Provost's Conversations on Diversity, Democracy, and Higher

Provost’s Conversations on Diversity, Democracy, and Higher Education
Dr. Patricia Y. Gurin
Nancy Cantor Distinguished University Professor Emerita of
Psychology and Women’s Studies, University of Michigan
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Nyumburu Cultural Center, Multipurpose Room – 12 p.m. (Noon)
“Democracy and the Multiversity Project:
A Conversation with Dr. Patricia Gurin”
Selected Publications Written by Dr. Patricia Gurin
Found in the UM Libraries
[The Most Recent Titles Are Listed First]
Gurin, Patricia and Biren A. Nagda. Intergroup Dialogue: A Critical-Dialogic Approach to Learning
About Difference, Inequality, and Social Justice. New Directions for Teaching & Learning.
Fall, 2007. No. 111, pp. 35-45.
All UMCP Libraries
Education Research Database Contains
Find It Link to Complete Article
Through Research Port
Presents an approach that encourages students to explore social identities, comprehend social inequality,
and discover ways to increase social justice.
Gurin, Patricia and Biren A. Nagda. Getting to the “What,” “How,” and “Why” of Diversity on
Campus. Educational Researcher. January/February, 2006. Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 20-24.
All UMCP Libraries
Educational Researcher E-Journal Contains
Complete Article Through Research Port
Explores a variety of social psychological theories that may assist campus diversity programs with
diversity initiatives, advancing cross-racial dialogues, and promoting learning among diverse students.
Gurin, Patricia, Jeffrey Lehman, and Earl Lewis. Defending Diversity: Affirmative Action at the
University of Michigan. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2004.
McKeldin Library
Stacks LB 2351.2 .D43 2004
(Reserve Desk)
Distinguished University of Michigan (UM) faculty responds to the June 2003 decision by the U.S.
Supreme Court. The Court upheld UM’s right and thus, other academic institutions right to consider race
as a factor in their admissions programs. UM’s affirmative action polices advanced the argument that
diversity in higher education has positive educational and social outcomes.
Gurin, Patricia, Biren A. Nagda, and Gretche E. Lopez. The Benefits of Diversity in Education for
Democratic Citizenship. Journal of Social Issues. March, 2004. Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 17-34.
All UMCP Libraries
ERIC Database Contains
Complete Article Through Research Port
A longitudinal survey of University of Michigan students. Reveals that educational benefits derived
from diversity depends on curricular and co-curricular interactions of diverse groups, and not by groups
merely coexisting. Compares students enrolled in a diversity program with a matched control group.
Gurin, Patricia Y., Eric L. Dey, Gerald Gurin, and Sylvia Hurtado. How Does Racial/Ethnic
Diversity Promote Education? Western Journal of Black Studies. Spring, 2003. Vol. 27, No. 1,
pp. 20-29.
All UMCP Libraries
PsycINFO Database Contains
Complete Article Through Research Port
The authors discuss the educational outcomes of students who have experienced diversity in the
classroom. The discussion is framed within the context of affirmation action policies and the legal
challenges brought against the University of Michigan.
Gurin, Patricia, Eric L. Dey, Sylvia Hurtado, and Gerald Gurin. Diversity and Higher Education:
Theory and Impact on Educational Outcomes. Harvard Educational Review. Fall, 2002. Vol. 72,
No. 3. pp. 330-366.
McKeldin Library
Periodical Stacks L 11 .H3 v. 72 : no. 3-no. 4
Examines longitudinal student data from the University of Michigan, and data from the Cooperative
Institutional Research Program. Shows learning and civic outcomes as a result of diversity experiences.
Gurin, Patricia, Thomas Sugrue, Eric Foner, Albert Camarillo, William Bowen, Claude Steele
Derek Bok, Kent Syverud, and Robert B. Webster. The Compelling Need for Diversity in Higher
Education. ERIC Document 435367. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1999.
McKeldin Library
Periodicals/Microform Room
(ERIC Microfiche Collection)
Affirmative action experts for the University of Michigan discuss the issue of race in the United States
and the benefits of a diverse classroom.
Gurin, Patricia. Expert Report. “Gratz, et al. v. Bollinger, et al.” No. 97-75321 (E.D. Mich.);
“Grutter, et al. v. Bollinger, et al.” No. 97-75928 (E.D. Mich.). Equity & Excellence in Education.
September, 1999. Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 36-62.
Mckeldin Library
Periodical Stacks LB 3062 .I51 v. 32 1999
Examines data on diversity in higher education, which excludes information collected for the University
of Michigan legal proceedings. Findings demonstrate “consistently,” that a racially diverse student body
with experiences in diversity activities significantly affects learning.
Gurin, Patricia and Louise A. Tilly, Editors. Women, Politics, and Change. New York: Russell
Sage Foundation, 1990.
UMCP Lucille Maurer Library
Stacks HQ 1236.5 U6 W667
A collection of essays by psychologists, sociologists, political scientists, anthropologists, and social
historians that examines the political history of women from the late 19th century to current times.
Gurin, Patricia and Jaclyn Rodriguez. The Relationships of Intergroup Contact to Social Identity
and Political Consciousness. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. August, 1990. Vol. 12, No. 3,
pp. 2335-255.
McKeldin Library
Periodical Stacks RC 451.5 H57H58 v. 12 1990
Explores the impact of intergroup and intragroup interactions on social and political identity perceptions.
Focuses on Mexican American’s social identities and group political consciousness toward the White
majority and other ethnic groups.
Gurin, Patricia, Shirley Hatchett, and James S. Jackson. Hope and Independence: Blacks’ Response
to Electoral and Party Politics. New York: R. Sage Foundation, 1989.
McKeldin Library
Stacks E 185.615 .G86 1989
(Currently Circulating)
Examines survey results of more than a thousand African Americans during the 1984 presidential
campaign. Covers topics such as Jesse Jackson’s presidential campaign, black support for independent
candidates, black political separation from whites, and continued black support for the Democratic Party.
Gurin, Patricia and Edgar Epps. Black Consciousness, Identity, and Achievement: A Study of
Students in Historically Black Colleges. New York: Wiley, 1975.
McKeldin Library
Stacks LC 2781 .G79
(Reserve Desk)
Provides insights into the concerns and dilemmas of African American students, who attended historically
black colleges from 1964 to 1970. Explores the connection between identity goals and traditional
academic goals. Covers topics such as individual achievement and collective achievement.
Gurin, Patricia and Irwin Katz, Editors. Race and the Social Sciences. New York: Basic Books,
McKeldin Library
Stacks E 185.61 .R2
(Reserve Desk)
A collection of essays that discuss the development of research goals and methods aimed at improving
race relations in the United States. Emphasis is on practical approaches to addressing the race issue.
Gurin, Patricia and Daniel Katz. Motivation and Aspiration in the Negro College. Ann Arbor,
Michigan: Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, 1966.
McKeldin Library
Stacks LC 2781 .G8
(Reserve Desk)
Analyzes the factors that influence career choices and aspirations of students attending historically black
colleges in the South, including the impact of social and family backgrounds.
Selected Books About Affirmative Action and Diversity
Found in the UM Libraries
[The Most Recent Titles Are Listed First]
Joshee, Reva and Lauri Johnson, Editors. Multicultural Education Policies in Canada and the
United States. VanCouver: UBC Press, 2007.
McKeldin Library
Stacks LC 1099 .M847 2007
(Reserve Desk)
A comparative study of the evolution and influence of diversity policies in the United States and Canada.
Twenty-six academics from the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, and Japan offer their insights.
Kaplin, William A. and Barbara A. Lee. The Law of Higher Education: A Comprehensive Guide to
Legal Implications of Administrative Decision Making. 4th Edition, Volumes 1-2. San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass, 2006.
McKeldin Library
Stacks KF 4225 .K36 2006
(Reserve Desk)
The fourth edition of this two volume set contains new and expanded sections on laws pertaining to
conflict resolution in higher education, affirmative action in employment, hate speech, and academic
freedom of speech.
Moore, Jamillah. Race and College Admissions: A Case for Affirmative Action. Jefferson, N.C.:
McFarland, 2005.
McKeldin Library
Stacks LC 212.42 .M66 2005
(Reserve Desk)
An analysis of the role race plays in higher education admissions. Explores misconceptions related to
to affirmative action, race, and the college admission process.
Wise, Time J. Affirmative Action: Racial Preference in Black and White. New York: Routledge,
Mckeldin Library
Stacks LC 213.52 .W57 2005
(Reserve Desk)
Examines affirmative action policies from the viewpoint of white privilege in the American educational
system. The author demonstrates long standing institutionalized racism and white racial preference in
U. S. education. Argues that affirmative action is more than just a tool for promoting diversity.
Selected Videos About Affirmative Action and Diversity
Found in the UM Libraries
[The Most Recent Titles Are Listed First]
What’s Race Got to Do With It? (2006). DVD Videodisc, (49 minutes). Color.
UMCP Hornbake Library
LC 1099.3 .W473 2006
Nonprint Media Services Desk
This film chronicles 16 weeks of intergroup dialogue on the campus of the University of California at
Berkeley. Students explore the issue of race and discover their lack of awareness regarding how different
their campus experiences are from their peers and the lack of an inclusive campus climate.
Beyond Brown: Pursuing the Promise. (2004). DVD Videodisc, (60 minutes). Color with black and
white sequences.
UMCP Hornbake Library
LC 214.2 .B49 2004
Nonprint Media Service Desk
Examines the legacy and influence of Brown vs. Board of Education, the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court
decision that declared legal segregation unconstitutional in American education.
Diversity Strategies for Today’s Complex Environment. (2002). VHS Videocassette,
(117 minutes). Color.
UMCP Hornbake Library
HF 5549.5 .A34 D58 2002
Nonprint Media Services Desk
Moderator, Julianne Malveaux and panelists discuss race and racial diversity in the United States. This is
framed in the context of affirmative action and higher education admissions policies.
Affirmative Action: The Right Road to Diversity. (2001). VHS Videocassette,
(30 minutes). Color.
UMCP Hornbake Library
HF 5549.5 .A34 A467 2001
Nonprint Media Services Desk
Program presents the debate over affirmative action policies. Critics believe affirmative action programs
are no longer needed, while defenders believe abolishing them would be premature.
Beyond Black and White: Affirmative Action in America. (2000). VHS Videocassette,
(60 minutes). Color.
UMCP Hornbake Library
HF 5549.5 .A34 B49 2000
Nonprint Media Services Desk
Moderator, Charles J. Ogletree and a panel of policy activists represent the various sides of the
affirmative action issue. The debate is framed in the context of a hypothetical university’s admissions
The Color Line on Campus. (2000). VHS Videocassette, (30 minutes). Black and white.
UMCP Hornbake Library
E 185.61 .C5943 2000
Nonprint Media Services Desk
Presents a series of interviews with individuals who played a major role in desegregating public education
in the South, during the 1950s and early 1960s. Features interviews with James Meredith and other
African American students who integrated universities in the South.
Selected Equity
and Diversity Websites:
University of Maryland at College Park
Coordinating Council for Equity and Diversity
Coordinates and communicates equity and diversity initiatives across campus. Undertakes collaborative
work to develop and support campus-wide equity and diversity efforts.
Core Human Cultural Diversity Courses
Web links to human cultural diversity courses offered at the University. Undergraduates are required to
complete at least one diversity course prior to graduation.
Directory of Equity, Diversity, & Conflict Resolution Initiatives
A comprehensive directory to multicultural education endeavors across campus. Provide descriptions and
contact information of various offices and departments on campus.
Diversity and Affirmative Action Initiatives
Established in 1995, the University System of Maryland institutions collaboratively formed a Diversity
Network, to promote awareness and appreciation for diversity through various initiatives.
Diversity Team of the University Libraries
The Diversity Team promotes the implementation of campus diversity initiatives in the libraries. It
undertakes educational activities to increase diversity awareness and positive change in the library
environment, among faculty, staff, and students.
Diversity Timeline at the University of Maryland (UMCP)
The timeline depicts the establishment of the University of Maryland, College Park in the mid-1850s as a
historically white public university. It traces the development of campus diversity over 150 years. Credits
John B. Slaughter, the first and to date, only African American President (then known as Chancellor) of
being the catalyst for pro-active diversity awareness and education among faculty, staff, and students,
beginning in the1980s.
Diversity Web
A collaborative diversity initiative launched in 1996 by the University of Maryland at College Park, the
Ford Foundation, and the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). The website
provides a comprehensive collection of campus practices and resources that will assist academic
institutions in developing, supporting, and advancing diversity on their campuses. In 2002, AACU
became solely responsible for the design, content, and technology support for Diversity Web.
Equity Council
The Equity Council serves as an advisory group to the University President and the President's Cabinet.
The Council participates in the communication and development of Affirmative Action policies and
procedures for the campus. Also, as necessary, it reviews and recommends search selection policies and
procedures for the university and its colleges and departments.
Office of Human Relations Programs
OHRP provides a wide range of programs in multicultural education. A few of the many programs made
available to the university campus include workshops and small group dialogues on race, ethnicity,
sexuality, and sexual harassment prevention. Also, OHRP regularly sponsors university wide events on
diversity issues.
Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education
OMSE supports the retention and graduation of underrepresented minority students. The unit which is
part of the Academic Affairs Division, offers general advising, peer mentoring, and tutoring in a variety
of disciplines. OMSE sponsors numerous monthly and yearly programs that support minority success.
President’s Commission on Disability Issues
The President’s Commission on Disability Issues (PCDI) was established in 1986. PCDI advises the
University President on matters to improve the quality of life for students and employees with disabilities.
PCDI work towards identifying and recommending removal of any remaining barriers, as it relates to
accessibility to campus buildings and facilities.
President’s Commission on Ethnic Minority Issues
The President’s Commission on Ethnic Minority Issues (PCEMI) was established in 1973. PCEMI
advises the University President on concerns of minority students, faculty, and staff at the university.
The Commission serves as an advocate and support mechanism for ethnic minority groups on campus.
PCEMI seeks to ensure that equal access is made available campus wide, to all ethnic minorities.
President’s Commission on LGBT Issues
The PCLGBTI serves as advisor to the University President and campus administration on issues of
concern to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups on campus. The Commission recommends
policies and programs to ensure that the campus is sensitive to the needs of LGBT persons, who are part
of the University community.
President’s Commission on Women’s Issues
PCWI serves as an advocate for women’s interests across campus. Diverse perspectives are represented,
which include female faculty, staff, students, and administrators. The Commission not only serves as an
advisor to the University President on women, gender, and diversity related issues, PCWI also makes
recommendations to address the concerns related to such issues.
Selected Databases:
Researching Equity and Diversity Issues
Databases listed here are accessible through the University Libraries’ Research Port, The electronic files can be searched on and off campus
by University of Maryland, College Park students, faculty, and staff. Due to licensing
agreements, the general public may access the databases on campus only.
America: History and Life
An online file to American and Canadian history. Includes citations and abstracts to journal articles,
books, book reviews, and dissertations.
CQ Researcher
This full-text database provides comprehensive analysis, history, and background information on a wide
range of topics. Also, the database contains relevant pro & con arguments. The online file covers topics
such as social issues, the environment, health, education, politics, science and technology.
Education Research Complete
The definitive online resource for education research. A comprehensive listing of the world’s largest and
most complete collection of full-text education journals. It is a bibliographic and full-text database
covering scholarly research and information relating to all areas of education.
Electronic access to information from over 1,000 education and education-related journals. Contains a
variety of non-journal materials, including ERIC documents. Full-text and links to complete articles is
provided by the electronic file.
Ethnic NewsWatch
A bilingual (English/Spanish) interdisciplinary database with full-text articles from newspapers,
magazines, and journals of the ethnic, minority, and native press.
LexisNexis Academic
Contains the complete text of case law, regulations, as well as, state and federal codes of the United
States. Includes a variety of news, legal, political, and business articles, as well as, reference information.
The most comprehensive index in psychology, counseling, and related fields. Includes citations and
abstracts of journal articles, book chapters, books, technical reports, and dissertations. Holdings contain
materials from 1,700 periodicals in over 30 languages. Includes database links to full-text materials.
SocIndex with Full Text
Provides online access to sociology literature and other social sciences related research. Contains
abstracts, indexing, and full-text to books, journal articles, and conference papers.
Women Studies International
Covers issues in women's studies including feminist theory and history, family, mental and physical
health, gender discrimination, law, legislation, and employment. Other fields include sociology, public
policy, international relations, and education. Over 2,000 periodical sources are represented. Includes
full-text articles and links to full-text resources.
This publication has been prepared by faculty and staff members of the University of Maryland
Libraries in support of the Provost’s Conversations on Diversity, Democracy, and Higher Education
Lecture Series.
Authors of Publication
Otis Chadley,
African American Studies and Anthropology Librarian (301) 405-9282
Damon Austin,
Agricultural Sciences Librarian (301) 405-9666
A. Marie Chadley,
Library Technician II (301) 405-9315