An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training NHS Trust An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training Version: Ratified by: Date ratified: Name of originator/author: Name of responsible committee/individual: Name of executive lead: Date issued: Review date: Target audience: V.4 March 2012 Page 1 of 18 An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training Contents 1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 4 2 Purpose.................................................................................................................... 4 3 Explanation of Terms .............................................................................................. 4 4 Duties ...................................................................................................................... 4 4.1 4.2 5 Duties within the Organisation ............................................................................................... 4 Committees and Groups with Overarching Responsibilities .................................................. 5 A Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training ........................................... 6 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Training Needs Analysis (TNA) ................................................................................................ 6 Training Action Plan(s) ............................................................................................................ 7 Training Prospectus................................................................................................................. 7 Recording Attendance and Completion of Training............................................................... 7 Non-attendance at Training (Including Persistent Non-attendance) ..................................... 7 6 Equality Impact Assessment ................................................................................... 8 7 Monitoring Compliance with the Document .......................................................... 8 7.1 7.2 8 Process for Monitoring Compliance ....................................................................................... 8 Standards/Key Performance Indicators .................................................................................. 8 References ............................................................................................................... 8 8.1 9 Guidance from Other Organisations ....................................................................................... 8 Associated Documentation ..................................................................................... 9 Appendix A - Training Needs Analysis and Action Planning Process Tool ................... 10 Appendix B - Training Needs Analysis (Supplementary Guidance) .............................. 13 Appendix C - Template Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training .................................................................................................. 14 V.4 March 2012 Page 2 of 18 An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training Review and Amendment Log Version No Type of Change Date Description of change V.3 Annual review Mar 2011 Update to section 8 ‘References’ Update to Appendix A ‘An Example Training Needs Analysis and Action Planning Process Tool’ V.3 Amendment Mar 2011 Addition of amendment log Addition of example of definition Addition of examples of associated documents V.4 Annual review Mar 2012 Update to section 4 ‘Duties’ Update to section 5 ‘A Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training’ V.4 Amendment Mar 2012 Change to format including automated contents page Please Note the Intention of this Document This document has been developed with the aim of providing a model document template. However, any documentation subsequently produced must follow its own rules and include details of all the requirements set out in sections 1-9, where relevant. The organisation may use this template and adapt it to reflect procedures within the organisation or alternatively use a document already in existence. Whichever approach is used the organisation must ensure it is compliant with the minimum requirements of the relevant National Health Service Litigation Authority (NHSLA) Risk Management Standards. a To assist the organisation, areas have been identified in the margins where the section within the template document relates to the minimum requirements for the criterion in the relevant NHSLA Risk Management Standards. It is important that the document should follow any pre-existing guidance within the organisation in relation to style and format of documentation. Please note that a template document entitled An Organisation-wide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents can be found on the NHSLA website which may provide the organisation with additional guidance. V.4 March 2012 Page 3 of 18 An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training 1 Introduction Give an overview of the importance of ensuring that there is a systematic approach to risk management training. State that the overall aim of the document is based on reducing clinical risk and increasing patient safety. The organisation should recognise this will be achieved through management and staff awareness of the risks associated with not receiving relevant and timely risk management education, and the introduction of appropriate measures to minimise these risks. Reference should be made to any significant legislative or guidance documents that have been recently published. 2 Purpose Within this section the organisation should provide the rationale for the development of the document. It should include a description of how the organisation intends to ensure that the process for implementing a systematic approach to risk management training is managed in the most effective way. The document should have a specific focus on each of the minimum requirements within this process, as identified in the NHSLA Risk Management Standards, and not just a general overview of training management. The document must describe the organisation’s whole-systems approach to managing risk management training. It must ensure that clear procedures are in place to inform and support all those involved throughout each stage of the process. 3 Explanation of Terms This section should list and describe the meaning of the terms used within the context of this document. Training Needs Analysis A breakdown, usually presented in the form of a spreadsheet or table, which contains as a minimum: all staff groups; all training required by each group; and the frequency of training required by each group. The training needs analysis (TNA) may also include further details such as who will provide the training, the specific training package to be used, etc. The following list is a guide only and is not exhaustive: 4 Risk management training Permanent staff Duties Give a brief overview of the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities for the implementation of the organisation’s process. This section should be a brief overview only and the details of the process for managing this should be incorporated within later sections of the document. The following list is a guide only and is not exhaustive: 4.1 Duties within the Organisation Some example responsibilities have been identified below; however, these should be considered within the context of the individual organisational structure. V.4 March 2012 Page 4 of 18 An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training Chief Executive This section should state that the chief executive is ultimately accountable for the implementation of this organisation-wide process. Education Manager This section will need to identify the roles and responsibilities of the individual who has overall responsibility for the day to day management of education. This section should include a description of the manager’s communication links, both within and outside the organisation. Education Staff This section will need to identify the roles and responsibilities of all those involved in the day to day delivery of risk management training. Administration Staff This section should include who is responsible for recording and monitoring all risk management training activity within the organisation. Manager(s) The roles and responsibilities of manager(s) involved in the process for ensuring a systematic approach to risk management training should be documented. This section should include a description of their specific duties relating to the implementation of the local educational programme. All Staff This section should define the responsibilities of all staff. It should emphasise the individual responsibilities of all staff in relation to complying with the educational objectives of the organisation in addition to any legislative or professional educational commitments. 4.2 Committees and Groups with Overarching Responsibilities Trust Board For effective implementation of the Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training there must be active support from the most senior members of the organisation. Organisations should detail how the chief executive and the nominated directors are to gain assurance that this document is being implemented within the organisation. There must be effective cooperation at all levels of the organisation in order for this process to be successful. Committees/Groups This section should identify the committee/group which will have overall responsibility for ensuring a systematic approach to risk management training. The section should include: V.4 how this committee/group links with all the other relevant risk management committees; March 2012 Page 5 of 18 An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training the role this committee/group has with ensuring continuous development of this document; the role the committee/group has in the analysis of the approach to risk management training; how this committee/group communicates both up to board level, and down to the local management levels; and how the committee/group facilitates organisational learning and improvement as a result of monitoring the provision of risk management training. It would be considered good practice if the organisation developed terms of reference for this committee/group including: accountability, responsibility, authority, membership (including identified co-opted members and deputies), meeting schedule and quorum, etc. In addition the terms of reference should be dated and signed. The roles and responsibilities of the committee that is instrumental in the decisions relating to effective risk management training should be documented. 5 A Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training This section should provide a description of the process for ensuring a systematic approach to risk management training. The process must include a methodical way to analyse the training needs; to plan, develop, and implement the training programme; and to assess the programme’s implementation and results. This can be summarised under the headings below. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and the organisation may wish to include additional headings. a 5.1 Training Needs Analysis (TNA) There are many approaches that organisations may take to the analysis of training needs. This section should describe the process, taking an analytical approach to determine what risk management training is required for all staff. It usually involves collecting data, which can be gathered from several sources including staff surveys and feedback, management observations, workshops and business meetings. The aim should be to objectively identify the training needs of all employees, from which it will be possible to build a plan that offers appropriate, cost-effective opportunities to fill the identified gaps. The findings from the analysis, as a minimum must include: a list of topics defined as risk management training by the organisation (must include all those referred to in the NHSLA Standards TNA Minimum Data Set); the staff groups required to attend each type of training; and the frequency of updates required for each type of training. This detail should then be summarised; this could be in the form of a matrix or a table, as per Appendix A - Training Needs Analysis and Action Planning Process Tool. V.4 March 2012 Page 6 of 18 An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training Further guidance on completing your organisation’s TNA is provided in Appendix B Training Needs Analysis (Supplementary Guidance). b 5.2 Training Action Plan(s) This section should provide a description of the process for the development of training action plan(s). The training action plan(s) should be developed from the TNA, which will have identified the specific training requirements within the organisation and the individual needs of the employees. Ideally a clear link between the training objectives and the business objectives should be provided. The description should take into consideration the training required, numbers involved, where and when the staff will undertake the training, any costs likely to be incurred and the training budget. It should be written in an easy to read format and contain sufficient information to adequately inform senior managers, in particular those with budget allocation responsibilities. c 5.3 Training Prospectus This section should provide a description of the process for the development of a training prospectus. This should be developed from the training action plan(s), and would therefore reflect the training agreed during the training needs analysis process. A training prospectus in its simplest format is a compilation of all the course programmes provided by an organisation, and could be presented in either a paper or electronic format. For the training prospectus to be a meaningful and informative document, for each course provided it must include: the key aims and objectives; whether the course is mandatory or desirable; the venue for the training; details of the tutor or how the training will be delivered; and the course duration, dates and times. d 5.4 Recording Attendance and Completion of Training This section should provide a description of the process by which the organisation ensures that employees attend and complete the relevant training programmes. It should provide a description of the process by which the organisation coordinates all records of training. Records of all training completed should be documented and securely filed. Ideally the trainer and trainee should sign against each element of a course programme and details of this training should be maintained on a central database. It is acknowledged that various media can be used to record the completion of training programmes and to collate training records. The methodology chosen by the organisation should be fully described within the document. e f V.4 5.5 Non-attendance at Training (Including Persistent Non-attendance) This section should provide a description of the process by which the organisation follows up those employees who fail to attend the allocated training programmes. If this process varies for different staff groups the variances in the process should be included in the documentation. By implementing a robust monitoring system, organisations will be able to recognise at an early stage when employees have failed to attend an allocated training programme. Organisations should consider the actions to be taken in cases where employees habitually fail to attend training programmes. Positive and negative incentives could be used, for example, the organisation may prevent an employee from undertaking any desirable training until all the required elements of mandatory training have been completed. March 2012 Page 7 of 18 An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training 6 Equality Impact Assessment The organisation should identify who will undertake the Equality Impact Assessment which is required to consider the needs and assess the impact of this document in accordance with the Organisation-wide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents. The Equality Impact Assessment Tool found at Appendix E of the Organisationwide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents could be completed and form part of the body of the document, but as a minimum a statement should be included within the document to demonstrate that an Equality Impact Assessment has been carried out and that the document does not discriminate, highlighting any areas of good practice or risk areas requiring attention. g 7 Monitoring Compliance with the Document 7.1 Process for Monitoring Compliance This section should identify how the organisation plans to monitor compliance with the Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training. As a minimum it should include the review/monitoring of all the minimum requirements within the NHSLA Risk Management Standards. The following list is a guide to issues which could be considered within this section and should be added to where appropriate: 7.2 Who will perform the monitoring? When will the monitoring be performed? How are you going to monitor? What will happen if any shortfalls are identified? Where will the results of the monitoring be reported? How will the resulting action plan be progressed and monitored? How will learning take place? Standards/Key Performance Indicators This section could contain auditable standards and/or key performance indicators (KPIs) which may assist the organisation in the process for monitoring compliance. 8 References This section should contain the details of any reference materials reviewed in the development of the procedural document. Listed below are some useful sources of reference material: V.4 8.1 Guidance from Other Organisations Boorman, Dr S. (2009) NHS Health and Well-Being Review – Final Report Boorman, Dr S. (2009) NHS Health and Well-Being Review – Interim Report March 2012 Page 8 of 18 An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training 9 Chartered Institute for Professional Development (CIPD) (2008) ‘What’s new from CIPD research?’ CIPD website page Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) (2003) Focus on the learner: The Change Agenda Department of Health (2000) An Organisation with a Memory. Report of an Expert Group on Learning from Adverse Events in the NHS McNamara. C. (1997) ‘Systematic Approaches to Training and Development’ Free management library website NHS Employers (2010) ‘Health and safety essential guide’ NHS Employers website pages Sloman. M. (2005) Change Agenda: Training to Learning Trulove. S (2006) Training in Practice Associated Documentation This section should provide a cross reference to any other related organisational procedural document(s). The following list is a guide only and is not exhaustive: V.4 Training needs analysis Training prospectus March 2012 Page 9 of 18 An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training Appendix A - Training Needs Analysis and Action Planning Process Tool Example Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and Action Planning Process The table below represents an example of how an organisation could present its TNA. The development of a training matrix will vary depending upon the organisation’s size, structure and services it provides. The matrix itself is a table which simply depicts what training the organisation provides, who should attend the training, and the frequency with which the training should be repeated. Additional columns have been added to the table to facilitate the creation of an action plan for the delivery of the identified training. This is the information that would be included within the training prospectus. The table is the end point of what should have been a significant review of training activities across the organisation. This should ensure the training depicted can realistically be delivered within the agreed timeframes, taking into account national recommendations, resources and funding available. Organisations are reminded that the NHSLA Risk Management Standards do not dictate the level or frequency of training that should be provided to your staff. This is for the organisation to decide utilising the training expertise within the organisation. Organisations must ensure that as a minimum the topics identified within the NHSLA Risk Management Standards (TNA Minimum Data Set) are included within the TNA. The table below is intended for guidance purposes only. V.4 March 2012 Page 10 of 18 An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training Training Needs Analysis and Action Planning Process Type of training Staff groups requiring training How often this should be undertaken Length of training Delivery method Responsibility for delivering training Location of attendance records Health Record-Keeping Training Investigation of Incidents, Complaints and Claims Training Risk Awareness Training for Senior Management Moving & Handling Training Harassment & Bullying Training Violence & Aggression Training Slips, Trips & Falls (Staff & Others) Training Slips, Trips & Falls (Patients) Training Hand Hygiene Training Inoculation Incident Training Consent Training Transfusion Process Training Venous Thromboembolism Training V.4 March 2012 Page 11 of 18 An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training Type of training Staff groups requiring training How often this should be undertaken Length of training Delivery method Responsibility for delivering training Location of attendance records Medicines Management Training Clinical Supervision Training Clinical Risk Assessment Training Observation of Patients Training Dual Diagnosis (Mental Health & Substance Misuse) Training Rapid Tranquilisation Training Medicines Management Training Resuscitation Training V.4 March 2012 Page 12 of 18 An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training Appendix B - Training Needs Analysis (Supplementary Guidance) Training Needs Analysis (Supplementary Guidance) 1 The topics included in the template document need to take into account additional topics specific to mental health & learning disability and ambulance services. Different organisations have different TNA Minimum Data Sets which should be consulted when developing the TNA. 2 If training in one topic is incorporated within another training session this should be indicated on the TNA. For example, if hand hygiene training is incorporated into infection control training this should be documented on the TNA. Or training on slips, trips & falls (staff and others) may be part of corporate induction. 3 Be realistic in the training you intend to deliver. Take into account timeframes, resources and financial implications of delivering the training. 4 Be specific when considering staff groups. Be careful of these being too generic, for example: all managers, all nurses, all medical staff. If this is not accurate, you will not achieve compliance. 5 If there are differing levels of training this will need to be accounted for within the TNA. For example, resuscitation training can be delivered at basic and more specialist levels. All of these will need to be included within the TNA. 6 Make sure the training within the overarching organisation-wide documentation and that identified within the TNA correlate. If the document and TNA do not match, the organisation could potentially loose a significant number of compliance points. 7 To ensure accuracy, the organisation may choose to cross reference to the TNA without specifically identifying training requirements within the overarching document. For example within the organisational ‘moving & handling’ document the training section could direct the reader to the organisation’s TNA. This allows the TNA to remain a living document that can be reviewed and updated without the need for policies to be constantly changed. 8 The mode of delivery is not confined to classroom teaching; there are many ways in which training can be delivered remotely from training packages or through cascade training. These should be included within the TNA. 9 The organisation needs to be aware of who is collating and analysing the training records. Without this knowledge it is impossible to calculate if the training is being delivered in accordance with the TNA. 10 The frequency of training should be decided by the organisation based upon national recommendations and organisational needs. This may vary for different staff groups and should be clearly identified within the TNA. V.4 March 2012 Page 13 of 18 An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training Appendix C - Template Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training NHS Trust An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training Version: Ratified by: Date ratified: Name of originator/author: Name of responsible committee/individual: Name of executive lead: Date issued: Review date: Target audience: V.4 March 2012 Page 14 of 18 An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training Contents 1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 17 2 Purpose.................................................................................................................. 17 3 Explanation of Terms ............................................................................................ 17 4 Duties .................................................................................................................... 17 4.1 4.2 5 Duties within the Organisation ............................................................................................. 17 Committees and Groups with Overarching Responsibilities ................................................ 17 A Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training ......................................... 17 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Training Needs Analysis (TNA) .............................................................................................. 17 Training Action Plan(s) .......................................................................................................... 17 Training Prospectus............................................................................................................... 17 Recording Attendance and Completion of Training ............................................................. 17 Non-attendance at Training (Including Persistent Non-attendance) ................................... 17 6 Equality Impact Assessment ................................................................................. 17 7 Monitoring Compliance with the Document ........................................................ 17 7.1 7.2 8 References ............................................................................................................. 18 8.1 9 Process for Monitoring Compliance ..................................................................................... 17 Standards/Key Performance Indicators ................................................................................ 18 Guidance from Other Organisations ..................................................................................... 18 Associated Documentation ................................................................................... 18 Appendix A – Training Needs Analysis ......................................................................... 18 Appendix B – Checklist for the Review and Approval of Procedural Documents ........ 18 Appendix C – Version Control Sheet ............................................................................ 18 Appendix D – Plan for Dissemination ........................................................................... 18 Appendix E – Equality Impact Assessment Tool ........................................................... 18 Examples of the Checklist for the Review and Approval of Procedural Documents, Version Control Sheet, Plan for Dissemination and the Equality Impact Assessment Tool can all be found within the Organisation-wide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents on the NHSLA website. Appendix B in the Organisation-wide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents contains a flowchart to assist with the process for the creation and implementation of procedural documents. V.4 March 2012 Page 15 of 18 An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training Review and Amendment Log Version No V.4 Type of Change Date Description of change March 2012 Page 16 of 18 An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training 1 Introduction 2 Purpose 3 Explanation of Terms 4 Duties 5 4.1 Duties within the Organisation 4.2 Committees and Groups with Overarching Responsibilities A Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training 5.1 Training Needs Analysis (TNA) 5.2 Training Action Plan(s) 5.3 Training Prospectus 5.4 Recording Attendance and Completion of Training 5.5 Non-attendance at Training (Including Persistent Non-attendance) 6 Equality Impact Assessment 7 Monitoring Compliance with the Document 7.1 V.4 Process for Monitoring Compliance March 2012 Page 17 of 18 An Organisation-wide Document for Ensuring a Systematic Approach to Risk Management Training 7.2 8 Standards/Key Performance Indicators References 8.1 9 Guidance from Other Organisations Associated Documentation Appendix A – Training Needs Analysis Appendix B – Checklist for the Review and Approval of Procedural Documents Appendix C – Version Control Sheet Appendix D – Plan for Dissemination Appendix E – Equality Impact Assessment Tool V.4 March 2012 Page 18 of 18