
Open Joint Stock Company
Magnitogorsk Institute for Engineering of Steel Plants
Customer – OJSC MMK
Rolling Shop No. 8. Slitting Line. Technical Revamping.
Oiling Machine
for designing and manufacturing of oiling machine
Open Joint Stock Company
Magnitogorsk Institute for Engineering of Steel Plants
Technical Director of OJSC MMK
Customer – OJSC MMK
Rolling Shop No. 8. Slitting Line. Technical Revamping.
Oiling Machine
for designing and manufacturing of oiling machine
Developed by:
General Director of
__________________ Yu. A. Tverskoy
Head of Rolling Shop-8 of OJSC MMK
______________ A.P. Tikhanovsky
Deputy General Director for Production and
Commerce of
__________________ A.G. Solovyov
Chief Rolling Engineering of OJSC MMK
______________ I.V. Seleznyov
Chief Project Engineer of
__________________ O.G. Schurov
Electrical Department
Head of the Department
V.N. Kozyr
Chief Specialist
Yu.G. Anikin
Automation Division
Head of the Department
S..V. Nosov
Chief Specialist
M.V. Satosin
Rolling Division
Head of the Department
V. Yu. Neyasov
Chief Specialist
V.L. Trakhtengerts
Development Engineer
A.V. Pavlychev
Инв.№ подл.
Подп. и дата
Взам. инв. №
GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Purpose of the equipment and area of application ........................................................... 4
1.2 Basis for design and engineering ..................................................................................... 4
1.3 Source data ...................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Production program, specified productivity, range of products and quality of finished
products .................................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Description of the production process, functions of the automation system .................. 5
2.3 Equipment scheme and layout ......................................................................................... 5
2.4 Arrangement of working places. Number of production and auxiliary working places . 5
2.5 Utilities parameters ......................................................................................................... 6
2.6 Equipment operation conditions ..................................................................................... 6
3 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS TO ELECTROSTATIC OILER .................................. 7
3.1 Equipment composition .................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Requirements to the reliability, safety and environmental protection ............................. 7
3.3 Requirements to automation ........................................................................................... 8
3.4 Requirements to power supply ....................................................................................... 9
3.5 Requirements to electrical equipment ............................................................................. 9
3.6 Drives .............................................................................................................................. 10
INGINEERING .................................................................................................................... 10
5. Requirements to the equipment to be supplied .................................................................. 11
Annex А: Letter from the Capital Construction Administration UKS-30/1447 dated 23.04.2015
Equipment layout plan
Breaking car. Layout, sections.
1.1 Purpose of the equipment and area of application
An electrostatic oiler intended for the uniform and dosed application of protective
conservation oil film on one or both steel surfaces for rust protection shall be designed and
supplied under this TOR.
1.2 Basis for design and engineering
This work has been performed based on the terms of reference for design and
engineering of industrial objects ZP-066 dated 27.03.2015, letter from OJSC MMK’s Capital
Construction Administration № UKS-30_1447 dated 23.04.2015, see Annex A.
1.3 Source data
The electrostatic oiler shall be installed in the slitting line.
Annual working time fund– 6800 hours per year, two-shift 12 hours’ work schedule.
Production – 310 thousand tpy.
Input material:
- pickled hot rolled coils;
- uncoated cold rolled coils;
- color-coated cold rolled coils;
-galvanized cold rolled coils;
Strip thickness, mm …………………………………………….0.3-5.0
Coil weight, t ……………………………………………………..up to 30
Coil width, mm ………………………………………………….up to 2200
Coil outer diameter, mm ……………………………………………….2100
Coil inner diameter, mm ………………………………………………..610.
2.1 Production program, specified productivity, range of products and quality of
finished products
Production output – 310 thousand tpy.
Input material:
- pickled hot rolled coils;
- uncoated cold rolled coils;
- color coated cold rolled coils;
- galvanized cold rolled coils;
Strip thickness, mm ………………………………………..…..0,3-5,0
Coil weight, t …………………………………………………….up to 30
Coil width, mm ………………………………………………….30 - 2100
Coil outer diameter,mm……………. .………………………………..2100
Coil inner diameter, mm ……………………………………………….610
Cutting rate, m/min….…………………………………………..120 – 240.
2.2 Description of the production process, functions of the automation system
Oiling is provided for in the slitting line. The electrostatic oiler shall be installed on a
breaking car of the slitting line upstream the recoiler. The breaking car can move in a
longitudinal direction, max stroke is 3600 mm.
Oil is applied by spraying in the electrostatic field created by a high-voltage power
source. This method allows achieving a high quality protection coating with any flow rate
ranging from 0.3 to 3.5 g/m2 of the surface.
The required flow rate shall be set from the control desk and shall be controlled
automatically depending on the strip speed.
Oil temperature is controlled both at sprays and at the pump station.
The pump station shall consist of two 500 l tanks with level sensors for automatic
start-up of the pump and a local heater in each tank. Suction pump shall be equipped with a
filter and local heater.
In case of improper equipment operation acoustical and light alarms shall go on.
Signal light panel "High Voltage" shall switch on when the equipment is started.
Operating data of the pump station and oiler shall be displayed on the control desk
2.3 Equipment scheme and layout
The equipment shall be installed on the breaking car and secured with four M20 bolts
to the standard holes of the breaking car, see drawing 1370_CF (FIMI).
The pump station shall be installed in close vicinity to the equipment, see drawing
М32724-1, -2.
Oil station shall be linked with the equipment by means of a moving truck.
2.4 Arrangement of working places. Number of production and auxiliary
working places
Arrangement of the slitting line control desks is shown on drawing М32724-1. The
electrostatic oiler control desk shall be installed near the main control desk of the slitting line.
2.5 Utilities parameters
The following utilities parameters shall be required for the electrostatic oiler operation:
а) Electric power:
- power, kW .......................................................................≈ 20
- voltage, V .......................................................................380 50Hz (±10 %)
б) Compressed air shall be in compliance with ISO 8573 - 1:
- flow rate, l/min .......................................................................100
- pressure, MPa.. .......................................................................0,6
- air quality, ………….................................................................3 class
- dew point, °С ....................................................................... +3 °
2.6 Equipment operation conditions
− equipment operating mode – year-round, in two 12 hours’ shifts;
− обслуживание оборудования периодическое;
− climatic conditions:
Minimum temperature in the shop during the winter period, °С .............+ 10
humidity, % .....................................................................................................85
3.1 Equipment composition
The electrostatic oiler shall be designed and supplied by the manufacturer complete
with the electric equipment, cables and piping, oil pumping station, automation equipment and
all related control devices, control desks.
The equipment of electrostatic oiler to be supplied shall be certified and shall comply
with the requirements of effective regulatory documents of the Russian Federation and stateof-the-art scientific and technical achievements.
3.2 Requirements to the reliability, safety and environmental protection
Repair and technical maintenance of the electrostatic oiler shall be performed with minimum
labor input and at minimum cost.
All of the equipment shall have RF compliance certificate and use permit. The
warranty period shall be at least 1 year.
The equipment to be supplied shall have a successful track record of operation in the
Russian Federation and in steel industry. There should be an official authorized service center
in the Ural Federal District (for pumping equipment and frequency converters).
The equipment shall provide for a low noise level during its operation, high reliability
(time before failure shall be at least 100000 hours) and unification.
 the production equipment shall be safe for installation, operation, maintenance,
transportation, storage and shall satisfy the safety requirements through the entire service life;
 the production equipment during its operation shall not contaminate the
environment with hazardous emissions;
 the production process and production equipment shall be fire and explosion proof;
 pipelines and cables on the equipment shall be arranged so that to eliminated any
accidental damage thereto;
 control systems of the equipment shall be executed so that to eliminate any danger
associated with joint operation of functional systems;
 the control system shall provide for alarms and if required for automatic shutdown
or power cutoff in case of failures, accidents and operating modes that are next to dangerous;
 the equipment where emergency shut-down is implemented shall not create any
danger due to actuation of the emergence shut-down;
 actuating devices of the equipment shall be provided with the hardware preventing
danger in case of full or partial utilities shut-down (electric current) and eliminating selfstarting upon the utilities supply restoration;
 the control circuits shall provide for electrical and mechanical interlocks in case of
operator’s errors and self-starting caused by vibrations, shocks or other reasons;
 the design shall provide for in-place evaluation of
condition to estimate the possible period when a failure can occur;
the equipment technical
 the surfaces of equipment, protection devices, actuating devices, machine
accessories shall not have sharp edges and burrs that might injure the operating personnel.
3.3 Requirements to automation
It is required to provide for the automation of production processes of Levels 0; 1.
Automated information complex shall be built as a decentralized multi-level system
that performs information and management functions.
• Level 0 – basic data - includes sensors for collection of data, with subsequent preprocessing of signals and transfer thereof;
• Level 1 –basic automation - includes local microprocessor-based systems
implemented on programmable controllers (PLC SIEMENS S7-300), visualization and
archiving tools (operator’s panel for control of all work functions of the equipment).
Requirements to systems integration:
Data composition, data format and data exchange method shall be agreed with OJSC
MMK at the basic engineering stage. .
Requirements to technical (hardware) tools and network:
- To use programmable controllers S7-300 manufactured by SIEMENS or other
manufactures with analogous parameters, having at least the same quality of production
technology and guaranteed modes of operation;
- electrical drives shall be controlled using Profibus digital network;
- connection of the cables in control cabinets and terminal boxes - single row terminal
- all electrical cabinets shall be supplied with the input voltage monitoring system;
- cable length from field equipment and sensors to the controller or I/O module shall
not exceed the standard requirements for the defined transmission speed of data protocol;
- the pulpits and cabinets outside the electrical rooms shall have the protection degree
of at least IP65;
- digital networks shall be Profibus (optional Modbus), Ethernet , MPI;
- for power supply to controllers (PLC), ET interface modules, visualization stations,
servers, drive control systems the UPS shall be used, isolating transformers shall be provided
at the input and output of UPS;
- the output solenoids control signals from the controllers shall be protected by
individual fuses;
- the list of suppliers of the equipment shall be coordinated with OJSC MMK;
- the network configuration shall be coordinated with OJSC MMK;
- upon completion of commissioning all passwords for access to the systems up to the
administrator level shall be handed over to the Customer;
- controllers and remote I/O stations shall be located in
manufactured under Rittal technology.
the protected cabinets
Peripheral devices and sensors must have a degree of protection of at least IP65.
The Seller shall perform mechanical protection of sensors and cables on the
equipment. If required the equipment shall be protected against heat radiation.
Piping for mechanical protection of cables on the equipment shall be made by the
Seller (equipment manufacturer).
Power supply circuits of peripheral devices and sensors shall be protected by
individual fuses.
Noncontact sensors shall be used where possible.
The software must be licensed, open access – with the possibility to make changes, full
version; the software should be provided with the documents confirming its legality (license
agreement, invoice, acceptance certificate, certificates).
Data visualization system shall be provided with equipment diagnostic, which should
include monitoring of good status of the equipment, reports on failures.
The automatic control system shall provide for the possibility of integration into the
Automatic Process Control System of the slitting line with installation of the necessary
equipment. The necessary equipment shall be included in the scope of supply under the
3.4 Requirements to power supply
Power supply to the electrostatic oiler, including for the control of actuator drives,
shut-off valves and automatic control system shall be arranged at 0.4 kV from MMK’s power
Power connection diagram: 3L+N+PE (earth system TN-C-S).
Internal power supply shall be executed with a reliability category I.
Operative control circuits shall use 220 V DC. For interfacing of the controller I/O
modules (24 V DC) with 220V operative control circuits a specific relay for I/O signals shall
be used.
3.5 Requirements to electrical equipment
For the purpose of unification all electrical equipment to be supplied (frequency
converters, converters, soft starters, smart starters, controllers, etc.) shall be manufactured by
SIEMENS or other manufactures with analogous parameters and at least the
manufacturing quality and guaranteed modes of operation upon agreement with MMK.
Electrical equipment (motors, sensors, cables, control panels, I/O stations, etc) shall be
resistant to oils.
3.6 Drives
All electric drives shall be AC drives.
For uncontrolled drives with a power of up to 7 kW it is required to use ET200S power
modules manufactured by SIEMENS.
The adjustable speed drives shall be equipped with SIEMENS or similar frequency
converters approved by OJSC MMK.
Frequency converters shall have natural air cooling, low noise level during operation.
They shall insure high reliability (time to failure at least 100000 hours).
МСС shall be completed with SIEMENS components.
Power cables of adjustable-speed electric drive motors shall be in a copper screen.
The following documentation shall be provided to the Customer:
- passports for the equipment in the scope of supply under this TOR;
- installation and operation manual;
- operators’ manual in the Russian language;
- dimensional and installation drawings of the process equipment and valves;
- dimensional and installation drawings of the electrical equipment,
and automation and control devices;
- terms of reference for installation of the process and electrical equipment with the
indication of loads, temperature modes of the equipment operation, heat radiation, etc.;
- drawings of fast-wearing parts;
- list of electrical equipment and drives (motor list);
- requirements to the equipment earthing;
- data on heat radiation and noise characteristics;
- set of technical documentation: an assembly drawing of the oiler body, assembly
drawing of the oil tank, installation drawing of the equipment with indication of utilities take
over points, electric circuits (circuit diagrams, single-line, power supply, connection
diagrams), hydraulic, pneumatic circuits, oil flow scheme, equipment layout plan;
- description of the production process of the electrostatic oiler (technology);
- list of cable products (cable list);
- operation manual;
- list of articles to be procured for electric equipment (10% of the main equipment but
at least one article);
- manufacturers’ passports for all equipment to be supplied;
- general view of a complete unit;
- performance data;
- table of signs;
- other documents at the discretion of the design engineer.
- a complete set of documentation related to the equipment purchased from third-party
- initial data for the utilities with indication of take-over points and parameters
(quality, pressure, flow rate, pipe-line diameter at a take-over point, etc.)
- a complete set of documentation for the automatic control system of drives:
functional description (description of operation algorithms); basic circuit diagram (single-line,
control circuit, connection diagram, etc.); cable list; structure of hardware; description of
applications, etc. – shall be provided in compliance with the requirements of GOST 34.20189 “Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Types, sets and
indication of documents for automated systems design” and RD 5034.698-90 "Automated
Systems. Requirements to the Documentation Contents".
All of the documents shall be provided in Russian in the metric system.
The electrostatic oiler's scope of supply shall include:
a) electrical equipment, including:
- 1000 х 500 х 2000 electrical control cabinet, degree of protection - IP55.
- control desk. Degree of protection - IP55.
- two electrostatic generators for automatic operation
b) electrostatic oiling chamber, including:
- - sound and light alarm;
- signal light panel "High voltage".
c) oil station with the pumps having required parameters;
d) track for flexible energy supply to the movable parts, carriage travel 3,600 mm
(define more exactly when delivering);
e) automation equipment and systems;
f) auxiliary equipment required for its installation
and maintenance, including load-handling devices;
g) a set of connecting cables having sufficient length;
h) a set of connecting pipes and hoses;
i) a set of necessary fittings, etc.
j) spare parts for mechanical and electrical equipment, instrumentation and
automation. The scope of supply of spare parts shall ensure a two-year continuous operation.
At the manufacturing plant it is necessary to perform a control assembly of the
equipment and label the assembly units.
All equipment shall have a certificate of conformity of the Russian Federation and the
permission to use. The warranty period of the equipment shall be not less than 1 year.
The components of the pumping station shall be supplied ready assembled, eliminating
additional assembly and adjusting operations.
5.1 Requirements to painting and packaging
Packaging of the equipment shall ensure the preservation of cargo against damage and
Packaging of the equipment shall ensure its safety during transportation and storage at
the open areas.
All external surfaces of equipment and devices shall be painted twice with
anticorrosive coating. The coating color shall be green (shades to be specified when
concluding the equipment supply contract).
The inner surfaces of closed units shall also be supplied finally painted, ensuring the
preservation of the equipment against corrosion and oils that are in contact with those surfaces.
The equipment shall be packed according to the drawings and diagrams developed by
the manufacturer of the equipment.
5.2 Requirements to transportation and storage
The installation drawings and details shall be developed to carry out installation of the equipment
and shall be sent to the customer
The match marking of the equipment shall include the following information:
− designation of assembly units (for oversized assembly blocks);
− locations of lifting points;
− location of the center of mass;
− location of reference surfaces for alignment;
− arrow indicating the direction of rotation (movement);
− weight of block or assembly unit.
The methods and the place of marking, and the contents for each specific type of equipment shall
be defined in the engineering and design documents. The marking shall be done on non-working
surfaces of products in a manner that ensure the legibility and shall persist during the entire period
of storage and installation. The location and assembly marks shall be outlined with bright indelible
The equipment supplied shall be stored in a dry covered area until the time of its installation.
The packing shall be removed only in the presence of the Seller's erection supervisor and the
certificate of acceptance shall be issued thereof.