Village of Silver Lake Kenosha County Regular Meeting Silver Lake Village Board August 7, 2013 President Gerber called the Village Board Meeting of August 7, 2013 to order at 7:05 p.m. The roll was called by Clerk-Treasurer Faber and the following members responded: Dunn, Ironside, Snellen, Schwebke, Wilber and Gerber were present. Decker was absent. Attorney Gray was also absent. President Gerber led the Pledge of Allegiance. Citizen’s Comments Ralph Jankovic, 1042 Berwick, commented that he read in the paper on the citizen’s questionnaire that the Village of Paddock Lake did. Mr. Jankovic thinks it would be beneficial for Silver Lake to do this as well. Van Wanggaard, 1246 Blaine, Racine introduced himself as the former Senator of the 21st District and is running for the new 21st District. He also commented that he looking forward to serving the citizens of Silver Lake. Roger Johnson, 201 W. Depot Street, commented on flyers that were handed out before election over two years ago and how the information wasn’t true. He also questioned Trustee Wilber about $17,000.00 of tax payer’s money that was spent on attorney bills. He also had questions of Mr. Dunn regarding a drainage problem on the north end of School Street. Roger then proceeded on commenting on Fire and Rescue and when he was in office there were no complaints. He then commented on how they are spending money and not budgeting for paving. Ralph Jankovic, 1042 Berwick, asked what the difference of being incorporated and unincorporated is and what are the benefits? Colleen Dykstra, 201 W. Depot Street, She understands that you are trying to fix up the downtown area. Colleen then asked how much you spent to have a meeting at 4:30 p.m. when people cannot make it. Trustee Wilber commented that when she asked him to come down she thought that he could not make later. She then asked about the oil tank. Trustee Wilber commented that she was unaware of it. President Gerber commented that she has further information and this was brought up at past meetings. Roger Johnson, 201 W. Depot Street, asked Mr. Dunn about being called and telling that person that it was not his committee. Citizens for Growth Comments There were no comments from Citizens for Growth. President’s Agenda President Gerber commented about being approached on using the board room for story hour this fall and right now they have it in the park on Wednesday mornings. She also mentioned that they been having a good turnout but doesn’t have enough room at their location. Motion 1 Gerber moved, seconded by Schwebke to approve the use of the board room for the Community Library starting this fall on Wednesdays from 10:30 a.m. till 11:30 a.m. for story time. All present voted aye. Decker was absent. Motion carried. President Gerber then led a discussion on the current Website and having some problems with our village site being hacked into and explained that this is one of the reasons we have not point and pay and would like to have Terry look into going back to the Wisconsin site which did not have any issues for seven years. Trustee Wilber commented that we switched to a local vendor with a cost savings who have given training and asked Johnny if he could come in and explain. Trustee Schwebke commented that she would think that there is something wrong with our security and our computer guy should fix it. Johnny Abbate commented that there are two factors anybody who has access to the password either here at the office or login at home. Trustee Wilber thinks that is not the case. There were two instances June 20th and July 23rd. He explained that if you put up a link on the website that it would be no harm and it doesn’t take anything outside the website. but it was a spam. He also commented that with a new provider you will be starting from scratch. Johnny has put monitor software on place to find out how it is happening. He is waiting to see if the site is stable. President asked if you limit the accessibility. Johnny reported that he did change it. Trustee Ironside commented that we should give this a chance and see if there is a change. President Gerber commented maybe we should limit the usage to just the office personnel. President Gerber led a discussion by saying several people came to her on filling the vacant seat and the people were not on the ballot. She then proceeded on how she recommended filling the vacant seat to the next highest vote getter on the ballot. Trustee Wilber commented what it states in the State Statute. Gerber commented that to her this is a way for the board to stack the board and several people have commented. Sue spoke with Linda Gray on this. Therefore the ordinance has been drafted and Linda Gray has approved it. Wilber commented how Mike disagreed on leaving the seat vacant due to leaving at an even number and she also doesn’t agree on leaving the seat. Dunn commented that there is nowhere in the ordinance that says how far out the next highest vote getter is and that he doesn’t agree with going off the ballot. A comment was made that the voter voted for means nothing. Gerber commented that it is a slap in the face. Schwebke commented that now there is an ordinance out here. Wilber reported on the state statute and discussion was had. Gerber commented that we can put time frames in it. Wilber thinks that having a special election is a waste of money. Gerber commented that way they both filled after the election was not fair. To her it was like stacking the deck. Wilber took offense. Gerber commented the voters are the ones who voted. Ironside commented that that is why elections are held. Barb also commented the people spoke and the people should have who they want to represent them. Dunn doesn’t agree with having an ordinance regarding filling a vacant seat. President Gerber commented that we can table this and she will work with Linda Gray on this. Motion 2 Ironside moved, seconded by Snellen, to approve the August 7, 2013 Board Meeting Consent Agenda items. 1) Approval of minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held on Wednesday, July 17, 2013 as printed; minutes to be amended. 2) Approval of vouchers as recommended by the Finance Committee for payment on Friday, August 9, 2013, and Friday, August 16, 2013. Dunn, Ironside, Schwebke, Snellen, Wilber and Gerber voted aye. Decker was absent. Motion carried. Motion 3 Ironside moved, seconded by Snellen to authorize Clerk Treasurer Faber to attend the Fall Municipal Treasurer’s Conference from September 25-27, 2013 at the Plaza Hotel and Suites in Eau Claire, WI; cost not to exceed $550.00. Ironside, Schwebke, Snellen, Wilber, and Gerber voted aye. Dunn voted nay. Decker was absent. Motion carried. Motion 4 Wilber moved, seconded by Snellen to allow Sandy Chickereno to attend the WEDC Training Class on August 15, 2013 in West Allis with mileage being reimbursed of approximately 80 miles round trip. Snellen and Wilber voted aye, Ironside, Schwebke, and Gerber voted nay. Dunn abstained and Decker was absent. Motion defeated. Motion 5 Gerber moved, seconded by Snellen to authorize Bob Williams to attend the WWOA Conference on October 22-25 in Stevens Point, WI. The cost would be approximately $467.00 plus meals not to exceed the employee handbook rate and mileage of approximately 390 miles at the current IRS rate. Dunn, Ironside, Schwebke, Snellen, Wilber and Gerber voted aye. Decker was absent. Motion carried. Economic Development Trustee Wilber reported that James Engel and Kathy Burdick from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp came and did the presentation. Wilber also commented that the presentation was on the Main Street program and another program known as Connect Community program for an annual fee of $200.00 in which they select a limited amount of communities. Soti also mentioned that she is also looking into other different areas to bring business in the village. Finance, Legislative & Administrative Trustee Ironside reported that she is having a first budget meeting on August 14, 2013. She also mentioned on changing performance evaluation dates. Police & Judicial Trustee Ironside reported in behalf of Trustee Decker that Judge Marlene Engstrom received her Traffic Seminar Certificate and so far she has exceed 11 credits for what she needs for her certification. Emergency Government Trustee Ironside reported that she had a committee meeting before the board meeting in which they went over the proposed budget along with clarification of staffing. She also commented that the bottles came in. Barb also reported on the trucks, the tanker may need new tires and that the fire department applied for a grant on first responders jump pack. She also reported on the year to date calls of 104 calls. 14 calls this month 6 were fire related and 8 were medical related and rescue answered 12 medical calls this month 3 were basic 7 were advanced life support 2 were no transport and they assisted on 6 fire calls. The Rescue had their blood drive today. Roger Johnson asked if she knows how much money was raised for the street dance. Trustee Ironside has no report. President Gerber reported that the door was installed and the others were maintained. Ironside commented that the doors either has to be all the way up or all the way down. Public Works & Buildings President Gerber reported that all the stop signs are up as well as the no parking signs on manor. She also mentioned that we have another storm water drain repair issued. She also reported on the oil leakage issue and the problem is being addressed and not a financial issue for the village. Trustee Wilber commented that there is a brownstone grant for these types of issues. Gerber commented on that there are a lot of storm sewers that need repaired and we should get started on these. She also reported that we should start looking for new engineers. Parks, Public Lands & Library Trustee Schwebke commented that she contacted Erin Decker to see if there were any grants open to parks. General Welfare Trustee Dunn reported that there have been 73 building permits issued with revenue of $5,689.00. Motion 6 Ironside moved, seconded by Dunn to adjourn the Village Board Meeting of July 17, 2013 as no further business has been presented. President Gerber adjourned the Village Board Meeting at 8:45 p.m. __________________________________________________ Terry L. Faber Clerk-Treasurer