Four Color Theorem - the missing link R. L. Hudson 4-05-2014 Abstract The conjecture [1] stated that four colors are sufficient for any 2-dimensional plane map so that no two regions with a shared border are the same color. The conjecture is now a theorem [2], the result of a lengthy and complex proof, involving over 1000 classifications of graph objects and over 1000 hours of computer time. Instead of considering all maps, this paper examines which elements of a map are possible and the issue of causality. 1. Method To simplify the analysis, map configurations will be transformed to graph objects. fig. 1a fig. 1b fig. 1c Within the regions 1 and 2 (fig.1a), a small circle (node) is formed which represents the area of each region (fig. 1b). A line connecting the nodes represents any path crossing the border between any two regions. The shared border must have a length greater than zero. Removal of the original geographic borders leaves the graph representation (fig.1c). This eliminates dealing with regions having highly irregular borders, and focuses on connectivity. Regions cannot overlap on a real map, therefore the lines (links) between nodes cannot cross. 1.1 The color restriction for maps can be restated for graphs as: no paired nodes are the same color. 2. Definitions 2.1 Color number is the minimum quantity of colors required that does not violate color restriction as stated in 1.1. 2.2 Objects are configurations of connected nodes. 2.3 Complete means all node pairs are formed. 2.4 Basic objects are complete. 2.5 A set of colors is represented by the letters {A,B,C,D,...}. 3. Proposed Cause 3.1. If node x contacts k different colored nodes in a set of n nodes with a current color number k, then by 1.1, x requires an additional color. This means there are two requirements to increase the color number. 3.1.1 The set contains a complete k colored object. 3.1.2 Node x has access to one of each of the k colored nodes. Access also implies that the color number of the resulting object is determined locally (within a one link range) and independently of the remaining n - k nodes. 4. Forming basic objects The 1-color or 1c basic object is a single node, which in geographical terms represents an island. This is a total state of isolation and allows the reuse of one color. fig. 4a fig. 4b fig.4c Linking nodes in one dimension (fig.4a) only requires two colors, since the added node isolates the next additional node from all previous ones. Linking in 2 dimensions (fig.4b) forms a closed sequence, requiring three colors (fig.4c), and replaces the 1-dimensional isolation with 2-dimensional isolation. If fig.4c was on the surface of a sphere, it would be obvious that interior and exterior references are irrelevant when adding nodes. fig. 4d fig. 4e Adding a node to fig.4c, with maximum linking, forms fig.4d, requiring four colors. If additional nodes are added, the 2-dimensional isolation allows reuse of one of the isolated colors (fig.4e). The 1, 2, and 3 color basic objects satisfied condition 3.1, but the 4c object (fig.4d) fails since it lacks access. To form a 5c object requires an additional dimension to defeat the current state of isolation, as was done with the previous objects. 5. Completeness Since lines cannot partition a 3D space, all pairs are possible in 3D, with total access and no isolation. An n node object requires n colors, therefore color number k = n. The line count L in 3D is L3 = n(n-1)/2, with n>2. Examining fig.4e, with maximum linking, each additional node can only form three links. The isolated node color can be reused, and color number k becomes independent of node count n. The line count L in 2D is L2 = 3n-6, with n>2. The variable m is used as a measure of completeness for the node count of a graph. It is defined as the ratio of maximum linked pairs in 2D to maximum linked pairs in 3D. m = L2 /L3 = 6(n-2)/n(n-1) The value of m equals 1 for 3 and 4 nodes but is always decreasing for n >4. The difference (1-m) may also be used as a measure of redundancy, relative to color number. 6. The causality issue and redundancy fig. 6a fig. 6b Some authors use fig. 6a as an argument against completeness as the cause of color number, reasoning that there are not 3 mutually connected nodes as in fig.4c yet it still requires 3 colors. Fig. 6b is the 4 color counterpart for the same argument. By 3.1 the node colored C in figure 6a is determined by the first AB pair it contacts. fig.6c fig.6d If either AB pair is removed leaving a single link as in fig.6c, a third color is required. The same procedure can be applied to fig.6b, by removing one AB pair. The color number is determined by the complete object that remains after removal of the redundant parts of the configuration. An alternate approach is to consider the objects before the last node was added. In each case the new node could have been linked to a different pair which would have been complete, making the other pairs redundant. In these cases, redundancy obscures completeness. 7. Map Analysis MA uses a tabular representation of a graph containing each node's location and connective relationship to all other nodes. This enables analysis of a map without the classification of objects by configuration. MA provides a systematic, consistent method for assigning colors to a map, in accordance with condition 1.1. It avoids the color conflicts which may not be apparent for large complex maps. The table has n rows and n columns, n being the number of nodes. The map is numbered starting at an arbitrary node, and moving to adjacent nodes, labeling them in consecutive order from 1 to n. The columns are numbered at the top, left to right, and the number of lines leaving each node is entered at the bottom of each column. The columns are then sorted in reverse order with the greatest line count as column 1. The reason for this is statistically the node with the greatest line count will have the most color restrictions. The rows are numbered the same as the columns. The value for each cell is 1 if the row node contacts the column node, 0 otherwise. Because contact is independent of order, the section above the diagonal mirrors the lower and is not needed. The diagonal values are 'x' because the values 0 and 1 only apply to pairs and they also serve as a visual aid. The colors are assigned to each row node from top to bottom by placing a 1 in the corresponding color column. For each row, if the cell value is 1, then a 0 is entered in the column corresponding to the color assigned to the linked node, preventing its use for the row node. The process is repeated for the remaining nodes, always using the first color available from the sequence ABCD. A 2 6 1 D C B 3 5 4 fig. 7a C D fig. 7b 2 3 4 5 1 6 2 x 1 1 1 1 1 5 table 7.1 3 4 5 1 6 x 1 x 1 1 x 1 1 0 x 1 0 1 0 x 5 4 4 3 3 ABCD 1 01 001 0001 0001 0010 Fig.7a is the input for table 7.1, and fig.7b the result from using the coloring process in MA. 8. Reduction Table 1 can also be used in the reduction of a map by the removal of all redundant components, and adjusting the table values. The color assignments in table 7.1 show nodes 1 and 6 as repeat colors. 2 3 4 5 2 x 1 1 1 A table 8.1 4 5 ABCD 1 01 x 001 1 x 0001 3 x 1 1 B D C fig. 8a Table 8.1 is table 7.1 reduced and fig.8a the corresponding basic 4c object. Examining the color columns in table 7.1, the number of occurrences of ordered sequences A B C D is 1*1*2*2 = 4. This means there are four basic 4c objects embedded in the graph, which may be considered as a superposition of basic objects (fig. 8a-8d). 2 2 2 1 6 3 4 fig. 8b 6 1 3 5 fig. 8c 3 fig. 8d Any graph can be reduced to a basic object by removing the redundant elements, which corresponds to removing the zeros from the table. 9. Causality 2 1 4 3 6 5 11 A C 7 10 9 8 C B B A fig. 9a C A C B 12 A B fig.9b 6 9 2 8 10 table 9.1 1 3 4 7 5 6 9 2 8 10 1 3 4 7 11 12 5 x 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 x 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 x 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 x 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 x 0 0 0 1 0 1 x 0 1 0 0 0 x 0 1 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 x 1 6 6 6 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 11 12 x ABCD 1 01 001 001 010 100 010 100 001 001 100 010 The isolation effect is examined using fig.9a as the input for table 9.1 with fig.9b the resulting coloring. According to 3.1 the coloring of the 4-node sample configuration (9 thru12) is independent of nodes 1 thru 4. 5 6 9 8 10 7 11 12 5 x 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 table 9.2 6 9 8 10 7 11 12 x 1 0 1 1 0 0 x 1 1 0 1 1 x 0 0 1 0 x 1 x 0 0 x 1 0 1 x ABCD 1 01 001 01 10 001 10 01 Table 9.2 is table 9.1 with nodes 1 thru 4 removed and produces the same coloring for the sample. Table 9.1 has less than maximum links and the color columns show two color restrictions for each node after row 2. This means there are two remaining colors to choose. Fewer links results in less color restriction and defeats any attempt to increase color number. 10. Conclusion Using maximum links, the color number for a 2D plane is determined with the first four nodes, as shown in fig.4d. Additional nodes only generate more node triads, isolation allows the reuse of one color, and the color number becomes independent of the node count. Once color number is determined, the remainder of the map is redundant as shown in section 5. If less than maximum links are formed, and the plane is uniformly covered with triangulated nodes (boundaries) as in fig.9b, with a color number of 3, a new node added with maximum links to any randomly selected boundary would require a fourth color. This supports statement 3.1. When the map is divided into boundaries, the coloring process operates in each boundary independently of the others. The notion of causality spreading through the links, and therefore a larger map providing a possible configuration for the 5c object, has been shown to be a false assumption. If all the links of a map were necessary, none could be removed, and reduction would not be possible. As shown in section 8, for k=1 to 4, a k-colored map can be reduced to a basic k-colored object. 1 2 3 4 2D 5 table 10.1 1 2 3 4 5 x 1 x 1 1 x 1 1 1 x 1 1 1 0 x 3D 5 1 1 1 1 x ABCDE 1 01 001 0001 0001 00001 Table 10.1 represents the 4c object (fig.4e) in 2D with the last row in 3D for comparison. Node 5 in 2D is isolated from node 4 allowing color D to be reused. Node 5 in 3D is linked to node 4 requiring a fifth color E. The difference is the extra dimension defeating the isolation in 2D. The 5c object (fig.10a) requires an additional dimension for linking, and therefore a torus for its representation as neighboring regions (fig.10b). fig.10a fig.10b references [1] color theorem [2] Appel, Kenneth; Haken, Wolfgang; Koch, John (1977), "Every Planar Map is Four Colorable", Illinois Journal of Mathematics 21: 439–567