THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT TYPE ROENTGEN CONTRAST MEDIA ON CARDIAC ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY DURING CARDIAC ANGIOGRAPHY ARSLAN OCAL¹ CEMAL OZBAKIR¹ Akay Hospital, Department of Cardiology, Ankara, Turkey¹ Short Title: The elecrophysiological effects of contrast agents Contact Information Dr. Arslan OCAL Akay Hastanesi Kardiyoloji Bölümü, Ankara, Turkiye Fax: ( +90) 2130202 Phone: ( +90) 312 416 50 50 E-mail: Objectives: The contrast agents induced electrophysiological affects involve regional disturbances of depolarization and repolarization, thereby causing disturbance of impulse conduction as well as dispersion of refractoriness. The aim of this study is to define elecrophysiological effects of four different contrast agents using effect on QT, QTc, QTd and signal averaged ECG parameters. Methods and Results: The study population consisted of 96 subjects (61 male, 35 female, age 57,9 9,2 years ) who underwent standard coronary angiography and left ventriculography with stable angina pectoris. Pre and postprocedural QT, QTc, QTd, filtered QRS duration and, RMS40 were compared. Low osmolar ionic (ioxaglate, group 1), low osmolar nonionic (iopamidol, group2 and iobitridol, group3), isosmolar nonionic dimer (visipaque,group4) groups were not statistically different according to age, gender, left ventricular volume, ejection fraction, amount of contrast agent, jeopardy score). In group1; QT (403.5±41.6 to 427.4±38.3, p<0.001 ), QTc(440.4±28.8 to 476.5±47.4, p<0.001 ), QTd(34.0±11.6 to 52.6±19.2, p<0.001), in group2; QT(403.1±33.2 to 415.3±36.6, p=0.003), in group4; QTd(35.2±12.1 to 48.1±27.9, p=0.013 ) were significantly changed. No other signal averaged ECG parameters were changed. Conclusion: The electrophysiological alterations induced by contrast agents used in coronary angiography can be determined by QT, QTc and QT dispersion but not signal avaraged ECG parameters. Keywords: contrast agent, arrhythmia, signal averaged electrocardiography Introduction The coronary angiography (CAG) is the most commonly used diagnostic method for coronary artery disease and have a mortality risk that is 0.11%. There are some complications like contrast media induced arrhythmia (0.38%), hemodynamic complications(0.26%), and allergic contrast reactions (0.37%) in coronary angiography. Contrast agents affect normal cardiac electrophysiology when injected into coronary arteries. The contrast agents induced electrophysiological affects involve regional disturbances of depolarization and repolarization, thereby causing disturbance of impulse conduction as well as dispersion of refractoriness (1). A number of studies with diatrizoate that is one of ionic hiperosmolar contrast medium have documented electrocardiographic changes such as arrhythmia and conduction abnormalities (2, 3). Ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation occure with using hiperosmolar contrast agent in coronary angiography ( 0.1-1.3%) (2, 4, 5, 6) Hexabrix320 (ioxaglate) is low osmolar ionic contrast agent and nonionic low osmolar contrast agents that of Visipaque320 (iodixanol), Iopamiro370 (iopamidol), Xenetix350 (iobitridol) are commonly used in our clinic. Routine electrocardiographic parameteres such as PR interval, QT interval and QTc have been used as arrhythmia predictors in recent studies but signal averaged electrocardiography (SAECG) not used (3, 4, 5, 6). The aim of this study is to define elecrophysiological effects of four different contrast agents using effect on QT, QTc, QT dispersion derived from 12 derivation ECG and signal averaged ECG parameters. Materials and Methods The study population consisted of 96 subjects (61 male, 35 female; 57.9±9.2) who underwent standard coronary angiography and left ventriculography with stable angina pectoris at Catheter Laboratory of Gaziosmanpasa University School of Medicine Hospital were included this study between 2005 June -2006 May. The patients who have had diabetes mellitus, severe renal and hepatic disease, acute coronary syndrome, recent myocardial infarction, history of percutaneous coronary interventions, severe pulmonary hypertension, significant valvular disease, permanent pacemaker, bundle brunch block, atrial fibrillation, and using antiarrhythmic drugs were excluded from study. The inform consent had been obtained from all patients. The patients were randomized a single-blind manner to Hexabrix, Xenetix, Iopamiro and Visipaque were used respectively for each patient in coronary angiography. Coronary angiography was performed with the Judkins technique, injecting about 7 ml of contrast agent into the left coronary artery and about 5 ml into right coronary artery for each injection. 4±1 injection was used for left coronary artery imaging and 2±1 injection was used for right coronary arteriography. Left ventriculography was performed using 0,5 ml/kg contrast agent and no premedication was given before. SAECG and ECG data of these patients were collected in recordings that obtained preprocedural (5 minutes) and post-procedural (5 minutes) 12 derivation ECG and signal averaged ECG patterns. We detected late potentials in the terminal QRS complex from orthogonal, bipolar XYZ ECG leads recordings by signal processing system use time domain analysis. This system use 40 Hz high pass filter. Criteria for late potentials ( use of a 40 Hz high pass bidirectional filter) are 1) filtered QRS complex; 114 to 120 ms, 2) less than 20 μV of root-mean-square signal amplitude in the last 40 ms of filtered QRS complex, and 3) the terminal filtered QRS complex remain below 40 μV for longer than 39 ms were used (7). RMS40 and QRS time are achieved in SAECG recordings. The ECG intervals such as QT interval, corrected QT time (QTc) were measured automatically. QT dispersion (QTd) (maximum QT interval minus minimum QT interval) for a single 12-lead ECG was measured manually. Transthorasic echocardiography was performed using a 2.5 MHz transducer. All measurements were performed following the American Society of Echocardiography’s recommendations (8). Statistical Analysis All continuous variables were analysed with Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Comparison of between groups with regard to continuous variables were used one-way ANOVA. The paired sample t-test was used to determine whether there was a difference between ECG and SAEG variables recorded in each groups at before and after CAG. Multivariate two way repeated measures ANOVA was used to comparison of changes on variables in groups with respect to before and after CAG. Pairwise comparison test (LSD) were used for significant difference on QTc variable at result of test. The categorical variables in four groups were compared using chi-square test. The continuous variables are expressed as mean values±SD, and the discrete variables as absolute values and percentages. A p-value <0,05 was considered significant. Analyses were performed using commercially available software (SPSS Inc, Chicago, Illinois). Results The patients were divided to four groups as group1 (Hexabrix, 23 patients, 14 male), group2 (Xenetix, 32 patients, 25 male), group3 (Iopamiro; 20, 8 male) and group4 (Visipaque, 21 patients, 14 male). Low osmolar ionic (hexabrix, group 1), low osmolar nonionic (iopamiro,group2 and xenetix, group3 ), isosmolar nonionic (visipaque, group4) groups were not statistically different according to age, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), arterial blood pressure (BP), amount of contrast agent, and diffuseness of coronary artery diseases (evaluated by jeopardy score (9)). There was a significant difference between groups with respect to LVEDP (11.9±2.3; 10.4±2.2; 12.2±4.2; 14.2±6.9, respectively; p=0.028) ( Table1). Tablo1. Comparison of groups with respect to age, amount of contrast agent, BP, LVEDP, LVEF and Jeopardy score Age Amount of Contrast Agent (ml) BP(mmHg) LVEDP(mmHg) Jeopardy score LVEF(%) Group1(n=23) Group2(n=32) Group3(n=20) Group4(n=21) F p (Hexabrix) (Xenetix) (Iopamiro) (Visipaque) 57.0±10.3 57.1±9.5 59.4±8.9 58.9±7.7 0.41 0.746 108.9±57.9 105.5±32.6 87.2±14.1 107.4±35.4 1.31 0.278 149.5±21.7 11.9±2.3 1.1±1.4 63.8±16.5 145.9±21.4 10.4±2.2 1.2±1.4 61.0±16.3 156.1±25.2 12.2±4.2 1.7±1.8 67.4±12.1 148.2±23.0 14.2±6.9 1.5±2.0 57.9±20.4 0.75 3.18 0.56 1.11 0.526 0.028 0.645 0.350 No significant difference was founded with respect to gender (χ2=5.96; p=0.114) and localization and severity of atherosclerotic lesion between groups (Table2). Table 2. Comparison of groups with respect to gender and coronary atherosclerotic lesion Gender Male Female RCA Normal Lesion <%70 ≥%70 %100 CX Normal Lesion <%70 ≥%70 %100 LAD Normal Lesion <%70 ≥%70 %100 Group1(n=23) Group2(n=32) Group3(n=20) Group4(n=21) χ2 p (Hexabrix) (Xenetix) (Iopamiro) (Visipaque) 14(60.9%) 25(78.1%) 8(44.4%) 14(66.7%) 5.96 0.114 9(39.1%) 7(21.9%) 10(55.6%) 7(33.3%) 11(47.8%) 12(37.5%) 7(37.9%) 13(61.9%) 5(21.7%) 12(37.5%) 6(33.3%) 4(19.0%) 5.72 0.767 5(21.7%) 6(18.8%) 4(22.2%) 4(19.0%) 2(8.7%) 2(6.3%) 1(5.6%) 0(0%) 13(56.5%) 20(62.5%) 12(66.7%) 15(71.4%) 4(17.4%) 6(18.8%) 2(11.1%) 2(9.5%) 3.20 0.956 5(21.7%) 4(12.5%) 3(16.7%) 2(9.5%) 1(4.3%) 2(6.3%) 1(5.6%) 2(9.5%) 10(43.5%) 16(50.0%) 7(38.9%) 8(38.1%) 8(34.8%) 8(25.0%) 3(16.7%) 4(19.0%) 7.10 0.627 4(17.4%) 7(21.9%) 7(38.9%) 6(28.6%) 1(4.3%) 1(3.1%) 1(5.6%) 3(14.3%) In group1; QT (403.5±41.6 to 427.4±38.3, p<0.001 ), QTc(440.4±28.8 to 476.5±47.4, ,p<0.001), QTd(34.0±11.6 to 52.6±19.2, p<0.001), in group2; QT(403.1±33.2 to 415.3±36.6, p=0.003 ), in group4; QTd(35.2±12.1 to 48.1±27.9, p=0.013) were significantly changed. There was a significant difference wiht respect to QTc change values between groups (p=0.005) and we found that Hexabrix is cause of this result (p=0.042) by using pairwise comparison test. No significant changes on filtered QRS time (p=0.908) and RMS40 (p=0.438) values (Table 3). Table 3. ECG and SAECG changes in groups by coronary angiography Group1(n=23) (Hexabrix) 403.5±41.6 427.4±38.3 (t=4.08,p<0.001) Group2(n=32) (Xenetix) 403.1±33.2 415.3±36.6 (t=3.25,p=0.003) Group3(n=20) (Iopamiro) 393.9±34.1 402.2±32.1 (t=1.36,p=0.191) Group4(n=21) (Visipaque) 397.1±51.9 402.8±46.0 (t=1.45,p=0.162) F p 0.29 2.06 0.42* 0.830 0.111 0.741 QT(msec) Before After QTc(msec) Before After 440.4±28.8 476.5±47.4 (t=4.25,p<0.001) 443.1±26.6 442.2±28.2 (t=0.26,p=0.795) 440.6±22.1 440.6±26.2 (t=0.00,p=1.000) 440.5±39.1 449.5±44.3 (t=1.51,p=0.145) 0.06 4.65 2.83* 0.982 0.005 0.042** QTd(msec) Before After 34.0±11.6 52.6±19.2 (t=4.83,p<0.001) 39.1±14.0 42.5±15.7 (t=1.61,p=0.118) 35.6±11.0 40.6±15.1 (t=1.49,p=0.155) 35.2±12.1 48.1±27.9 (t=2.74,p=0.013) 0.87 1.72 0.60* 0.461 0.169 0.618 RMS40 (μv) Before After 39.6±32.6 30.8±26.1 (t=1.15,p=0.261) 30.1±27.7 27.8±28.7 (t=0.58,p=0.565) 19.2±17.1 20.3±21.5 (t=0.25,p=0.806) 21.6±27.7 24.8±26.1 (t=0.57,p=0.576) 2.42 0.60 0.92* 0.071 0.619 0.438 Filtered QRS Time (msec) Before After 101.4±30.4 115.6±26.1 110.7±21.2 109.9±20.5 106.3±23.1 111.5±26.7 112.8±23.8 103.1±19.5 0.99 1.11 0.402 0.351 (t=1.65,p=0.112) (t=0.17,p=0.863) (t=0.73,p=0.475) (t=1.14,p=0.266) 0.18* 0.908 * For Repeated Measures ANOVA test values ** Pairwise comparisons result: There was significant diference in Hexabrix group (p<0.05). Discussion In recent studies have showed that hiperosmolar contrast agents had more adverse effects than low osmolar and arrhythmic complication risk increase using contrast agents (10, 11, 12, 13, 14). Contrast agents possess an undesirable ability to prolong cardiac repolarization that can be objectively measured as prolongation of the QTc on the ECG and lead to serious arrhythmias such as ventricular fibrillation (15, 16, 17, 18). Popio KA et al. considered that the electrophysiologic effects of contrast agents is related to hiperosmolality (19). The osmolality is an important but not only one factor on electrophysiologic effects of contrast agents. There are some studies which showed that the ionic composition was responsible for this effect (20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25). Wisneski JA et al. reported that Hexabrix (ionic) prolonged QT interval significantly, altough Iopamiro (nonionic) had no significant changes (26). We demonstrated that there were significant changes on QT (p<0.001) and QTc (p<0.001) values in group1 (Hexabrix) and QT interval changes in group2 (Xenetix) group (p=0.003). No significant changes on QT and QTc time were observed in other nonionic (Iopamiro, Visipaque) groups. QT dispersion (QTd) as an index of the spatial dispersion of the ventricular recovery times and it was proposed that the different ECG leads magnify the ECG signal of the different myocardial regions. QTd is an almost direct measure of heterogeneity myocardial repolarization and noninvasive predictor of arrhythmia. Abnormally high QT dispersion has been correlated with risk of arrhythmic death in a variety of disorders. QTd also has been correlated with efficacy and proarrhythmic potential of drug therapy (27). Literature reviews found the QTd to vary mostly between 30 and 60 ms in normal subjects (28). The effects of contrast agents on QTd were not examinated in recent trials. In our study, there were signaficant changes on QTd values in group 1 (34.0±11.6 to 52.6±19.2 p<0.001) and group 4(35.2±12.1 to 48.1±27.9 p=0.013) but this cahanges in normal range. The presence of a late potential is a sensitive, but not specific marker of arrhythmic risk and thus its prognostic use is limited (27). Our findings showing that ionic and nonionic contrast agents have not effect on SAECG parameters. This result may related to limitation of late potential analysis is the absence of information about ventricular repolarization. Conclusion The electrophysiological alterations induced by contrast agents used in coronary angiography can be determined by QT, QTc and QT dispersion by using standart 12derivation ECG but not signal avaraged ECG parameters. Different type contrast agents makes different electrophysiological effect determined by standart ECG. We considered that this electrophsyological effects of contrast agents is related to be ionic. 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