H232 Restaurant Operations Analysis

H232: Restaurant Operations Analysis
Module Synopsis
This is a comprehensive theory module which introduces one to restaurant operation analysis which
is vital to improve operational efficiency, increases throughput, and maximizes profitability as well as
resolve system problems.
This module provides the foundation and basic fundamentals of restaurant operations. It also
encourages utilization of case studies and identification of crucial elements involved in the successful
operation of a restaurant and shows their inter-relationships.
Module Objectives
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
Identify what is required of restaurant managers/leaders to respond to operation’s challenges.
people; techniques, strategies & processes
Analyse techniques in maintaining employee behaviour and motivation. people;
Allow students to explore food and beverage through exposure to new products, to evaluate
products and suppliers, comparing and contrasting products’ performances. product; techniques
& processes
Modification of product and facility to positively impact the psychological needs and behaviour of
customers through productivity. product; techniques & strategies
Determine major factors affecting the growth and success of restaurant business. people,
product and profit; techniques, strategies & processes
Analyse financial statements to determine the operation’s profitability. profit;
strategies &
strategies &
The following are the content-related abilities strengthened by the curricular process of the module:
1. Managing the Restaurants Human Resources
Explain the steps in the Personnel Management Process.
Discuss restaurant workplace issues.
Discuss how management facilitates work of restaurant employees.
Discuss the implications of legal aspects of human resource administration.
2. Legal Aspects of Restaurant Operations
Analyse the legal environment and discuss preventive action.
Discuss the manager’s legal duties of care, liability, and negligence.
Identify the restaurant manager’s responsibilities to employees, guests, and regulators.
Identify the special liabilities and how to govern them.
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3. Food and Beverage Service
Examine the requirements of a quality service.
Analyse the attributes and development to achieve an effective F&B server.
Identify the various features that make the service encounter unique.
Compare and contrast basic services and advance services.
Identify the business’s unique offers and relationship between the former and customer
4. Restaurant Essentials
Explain what goes on “behind the scenes” to help assure that food is safe for human
Discuss how menu impacts the entire restaurant operation.
Identify implications for restaurants due to consumer behaviours.
Suggest how restaurants can respond effectively to market trends which will impact the
5. Standard Recipes Implement Quality Food Production
Discuss the various components in achieving quality food.
Identify the importance of standard recipes.
Compute Standard Recipes.
Evaluate and adjust standard recipes and portioning.
Analyse the relationship between quality food and customer loyalty.
6. Managing Food Production
Establish quality standards.
Conduct employee training.
Applying proper equipment and tools
Examine production planning and its importance.
Managing products’ selection, storage, preparation and service
7. Managing Beverage Production and Service
Identify various beverage products and the pros and cons.
Explain the steps in beverage selection and care.
Explain the different types of beverage production and service procedures.
Discuss establishment’s compliance with applicable laws.
8. Pre-Production Phase
Discuss the importance of effective purchasing process.
Evaluate the returns of value purchasing; ROP-sponsorships.
List and explain the PRSI process.
Examine the relation between points (a-c) to the business’s P&L.
Examine the relation of hardware/equipment to the business’s P&L.
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9. Restaurant Layout and Equipment
Discuss the importance of an effective layout of a premise.
Discuss the correlation between layout and restaurant’s constituencies.
Identify the factors affecting layout.
o On-site production requirements.
o Operating concerns.
o Employee related factors.
o Safety and sanitation factors.
Identify the various vital areas of an operating facility.
Identify the steps in achieving a basic restaurant layout.
10. Engineering and Facility Maintenance
Discuss the basic engineering requirements for a restaurant.
Identify the types of maintenance for a restaurant.
o Routine Maintenance.
o Preventative Maintenance.
o Guided and supported by SOPs and checklists (opening and closing).
Examine the areas associated to a restaurant which require maintenance (e.g. seating,
equipment, flooring, roof, pests, and etc.)
11. Restaurants and The Banquet Business
Examine the importance of getting ready for banquets.
o Menu planning.
o Training.
o Standard procedures.
o Pre-event role calls/briefings.
Identify and explain the different sales methods.
o Internal/External Sales Methods.
Identify banquet documentation.
List and describe banqueting food and beverage productions.
Explain off-site event and requirements of resources.
12. Opportunity Cost and Labour Cost Control Standards
Identify the opportunity costs involved in restaurant operations.
List and explain the steps of labour control system.
o Select productivity measures.
o Forecast guests and/or revenues & staffing needs.
o Schedule staff.
o Evaluate labour control.
Analyse the requirements in achieving an effective scheduling.
Discuss the use of technology in enhancing labour productivity.
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13. Revenue Collection and Control Systems
Examine the importance of revenue collection and control.
Identify the components of quality revenue.
o Charging the guest, Collecting revenue, Protecting cash assets.
Identify the type of threats to revenue (FOH & BOH).
o FOH: Cashiers, Servers and etc.
o BOH: Preparation staff, Management staff and etc.
Discuss the use of technology in controlling revenue.
14. Accounting and Financial Management
Identify the users of various financial information.
Analyse financial information from the various sources.
Analyse and evaluate past and current revenues.
Discuss the various types of budget and evaluate the variance from budgeted amount.
Examine how to monitor the budget through:
o Revenue analysis.
o Expense Analysis.
o Profit Analysis.
o i.e. suggest to use a sample restaurant’s P&L statement.
15. Restaurant Analysis and Improvement Procedures
Explain the steps of an analysis process.
o Set expectations.
o Assess the “Actuals”.
o Analyse the variance.
o Determine whether the problem exists.
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Allocated time per day
(One-Day-One-Problem PBL Pedagogy)
Module Coverage
Discussion in
Study Cluster
Gathering and
Team Work
Formal Site Visit
4 hrs
2 hrs
Legal aspects of Restaurant
Food and Beverage Service
4 hrs
2 hrs
4 hrs
2 hrs
Restaurant Essentials
4 hrs
2 hrs
Standard Recipes
4 hrs
2 hrs
Managing Food Production
4 hrs
2 hrs
Managing Beverage
4 hrs
2 hrs
4 hrs
2 hrs
Restaurant Layout and
4 hrs
2 hrs
Facility Maintenance
4 hrs
2 hrs
Restaurant and the Banquet
Opportunity Cost and Labour
Cost Control Standards
Revenue Collection and
Control Systems
Accounting and Financial
Restaurant Analysis and
Improvement Procedures
4 hrs
2 hrs
4 hrs
2 hrs
4 hrs
2 hrs
4 hrs
2 hrs
2 hrs
4 hrs
2 hrs
60 hrs
30 hrs
4 hrs
Managing Restaurant
Human Resources
Total = 15 Problems = 94
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