Teacher Evaluation Symphony Silicon Valley & Mariachi Sol de México Please complete and return by April 30, 2015 Date of performance: Teacher’s Name: Time: 9:30-11:00 11:30-1:00pm Grade: 4 School Name/District: What impact do you feel these performances had on your students? Do you believe that they learned from the concert & Mariachi Sol de México? What? How did you come to this conclusion? (for example: through follow-up activities that demonstrated their interest or learning?) What were the positive highlights of the performances? How might they be improved? Do you have suggestions for improving the organization of the event? Would you like to bring a class to a program like this again? How helpful were the Classroom Materials: Which did you use? Very yes no Some Little None Was ArtSPARK website a good way to access the teaching materials – anything we could improve? Please rate the… Student Enjoyment of the Performance: High Some Little None Educational Quality of the Event: Excellent Good Fair Poor Organization of the Event: Excellent Good Fair Poor Please return completed Teacher and Student Evaluation forms to ArtSPARK Symphony Silicon Valley c/o Lee Kopp P.O. Box 790 San Jose, CA 95106-0790 THANK YOU. YOUR EVALUATION IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO US. Please return completed Teacher and Student Evaluation forms to ArtSPARK Symphony Silicon Valley c/o Lee Kopp P.O. Box 790 San Jose, CA 95106-0790