Scheme of Teaching and Examination for 3rd Semester of 3 Years Diploma in Electronics & Comm.Engg. -EC This scheme is valid for the student taking admission in academic session 2009-10 & 2010-11 Duration of Semester Student Contact Hours Total Marks : : : Name of Subject Sixteen weeks (15+1#) 34 Hrs (Per Week ) 750 Subject Code Sl. No Subject Theory and Practical / Sessional is of Period 60 Minutes each. Teaching Scheme L T P Examination Scheme Hours of Exam Full Marks of Subject Internal Assessment Final/External Exam/*Committee Marks Pass marks/Ext Exam Pass marks in Subject 1. Engg. Mathematics-III 301B Theory 4 0 0 3 100 20 80 28 35 2. Basic Electronics EC302 Theory 4 0 0 3 100 20 80 28 35 3. Instrumentation EC303 Theory 4 0 0 3 100 20 80 28 35 4.. Basic Electrical Engg EL302 Theory 4 0 0 3 100 20 80 28 35 5. C Programming CE302 Theory 4 0 0 3 100 20 80 28 35 6. Basic Electrical Lab EL304 Practical 0 0 4 4 100 20 80 32 40 7. Basic Electronics Lab EC304 Sessional 0 0 3 - 50 20 30 - 25 8. Instrumentation Lab EC305 Sessional 0 0 4 - 50 20 30 - 25 9. Programming Lab CE304 Sessional 0 0 3 - 50 20 30 - 25 500 Lecture, 20 0 14 Practical T Total Hours of Teaching per week : Total Marks : Theory L : : : : 100 Tutorial Sessional P : : 150 Practical * Committee Marks 1. The practical subjects (External examination) will be evaluated by an internal committee for 40% of the full marks and 40% of full marks by an external committee. 2. The sessional subject will be evaluated by an internal committee for 30% of the full marks and 30% of full marks by an external committee. # one week is assigned for internal assessment examinations. ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-III L T P 4 0 0 Total Contact Hours : 60 Theory : 60 Curri. Ref. No. 301B Total Marks : 100 Theory : End Term Exam : 80 I.A. : 20 UNIT TOPIC / SUB-TOPIC Hrs. 1. Approximation and Errors: 8 Accuracy of numbers, Errors in approximations, Order of approximation and Propagation of errors. 2. Roots of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations: 14 Bisection method, Regula-falsi method, Iteration method, Newton-Raphson method, Bairstow’s method and Graeffe’s root squaring method. 3. Solution of Simultaneous Algebraic Equations, Matrix Inversion and Eigen-value Problems 12 triangularisation method, Jacobi’s and Gauss-Siedel iteration methods, Newton-Raphson method for nonlinear simultaneous equations, Triangularisation method for matrix inversion, Partition method for matrix inversion 4. ALGEBRAIC SYSTEMS 8 Introduction, Algebraic Operations, Semi-groups, Groups, Sub-groups, Normal Sub-groups, and Homomorphism, Rings, Integral Domains, Fields 5. GRAPH THEORY 8 Basic Concepts,Graphs and Subgraphs,Isomorphism and Degrees,Walks and Connected Graphs,Cycles in Graphs,cut-vertices and Cut-edges, Matrix Representations of Graphs. 6. Basic Knowledge of Fourier series, Laplase Transforms and Z- transformation of some known trigonometrical and algebraic functions. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Graph Theory and Applications — by N Deo - Prentice Hall 2. Graph Theory — by F.Harary - Narosa Publishing House 3. Introduction Combinatorial Mathematics — by C.L.Liu - TMH 4. Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists — by J.K.Truss - Addison-Wesley 10 BASIC ELECTRONICS L T P 4 0 0 Total Contact Hours : 60 Theory : 60 Curri. Ref. No. EC302 Total Marks : 100 1. SEMICONDUCTORS, DIODES AND DIODE CIRCUITS: Theory : End Term Exam : 80 I.A. : 20 20 Insulators, semiconductors and metals, Mobility and conductivity, Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors and charge densities in semiconductors, current components in semiconductors, continuity equation. PN Junction diode – characteristic and analysis, Typesof diodes – Zener diodes, Photodiodes, Light emitting diodes (LED’s), Varactor diodes and tunnel diodes. Rectifiers and filter circuit: Half wave, full wave and Bridge rectifier circuits and their analysis, L, C and Pi filters, Basic regulator supply using zener diode. Working of Switched Mode Power Supply 2. TRANSISTORS: 20 Construction and characteristics of bipolar junction, transistors (BJT’s)-Comm. Base, Comm. emitter, Comm. Collector configuration. Transistor at low frequencies – small signal low frequency transistor model (h-parameters). Analysis of transistor amplifier circuit using h-parameters. transistor biasing and bias stabilization: - the operating point, stability factor, analysis of fixed base bias, collector to base bias, Emitter resistance bias circuit and self bias circuit. Bias compensation techniques. 3. FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR: 10 Construction and characteristics of JFET. JFET biasing circuit JFET amplifier MOSFET construction and characteristics. 4. ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS: Role and importance of general purpose test instruments, Electronic Millimeter, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, Measurement of amplitude, frequency and phase using CRO TEXT BOOKS 1. Electronics Devices and circuits by Millman & Halkias. 2. Electronics devices and circuit theory by Robert Boylestad REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Electronics Devices and circuits by P.John Paul 2. Electronics Devices and circuits by Y.N.Bapat. 3. Electronics devices and circuit by G.K. Mittal 4. Basic Electronics – Sahdeo 5. Basic Electronics- A.I.Khan ( PHI Publication) 10 INSTRUMENTATION L T P 4 0 0 Total Contact Hours : 60 Theory : 60 UNIT TOPIC / SUB-TOPIC Curri. Ref. No. EC303 Total Marks : 100 Theory : End Term Exam : 80 I.A. : 20 Hrs. 1.Measurement Fundamentals: Definition of measurement and instrumentation, classification of transducers, Static Performance Characteristic: Accuracy, Precision, Linearity, Transmitters,, Transponders, Hysterisis, Dead band. Error in measurement: Gross errors, Systematic errors and Random errors, Calibration Standards. 2.Current and Voltage Measurements: Multimeter or VOM, Electrostatic rectifiers & thermocouple instruments, Electronic Multimeter, Digital Voltmeters. 3.Resistance and Impedance Bridges: Wheatstone bridge, Kelvin double bridge, Capacitance comparison bridges: Schering Bridge for measurement of capacitors, Inductance comparison bridges: Maxell, Hay and wien bridges, Q meter. 4.Signal Generation: The Sine-wave generator, Frequency Synthesized Signal Generator, Frequency Divider generator, Sweeepfrequency Generator, Pulse and Square-wave Generators, Function Generator, Audio Frequency Signal Generation. 5.Oscilloscopes: Oscilloscope Block diagram, Cathode Ray tube, Vertical Deflection System, Delay line, Multiple trace, Horizontal Deflection System, Oscilloscope probes and Transducers, Special Oscilloscopes: Storage and Sampling Oscilloscopes. (Basic only) 6.Frequency and Phase Measurements: Frequency and Phase measurements using CRO, Frequency counters, Period measurement, Extending the Frequency range of the counter, Digital frequency & period counters 7.Radio Frequencies Power Measurements: Measurement of R F power: with a Thermocouple R F Ammeter, with an R F Voltmeter and by using a Toroidal core Current Transformer, RF Power measurement using a Thermal Sensor, Thru line RF wattmeter, Bolometer method of Power Measurement. 8.SIGNAL ANALYSIS INSTRUMENTS: Wave Analyzers, Harmonic Distortion Analyzers, Spectrum Analyzers. 9. OTHER INSTRUMENTS: Principles of Q-meter, distortion-factor meter, wave analyzer. Text Books: 1. Electronic Instrumentation& Measurement by William D Cooper & Albert C. Helfric,PHI Pub. 2. Instrumentation, Measurement& Analysis by K K Chaudhury& R C Nakra,TMH 3 Instrumentation, Measurement& Feedback by Barry Jones,PHI Reference Books: 1. Instruments& Measurement for Electronic by Clyde N.Herrick 2. Instrumentation – A.K Sahney. BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING L T P 4 0 0 Total Contact Hours : 60 Theory : 60 Curri. Ref. No. EL302 Total Marks : 100 Theory : End Term Exam : 80 I.A. : 20 RATIONALE: Magnetic and electrostatic fields are universally present. These fields adopt a circuital path through magnetic and electrostatic materials and air. Hence it is important to study the property and behaviour of such circuital fields through different magnetic materials, di-electric and air. In this course Magnetism, Electrostatic, DC circuit, AC circuit and Poly phase circuits are included in details. AIM: 1. To develop the concept on basic electrical circuit principles 2. To develop problem solving ability on electric circuit principles CONTENTS Units Topics / Sub-Topics Hrs 1. MAGNETIC & ELECTROSTATIC CIRCUITS 12Hrs 1.1 Define and explain Magentising force 1.2 Define and explain Magnetic intensity 1.3 Define and explain Magnetomotive force 1.4 Define and explain Magnetic flux and Magnetic intensity and their relation. 1.5 State Cycle of Magnetization and Magnetic Hysteresis, Hysteresis loop. 1.6 Define Permeability, Permeance & Reluctance 1.7 Describe Magnetic circuit and its comparison with Electric circuit. 1.8 Describe Series and Parallel Magnetic circuit 1.9 Describe Composite Magnetic circuit 1.10 Describe Energy stored in a Magnetic field 1.11 Explain Force on a current carrying conductor in a Magnetic Held — Flemings left hand rule. 1.12 Biot Savarts law & its applications 1.13 Describe Electric field intensity 1.14 Voltage & Capacitance in a Parallel plate capacitor 1.15 Capacitors with composite dielectric 2. COUPLED CIRCUITS 2.1 Define Electromagnetic induction - Self & Mutual induction. 2.2 State Faradays Laws of Electromagnetic Induction 2.3 State Flemings Right hand Rule 2.4 State Lenz’s law 2.5 Explain EMF induced in a straight conductor moving in a uniform magnetic field 2.6 Define Self and Mutual Inductance . 2.7 Define Co—efficient of coupling 2.8 Dot convention to differentiate supporting and opposing electromagnetic fields 8Hrs 3. D.C. CIRCUITS 8Hrs 3.1 State and explain_Ohm’s law and Resistance parameter 3.2 Define Resistance & Resistivity. 3.3 Describe effect of temperature on resistance & resistivity 3.4 Explain series parallel combination of resistances and division of current & voltages through them 3.6 State and explain Kirchhoff’ s laws and its application to series, parallel & combination circuits. 4. A.C. CIRCUITS 12Hrs 4.1 Describe difference between AC & DC 4.2 Explain principle of Generation of sinusoidal voltages and its waveform. 4.3 Phase, Phase angle and Phase difference 4.4 Explain representation of sinusoidal wave by phasors 4.5 Describe representation of sinusoidal quantity in 1. Exponential form 2. Complex form 3. Polar form 4.6 Explain and deduce the expression when AC through pure resistance, inductance and capacitance. 4.7 Explain simple R-L, R-C & R-L-C circuits and their Solutions with analytical method and phasor diagram method. 4.8 Deduce the expression for Power and Power factor. 4.9 Impedance triangle, power triangle, concept of Active, Reactive and Apparent power. 5. POLY PHASE CIRCUITS 5.1 Describe Star and Delta connection 5.2 State relation between line and phase quantities in their phasor representation. 5.3 Deduce expression for Power 5.4 Explain active & reactive power and apparent power 5.5 Solution of balanced 3—phase circuits 06Hrs 6. Introduction to Electrical Machines 14Hrs 6.1 Basic Principle, construction, types, EMF equation, equivalent circuit and application of DC Generator and Motor, 3-phase Alternators (AC Generators), 1-phase Transformer 6.2 Construction, types, working principle, slip, equivalent circuit, torque and application of 3-phase Induction Motor 6.3 Working principle, types and application of 1-phase Induction Motor. 6.4 Basic principle and application of Reluctance motor, servo motor, stepper motor and permanent magnet DC motor. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Electrical Technology Vol. 1 & 2 by B.L. Thareja and A.K. Thareja (text) 2. A Course in Electrical Technology Basic Electrical Engineering Vol 1 & 2 by J.B.Gupta 3. Electrical Machines by Ashfaq Husain C PROGRAMMING L T P 4 0 0 Total Contact Hours : 60 Theory : 60 Curri. Ref. No. CE302 Total Marks : 100 Theory : End Term Exam : 80 I.A. : 20 Units Topics/Sub-Topics Hrs 1. C FUNDAMENTALS 1.1 The 'C' Character Set 1.2 Identifiers and Keywords 1.3 Data Types 1.4 Constants 1.6 Variables and Arrays 1.7 Declarations 1.8 Expressions 1.9 Statements 1.10 Symbolic Constants 4 2. OPERATORS AND EXPRESSIONS 2.1 Arithmetic Operators 2.2 Unary operators 2.3 Relational and Logical Operators 2.4 Assignment Operators 2.5 The Conditional Operator 2.6 Library Functions 4 3. DATA INPUT AND OUTPUT 3.1 Preliminaries 3.2 Single Character Input- The getchar Function 3.3 Single Character Output-The putchar Function 3.4 Entering Input data - The scant function 3.5 Writing Output Data - The printf function 3.6 gets and puts Function 6 4. CONTROL STATEMENTS 4.1 Preliminaries 4.2 Branching: The if-else statement 4.3 Looping: while, do-while & for statements 4.4 Nested Control Structures 4.5 The switch statement 4.6 The break statement 4.7 The continue statement 4.8 The Comma operator 4.9 The goto statement 10 5. FUNCTIONS 5.1 Concepts of a Function 5.2 Accessing a Function 5.3 Function Prototypes 5.4 Passing Arguments to a Function 5.5 Recursion 6 6. PROGRAM STRUCTURES 6.1 Storage Classes 6.2 Automatic Variables 6.3 External (Global) Variables 6.4 Static Variables 5 7. ARRAYS 7.1 Defining an Array 7.2 Processing and Array 7.3 Passing Arrays to Functions 7.4 Multidimensional Arrays 7.5 Arrays and Strings 5 8. POINTERS 8.1 Concepts of pointers & its role in C programming 8.2 Pointer Declarations 8.3 Passing Pointers to Functions 8.4 Pointers and one-dimensional Arrays 8.5 Dynamic Memory Allocation 8.6 Operations on Pointers 8.7 Pointers and Multidimensional Arrays 8.8 Arrays of Pointers 8.9 Passing Functions to Other Functions 8 9. STRUCTURES AND UNIONS 9.1 Defining a structure 9.2 Processing a Structure 9.3 Unions 6 10. DATA FILES 10.1 Opening and closing a Data File 10.2 Creating a Data File 10.3 Processing a Data File 10.4 Unformatted Data Files 6 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Data Structures - by Seymolur Lipschutz (Schaum Series) 2. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms - by Horowitz,E & Sahani, S - Galgotia Pub. 3. Data Structures Theory Applications - by Trembly & Sorenson, TMH 4. Programming in ANSI C – by E. Balagurusamy, TMH 5. Programming Language, the (ANSI C version) – by Kernighan & Ritvhie, PHI 6. Let Us C – by Yashwant Kanitkar, BPB 7. Programming in C – by Byron S. Gottfrid, TMH (Schaum Series) BASIC ELECTRICAL LAB L T P 0 0 4 Total Contact Hours : 60 Practical : 60 Curri. Ref. No. EL304 Total Marks : 100 Practical : End Term Exam : 80 (Int. comm. :40,EXt. comm. 40) I.A. : 20 LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Verification of Ohm’s law in DC Circuit. 2. Verification of Kirchoff s voltage and current law in a D.C. circuit. 3. Verification of equivalent resistance, current & voltage distribution in a series / parallel D.C. circuit 4. To understand the effect of temperature on resistivity & resistance. 5. Determination of mutual inductance in a coupled circuit. 6. Determination of self—inductance and power factor of choke coil. 7. To develop the charging and discharging curve of voltage across the capacitor connected in series with a resistance. 8. Measurement of power in a Single phase AC circuit. 9. Measurement of power in a 3-phase balanced circuit. 10. To plot the hysteresis loop for magnetic materials. L T P 0 0 3 Total Contact Hours : 45 Sessional : 45 BASIC ELECTRONICS LAB Total Marks : 50 Curri. Ref. No. EC304 Sessional : End Term Exam : (Int. comm. :15,Ext. comm. :15) I.A. : 20 List of Experiments: 1. Familiarization of electronics component and equipments like C.R.O, Function generator and power supplies etc. 2. To study the V-I characteristics of pn junction diode and determine static resistance and dynamic resistance. 3. To study the characteristics of zener diode and hence determine the dynamic resistance from the characteristics. 4. Determine the voltage regulation of zener diode stabilizer. 5. To study and plot the wave form of half wave and full wave rectifier with and without capacitor filter. 6.. To study and plot the input and output characteristics of common emitter transistor and calculate its input and output resistance. 7. To study and plot the input and output characteristics of common base transistor and calculate its input and output resistance. 8. To study the characteristics of FET(Field effect transistor) and hence calculate dynamic (rd) , mutual conductance (gm) and amplification factor(μ). 9. To study the frequency response of single stage CE amplifier and hence calculate the band width (3db BW). INSTRUMENTATION L T S 0 0 4 Total Contact Hours : 60 Sessional : 60 Curri. Ref. No. CE305 Total Marks : 50 Sessional : End Term Exam : (Int. comm. :15,Ext. comm. :15) I.A. : 20 List of Assignment : 1.Study of bridges: DC and AC bridges 15 Hrs. 2. Study of a CRO 15Hrs. 3. Study of Generators: Laboratory and RF signal generators. 15 Hrs. 4. Study of meters: Frequency and Power meter 15Hrs. PROGRAMMING LAB L T P 0 0 3 Total Contact Hours : 45 Sessoinal : 45 Curri. Ref. No. CE304 Total Marks : 50 Sessional : End Term Exam : (Int. comm. :15,Ext. comm. :15) I.A. : 20 List of Assignments on the basis of following topics: 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 C language and its compilers 1.2 Keywords, expressions, constant 1.3 Primitive data types in C 1.4 Header files and library functions 1.5 Types of Variable 1.6 Pre-processor directive and Macro 2. USING PROGRAM CONTROL 2.1 Conditional Statements 2.2 Iterative Statement 2.3 Unconditional jump and its restrictive usage 2.4 Importance of initialisation 3. WORKING WITH ARRAY 3.1 Overview of array 3.2 One dimensional array 3.3 Multidimensional array 3.4 String representation 3.5 String manipulation 4. CREATING USER DEFINED FUNCTION 4.1 Writing functions in C language 4.2 Function definition and function declaration 4.3 Writing void function 4.4 Writing parameter passing and global declaration 4.5 Scope of variables in function 4.6 Recursion: Binary search, quick sort 5. USING POINTERS 5.1 Overview of pointer 5.2 Pointer and array 5.3 Dynamic allocation using pointers 5.4 Pointer to pointer 5.5 Parameter passing using pointer 5.6 Using command line argument 6. APPLICATION OF STRUCTURE AND UNION 6.1 Over of structure 6.2 Array of structure 6.3 Pointer to structure 6.4 User defined data type 6.5 Representation linked list: Stacks Queries 6.6 Representation of binary tree 6.7 Representation of generalized tree 6.8 Union 7. LOW LEVEL PROGRAMMING IN C 7.1 Bitwise operation 7.2 Register handling 7.3 Enumerated data type 8. FILE HANDLING IN C 8.1 Modes of file handling 8.2 Linking file pointer 8.3 Working with binary file 8.4 Building own header file 8.5 Linking multiple source files. LIST OF EQUIPMENT: Hardware: Stand alone PC or Unix-based Client-Server system (for detail, please refer Annex – I) Software: C Compiler Scheme of Teaching and Examination for Semester of 3 Years Diploma in Electronics & Comm. Engg.-EC This scheme is valid for the student taking admission in academic session 2009-10 & 2010-11 4th Duration of Semester Student Contact Hours Total Marks Name of Subject : : : Subject Code Sl. No Sixteen weeks (15+1#) 34 Hrs (Per Week) 750 Subject Theory and Practical / Sessional is of Period 60 Minutes each. Teaching Scheme L T P Examination Scheme Hours of Exam Full Marks of Subject Internal Assessment Final/External Exam/*Committee Marks Pass marks/Ext Exam Pass marks in Subject 1. Digital Electronics EC401 Theory 4 0 0 3 100 20 80 28 35 2. Analog Electronics EC402 Theory 4 0 0 3 100 20 80 28 35 3. Communication System EC403 Theory 4 0 0 3 100 20 80 28 35 4. Network Theory & Analysis Theory 4 0 0 3 100 20 80 28 35 5. Operating System CE401 Theory 4 0 0 3 100 20 80 28 35 6. Digital Electronics EC401P Sessional 0 0 3 - 50 20 30 - 25 7. Operating System CE401P Sessional 0 0 3 - 50 20 30 - 25 8. Analog Electronics EC402P Sessional 0 0 3 - 50 20 30 - 25 9. Communication System EC403P Sessional 0 0 3 - 50 20 30 - 25 10. Project/Seminar/ Report writing EC404P Sessional 0 0 2 - 50 20 30 - 25 500 Lecture, 20 0 14 Practical T EC404 Total Hours of Teaching per week : Total Marks : * Committee Marks Theory L : : : : Tutorial Sessional P : : 250 Practical 1. The practical subjects (External examination) will be evaluated by an internal committee for 40% of the full marks and 40% of full marks by an external committee. 2. The sessional subject will be evaluated by an internal committee for 30% of the full marks and 30% of full marks by an external committee. # one week is assigned for internal assessment examinations. DIGITAL ELECTRONICS L T P 4 0 0 Total Contact Hours : 60 Theory : 60 Curri. Ref. No. EC401 Total Marks : 100 Theory : End Term Exam : 80 I.A. : 20 UNIT TOPIC / SUB-TOPIC 1. NUMBER SYSTEM & CODES: Hrs. 10 Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal number systems and their inter-conversion, Binary Arithmetic (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division), Diminished radix and radix compliments, BCD codes, 8421 code, Excess-3 code, Gray code, error detection and correction, Hamming code. 2. LOGIC GATES, BOOLEAN ALGEBRA & LOGIC FAMILIES: 12 Axiomatic definition of Boolean Algebra, Basic Theorems and properties of Boolean Algebra, Boolean Functions, Canonical and Standard forms, Digital Logic Gates. Various Logic Families like TTL and ECL etc., working and their characteristics, MOS and CMOS devices. 3. COMBINATIONAL LOGIC DESIGN: 12 The K- map method, Two, Three, Four and Five variable K- maps, Sum of products and Product of Sums Simplification, NAND and NOR implementation.Binary adder and subtractor, Multiplexers, Decoders / Demultiplexers, Read Only Memory. 4 . INTRODUCTION TO SEQUENTIAL LOGIC: 16 Introduction, S-R Flip-flops, JK flip-flop, D flip-flop, T flip-flop, master slave flip-flop. Flip-flop excitation table, Classification of sequential circuits, Registers and A to D and D to A converter circuits, design & analysis of synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits: Counters, Sequence Detector and Sequence Generator. 5. SEMICONDUCTOR MEMORIES: Introduction, Memory organisation, Classification and characteristics of memories, Sequential memories, ROMs, R/W memories. Charged-Coupled device memory. Books Suggested: 1. M. Morris Mano, Digital Design, Prentice Hall of India. 2. Thomas Downs and Mark F Schulz, Logic Design with Pascal, Van Nostrand Reinhold. 3. Digital principle and applications Malvino and Leach- (TMH) 4. Modern digital systems design Cheung (WPC) 5. Digital Electronics by R. P. Jain 10 ANALOG ELECTRONICS L T P 4 0 0 Total Contact Hours : 60 Theory : 60 1. Curri. Ref. NoEC402 Total Marks : 100 Theory : End Term Exam : 80 I.A. : 20 LOW FREQUENCY TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER:- Equivalent circuit of BJT using h-parameter for CB, CE and CC & configuration, calculation of transistor parameter for CB, CE & CC using h-parameters, comparison of transistor amplifier configuration. 2. MULTISTAGE AMPLIFIER: General cascaded system, RC coupled amplifier and its frequency response, merits and demerits, cascode amplifier, Darlington compound configuration, multistage frequency effect. 3. OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: Characteristics, Its Applications in Adder, Substractor, Voltage Follower, Integrtator, Differentiator. Inverting and non- inverting Op-amp. 4. LARGE SIGNAL AMPLIFIER: Analysis and design of class A,B, AB,C amplifiers, push pull amplifiers, transformer less output stages, distortion calculations. 5. FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER: Feedback concept, characteristics of negative and positive feedback. Effect of negative and positive feedback on input impedance, output impedance, gain, and noise and frequency response. 6. OSCILLATORS Classification of Oscillators, frequency and frequency stability of oscillatory circuits, Tuned based Oscillators, Hartley Oscillator, Colpitts Oscillators Clapp Oscillator, Crystal Oscillator, Phase Shift Oscillator, Wein Bridge Oscillator 7. MULTIVIBRATORS Monostable multi-vibrator, astable multi-vibrator and bistable multivibrator and timer applications. Introduction and block diagram of 555 timer and UJT. TEXT BOOKS 1. Integrated devices & circuits by Millman & Halkias. 2. Electronic Devices & circuit theory by R. Boylestad. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Electronic Devices & circuit-II by A.P. Godre & U.A. Bakshi. 2. Electronic Devices & Circuit by G.K.Mithal COMMUNICATION SYSTEM L T P 4 0 0 Total Contact Hours : 60 Theory : 60 Curri. Ref. No. EC403 Total Marks : 100 Theory : End Term Exam : 80 I.A. : 20 UNIT TOPIC / SUB-TOPIC 1. MODULATION TECHNIQUES: Hrs. 15 Various frequency bands used for communication ,types of communication and need of modulation. Introduction to AM, FM, PM, Frequency spectrum of AM Waves, Representations of AM, Power relation in AM waves, Need and description of SSB, suppression of carrier, suppression of unwanted side bands, Independent side band system, vestigial side band system, Mathematical representation of FM, frequency spectrum of the FM waves, Phase modulation, comparison between analog and digital modulation, Wide band and narrow band FM, Sampling theorem, frequency division multiplexing and time division multiplexing. 2. AM TRANSMITTERS AND RECEIVERS: 15 AM TRANSMITTERS: Generation of AM, low level and high level modulation, comparison of levels, AM transmitter block diagram, collector class C modulator, Base modulator, Transistor Vander Bil modulator, DSB S/C modulator. AM RECEIVER: Tuned radio frequency (TRF) receiver. Superheteterodyne receiver, RF section and characteristics, mixers, frequency changing and tracking, IF rejection and IF amplifiers. Detection and automatic gain control (AGC), AM receiver characteristics. 3. FM TRANSMITTERS AND RECEIVERS: 10 FM TRANSMITTERS: Basic requirements and generation of FM, FM Modulation methods: Direct methods, variable capacitor modulator, varactor diode modulator, FET reactance modulator, Transistor reactance modulator, Pre-emphasis, direct FM modulator, AFC in reactance modulators, disadvantages of direct method, Indirect modulators, RC phase shift modulator, Armstrong FM systems. FM RECIVERS: Limiters, single and double tuned demodulator, balanced slope detector, foster seely or phase discriminator, de-emphasis, ratio detector, block diagram of FM receiver, RF amplifiers, FM receiver characteristics. 4. BASIC CONCEPTS OF DIGITAL MODULATION TECHNIQUES: 10 Binary phase shift keying, differential phase shift keying, differential encoded PSK, quadrate PSK, Quadrate Amplitude shift keying (QASK) Binary frequency shift keying. 5. RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION 10 Basic ideas of ground wave, propagation, reflection at the surface of a finitely conducting plane, earth (on ground), space and surface waves, tilt of the surface wave, troposphere wavesreflection, refraction, duct propagation. The ionosphere, formation of the various layers, their effective characteristics, reflection and refraction of waves by ionosphere, virtual height, maximum frequency, skip distance, regular and irregular variation of ionosphere, ordinary and extraordinary waves. TEXT BOOKS 1. Electronic communication Systems by George Kennedy. 2. Principle of Communication Systems by Taub and Schilling. 3. Electronic Communication System by Tomasi. 4. Electronic communication Systems by Dennis Roddy and John Coolen 5. F.C. Jordan & B.C.Balmann, "Electromagnetic waves & radiating System", P.H.I. NETWORK THEORY AND ANALYSIS L T P 4 0 0 Total Contact Hours : 60 Theory : 60 Curri. Ref. No. EC404 Total Marks : 100 Theory : End Term Exam : 80 I.A. : 20 UNIT TOPIC / SUB-TOPIC 1.Circuit Concepts: Introduction, Linearity, Time Invariance, Causality, Passive and active n-port Networks, Lumped and distributed Networks, Circuit Elements, Electric potential, Current, Sign conventions, Circuit diagrams, Voltage current relations, Star Delta transformation, Resistance, inductance and Capacitance, Signal waveforms, Average and effective values of various signal waveforms 2. DC Resistive Circuits and Network Theorems: Kirchoff’s voltage law, Kirchoff’s current law, Voltage division and current division, Series parallel Network reduction, Superposition theorem and its application, Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorem and its application, Maximum power transfer theorem, Tellegen’s theorem, Conservation of power, Tellegen’s quasi theorem, Application of Tellegen’s theorem, Millman’s theorem, Substitution theorem with proof, Compensation theorem 3.DC Mesh and NODE Analysis: Loop and Mesh currents, Matrices and Mesh currents, Determinants and mesh current Input résistance, Node voltage method 4.Network Graph Theory: Concept of a network graph terminology used in network graph relation between twigs and links, Properties of a tree in a graph, Formation of incidence matrix, No. of trees in a graph, Cut set matrix and tie set matrix 5.The Laplace Transformation: Introduction, The Laplace transformation, Some basic theorems for the Laplace transformation, Partial fraction expansions, Initial and final value theorem, Heaviside’s expansion theorem 6.Two port Networks: Relationship of two port variables, Short circuit admittance parameters, open circuit impedance parameters, Transmission parameters, the hybrid parameters, Relationship between various parameters, Parallel connection of two part networks. 7.Frequency Response and Resonance: Introduction, Half power frequencies, RLC circuit series resonance, Quality factor, RLC parallel circuit parallel resonance, Practical LC parallel circuits, Series parallel conversions. 8.Synthesis of Passive Networks: Concept of stability of a system, Hurwitz polynomials and its properties, Procedure of testing of a given polynomial for Hurwitz character, Positive real functions, Concepts of network synthesis, Summary of procedure of synthesis, Reactive networks, Properties of driving point immittances of LC networks and its Pole-Zero interpretational network synthesis, Significance of elements in the foster form, Cauer form of reactive networks, Applicability of foster and Cauer form, Foster and Cauer form synthesis of lossy networks and determination of elements and their values. Books Recommended 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Van-Valkenberg M E “Network Analysis”, PHI, New Delhi, Third Edition (1999) Van-Valkenberg M E, “Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis”, John Wiley & Sons (1999) Nahvi M, Edminister J, “Scaum’s Outline of Electric Circuits (Theory and Problems)”, TMH Publication, Fourth Edition, (2002) Balabanian N, Bickert Theodare A, “Linear Network Theory: Analysis, Properties, Design and Synthesis”, Matrix Publishers, First edition (1985) DeCalro R A, Lin P M, “Linear Circuit Analysis”, 2nd Ed. Oxford University Press, Indian Edition (2004). OPERATING SYSTEM L T P 4 0 0 Total Contact Hours : 60 Theory :60 Curri. Ref. No. CE401 Total Marks : 100 Theory : End Term Exam : 80 I.A. : 20 UNIT TOPIC / SUB-TOPIC Hrs. 1. INTRODUCTION TO OS 1.1 Definition of O.S. 1.2 History of O.S. 1.3 Concepts 1.4 Structure 6 2. PROCESSES 2.1 Definition of process & thread 2.2 Interprocess communication 2.3 Classical I.P.C. problems 2.4 Process Scheduling 6 3. PROCESS SCHEDULING ALGORITHM 3.1 Resident Monitor (Single user) 3.2 Multi user system 3.3 Time sharing system 3.4 FIFS 3.5 Round Robin Fashion/Time quantum Concept. 3.6 Multiple queues 3.7 Priority queues 3.8 Shortest job first 10 4. MEMORY MANAGEMENT 4.1 Resident Monitor 4.2 Multiple Partition 4.3 Garbage collection and compaction 4.4 Paged memory management 4.5 Page Replacement Algorithms 4.6 Swapping 4.7 Segmentation 4.8 Segmented paged memory management 4.9 Demand paged memory management 4.10 Virtual Memory 10 5. FILE SYSTEMS 5.1 Concept of Files & Directories 5.2 File System Implementation 5.3 Security Issues in Files 5.4 Protection Mechanisms 5.5 Case studies of Unix file system 10 6. INPUT/OUTPUT 6.1 Principles of I/0 Hardware 6.2 Principles of I/0 Software 6.3 Disk 6 7. DEVICE MANAGEMENT 7.1 Techniques for Device Management - Dedicated, shared, virtual 7.2 Device allocation considerations I/0 traffic control & I/0 Schedule, I/0 Device handlers 7.3 SPOOLing 6 8. CASE STUDIES 8.1 UNIX O.S 8.2 MS- DOS 8.3 WINDOWS – NT 6 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. System Programming - by John Donovan, TMH 2. Irroduction to System Software - by D. M. Dhamdhare, TMH 3. Operating System - Madnick and Donovan - MGH 4. Operating System Concepts - A. Silberschatz and P. Galvin - ADP 5. The UNIX Programming Environment - by Kernighan & Pike - PHI 6. UNIX - Concepts & Application - by Sumitabha Das - TMH DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB L T S 0 0 3 Total Contact Hours : 45 Sessional : 45 Curri. Ref. No. EC405 Total Marks : 50 Sessional : End Term Exam : (Int. comm. :15,Ext. comm. :15) I.A. : 20 List of Assignments: 1. To verify the truth table of logic gates realize AND, OR, NOT gates 2. To realize AND, OR gates using diodes and resistors 3. To verify the Boolean algebra function using digital IC gates (consensus theorem) 4. To realize the function F (A, B, C, D) =(C+D) (A+B) (B+D) using NOR gates 5. Design a half/full adder circuit using FF for 2 bits 6. Design a half/full sub tractor circuit using FF for 2 bits 7. Use Quine Mclusky method for designing F(A,B,C,D)= m(1,3,5,7,9,15)+d(4,6,12,13) realize it NOR-OR implementation. 8. Design a binary to gray code converter. 9. Design a function using K-map and verify its performance using SOP and POS 10. Design BCD to seven segment display using 7447 IC 11. Implement F (A, B, C) =E (1, 3, 4, 5, 6) with a multiplexer. 12. Design a modulus N counter and a ring counter . 13. Design a shift register using flip flops ANALOG ELECTRONICS LAB L T S 0 0 3 Total Contact Hours : 45 Curri. Ref. No. EC406 Total Marks : 50 Sessional : Sessional : 45 End Term Exam : (Int. comm. :15,Ext. comm. :15) List of Assignment : I.A. : 20 1. To study the phase shift oscillator and find its frequency. 2. To study the frequency of a given crystal oscillator and measure the output. 3. To study the two stage RC coupled transistor amplifier. 4. To study voltage gain and frequency response of FET audio power amplifier. 5. To study WEIN-BRIDGE oscillator and determine its frequency. 6. To study power gain and frequency response of a transistor audio amplifier. 7. To study CLASS-B push pull amplifier at audio frequency. 8. To study series and parallel resonance. 9. To study the HARTLEY and COLPITS oscillator COMMUNICATION SYSTEM LAB L 0 T 0 S 3 Total Contact Hours : 45 Curri. Ref. No. EC407 Total Marks : 50 Sessional : Sessional : 45 End Term Exam : (Int. comm. :15,Ext. comm. :15) I.A. : 20 List of Assignment : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. To study Amplitude modulation using a transistor and determine depth of modulation. To study Amplitude demodulation . To study Frequency modulation using voltage controlled oscillator, Generation of DSB-SC signal using balanced modulator, single side band signal, Study of phase lock loop and detection of FM Signal using PLL, Measurement of noise figure using a noise generator, Study of super heterodyne AM receiver and measurement of sensitivity, selectivity & fidelity. Measurement of sensitivity, selectivity and fidelity of radio receivers. Study of PCM and analysis of sampling theorem. OPERATING SYSTEM L 0 T 0 S 3 Total Contact Hours : 45 Sessional : 45 Curri. Ref. No. CE404 Total Marks : 50 Sessional : End Term Exam : (Int. comm. :15,Ext. comm. :15) I.A. : 20 List of Experiment : UNIX 1. Overview of UNIX/LINUX UNIX/LINUX as an Operating system, Kernel, Shell and User, UNIX/LINUX File System, Files and Directories, Access permission, File system hierarchy 2. Basic UNIX/LINUX Commands Listing of files and directories, Copying, Deletion, Renaming and Comparing files, Creation, Navigation and Removing directories, Access permission of files and directories, Editors in UNIX/LINUX, Status of users, terminals, date and time, Display in blown-up message, Paging and printing of files, Background jobs 3. Advance Features of UNIX I-nodes, Trees, Pipes and Filters, Cutting, Pasting and Sorting of files, searching for pattern in a string 4. Programming with the Shell System variables and shell variables, Interactive shell scripts, shell termination, conditional statements, Looping statements, Special parameters in shell Computation and string handling