Sustainable integration of EU research in severe accident phenomenology and management Jean-Pierre Van Dorsselaere1, Thierry Albiol, Bernard Chaumont (IRSN, France), Tim Haste (PSI, Switzerland), Christophe Journeau (CEA, France), Leonhard Meyer (KIT, Germany), Bal Raj Sehgal (KTH, Sweden), Bernd Schwinges, David Beraha (GRS, Germany), Alessandro Annunziato (JRC-Ispra), Roland Zeyen (JRC-IE) 1 Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), DPAM, B.250, Cadarache, BP3 13115, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, Cedex, France SUMMARY AND KEY MESSAGES In order to optimise the use of the available means and to constitute sustainable research groups in the European Union, the Severe Accident Research NETwork of Excellence (SARNET) has gathered 51 organisations representing most of the actors involved in Severe Accident (SA) research in Europe plus Canada. This project was co-funded by the European Commission (EC) under the 6th Euratom Framework Programme. Its objective was to resolve the most important pending issues for enhancing, in regard of SA, the safety of existing and future Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs). SARNET tackled the fragmentation that existed between the national R&D programmes, in defining common research programmes and developing common computer codes and methodologies for safety assessment. The Joint Programme of Activities consisted in: - Implementing an advanced communication tool for accessing all project information, fostering exchange of information, and managing documents; - Harmonizing and re-orienting the research programmes, and defining new ones; - Analyzing the experimental results provided by research programmes in order to elaborate a common understanding of relevant phenomena; - Developing the ASTEC code (integral computer code used to predict the NPP behaviour during a postulated SA) by capitalizing in terms of physical models the knowledge produced within SARNET; - Developing Scientific Databases, in which the results of research experimental programmes are stored in a common format; - Developing a common methodology for Probabilistic Safety Assessment of NPPs; - Developing short courses and writing a text book on Severe Accidents for students and researchers; - Promoting personnel mobility amongst various European organizations. This paper presents the major achievements after four and a half years of operation of the network, in terms of knowledge gained, of improvements of the ASTEC reference code, of dissemination of results and of integration of the research programmes conducted by the various partners. Most initial objectives were reached but the continuation of the SARNET network, cofunded by EC in the 7th Framework Programme (SARNET2 project), will consolidate the first assets and focus mainly on the highest priority pending issues as determined during the first period. The objective will be also to make the network evolve toward a complete selfsustainability. FISA-2009, 22 June 2009, Prague 1 1 INTRODUCTION Despite the accident prevention measures adopted in the nuclear power plants (NPPs), some accident scenarios, in very low probability circumstances, may result in severe accidents (SA) with core melting and plant damage and to dispersal of radioactive material into the environment, thus constituting a hazard for the public health and for the environment. Large progress has been reached since the 80’s thanks in particular to the numerous European actions undertaken within the 4th and 5th Framework Programmes (FP4 and 5) of the European Commission (EC), but several issues still needed research activities to reduce uncertainties and consolidate SA management plans, as shown by the outcomes of the EURSAFE EC FP5 project [1]. Facing the reduction of the national budgets on SA research, it is necessary to better coordinate the national efforts to optimise the use of the available expertise and experimental facilities in order to resolve the remaining issues for enhancing the safety of existing and future NPPs. 2 THE SARNET PROJECT In April 2004, 51 organizations involved in R&D on SA, including technical safety organisations (TSO), industries, utilities and universities, decided to network in SARNET (Severe Accident Research NETwork of Excellence), in the framework of FP6, their capacities of research in the SA area in a sustainable way [2]. These organizations were coming from 18 member states of the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom), Switzerland, Canada and the Joint Research Centres of the EC. The general objectives of SARNET consisted of: Tackling the fragmentation that exists between the different R&D organizations, notably in defining common research programmes and developing/qualifying computer tools; Harmonizing the methodologies applied for assessing risk and improve Level 2 probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) tools; Disseminating the knowledge to newcomers to the European Union more efficiently and associating them with the definition and the conduct of research programmes more closely; Bringing together top scientists to constitute a world leadership in advanced computer simulation for SA risk assessment. The network was organised on the basis of a two-level structure: the Governing Board in charge of strategic decisions, advised by an Advisory Committee on strategic orientations of the research activities; and the Management Team in charge of the day-to-day technical administration. The Joint Programme of Activities (JPA) was broken down in 20 work-packages (Fig.1) pertaining to three types of activities: - Integrating activities to strengthen links between organizations; - Joint research activities to resolve remaining outstanding issues; - Spreading of excellence activities to diffuse the knowledge. The joint research activities that constituted the R&D basis of the network aimed at resolving the priority pending issues. They were split into three areas: corium behaviour, containment integrity and radiological source term. In all three areas, the same method has been adopted: - Review and selection of available relevant experiments, - Contribution to the definition of test matrices, FISA-2009, 22 June 2009, Prague 2 - Synthesis of the interpretation of experimental data, Integrating activities Spreading of excellence activities WP 1 : ACT WP 2 : USTIA WP 9,10,11 : CORIUM ASTEC Users Support and Training, Integration, and Adaptation WP 17 : ET Advanced Communication Tool Early phase core degradation Late phase core degradation Ex-vessel corium recovery Education and Training WP 3 : PHYMA WP 12,13 : CONTAINMENT ASTEC PHYsical Model Assessment Hydrogen behaviour Fast Interaction in Containment WP 6 : IED Implementation of Experimental Database WP 7 : SARP Severe Accident Research Priorities - Jointly executed research activities WP 4 : RAB WP 8 : IA ASTEC Reactor Application Benchmarking Integration Assessment WP 5 : PSA2 Level 2 PSA methodology and advanced tools WP 18 : BOOK Book on severe accident phenomenology WP 19 : MOB Mobility programme WP 14,15,16 : SOURCE TERM FP Release and Transport Aerosol Behaviour impact on Source Term Containment Chemistry impact on Source Term WP 20 : Management Benchmark exercises between codes, Review of models, synthesis and proposals of new or improved models for ASTEC. Fig.1: SARNET Joint Programme of Activities 3 SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ACHIEVEMENTS 3.1 Corium phenomena The corium area ranges from early phase of core degradation to late phase core degradation and ex-vessel corium stabilization. Joint activities have been deployed in 22 organizations [3] on the following experimental programmes: QUENCH-10 on air ingress in bundle geometry [4]; QUENCH-11 on bundle boil-down and quenching; QUENCH-12 on a VVER bundle; LIVE on corium behaviour in vessel lower head; OECD-CCI on Molten-Core-Concrete-Interaction (MCCI); COMET-L1 and L2 on MCCI in 2D geometry; VULCANO on MCCI in real materials. Similar activities have been carried out for ongoing and new Russian projects from the International Science and Technology Centre (ISTC): PARAMETER project on core top flooding models, METCOR on the impact of thermo-mechanical interaction on the vessel behaviour, CORPHAD on the corium thermodynamics. As a first example, the QUENCH-13 experiment was successfully conducted at the Karlsruher Institute für Technologie (KIT) on 8 November 2007. It concerned both corium and source term fields. It was supported by PSI and AEKI regarding aerosol measurements and by PSI, GRS and EdF regarding calculation support. It investigated the effects of the presence of a PWR control rod on early-phase bundle degradation and on reflood behaviour (here by cold water). Production of silver-indium-cadmium aerosols was measured continuously for the first time, along with speciation at intervals. Two aerosol peaks of short duration were observed at 11500 s, followed by a sustained period of aerosol transport. Impactor samples were taken at significant times, for elemental composition analysis. Posttest analyses confirmed the release of cadmium before release of indium and silver (Fig.2). Another example of joint activities concerned a code benchmark on MCCI at the reactor scale in a simplified geometry for a siliceous concrete or a limestone concrete. A very large scattering in axial ablation results was observed in the case of stratified corium pool configuration (Fig.3). The convective heat transfer coefficient between the two stratified FISA-2009, 22 June 2009, Prague 3 layers is the key parameter, and only experiments performed at a small scale with simulant materials are available. This work has underlined the need to continue the analytical work, based on all available data, in order to get a consistent interpretation of the different experiments, both with simulant and with real material. There is the need to investigate the interface structure (crust or not), the interfacial temperature, and the interfacial heat transfer coefficient. Clearly new experiments in real material are needed. Fig.2: Analysis of aerosol release in QUENCH-13 experiment LCS concrete with pool stratification Evolution of maximum axial ablation depth LCS concrete pool stratification : cavity shape at 4 days 3 6 UPM GRS 2 FZK 5 FZK 1 UPM 4 FZK IRSN GRS 3,91days IRSN 0 UPM IRSN YCAV, m Depth, m GRS IRSN 3 UPM -1 -2 GRS -3 2 -4 1 -5 0 FZK RCAV, m -6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Time, Days Fig.3: Reactor benchmark between codes on a stratified pool on a limestone concrete – Left: axial ablation versus time – Right: cavity shape at 4 days interaction Other examples of significant achievements [3] are: Progress on understanding of the oxidation phenomena in steam and in air, in particular showing the importance of material composition. In particular data on B4C oxidation allowed a common interpretation of the integral test Phebus FPT3. New series of modelling and analytical work on in-vessel pool behaviour in relation with the LIVE experiments (KIT). Common understanding of the OLHF-1 test (performed at Sandia National Laboratories, USA) using different models of vessel failure by creep rupture. FISA-2009, 22 June 2009, Prague 4 Increased coolability of 2D inhomogeneous debris beds compared to earlier 1D particle beds. This launched a new interest in this issue both experimentally and numerically, in particular the debris bed formation and its characteristics of coolability importance. Marked ablation anisotropy for silica-rich materials in the 2D MCCI tests, which was an unexpected result. Interpretation and modelling of this behaviour must be pursued, as well as knowledge on the processes in case of layered corium pools must be improved. Efforts on the development and improvement of the corium thermodynamic and material physical property databases, mainly NUCLEA thanks to the analysis of EC co-funded experiments. 3.2 Containment phenomena The research efforts on energetic phenomena that could potentially threaten containment integrity concern hydrogen behaviour and fast interactions in the containment. The main achievements were detailed in [5]. For the former, the hydrogen combustion and the associated risk mitigation were studied, concentrating on the formation of combustible gas mixtures, local gas composition and potential combustion modes, including reaction kinetics inside catalytic recombiners. Hydrogen distribution within the containment was studied to assess the risk of high concentrations. Experimental programmes on combustion with gradients (ENACCEF at IRSN) and recombiner kinetics (REKO-3 at FZJ) have been performed and/or are ongoing. ENACCEF experimental results have been used in a benchmark using different 3D computational fluid dynamic (CFD) codes (FLUENT, TONUS-3D and REACFLOW). The results revealed some weaknesses of the combustion models for stratified mixtures from rich to lean hydrogen concentrations. As for containment atmosphere mixing, spray experiments were performed in small scale (TOSQAN at IRSN) and large scale (MISTRA at CEA) facilities (Fig.4). Both atmosphere depressurization and stratification break-up phenomena were addressed. The feasibility of simulations using CFD and lumped-parameter codes was demonstrated, which could also be applied to actual containments, provided that sufficient computing capacities are available. Besides, CFD simulations of the operation of passive autocatalytic recombiners (PAR) in simplified 2D containment models represent a first significant step towards comprehensive simulations of PAR-atmosphere interaction in real plants. Fig.4: Views of experimental facilities: left, TOSQAN (7 m³) – right: MISTRA (100 m³) Containment behaviour is strongly affected by condensation, influencing the levels of pressurization and atmosphere mixing. Simulations of wall condensation CONAN FISA-2009, 22 June 2009, Prague 5 experiments (University of Pisa) allowed the assessment of different steam condensation models that are used in CFD codes (Fig.5). The results obtained by the exercise underline the need to refine CFD tools in accordance with the available experimental information. Benchmark-1 10 kW 3.5 Calculated Condensation Rate [g/s] CEA FzJ-conj_heat_transfer 3.0 FzJ-eq_heat_transfer FzK 2.5 JRCP JSI NRG 2.0 UJV UNIPI-eq_heat_transfer 1.5 UNIPI-conj_heat_transfer VEIKI Experimental Uncertainty on Condensation Rate < 1% 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Experimental Condensation Rate [g/s] Fig.5: Benchmark on CONAN wall condensation experiments Concerning fast interactions, FCI (Fuel Coolant Interaction) was studied to increase the knowledge of parameters affecting steam explosion energetics during corium relocation into water, and determine the risk of vessel or containment failure by investigation of specific processes like premixing, melt fragmentation and particle heat transfer mode. The work was closely linked to the phase 1 of the OECD/SERENA programme. Mainly the MC3D (IRSN) and IKEMIX/IDEMO (IKE) codes have been used for this purpose. In addition a number of experiments were performed in MISTEE and DEFOR (KTH), and KROTOS (CEA) facilities. A consensus was reached that in-vessel steam explosion would not induce failure of the vessel, thus closing the in-vessel steam explosion issue from the risk perspective, and that exvessel steam explosion could induce some damage to the cavity. However, the level of loads in the latter could not be predicted due to a large scatter of the results. Major reasons of this scattering were found to be the uncertainties on void distribution in the pre-mixing region, inducing large discrepancies on the initial conditions of the explosion, and on explosion behaviour of corium melts, inducing more or less arbitrary tuning of the explosion parameters. These uncertainties will be addressed experimentally and analytically in Phase 2 of OECD/SERENA programme and of SARNET. The second issue concerning fast interactions is Direct Containment Heating (DCH). This includes melt dispersion into various reactor compartments, heat transfer and chemical processes such as production and combustion of hydrogen. The consequences of DCH are essentially related to cavity geometry; therefore a database has been established for the plant types EPR, French PWR-1300, VVER-1000 and the German Konvoi by an experimental programme performed in the DISCO facilities (KIT). For EPR and VVER1000 plants the DCH issue can be considered as closed, due to their cavity design. Benchmark exercises have revealed severe deficiencies in the current modelling in all system codes, mainly their lack of predictive capabilities. Based on DISCO data, the scaling of combustion of hydrogen jets in an air-steam-hydrogen atmosphere must be established by applying dedicated combustion codes (COM3D, REACFLOW). The efforts to improve the predictive capabilities of the CFD code MC3D and the ASTEC system code, using as test bed the COCOSYS code, must continue. FISA-2009, 22 June 2009, Prague 6 3.3 Source term phenomena In the source term area, fission product (FP) release, transport and deposition were studied, including air ingress (i.e. influence of an oxidising environment on release and transport phenomena). The main achievements were detailed in [6]. FP release and transport Extensive effort was devoted to the experimental International Source Term Programme (Phebus.FP, ISTP) launched by IRSN, CEA and EDF with the EC support [7]. The interpretation of available AECL and RUSET (AEKI) data showed that Ruthenium release occurs in oxide form after an incubation period during which full oxidation of fuel and cladding occurs. RUSET and VTT tests showed that oxide forms can stay volatile enough in lower temperature regions to be transported to the reactor containment in a stable volatile form, which is a very significant result. The review of two ISTC projects was performed and SARNET proposals on the test matrices were adopted: VERONIKA experiments on FP release from highly irradiated VVER fuel, and EVAN experiments on iodine chemistry. FIPRED experiments (INR) provided data on UO2 pellet self-disintegration. Concerning FP transport, the interpretation of iodine chemistry in the circuit was based on data from Phebus FP (IRSN) and VERCORS HT (CEA). Under reducing conditions, and without absorber material, it seems relatively straightforward, the iodine being transported mainly as caesium (and rubidium) iodide (CsI). In oxidizing conditions it is more complicated since iodine can either be principally CsI or tends to form other metal iodides such as with control rod materials or, if these are not present, conditions become conducive to HI formation. These statements still need to be confirmed. The experimental CHIP programme (IRSN) [7] will provide kinetic and thermodynamic data on iodine transport through the primary circuit, particularly concerning key systems such as {I-Cs-O-H}, which will help in the scaling to reactor conditions. The QUENCH-13 new data (cf. section 3.1 on Corium) are being correlated with earlier analytical tests EMAIC (CEA), through post-test calculations on these and on Phebus FP data. Aerosols transport and behaviour The scenarios of special significance for risk were investigated: by-pass sequences (particularly steam generator tube rupture or SGTR), through-containment cracks and thermal and mechanical aerosols remobilization. Several facilities investigated aerosol retention within the steam generator under SGTR conditions: PSAERO/HORIZON (VTT), PECA/SGTR (CIEMAT) and ARTIST (PSI). These tests showed that wet scenarios (i.e. with the breach under the secondary side water level) would provide effective scrubbing of particles, and even dry scenarios could capture a small fraction of the particles entering the secondary side. The VTT tests showed that resuspension is important in aerosol retention within horizontal tubes and is enhanced by sudden velocity changes. All the available resuspension models are being assessed by comparison to data (new VTT results, JRC Ispra STORM) and with each other. Revolatilisation tests in the smallscale REVAP facility (JRC/ITU) on Phebus FP samples showed that Cs revaporisation can be very high (~95%) on flat metallic substrates. Retention of aerosols in containment cracks can be effective, particularly in the presence of steam as shown in SIMIBE experiments (IRSN) as well as in the EC-funded PLINIUS/COLIMA-Cracks test (CEA, Demokritos, CESI Ricerca, CIEMAT). Containment chemistry The facilities involved were: at bench-scale PARIS (AREVA NP GmbH), EPICUR (IRSN) [7] (Fig.6 for the latter) and facility at Chalmers University; at intermediate scale FISA-2009, 22 June 2009, Prague 7 CAIMAN (CEA); at large-scale SISYPHE (IRSN), ThAI (Becker Technology) and Phebus FP; along with data recently released from RTF P9T3 (AECL). The iodine data book, written by Waste Management Technology (WMTL) provided an overall critical review of chemistry data and models. Fig.6: Schematic diagram of the EPICUR facility at IRSN Particular attention was paid to two specific issues: effects of radiation on aqueous and gaseous iodine chemistry, and mass transfer of iodine between aqueous and gaseous phases. In the first of these, CAIMAN results showed that, in the presence of paints, irradiation and high temperature, organic iodide can be the dominant form of volatile iodine; in alkaline conditions, gaseous iodine concentrations decrease by several orders of magnitude. Data from EPICUR were interpreted cooperatively using codes such as ASTEC, INSPECT and LIRIC, with results being fed back into definition of the experimental programme, and ASTEC being improved. Comparison between calculations and EPICUR and CAIMAN data suggests that the aqueous phase chemistry is reasonably well understood, though some uncertainties remain. Interpretation of integral experiments such as Phebus FPT2 suggested that radiationinduced conversion of molecular iodine into particulate species (such as iodine oxides) could be responsible for the gaseous iodine depletion seen in the long-term, but further improvements in understanding and modelling are still needed. Mass transfer between sump and gas phase was addressed in SISYPHE: evaporating conditions increase the transfer rate from the liquid to the gas phase and change the steadystate iodine concentrations, the sump iodine concentration being reduced. A mechanistic model is now under validation. On the integral scale, cooperative evaluation with several codes of the ThAI-Iod9 integral test on containment iodine chemistry was completed under the coordination of GRS. While the iodine behaviour was quite well simulated, the need was identified for further improvements in modelling of iodine wash-down from the walls, sump/atmosphere mass transfer, and iodine/steel reactions. The effect of FP heating on passive autocatalytic recombiners was studied in the benchscale RECI tests (IRSN), which showed that CsI and CdI2 are not stable and yield gaseous iodine when heated in a humid atmosphere under temperatures representative of recombiner operation; scaling effects are now being considered by modelling studies with ASTEC and CFD methods. Finally, ruthenium in-containment behaviour, including irradiation effects, has been studied experimentally and theoretically by IRSN (further EPICUR tests) and by Chalmers University, with new models again prepared for ASTEC. FISA-2009, 22 June 2009, Prague 8 4 INTEGRATION OF ACTIVITIES The integrating elements constitute key elements of the JPA. The previous section 3 shows that a real integration of the research activities has been achieved thanks to: - Collaborations on pre and post calculations of experiments: for instance PSI performed pre and post-test calculations of the KIT QUENCH tests, - Joint realization of experiments: for instance VTT experimentalists installed and operated specific instrumentation on the IRSN CHIP experiments, - Joint definition and interpretation of experiments through many “interpretation circles” that were created and really active, - Benchmarking of different codes, - Exchanges on the application of R&D results to the reactor scale, - Round-robin exercise on analyses of a prototypic corium sample, - Yearly technical meetings in each area (corium behaviour, containment integrity and source term), complemented by a large number of specialists’ meetings. Indeed a key integration aspect was the creation of the technical circles, each covering a specific detailed topic; these helped to bring experimenters and modellers closer together, concerning test definition, interpretation, model development etc... The Fig.7 shows the example of the circle working on Ruthenium aspects, with 12 different partners. AECL VTT PSI IRSN INR GRS AECL AEKI CEA INR IRSN VTT Chalmers AEKI RU/ RUTH CEA EDF ENEA FZK Chalmers Fig.7: Example of Ruthenium technical circle (black: experiments, red: organisations) 4.1 Advanced Communication Tool (ACT) The ACT has been implemented for enabling communication between project partners and for document management. Today's portal technology provides unified support for efficient collaboration within the network, in particular: - Access, search, publication of documents and codes (concept of knowledge storage), - Contact and communicating with partners (interactive and collaborative services), - Joint co-ordination of actions/programmes (co-operative management of the network), - List of links to satellite community projects (R&D projects, related sites). Access is given by web browsers, enabling logging in from any Internet connection. Around 250 users of SARNET have been granted access to this tool, and the ACT was used intensively and efficiently: e.g. 500 to 1000 accesses per month, 8000 items stored. Besides, a public web site ( providing major information on SARNET has been implemented. 4.2 Experimental database (DATANET) This database has been developed and maintained to ensure preservation, exchange and processing of SA experimental data, including all related documentation. The data are both existing experimental data that SARNET partners are willing to share within the network and all new data produced within SARNET. DATANET is based on the STRESA tool developed by JRC Ispra [8] and consists of a network with several local databases (or nodes). From the FISA-2009, 22 June 2009, Prague 9 central database, it is possible to connect with other local databases; direct connections to the local databases are also possible, which increases the potential and the power of this type of system. Currently, 7 nodes exist: the central one at JRC Ispra, and local ones at KIT, IRSN, CIEMAT, Fortum-VTT, AEKI and KTH. Training weeks have been periodically organized at JRC Ispra. The results of about 190 experiments from 33 facilities have been implemented so far. 4.3 ASTEC code The SA integral code ASTEC [9], jointly developed by IRSN and GRS, simulates the behaviour of a whole NPP under SA conditions, including SA management by engineering systems and procedures. It is a key integrating component since one of the ultimate goals of the joint research activities is to provide physical models to be integrated in ASTEC. The exchange of information on the detailed models developed by the various experts through interpretation of experiments leads to generic common models in the different detailed codes (examples of ICARE/CATHARE at IRSN and ATHLET-CD at GRS for core degradation). Model improvements for the ASTEC code are then derived from these detailed models. Twenty-seven organizations collaborated with IRSN and GRS on the code development and assessment. A close and efficient collaboration between ASTEC users and developers has been set up using ACT and the MARCUS web tool for code maintenance. One workshop on code use was organized. Three main code versions were released to the partners, the latest V1.3 rev2 in Dec.07. Three ASTEC users’ club meetings allowed fruitful direct discussions between users (representing more than 60 qualified scientists) and developers. Joint analyses of models in the frame of the specialists’ circles already lead to recommendations for improved or new ASTEC models, such as for example: heat transfer in the corium in lower head, clad air oxidation and B4C effects on core degradation, lower head rupture, MCCI, corium spreading, release of silver-indium-cadmium alloys and Ru, iodine mass transfer in containment, radiolytic oxidation in containment, etc…. Some partners have investigated the needs of model adaptations to other NPP types than PWR. First, they concluded on the full applicability to Generation II VVER, either 440 or 1000, from the good results of validation (e.g. PACTEL and CORA-W2 experiments) and benchmarking with other codes on plant sequences. For BWR and CANDU, as a conclusion, all ASTEC V1 models can already be applied, sometimes with minor adaptations or further need of validation, except for core degradation. For RBMK, exploratory plant calculations showed the partial code applicability to the core degradation, as well as the full applicability to the behaviour of the confinement building (including its Accident Localization System). A first demonstration of the applicability of models to simulate the In-Vessel Melt Retention (IVMR) with vessel external cooling was given. Validation on the SULTAN (at CEA) and ULPU (at University of California, USA) experiments gave good results despite some remaining oscillations in the calculations, part of them being physical ones experimentally observed. A coupling between core degradation and thermal-hydraulic models has been tested with success on a VVER-440 plant calculation for a more detailed IVMR simulation. Validation will have to continue on the LIVE experiments. An extensive validation of the code successive versions was carried out by the partners on 65 experiments (analytical and integral ones), often OECD/CSNI International Standard Problems. Generally, the results can be ranked as good, even very good for circuit thermalhydraulics and FP/aerosols behaviour. Many plant applications were performed on various NPPs (PWR, Konvoi 1300, Westinghouse 1000, VVER-440, VVER-1000 and RBMK), including benchmarks with other codes. The agreement was good with the integral codes MELCOR and MAAP4 on the trends and orders of magnitude of the main sequence results, FISA-2009, 22 June 2009, Prague 10 and very good with detailed results of mechanistic codes such as ATHLET-CD and ICARE/CATHARE for core degradation. The whole above work allowed a code assessment by users independently from the code developers. IRSN and GRS have taken into account the feedback of this work on the V1 versions, for instance through a large improvement of the code documentation and of the code numerical robustness. Several model improvements, from the different topics described above, have been already implemented by IRSN and GRS. The latest V1.3 version can currently simulate all types of scenarios for PWR and VVER reactors in operation states, taking almost all phenomena into consideration, except late reflooding of a degraded core and air ingress (steam explosion has always been out of the scope of the code). All models are at the current State of the Art, except the model of reflooding of a degraded core that is still inadequate like for all codes. All safety systems and SAM for the existing PWR and VVER can be represented: e.g. voluntary primary circuit depressurization, steam generator management, containment spray and venting. IRSN and GRS are now taking into account all users' requirements on ASTEC evolution for the new series of ASTEC V2 versions that will extend the scope of application to BWR and CANDU. The 1st of these, V2.0, released in spring 2009, is applicable to the EPR, in particular its core-catcher, and includes most of the ICARE2 (IRSN code for core degradation) mechanistic models. 4.4 Level 2 PSA Level 2 PSA is a powerful tool to assess plant-specific vulnerability regarding NPP SA. It evaluates possible SA scenarios in terms of frequency, loss of containment integrity and radioactive release into the environment and quantifies the contribution of prevention and mitigation measures in terms of risk reduction. Different approaches are used in Europe, derived more or less from what has been implemented in the USA. A description and comparison of the main elements of methods used by the different partners to develop their PSA has been written. For many issues regarding Level 2 PSA, questionnaires have been set up and the answers have been analyzed in order to define next steps of harmonization. Case studies for harmonization have then been performed on specific issues like hydrogen combustion, iodine chemistry, MCCI, large early releases, reactor end states definitions and methods for level 1 and 2 PSA interface. A certain level of harmonization has been reached and recommendations have been written. A state on the art report on dynamic reliability methods has been produced and the limitations of classical methods, which could be exceeded using these reliability methods, were identified. Examination of the benefit of one of the possible methods (Monte Carlo Dynamic Event Tree) has been achieved on a station blackout scenario. A benchmark exercise allowed the comparison of dynamic reliability methods with classical ones by quantifying the risk of containment failure induced by the activation of safety system during the vessel core degradation phase. General requirements for the use of integral codes in level 2 PSA have been issued by some PSA users. The main conclusions are that the ASTEC code characteristics tend to be similar to the other integral codes (MAAP, MELCOR) used for level 2 PSA. The ASTEC models are able to simulate most of the SA phenomena in a LWR but two needs were underlined: modelling the physical processes after vessel failure for EPR and calculating SA in shutdown states (both improvements are under way in ASTEC V2). The code high modularity is well suited for level 2 PSA uncertainty or sensitivity studies. The descriptions of the code input data and of the physical models need to be improved. FISA-2009, 22 June 2009, Prague 11 5 REMAINING SCIENTIFIC CHALLENGES The Severe Accident Research Priority (SARP) SARNET Work-Package allowed identifying research priorities with the aim of re-orientating progressively the existing national programmes and of contributing to launch new ones in a coordinated way, eliminating duplications and developing complementarities. Taking as a basis the Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table (PIRT) carried out in EURSAFE [1], the whole spectrum of SA situations, extending from core uncovery to long term corium stabilization, long term containment integrity, and FP release to the environment was considered. Special attention was brought to a risk-oriented approach in order to really focus on the most relevant pending issues. As a result, a consensus was reached and 18 main issues were ranked into four categories. Six issues have been considered to be investigated further with high priority, the first three being closely related to SAM essential actions: - Core coolability during reflood and debris cooling, - Ex-vessel melt pool configuration during MCCI and ex-vessel corium coolability by top flooding, - Hydrogen mixing and combustion in containment, including the effect of mitigation measures such as recombiner effect on global convection, generation of local stratification by recombiner, ignition by recombiner, - Melt relocation into water, ex-vessel FCI, - Oxidising impact (Ru oxidising conditions/air ingress for high burn-up and MOX fuel elements) on source term, - Iodine chemistry in reactor cooling system (RCS) and in containment. Four issues were assessed with medium priority: these items should be investigated further as already planned in the different research programmes. The risk significance is reduced due to considerable progress of knowledge, but some questions are still open: - Hydrogen generation during reflood and melt relocation in vessel, - Corium coolability in lower head, i.e. the corium pool behaviour and its thermal loading on the vessel, - Integrity of the Reactor Pressure Vessel due to external vessel cooling, - Direct Containment Heating. Five issues were assessed with low priority: the current knowledge was considered as sufficient with regards to the state of knowledge and the risk and safety relevance and taking into account ongoing activities; they could be closed after the related ongoing activities are finished: - Corium coolability in core catcher with external cooling, i.e. the predictability of the thermal loading on the core catcher device, - Corium release following vessel rupture, - Crack formation and leakages in concrete containment, - Aerosol behaviour impact on source term, in SG tubes and containment cracks, - Core reflooding impact on source term. Three issues were marked as “issue could be closed”. Due to the risk significance and the current state of knowledge, which is regarded as sufficient in comparison to other issues with greater risk relevance and larger uncertainties, no further experimental programme is needed: - Integrity of RCS and heat distribution, i.e. predictability of heat distribution in the RCS, especially in the SGs, to quantify the risk of RCS failure and possible containment bypass, - Ex-vessel core catcher behaviour, mainly on corium-ceramics interaction and on cooling by water bottom injection, FISA-2009, 22 June 2009, Prague 12 - FCI including steam explosion in weakened vessel. This ranking of issues will allow redistribution of competence and manpower on high priority issues, both in EC FP7 and in other international projects (e.g. OECD projects). 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING The first type of activity concerned educational courses on SA, with teachers from the most experienced organizations, gathering from 40 to 100 persons: - 1st course on SA phenomenology addressing PhD students and young researchers, organised and hosted by CEA in January 2006, - 2nd course on “Accident progression (data, analysis and uncertainties)”, addressing more experienced nuclear safety specialists, organised and hosted by IRSN in March 2007, - 3rd course covering both phenomenology and severe accident scenario codes, organised by CEA and AEKI, hosted by AEKI in April 2008. A second type of activity was the writing of a textbook on SA phenomenology (the edition will take place in 2009). It covers historical aspects of light water reactor safety and principles, phenomena concerning in-vessel accident progression, both early and late containment failure, FP release and transport. It contains also a description of analysis tools or codes, of management and termination of SA, as well as environmental management. It gives elements on Generation III reactors. A mobility programme offered the possibility to students and researchers to visit different laboratories of SARNET for training: 33 delegations, with an average duration of 3 months, have been funded by SARNET. Three conferences (European Review Meetings on Severe Accident Research – ERMSAR) have been organized in France, Germany and Bulgaria as a forum to the Severe Accident community. They are becoming one of the major events in the world on this topic. Finally, at the end of SARNET, about 300 papers have been presented in conferences or published in scientific journals. 7 PERSPECTIVES IN SARNET NETWORK The SARNET contract with the EC covered a four and a half year period from April 2004 to September 2008. From 2006 a working group composed of nine representatives of the Governing Board prepared the continuation of the network. Such new project, named SARNET2, has been accepted by EC and started to work on April 1st, 2009, for four years. During this period, the networking activities will focus mainly on the 6 high priority issues underlined in section 5. Forty-one partners from Europe, plus Canada, Korea and the United States will network their research capacities in SARNET2 (Fig.8). In the continuity of SARNET, the project has been defined in order to optimize the use of the available means and to constitute a sustainable consortium in which common research programmes and a common computer code on SA (ASTEC integral code) are developed. To increase efficiency at the decision-making level, the SARNET Governing Board is replaced by a Steering Committee of 10 members in charge of strategy, advised by an Advisory Committee of managers of end-user organisations. A General Assembly, composed of one representative of each Consortium Contractor, plus the EC representative, will be called yearly for information and consultation on the progress of the network activities, the work orientations and the decisions taken by the Steering Committee. On the second level, a Management Team (Coordinator and seven work-package leaders) will be entrusted with the task of the day-to-day management of the Network. FISA-2009, 22 June 2009, Prague 13 The key integrating and spreading of excellence activities will be pursued: gathering of available experimental data in a common format in the DATANET database; integration of acquired knowledge in ASTEC and extension of its applicability to BWR and CANDU; spreading of the knowledge through the public SARNET web site and the ACT; organization of conferences and seminars; organization of education and training courses; encouragement of exchange of students and researchers. Besides, research priorities will be periodically updated. Level 2 PSA activities will not be pursued within SARNET, as the ASAMPSA2 EC project [10] on harmonization of level 2 PSA studies has been set up in 2008. Fig.8: SARNET2 FP7 project Differently to the SARNET first phase, the joint research activities will include experimental programmes. Following EC recommendations, experimental efforts will be mainly devoted to two topics considered of highest importance, and for which real progress toward the closure of the issue is expected: corium/debris coolability and MCCI. Common analyses of experimental results and benchmarking activities in order to elaborate a common understanding of relevant phenomena will be pursued through various technical circles. Finally, the network will evolve toward real self-sustainability, through the creation of a legal entity. The definition of the most adequate solution will be an essential task of the 1st SARNET2 period. Links with other international programmes and organizations Links with OECD/NEA, ISTC and other programmes co-funded by the EC will be maintained and reinforced, for instance: - ASAMPSA2: discussion on level 2 PSA requirements for integral codes such as ASTEC, and on the sufficiency of knowledge to assess the most relevant phenomena in level 2 PSA, - PLINIUS transnational infrastructure (CEA): joint performance of experiments and interpretation by different European teams, - ENEN [11]: collaboration on education and training courses for students, - ISTC: discussion in the CEG-SAM experts’ group about the Russian projects, - SNE-TP: progressive opening of the activities to new generations of reactors. Discussions will take place on possible cooperation with Third Countries organisations (including other newcomers in Europe). FISA-2009, 22 June 2009, Prague 14 8 CONCLUSION Most objectives of the SARNET network of excellence have been reached: - Preservation of knowledge produced by thousands of person-years of R&D and dissemination to end-users through the ASTEC code and the DATANET database, - First step towards harmonization of level 2 PSA methods, which continues in the ASAMPSA2 project in FP7, - Making Europe a leader in SA computer code and risk assessment methodology, in particular through the assessment and improvements of the ASTEC integral code that is becoming the European reference tool, - Efficient transfer of knowledge to younger generations through conferences, courses and an efficient mobility programme, - Large progress to solve remaining outstanding issues through joint work on Corium, Containment and Source Term topics and to provide model recommendations for ASTEC. - Direct impact of the research priorities on national programmes. A large step towards the ambitious but highly important objective to achieve the sustainable integration of the European SA research capacities has been now reached. Reaching this integration will be the objective of the continuation of the SARNET network for four years from 2009. Beyond the objective to solve the latest pending issues for current NPPs safety, the self-sustainability of the network should be obtained at the end of the SARNET2 project. The network will progressively coordinate all the research activities in this field, which will contribute to an optimised use of European resources. This unique kernel of competences should be kept alive and play an increasing role in future on the safety “cross-cutting” issues in the SNE-TP frame, for instance progressively working on the new reactor Generation IV designs. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks are given to all the SARNET members: WMTL (formerly AEAT), AEKI, ARCS, AVN, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE), CEA, ERSE (formerly CESI Ricerca), Chalmers University, CIEMAT, CSN, Demokritos, University of Pisa, EA, EDF, ENEA, Fortum, AREVA NP SAS (formerly Framatome ANP SAS), AREVA NP GmbH (formerly Framatome ANP-GmbH), FZJ, KIT (formerly FZK), FZR, GRS, University of Stuttgart (IUSTT-IKE), INR, INRNE, IVS, JRC Ispra, JRC ITU, JRC IE Petten, JSI, University of Stockholm (KTH), LEI, NNC, NRG, PSI, University of Ruhr Bochum (RUB), Swedpower AB, Technicatome, Thermodata, Suez-Tractebel SA, Technical University of Sofia, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Université Catholique de Louvain, UJD, UJV, Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), VEIKI, VTT, VUJE, Becker Technologies, AECL, BNRA, Newcastle University. The authors are also very grateful to the technical contributors in these organizations, too numerous to name. Finally the authors thank the European Commission for funding the SARNET network in FP6 in the area “Nuclear Fission: Safety of Existing Nuclear Installations” under contract number FI6O-CT-2004-509065. REFERENCES [1] Magallon D. et al., “European Expert Network for the Reduction of Uncertainties in Severe Accident Safety Issues (EURSAFE)”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, vol. 235, pp. 309-346 (2005). FISA-2009, 22 June 2009, Prague 15 [2] Micaelli J.-C. et al., “SARNET: A European Cooperative Effort on LWR Severe Accident Research”, Proc. European Nuclear Conference, Versailles, France (2005). [3] Journeau C. et al., “European Research on the Corium Issues within the SARNET Network of Excellence”, Proc. Int. Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP’08), Anaheim, California, USA (2008). [4] QUENCH programme, [5] Wilkening H. et al.,“European Research on Issues Concerning Hydrogen Behaviour in Containment within the SARNET Network of Excellence”, ICAPP’08. [6] Haste T. et al., “SARNET: Integrating Severe Accident Research in Europe: Key Issues in the Source Term Area”, Proc. Int. Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP ’06), Reno, Nevada, USA (2006). [7] Clément B. and Zeyen R., “The Phébus FP and International Source Term Programmes”, Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Bled, Slovenia (2005). [8] STRESA tool, [9] Albiol T., Van Dorsselaere J.-P., Reinke N., “SARNET: a success story. Survey of major achievements on severe accidents and of knowledge capitalization within the ASTEC code”, Proc. EUROSAFE Forum, Paris, France, Nov.2-3 (2008). [10] ASAMPSA2 project – Advanced Safety Assessment Methodologies: Level 2 PSA, [11] European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN), For general information on safety of nuclear power plants, see the web site of the EUROSAFE European global approach on safety: FISA-2009, 22 June 2009, Prague 16