HOLIDAY HOMEWORK (May-June) 2015 SUBJECT: SOCIAL SCIENCE STANDARD: VI 1 On political map of India mark the places which you have already learned in history 1st chapter. 2 On physical map of world mark all continents and oceans. 3 Draw few implements used by hunter gatherers. HOLIDAY HOMEWORK(May-June) 2015 SUBJECT: SOCIAL SCIENCE STANDARD: X SECTION - A 1. Resources which are surveyed and their quantity and quality have been determined for utilization are known as: (a) Potential resources (b) Stock (c) Developed resources (d) Reserves 2. Which of the following statements is not true? (a) In Belgium, leaders realized that unity of the country is possible only by sharing power (b) In Sri Lanka, the majority community wants to force domination over others (c) In Sri Lanka, the demand for more autonomy to provinces populated by Tamils has been granted (d) Division of Belgium along linguistic lines was averted due to power sharing. 3. Which of the following divisions is unique to India? (a)Gender division(b) Caste division (c) Economic division (d) Religious division 4. As per language policy in Indian Government, which one of the following statements is true regarding the status of Hindi languages? (a) Only Hindi is our National language(b) Hindi is the official language (c) Hindi has been accepted as the mother tongue of all the Indians (d) None of these 5. Which of the following soil is known as regur soil? (a) Black soil (b) Red soil (c) Laterite soil (d) Arid soil 6. Which of the following is an example of horizontal sharing of power? (a) Power sharing between different states (b) Power sharing between different organs of the government (c) Power sharing between different levels of the government (d) Power sharing between different political parties 7. Which of the following government has two or more levels? (a) Community government (b) Coalition government (c) Federal government (d) Unitary government 8. What type of country is India? (a)Democratic (b) Secular (c)Welfare (d) All of these 9. Which one of the following soil is ideal for growing cotton? (a)Regur soil (b) Laterite soil (c)Desert soil (d) Mountainous soil 10. Which one of the following ethnic groups is related to Belgium? (a) Muslims and Christians (b) Dutch, French and Germans (c) Christians and French (d) French and Dutch 11. The subject of Computer Software comes under which of the following lists? (a) Union list (b) State list (c) Concurrent list (d) Residuary list 12. Which of the following activities does not belong to the primary sector? (a) Agriculture (b) Diary (c) Mining (d) Weaving 13. In which of the following states is black soil found? (a) Jammu and Kashmir (b) Gujarat (c) Rajasthan (d) Jharkhand 14. Which major social group constituted the largest share in population of Sri Lanka? (a) Sinhalas (b) Sri Lankan Tamils (c) Indian Tamils (d) Muslims 15. In Local self-government institutions at least one third of all positions are reserved for: (a) Men (b) Women (c) Children (d) Scheduled Tribes 16. Which of the following statements is the opinion of Mahatma Gandhi: (a) Religion can be separated from politics (b) Religion can never be separated from politics (c) There is no relationship between religion & politics (d) None of the above 17. Which of the following was not a provision of the Act of 1956 passed in Sri Lanka? (a) Sinhala was recognized as the only official language (b) Buddhism was to be protected by the state (c) Provinces were given autonomy (d) Sinhalas were favoured in government jobs 18. In which ways Power can be shared in modren democracies: (a) Among different organs of the government (b) Among various levels (c) Among different social groups (d) All of the above 19. How many other languages are recognized as Scheduled Languages by the constitution, besides Hindi? (a) 20 (b) 21 (c) 18 (d) 19 SECTION - B Short answer 3 marks 1. Explain the importance of conservation of resources. 2. Explain the three examples, how communities have carried out conservation of flora and fauna in India? 3. Why is power sharing necessary in democracy? Explain. 4. Explain any 3 steps taken to solve the problem of land degradation in India. 5. How have Belgium and Sri Lanka dealt with the question of power sharing differently? 6. Explain the term sustainable development. Suggest two measures to ensure sustainable development. 7. Explain the role of humans in resource development. 8. “Large multi-purpose projects also lead to land degradation.” Explain. 9. Explain the two main reasons why power sharing is important in democracy. 10. Distinguish between a Federal form of government and a Unitary one. 11. “Indiscriminate use of resources has led to numerous problems.” Justify this statement. 12. How does the constitution of India ensure secularism? SECTION - C Long answers 5marks 1. Explain any five provisions that have been made towards decentralization in India after the Constitutional amendment in 1992 or State difference between the local government before and after the constitutional amendment in 1992. 2. Describe any five features of federalism. 3. Describe the division of power between Central and State Governments in India orDescribe the Centre-State relations in Indian Federalism. 4. Explain how the federal experiment has been successful in the matter of formation of states in India? 5. Explain the types of Resources on the basis of exhaustibility with the help of examples. 6. Why Sri Lankan Tamils felt alienated? 7. Why is the issue of sustainability important for development? Explain. 8. Which country solved the problem of power sharing through accommodation? Explain the four elements of this model. Math holiday homework for class 9 1. Read pages 28 to 31. This lesson will be taught in June. 2. Five years ago, Mrs. Sharma was five times older than her daughter, Radha. Now she is only three times as old as Radha. How old is Mrs. Sharma? (HW book) 3. Math Textbook Ex 1.2 page 8, 4 on chart paper. Math holiday homework for class 8 4. Read pages 37 to 40. This lesson will be taught in June. 5. Math Textbook page 40 Do this, (2) (A4 sheet) 6. Write about a famous Mathematician. (A4 sheet) OR Puzzle: Count the number of squares (any size) on a chessboard. KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA , INS MANDOVI, VEREM, GOA SESSION 2015-16 Summer Holiday HOME WORK clas s 3 ENGLISH 1. Select any 20 words from your text book and find their meaning.(A4 size sheet.) 2. Prepare a list of 20 singular, plural words.(A4 size sheet) 3. Prepare flash cards of 10 opposite words. HINDI 1. प्रतिदिन 1. paste pictures of 4 symmetrical (कम से कम 20 and 4 nonsymmetrical पेज) 2. जल में रहें वाले जीवों things around us on A-4 sheet. एकपेजसुलेखललखखए 1. Past the pictures of different sources of water and write 4 sentences about it. 2. List the family members and their उनके नाम ललखखए 2. write roles and relationship. (A4 साइज़ शीट पर)I multiplication 3. सफाई करने के काम के tables from 2 to 3. List the relatives 10 on A-4 sheet. who do not stay with प्रयोग आने वाली िीजों you. के चित्र चिपकाए एवं 3. make Placeउनके नाम ललखखएI Value cards ( 5 (do it neatly on A4 size each) (A4 साइज़ शीट पर)I sheet.) 1 Sky, bird, grow, little, branch, sweet, happy, market, catch and train.(A4size sheet) 1.Collect five tongue twisters and write it neatly on A4 size sheet. EVS के चित्र चिपकाए एवं 4. Frame sentences using following words; 4 MATHS 10 100 1. प्रतिदिन एकपेजसल ु ेखललखख ए (कम से कम 30 पेज) 1. Learn and write tables from 1 to 20 neatly 1. Make model of a home in desert and mode of transport on 2. Write your daily schedule of activities for a day noting the time. 2. आप क्या बनना िाहिे हो इस पर A4 साइज़ पेज पर एक संक्षिप्ि (छोटा) अनच् ु छे ि ललखखएI 3. अपने मििगारों का चित्र चिपकाए एवं उनके नाम ललखखए I (A4 साइज़ शीट पर)I 4. ‘कवविा कोई लाके मझ ु े िे ’ को A4 साइज़ शीट पर ललखखएI on an A4 size sheet. 2. Measure the height of everf your family in centimete rs and make a record neatly on an A4 size. 3. Make a model of bus using regular shapes like square, circle, cuboid. Cube etc. A4 size sheet. 2. Make slogan and a poster on conservation of trees on Chart paper. 3. Write a short note on role of animals and trees in environment on A4 size sheet. 5 1.Stick pictures of two food items and write a recipe. 2.Make an item from waste materials(eg. Duster, models of ice-cream, things with coconut shell) 1 ApnaIpsaMdkopkvaa nakIivaiQailaKao. 2 fsalaaosaojauDo, ivaiBanna %yaaoharaokoica~ icapkaAao. 3 ApnaodoSayaarajyakI iksaIekemaartkaica~ icapkato hue ]nakobaaromaoMkuCi laKo. 1. Write tables 2 to 20 on an A4 size sheet. 2. Paste the pic. Of yoga postures in album and mark angles with colour pictures. 3. Make a model of clock or chess board using black and white craft paper. 4. Solve all the question s of the given sheet. 1. Paste pictures of following:a) Different types of snakes. b) Musical instruments that produce sound by blowing in them. c) Different varieties of mangoes with their names. 2. Make a power-point presentatio n on Kalbeliyas with the pictures and information on Kalbeliya’s culture, costume, food, dance and music. OR Make a project on the same. 3. Make a mask or puppet of any animal who is endangered. 4. Write 5 methods of preservatio n of food. NameGrade- Class V Maths Holiday Homework 2015-16 . Roll No. Tr. Sign- Parents sign- Q1. The cost price [CP] of a bicycle is Rs. 1200 and the selling price [SP] is Rs. 1350, find how much profit it will make? Q 2. Th e sel lin g price [SP] of a dress is Rs. 2550, the loss is of Rs. 650. Find the Cost price of the dress? Q 3. Ra vi to ok a lo an of Rs. 56,000 from a bank to buy a 'Scooter' . He paid Rs. 5000 every month for a year to the bank. Calculate the total amount paid by him? Q4. Arjun drives his car at a speed of 60Km/hr. He rides his bike at a speed of 45Km/hr.And by cycling he covers 20km in 1 hr. [i] Calculate how much distance he will cover by a) driving car for 5 hrs. b) Cycling for 3 and half hrs. [ii] Calculate the time he will take to cover a distance of 180 km by riding bike. Q5 Measure the following angles by using a protractor and write in the box. XII INFORMATICS PRACTICES 1. Answer the following questions: a) Write the purpose of the following: [2] (i) Repeater (ii) Router b) Expand the following abbreviations and explain in brief: [2] (i) GUI (ii) ODBC c) What are following software used for? [2] (i) Open Office (ii) Mozilla d) Differentiate between star topology and Ring topology . [2] e) Name two communication cables used in networking and explain any one. [2] 2. Answer the following questions: a. Is E Governance. Better than normal Governance. Explain. [1] b. Why e-learning is used. [1] c. What is the front end and back end in Java? [1] d. Mr. Ram works for the Customs Department. He wishes to create controls on the form for the following functions. Choose appropriate controls from Text box, Label, Option button, Check box, Combo box, Command button and write in the third column [2] Control used to Control 1. Enter last name 2. Choose you Gender (M/F) 3. Choose the name of country That issued passport 4. Submit form 3. Answer the following questions: a) What is the purpose of ALTER TABLE Command? [2] b) Why do we use ROLLBACK statement? Explain in brief with the help of an example [2] c) After creating the “school” database you want to use it. Write the command that you. should give. [1] d) Explain the two wildcard character – and % used with the LIKE clause [2] e) What are joins? Why are they used? [2] f) What is the importance of group function in MySQL? [2] SECTION-B 4. ABC School uses the following interface built in java to check the eligibility of a student for a particular stream from science, commerce and humanities. The user first enters the total percentage and selects the desired stream by selecting the appropriate option button. An additional 5% is marks is given to students of NCC. Write Java Code for the following a) On the Action event of the close button the application gets closed. [2] b) On the Action event of the clear button all the text fields and the check boxes get cleared. [2] c) On Action event of the button ‘Calc Percentage’ Net percentage of the student is calculated and displayed in the appropriate text filed. Net percentage is same as that of the actual percentage if the student doesn’t opts for NCC otherwise 5% is added to actual percentage. [3] 5. d) On Action Event of the button ‘Result’, the application checks the eligibility of the students. And display result “ in the appropriate text field. Minimum percentage for science is 70, for commerce 60 and for humanities 40. [3] Answer the following questions: a) What will be the output of the following code snippet? [2] int x= 10; int y = 20; if ((x<y)||(x=5) > 10) System.out.println(x); else System.out.println(y) b) Find the syntax errors if any in the following programme: [2] int i ; sum=0; i=1; while(i=<10) { sum=sum+i; i=i+3 } System.println(sum); c) Rewrite the following switch statement using if-else statement and display the result using appropriate IDE. [2] switch(number){ case 1: jLable2.setText(“digits”); break; case 10: jLable2.setText(“Tens”); break; case 100: jLable2.setText(“Hundreds”); break; case 1000: jLable2.setText(“Thousands”); break; default: jLable2.setText(“error”); break; } d) What is difference between jRadioButton and jCheckBox? [2] e) Write the method used to set some value in the label [1] f) What is JDBC-ODBC in Java? Name the package that provides SQL Driver for java.[2] g) Differentiate between UL and OL tags used in HTML ? [1] h) Create a page about your hobbies(At List three hobbies). On the page include link to interesting sites that coincides with your description. For instance, if you like sports, you might create a link to for the benefit of your users. [3] SECTION-C 6. Answer the following questions: (a) Write the difference between COMMIT and ROLLBACK [2] Consider the following tables PRODUCT and answer (b) and (c) part of this question Relation :PRODUCT PCODE PNAME COMPANY PRICE STOCK MANUFACTURE WARRANTY P001 TV BPL 10000 200 12-JAN-2008 3 P002 TV SONY 12000 150 23-MAR-2007 4 P003 PC LENOVO 39000 100 09-APR-2008 2 P004 PC COMPAQ 38000 120 20-JUN-2009 2 P005 HANDYCAM SONY 18000 250 23-MAR-2007 3 (b) Write MySQL commands for following Statements i. To show details of all the PC with stock more than 110. [1] ii. To list the company which gives warranty for more than 2 years. iii. To find stock value of the BPL company where stock value is sum of the products of price and stock. [1] iv. To show number of products from each company. [1] v. To count the number of PRODUCTS which are manufactured in 2009. [1] vi. To show the PRODUCT name which are within warranty as on date. Give the output of following MySQL statement. [4] (i) Select COUNT (distinct company) from PRODUCT; (ii) Select MAX (price) from PRODUCT where WARRANTY<=3; (iii) select AVG (price) from PRODUCT where Company=”SONY”; (iv) Select MIN (price) from PRODUCT where stock<200; 7. Answer the following questions: a) Study the following table STAFF and Salary and write MySQL command for the questions (i) to (iv)and give output for the (v) to(vi) TABLE: STAFF ID Name DEPT SEX EXPERIENCE 101 Siddharat Sales M 12 104 Raghav Finance M 6 107 Naman Research M 10 114 Nupur Sales F 3 109 Janvi Finance F 9 105 Rama Research M 10 117 James Sales F 3 111 Binoy finance F 12 130 Samuel Sales M 15 ID 101 104 107 114 109 105 Basic 15000 17000 16000 20000 18000 15000 TABLE: SALARY Allowance 1500 1200 1000 2200 1000 1200 Commission 800 500 200 550 250 150 117 111 130 18000 20000 18000 1700 1500 1200 100 300 500 (i) Display NAME of all the staff who is in SALES having more than 10 year experience from the table staff. [1] (ii) Display the average Basic Salary of all staff working in ”Finance” department using the table staff and salary. [1] (iii) Display the minimum ALLOWANCE of female staff. [1] (iv) Display the highest commission among all male staff [1] (v) Select count(*) from STAFF where sex=’F’; [1] (vi) SELECT NAME,DEPT,BASIC FROM STAFF,SALARY WHERE DEPT=’SALES’ AND STAFF.ID=SALARY.ID; [1] (b) Answer the question based on the table VOTER given below: Column Name Data type V_id BIGINT Vname VARCHAR Age INT Address VARCHAR2 Phone VARCHAR (i) Write the command to delete ID between 10 and 20. (ii) Delete the table physically. Table : VOTER Constraints Primary key Not null Check>17 Size Description 8 Voter identification 25 Name of the voter 3 Age should not less than equal to 17 30 Address of voter 10 Phone number of the voter all the rows of particular voter from the table voter where voter [1] 1] XII COMPUTER SCIENCE Q3. What do you mean by nested class ?Explain. Q4. Q5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of inline functions? What do you understand by member function? Q6.What are static class members? Q7. Identify the errors in the following code fragment: Q8. What is the significance of access specifiers in a class? Chapter – 4 CONSTRUCTOR AND DESTRUCTORS Q1. What is Constructor ? Q2. What is destructor ? What is its need ? Q1. Q2. Q3. What are the characteristics of a Constructors? What do you understand by default constructor? Consider the following declaration : Class welcome { public: welcome (int x, char ch); welcome(); // constructor with parameter // constructor without parameter void compute(); private: int x; char ch; }; which of the following are valid statements welcome obj (33, ‘a9’); welcome obj1(50, ‘9’); welcome obj3(); obj1= welcome (45, ‘T’); obj3= welcome; Q4 . What is copy constructor? Q5 . What is the relationship between constructor and its class? Define constructor also Q6. How many time is the copy constructor called in the following code? Sample func(sample u) { sample v(u); sample w=v; return w; } void main() { sample x; sample y = func(x); sample z = func(y); } Q9. What will be output of following? # include<iostream.h> class play { public: play() { calculate(); void calculate() { show(); cout<<”calculating”; } void show() { cout<<”welcome in C++”; } }; void main() { play one; } INHERITANCE: EXTENDING CLASSES Q1. What is Inheritance ? Ans. It is a special feature of OOPS. Inheritance is capability to inherit the properties of one Q2. What are the different types of inheritance ? Q2. What do you mean by Base and Derived Class ? Q3. What is Multiple Inheritance ? Q4. Define the needs and objectives of Inheritance. MATHEMATICS- HOLIDAY HOMEWORK FOR CLASS 6 1.Try these of the following pages 2,5,6,7,8,11,12,13,19,20,22,23,25,28,29,30,39,42,48,52,63 2.Activity as discussed in class to be completed . 3.Learn tables 4. Solve the following; a.What is the difference between the greatest 4 digit number and smallest 6 digit number. b. manish multiplied 100 by 79 instead of 97. What is the difference between the answers? c. sangeeta types 25 pages a day. How many pages will she type in the month of November? d. The difference between the successor and predecessor of a number is ( ) e.Find (24*4)/2 MATHEMATICS - HOLIDAY HOMEWORK FOR CLASS 7 1.Try these of the following pages 3,8,10,11,18,19,23,34,35,39,40,45,50,51,53 2.Take a chart paper. Divide it into 4 parts and write down the following in it a. squares of numbers from 1 to 50 and learn till 30 minimum b. cubes of numbers from 1 to 25 and learn c. draw the following ½,3/5,8/11 3.Arrange in ascending order: a. 4/17,3/2,9/11,4/5 b.6/81,1/3,0/9,4/5 4.Arrange in descending order: a.5/11,6/7,5/9,1/13 b.6/7,8/13,9/2,4/3 5.Ex -2.5, 2.6,2.7 Holiday home work for students CLASS 6 A & B PREPARE POWER POINT PRESENTATION ABOUT BASICS OF COMPUTERS : INCLUDE BRIEF HISTORY, BASIC PARTS & USES OF COMPUTER. Email home work on : CLASS 7 A & B PREPARE POWER POINT Email home work on : PRESENTATION ABOUT BASICS OF COMPUTERS : INCLUDE BASIC PARTS OF COMPUTERS AND INCLUDE HTML INTRODUCTION AND USES. CLASS 8 A & B PREPARE POWER POINT PRESENTATION ABOUT HTML. INCLUDE INTRODUCTION & USES, EXPLAIN HEADING, PARAGRAPH AND LINE BREAK TAGS. Email home work on : CLASS 9 A & B PREPARE POWER POINT PRESENTATION ABOUT HTML INCLUDE INTRODUCTION OF HTML, Email home work on : EXPLAIN BASIC TAGS AND THEIR USES. CLASS 10 A & B PREPARE HTML PAGE USING TAGS INCLUDE INTRODUCTION OF HTML, EXPLAIN BASIC TAGS AND THEIR USES. Email home work on :