Virtual Ecosystems—How Energy Moves Through Ecosystems 1. Open the link titled “Model Ecosystems” from Chapter 3 on the Documents and links page of our website. 2. To begin, open the FIELD GUIDE by clicking the book icon. Read the introduction portion of the Field Guide and match the words to the appropriate definition below. ____1. A community of living organisms interacting with the environment ____2. Organisms that use the sun’s energy to produce their own nutrients ____3. Organisms that can’t make their own food and rely eating other organisms ____4. The product made by autotrophs through photosynthesis ____5. Another name for autotrophs ____6. The source of energy that fuels most ecosystems ____7. A heterotroph that eats only plants ____8. Carnivores that eat on herbivores ____9. Carnivores that eat other carnivores ____10. Each step in a food chain ____11. The total mass of all living organisms in an ecosystem a. biomass b. producers c. herbivore d. ecosystem e. 3rd order het. f. tropic level g. heterotroph h. autotrophs i. 2nd order heterotrophs j. sun k. glucose 3. For each of the five ecosystems: a. Read the information about the ecosystem in the FIELD GUIDE b. Select the ecosystem type that you would like from the pull down menu at the top. c. Click and drag the various organisms to their correct locations within the different trophic levels of the pyramid. d. Once you have moved all of the organisms click the “Check” button and fix any incorrect choices. e. Clicking on the “Pyramid of Energy” will reveal how much energy is available at each trophic level. f. Clicking on the “Pyramid of Numbers” will show the number of organisms at each trophic level within this type of ecosystem. g. Fill in all of the information from these pyramids on the data table on in this packet. You don’t need to fill in every organism at every level, select a few sample organisms. 4. Analyze this data by calculating the energy conversion efficiency (ECE) for each trophic level for each of the five ecosystems and record the results. The energy conversion efficiency is calculated by dividing the energy at the higher trophic level by the energy at the lower level to obtain a ratio. This ratio tells you how much of the available energy in the lower tropic level made it to the next level up. Enter the value as a decimal number. Round your answer to the nearest hundredths. You will not have an ECE for the first column “producers.” 5. When you are finished analyzing the ecosystem, click the “Reset” button and select another ecosystem from the pull down menu and repeat the above procedures. Ecosystem Type Deciduous Forest Producers Organisms present: First Order Heterotrophs Organisms present: Second Order Heterotrophs Organisms present: Third Order Heterotrophs Organisms present: Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Energy in level:_____ Energy in level:_____ Energy in level:_____ that move up to this level (ECE)_____ % of available Energy that move up to this level (ECE)_____ % of available Energy that move up to this level (ECE)_____ Organisms present: Organisms present: Organisms present: Organisms present: Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Energy in level:_____ Energy in level:_____ Energy in level:_____ % of available Energy that move up to this level (ECE)_____ % of available Energy that move up to this level (ECE)_____ % of available Energy that move up to this level (ECE)_____ Organisms present: Organisms present: Organisms present: Organisms present: Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Energy in level:_____ Energy in level:_____ Energy in level:_____ % of available Energy that move up to this level (ECE)_____ % of available Energy that move up to this level (ECE)_____ % of available Energy that move up to this level (ECE)_____ Energy available in % of available Energy level: ______ Hot Desert Energy available in level: ______ Grassland Energy available in level: ______ Antarctic Ocean Shore Organisms present: Organisms present: Organisms present: Organisms present: Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Energy in level:_____ Energy in level:_____ Energy in level:_____ % of available Energy that move up to this level (ECE)_____ % of available Energy that move up to this level (ECE)_____ % of available Energy that move up to this level (ECE)_____ Organisms present: Organisms present: Organisms present: Organisms present: Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Number of Organisms in this tropic level:______ Energy in level:_____ Energy in level:_____ Energy in level:_____ % of available Energy that move up to this level (ECE)_____ % of available Energy that move up to this level (ECE)_____ % of available Energy that move up to this level (ECE)_____ Energy available in level: ______ Freshwater Lake Energy available in level: ______ ECE= energy conversion efficiency ratio Post-laboratory Questions: 1. You calculated an “ECE” for each tropic level. Exactly what does this number represent? _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. Organisms that directly use energy from the sun to make their own food are called: a. Autotrophs b. Hetertrophs c. Carnivores d. Decomposers 3. Which of the following illustrates the correct ordering of trophic levels? a. Decomposerscarnivoresautotrophsherbivores b. Herbivoresautotrophscarnivoresdecomposers c. Autotrophsherbivorescarnivoresdecomposers d. None of the above 4. The efficiency of energy transfer from a lower trophic level to the next highest level is roughly: If energy cannot be created or destroyed, Where does the energy go that does a. 1% not make it to the next tropic level up? _______________________________ b. 5% ______________________________________________________________ c. 10% d. 50% ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 5. In aquatic ecosystems, biomass is the smallest at which trophic level? THIS ANSWER IS IN THE FIELD GUIDE!!! a. Autotrophs How is this different from the other terrestrial ecosystems? ________ b. Herbivores _________________________________________________________ c. Carnivores _________________________________________________________ Why is the biomass distributed this way?________________________ _________________________________________________________ Answer the following in complete sentences: 6. Suggest reasons why the information represented in the pyramid of numbers of animals of one of the ecosystems you studied may not truly represent that ecosystem. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 7. Compare and contrast two of the forest and desert ecosystems. How is the energy conversion efficiency similar or different? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. Does the population size increase or decrease at higher trophic levels in the pyramid of numbers of an ecosystem consisting of a tree, insects (that are herbivores) and birds feeding on the insects? Why? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 9. Explain how energy flows through an ecosystem. Does it flow in one direction or is it recycled. How is this different from matter? Does matter flow through or is it recycled in an ecosystem? You are welcome to use internet research to help you construct your answer! ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________