Course Name: Course Number Microbiology BIO130 Term: Degree140127 Section Number: BIO13301A 3.0 Clock hours 45 Semester Credit Hours Total 45 0 0 Lecture Lab Clinical Instructor Patricia DeTurk, MST MT (ASCP) E-mail Class Time 8 am – 12:30 pm Class Location 302 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course introduces students to the world of microbes including bacteria, prokaryotes, viruses and fungi. The impact of these organisms on the lives of humans is explored with particular attention given to the medical impact of pathogens and how disease is transmitted, diagnosed and subsequently treated. Additionally, students will learn about cellular reproduction, composition and metabolic function of single celled-organisms. COURSE OBJECTIVES Identify key historical events and scientists who led to the discovery of microbes. Describe ways in which humans benefit from and are harmed by microorganisms. Describe the general structure and composition of macromolecules; list macromolecule functions in biosynthesis, metabolism and enzyme function. List ways that microbes overcome humans’ three lines of defense. Identify disease symptoms, their disease-causing agents and effective chemotherapeutics. Discuss pros and cons of administering antiviral compounds. Compare and contrast the humeral and cellular immune responses. List current hypotheses and supporting data regarding the role of viral agents in cancer. Describe bacterial reproduction, classification, and methods of identification. Identify role of epidemiologists, the CDC and the WHO. TEXTS Talaro, K.P., & Chess, B. (2012). Foundations in Microbiology (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. STUDENT RESOURCES Canvas: Access code bundled with your text; obtain Course ID from Registrar COMPUTER ACCESS Homework activities in this course series require computer access. Students who do not have home access to a computer should complete computer-based activities at a Concorde computer lab, resource center, or public library. EVALUATION Students will be evaluated on knowledge of textbook content, writing and presentation skills, and analysis and application of thinking skills. Classwork 15 % Homework 15 % Quizzes 30 % Midterm Exam 20 % Final Exam 20 % Total 100 % Grade Scale 90-100 80-89 = = A B 70-79 60-69 = = C D 59 or less = F Make-up work Work missed due to absence, including being tardy or leaving early will be ineligible for grades. The PD will determine the method for making up required course components like labs and competencies. Classwork is defined as any lab, competency, activity, or discussion that occurs during scheduled class hours. Students who ask to complete work, including tests, prior to an expected absence, will not be penalized, if all missed work is completed prior to the absence or on the student’s first day back to class. Any work not completed by or on the student’s first day back in class will be penalized. Page 1 of 5 Concorde Career Colleges, Inc Homework Unless otherwise stated, homework is due at the commencement of class the session after it is assigned. Homework is to be completed in the Canvas online program. Tutoring Tutoring will be scheduled at the discretion of the instructor or Academic Dean. Exams & Quizzes An exam missed as a result of an absence may be made up within 5 regularly scheduled class days. The student must initiate the request to reschedule on the first day s/he returns. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule time outside the student’s regularly scheduled class hours to take a missed exam. Not rescheduling on the day of return, or not appearing for the rescheduled time will result in an automatic zero (0). An exam taken after the course’s original exam scheduled date will have its grade reduced by one letter grade. Quizzes cannot be made up. Quizzes and tests may include material from any previously taught material in this course. The final exam will be comprehensive. For a quiz, students must be in their seats at the time the instructor distributes the first quiz paper in order to take the quiz. Weight Values for the Course Assignments Title Total Course Weight Your Weighted Percent Your Grade Final Exam 20% X = Midterm Exam 20% X = Quizzes 30% X = (Multiple average of all quizzes by %) Announced Average of quizzes = Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Quiz 5 Quiz 6 Quiz 7 Homework 15% X Average of assignments (multiple this score by %) = = W1 Homework W2 Homework W3 Homework W4 Homework W5 Homework W6 Homework W7 Homework W8 Homework W9 Homework Classwork 15% X Average of classwork (multiple this score by %) Page 2 of 5 Concorde Career Colleges, Inc = = W1 exercise W2 exercise W3 exercise W4 exercise W5 exercise W6 exercise W7 exercise W8 exercise W9 exercise MAINTAINING SATISFACTORY ATTENDANCE STATUS Attendance is mandatory. All absences are unexcused. Review your school catalog for specifics of satisfactory attendance, probation and terms of dismissal. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES Students are expected to abide by the policies established in the school catalog. Dress code is to be followed as outlined in catalog. If you miss a class, it is up to you to obtain a copy of any notes from your fellow classmates and/ or request any handouts or missed work from the instructor. It is also courteous and professional to call the school and inform the instructor, PD and/or Dean of your absence, just as you would an employer. This course will require a great deal of individual effort. If, for any reason, you are experiencing problems in this course, please speak with the instructor immediately. Do not let any problem continue to grow until it is too late or unmanageable. In addition to class time, you are expected to spend a minimum of 3 hours for each hour of class time per week (4.5 hours in class per week * 3 hours = 13.5 hours per week) on assignments and activities to help you achieve the course objectives. Your outside class time should be spent reading the textbook materials, developing outlines and notes for exam preparation, memorizing theory, and practicing application of theory. For application, complete the chapter activities in the textbook, utilize the web resources associated with the text, and perform any other practice as assigned by the instructor. If assigned a final project you will need to research, draft and revise on a weekly basis. Details of weekly activities will be in your course schedule. CLASSROOM CONDUCT Refer to the catalog for details on eating, breakage, cleanliness, etc. Other items not covered are below: Cell Phones – Cell phones are not allowed in the classroom. Upon entering the classroom please turn off all cell phones and store away. Cell phones must not be visible at any time. If seen during quizzes or exams, the student’s paper will be collected and given a zero (0) with no option for make-up or retake. Participation/Classwork — You are expected to participate in class. Class assignments , which are a part of your course grade, occur throughout the day, with or without announcement, at the instructor’s discretion. BREAK TIMES Instructor: State Times & length COURSE SCHEDULE *Homework is due at the next class unless otherwise stated. Week 1 Topics Covered Course Intro Chapter 1 The Main Themes of Microbiology Chapter 2 The Chemistry of Biology Chapter 3 Tools of the Laboratory: Methods of Studying Microorganisms Classwork is defined as any competency, skill, quiz, activity, or discussion that occurs during scheduled class hours. Page 3 of 5 Concorde Career Colleges, Inc Class Activities Homework* Week 2 Topics Covered Class Activities Homework* Week 3 Topics Covered Class Activities Homework* Week 4 Topics Covered Class Activities Homework* Week 5 Topics Covered Class Activities Homework* Week 6 Topics Covered Various warm-up and application exercises. Various exercises, activities, and discussions Read Chapters 1 through 5. Prepare for a quiz over Chapters 1-3. Complete Chapters 1, 2 & 3 Homework in Canvas Review Key Terms 1, 2 & 3 Chapters 4 & 5 Chapter 4 A Survey of Prokaryotic Cells and Microorganisms Chapter 5 A Survey of Eukaryotic Cells and Microorganisms Various exercises, activities, and discussions Quiz 1: Chapters 1-3 Read Chapters 6 & 8 Prepare for a quiz over Chapters 4-5 Complete Chapters 4 & 5 Homework in Canvas Review Key Terms 4 & 5 Chapters 6 & 8 Chapter 6 An Introduction to Viruses Chapter 8 An Introduction to Microbial Metabolism: The Chemical Crossroads of Life Various exercises, activities, and discussions Quiz 2: Chapters 4-5 Read Chapters 11 & 12 Prepare for a quiz over Chapters 6 & 8 Complete Chapters 6 & 8 Homework in Canvas Review Key Terms 6 & 8 Chapters 11 & 12 Chapter 11 Physical and Chemical Agents for Microbial Control Chapter 12 Drugs, Microbes, Host-The Elements of Chemotherapy Quiz 3: Chapters 6 & 8 Various exercises, activities, and discussions Read Chapters 13-15 Study for the Midterm Exam Chapters 1-6, 8, 11, 12 Complete Chapters 11 & 12 Homework in Canvas Review Key Terms 11 & 12 Chapters 13-15 Chapter 13 Microbe-Human Interactions; Infection, Disease, and Epidemiology Chapter 14 An Introduction to Host Defenses and Innate Immunities Chapter 15 Adaptive, Specific Immunity and Immunization Midterm Exam Various exercises, activities, and discussions Read Chapters 16 & 17 Prepare for a quiz over Chapters 13-15 Complete Chapters 13-15 Homework in Canvas Review Key Terms 13-15 Chapters 16 & 17 Chapter 16 Disorders in Immunity Chapter 17 Procedures for Identifying Pathogens and Diagnosing Infections Page 4 of 5 Concorde Career Colleges, Inc Class Activities Homework* Week 7 Topics Covered Class Activities Homework* Week 8 Topics Covered Class Activities Homework* Week 9 Topics Covered Class Activities Homework* Week 10 Topics Covered Class Activities Homework* Various exercises, activities, and discussions Quiz 4: Chapters 13-15 Read Chapters 18-20 Prepare for a quiz over Chapters 16 & 17 Complete Chapters 16 & 17 Homework in Canvas Review Key Terms 16 & 17 Chapters 18-20 Chapter 18 The Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Cocci of Medical Importance Chapter 19 The Gram-Positive Bacilli of Medical Importance Chapter 20 The Gram-Negative Bacilli of Medical Importance Various exercises, activities, and discussions Quiz 5: Chapters 16 & 17 Read Chapters 21-23 Prepare for a quiz over Chapter 18-20 Complete Chapters 18-20 Homework in Canvas Review Key Terms 18-20 Chapters 21-23 Chapter 21 Miscellaneous Bacterial Agents of Disease Chapter 22 The Fungi of Medical Importance Chapter 23 The Parasites of Medical Importance Various exercises, activities, and discussions Quiz 6: Chapters 18-20 Read Chapters 24 & 25 Prepare for a quiz over Chapters 21-23 Complete Chapters 21-23 Homework in Canvas Review Key Terms 21-23 Chapters 24 & 25 Chapter 24 Introduction to Viruses That Infect Humans: The DNA Viruses Chapter 25 The RNA Viruses that Infect Humans Various exercises, activities, and discussions Quiz 7: Chapters 21-23 Review for Final Study for the Final Exam. Chapters 1-6, 8, 11-25 Complete Chapters 24 & 25 Homework in Canvas Review Key Terms 24 & 25 Final Exam Review of the course Final Exam NA Page 5 of 5 Concorde Career Colleges, Inc