Energy of Living Things -

Energy of Living Things -- outline notes – Ch. 5 section 1
I. Energy Flows between Organisms in a Living System
--. Almost all energy in living systems needed for metabolism comes from the ___________.
-- For plants, algae and some bacteria, energy from the sun is captured and used to make ___________
compounds that store chemical energy and serve as _________ for organisms.
A. Building molecules that can store energy
1. ______________________ –process where light energy is converted to chemical energy.
2. _______________ – organisms that use energy from sunlight or inorganic substances to make
organic compounds (example – _______________).
a. Most are ph________________ organisms
B. Breaking down food for energy
1. _____________________ – organisms that must get energy from food instead of directly
from sunlight.
Examples – _______________ and other animals
2. _______________ _______________ -- metabolic process that heterotrophs use to get
energy from food
-- releases much of the energy in food to make ATP, which provides the cell with
C. Cells transfer energy from food to ATP
1. In cells, _________________ energy stored in food molecules is released gradually in
chemical reactions.
a. The product of one reaction is the ______________ for the next reaction
b. each reaction releases _____________
2. When cells break down food some of the energy is released as ________________.
3. The remaining energy is stored temporarily in molecules of _________, which is the energy
currency inside cells. ATP delivers energy to the _________
II. ATP Stores and Releases energy
A. ATP (adenosine ______phosphate) is a nucleotide with two extra energy-storing _____________
B. The phosphate groups store ________________ like a compressed spring does
C. Energy is __________________ when the bonds that hold the phosphate groups together are broken.
D. Breaking the outer phosphate bond requires an input of energy but _________ energy is released
during the reaction.
E. The removal of a phosphate group from ATP produces adenosine ____phosphate or ADP
F. Cells use the energy released by this reaction to power ____________________.