materiali materiali plurilingue plurilingue - scuola- secondaria scuola dell’infanzia 1° grado inglesearabo presentazione autorizzazioni Scuola secondaria 1° grado First Grade Secondary School ____________________________ A scuola in Italia At school in Italy 1. How is the Italian school organized? 2. The first grade secondary school 3. Which persons work in the school? 4. Which are the subjects? 5. For students who don’t know Italian 6. Which material is needed? 7. How are the results valued? 8. Absences 9. What role do parents have? 10. Students 11. Timetables 12. General rules 1 materiali materiali plurilingue plurilingue - scuola- secondaria scuola dell’infanzia 1° grado inglesearabo presentazione autorizzazioni 1 Com’è organizzata la scuola in Italia? How is the Italian school organized? CRÈCHE UP TO 3 YEARS OF AGE NURSERY FROM 3 TO 6 PRIMARY SCHOOL FROM 6 TO 11 FIRST GRADE SECONDARY SCHOOL FROM 11 TO 14 SECOND GRADE SECONDARY SCHOOL OVER 14 You enrol at the first grade secondary school. 2 materiali materiali plurilingue plurilingue - scuola- secondaria scuola dell’infanzia 1° grado inglesearabo presentazione autorizzazioni 2 La scuola secondaria di 1° grado The first grade secondary school The first grade secondary school lasts three years and ends with an examination. A diploma is given to those students who pass the examination. You have to attend classes for 30 hours a week, in the morning. You can choose to attend classes for 2/3 hours in the afternoon, too. The enrolment at state schools is free, only a contribution for insurances, photocopies, … is required. 3 materiali materiali plurilingue plurilingue - scuola- secondaria scuola dell’infanzia 1° grado inglesearabo presentazione autorizzazioni 3 Quali persone operano nella scuola? Which persons work in the school? Presidenza Segreteria Collegio Composed of: School Headmaster Composed of: Administrative manager Secretarial staff Composed of: Teachers Headed by the School Headmaster Consigli di classe Consiglio di Istituto Comitato genitori Composed of: Teachers Parents’ representatives (n. 4 each class) Composed of: School Headmaster Teachers’ representatives (n.4 each school) Parents’ representatives Secretarial staff (n. 1 each school) Administrative manager School collaborators (n. 1 each school) Composed of: All parents’ representatives A parent with chairman functions School collaborators 4 materiali materiali plurilingue plurilingue - scuola- secondaria scuola dell’infanzia 1° grado inglesearabo presentazione autorizzazioni 4 Quali sono le materie? Which are the subjects? In each class you have many teachers. The subjects are : Italian English EU- second language History Geography Mathematics Science Technology Computer science Music Art and image Physical education Civil living together *Catholic religion / Activity instead of Catholic religion * Catholic religion is taught for one hour a week. At the moment of enrolment parents have to fill in a specific form to declare if they: REQUIRE NOT REQUIRE this subject 5 materiali materiali plurilingue plurilingue - scuola- secondaria scuola dell’infanzia 1° grado inglesearabo presentazione autorizzazioni 5 Per chi non sa l’italiano For students who don’t know Italian In the school Italian courses for foreign students are organized during the morning. Students are divided into little groups, depending on their language knowledge, and make specific activities in an equipped laboratory, under a teacher’s direction. The course is completely free. 6 materiali materiali plurilingue plurilingue - scuola- secondaria scuola dell’infanzia 1° grado inglesearabo presentazione autorizzazioni 6 Che materiale serve? Which material is needed? When parents enrol their child they receive the list of schoolbooks. Schoolbooks have to be paid by parents. Before buying them, you have to contact the teacher coordinator of the class. Families with economic problems can ask for a contribution or can borrow them, filling in a specific form they can find in the secretary’s office (books must be given back within the school year ). Families have to pay the school material too: homework diaries, pens, exercisebooks,… The books needed for the Italian course are provided by the “Comune di Modena” and given free to students. 7 materiali materiali plurilingue plurilingue - scuola- secondaria scuola dell’infanzia 1° grado inglesearabo presentazione autorizzazioni 7 Come vengono valutati i risultati? How are results valued? The school year is divided into two parts: 1st four-month period – from September to January 2nd four-month period – from February to June At the end of each four-month period (February and June), teachers give parents the school valuation where you can find the judgment and observation about the student’s learning and behaviour. Judgments are expressed with these words: non sufficiente (not sufficient) – sufficiente (sufficient) – buono (good) – distinto (very good) – ottimo (optimum) The school valuation has to be signed by a parent. Suggestion about the school choice In the school valuation of December the future school will be suggested to students of the third class. 8 materiali materiali plurilingue plurilingue - scuola- secondaria scuola dell’infanzia 1° grado inglesearabo presentazione autorizzazioni 8 Assenze Absences Attending school is a right and also a duty. You have to attend at least ¾ of the school classes. Each absence has to be justified by a parent, using the absence book issued by the secretary’s office at the enrolment. When the absence lasts more than 6 continuative days (Saturdays and Sundays included), you have to present the doctor’s certificate, too. 9 materiali materiali plurilingue plurilingue - scuola- secondaria scuola dell’infanzia 1° grado inglesearabo presentazione autorizzazioni 9 Che ruolo hanno i genitori? What role do parents have? In the Italian school the relation between parents and teachers is very important. To follow the school life of your child you have to: read and sign school communications participate to school meetings participate to colloquies Those parents who don’t speak Italian well can ask for a linguistic-cultural mediator during the meetings. Each year teachers meet parents in different occasions: Election of the class representatives ( 4 each class). They have to keep relations with teachers and the other parents. The parents’ representatives of all classes compose the “Comitato genitori” which organizes social and recreational activities inside the school. Class meetings. All parents of the class take part in this meeting and teachers speak about the class general problems, propose initiatives … School valuation handover. In these meetings teachers inform parents about the boy/girl’s behaviour at school, his/her result in each subject, his/her relationship with the other students of the class... Personal colloquies. Each teacher is available one hour a week (in the morning) to talk with parents about their children. Those families who can’t meet teachers in the morning, can meet them all together in the afternoon (once each four-month period). 10 materiali materiali plurilingue plurilingue - scuola- secondaria scuola dell’infanzia 1° grado inglesearabo presentazione autorizzazioni 10 Gli alunni Students Each student has to respect the persons, students and adults, who work in the school . You respect other people with good manners, but also respecting timetables, others’ things and opinions, hygienic rules, study duties, others’ rights. Each student has to take the useful material at school and follow activities with attention. 11 materiali materiali plurilingue plurilingue - scuola- secondaria scuola dell’infanzia 1° grado inglesearabo presentazione autorizzazioni Scuola secondaria 1° grado ___________________________ First grade secondary school Via_________________________ Address Tel. ________________________ Tel. 11 L’orario Timetable From Monday to Saturday MATTINO MORNING Ingresso in classe Entrance into classroom Inizio delle lezioni Classes beginning Intervallo Break Termine delle lezioni Classes end ORE HOURS POMERIGGIO AFTERNOON Ingresso in classe Entrance into classroom Inizio delle lezioni Classes beginning Intervallo Break Termine delle lezioni Classes end ORE HOURS La segreteria ha sede presso la scuola _____________________________________ The secretary’s office is located c/o the school Indirizzo _____________________________________________________________ Address Telefono ________________________________ Telephone Orari Timetable Mattino dalle ore ……………………… alle ore ……………………… In the morning from to Pomeriggio dalle ore ……………………… alle ore ……………………… In the afternoon from to The School Headmaster receives on appointment. 12 materiali materiali plurilingue plurilingue - scuola- secondaria scuola dell’infanzia 1° grado inglesearabo presentazione autorizzazioni 12 Norme generali General rules Students can enter school when the bell sounds. If a student arrives late he has to present an excuse note signed by a parent. A student can leave school before classes end if a parent or a delegate person fetches him. Absences of one or more days have to be justified on a specific book. During classes (except the 1st and 4th hour) students can ask teacher to go to the bathroom. When each class ends they can’t go out but have to prepare the material for the following class. During the break students can leave classroom to eat snacks and go to the bathroom. You can walk or stay in corridors but a right behaviour is necessary. Classrooms and laboratories have to be kept in order. At school the cellular telephone can’t be used but the secretary’s office phone is available in case of necessity. When classes end teachers take students to the school exit; the exit must be in good order. If rules are not respected disciplinary measures will be taken. 13