Name: City Collage Students will work in groups of three. Each group will be given one of the quotes below. The students will make a collage that represents their quote. Each Collage will include the quote and the name of the author. Students can draw images, cut images out of magazine or use words to describe their quote. Students will get 40 minutes to make their collage. Students will present their collage to the class and explain their quote and how their collage represents their quote. Quotes 1) “A very populous city can rarely, if ever, be well governed.” Aristotle, Politics (4th C. B.C.E.), 7.4 TR. Benjamin Jowett 2) “Great Cities differ from towns and suburbs in basic ways, and one of these is that cities are, by definition, full of strangers.” Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961) 1.2 3) “The City fosters art and is art; the city creates the theater and is the theater.” Lewis Mumford, What is a City? 4) “One realizes for the first time that these Londoners have been force to sacrifice the best qualities of their human nature, to bring to pass all the marvels of civilization which crowd the cities.” Friedrich Engles, The Great Towns (1845). Scoring Rubric: Standard Collage 1 Unfinished product. Few images used. Participation Student was not engaged and did little work Presentation Group shows their work but does not explain their work. 2 Collage has the quote and author written on it. There are multiple images 3 Collage has the quote and author written on it. There are multiple images. The images are arrange in a creative and thoughtful way. Student was The student was engaged but engaged in the sometimes was a project and was passive participation actively helping his group members. Groups explain their The Group Explains quote in a basic their quote. The manner. group then explains why they choose their images. The group shows that their collage visually represents their quote. The group Self Evaluation: Rate yourself and your group members based on the participation rubric. Write the score you think you deserve and explain why you choose this score. Then do the same for each group member. 1 2 3 Self evaluation Group member Name: Name: