Demografie, populace, ekonomické vědy, statistika /Ekon

1. ACM Digital Library /Comp/
2. EBSCO - EIFL-Academic Search Complete /M/
3. EBSCO - EIFL- Business Source Complete /Ekon/
4. EBSCO - EIFL- Newspaper Source /News/
5. EBSCO - EIFL- Regional Business News /Ekon/
6. EBSCO - EIFL- MasterFILE Premier /M/
8. EBSCO - EIFL- GreenFILE /Ekol/
9. EBSCO - EIFL- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) /Bib/
10. EBSCO - EIFL- EconLit with Full Text /Ekon/
11. Educator´s Reference Desk /Ped/
12. Euromonitor Global Marketing Information Database (GMID) /Ekon/
13. IEEE Computer Society Digital Library /Comp/
14. Journal Citation Reports /M/
15. Knovel K-ESSENTIALS /M/
* Essential Practices for Managing Chemical Reactivity Hazards /Chem/
* Engineering Problem Solving - A Classical Perspective /Eng/
* Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables
* International Critical Tables of Numerical Data, Physics, Chemistry and Technology (1st
Electronic Edition) /Fyz/, /Tech/, /Chem/
* Knovel Critical Tables /M/
* Metallic Materials Properties Development and Standardization (MMPDS) /Hut/
* Smithsonian Physical Tables (9th Revised Edition) /Fyz/
* Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences /M/
* Large-Scale Adsorption and Chromatography, Volumes 1-2 /Chem/
* Teaching Engineering /Eng/
* Unit Converter /M/
* Periodic Table of the Elements /Chem/
* Knovel Sample Book /M/
16. Literature Online /Lit/
17. Literature Resource Center /Lit/
ProQuest Central /M/
18. ABI/INFORM Archive I
19. ABI/INFORM Dateline
20. ABI/INFORM Global
21. ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry
22. Academic Research Library
23. Accounting & Tax
24. Accounting & Tax Newspapers
25. Accounting & Tax Periodicals
26. Banking Information Source
27. Canadian Newsstand
28. Career and Technical Education
29. CBCA Complete
30. Criminal Justice Periodicals
31. Hoover's Company Record
32. Medical Evidence Matters
33. Nursing & Allied Health Source
34. ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source /Med/
35. Pharmaceutical News Index
36. ProQuest Asian Business and Reference /Ekon/
37. ProQuest Biology Journals
38. ProQuest Central
39. ProQuest Computing
40. ProQuest Education Journals
41. ProQuest European Business
42. ProQuest Family Health
43. ProQuest Health and Medical Complete /Med/
44. ProQuest Medical Library
45. ProQuest Military Collection
46. ProQuest Newspapers
47. ProQuest Newsstand
48. Advocate
49. Chicago Tribun
50. Greenwich Time
51. Hartford Courant
52. Los Angeles Time
53. Morning Call
54. Newsday
55. Orlando Sentinel
56. Sun Sentinel (Ft. Lauderdale)
57. The Sun, Baltimore
58. ProQuest Psychology Journals
59. ProQuest Religion
60. ProQuest Research Library
/M/, /Med/
61. Health Module
62. ProQuest Science Journals
/Eng/, /Comp/, /Fyz/, /Tel/, /Dop/
63. ProQuest Social Science Journals
64. ProQuest Telecommunications
65. Reference
66. Research Library
/M/, /Art/, /Econ/, /Ped/, /Med/, /Just/
67. Snapshot Series
68. U.S. National Newspaper Abstracts (3) /News/
69. ProQuest Medical Evidence Matters
70. PubMed
72. ScienceDirect
73. SpringerLink
74. Web of Knowledge
75. Wiley - Blackwell e-journals
76. Wiley e-books - vlastní výběr titulů
Polytematické /M/
Humanitní vědy
- Lingvistika, jazyky, literatura, kultura /Lit/
- Knihovnictví /Bib/
- Pedagogika /Ped/
- Religionistika /Rel/
- Matematika /Mat/
- Práva /Just/
- Psychologie /Psy/
-Sociální vědy /Soc/
- Etnika /Etn/
- Umění /Art/
- /Med/
Přírodní vědy
- Fyzika /Fyz/
- Obecná biologie /Bio/
- Životní prostředí a jeho ochrana /Ekol/
- Chemie /Chem/
Společenské vědy - Demografie, populace, ekonomické vědy, statistika /Ekon/
Technika - Technika, technologie, inženýrství /Tech/
- Strojírenství /Eng/
- Výpočetní technika /Comp/
- Telekomunikace /Tel/
- Hutnictví /Hut/
- Doprava /Dop/
Noviny, časopisy, zpravodajské agentury /News/
-Armáda /Arm/