Scenario Analysis Concept Note, Zero Draft 1. Introduction and Background In the planning and budget process in Tanzania there are a number of sources of incomplete information. This concept note focuses in particular on two of these sources. Firstly, in the resource envelope there is uncertainty and unpredictability in external finance commitments, especially through the General Budget Support modality. Secondly, only recently has reporting and evaluation of intervention in different sectors of the economy been generated to facilitate clear forward planning and prioritization decisions on resource allocations across these sectors. The lack of clearly costed medium term programmes from Government has been identified by Development Partners as an obstacle to making clearer medium term commitments. There is a vicious cycle here since at the same time, for Government, the unpredictability of external finance commitments has emerged as a major constraint to developing a more realistic medium term expenditure framework. In recognition of these issues, and as a result of ongoing discussions with Government, the World Bank has developed a proposal for an analytical approach for mapping out scenarios for the budget framework and MKUKUTA implementation assuming differing levels of external financing. This analysis will require firstly the development of a sound basis for estimating the upper and lower bounds of future resource envelopes. Secondly it implies the organisation of intervention priorities in different sectors into a consistent and sustainable implementation strategy that offers proposals for concrete interventions for scaling up the scope of the budget interventions regardless of financing modality. This proposal was included in the discussions on the PEFAR exercise for 2007. The PER Main working group and the PER Macro working group considered these proposals and a Task Force was formed, comprising members from MOF, MPEE, MEM, MOID and DPs led by the World Bank. The Task Force commissioned MOF and MPEE to draft a concept note. This concept note lays out a proposal for undertaking scenario analysis to resolve this impasse. Section2 lays out the rationale for undertaking this analysis and Section 3 sets out the aims, results, outputs and activities. Sections 4 and 5 deal with the methodology and timetable required to produce these results. 1 2. Rationale In order to achieve the goals and targets set out under Vision 2025, the MKUKUTA and the CCM election manifesto there is a need to consolidate and accelerate the current growth path. The medium term framework identifies three sets of challenges 1: 1. Macroeconomic stability and financing growth acceleration including: aid dependency and absorption issues; domestic resource mobilisation; foreign direct investment and public private partnerships 2. Prioritisation of interventions to accelerate growth, especially infrastructure provision and quick wins; balance between recurrent expenditure and investment; linkages and synergies between sectors; and clear criteria for balancing the sequencing, spread and focus of MKUKUTA implementation 3. Governance including effective management of policy and resources; coordination and coherence; effective decentralisation; improved regulatory environment; facilitating private sector development For Government, the proposed scenario analysis can contribute to each of these challenge areas and offer solutions for the way forward. Scenario analysis offers planning based on sector costing, priorities and past performance on the basis of shared criteria. This would facilitate resource allocation decisions based on sustainable and consistent criteria across sectors and offer realistic forecasts for MTEFs. For prioritisation, greater clarity on the overall resource envelope regardless of financial modality could facilitate the sequencing and integration of MKUKUTA implementation and offer a means of attaining balance between recurrent expenditure and investment. This in turn could offer a strategy for scaling-up aid absorption within sustainability and consistency criteria. The proposed process for scenario analysis would facilitate capacity building and strengthening of Government planning, budgeting and reporting systems. More realistic planning would give greater credibility to the Government and reduced uncertainty could contribute to an improved business environment. For Development Partners such scenario analysis would provide clarity on the implications of uncertainty in external financing on planning, budgeting and implementation processes. This could form the basis for clear aid strategies and greater alignment to Government systems across all financing modalities. This could give input for the development of a framework for identifying DP responsibilities in the aid relationship as individual agencies and as a collective. 1 Planning and Budget Guidelines 2007 2 3. Aims and Results The aim of the scenario analysis is: To produce an analysis of alternative levels of MKUKUTA implementation for input into the Planning and Budget Guidelines process and serve as the basis for a strategy for scaling-up financing of the MKUKUTA, especially for external finance commitments The expected results of the scenario analysis are: 1. A robust, sustainable and consistent medium term financing strategy exists for the implementation of MKUKUTA at national, cluster and sector level 2. Government planning and budgeting systems are strengthened In order to achieve these results the following outputs are necessary: 1. Credible external financing scenarios are produced with upper and lower bound projections of external projections developed on the basis of current MTEF predictions 2. Alternative levels of MKUKUTA implementation are mapped out using consistency and sustainability criteria and integrated at cluster level with sequenced priorities at national, cluster and sector The following activities and inputs are necessary to produce these outputs: Activities to achieve output 1: a) PER Macro uses current MTEF projections as the basis for developing robust financing projections and scenarios in conjunction with PBG committee b) PER Main develops sustainability criteria for cluster interventions for different scenarios taking into account the macroeconomic framework c) Finance ceilings are developed at cluster level under these criteria Activities to achieve output 2: a) PER Sector WGs review and revise existing costing scenarios and other relevant material to determine medium term priorities b) PER Cluster WGs review and synthesise sector inputs and develop criteria for cluster consistency, and prioritise sector interventions under these criteria c) PER Main reviews and synthesises the cluster inputs and prioritises interventions under consistency criteria 3 4. Methodology 4.1 Who will be involved? It is envisaged to use the Public Expenditure Review (PER) working groups to develop the inputs into the scenario analysis. Recently, the structure, membership and content of the PER sector, thematic, cluster and main working groups was clarified. This Task Force was proposed by the PER Macro Working Group and approved by the PER Main Working Group Chairman. The Task Force will direct the overall production of scenario analysis inputs, in coordination with PER Main and PER Macro working groups. In addition to the PER structure the Task Force will liaise with members of the Planning and Budget Guidelines Committee in order to ensure the compatibility and usefulness of the scenario analysis. 4.2 Financing Scenarios In order to complete the projections, the DP members of the Task Force will work with DPs to establish a framework for making projections based on current MTEF projections. From this analysis the Task Force will liaise with the Planning and Budget Guidelines (PBG) committee to develop the ceilings for the upper and lower bound scenarios. The limits to aid absorption need to be defined based on existing modelling work. The methodology for determining external financing commitments scenarios using different projections will need to be defined. These overall financing scenarios need to be defined in order to guide the work at cluster a sector level. Generating the implementation scenarios will involve an extensive review of existing analysis, reports and performance evaluation of sectors, cluster strategies and the overall medium term focus of the budget. If the scenarios are to be generated in SBAS format the focus will be on summary level. 4.3 Sustainability and Consistency criteria at sector level In the MKUKUTA sector costing studies carried out to date 2 there is a great deal of information on the sectors and projected costs for reaching stated targets, including some scenario analysis in terms of interrelated outcomes, such as in the health sector. However there are different criteria in each sector and for these studies and other related costing material to be useful for scenario analysis there are some gaps that would need to be filled across the sectors in order to respond to sustainability and consistency imperatives. A major task for this exercise will be to identify sustainability and consistency criteria that can then be used at each level of integration. At sector level these criteria will facilitate the identification of the interventions involved in 2 Energy, Agriculture, Roads, Water and Sanitation, Health, and Lands 4 different levels of financing, and at cluster level to integrate sector strategies before the overall priorities for each scenario is determined. In terms of sustainability at sector level, the scenarios offered to date have been unconstrained, and the quick wins identified are for immediate financing. This approach needs to be developed to offer a sequenced set of interventions that could be followed depending on the level of financing available. Furthermore, while financing gaps have been identified, these need to be differentiated between investment and maintenance/recurrent expenditure. The sequencing and prioritisation within the sector should be based on an understanding of the relationship between development and recurrent expenditure in that sector and the sustainable path necessary. The degree of aid dependence of the sector should be ascertained along with the Capacity constraints should also be examined, especially since in these studies there is little reference to past performance in absorbing allocated resources and reaching economic and social targets. The relationship between aid financing through basket funds and general budget support, potential for domestic resource mobilisation will need to be developed. 4.4 Sustainability and Consistency criteria at cluster level From a consistency perspective, the costing exercises were carried out as relatively isolated exercises and therefore a synthesis is required at cluster level to ensure that cluster strategy objectives are being met. The synergies and linkages that have been explored from within each sector will need to be viewed from the cluster perspective and coherence between sectors’ priorities determined. All sectors would need to address costing under the different financing and sustainability criteria and relate these to performance, capacity and priority issues. At cluster level sustainability and consistency criteria need to be outlined to guide sectors in developing their prioritisations based on a variety of issues including: efficiency, effectiveness, performance, trade-offs, quick wins, priorities, scaling-up and capacity issues, financing gaps for both investment and recurrent expenditure. Sector and cluster level activities should be guided by criteria emanating from the umbrella of macroeconomic sustainability and medium term objectives at the cluster and national levels. As outlined in ‘Section 2 – Rationale’ above, the medium term focus highlights three sets of challenges: macroeconomic stability, growth acceleration through infrastructure and governance. Along with aid absorption challenges and constraints that face scaling up of expenditure, general overall criteria should be developed to ensure consistency and sustainability of the overall scenario analysis when all of the sector and cluster levels have been integrated. 5 5. Timetable The timetable for activities is outlined according to the following timetable, with the process beginning in April with the finalisation of the concept note and Terms of Reference by the Task Force and agreement with PER Main Working Group. No. 1.a Element Task Force holds consultation with PBG on scenario analysis Completed By Mid- May process PER Macro DPG PER Macro considers the concept note and develops of MOF/PAD projections data MPEE PER Main considers the process and agrees on way forward 1.b PER Main agrees ToR for scenario analysis process; discusses Late May PER Macro Criteria discussed and agreed at PER CWGs and instructions PER CWGs given to sector leads Guideline ceilings for cluster strategies and consistency criteria Task Force PER Main projections and agrees sustainability criteria 1.c Responsible Task Force Early June Task Force developed and agreement of way forward with CWGs and PER Main Sector WGs PER Macro PER CWGs 2.a Sector Working Groups form task teams to review and Mid July synthesise existing material and produce costing according to Task Force Sector consistency and sustainability criteria established by CWGs WGs PER CWGs 2.b Cluster Working Groups receive and review individual sector End July PER CWGs outputs and integrate them according to cluster level ceiling, PER Main consistency and sustainability criteria 2.c PER Main Working Group with assistance from PER Macro synthesises Cluster inputs according to different scenarios The Task Force and PER Macro develops an integrated Task Force August Task Force PER Main PER Macro scenario analysis according to overall ceilings, consistency and PBG sustainability criteria in consultation with PBG Committee MOF The Scenario Analysis is presented to PER Main and PER MPEE CWGs before submission to PBG committee 6