Magazines from the Past American City --

from the Past
American City --- HT101 .A45
1909 – 1975
American Home --- NA7100 .A45
1925 - 1978
American Magazine --- AP2 .A265
1905 - 1956
American Mercury --- AP2 .A27
1924 - 1979
Arena --- AP2 .A72
1889 - 1909
Atlantic (AKA Atlantic Monthly) --- AP2 .A85
1857 –
Better Homes & Gardens
1924 – 2001 (microfilm)
Blackwoods Magazine --- AP4 .B62
1817 - 1970
Business Week --- HF5001 .B89
1937 Catholic World --- AP2 .C378
1908 -1909
1922 - 1971
Chautauquan --- AP2 .C48
Christian Century --- BR1 .C45
1927 1902 – 1926 (microfilm)
Collier's --- AP2 .C65
1904 - 1957
1895 - 1905 (microfilm)
Commonweal --- AP2 .C66
1943 1924 - 1943 (microfilm)
Contemporary Review --- AP4 .C68
1866 - 1993
Ebony --- AP2 .E165
1982 1945 - 1992 (microfilm)
Edinburgh Review --- AP4 .E34
1802 
Esquire --- AP2 .E845
1964 – 2002
Foreign Affairs --- D410 .F78
1922 –
Fortnightly Review --- AP4 .F67
1865 – 1934
Fortune --- HF5001 .F77
1930 Good Housekeeping --- TX1 .G66
1905 – 1980 microfilm 1885-1904, 1981-1992
Harper's Bazaar --- TT500 .H37
1897-1914, 1968-1980
Harper's Magazine --- AP2 .H3
1850 –
Harper's Weekly --- AP2 .H32
1857 - 1916
Holiday --- AP2 .H592
1946 - 1977
House and Garden -- NA7100 .H65
1921 - 1980
House and Home -- NA7100 .M33
1952 - 1977
House Beautiful -- NA7100 .H68
1905 - 1980
Illustrated London News --- AP4 .I44
1891 - 2003
Independent --- AP2 .I53
1881 - 1928
Ladies' Home Journal --- AP2 .L135
1900 1884 - 1901 (microfilm)
Leslie's Weekly --- AP2 .L47
1891 – 1922
Life --- AP2 .L547
1939 – 2002
Lippincott's Magazine --- AP2 .L556
1868 - 1915
Literary Digest --- AP2 .L58
1894 -1937
Living Age --- AP2 .L47
1844 - 1941
Look --- AP2 .L79
1951 - 1971
1937 - 1971 (microfilm)
Mademoiselle -- AP2 .M2334
1955 - 1981
McCall's --- TX1 .M22
1962 - 2001
Nation --- AP2 .N2
1865 Nation’s Business --- HF1 .N47
1923 - 1999
National Geographic --- G1 .N27
1888 –
National Review --- AP2 .N3545
1957 1955 - 1957 (microfilm)
National Review (London) --- AP4 .N38
1883 – 1911
New England Magazine --- AP2 .N42
1889 – 1916
New Republic --- AP2 .N624
1914 New Yorker --- AP2 .N6763
1944 1925 - 1944 (microfilm)
Newsweek --- AP2 .N6772
1937 Nineteenth Century --- AP4 .N56
1877 North American Review --- AP2 .N72
Outlook --- AP2 .O87
1893 - 1928
Outlook and Independent --- AP2 .O87
1928 - 1932
Parents’ Magazine --- HQ768 .P33
1929 - 1953
Popular Mechanics --- T1 .P77
1905 Public Opinion --- AP2 .P92
1888 - 1910
Reader's Digest --- AP2 .R255
1926 – 2002
1922 - 1926 (microfilm)
Recreation --- GV421 .P62
1931 - 1965
Review of Reviews --- AP2 .R45
1890 – 1937
Rotarian --- HF5001 .R739
1939 - 2002
Saturday Evening Post --- AP2 .S2
1949 –
1897 - 1969 (microfilm)
Scientific American --- T1 .S5
1880 –
Scribner's Magazine --- AP2 .S36
1887 - 1939
Seventeen --- HQ798 .S43
1964-1974 1995 –
Southern Literary Messenger --- AP2 .S817
1834 – 1864
Sports Illustrated --- GV561 .S733
1954 - 1979
1954 - 2005 (microfilm)
Sunset --- F851 .S95
1912 - 1936
1953 - 1991
Time --- AP2 .T37
1923 Travel --- G149 .T78
Vanity Fair --- AP2 .V36
1914 - 2002
Vogue --- TT500 .V73
1956 –
Westminster Review --- AP4 .W47
1824 - 1913
Woman's Home Companion --- TX1 .W65
1920 - 1921 1932-1957
World's Work --- AP2 .W87
1900 – 1932