guest registration form

Guest(s) of a Unit Owner, Primary Occupant, or Tenant of a Unit Owner in
Hidden Lake Villas Condominium
IMPORTANT: Registration Form must be filled out fully and entirely by Unit Owner, Primary Occupant, or
Renter. Any items that do not apply mark “N/A” for “not applicable”. Forms that are not completed in entirety
will be rejected and require resubmission.
1. Date of Registration: ___________________
Date received (to be filled in by Association): __________
2. Date of Guest’s Arrival: ______________________ Registration Form must be received by Association
ten (10) days in advance of Guest(s)’s arrival if the guest(s) will be occupying in the owner’s absence.
3. Name of Registrant (person filling out this Form): ___________________________________________
4. Circle One: Registrant is a Unit Owner, Primary Occupant, or Renter.
5. Unit Number: _________
6. Definition of Guest: Section 1.21 of the Declaration of Condominium defines a Guest as: “...any person
who is not the unit owner or a lessee or a member of the owner’s or lessee’s family, who is physically present in,
or occupies the unit on a temporary basis at the invitation of the owner or other legally permitted occupant,
without the payment of consideration.” Section 15 of the Declaration of Condominium further defines a “guest”
as “a person who enters upon the condominium property at the invitation of a unit owner or tenant (or their
respective families) for the purpose of visiting the unit owner or tenant (or their respective families), occupying
the Condominium unit for less than thirty days during any calendar year, or utilizing the Condominium property.
Use or visitation without consideration (payment) distinguishes a guest usage from a tenancy....” Subsections of
Section 15 describe other limitations, but all fall under the thirty-day per calendar year limit.
7. Agreement to Abide by 30-day limit: Registrant hereby agrees to abide by the thirty (30) day per calendar
year limitation for any guest.
8. Overnight Guests When Unit Owner or Tenant is in Residence: Per Subsection 15.2 of the Declaration
of Condominium, “Unit owners and tenants (and their respective families) may have related or unrelated
overnight guests, so long as the unit owner or tenant is in simultaneous residence. All overnight guests must
register with the Board. The Association may restrict or prohibit guest visitation by convicted felons, including
but not limited to registered sex offenders and persons who have been convicted of narcotic offenses. Under no
circumstances may more than six (6) persons (including the unit owner or tenant) sleep overnight in a two (2)
bedroom unit, or more than four (4) persons sleep overnight in a one (1) bedroom unit (except there is no
restriction on related family members, as defined in Article 15.4.2 of this Declaration). Overnight guests’ use of
Condominium facilities is subject to the same provisions as use of Condominium facilities by Non-Overnight
9. Agreement to Abide by Unit Density Limitation: Registrant hereby agrees that the number of his/her Guests
will meet the unit density limits of the Declaration of Condominium.
10. Overnight Guests in the Absence of the Unit Owner or Tenant: Per Section 15.4 of the Declaration of
Condominium, “Tenants are not permitted to have overnight guests (related or non-related) in the absence of
the tenants’ simultaneous residence. Unit owners are permitted to have overnight guests in the absence of the
unit owner subject to the following conditions, and such other rules and regulations as may be deemed
necessary by the Board to effectuate the residential, non-transient nature of this Condominium.”
Only Unit Owners or Primary Occupants (not renters) are allowed to have guests occupy in
their absence. If Registrant is a Unit Owner or Primary Occupant, will this guest(s) be
occupying in your absence? YES NO
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11. Non-Related Overnight Guests, per Subsection 15.4.1 of the Declaration of Condominium, “in the absence of
the owner will be limited to a maximum of two (2) weeks and to three (3) occupancies per calendar year. The
limitation on unit density in Article 15.2 applies. Ten (10) days prior notice to the Association is required. There
shall be a minimum of thirty (30) days between such guest occupancies.”
Please note that the intent of this subsection is to allow owners three, two-week opportunities per year
to invite different non-related guests to occupy the unit in his/her absence. All guests, however continue
to be restricted to a thirty-day per calendar year occupancy, so if the owner chooses to invite the same
non-related individual to occupy his/her unit any more than thirty days, for instance, for all of the three
two-week opportunities, that “guest” ceases to be a “guest” once the thirty day limit has expired, and the
occupant must submit a separate Application for Board approval of their occupancy as a Unit Resident,
and background checks may be conducted. These Applications are available in the Association Office.
a) Is this guest(s) a non-related overnight guest in the absence of the owner? YES NO
b) If YES, and this guest(s) has already occupied this unit for thirty days this calendar year,
Registrant hereby agrees to submit a separate Application for Occupancy as a Unit Resident and
obtain Board approval prior to occupancy.
c) Registrant hereby states that at least thirty (30) days have passed since the last of any non-related
overnight guest occupancy of this Unit.
d) Registrant hereby states that this guest(s) occupancy will not exceed two (2) weeks.
e) Registrant hereby states that this non-related overnight guest(s) occupancy does not exceed
Registrant’s three times per year, two-week limit.
f) Registrant hereby states that this Registration Form has been submitted ten (10) days prior to this
guest(s)’ occupancy.
12. Related Overnight Guests, per Subsection 15.4.2 of the Declaration of Condominium “may occupy a unit in
the absence of the owner. For the purpose of this clause, “related” means all persons staying in the unit on an
overnight basis, in the absence of the owner, who are related to the unit owner or primary occupant (by blood,
marriage or adoption) to the following degree: parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, or sibling. Ten (10)
days prior notice to the Association is required.”
Please note that this subsection does not absolve the “related” person from the thirty-day per calendar year
occupancy limit as a “guest”. Any occupancy beyond thirty days would require the occupant to submit a
separate Application for Board approval of their occupancy as a Unit Resident, and background checks
may be conducted.
Is this guest(s) a related overnight guest in the absence of the owner? YES NO
If YES, circle which of the following applies: Parent, Grandparent, Child, Grandchild, or Sibling.
If this guest(s) occupancy is to exceed thirty (30) days, Registrant agrees to have Occupant
submit a separate Application for Occupancy as a Unit Resident and obtain Board approval
prior to occupancy.
Registrant states that this Registration form has been submitted ten (10) days prior to this
guest(s)’ occupancy.
13. Additional Board Authority. Per Subsection 15.5 of the Declaration of Condominium, “The Board may
promulgate such rules, policies, and procedures as are necessary to implement this Article. In the event that unit
owners are suspected of circumventing rental restrictions by receiving consideration for occupancies which are held
out as guest occupancies, the Association may require proposed guest occupants to submit proof of
familial/relationship, an affidavit as to absence of payment for the right to occupy the premises, and the like.”
In addition, Section 4.15 of the By-Laws of the Association provide the Board of Directors authority to impose fines
for “failure to comply with the provisions of the Board policies and resolutions, the Condominium Documents,
including the Rules and Regulations, and applicable laws by owners, occupants, licensees, tenants, and invitees.”
The amount of the fine may be up to $100 per day and $1,000 per incident, per SEC. 718.303(3), Florida Statutes.
14. Agreement to Abide with Guest Occupancy Requirements and to be responsible for guest(s)’
conduct: Registrant hereby agrees to abide by all the requirements of the Association in regard to guest
occupancy, and to be responsible for the conduct of Registrant’s guests.
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15. Name of Guest(s):
16. Names and Ages of Children, if any:
17. Duration of Occupancy: FROM (date):________________
TO (date): _____________________
Pursuant to Section 15 of the Association’s Second Amended and Restated Declaration of Condominium, guest
occupancy is limited to thirty (30) days per calendar year. Any guest planning to stay beyond that limitation
must submit a separate Application for Unit Residency and must be approved by the Board of Directors prior to
18. Name and Phone Number in Case of Emergency: ___________________________________________
19. Vehicle Parking: No more than two vehicles per unit are permitted on Condominium Property. Pursuant
to Section 14.3 of the Declaration of Condominium regarding Vehicle and Parking restrictions, no trucks or
commercial vehicles are permitted overnight.
a) Parking Requirements: Whether or not Registrant’s guest(s) plan on renting a vehicle, or whether
or not Registrant currently knows the vehicle the guest(s) plan to park on the condominium property,
Registrant hereby states that Registrant will require the guest(s) to abide by the Association’s
requirements regarding vehicle parking and parking lot use. Registrant also hereby states that
Registrant will require the guests not to park a truck or commercial vehicle overnight on Condominium
property. Registrant also states that Registrant will require guest(s) staying overnight to display the
Association’s Guest Parking Pass in the proper place in or on the guest(s) vehicle, per the Association’s
b) Explanation: If Registrant knows the vehicle(s) that will be parked on the property for this guest(s),
fill in below. If Registrant does not know the vehicle(s), please explain:
c) Identity of Vehicle Number One:
Make, model and year of guest(s)’ automobile: _____________________________________________
License Number: __________________________State of Registration: _________Color: __________
Automobile Title Holder’s Driver’s License Number and State of Issuance: _______________________
b) Identity of Vehicle Number Two (if any):
Make, model and year of guest(s)’ automobile: _____________________________________________
License Number: __________________________State of Registration: _________Color: __________
Automobile Title Holder’s Driver’s License Number and State of Issuance: _______________________
20. Signature: I attest that the foregoing guest(s) have never been convicted of a felony. I further attest that
the information provided herein is complete and factual to the best of my knowledge. I agree to abide by all the
requirements of the Declaration of Condominium and Rules and Regulations related to guest occupancy. I shall
advise my guests of the conduct required of them while staying on condominium property and shall be
responsible if they fail to comply with the requirements set forth in the condominium’s governing documents,
including the rules and regulations.
Signature of Registrant (Person filling out this Form): ______________________________________________
(Document: HLV Guest Registration Form)
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