle making no objection to the match, she
consented to share his fate. 33. There was no getting a word more out of him on the matter of the
Moonstone. 34. They had thought the question settled. 35. Now there's just one thing I feel I ought
to say, Mrs. Atwood, and you mustn't mind my saying it. 36. Cursing himself for not having learned
to drive a car, he woke up Toni and swept him down to the garage. 37. I could feel the sense of
disquiet growing rapidly. It's terribly disappointing. 38. Warden looked over at him, almost startled,
without moving, a look of actual real hurt coming on his face. 39. Dale was near jumping with pride
and satisfaction. 40. His eyes on the window, he ran on tiptoe across the bare space between the
coppice and the wall. 41. On descending, I found Pauline seated at the breakfast table. 42. But it was
lovely walking in the woods. 43. His footsteps could be heard descending the stairs at a run. 44. She
was angry with herself for letting her voice become hoarse.
Exercise 9. Translate into English, using the gerund or the participle where possible.
(A) Based on David Copperfield by Ch. Dickens.
1. Мисс Бетси не могла простить племяннику того, что он женился на восковой кукле (a
wax doll), как она называла миссис Копперфильд. 2. Женившись, мистер Копперфильд
никогда больше не встречался со своей тетушкой. 3. Однажды вечером миссис Копперфильд
сидела у камина, думая о себе и о своем покойном муже. 4. Подойдя к окну, она увидела, что
по дорожке сада (along the garden path) идет незнакомая дама. 5. Заходящее солнце озаряло
своими лучами (to glow on somebody) незнакомку, которая направлялась к дверям дома. 6.
Приблизившись к дому, незнакомка, не позвонив, подошла к окну и стала глядеть в него,
прижав нос к стеклу (against the glass). 7. Увидев это, миссис Копперфильд поняла, что это
мисс Бетси: только она могла вести себя подобным образом. 8. Мисс Бетси начала разговор с
того, что спросила, почему усадьба называется «Грачи» (Rookery). 9. Она удивилась тому,
что усадьба называется «Грачи», так как ни одного грача в саду не было. 10. Мисс Бетси приехала с намерением усыновить ребенка; она надеялась, что это будет девочка. 11. Узнав, что
у миссис Копперфильд родился мальчик (to give birth to a boy), она немедленно уехала. 12.
Раннее детство Давид провел со своей матушкой и Пеготти. В зимние сумерки (in the winter
twilight) миссис Копперфильд очень любила играть и танцевать со своим маленьким сыном.
13. Однажды вечером Пеготти сидела с Давидом в гостиной. Услышав голос матери, Давид
побежал встретить ее. 14. Взяв мальчика на руки, миссис Копперфильд поблагодарила
джентльмена, который пришел с нею, за то, что он проводил ее до дому. 15. Пеготти не
одобряла того, что миссис Копперфильд так часто уходит из дому по вечерам. 16. Она
обвиняла миссис Копперфильд в том, что она забывает своего маленького сына ради нового
знакомого. 17. Слова верной служанки не помешали миссис Копперфильд почти каждый
вечер встречаться с мистером Мердстоном. 18. Миссис Копперфильд не возражала против
того, чтобы Давид поехал с Пеготти в Ярмут. 19. Мальчик уехал туда, не зная, что его
матушка собирается выйти замуж. 20. Хэм встретил их в Ярмуте, и они отправились в путь;
Хэм нес Давида на спине. 21. На берегу стояла старая черная баржа; указывая на нее, Хэм
сказал, что это их дом. 22. Давид был доволен, что Пеготти взяла его в Ярмут; ему очень
нравилась мысль, что он будет жить в старой барже, ходившей много раз в море (to be in the
open sea). 23. Мальчику понравилась дверь, вырезанная в одном боку баржи. 24. Когда зажгли
свечи, в комнате стало очень уютно. 25. Преодолев (to overcome) свою застенчивость,
маленькая Эмили села рядом с Давидом. 26. Давид слышал, как завывает в море ветер, и
думал о том, как приятно в такую погоду сидеть в теплой, уютной комнате. 27. Гуляя с
маленькой Эмили по берегу моря (upon the beach), Давид часто рассказывал ей о своей
матушке. 28. Не зная, что миссис Копперфильд вышла замуж, Давид возвращался домой
полный радостных ожиданий. 29. Он был очень удивлен, что миссис Копперфильд не вышла
встретить его. 30. Войдя в комнату, мальчик увидел, что подле его матушки сидит мистер
Мердстон. 31. Оставшись один в своей комнатке, Давид разразился слезами. 32. Миссис
Копперфильд избегала ласкать Давида в присутствии мужа, обвинявшего ее в том, что она
балует ребенка. 33. Мистер Мердстон не был в состоянии понять свою жену, так как это был
черствый и жестокий человек. 34. Он был уверен, что сумеет изменить ее характер и сделать
ее такой же черствой, как он сам. 35. Мистер Мердстон был чрезвычайно недоволен тем, что
Пеготти называет его жену миссис Копперфильд. 36. Ему пришлось отказаться от мысли
уволить Пеготти, так как миссис Копперфильд была к ней очень привязана. 37. Миссис
Копперфильд жаловалась на то, что мисс Мердстон ведет хозяйство, не советуясь с ней. 38.
Мистер Мердстон настаивал на том, чтобы его жена давала уроки Давиду в его присутствии.
39. Мальчику никогда не удавалось ответить хорошо уроки в присутствии отчима. 40.
Мистер Мердстон старался заставить Давида хорошо учиться тем, что наказывал его. 41.
Беседуя с мисс Бетси, мистер Мердстон отрицал, что с Давидом плохо обращались.
(В) Based on Vanity Fair by W. Thackeray.
1. Бекки, гостившая некоторое время у своей подруги, поехала, наконец, в имение сэра
Питта Кроули, предложившего ей место гувернантки. 2. Получив письмо, извещавшее (to
announce) о приезде Бекки, сэр Питт поехал в город, чтобы встретить ее. 3. По дороге в город
с Бекки не случилось ничего интересного, ничего заслуживающего упоминания. 4. Проехав
большую площадь, карета остановилась у большого мрачного дома. 5. Дверь открыл старик,
одетый в грязный сюртук. Не зная, кто это, Бекки велела ему взять ее вещи. 6. Когда Бекки
спросила, где сэр Питт, старик рассмеялся и сказал, что он и есть сэр Питт Кроули. 7. Войдя в
столовую, Бекки с любопытством оглянулась вокруг. Это была большая мрачная комната с
окнами на улицу (to overlook the street). 8. Покрытые коричневой бумагой портреты и
картины, засунутый под буфет ковер, сдвинутые в угол стулья (to put all in a heap in a corner) все это говорило о том, что семья Кроули не живет здесь. 9. Сэр Питт начал с того, что
выразил надежду, что Бекки уже пообедала. 10. Он был очень доволен, что Бекки отказалась
принять участие в его скудной трапезе. 11. Разговаривая с Бекки, сэр Питт не делал ни малейшей попытки (to make an attempt at) исправить первое впечатление, которое он произвел на
нее. 12. Ее присутствие не помешало ему вступить в пререкания (to start an argument) с
миссис Тинкер по поводу какого-то пропавшего фартинга. 13. Сэр Питт настаивал на том,
чтобы фартинг был ему немедленно возвращен. 14. Приказав Бекки быть готовой в 5 часов
утра, сэр Питт пожелал ей спокойной ночи. 15. На рассвете они тронулись в путь. Когда они
ехали в дилижансе (to drive in the coach), Бекки несколько раз слышала, как упоминалось имя
сэра Питта Кроули. Скоро они доехали до ворот Королевского Кроули (Queen's Crawley), и
Бекки увидела длинную аллею, ведущую к дому. Она заметила церковь, возвышавшуюся над
старыми вязами парка, и красный дом, покрытый плющом, со сверкавшими на солнце
окнами. 18. Мистер Ходсон, встретивший барона у ворот парка, рассказал ему обо всем, что
случилось в имении в его отсутствие. 19. Сэр Питт был очень доволен, что его старого
арендатора отправили в работный дом. 20. Увидев, что два маленьких мальчика собирают
хворост в парке, сэр Питт велел мистеру Ходсону наказать их. 21. Слушая разговор сэра
Питта с мистером Ходсоном, Бекки была удивлена, что баронет говорит, как неграмотный
человек. 22. Ночью, когда Бекки писала письмо Эмилии, она услышала стук в дверь, 23. В
комнату вошел сэр Питт. Схватив свечу, он приказал девушке немедленно ложиться спать.
24. Сэр Питт требовал (to insist), чтобы все свечи гасились не позднее одиннадцати часов. 25.
Чувствуя, что спорить с ним бесполезно, Бекки не произнесла ни слова. 26. Очень скоро
Бекки удалось завоевать расположение сэра Питта (to win somebody's favour). 27. Когда
баронет сделал ей предложение, она поняла, что совершила ошибку, выйдя замуж за Родона.
Она жалела, что упустила случай сделаться леди Кроули.
The Infinitive
Preparatory activities.
Review the following topics:
1. Give the definition of the Infinitive. Comment on its double character.
2. Name verbal and nominal characteristics of the Infinitive.
3. Comment on the Tense-Aspect and Voice correlations of the Infinitive.
4. Name syntactical functions of the Infinitive in the sentence. Give examples.
5. Comment on the use of the “bare” Infinitive (the Infinitive without “to”).
6. Name the case of use of the Perfect Infinitive.
7. Comment on the structure and use of the “Objective-with-the Infinitive” Construction.
8. Comment on the structure and use of the “Objective-with-the Infinitive” Construction.
9. Comment on the structure and use of the “Subjective-with-the Infinitive” Construction.
10. Comment on the structure and use of the “ for-to-Infinitive Construction ” Construction.
11. State the differences in the use of the Infinitive and the Gerund.
Exercise 1. Insert the appropriate form of the infinitive.
1. But there was nothing now ____ for. (to wait) 2. She put on the cape, and turned round
____ (to admire) 3. He appeared ____ . (to listen) 4. He appeared ____ plenty of money, which was
said ____ in the Californian gold fields. (to have, to gain) 5. When I seemed ____ a long while, the
Master of Salem House unscrewed his flute into the three pieces, put them up as before, and took me
away. (to doze) 6. Every feature seemed ____ since he saw her last. (to sharpen) 7. This fellow
seemed ____ a famous explorer or something of that sort. (to be) 8. The house appeared ____
recently. (to repair) 9. Nobody seemed ____ his entry, but there he certainly was. (to perceive) 10.
Paula would be the first concentration camp ____ by American troops. (to liberate) 11. Willoughby
was not the man ____ the lessons of his predecessor. (to overlook) 12. A twelve year old girl,
Patience Barlow, was the first ____ his attention or ____ by him. (to attract, to attract) 13. One
might guess Mr. George ____ a trooper once upon a time, (to be) 14. I suppose Mr. Jelleby had been
more talkative and lively once; but he seemed ____ long before I knew him. (to exhaust). 15. Dave
seemed ____ Stephanie, waiting for her to make the first move. (to watch) 16. For the last few days
she seemed ____ to nobody but strange men. (to talk) 17. I lack the will-power ____ anything with
my life,— my position by hard work. (to do, to better) 18. There's no time ____ (to lose) 19. And, in
a very little while, the Murdstone and Grinby life became so strange to me that I hardly believed in
it, while my present life grew so familiar, that I seemed ____ it a long time. (to lead) 20. Roger was
a youngish Conservative member who was beginning ____ about. (to talk) 21. He is said ____ a
small fortune. (to put away) 22. That Jolyon seems ____ in 1710, son of Jolyon and Mary. (to be
Exercise 2. Insert the particle “to” before the infinitive where required. Translate into Russian.
1. Do you think I plan ____ spend the rest of my life in the same situation? I would rather
____ die! 2. She could not help but ____ feel a little choked for breath. 3. Why not ____ come down
to my place? 4. He gave a quick grin that made his lean twisted face ____ look more lean and
twisted than ever. 5. Ever since I came into this silly house I have been made ____ look like a fool.
6. He did nothing from morning till night but ____ wander at random. 7. I'm the cook, and I won't
have anyone ____ come interfering in my kitchen. 8. Abe let the hammer ____ drop out of his hands
and ____ fall on the step. 9. You'd better ____ take me back to Oxford. 10. They ought ____ have
asked my advice. They ought ____ have. 11. The poor boy was absolutely broken up. It made my
heart ____ bleed. I couldn't let him ____ go without a word of comfort. 12. I've got nothing ____ do
but ____ talk, talk. 13. I would____ die sooner than ____ ask him for another penny. 14. Your
mother's gone to some friends — they do nothing but ____ play bridge. 15. I know, there's nobody
in the world I would rather ____ work with or ____ have greater respect for. 16. Conrad had never
known her ____ talk so much. 17. But Elfride knew Mrs. Jethway ____ be her enemy, and ____
hate her. 18. Then why not ____ try ____ save yourself? 19. She opened the iron gateway and bade
me ____ enter. 20.You'd better ____ get some sleep. 21. English women in our station have duties,
but we, strangers in a strange land, have nothing ____ do but ____ enjoy ourselves. 22. I want ____
look at him and hear him ____ talk. 23. The key of the door below was now heard in the lock, and
the door was heard ____ open and close. 24. She felt herself ____ be tall and slim and fresh. 25. I
felt my blood ____ freeze. 26. And if you say you gave me no encouragement I cannot but ____
contradict you. 27. When she reached the front steps, she heard the taxi ____ drive away. She turned
around and watched the red tail-light ____ disappear in the darkness. 28. Tommy really does
nothing but ____ propose to me. 29. I thought that I had better ____ try ____ speak openly myself.
30. Arthur could not but ____ glance at Daniel Doyce in the ensuing silence. 31. Why not ____
write to her? 32. At first I tried ____ excuse myself, for the present, on the general ground of having
occupation ____ attend to, which I must not ____ neglect. I then said that I had much ____ learn
myself before I could ____ teach others. For these reasons, I thought it best ____ be as useful as I
could, and ____ render what kind services I could to those about me: and ____ try ____ let that
circle of duty gradually ____ expand itself.
Exercise 3. Translate into English, using the to-infinitive or the bare infinitive.
1. Я чувствовал, что его рассказ правдив. 2. Я почувствовал, что кто-то тронул меня за
плечо. 3. «Вы выглядите утомленным, вы бы лучше пошли домой». «Нет, я бы предпочел
закончить работу». 4. Почему бы не поговорить с деканом? 5. Ему ничего не оставалось
делать, как признать свою вину (to admit one's fault). 6. Она только и делает, что ворчит. 7. Я
не могу не согласиться с вами, 7. Джон весело улыбался, Эндрю тоже не мог не улыбнуться.
8. Надевайте коньки, и давайте кататься вместе. 9. Что ж, он прекрасный жених (match).
Почему не выйти за него? 10. Я три дня занимался только тем, что наслаждался чтением
какого-нибудь романа. 11. «Ты опять заснешь, дорогой? – говорит мне мама. – Ты бы лучше
шел наверх». 12. Я никогда не видел (to know), чтобы ты сказал неправду. 13. Я не мог не
удивиться странному стечению (chain) обстоятельств.
Exercise 4. State the function of the infinitive. Translate into Russian.
1. A man must have something bigger than himself to believe in. 2. It was impossible not to
invite the Butlers for both afternoon and evening. 3. The heat and dust were enough to strangle you.
4. To cut a long story short, the infant that's just gone out of the room is not your son. 5. The next
thing to be done is to move away from this house. 6. All the deep maternity in her awoke, never to
sleep again. 7. He paused as if to find a way to phrase his next thoughts. 8. Nobody asked you to
come out here. I didn't ask you to stay. I told you to go while it was daylight. 9. It was too hot to go
out into the town. 10. The prospective buyer is someone who, is not, to put it mildly, a supporter of
female emancipation. To consent to this sale would be to consent to change the character of the
newspaper – altogether. 11. He had been one of the first to become interested in the development of
the street-car system. 12. The floor of the forest was soft to walk on. 13. He was a man to attract
immediate sympathy. 14. He knew he must say anything at all in order to establish communication
with her. 15. After all, you're young enough to be my son. 16. To begin with, he did not like the way
his editor had spoken to him that morning. 17. To make the real decisions, one's got to have the real
power. 18. To know all is to forgive all. 19. Other people, men particularly, found it difficult to face
Cowperwood's glazed stare. 20. It must be awful to have a brilliant future behind you. 21. She
makes a gesture as if to touch him. 22. Indeed, she had nowhere to go. 23. To speak frankly, I am
not in favour of long engagements. 24. He found the sky so pallid as to be almost invisible. 25. He
dropped back, so as to let me get on a level with him. 26. When he met Savina at the station, she
came to him with a joyous expression of anticipation to find his troubled silence. 27. Rubin did not,
in any case, find it easy to be as direct as Roger. 28. True insincerity is hard to find. 29. She leaned
forward with kindled eyes as if to impress the word on the inspector. 30. She's a spoiled child not to
be trusted. 31. It is against all ethical concepts of medical science to pronounce a death verdict to a
gravely ill person. 32. His age was difficult to guess. 33. They were the last to come. 34. I awoke a
little after sunrise to find Evan gone. 35. Truth to tell, he wanted to say a great deal. 36. Her large
eyes were of a blue so pale as to be almost white. 37. Her first proceeding was to unlock a tall press,
bring out several bottles, and pour some of the contents of each into my mouth. 38. To lie is not my
custom. Too much complication and discomfort. 39. I had many weary hours still to wait through.
To while away the time, I looked at my letters. 40. To begin with, Mrs. Anderson is a pleasanter
person to live with than Mrs. Dudgeon. 41. With another look round at the furniture, as if to gauge
his sister's exact position, Soames went out towards Piccadilly. 42. Three or four plans suggested
themselves, only to be ruled out by their self-evident absurdity. 43. But the heat of the afternoon
was, to say the least, oppressive.
Exercise 5. Translate into English, using the infinitive.
1. Было приятно гулять в лесу в такой жаркий день. 2. По правде говоря, я читал эту
книгу в переводе. 3. Он достаточно хорошо знает английский язык, чтобы перевести эту
статью. 4. Первое, что надо сделать, - это выписать новые слова из текста. 5. Бесполезно
противоречить вам; вы очень упрямы, чтобы не сказать больше. 6. Никогда не поздно
признать свою ошибку. 7. Она уехала на Дальний Восток и больше не вернулась в свой
родной город. 8. Мягко выражаясь, он не сказал вам всей правды. 9. Я чувствую себя
слишком плохо, чтобы поехать с вами за город. 10. Короче говоря, их вина осталась
недоказанной. 11. Он первый прервал молчание. 12. Он ушел из лаборатории последним. 13.
У нее есть ребенок, о котором ей надо заботиться. 14. Мне надо вам кое-что сказать. 15. Вот
книга, которую хорошо почитать в поезде. 16. Мне надо о многом поговорить с вами. 17. У
меня есть друзья, которые могут мне помочь. 18. У меня не было времени прочитать эту
статью. 19. Он не такой человек, чтобы забыть о своем обещании. 20. Я знал, что нельзя
терять времени. 21. Вот статья, которую вы должны прочитать. 22. У меня есть хорошая
новость, которую я должен вам рассказать.23. Поверьте мне, я имею право это говорить: я
дорого заплатил за это право. 24. Она тотчас почувствовала, что он имеет сообщить ей что-то.
25. Дадим себе слово признаваться во всем друг другу. 26. Я сказал, что мне нужно готовить
уроки, и ушел наверх. 27. Первым, кто встретил Анну дома, был сын.
Exercise 6. Point out the Objective-with-the-Infinitive and the Subjective Infinitive Constructions.
Translate into Russian.
1. Never once had she been seen to cry. 2. It was the first time he had ever seen her weep. 3.
He didn't mean this to be a long meeting. 4. There was a rumour that at last they were likely to be
married. 5. Without remonstrance she suffered me to have my own way. 6. Irving proved to be a
long, sallow-faced butler chap, solemn as an undertaker. 7. Mr. Worthing is sure to be back soon. 8.
I came to get someone to tell me the truth. 9. I'll have Bertha bring you breakfast. 10. Unfortunately,
at this moment he chances to catch sight of Judith's face. 11. I have never known Hector Rose
behave like this. 12. His "office" turned out to be in one of the back streets close by Olympia. 13.
Conrad pulled out a chair and made her sit down. 14. He looked at his watch, rang the bell, and
ordered the vehicle to be brought round immediately. 15. Paul felt his heart lift as at a great victory.
16. People took an oath, a pledge, when they were married, and that was supposed to hold them
together. 17. You make me think of spring flowers. 18. At thirteen he began to read books that were
said to be evil. 19. She watched him go up the street and enter a door. 20.He appeared to be an ideal
home man. 21.Young men of this class never do anything for themselves that they can get other
people to do for them. 22. He said he wouldn't suffer a word to be uttered to him in his uncle's
disparagement. 23. She doesn't seem to want to do anything I suggest. 24. Cecily and Gwendolen
are perfectly certain to be extremely great friends. 25. He heard the town clock strike twelve. 26.
Nearly a year ago, I chanced to tell him our legend of the nun. 27. Harriet, pale and trembling,
suffered her to go on uninterrupted. 28. "You will not allow this base newspaper slander to shorten
your stay here, Mr. Winkle?" said Mrs. Pott, smiling through the traces of her tears. 29. He turned
out to have no feeling whatsoever for his nephew. 30. I don't like him to be so long alone. 31. From
the extreme freshness and purity of her complexion I estimated her age to be sixteen, or less perhaps. 32. This appeared to amuse the policeman. I can't bear any one to be very near me but you. At
any moment he was expecting Erik to pull a gun and rob him. 35. He decided to write her and ask
for an explanation, as well as have her meet him. 36. You can easily get in through a window if the
door happens to be locked. 37. You are sure to be there to-morrow night, aren't you, Professor
Engelfield? 38. He was said to be one of the most promising of nuclear physicists. 39. Why can't he
get a valet to stay with him longer than a few month's? 40. The peasants did not seem to see her. 41.
He then ordered her horse to be put into the gig. 42. Mrs. Merridew instantly permitted herself to be
taken by the arm, and led into the garden.
Exercise 7. Translate into English, using the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction where
1. Я не ожидал, что вы уедете так скоро. 2. Я не выношу, когда с детьми плохо
обращаются. 3. Она почувствовала, что кто-то коснулся ее плеча, 4. Она почувствовала, что
его слова неискренни. 5. Он попросил подать машину. 6. Я всегда считал их своими
друзьями. 7. Библиотекарь разрешил переписать рукопись. 8. Отец хотел, чтобы его сын стал
врачом. 9. Я не люблю, когда ребенок остается один. 10. Я слышал, как декан несколько раз
упомянул ваше имя. на собрании. 11. Вчера на собрании я слышала, как ваше имя
упомянули несколько раз. 12.Я никогда не слышал, как она говорит по-английски. 13.Я
слышал, что она говорит по-английски очень хорошо. 14.Я видел, как она вошла в
читальный зал, взяла книги и принялась за работу (to set to work). 15. Я видел, что она не
поняла правила, и объяснил его еще раз. 16. Добейтесь, чтобы он обратился к врачу (to
consult a doctor).17. Дождь заставил их вернуться домой. 18. Я заставил его снять пальто и
выпить чашку чаю. 19. Он распорядился, чтобы телеграмму послали немедленно. 20.
Преподаватель сказал, чтобы студенты выписали слова из текста.
(B) Based on an episode from David Copperfield by Ch. Dickens.
1. Пеготти знала, что мистер Мердстон черствый и жестокий человек, и не хотела,
чтобы миссис Копперфильд выходила за него замуж. 2. Мистер Мердстон заставил жену
повиноваться ему во всем. 3. Давид чувствовал, что. рука его матушки дрожит. Пеготти не
могла выносить, чтобы с Давидом плохо обращались. Мистер Мердстон и его сестра считали
Давида ленивым и упрямым мальчиком. 6. Мистер Мердстои приказал, чтобы Давида
заперли в его комнате. 7. Давид проснулся, услышав, что кто-то шепотом зовет его. 8.
Пеготти слышала, что мистер Мердстон собирается отдать Давида в школу. 9. Мистер
Мердстон не хотел, чтобы Давид жил дома, и добился того, что миссис Копперфильд отдала
его в школу. 10. Пеготти видела, что миссис Копперфильд несчастна, но не могла ничего
сделать, чтобы помочь ей. 11. Мистер Мердстон хотел, чтобы Пеготти отказали от места (to
dismiss), но миссис Копперфильд не могла допустить, чтобы ее верная служанка ушла от нее.
12. Мисс Бетси увидела, что в сад вошел грязный оборванный мальчик. 13. Мисс Бетси
чувствовала, что Давид говорит правду (что рассказ Давида правдив).
Exercise 8. Translate into English using the Subjective Infinitive Construction.
1. Известно, что римляне построили на Британских островах хорошие дороги и много
крепостей. 2. Полагают, что поэма «Беовульф» была написана в VIII веке. 3. Вальтер Скотт
считается создателем исторического романа. 4. Сообщают, что экспедиция достигла места
назначения. 5. Едва ли его назначат главным инженером, ведь он кончил институт всего два
года тому назад. 6. Он, по-видимому, хорошо знает английский язык; наверное, он изучал его
в детстве? 7. Я случайно знаю номер его телефона. 8. Он оказался хорошим спортсменом. 9.
Шум, казалось, все приближался. 10. Я случайно проходил мимо вокзала, когда в Ленинград
приехали артисты Шекспировского мемориального театра (Shakespeare Memorial Theatre). 11.
Певицу заставили повторить арию. 12. Он, кажется, пишет новую статью; кажется, он
работает над ней уже две недели. 13. Его статья, несомненно, будет напечатана. 14. Я
случайно встретил его в Москве. 15. Обязательно прочитайте эту книгу; она вам, несомненно,
понравится. 16. Говорят, что это здание было построено в XVII веке.
Exercise 9. Translate into English, using the Objective-with-the-Infinitive or the Subjective
Infinitive Construction.
1. Мы хотим счастья всем народам. Мы хотим, чтобы каждый человек был свободен. 2.
У нас в полку я считался одним из лучших стрелков. 3. Извини меня, мой ангел, но твое
патетическое письмо рассмешило меня. 4. Герман слышал, как хлопнула дверь в сенях
(porch), и увидел, что кто-то опять поглядел к нему в окошко (through the window into his
room). 5. Заря сияла на востоке, и золотые ряды облаков, казалось, ожидали солнца. 6. «Не
ожидала я, чтобы ты была такая злая (spiteful)», - сказала она. 7. Охота (the shooting)
оказалась хуже, чем он ожидал. 8. Я хочу быть артисткой, я хочу славы, успехов, свободы, а
вы хотите, чтобы я продолжала жить в этом городе, продолжала эту пустую (dull)
бесполезную жизнь, которая стала для меня невыносимой. 9. Александр велел подать чай в
кабинет. 10. Как только случалось нам быть одним, мы усаживались в уютный уголок и
начинали рассуждать, забывая все на свете. 11. Ему было около тридцати пяти лет, и мы за то
почитали его стариком. 12. Кити была прекраснее, чем он воображал ее. 13. Кити ждала, что
он пригласит ее на вальс (to ask somebody for a waltz), но он не пригласил, и она удивленно
взглянула на него. 14. Вечером они пошли на мол (pier), чтобы посмотреть, как придет
пароход. 15. Письма из дому приходили тихие, добрые, и, казалось, все уже было прощено и
Exercise 10. Translate into English, using the infinitive or Infinitive Constructions where
possible. (Based on Uncle Tom's Cabin by H. E. Beecher-Stowe.)
1. Когда Джордж бежал от своего хозяина и пробирался в Канаду, он случайно встретил
мистера Вильсона, владельца фабрики, где он раньше работал, и рассказал ему всю историю
своей жизни. 2. Говорили, что покойный отец Джорджа был богатый знатный джентльмен. 3.
Казалось, он любил своих детей, но он был слишком легкомысленным человеком, чтобы
подумать об их будущем, и после его смерти все его дети были проданы, чтобы уплатить его
долги. 4. Джордж слышал, как кричала и плакала его мать, когда его брали от нее. 5. Джордж
и его старшая сестра были случайно куплены одним и тем же рабовладельцем, и первое
время ребенок не чувствовал себя одиноким. 6. Но он часто видел, как хозяин бьет его сестру,
и от этого мальчик жестоко страдал (и это заставляло мальчика жестоко страдать). 7. Он не
мог не плакать, когда слышал стоны и рыдания несчастной девушки. 8. Вскоре хозяин
приказал отвезти сестру Джорджа в Новый Орлеан и продать ее там на рынке. 9. Мальчик
остался один; не было никого, кто мог бы позаботиться о нем, кто мог бы сказать ему
ласковое слово. 10. Когда Джордж вырос, его послали работать на фабрику мистера
Вильсона, который оказался очень добрым человеком и хорошо обращался со своими
рабочими. 11. Джордж изобрел очень ценную машину, которая, как было известно,
приносила его хозяину большую прибыль. 12. Вскоре Джордж встретил Элизу и женился на
ней. Она была очень красивая и добрая, и Джордж считал себя самым счастливым человеком
на земле. 13. Но счастье его было недолговечно (to be of short duration): его хозяин был не
такой человек, который мог бы допустить, чтобы его негр был счастлив. 14. Джорджа
заставили уйти с фабрики, бросить работу, которую он так любил, и вернуться к хозяину. 15.
Чтобы унизить Джорджа еще больше, хозяин приказал ему бросить Элизу и жениться на
другой женщине. Этого Джордж уже вынести не мог, и он решил бежать в Канаду.
Exercise 11. State the function of the for-to-Infinitive Construction. Translate into Russian.
1. There was no home for him to go to. 2. He waited for me to sit down. 3. It seemed almost a
shame for anyone to be as pretty as she was tonight. 4. And it is not for you to make terms. It is for
you to accept them. 5.There's nothing for us to do but amuse ourselves. 6.But the pain in James'
head asserted itself too cruelly for him to think of anything else for the moment. 7. He cordially
extended one forefinger for Erik to shake. 8. Some trouble with the authorities had made it
necessary for him to be much abroad. 9. There were plenty of papers for him to read, but he left
them alone. 10. Since you. are so anxious for me to distinguish myself, I have concluded to do so.
11. It is impossible for me to write about that time in detail – I can't bear to. 12. He opened the door
of his room for her to go out. 13. Buttonwood street, where he spent the first ten years of his life,
was a lovely place for a boy to live. 14. She longed for night to come to bring sleep to her. 15. It
was really warm for May, and still light enough for him to see his cows in the meadow beyond the
river. 16. The idea is for us to give a special concert at the Festival Hall. 17. My house is always
ready for anyone to come into. 18. My dear, this isn't the time for us to quarrel. 19. Erik saw that she
was impatient for him to be gone. 20. He waited for Bert to say something.
Exercise 12. Translate into English, using the for-to-Infinitive Construction where possible.
(A) 1. Первое, что мы должны сделать – это заказать билеты. 2. Вопрос был слишком
неожиданным, чтобы я мог на него ответить. 3. Я подчеркнула эти предложения, чтобы вы
проанализировали их. 4. Он попросил принести бумагу и перо. 5. Этот текст достаточно
легкий, чтобы вы могли прочитать его без словаря. 6. Мне очень хочется, чтобы вы
поступили в университет. 7. Ему ничего не оставалось делать, как немедленно выехать в
Москву. 8. Сделать это должен был он. 9. Было бы неразумно, если бы он сейчас уехал из
Ленинграда. 10. Самое лучшее, что вы можете сделать, – это поехать в санаторий.
(B) Based on an episode from David Copperfield by Ch. Dickens.
1. Каждый вечер мистер Пеготти ставил свечу на подоконник, чтобы маленькая Эмили
знала, что он ее ждет. 2. Когда мистер Пеготти нашел Эмили, он решил, что самое лучшее,
что они могут сделать, – это уехать в Австралию. 3. Давид купил поваренную книгу (cookery
book), чтобы Дора пользовалась ею. 4. Дора использовала поваренную книгу, чтобы Джип
стоял на ней. 5. Дора сказала, что первое, что она должна сделать, – это дать Джипу хороший
ужин. 6. Дора понимала, что Давиду необходимо поехать с мисс Бетси в Кентербери, и
сказала, что ей будет даже полезно (beneficial) побыть одной. 7. Мистер Микобер попросил
Трэдльса помочь ему, так как разоблачение (exposure) Урии Гипа было слишком трудным
делом, чтобы он мог с ним справиться один (to cope with). 8. Мисс Бетси и Давид сели завтракать, с нетерпением ожидая, когда придет мистер Микобер. 9. Мистер Микобер попросил,
чтобы принесли бумаги и конторские книги (account-books) Урии Гипа. 10. Урии Гипу ничего
не оставалось делать, как сознаться во всех своих преступлениях. 11. Дик с нетерпением
ожидал, когда Давид вернется из-за границы. 12. Мисс Бетси очень хотелось (to be anxious),
чтобы Давид женился на Агнес, но она никогда ему об этом не говорила.
Exercise 13. State the function of the infinitive and Infinitive Constructions. Translate into
1. It was then an easy matter for me to go to Paul's room and make an appropriate signal to
Kitty, and she turned back, up the street to disappear round the corner into Church Square. 2. She
made a curious, fumbling gesture towards me, as if to convey a sort of affection. 3. It was charming
to see him play with the two children. 4. To tell you the truth, Mr. Butler, I did not want Aileen to
leave your home at all. 5. I happen to know that he was supposed to come to the wedding. 6.
Gertrude gave a long soft exhalation. It made the young man smile at her again; and this smile made
her blush a little. To take refuge from blushing she asked him if, after his long walk, he was not
hungry and thirsty. 7. A sudden rattle on his right hand caused him to start from his reverie and turn
in that direction. 8. Your shortest way will be to follow the boulevard, and cross the park, but it is
too late and too dark for a woman to go through the park alone. 9. In spite of herself the colour fled
from her cheeks instantly, only to come back in a hot, defiant wave. 10. They hardly expect him to
recover consciousness; it was a terrible knock. But if he does, he's sure to want to see you, even if he
can't speak. 11. Some of the rumours we knew to be nonsense, but not all. 12. Addy and Ellie look
beautiful enough to please the most fastidious man. 13. It was something to be sitting like this in the
front of a box in one of the biggest theatres in London. 14. Anyway, just to begin with, don't you
think you might treat me as a moral equal? 15. He was said to be bearing Roger no malice, to be
speaking of him with dispassion. 16. Paul waited for Harriet to say something about the bar, but she
didn't even seem to notice it. 17. Idleness is a great sin, and I certainly don't like any of my friends to
be idle or sluggish. 18. The only way to guard his future and retain his financial friends was to stand
trial as quickly as possible and trust them to assist him to his feet in the future. 19. To keep his
attention engaged, she talked with him about his wardrobe. 20. To accept too many favours from
Ramona was dangerous. He might have to pay with his freedom. To be frank with you, he didn't
pay. That's the truth. 22. There was a sandy little garden and a stone wall high enough to keep the
children safe but not too high for her to lean upon and pierce the distance with her gaze. 23. The
delay didn't seem to affect him. 24. He appeared to be a man of considerable wealth, and was
reputed to be a bachelor. 25. The thing to do is to gain time. 26. Now I don't choose her to be
grateful to him, or to be grateful to anybody but me. 27. Mr. Weller left the room, and immediately
afterwards was heard to shut the street door. 28. He turned out to be the most efficient clerk that the
house of Waterman and Co. had ever known. 29. It was not customary for her father to want to see
her in his office. 30. Our final decision is to have a conference tomorrow afternoon, before which
each one is to think the matter over.
Exercise 14. Memorise the following expressions and use them in examples of your own.
1. He is hard to please. (Ему трудно угодить.) 2. He is difficult to deal with. (С ним трудно
иметь дело.) 3. The book is difficult to translate. (Эту книгу трудно перевести.) 4. She is pleasant
(beautiful, pretty) to look at. (Она хорошенькая, у нее привлекательная внешность.) 5. I have
something to tell you. (Мне надо вам кое-что сказать.) 6. There is nothing to be gained by it.
(Этим ничего не достигнешь.) 7. There is nothing to be done. (Ничего не поделаешь.) 8. There
are many things to be done. (Надо многое сделать.) 9. The house is to let. (Дом сдается в наем.)
10. Who is to blame? (Кто виноват?) 11. Be sure to come. (Непременно приходите.) 12. There is
nothing left for him to do but wait. (Единственное, что ему остается, – это ждать.)
Exercise 15. Translate into English, using the infinitive.
1. Стихи трудно переводить. 2. Ничего не поделаешь, придется идти пешком. 3. Я
уезжаю завтра, а многое еще надо сделать. 4. Кому писать протокол? 5. Доклад начнется
ровно в пять; непременно приходите вовремя. 6. Уже поздно посылать письмо.
Единственное, что нам остается делать, – это послать телеграмму. 7. Не уходите. Мне надо
вам кое-что сказать. 8. Роман Герцена «Кто виноват?» написан в 1846 году. 9. Перестаньте
спорить, этим ничего не достигнешь. 10. Некоторым людям трудно угодить. 11. Он очень
умный человек, но с ним трудно иметь дело. 12. Эта актриса очень красива.
Exercise 16. Translate into English, using the infinitive or Infinitive Constructions where
(A) Based on an episode from The Old Curiosity Shop by Ch. Dickens.
1. Маленькая Нелл и ее дедушка были очень одиноки (to lead a solitary life); у них не
было никого, кто мог бы о них позаботиться. 2. Говорили, что старик был когда-то богат. 3.
Предполагали, что он проиграл все свое состояние в карты (to lose one's fortune in gambling).
4. Когда дед Нелл разорился, он решил уйти с девочкой из дома. Они уехали из Лондона с
тем, чтобы никогда туда больше не возвращаться. 5. Они долго ходили из деревни в деревню
и, наконец, случайно пришли в большой промышленный город. 6. Наступил вечер, а они все
еще бродили по городу (all about the town). Казалось, они бродили уже целую вечность. 7.
Огни в домах и магазинах, казалось, насмехались (to mock) над ними, и от этого они
чувствовали (это заставляло их чувствовать) себя еще более одинокими. 8. Они жалели, что
пришли в этот город, где они никого не знали и где не было никого, кто мог бы им помочь. 9.
Увидев темный подъезд (door-way), они решили провести там ночь; они знали, что едва ли
найдут лучшее убежище. 10. В этот момент они увидели, что какой-то человек вышел из
дома. 11. Он был первым, кто обратил на них внимание в этом большом промышленном
городе. 12. Он сам был очень беден, но у Нелл и ее деда был такой несчастный и усталый вид
(они выглядели такими несчастными и усталыми), что он не мог допустить, чтобы они
провели ночь на улице. 13. «Погода такая плохая, что ребенок не может оставаться на улице
(погода слишком плохая, чтобы ребенок оставался на улице)», — сказал он. 14. Он не стал
ждать, пока они ответят ему, и взял Нелл на руки. 15. Нелл не возражала: она чувствовала,
что он добрый человек, и она была слишком утомлена, чтобы идти дальше. 16. Незнакомец
привел их на фабрику, где он работал. Он поправил (to arrange) кучу теплой золы, которая
лежала в углу, чтобы они могли провести на ней ночь. 17. Утром Нелл и старик ушли с
фабрики. Они не прошли и нескольких шагов, когда услышали, что кто-то бежит за ними.
18.Нелл почувствовала, что кто-то тронул ее за руку. 19. Их новый друг оказался очень
великодушным человеком: он отдал им все деньги, которые у него были.
(В) Based on an episode from Vanity Fair by W. Thackeray.
1. Было известно, что мистер Осборн обязан (to owe) своим богатством мистеру Седли.
2. Мистер Осборн хотел, чтобы его сын женился на Эмилии, отец которой был очень богат. 3.
Когда мистер Седли разорился, мистер Осборн приказал, чтобы его имя никогда не
упоминалось в его доме. 4. Он жалел, что разрешал сыну ухаживать за Эмилией, и приказал
ему забыть ее. 5. Он не мог допустить, чтобы его сын женился на девушке, у которой не было
ни связей (connections), ни состояния, 6. Осборны случайно познакомились с богатой
наследницей, и отец решил, что было бы хорошо, если бы Джордж женился на ней. 7. Его
дочери делали все, что могли, чтобы заставить Джорджа забыть Эмилию. 8. Они только и
делали, что превозносили мисс Роду Шварц до небес (to praise somebody to the skies). 9. С
утра до ночи Джордж слышал, как они говорили о достоинствах и талантах (perfections and
accomplishments) мисс Роды. 10. Они уговаривали брата жениться на ней. «Ты, несомненно,
будешь счастлив с ней»,—не раз говорили они. 11. Мисс Рода считала Джорджа очень милым
молодым человеком, и ей очень хотелось (to be anxious), чтобы он женился на ней. 12.
Однажды случилось так, что Рода пела любимую песенку Эмилии. 13. Она ждала, что
Джордж попросит ее повторить песню, и сидела, перелистывая страницы нот (music). 14.
Вдруг Рода увидела, что на обложке, нот написано имя Эмилии. 15. Она не знала, что это
было имя, которое нельзя было произносить в доме Осборнов, и попросила девушек
рассказать ей все, что они знали об Эмилии. 16. «Лучше не упоминайте ее имени! –
закричали испуганные девицы. – Ее отец опозорил себя и всю свою семью». 17. Когда
Джордж услышал, что его сестры плохо отзываются об Эмилии (to speak ill of somebody), он
пришел в негодование и сказал, что она самая добрая и красивая девушка во всей Англии. 18.
Он не заметил, что мистер Осборн вошел в комнату. 19. Старик был очень недоволен тем, что
Джордж ослушался его приказания. 20. За обедом он много пил и с нетерпением ждал, когда
дамы уйдут из комнаты. 21. Джордж открыл дамам дверь и, вернувшись к столу, сказал, что
его сестры первые заговорили об Эмилии. 22. Мистер Осбoрн приказал сыну порвать с
Эмилией (to break with somebody altogether). «Мисс Шварц – вот девушка, на которой тебе
следует жениться», – сказал он. 23. «Восемь тысяч в год – это слишком большая сумма,
чтобы ты мог отказаться от нее», – продолжал старик. 24. «Я лучше останусь холостяком на
всю жизнь, чем женюсь на мисс Шварц», – ответил Джордж. 25. Старик пришел в ярость и
закричал, что лишит сына наследства (to disinherit). Он был уверен, что, зная это, Джордж
едва ли ослушается его.
Exercise 17. State the function of the verbals and Predicative Constructions. Translate into
1. He and the poet are now in the office, with him trying to make the poet go to bed, and the
poet refusing. 2. Once or twice only he looked round to see her sitting like something dead, so white
and motionless. 3. The man in the football jersey moved back to the side of the road, leaving room
for the bicycles to pass. 4. He passed by with studied indifference, his face averted, eyes fixed
straight ahead, as though to avoid seeing him. 5. Deafened by the noise of the traffic, splashed with
mud from the grinding wheels, he still kept on plodding along the gutters. 6. Arthur had managed to
get his way. It had been easy to coax Margaret into inviting them to stay with us for a week. It had
not been so easy for Penelope to accept. 7. Rebecca stood serene, with her lips parted, the faint
breeze blowing her hair back from her wide brows. An inner glow seemed to merge with the
sunlight blandly brushing her cheeks. 8. She loved receiving at formal parties. Her pleasure at being
surrounded by these close friends made her eyes sparkle. 9. It hardly does much good to have a
complex mind without actually being a philosopher. 10. Her first season passed without the perfect
suitor presenting himself, and the second also; but she was young and could afford to wait. Mrs.
Garstin told her friends that she thought it a pity for a girl to marry till she was twenty-one. 11. Tom,
wiping his eyes with his sleeve, began to blubber out something about a resolution to escape from
hard usage and lack of sympathy at home by roaming abroad into the great world, never to return.
12. Reading that article had not caused Mr. Bunting to stop drinking tea after dinner. 13. She was
thinking of Roger coming to her, marrying her. 14. Hawkins at once goes briskly to the table and
takes the chair nearest the sofa, Christy having left the inkstand there. 15. Waiting for his turn, he
stared out at the vague rows of faces and found his thoughts wandering. 16. We happened then to
cross the street, and the traffic prevented us from speaking. 17. It might be easier to be out of work
without having a wife and a child. 18. He's got sense enough to know that there's nothing to be
gained by making a scandal. 19. I have the honour of knowing more distinguished men, my poor
child, than you are likely to see in a lifetime. 20. Kate sat in absolute dismay, waiting for the other
woman to recover herself. 21. Old Todd disliked his married sons calling unless told to come. 22.
The sound of the telephone ringing seemed to have woken every nerve in my body. 23. No child of
his thought ,of running to him to have a shoe tied or a button fastened. 24. It must be very peaceful,
Tom thought, to lie and slumber and dream for ever and ever, with the wind whispering through the
trees and caressing the grass and the flowers of the grave, and nothing to bother and grieve about,
ever any more. 25. He had stopped to look in at a picture shop. 26. He stopped speaking. He glanced
up to see the chairman watching him. 27. He arose very cautiously, as if fearing to find every bone
broken. 28. And, after that dance, she stole away home having no heart to see him dance with his
water-nymph. 29. Enders turned and stared full at Miss Zelinka, trying, with the deep intensity of his
glance, to get her to look at him, smile at him. 30. I walked up to the wood, but it was too wet for me
to go inside; so I went down to the gate, hoping to see a human soul, someone quite ordinary and
cheerful. 31. I was afraid of hurting Mr. Micawber's feelings, or, at all events, Mrs. Micawber's, she
being very sensitive. 32. But I don't like to think of you going into danger. 33. Miss Folgers readily
confessed to having taken the child, whom she claimed to have found playing in Elysian Park, to her
farm. 34. It was customary for Aileento drive alone almost every afternoon a spirited pair of bays, or
to ride a mount. 35. The General listened that evening to the Japanese artillery bombarding the field.
It seemed impossible to maintain any sort of order. 36. I lit a cigarette and watched the red end
mirrored in the water. 37. When Paul entered tentatively, after knocking and getting no reply, he
found her lying in her old dressing-gown, her eyes averted, her face flushed and exhausted. 38.
Uncle Titus promptly marks his approval of her action by rising from the sofa, and placing a chair
for her to sit down upon. 39. She had something to say to him, but she kept it back for fear of irritating him. 40. But being in love, and recently engaged, Shelton had a right to be immune from
discontent of any kind. 41. Erik saw their eyes meet for a moment, and Fabermacher allowed the
silence to grow with brutal relentlessness. 42. Next morning, meeting me in the hall, she told me that
she was too tired to go out with the guns. It was the first time I had known her energies flag. She
was still enough herself to give me instructions. 43. He lay in bed, dressed, with the light burning,
until he heard the clock strike three. Then he left the house, putting his watch and his tobacco pouch
into his pocket. 44. Erik wanted them to like each other because he cared for them both, but he
suddenly dreaded the thought of their becoming friendly because he had a conviction that they could
form a friendship which would have no real need of him. He interrupted to make Mary talk shop. 45.
The tongue of Fleur's dog licking his dabbled hand interrupted this somewhat philosophic reflection.
Animals were too human nowadays, always wanting to have notice taken of them.
Exercise 18. Translate into English, using verbals where possible.
1. Я рад, что послушался вашего совета. 2. Я рад, что вы послушались моего совета. 3.
Мне жаль, что я не видела эту пьесу. 4. Мне жаль, что вы не видели эту пьесу. 5. Я доволен,
что поступил в университет. 6. Я доволен, что моя сестра поступила в университет. 7. Мне
жаль, что я не застала ее дома. 8. Мне жаль, что вы не застали ее дома. 9. Он был счастлив,
что получил путевку в санаторий. 10. Он был огорчен, что не достал билет на концерт. 11. Я
чувствовал в себе желание выбросить все из головы. 12. Что он собирается делать, попрежнему не ясно. 13. Прежде всего, я умолял ее не делать ничего поспешно. Оставить дом и
мужа было очень серьезным шагом. 14.он уже собирался отвернуться, когда увидел, что она
смотрела на него взглядом, полным ироничной жалости. 15. Ты не должен даже думать об
этом. Говорить о смерти – к несчастью. 16. Может быть, его безмолвный пристальный взгляд
заставил ее нарушить молчание. 17. Он хотел, чтобы они все трое прогулялись по улице. 18.
Джейн всплеснула руками: «О, да! Я просто обожаю кататься верхом». 19. Миссис Смит
помедлила перед тем, как поцеловать дочь. 20. Ее муж ответил, не поднимая глаз от газеты.
21.она продолжала твердить себе: «Это неправда. Это неправда». 22. У него была привычка
больше слушать, чем говорить. 23. Нет смысла держать его здесь. 24. Он извинился за
беспокойство и сказал, что я единственный, кого он знает в Англии. 25. Я привык к тому, что
у меня всегда есть наличные деньги. 26. Она не хотела беспокоить своего хозяина, звоня в
парадную дверь. 27. «Извините», - сказала мисс Оливер снова. – «Вы не возражаете, чтобы я
прошла здесь»? 28. Она прошла мимо него, делая вид, что смотрит перед собой. 29. Джим
надел шляпу и вышел, хлопнув дверью. 30. Обернувшись, он уставился на меня, но я понял,
что он меня не видел. 31. Обычно, проводив пациента до двери, доктор шел обратно к своему
столу. 32. Сдерживая слезы, так как она знала, что он их терпеть не может, она просила мужа
быть благоразумным. 33. Дверь случайно оказалась приоткрытой, и я слышала, как она
разговаривала с кем-то в коридоре. 34. Она могла чувствовать, как сильно у нее дрожат
колени. 35. Он ехал медленно, наслаждаясь тишиной вечера. 36. Проходя мимо Театра
Комедии, я случайно взглянул вверх и увидел облака, освещенные заходящим солнцем. 37. Я
заметил, что на стене висят несколько картин, которых я никогда не видел раньше. 38. Я
услышал, как его голос дрожал от гнева. 39. Она уселась в кресло и сидела, наблюдая за ним.
40. Я видела, как она убежала в том направлении примерно четверть часа тому назад.
Choose the correct variant. Check your answers in the keys.
1. He seemed _____ all the friendliness he had shown at our previous meeting.
a) to loose
b) to be lost
c) to have lost
d) to have been loosing
2. I returned to my room one afternoon _____ Rex waiting for me.
a) finding
b) to find c) having found
d) to have found
3. They went off, _______ us to face the situation.
a) living
b) having left c) to be leaving
d) to leave
4. I didn’t mind _______ about them a bit.
a) to be thinking
b) to think
c) thinking
d) having thought
5. Then he condescended _______ himself.
a) explaining b) being explained c) to have explained
d) to explain
6. I remember ______ for a drive by a kind lady who wanted to show me round.
a) being taken b) taking
c) to have taken
d) to be taken
7. He began _______ the draught of a new plan that afternoon, just to see how it looks.
a) writing
b) being written c) to write
d) to be writing
8. El was still not sure why he had called up, but he felt better for ______ so.
a) being done b) having donec) having been done d) doing
9. The man of letters is accustomed ___ writing.
a) of
b) in
c) about
d) to
10. Some people were nice ___ turning me down.
a) in
b) about
c) of
d) to
11. She was quick ___ finding out things.
a) in
b) of
c) at
d) about
12. From the age of four, I had been used to ______ with ideas.
a) living
b) being lived c) having lived
d) live
13. Did he ever ask you _____ or talk about marrying?
a) to engage b) engaging c) being engaged
d) to be engaged
14. I’m sorry _____ you such distress.
a) to cause
b) to have caused
c) to be causing
d) to be caused
15. “Of course”, I said, disappointed at______ such a trifling commission.
a) giving
b) having given
c) being given
16. He couldn’t recollect ever ______ the man before in his life
a) having seen b) seeing
c) being seen d) having been seen
17. So I got out my Norfolk suit, which already had the appearance of _____ away for a long time.
a) having put b) having been put c) putting
d) being put
18. _____ down to this place for a visit, he found himself requested by his host to go and tell his
uncle bedtime stories.
a) having been invited b) having invited c) being invited d) inviting
19. _____ the door with only the lightest slam, they went out together.
a) having closed
b) being closed
c) closing
20. I found the room with a Spartan simplicity.
a) furnishing b) to have furnished c) to be furnished
d) furnished
Preparatory activities.
Review the following topics:
1. State the difference between Notional and Structural Parts of Speech.
2. Name Structural Parts existing in English.
3. Give the definition of the Preposition. Comment on the classification and morphological
composition of prepositions in English.
4. Give the definition of the Conjunction. Comment on the morphological composition of
5. State the difference between co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Comment on the
classification of conjunctions.
6. Give the definition of the Particle. State its function and meaning.
7. Give the definition of the Interjection. State its morphological and syntactic peculiarities.
8. Comment on the meaning of interjections.
9. State the difference between primary and secondary interjections
Exercise 1. State the morphological composition of the following prepositions:
In, below, with regard to, during, concerning, till, in front of, without, behind, under, in view of,
outside, off, into, until, across, according to, with, along, up, inside, out of, owing to, at, regarding.
Exercise 2. Insert prepositions and define their meaning where possible.
1. The life ____ the Dutch settlement now began to be built into the life ____ the American
nation. This these people did consciously and ____ their own will, although there were — the older
ones some who longed, as did even Mijnheer Stulting ____ times, ____ the comfort and security
____ his old home. It had been a sad blow ____ him when the pastor died ____ the early years and
he was never again satisfied altogether ____ any who tried to take his place. 2. Bitterly tired, he lay
down ____ the sofa ____ his fur coat and fell asleep. 3. ____ the appointed time ____ the evening
Mr. Micawber reappeared 4. They were ____ earnest conversation. ____ time ____ time they would
halt and one ____ them would, it seemed, explain something ____ the other, who ____ turn would
nod his head sagely. 5. There was only one other event ____ this half-year, that made an impression
____ me which still survives. 6. He reached his house ____ midnight. 7. He looked ____ his watch
____ half an hour the doctor would be back. 8. Bing went ____ the soldier, who had the serious face
____ a child thrown ____ the world too soon. 9. He stared ____ her ____ amazement. He had
forgotten that she was ignorant ____ his story and ____ his flight ____ Carlion. 10. ____ these
studies the excellent Mrs. O'Dowd was ____ great assistance ____ him. 11. A child ____ 1901, he
had come ____ consciousness when his country, just over that bad attack ____ scarlet fever, was
preparing ____ the Liberal revival ____ 1906. 12. Mrs. Reed's hands still lay ____ her work
inactive, her eyes ____ ice continued to dwell freezingly ____ mine. 13. When ____ the first week
____ December he decided to go ____ Paris, he was far ____ admitting that Irene's presence was
influencing him. 14. Stroeve was, of course, delighted ____ her. He could not do enough to show
his gratitude ____ the whole hearted devotion ____ which she had accepted the burden he laid ____
her. 15. Just before Christmas, Reggie Burnside passed ____ London ____ his way ____ Murren.
He dropped ____ Elizabeth's studio ____ tea. 16. One autumn morning I was ____ my mother ____
the front garden, when Mr. Murdstone, I knew him ____ that name now, came by ____ horseback.
17. He was proud ____ this enlistment; proud ____ his boy for going off to fight ____ the country.
18. An accidental circumstance cemented the intimacy ____ Steerforth and me, ____ a manner that
inspired me ____ great pride and satisfaction though it sometimes led ____ inconvenience.
Exercise 3. Insert by or with.
1. The Germans, he had been assured ____ everybody, were on the run, and it was unlikely
that they would stop running so soon. 2. He was busy making entries ____ a lead pencil in a book
which lay open before him. 3. Both men were loaded down ___ field equipment and the bottles
contributed ____ the grateful people of Paris. 4. They dined in the small restaurant, which had been
"decorated" ____ rather feeble pictures ____ young artists. 5. But the nearer he came to the centre
of the town, the more difficult it was to walk; the road was strewn ____ stones and bricks and
rubble. 6. I remember being met at the Zoo station ____ one of their scholars. 7. He sat down
vigorously and lighted a cigarette ____ trembling hands. 8. The streets, crowded ____ people, still
reminded Yates of the first days in Paris, the honeymoon of liberation. 9. She had been appointed
____ one of Rainborough's predecessors. 10. The hills around Rollingen, usually illuminated ____
the fires in the blast furnaces, were crowded ____ the lightning of far-off guns.
Exercise 4. State the morphological composition of the following conjunctions:
For, as well as, unless, now that, and, neither... nor, while, although, not only... but also,
provided, as though, supposing, no sooner... than, or, so that, if, both... and, as long as, so, either...
or, as... as, when, until, before, after, as if, as soon as, lest, for fear that, notwithstanding, nor.
Exercise 5. Point out all the co-ordinating conjunctions and define the group each belongs to.
Translate into Russian.
1. The stranger had not gone far, so he made after him to ask the name. 2. Be quick, or it may
be too late. 3. Real accuracy and purity she neither possessed, nor in any number of years would
acquire. 4. Mrs. Septimus Small let fall no word, neither did she question June about him. 5. The
river was not high, so there was not more than a two or three mile current. 6. It seemed to him that
he could contrive to secure for her the full benefit of both his life insurance and his fire insurance. 7.
Karl is solid and extremely certain of himself, while Joseph on the other hand, though no less certain
of himself, is a good deal less solid. 8. He could see no one, and he began to believe that either his
instinct had deceived him, or else that the shadowing was over. 9. But for a long time we did not see
any lights, nor did we see the shore, but rowed steadily in the dark riding with the waves.
Exercise 6. Point out all the subordinating conjunctions and say what kind of subordinate clauses
they introduce. Translate into Russian.
1. She stood quite silent while Butler appealed to her. 2. Since Miss Wilfer rejected me, I have
never again urged my suit. 3. Whenever I looked at Susan she gave me a frank full-hearted smile. 4.
So the tiny woman closed the shut-ter of the cottage window and fastened the door, and trembling
from head to foot for fear that any one should suspect her, opened a very secret place, and showed
the Princess a shadow. 5. And yet tired though he was after his three long days, Soames dreaded the
moment when the car should stop. 6. I extinguished my taper, locked my bureau, and left her, since
she would not leave me. 7. Once they reached the open country the car leapt forward like a mad
thing. 8. He was a tall fellow with a very wide mouth and prematurely bald in front, so that he
appeared to have a colossal forehead. 9. The reference was as plain as it was unexpected. 10. Early
as he was, another man was there before him. 11. We're as we're made. 12. They were all smiling
widely at me as I came toward them. 13. He was a fattish, worried, untidy man, always looking as if
he had slept in the expensive clothes he wore. 14. Mr. Pancks has come down into the Yard to-night,
on purpose that you should hear him. 15. The most I can say now is that it is very cold in San
Francisco, and I am freezing. 16. Give me your promise that this shall be done. 17. In that small
room he seemed even bigger than I remembered him. 18. Whatever I intend to do I'll do without
advice from the outside.19. Breakfast was not yet over before the men came to put up the marquee.
20. He prized the pencil, because it had been a gift from his mother. 21. As soon as he had gone, I
looked at the clock. 22. After a sleepless night, he wrote his resignation to the chairman of the board
of directors, in order that he should be prepared to hand it to him at once.
Exercise 7. Point out the particles and define the group each belongs to. Translate into Russian.
1. It is just because I want to save my soul that I am marrying for money. 2. Rosa feared this
power, but she enjoyed it too. 3. Oh, doctor, do you think there is any chance? Can she possibly
survive this last terrible complication? 4. We merely want to see the girl and take her away. 5. I shall
also try to be there at ten. 6. Don't come any nearer. You're at just the right distance. 7. He had taken
up with it solely because he was starving. 8. Soames was but following in the footsteps of his father.
9. I am interested only in man. Life I love and before death I am humble. 10. Just then the telephone
rang. 11. Tom, you'll manage it and if you do I'll give you something ever so nice. 12. He needed the
peculiar sympathy that a woman alone can give. 13. She ought to have written at once and told him
exactly what had happened. 14. I think, he's been a simply perfect father, so long as I can remember.
15. They did not even look at him. 16. Not a career for a man of his ability. 17. We followed him
along the corridor. He never looked back, he never hesitated.
Exercise 8. Point out all the interjections and say whether they are emotional or imperative.
Translate into Russian.
1. "The Boers are a hard nut to crack, uncle James." "Hmm!" muttered James. "Where do you
get your information? Nobody tells." 2. "Oh! My eye!" he said looking very low-spirited, "I am
sorry for that." 3. "Good Lord!" said Fleur. "Am I only twenty-one? I feel forty-eight." 4. "Good
Heavens!" cried my mother, "you'll drive me mad!" 5. Heavens! How dull you are! 6. "Oh, Karen,"
he said, "it's good to have you around!" 7. Alas! The white house was empty and there was a bill in
the window. 8. A man jumped on top of the barricade and, waving exuberantly, shouted.
"Americains! Hurrah." 9. Hallo, Michael! I'm rather late; been to the club and walked home. 10. Ah!
you are both of you good-natured. 11. "Hark!" cried the Dodger at this moment, "I heard the tinkle,"
catching up the light, he crept softly upstairs. 12. "Who is that?" she cried. "Hush, hush!" said one of
the women, stooping over her. 13. Well, I don't like those mysterious little pleasure trips that he is so
fond of taking. 14. Now, Maria, here is a character to your taste. 15. Here! I've had enough of this.
I'm going.
Choose correct conjunctions and prepositions. Check your answers in the keys.
1. You can come to the meeting ______ you don't say anything.
a) so that
b) as long as
c) while
d) until
e) as if
2. I'm not leaving ______ I get an apology from you.
a) so that
b) as long as
c) while
d) until
e) as if
3. I came her ______ you could give me an explanation.
a) so that
b) as long as
c) while
d) until
e) as if
4. Bob is very tall ______ Bill is very short.
a) so that
b) as long as
c) while
d) until
e) as if
5. You look ______ you've seen a ghost.
a) so that
b) as long as
c) while
d) until
e) as if
6. I refuse to pay anything ______ you do the work properly.
a) so that
b) as long as
c) while
d) until
e) as if
7. I'm going shopping for food this evening ______ I don't have to go at the weekend.
a) so that
b) as long as
c) while
d) until
e) as if
8. You look ______ you haven't eaten for a week.
a) so that
b) as long as
c) while
d) until
e) as if
9. I need an office to myself ______ I can get some work done.
a) so
b) so that
c) although d) when
e) since
10. I'll tell her ______ I see her.
a) so
b) so that
c) although d) when
e) since
11. ______ you left, the atmosphere in the office has not been as nice.
a) so
b) so that
c) although d) when
e) since
12. The job is badly paid ______ I'm looking for another one.
a) so
b) so that
c) although d) when
e) since
13. _____we could fly,______ we could go by train.
a) Both ... and b) Not only ... but also c) Either ... or
d) Neither ... nor
14. ______ will she have to study hard, ____ she will______ have to concentrate to do well on the
a) Both ... and b) Not only ... but also c) Either ... or d) Neither ... nor
15. _____pneumonia _____ small pox are dangerous illnesses.
a) Both ... and b) Not only ... but also c) Either ... or d) Neither ... nor
16. Do you think this is something ___ can be learned?
a) who
b) that
c) X
17. Don't go out ___ you've finished your work.
a) as
b) while
c) until
18. Make sure you close all the windows ___ it starts to rain.
a) after
b) before
c) for
19. I think I know ___ he left the job.
a) why
b) until
c) where
20. ___ I had known how much I would disappoint him, I wouldn’t have done it.
a) Whether
b) When
c) If
21. ___ you see me, get in the car.
a) As soon as b) While
c) Whether
22. My friend John, ___ lives in California, has a car with a New York license.
a) whose
b) who
c) that
23. It's usually quite simple to cross the border between the USA and Canada ___ these two
countries have friendly relations.
a) yet
b) and
c) because
24. ___ a university professor returns from a sabbatical leave, he should be better qualified.
a) Until
b) When
c) Even though
25. She's ___ a snobbish person ___ nobody likes to be with her.
a) such...that b) such...as
c) so...that
26. He must be very popular, ___ everyone in school knows him.
a) for
b) so c) since
d) when
e) as
27. John wanted to stay, ___ his sister persuaded him to go.
a) but
b) for c) since
d) when
28. ___ the rain, we went to the beach.
a) But
b) For
c) Despite
d) If
29. ___ I got home, my sister had already left.
a) While
b) Since
c) Till
d) When
30. It's too late to go out; ___, it's beginning to rain.
a) whatever b) moreover c) however
31. She wanted to go to the party; ___, she was not invited.
a) whatever b) moreover c) however
32. ___ it was cold, he went out without a sweater.
a) Whatever b) Moreover c) Although
33. John was later blamed ___ the accident.
a) with
b) about
c) for
d) from
34. He reported ___ that matter to me months ago.
a) about
b) of
c) on
d) for
35. The whole room smelled ___ lavender !
a) about
b) of
c) on
d) with
36. The inheritance was divided ___ equal parts.
a) to
b) at
c) into
d) for
37. A good thing we could stop him ___ making that stupid remark !
a) from
b) against
c) at
d) for
38. Jane congratulated her sister ___ her birthday
a) with
b) on
c) for
d) by
39. Are we sufficiently insured ___ fire ?
a) for
b) at
c) from
d) against
40. John is very good ___ mathematics.
a) at
b) in
c) for
d) with
41. That's just typical ____Helen to forget our wedding anniversary.
a) with
b) on
c) for
d) of
42. I have been suffering ___ dizziness lately.
a) with
b) from
c) about
d) of
43. Anne's boss is sometimes forgetful ____ the promises he has made.
a) at
b) with
c) to
d) of
44. The winner of the competition was ___ the drawing-room.
a) on
b) in
c) at
45. Everybody sat ___ the floor, but Mr. Spencer sat ___ a chair ___ the corner.
a. over – in – on
b) about – on – at
c) on – on – in
46. The judge poured champagne ___ the glass.
a) into
b) on
c) inside
47. The elderly lady was always ___ home ___ night.
a) at – at
b) in – at
c) into – inside
48. Adriana used to swim ___ the sea and sunbathe ___ the sand.
a) on – at
b) on – in
c) in – on
49. During the week I get up early ___ the morning and go to bed late ___ night. But normally ___
weekends I sleep until midday.
a) on – at – at
b) in – at – on
c) in – in – at
50. Peter lives ___ Boa Viagem Avenue, now, but he lived ___ 109, Amizade Street ___ 1980.
a) on – at – in
b) in – at – on
c) on – at – on
51. He was born ___ 8:15 ___ the morning ___ June, 18th, 1928.
a) in – on – at
b) at – in – on
c) on – on – in
52. The hanging light is ___ the table.
a) in
b) over
c) at
53. Thomas was born ___ January 9th ___ Buenos Aires.
a) in – on
b) on – in
c) at – on
54. I prefer tea ___ coffee.
a) to
b) than
c) against
d) over
55. “What time will you arrive?” – “I don't know. It depends ___ the traffic.”
a) of
b) for
c) from
d) on
56. Why were you so unfriendly ___ Tessa? Have you had an argument with her?
a) of
b) for
c) to
d) with
57. The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage ___ the other car.
a) of
b) for
c) to
d) on
58. I hope that you’ll bear these factors ___ mind when making your report.
a) on
b) at
c) in
59. Boxers are forbidden to punch ___ the belt.
a) to
b) above
c) below
60. The waiters received tips ____ their wages.
a) to
b) over
c) from
Parts of Speech
Define each underlined word as the part of speech, point out at its classification. Check your
answers in the keys.
1. A violent storm hit the small town in the early morning.
2. Cara certainly does not know him nor has she seen him before.
3. During the night, a branch of the elm tree fell near our house.
4. That book is by Herman Melville.
5. I have definitely made my decision.
6. Whew! I almost was hit by the line drive.
7. Neither the fish nor the chicken at this restaurant tastes very fresh.
8. Yesterday, we visited the historic town of Lexington in Massachusetts.
9. Operas by Giacomo Puccini are famous for their melodies.
10. That was an exceptionally fine concert, but it ended too quickly for me.
11. Their speech assumes the accents of seventeenth-century England.
12. Does he know anything about this?
13. Has she seen my baseball glove?
14. None of the spectators left during the rain delay.
15. A loud explosion wakened them from sleep.
16. We arrived at the show early, yet many people were already there.
17. The doctor wondered if the patient would ever stop complaining.
18. The building is going to be resurfaced as early as next week.
19. This is the second to last relay race.
20. Soon the icy days of winter will be here.
21. Something is wrong with the telephone.
22. Some of the beans and a few of the tomatoes are ripe.
23. The hikers struggled toward the mountaintop through the deep snow.
24. Oh, our reports are due tomorrow?
25. In their flight south, birds are supposedly seeking a better food supply.
26. The mystery has never been completely explained.
27. Eduardo felt that we should go inside.
28. The inside of the box was lined with velvet.
29. Have you ever been invited?
30. The Gothic cathedral in Salisbury, England, is magnificent.
31. The original Olympic stadium is in Olympia; however, the modern stadium is in Athens.
32. Rudolph Hess was locked in the Tower of London.
33. Karate can be used as a means of exercise or self-defence.
34. What will the jury decide?
35. Michael Parkes is a famous artist who has many paintings in Amsterdam.
36. The quick jump surprised the audience.
37. The crying hawk suddenly swooped down.
38. Are you still waiting for the bus to arrive?
39. The student was temporarily suspended from school.
40. Within several minutes, the rain turned into a downpour.
Choose the correct variant. Note that sometimes more than one alternative is correct. Check your
answers in the keys.
“ .............................. this week?”
“No, she's on holiday.”
A Is Susan working В Does Susan work С Does work Susan
I don't understand this sentence. What ....................... ?
A does mean this word В does this word mean С means this word
John ............................... tennis once or twice a week.
A is playing usually В is usually playing С usually plays D plays usually
How ............................... now? Better than before?
A you are feeling В do you feel С are you feeling
It was a boring weekend .............................. anything.
A I didn't В I don't do С I didn't do
Tom ............................... his hand when he was cooking the dinner.
A burnt В was burning С has burnt
Jim is away on holiday. He ......................... to Spain.
A is gone В has gone С has been
Everything is going well. We ......................... any problems so far.
A didn't have В don't have С haven't had
Linda has lost her passport again. It's the second time this ....................
A has happened В happens С happened
You're out of breath. ……………………?
A Are you running В Have you run С Have you been running
Where's the book I gave you? What ........................ with it?
A have you done В have you been doing С are you doing
We're good friends. We ........................... each other for a long time.
A know В have known С have been knowing D knew
Sally has been working here ...........................
A for six months В since six months С six months ago
It's two years .............................. Joe.
A that I don't see В that I haven't seen С since I didn't see D since I sa w
They ................................ out after lunch and they've just come back.
A went В have gone С are gone
The Chinese ............................. printing.
A invented В have invented С had invented
Ian ................................ in Scotland for ten years. Now he lives in London.
A lived В has lived С has been living
The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he ……. before.
A hasn't flown В didn't fly С hadn't flown D wasn't flying
................................ a car when they were living in London?
A Had they В Did they have С Were they having D Have they had
I ................................. television a lot but I don't any more.
A was watching В was used to watch С used to watch
............................. tomorrow, so we can go out somewhere.
A I'm not working В I don't work С I won't work
That bag looks heavy ............................... you with it.
A I'm helping В I help С I'll help
23 I think the weather ............................ be nice later.
A will В shall С is going to
24 “Ann is in hospital.” “Yes, I know .......................... her tomorrow.”
A I visit В I'm going to visit С I'll visit
25 We're late. The film ............................ by the time we get to the cinema.
A will already start В will be already started С will already have started
26 Don't worry .............................. late tonight.
A if I am В when I am С when I'll be D if I'll be
27 The fire spread through the building quickly but everybody ………..
A was able to escape В managed to escape С could escape
28 The phone is ringing. It ........................... be Tim.
A might В can С could
29 Why did you stay at a hotel when you went to New York? You ……. with
A can stay В could stay С could have stayed
30 I've lost one of my gloves. I .......................... it somewhere.
A must drop В must have dropped
С must be dropping D must have been dropping
31 Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It ...........................rain later.
A may В might С can D could
32 What was wrong with you? Why............................. go to hospital?
A had you to В did you have to С must you
33 There's plenty of time. You ............................. hurry.
A don't have to В mustn't С needn't
34 It was a great party last night. You ............................. come. Why didn't you?
A must have В should have С ought to have D had to
35 Jane ................................ a car.
A suggested that I buy В suggested that I should buy С suggested me to buy
36 I think all drivers ...............................seat belts.
A should wear В had better wear С had better to wear
37 It's late. It's time ............................... home.
A we go В we must go С we should go D we went
38 I'm not tired enough to go to bed yet. I wouldn't sleep if I ……… to bed now.
A go В went С had gone D would go
39 If I were you, I .............................. that coat. It's much too expensive.
A won't buy В don't buy С am not going to buy D wouldn't buy
40 I decided to stay at home last night. I would have gone out if I ...................... so tired.
A wasn't В weren't С wouldn't have been D hadn't been
41 I wish I................................. a car. It would make life so much easier.
A have В had С would have
42 We ................................. by a loud noise during the night.
A woke up В are woken up С were woken up D were waking up
43 There's somebody walking behind us. I think .............................
A we are following В we are being followed
С we are followed D we are being following
44 “Where ................................ ?” “In London.”
A were you born В are you born С have you been born D did you born
45 The train.................................arrive at 11.30 but it was an hour late.
A supposed to В is supposed to С was supposed to
46 Where ................................ ? Which hairdresser did you go to?
A did you cut your hair
В have you cut your hair
С did you have cut your hair D did you have your hair cut
47 Hello, Jim. I didn't expect to see you today. Sonia said you ...................... ill.
A are В were С was D should be
48 Ann …………….. and left.
A said goodbye to me В said me goodbye С told me goodbye
49 “How ................................... ?” “Nobody knows.”
A happened the accident В did happen the accident
С did the accident happen
50 “Do you know where ................................?” “No, he didn't say.”
A Tom has gone В has Tom gone С has gone Tom
51 The police officer stopped us and asked us where ..........................
A were we going В are we going С we are going D we were going
52 “Do you think it's going to rain?” “ .......................... “
A 1 hope not В I don't hope С I don't hope so
53 “You don't know where Karen is, ............................ ?” “Sorry, I've no idea.”
A don't you В do you С is she
54 You can't stop me ................................. what I want.
A doing В do С to do D that I do
55 I must go now. I promised ............................... late.
A not being В not to be С to not be D I wouldn't be
56 Do you want ................................... with you or do you want to go alone?
A me coming В me to come С that I come D that I will come
57 I'm sure I locked the door: I clearly remember ........................... it.
A locking В to lock С to have locked
58 She tried to be serious but she couldn't help .............................
A laughing В to laugh С that she laughed
59 I like the kitchen as often as possible.
A cleaning В clean С to clean D that I clean
60 I'm tired. I'd rather .................................. out this evening, if you don't mind.
A not going В not to go С don't go D not go
61 “Shall I stay here?” “I'd rather ............................ with us.”
A you come В you to come С you came D you would come
62 Are you looking forward ................................ Ann again?
A seeing В to see С to seeing
63 When Jane came to Britain, she had to get used .......................... on the left.
A driving В to driving С to drive
64 I'm thinking ................................... a house. Do you think that's a good idea?
A to buy В of to buy С of buying
I'm sure you'll have no ........................ the exam.
A difficulty to pass
В difficulties to pass
С difficulties passing D difficulty passing
A friend of mine phoned........................ me to a party.
A for invite В to invite С for inviting D for to invite
Jim doesn't speak very clearly. .......................................
A It is difficult to understand him. В He is difficult to understand.
С He is difficult to understand him.
The path was icy, so we walked very carefully. We were afraid...........
A of falling В from falling С to fall
I didn't hear you ........................... in. You must have been very quiet.
A come В to come С came
.......................... a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner.
A Finding В After finding С Having found D We found
Call an ambulance. There's been ........................
A accident В an accident С some accident
“Where are you going?” “I'm going to buy .................. “
A a bread В some bread С a loaf of bread
Sandra works at a big hospital. She's .......................
A nurse В a nurse С the nurse
She works six days.................. week.
A in В for С a D the
There are millions of stars in .........................
A space В a space С the space
Every day ............................ begins at 9 and finishes at 3.
A school В a school С the school
.......................... a problem in most big cities.
A Crime is В The crime is С The crimes are
When .............................. invented?
A was telephone
В were telephones
С was the telephone D were the telephones
We visited ..............................
A Canada and United States
В the Canada and the United States
С Canada and the United States
D the Canada and United States
Julia is a student at ...........................
A London University В the London University С the University of London
What time ............................. on television?
A is the news В are the news С is news
It took us quite a long time to get here. It was .................... journey.
A three hour В a three-hours С a three-hour
Where is ............................... ?
A the manager office
В the manager's office
С the office of the manager
D the office of the manager's
84 I'm going to a wedding on Saturday ............................ is getting married.
A A friend of me В A friend of mine С One my friends
85 What time shall we ........................... this evening?
A meet В meet us С meet ourselves
86 They live on a busy road .............................. a lot of noise from the traffic.
A It must be В There must be С There must have D It must have
87 He's lazy. He never does ................. work.
A some В any С no
88 “What would you like to eat?” “I don't mind ...................... whatever you've got.”
A Something В Anything С Nothing
89 We couldn't buy anything because ...................... of the shops were open.
A all В no one С none D nothing
90 When we were on holiday, we spent ......................money.
A a lot of В much С too much
............................. don't visit this part of the town.
A The most tourists В Most of tourists С Most tourists
92 I asked two people the way to the station but ..................... of them knew.
A none В either С both D neither
93 It was a great party .............................. enjoyed it.
A Everybody В All С All of us D Everybod y of us
94 The bus service is very good. There's a bus .............. ten minutes.
A each В every С all
95 I don't like stories ........................... have unhappy endings.
A that В they С which D who
96 I didn't believe them at first but in fact everything ................... was true.
A they said В that they said С what they said
97 What's the name of the man ......................... ?
A you borrowed his car
В which car you borrowed
С whose car you borrowed
D his car you borrowed
98 Colin told me about his new job, ...................... very much.
A that he's enjoying
В which he's enjoying
С he's enjoying
D he's enjoying it
99 Sheila couldn't come to the party, ......................was a pity.
A that В it С what D which
100 Some of the people ......................... to the party can't come.
A inviting В invited С who invited D they were invited
101 Jane doesn't enjoy her job. She's … … because she does the same thing every day.
A boring В bored
102 The woman was carrying a ........................bag.
A black small plastic
В small and black plastic
С small black plastic
D plastic small black
103 Maria's English is excellent. She speaks .....................
A perfectly English В English perfectly С perfect English D English perfect
104 He .............................. to find a job but he had no luck.
A tried hard В tried hardly С hardly tried
I haven't seen her for ....................... I've forgotten what she looks like.
A so long В a so long time С a such long time D such a long time
I haven't got ......................... on holiday at the moment.
A money enough to go
В enough money to go
С money enough for going
D enough money for going
Let's get a taxi. It's ....................... to walk.
A a quite long way В quite a long way С rather a long way
The exam was quite easy - ..................... we expected.
A more easy that В more easy than С easier than D easier as
The more electricity you use, ......................
A your bill will be higher
В will be higher your bill
С the higher your bill will be
He's a fast runner. I can't run as fast as ...................
A he В him С he can
The film was really boring. It was ................... I've ever seen.
A most boring film
В the more boring film
С the film more boring
D the most boring film
Tom likes walking ..............................................
A Every morning he walks to work. В He walks to work every morning.
С He walks every morning to work.
............................ a long time for the bus.
A Always we have to wait В We always have to wait
С We have always to wait D We have to wait always
Ann ............................ She left last month.
A still doesn't work here
В doesn't still work here
С no more works here
D doesn't work here any more
............................ she can't drive, she has bought a car.
A Even В Even though С Even if D Even when
I couldn't sleep ........................ very tired.
A although I was В despite I was С despite of being D in spite of being
You should insure your bicycle .................... stolen.
A in case it will be В if it will be С in case it is D if it is
The club is for members only. You .................. you're a member.
A can't go in if В can go in only if С can't go in unless D can go in unless
Angela has been married a long time. She got married......she was 23 years old.
A when В as
What a beautiful house! It's ............a palace.
A as В like
They are very kind to me. They treat me ................. their own son.
A like I am В as if I am С as if I was D as if I were
I'll be in London next week. I hope to see Tom, ....... there.
A while I will be В while I am С during my visit D during I am
Fred is away at the moment. I don't know exactly when he's coming back but
I'm sure he'll be back ...............Monday.
A by В until
I'll be at home………Friday morning. You can phone me then.
A at В on С in
I'm going away ..... the end of January.
A at В on С in
When we were in Italy, we spent a few days ………. Venice.
A at В to С in
Our flat is ....... the second floor of the building.
A at В on С in
I saw Jack ....... a concert last Saturday.
A at В on С in
What time did they ....................... the hotel?
A arrive to В arrive at С arrive in D get to E get in
Tom's away at the moment. He's . holiday in France.
A at В on С in D for
We travelled ................ 6.45 train, which arrived at 8.30.
A in the В on the С by the D by
Have you read any books ... ……. Agatha Christie?
A of В from С by
The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage ….… the other car.
A of В for С to D on E at
Why were you so unfriendly……..Tessa? Have you had an argument with her?
A of В for С to D with
I'm not very good .... …. repairing things.
A at В for С in D about
I don't understand this sentence. Can you ...................?
A explain to me this word В explain me this word С explain this word to me
If you're worried about the problem, you should do something …… it.
A for В about С against D with
“Who is Tom Madely?” “I've no idea. I've never heard ……..him.”
A about В from С after D of
“What time will you arrive?” “I don't know. It depends
the traffic.”
A of В for С from D on
I prefer tea ....... coffee.
A to В than С against D over
They gave me a form and told me to ...........
A fill in В fill it in С fill in it
The Noun
1) a; 2) b; 3) a; 4) b; 5) b; 6) b; 7) a; 8) b; 9) a; 10) a; 11) a; 12) a; 13) a; 14) a; 15) a; 16) a; 17) a;
18) b; 19) a; 20) c.
The Article
1) -; 2) -; 3) a, -; 4) -; 5) a, a; 6) an, a, a, the, a; 7) a, -; 8) a; 9) the, the; 10) the, the; 11) a; 12) a, -,
the; 13) the, -; 14) the; 15) the; 16) a, -; 17) the, the, -; 18) the; 19) -; 20) the, the; 21) the, the; 22)
the, the, -; 23) the, a; 24) a, the; 25) the, a; 26) - 27) -, the, -; 28) the, a, the; 29) the; 30) -, the, -.
The Adjective
1) a; 2) a; 3) b; 4) c; 5) c; 6) b; 7) a; 8) a; 9) c; 10) b; 11) a; 12) b; 13) c; 14) a; 15) c; 16) b; 17) a;
18) b; 19) a 20) c; 21) c; 22) b; 23) a; 24) c; 25) d; 26) b; 27) a; 28) d.
The Pronoun
1) c; 2) b; 3) c; 4) b; 5) a; 6) b; 7) c; 8) a; 9) b; 10) a; 11) b; 12) b; 13) b; 14) a; 15) b; 16) b; 17) c;
18) b; 19) a; 20) c; 21) b; 22) a; 23) b; 24) c; 25) b; 26) b; 27) b; 28) a; 29) b; 30) c; 31) b; 32) a; 33)
b; 34) c; 35) c; 36) a; 37) c; 38) b; 39) b; 40) b; 41) b; 42) b; 43) b; 44) c; 45) a; 46) c; 47) a; 48) a;
49) b; 50) c.
The Numeral
1) d; 2) b; 3) c ; 4) d; 5) c; 6) c; 7) b; 8) b; 9) b; 10) a; 11) c; 12) b; 13) a; 14) a; 15) a; 16) b; 17) c;
18) c; 19) c; 20) b.
The Adverb
1) c; 2) c; 3) a; 4) b; 5) a; 6) a; 7) b; 8) c; 9) b; 10) a; 11) b; 12) b; 13) b; 14) b; 15) a; 16) b; 17) a;
18) b; 19) a; 20) a, b.
The Use of Tenses in the Active Voice
Mark Twain
Peter and Mary
1) arrived
2) was
3) were trying / tried
4) had been packed / was packed
5) asked
6) could
7) felt
1) were standing
2) were waiting
3) were coming
4) were walking
5) were watching
6) talking
7) wondered
8) didn't believe
9) would be given
10) noticed
11) was looking
12) saw
13) change
14) whispered
15) understood
16) was being talked
17) came
18) offered
19) was
20) wanted
8) were doing
9) are walking
10) are running
11) is walking
12) looking
13) is hurrying
14) is not
15) are
16) explained
17) were going
18) were carrying
19) was taking
20) were limping
21) looked
22) saw
The Use of Tenses in the Passive Voice
1) b; 2) c; 3) a; 4) b; 5) c; 6) b; 7) a; 8) d; 9) b; 10) c; 11) b; 12) a; 13) b; 14) d; 15) b; 16) c; 17) b;
18) a; 19) c; 20) b.
Modal Verbs
1) a, b; 2) a, c; 3) c; 4) b; 5) a, b, c; 6) b; 7) a, c; 8) b, c; 9) a; 10) c; 11) b; 12) a; 13) b; 14) b; 15) b;
16) c; 17) c; 18) b; 19) c; 20) a; 21) b; 22) c; 23) b; 24) a; 25) b; 26) c; 27) a; 28) c; 29) a; 30) a,
The Subjunctive Mood
1) b; 2) b; 3) b; 4) d; 5) a; 6) b; 7) a, b; 8) a; 9) d; 10) b; 11) d; 12) d; 13) b; 14) a; 15) b; 16) c; 17) b;
18) a; 19) c; 20) c.
The Sequence of Tenses and Reported Speech
1) a; 2) c; 3) c; 4) c; 5) c; 6) b; 7) a; 8) b; 9) d; 10) a; 11) c; 12) b; 13) d; 14) a; 15) d; 16) a; 17) c;
18) a; 19) b; 20) a.
1) c; 2) b; 3) a; 4) c; 5) d; 6) a; 7) a, c; 8) b; 9) d; 10) b; 11) c; 12) a; 13) d; 14) b; 15) c; 16) a; 17) b;
18) a; 19) c; 20) d.
Structural Parts of Speech
1) b; 2) d; 3) a; 4) c; 5) e; 6) d; 7) a; 8) e; 9) b; 10) d; 11) e; 12)a; 13) c; 14) b; 15) a; 16)b; 17) c; 18)
b; 19) a; 20) c; 21) a; 22) b; 23) c; 24) b; 25) a; 26) a; 27) a; 28) c; 29) d; 30) b; 31) c; 32) c; 33) c;
34) c; 35) b; 36) c; 37) a; 38) b; 39) d; 40) a; 41) d; 42) b; 43) d; 44) b; 45) c; 46) a; 47) a; 48) c; 49)
b; 50) a; 51) b; 52) b; 53) b; 54) a; 55) d; 56) c; 57) b; 58) c; 59) c; 60) b.
Parts of Speech
1) indefinite article; qualitative adjective
2) modal word; personal pronoun
3) preposition; class noun
4) demonstrative pronoun; proper noun
5) personal pronoun; abstract noun
6) interjection; preposition
7) conjunction; adverb of measure or degree
8) adverb of time; preposition
9) qualitative adjective; class noun
10) conjunction; adverb of measure or degree
11) abstract noun; ordinal numeral
12) indefinite pronoun; demonstrative pronoun
13) possessive pronoun; abstract noun
14) negative pronoun; abstract noun
15) qualitative adjective; abstract noun
16) adverb of time; adverb of time;
17) class noun; adverb of repetition or frequency
18) definite article; relative adjective
19) demonstrative pronoun; abstract noun
20) adverb of time; relative adjective
21) indefinite pronoun; relative adjective
22) conjunction; adverb of quantity
23) adverb of direction; qualitative adjective
24) interjection; abstract noun
25) adverb of manner; collective noun
26) definite article; adverb of frequency
27) conjunction; adverb of place
28) abstract noun; noun of material
29) personal pronoun; adverb of repetition
30) preposition; qualitative adjective
31) qualitative adjective; proper noun
32) preposition; proper noun
33) abstract noun; conjunction
34) interrogative pronoun; collective noun
35) indefinite article; adverb of quantity
36) abstract noun; collective noun
37) participle I; adverb of direction
38) adverb of repetition; preposition
39) adverb of time; preposition
40) preposition; class noun
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. B, C
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. C
11. A
12. B
13. A
14. D
15. A
16. A
17. A
18. C
19. B
20. C
21. A
22. C
23. A, C
B, D
B, C
A, C
A, C
A, C
B, C
B, C
A, B
A, D
B, C
C, D
B, C
141. B
24. B
25. C
26. A
27. A, B
28. A,C
29. C
30. B
31. A, B, D
32. B
33. A, C
34. B, C
35. A,B
A, B
B, C
94. B
95. A, C
96. A, B
97. C
98. B
99. D
100. B
101. B
102. C
103. B, C
104. A
105. A, D
B, D
Recommended Literature
Крылова И.П., Гордон Е.М. Грамматика современного английского языка для ин-тов и
фак. иностр. яз. – 4-е изд., испр. – M.: Книжный дом «Университет», 1999. – 448 с.
Крылова И.П. Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка:
Учебное пособие для языка для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. – 3-е изд., испр. – M.: Книжный
дом «Университет», 1999. – 432 с.
Алюнина О.Г., Нос И.И. Практическая грамматика английского языка (морфология):
Учебное пособие. – Ставрополь: Изд-во СГУ, 2001. – 188 с.
Alexander L. G. English Grammar. Longman, 2003. – 374 pp.
Murphy R. English Grammar in Use for Intermediate Students. Cambridge University Press,
2001, - 350 pp.
Список используемой литературы
1. Алюнина О.Г., Нос И.И. Практическая грамматика английского языка (морфология):
Учебное пособие. – Ставрополь: Изд-во СГУ, 2001. – 188 с.
2. Бармина Л.А., Верховская И.П. Учимся употреблять артикли: Учеб. Пособие для ин-тов и
фак. иностр. яз. – М.: Высш. шк., 1989. – 191c.
3. Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка. – М., 1996.
– 672 с.
4. Клоуз Р.А. Справочник по грамматике для изучающих английский язык. – М.:
Просвещение, 1979. – 352 с.
5. Крылова И.П., Гордон Е.М. Грамматика современного английского языка для ин-тов и
фак. иностр. яз. – 4-е изд., испр. – M.: Книжный дом «Университет», 1999. – 448 с.
6. Лич Д., Свартвик Я. Коммуникативная грамматика английского языка. – М.:
Просвещение, 1983. – 304 с.
7. Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями (Морфология). Учеб.
пособие. М.: «Высш. школа»,1975, – 208 c.
8. Alexander L. G. English Grammar. Longman, 2003. – 374 pp.
9. Alexander L. G. Longman English Grammar Practice for Intermediate Students. Longman,
2004. - 296 pp.
10. Foley M., Hall D. Advanced Learners’ Grammar. A self-study reference & practice book with
answers. Longman, 2004. – 384 pp.
11. Ganshina M. A., Vasilevskaya N. M. English Grammar, - Higher School Publishing House,
1964, - 548 pp.
12. Kaushanskaya V. L. A Grammar of the English Language. Moscow: Prosvesheniye, 1973, 319
13. Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture, 1992, - 1550 pp.
14. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use for Intermediate Students. Cambridge University Press,
2001, - 350 pp.