Review of Development Plan and Annual Report 2011/12 Cathal Brugha Swimming & Water Polo Club Phil Kelly Chairman Annual Report to AGM - 26 April 2012 1.0 Executive Summary On 22 June 2012, Cathal Brugha Swimming & Water Polo Club submitted a 3yr Development Plan to Belfast City Council as part of a funding application under the Councils Large Development Grant scheme. The plan was also submitted to Swim Ireland as part of our application for accreditation under the governing body Clubmark Award scheme. This report outlines performance against objectives which have been identified within year 1 of this plan, and provides a synopsis of the past years activities to members attending our AGM and other stakeholders. 1.1 Action Plan Tasks Our 2011/14 Development Plan identified five key areas for priority attention and these were: 1. To put in place a Coaching Pathway 2. To put in place a sustainable Player Pathway 3. To develop a sustainable player Recruitment/Retention programme 4. To put in place a Volunteer Programme 5. To establish effective & sustainable Governance arrangements Within the first year (2011-12) of the development plan 44 specific tasks/objectives were identified and at year end 34 of these tasks have been completed: that is a completion rate of 77%. However, as development opportunities identified themselves and priorities changed much more was accomplished, in addition to the specifics of the plan as it was originally drafted pre 2011/12. The extent and detail of our activities and achievements throughout the year is laid out chronologically within Section 4 of this report. All told, the Cathal Brugha Club has had a terrific year in terms of Club management, public profile and external validation of our management set up, despite experiencing some disappointing competition results in the pool which, given the improved structures and team preparation environment, can only get better over time. 2 1.2 Key Successes In terms of key successes over the 2011/12 year, these are listed below, in no particular order of importance or impact: 1. Our application for BCC Large Dev. Grant (£5,000) was successful and BCC’s continued support of partnership project initiatives e.g. ‘Make a Splash’ pathway to Club water polo, mini water polo league & ‘showcase’ events is here acknowledged 2. Our new Website and Facebook page went live and is now an essential communication tool, which is well used both internally and externally 3. Coach qualifications were achieved at Level 1 Water Polo, Pool Safety, Mini Water Polo, FUNdementals, Disability Awareness, Child Protection, First Aid, BCC ‘Out of Hours’ Training 4. A ‘Level 0’ point of entry Course was created and delivered for aspiring Water Polo Coaches within Cathal Brugha 5. Junior Coaching was Reviewed; training sessions were improved, coaching activities were amended to reflect LTAD programme, Coaching Activities & Lesson Planning Booklet has been drafted and will be launched at our Coaching Conference 6. Clubmark accreditation was achieved and subsequent external validation was provided by Sport NI 7. Substantial media & internet coverage throughout the year will have increased the public profile of the Cathal Brugha Club 8. Cathal Brugha played a leading role in successful negotiations between Ulster Water Polo and Swim Ulster to secure an innovative and much needed partnership arrangement. This was evidence of our strategic influence to promote a positive water polo environment beyond the ‘boundaries’ of the Cathal Brugha Club’s ‘normal’ activities 3 9. Cathal Brugha led the development of Ulster region Dev. Plan for 2012/13 10. A Competency & Essential Skills programme was developed within Cathal Brugha which included a baseline assessment of all junior players 11. Four Cathal Brugha boys & girls were selected on Ireland Junior Team and four men selected on Ireland Senior Team 12. Ciaran McGurk was awarded Junior Club – Coach of the Year in Belfast Sports Awards in Belfast City Hall 13. Ten Coaches from Cathal Brugha attend Child Protection Course 14. Cathal Brugha awarded Ulster Club of the Year and Ireland’s Club of the Year at Swim Ireland Annual Awards in Belfast City Hall 15. Cathal Brugha’s Clubmark journey was used as the preferred ‘case study’ at the Swim Ireland Annual Congress 16. Cathal Brugha 80th Anniversary Dinner at Balmoral Hotel 17. Cathal Brugha won the first ever mini water-polo league at Andersonstown Leisure Centre, in December 2011. We also finished in the top Four Play Offs in the National League Men’s Division One and were beaten finalists in the Men’s Irish Senior Cup. Our Women’s Team, although depleted through unavailability of some key players, performed well in all competitions. Our Under 16 and Under 19 Teams are in a development phase and competed well under the circumstances. Our Division 3 team, although winning the division last year, made the courageous decision to remaining in Div 3 and to use this league to develop junior players. The single gender U14 Cup had not yet been played at the time of writing this report. 4 Contents Chapter Page(s) Executive Summary 1.0 1.1 Action Plan Tasks 1.2 Key Successes Contents 2 3-4 5 Implementation of 2011/12 Plan 2.0 2.1 Priority Area 1: Create a Coaching Pathway 2.2 Priority Area 2: Create a Player Pathway 2.3 Priority Area 3: Create Recruitment & Retention Programme 2.4 Priority Area 4: Create Volunteer Programme 2.5 Priority Area 5: Effective & Sustainable Governance 3.0 Analysis of Action List 4.0 Key Development Milestones 5.0 Conclusion: Chairman’s Comments 6 7-8 9-10 11 12-13 14 15-16 17 5 2.0 Report on the implementation of our 2011/12 Plan Priority Areas The following table identifies the priority areas as set out in our original 2011/12 year Action List and provides a commentary on the implementation status of each objective. 2.1 Priority Area 1 is to establish a Coaching Pathway which will provide a structured and planned approach to coaching advancement. Objective Action Targets Commentary A. Establish an Introductory Level Coach Education Programme Work with senior coaches within the club/NGB to agree content of programme Introductory level Coaching programme developed Peter Cassidy led a very successful 3wk basic level course in February for aspiring Coaches B. To Progress Coaches through the coach education levels (also see Governance section) Agree to appoint a person responsible for coach education Exec Committee agree in principal to appoint a person responsible for Education management Director of Coaching is now responsible for Coach Education Source funding to assist with coaches taking courses Source funding for 4 x new level 1 coaches plus 2 x new level 2 coaches Complete Funding approved via BCC Large Dev Grant 2011/12 C. To introduce a CPD programme for all club coaches Devise an annual CPD programme for all club coaches (also see Governance section) Via Swim Ireland and Belfast City Council, create an annual CPD programme for all of our Coaches Swim Ulster approached re 1yr CPD plan examples provided of admin CPD Courses Response awaited from SU D. To raise the profile of club coaches Acknowledge the achievements of club coaches through website Create an on-going update on Club & Player achievements via a website blog, Facebook & Twitter Numerous acknowledgements to players, Coaches & Admin have been posted on site 6 Priority Areas Contd…. 2.2 Priority Area 2 is to clarify to all concerned how our water polo players can progress from introductory level right through to representation on the Cathal Brugha senior team and potentially with National squads. Objective A. Put in place a system to record performance s and reward achievement B. Develop links from under 11s through the age groups to senior teams Action To put in place a system to record and keep Team game statistics To put in place a system to record and retain individual players statistics with regards to performances during matches Targets Commentary Excel based system in place to collect , collate & analyse match sheets Source and implement system to monitor player performance during matches Update website and establish a blog, to be kept current, acknowledging player & team performances Prototype system developed Blog established and operating To acknowledge the performance of teams/players through local media/website/ Facebook, Twitter Establish and keep current Facebook & Twitter outlets Facebook in place Obtain newspaper editorial coverage relating to each game/club event. Regular press coverage attained & recorded Identify the most promising players in each age group Coaches to maintain a player progress log and provide reports as required. Senior coaches to keep under review potential Senior players from junior squads Senior coaches & players to occasionally attend under 14/16 squad sessions (e.g. monthly) Our Director of Coaching developed a set of competencies & progress log for all junior players. Invite best junior players to attend and take part in senior squad sessions Pathway from junior level squad training to senior squad training established in line with our LTAD Senior players amongst Coaches in attendance at junior sessions Progress pathway established 7 Invite age group players to attend senior league/cup/final matches Development of a club based competitive programme for Under 11 Squad players C. To develop a competition pathway catering for players at all levels in line with our LTAD Development of an inter club competition programme involving other Belfast Clubs for age group teams Create an opportunity for player development within competitive participation e.g. Div 3 team Review facilities & equipment requirements (coaches input required ) Provide priority training during tournament lead in period Establish an education experience for two most improved boys & girls junior players to attend senior cup finals (4 players & chaperone x 3 nights) Develop U11 squad to a competitive level Establish a mini-polo, Ulster under 11 league, at a Club session – 8wks Second senior teams to be used to proactively develop junior players Task reviewed by Exec Committee and decision taken not to pursue in this occasion U11 squad developed & Mini polo league established in Nov/Dec 2011 BCC funded Showcase event at Olympia – mini polo, 6 teams participate Div 3 now predominantly a development squad Sessions reviewed & new equipment purchased Cup sides given priority access to additional sessions 8 Priority Areas contd…. 2.3 Priority Area 3 is to develop a sustainable player Recruitment & Retention programme within the Club. Objective Action A. To work in partnership with the BCC to promote Water Polo Promote water polo to make splash participants who have attained levels 4 & 5 within the programme B. Develop an Under 11 Programme within the club Promote Water polo to schools involved with the BCC Schools swimming prog. 33 new players identified to date Create at least 2 x opportunities to demonstrate water polo to schools during 2011/12 & increase over next two years Water polo ‘showcased’ at St John the Baptist Primary School Swimming Gala and also at Andersonstown Leisure Centre Summer & Easter Schemes Water polo offered as taster activity within BCC activity programme Teach Swimming/Water polo fundaments to all new Under 11s Annual plan for development of U11’s created & implemented Obtain photo & editorial coverage in local media Commentary Welcome at least 12 new players at U11 level from ‘Make a Splash’ programme Offer Water polo taster sessions in local leisure Centre’s Develop an annual calendar of fun milestones C. Raise profile of sport/club/players through media Targets At least 4 x fun milestones per year developed for junior players At least 6 x press releases issued promoting club activities 2011/12 (10 in year 2 & 14 in year 3) Skills & Competency Framework has been developed Junior sessions has been reviewed & reorganized Teaching guide booklet drafted Substantial media coverage obtained – examples available for inspection 9 Establish a parents group Parents group established Parents Junior Sessions rotation Group established Produce an introduction to Water polo for all new parents ‘What is Water Polo’ information posted on website Complete Produce an regular club newsletter via hard copy and/or on line for parents Newsletter/blog providing up to date information produced on website Blog used as electronic newsletter E. Create role models of senior international players Invite junior members to participate in games before/during or after senior matches Senior & Junior Ulster leagues at same session Unable to complete as this is an Ulster Water Polo matter – will pursue with UWP F. Develop links with local FE Colleges and Universities Encourage senior players to advocate Club membership to fellow students Approach FE Colleges and Universities proposing player recruitment Not achieved G. Promote water polo to traditionally under-represented groups Direct recruitment to ethnic minorities, those with disabilities and women Approach umbrella organizations to promote water polo involvement Not achieved H. Raise player numbers during life of plan Recruit new players in all junior age groups Achieve 10% increase in numbers of available junior players based upon 2011 membership D. Improve communications from/to junior players and parents Make a Splash partnership with BCC - new player recruitment produced 33 new members = 23% increase in membership 10 Priority Areas contd…. 2.4 Priority Area 4 is to put in place a Volunteer Programme for the Club which includes methods by which we recognize the work & contribution of volunteers Objective Action A. Encourage parental participation Recruit volunteers from parents group Targets Establish parent group Identify 1 x new method for parental involvement Commentary Parent group established for supervision rota Incomplete – will defer to next year B. Encourage involvement of ex-players Recruit ex-players into Contact ex-players to a volunteer role, either encourage occasional or involvement consistent roles Unsuccessful – will continue to pursue this proposal C. Provide table officials and referees Recruit & train volunteers for table duty and refereeing Recruit 2 x new referees and 2 x new table officials each year during plan Incomplete – will defer to next year D. Plan process of volunteer recognition Recognise volunteer contributions via website, Facebook & Twitter Volunteer contributions acknowledged via media, website, Facebook & Twitter at regular intervals during life of plan Volunteer contributions recognized via website and also via invitations to represent Club at various dinners & awards ceremonies 11 Priority Areas contd…. 2.5 Priority Area 5 is to review governance structures and to establish effective & sustainable governance arrangements Objective Action Target Commentary A. Review Club administration structure Undertake a review of structural administration changes implemented during 2010/11 Administration structure meets Club needs Follow a review it was determined that no further actions are necessary at this time B. Revise roles & responsibilities Identify list of key roles & responsibilities and allocate these to a willing member Clarity of roles & responsibilities Role definitions drafted for most jobs C. Establish resource to manage Education, Mentoring & Qualification areas Devise job specification of Education Officer Clear role identified for an Education Officer Seek suitable volunteer and appoint an Education Officer Complete: Role included within Director of Coaching responsibilities Education Officer appointed Source appropriate Coach education & qualification courses and devise annual CPD programme Education Programme devised (see also Coach development section) Incomplete – awaiting response from Swim Ulster to request for further training opportunities. 4 newly level 1 coaches qualified Recruit Coaches & volunteers to Other courses participate in Education Programme attended included: Education Programme in place and Pool Safety Course, participants identified Mini Water Polo, Fundementals, Coaching persons with a Disability 12 Plan prepared and Hon Treasurer report to Exec as appropriate D. Ensure appropriate financial planning Prepare annual budget and income generation plan Financial plan in place E. Ensure effective lines of communication Develop Communication plan (internal & external communication) Communication plan in place & operating Incomplete – although a plan has not been created, a substantial improvement in the area of communication has taken place F. Further develop relationships with stakeholders/part ner organisations Prepare list of stakeholders, including partner organisations Stakeholder engagement plan in place (should form part of Communication plan) Incomplete – no formal plan has been created, however stakeholder communication has never been better Develop an action plan to ensure appropriate engagement with stakeholders 13 3.0 Analysis of Action List The above synopsis, which lists Complete and Incomplete actions, represents progress against our 2011/12 Development Plan Action List and is further demonstrated by the diagram below: Clearly, from the implementation report of identified priorities, more work is required in relation to improving our Volunteer Programme with only 2 out of 5 tasks completed. Additionally, although substantial work has been invested in improved internal & external communication, the omission of a Communication Plan (Governance Section) to bring this work together and to plan future actions is an area for future improvement Other clear areas for future improvement and/or development include: 1. Working more closely with our partners in Ulster Water Polo & Swim Ulster, especially given the progress made in partnership negotiations between these two bodies. 2. Timely access to relevant training courses organized by Swim Ireland 3. A closer relationship with the education sector in terms of water polo development in general and recruitment of members to our Club 4. Coaching support to our Senior Teams 5. Building upon successes to date in relation to Mini Water Polo 6. Review of income streams within Cathal Brugha These priorities will be prominent within our revised and updated annual plan 14 4.0 Chronological ‘Snapshot’ of Key Development & Activity Milestones September 2011 1. BCC confirm award of Large Development Grant £5,000 2. Cathal Brugha website goes live, with 80+ Club information posts to end April 3. Level 1 Water Polo Course – 4 coaches qualified at course 4. Development Pathway – ‘Make-a-Splash’ to Mini Polo, funding confirmed, Sept-Dec 5. Coaches attended CPD Course in FUNdementals & Mini Water Polo 6. Cathal Brugha AGM 7. Club Member registration reviewed November 2011 13. 24 new young players referred to Cathal Brugha from BCC ‘Make-a-Splash’ programme 14. Lord Mayor invited to attend Mini Water Polo League Finale 15. Substantial coverage in Irish News for mini polo league..also various website, Facebook etc. 16. Mini Water Polo League started at Atown on 15th Nov. 17. Cathal Brugha compete in Irish U19 Cup finals 18. Swim Ireland confirm Clubmark Award for Cathal Brugha – score 86% (70% passmark) January 2012 23. Boys & Girls at U16 Irish Cup finals at Lisburn 24. Cathal Brugha meeting with Swim Ulster to agree partnership opportunities 25. Application to BCC for ‘Showcase’ mini water polo event targeted at Swimming Clubs 26. Competencies & Skills programme developed creating development pathways for junior players - implementation in March 2012 27. Director of Coaching attended Disability Awareness Course at Atown Leisure Centre 28. SMcMahon & C Campfield attended pool safety course at Atown Leisure Centre 29. BCC ‘Out of Hours’ training received and access gained to Falls LC (Atown already available) 30. Members attended training in First Aid & Child Protection October 2011 8. Cathal Brugha propose mini water polo league at Ulster Water Polo Meeting 9. Cathal Brugha appoint new Coaching & Marketing Directors, CMcGurk & G O’Neill 10. Final Clubmark submission to Swim Ulster 11. Water polo Clubs meet to agree mini polo league format 12. Cathal Brugha Executive Committee review progress of 3yr plan December 2011 19. Cathal Brugha fundraising Quiz Night at Kings Head 20. 104 young players attend Mini Water Polo Finale on 13th Dec. Also present Belfast’s Lord Mayor, Swim Ireland CEO and around 200 spectators. 21. Charity Christmas Morning Swim at Bangor raised £500 for the Hydrotherapy Unit at Chlidren’s RVH 22. Cathal Brugha attracted substantial media coverage over the past year and this coverage ‘peaked’ in December, mainly in relation to our Mini Water Polo initiative. February 2012 31. Protest submitted to IWPA in relation to Mixed Gender U14 Irish Cup identifying physical inequity issues at this age where 15yr olds may compete against 10/11yr olds 32. Four Brugha boys & girls selected for Irish Junior Teams to compete in British Regional Championships on 10/02/12 33. Cathal Brugha facilitate development of regional Development Plan on behalf of Ulster Water Polo 34. Club Development Workshop held at Balmoral Hotel to review year past and to update current plan 35. Brugha have two out of three representatives on Ulster Water Polo delegation to negotiate partnership working with Swim Ulster 15 March 2012 April 2012 36. Clubmark External Verification meeting with Jonathan Woods (Knight Kavanagh Page) 37. Ciaran McGurk awarded Junior Club - Coach of the year at Belfast Sports Awards 38. 14th March – Ciaran McGurk receives half page profile coverage in Irish News 39. Brugha push for closer working partnership at negotiations with Swim Ulster delegation 40. First ever - Ulster Water Polo/Swim Ulster partnership & affiliation fees/funding agreed 41. Cathal Brugha 80th Anniversary Dinner at Balmoral Hotel – Irish News photo/coverage on 3 April 2012 42. 31st March, BCC ‘Showcase’ event - Mini Water Polo Blitz at Olympia Leisure Centre targeted at Swimming Clubs participation 43. Competencies & Skills programme, developed to create development pathway for Cathal Brugha junior players, implemented – junior players baseline assessment undertaken & recorded 44. Level 0 (foundation course) developed and delivered over 3wks to aspiring coaches within Cathal Brugha – Peter Cassidy Tutor 45. IWPA permit our entry to single gender U14 Cups – tournament on 5th or 6th May 2012 46. 21st March – Brugha Profile in Irish News 47. Structure & content of Junior training sessions reviewed 48. Squad structure introduced based upon Competency & Skills baseline assessment 49. Coaching syllabus created and agreed with Coaches 50. Key ‘Learning Points’ agreed and associated Activity programme identified 51. Learning Points & Training Activities booklet produced 52. Men’s Team were beaten finalists and our Women’s Team did not make Semi’s at the Irish Senior Cup 53. Attendance at Swim Ireland AGM & Annual Dinner & Awards Evening at Belfast City Hall 54. Cathal Brugha awarded Swim Ireland’s Club of the Year (Ulster Region and all Ireland) 2012 55. Progress report on Cathal Brugha Development Plan (Year past) submitted to BCC in order to release £1,000 funding balance from 2012 Large Development Grant Award 56. Cathal Brugha AGM held on 26th April 57. Ulster Water Polo (UWP) agree and adopt Cathal Brugha proposal for single & mixed gender junior water polo age bands – now forwarded to the IWPA 58. UWP agree strategic partnership with Swim Ulster 59. Ten Brugha Coaches attend Child Protection Course May & June 2012 (Closed Season) 60. Cathal Brugha Coaching Conference to be held at Balmoral Hotel – all Brugha Coaches & Team Managers invited to attend & Learning Points & Training Activities booklet to be distributed to all Junior Coaches 61. 5th/6th May - Single Gender U14 Cup in National Aquatic Centre 62. All final league & cup finishing positions to be collated to aid with targets for next season 63. Parents to be advised of new Coaching curriculum for junior players 64. New coaching curriculum to be introduced to Junior sessions 65. Application for BCC Large Development Grant to be prepared & submitted 66. Club Gala to be organised (Blair & Nathan Taylor to arrange) 67. Series of ‘friendly’ games to be arranged at various junior levels 68. Summer break arrangements & Sept restart dates to be advised to players & parents 69. Club fees and cash collection arrangements to be revised by Treasurer (consider 1st year introductory fee) 70. Coaches to be appointed for 2012/13 season July & August 2012 (Closed Season) 71. Family swim sessions to be arranged and info circulated 72. Preparations to be made for start of new 2012/13 season e.g. equipment purchased, pools booked, coaches on board, training courses planned, competition/funding events planned, targets set 73. Application to be prepared for BCC Clubmark (Silver) Award 74. Progress report to be submitted to Swim Ireland in line with Clubmark commitment’s 75. Consider application to Ulster Water Polo for funding proposal against UWP plan (part of SU Funding) 76. Preparations made for Club Member re-registration process 16 5.0 Conclusion: Chairman’s Comments Cathal Brugha Swimming & Water Polo Club has come a long way in the past year in terms of our administrative set up, our public profile and our player & coach development structure; culminating in Cathal Brugha being the first ever water polo Club to receive the Swim Ireland Ulster Region and National Club of the Year Awards for 2012 and of course in the Presidency of Swim Ireland being held by our own Wally Clarke. However, areas for improvement include recruitment & recognition of volunteers, planned internal & external communication, and working with ethnic minorities & persons with a disability and of course, despite the determination and courage of our players, we need to improve competition results at all playing levels. We look forward to next year consolidating improvements gained and to focus sufficient resources on identified areas for improvement. I would take this opportunity to thank our partners Belfast City Council & Lisburn City Council for their continued support, our Club volunteers whose contributions in all areas, from coaching to cash collection, are the life blood of progress, our players for their skills & application, our parents for their ever present support and to my colleagues on our Executive Committee for their continued resilience, innovation and determination to improve the lot of us all. Lastly, I know that I will be forgiven for singling out two individuals who continue to deliver on our Clubs progress, well above the ‘call of duty’, and who make a critical contribution to our continued success. They are Ciaran McGurk (Director of Coaching), for his endeavor, enthusiasm and forward thinking in terms of our Coaching preparedness and Gerry O’Neill who has surpassed all expectations in relation to the unprecedented media coverage gained over the past year, which has lifted the profile of our Club beyond all of our expectations…thank you gentlemen. In look forward to the challenges ahead and would encourage those of you who offer your support to the aspirations of Cathal Brugha to reinvest their talent & time again next year. I would invite those of you who perhaps may feel unfulfilled, in terms of your contribution, to come and speak to myself or any member of the Clubs Executive Committee and we will make sure that you have an opportunity to work within our Club and to influence future developments Looking forward….. Yours in Sport Phil Kelly Club Chairman 17