Focus on opportunities for Speaking and Listening, Assessment
Learning Objectives:
 Say and use the number names in order in familiar contexts eg. songs
 Recognise numerals 0 - 12, including digital numbers
 Order numbers 0 - 12
By the end of the lesson can you recognise (and order) digital numbers (hide
until **)
Key vocab on board – o’clock, digital
O/m starter
Counting numbers on counting stick 0 – 10, backwards and forwards
Gradually remove some numbers and continue to count, until counting with possibly
no numbers on stick
Main teaching
Explain that Harriet has found some strange-looking numbers and she wants to work
out what they are
Has anybody seen numbers like these? Where?
We call them digital numbers and we see them on clocks, other machines, calculators
** Share the learning objective – at the end of the lesson we’re going to see if you can
recognise all these digital numbers and put them in order
Give out digital numbers (0 – 12) to pairs of children.
Can you help Harriet match these numbers to those on the number line?
Pin digital nos alongside ordinary numbers, say their names again
Now we’re going to play a game using these digital numbers (leave them on washing
Show play digital clock and explain that the :00 means the time is on the hour and we
say eg. 3 o’clock (get children to practise saying o’clock)
This is an alarm clock and in a minute we are going to close our eyes and wait for the
clock to wake us up
You’re going to listen to the beeps the clock makes and tell me the time you were
woken up by the clock
Now close your eyes and pretend to sleep while I sing you the song the first time
Hickory dickory dock
I am a digital clock
When you’re asleep I start to bleep
Bleep, bleep, bleep
What is the time on the clock?
Open your eyes
What time did the clock wake you up? Yes, three o’clock – is the clock showing the
digital number three? Yes
Children to take turns to choose a time and make the bleeps, check with the clock
They can sing along with the song too
Refer to lng obj on board – Can you recognise digital numbers and put them in
Show the time on the digital clock and ask individual children to say the time and
bleep the correct number of times
Hand out digital numbers again, each child to say what their number is
Get the children to put themselves in order in a circle holding digital numbers, say
their names in order together
Can also act as human spinner, point to individual children and get them, or others, to
say their number
Set of large digital numbers
“Digital clock”
Counting stick with sticky numbers
Washing line
Bleeper (chime block or bell)
Can you…. board
Possible Alternatives
 This lesson worked well with YR children towards the end of the school year
when they were able to sit and listen and cope with a “joined up” Maths lesson. In
other circumstances it might be advisable to break up the teaching into shorter
sections and, if adult help is available, send small groups of children to play with a
digital clock or sort digital numbers under supervision.