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Denise has experience editing both Avid and Final Cut Pro. She started her editing career in London as a
staff editor at the BBC working across a wide range of genres: current affairs, magazine programmes,
education, children’s series to single documentaries and series. She became a freelance editor in 1995
and relocated to Bristol in 2000.
Denise excels in working for productions that require quick turnover, strong editorial input, and an understanding of budgetary restrictions. Self shooting for directors is now common practice, but carries with it a
need for quick assessment of the rushes and the limitations of the material on offer. Denise has experience of all these pressures and responsibilities and an understanding of how productions requirements
impact on all involved. More recently she has been a mentor for junior editors as part of South West
Screen’s “Second Screen” Skillset course and helps with project work for an environmental project out in
the Chew Valley between editing jobs.
Flooded Britain Winner of British Environment and Media Awards, Best TV Documentary
……. the story- human, grounded in emotion and the everyday- was so compelling that science and politics were easily absorbed by the viewer
Extreme Lives-Cannibals and Crampons Winner of Grand Prize 2002 Banff Festival of Mountain
DV originated and quick response projects: Foot and Mouth Diaries (Ch4). Ramadam Diaries (Ch4),
Extreme Lives - Cannibals and Crampons (BBC1) Birthday Zoo (Animal Planet). Extreme LivesTwo men in a Boat, Extreme Lives - The Yukon Quest, Extreme Lives - My Right Foot - Leo Houlding
Drama reconstruction: Crimewatch UK (BBC1), The Six Wives of Henry VIII (Ch4), The Iron Duke
(BBC2) Monarchy ( Ch4)
Observational Series: Paddington Green (BBC1), Blues and Twos (ITV), The Peoples Vets (ITV),
Children's Hospital (BBC1), Life of Grime- New York (BBC 1) Country Cops(BBC1) Desperate Midwives (BBC3)
Cable and Digital channels: Africa (National Geographic and PBS), Birthday Zoo (Animal Planet),
Painting the Weather (BBC4), Raging Planet (series for Discovery), Flooded Britain (BBC4, BBC2
and Open University) Eurofighter- Weapon of Mass Construction (BBC4 and Open University)
Format shows: Daytime Bargain Hunt (BBC 1) Anthea Turner, Perfect Housewife (BBC3)
BBC Bristol Series: The Really Wild Show (BBC1) , Daytime Bargain Hunt (BBC 1) Life of GrimeNew York (BBC 1) Desperate Midwives (BBC3)
Since becoming freelance Denise has enjoyed working on a number of successful series and single documentaries. A list of the most recent is shown below along with the names of producers involved.
Coalhouse at War, BBC 2 and BBC Wales
Exec Producer: Martyn Ingram, Series Producer:Rachel Morgan: Producers: Ceri Rolands, Andrea Dixon
Working at the coalface, in the munitions factory was just the start of challenges for three families who
signed up for a month of living as if in 1944 with rationing and keeping spirits high. This fascinating series
delivered reality TV with fun and poignancy as the rigours of wartime sank affected every aspects of life.
This quick turn around series topped the rating for BBC Wales and is fondly recalled by viewers who felt
closer to their immediate ancestors who lived the reality.
Tales from the Green Valley BBC 2
Exec. Prods: David Upshall
Producer Peter Sommer
Hidden away in Wales lies a farm that has escaped the rules of modern living. 15 years ago it was rescued and returned to its 17th Century origins. Now a group of archaeologists and historical experts attempt to run it, using authentic Tudor implements and methods. Each programme follows a calendar
month and as winter approaches the realities of life without electricity, running water and instant heat take
its toll. Wearing only period style clothes and eating meals of a typical farming family, the experts reflect
just how physically exhausting it is just to put food on the table.
Trust Me I’m a Healer BBC 3,
Producer: Steve Poole
Exec Producer: Rachael Bell
“Stephen Turoff”
His surgeries are packed out in London and in Slovenia he is welcomed as a Messiah. All this because
he can offer people hope of a cure or at least a more peaceful death. And his devoted followers take photos of this and the more bazaar occurrences that surround him. Shafts of lights and visions of the Holy
Mother are captured on film…..or are they? But try telling Turoff that the camera CAN lie. Meanwhile his
wife of many years has trouble keeping a straight face, none of these things have happened whilst she is
around and she runs the clinic.
“Ray, Gillian and Paul”
Gillian has two men in her life, but they share the same body. She stands by as her beloved husband
“disappears” as Paul enters his body. The bricky becomes an educated mediterranean and performs
complex surgery on spines and fuses injured nerves and spinal discs. But Ray’s daughter has never met
her father’s other half and being a lawyer needs real proof. This film follows that wonderful life of a dedicated couple who have helped many people and get very little financial gain.
Lie Lab. Channel 4
Exec: Mark Fielder. Producer Tim Pritchard.
Two programmes in a series of three that examined the medical theory that telling a lie will activate receptors in that brain that can be seen using a MRSA scanner. Using this technology the series put individuals
to the test so that their own versions of the truth could be proven. Two of the British Guantanamo detainees agreed to undergo strict questions about why they were in Afghanistan and whether they did or did
not visit training terrorist camps. Kathy is a writer who bared her soul and wrote about the terrible abuse
in childhood and her years incarcerated at a Madeleine laundry in Ireland. Her book became a best seller
but her siblings denied any of it happened and say that her lies have destroyed their family. But did the
scanner reveal “The Truth”?
Life of Grime- New York
Exec. Producer: Julian Mercer, Series Producer: Jo Vale
Producers: Jo Shinner & Simon Knight
Following the clean up squads of New York. How to find someone to pay for the burial of a 30 day old
body, “disposiphobia” and how to cure it and a just how many weird and exotic animals can you cram into
a one bedroom apartment.
Superhomes: New York & Barbados
Producers, Mandy Chang, Louise Wardle
Exec. Prod. Sam Organ, Series Prod. Rachel Bell
A trip around the world of the super rich to see just wheret they spend their spare change. Barbados attracts the wealthy, at play for the season. When they go home their £12 million pads are rented out to the
aspiring rock stars and celebrities at £30,000 a week. New York and its hard to get through the door of an
apartment for less than a million dollars. Loft living or cookie cutter pads must have a skyline view and
exactly the right zip code address.
The Iron Duke TX BBC 2
Exec: Mark Fielder
Series Prod: Rachel Bell, Producer Mary Cranich
The life, loves and battles of Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington. Richard Holmes takes us through the
years of rejecting academia to join the military and eventually to make a name as the most successful of
Britain's military commanders. Episode 2 looks at the lesser-known battles that helped Wellington develop
a strategy that he would later use against Napoleon.
The Six Wives of Henry VIII
Exec Producer: Mark Fielder
Producer Louise Wardle
David Starkey's slant on the wives who had such high hopes of remaining Queen of England………despite a King's track record of a very low boredom threshold!
Single Documentaries
Extreme Lives-Cannibals and Crampons
Producer: Ed Stobart ** Debut of RTS award winning Bruce Parry.
Two explorers decide to go find a tribe of man-eaters on their way to scale the unclimbed south face of
the Gurun Mandal mountain of Indonesia. No real maps, many local myths but sheer determination take
them along a tortuous route to meet a tribe that even the porters refuse to go near.
Winner of Grand Prize 2002 Banff Festival of Mountain Films
Flooded Britain
BBC4 and BBC2
Prod. Jon Clay, Exec.Prod Jeremy Bristow
A freak combination of tides and storms in 1953 led to devastation along the protected coastlines of eastern England and Holland. Fifty years on experts now advocate tearing holes in the rebuilt seawalls and
allowing nature to look after its own.
Winner of British Environment and Media Awards, Best TV Documentary
……. the story- human, grounded in emotion and the everyday- was so compelling that science and politics were easily absorbed by the viewer
Eurofighter-Weapon of Mass Construction
Producer Marie- Laure Vigneron
BBC2 and BBC 4
Exec Prod. Jeremy Bristow
A lesson in how not to run a multi- million pound design and development project. Too many countries,
too many changing minds and finally a confusion about who the new enemies really are. Renamed and
re-designed the Eurofighter Typhoon has now at last been delivered to the RAF. But will it fulfil the needs
of a modern, tactical airforce?
Secret History: Mau Mau
Director: Elizabeth Dobson
Executive Producers: Richard Bradley and Elizabeth Clough
The Mau Mau became synonymous with the outrageous slaughter of 32 white settlers in the Colonial
Kenya of the 1950’s. But did the fear of attack justify the mass detention of thousands without trial, public
hangings, cash rewards for dead Mau Mau and other acts of brutality by the British troops?