For Sunglass Hut, inc. Mikki Sain I am 22 years old. I graduate from McMurry University in December of 2005 with a BA in Communication. I work for an independent training agency, All Around Training Co. I have conducted training sessions for low elements rope’s courses, and various other small business corporations. Training Topic Selection o Organization o Topic: How to become an effective Salesperson o Job Description o Training Needs Assessment Report o Introductory Statement o Background and History of Organization o Parameters of Needs Assessment o Procedures o Samples o Methodology o Analyzing Procedures o Feedback Estimation Training Plan o Introduction o Legal Issues o Ground Rules o Environment Diagram o Topic Background o Reading List o Activities o Agenda o Worksheet Samples o Visual Aid Attachment o Goals and Objectives o Time and Mood o Evaluation Form Sample Proposal Section 1 I. Organization a. Drive i. This organization is product driven. 1. The products consist of high quality, specialty sunglasses and watches ranging from $60 - $300. b. Description i. “Sunglass Hut International is recognized as a leader in specialty niche retailing with 1500 Sunglass Hut locations and over 300 Watch Station and Watch World stores around the world. Located in a wide variety of high traffic shopping and tourist destinations, Sunglass Hut and Watch Station stores offer consumers the latest branded products at competitive prices along with outstanding customer service. Sunglass Hut stores are located throughout the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore.” (Sunglass Hut Web Site) c. Environment i. “At Sunglass Hut, Watch Station and Watch World, we’re all about cool styles and a caring environment. We have a unique culture that has been recognized as one of the best by Fortune Magazine, who has named us one of the “100 Best Places to Work.” Not only do we serve our customers with high-fashion sunglasses and watches, we also give back to people less fortunate through our charitable Give the Gift of Sight program. Our associates help people in need in our communities and around the globe on international missions.” (Sunglass Hut Web Site) d. Values i. “Respect. Teamwork. Trust. Quality. Innovation. Fun. Our values live through a diverse family of associates, customers, business partners and neighbors. To us, it’s about bringing people together with different viewpoints and unique personalities to build one of the world’s best workplaces.” (Sunglass Hut Web Site) e. Personnel i. Skills 1. The employees of the organization are required to be friendly, persuasive, charismatic, and fast learners. 2. “We are looking for enthusiastic people who love to sell fashion-forward products in a flexible, fun workplace!” (Sunglass Hut Web Site) ii. Training 1. It is beneficial to have any experience in sales. iii. Education 1. A high school education or equivalent to (GED, etc.) is required. Any further education is favorable, especially in business, marketing, or communication. II. Job Descriptions a. Sales Rep i. This person’s job is primary to sell the products. They must also be able to fix the products and provide knowledge of the products. b. Store General Manager i. This person’s job is the same as the Sales Reps in addition to being responsible for creating work schedules, conducting inventory, handling the money, supervising sales reps, and customer service. III. Topic: How to Become an Effective Salesperson a. Need Justification i. This company’s success, in regards to profitability, depends on the efficiency and effectiveness of their employees to sell the company’s product. ii. There is potential for improvement of store profits by improving and mastering this training’s selling techniques. IV. Training a. Target i. This training program is targeted mainly toward new hires. ii. This training is focused on Result oriented curriculum. (Sunglass Hut Website) (n.d.) Sunglass Hut: Online Retailer. Retrieved January 25, 2004 from Section 2 V. Introductory Statement: a. “Every business owner wants a salesperson who is friendly and personable as well as aggressive and persistent, someone who can understand customers rather than simply qualify them.” (1) b. Many people have these qualities, but most have yet to attain the selling skills to compliment with these personality traits, in order to make them an optimal salesperson. VI. Background and History of the Organization a. “Each company within the Luxottica Retail family has its own rich history, culture benefits and training programs, and each one is vital to our thriving growth.” (Sunglass Hut Web Site) b. Exert from Luxottica Website i. The acquisition of Sunglass Hut: a double reinforcement The increasing importance acquired by the sunwear market combined with the expansion of its direct distribution network resulting from the acquisition of LensCrafters, are the reasons that can make us understand why Luxottica decided to acquire Sunglass Hut International, Inc., the largest sunwear store chain in the world, with more than 1,800 sales points in North America and approximately 250 stores throughout the rest of the world. The Sunglass Hut store chain is synonymous with style and innovation in the sunglass market. It has a very dynamic image, a very wide customer base, and welldistributed sales points. Through this deal Luxottica has consolidated its direct market penetration (in the U.S., but not only there), and is now in a position to promote its sunwear styles more strongly. Luxottica has perfectly integrated its distinctive manufacturing and distribution know-how with the direct marketing expertise of Sunglass Hut, thus confirming to be a system that strives to get closer and closer to the consumer's needs and wishes. ( VII. Parameters of Needs Assessment a. Who Needs To Be Studied i. Employees themselves ii. Supervisors and managers iii. Employees who are already identified as doing their job well iv. Beginning employees v. Customers vi. Select groups of experts in sales to provide insight b. What Needs To Be Studied i. Tasks – critical and non-critical ii. Task process iii. Identify resources, personnel and materials needed to support task. VIII. Procedures a. Information Gathering i. Surveys (see samples) ii. Interviews (see samples) iii. Observing 1. Watch how sales representatives interact with customers and other sales representatives. 2. Watch how managers interact with sales representatives and customers. 3. Is business organized? (papers, procedures, schedules, etc) iv. Research 1. Look up research on the elements of the product (polarized lenses, photochromic sunglasses, effects of UV rays on the eyes, quality of the product, methods of manufacture, etc) 2. Look up research on sales techniques (what customers want in a salesperson, listening skills, closing skills, how to deal with dissatisfied customers, interpersonal styles of communication, etc) b. Persons to be Surveyed (in order) i. Employees ii. Managers iii. Customers c. Persons to be Interviewed (in order) i. Employees identified as doing their job well 1. highest sales percentage 2. high recommendations by managers and fellow employees ii. Managers iii. New Hires iv. Experts d. Jobs To Be Reviewed i. Management ii. Sales Rep IX. Samples a. Employee Survey Assessing Your Sales Skill Rank, in order, the following sales skills in order of importance to your job. Place a 1 in front of the most important item, a 2 in front of the second most important item, and so on. Your least important skill will be ranked 7. ___ Observing (watching the products that catch the customer’s eye) ___ Questioning (inquiring about their interest) ___ Listening (actively listening to their input) ___ Informing (informing the customer of product facts) ___ Persuading (directing the customer towards the decision to buy) ___ Closing (convincing the customer to make the purchase at that moment) ___ Technical skills (fixing merchandise, running register, etc) Now, rate your skill using a 1-10 scale, 1 being low skill and 10 being high skill. Then, record your desired rating, how high of skill you think you should be. I effectively observe customers as they look around in order to evaluate their interests. Today ______ Desired ______ I consistently initiate direct questioning in order to find out what the customer is looking for. Today ______ Desired ______ I actively listen to the customer’s feedback and additional queries. Today ______ Desired ______ I adequately inform the customer of the product of interest as well as store policies. Today ______ Desired ______ I use effective persuasive techniques, if needed, to make the sell. Today ______ Desired ______ I am consistent at closing the sell. Today ______ Desired ______ I perform technical skill efficiently. Today ______ Desired ______ On the back of this paper, answer the following questions. Describe your job. What is your role in the organization? Do you simply sell? Do you have say in major decision making? What value do you bring to the business? Describe the optimal manager (i.e. behavior, job description, feelings). b. Manager Survey Assessing Your Managing Skill Ran, in order, the following sales skills in order of importance to your job. Place a 1 in front of the most important item, a 2 in front of the second most important item, and so on. Your least important skill will be ranked 7. ___ Meeting Sales Quota ___ Being Organized ___ Scheduling ___ Conducting Inventory ___ Money Management ___ Supervising/ Handling Employees ___ Managing Customers Now, rate your skill using a 1-10 scale, 1 being low skill and 10 being high skill. Then, record your desired rating, how high of skill you think you should be. I consistently meet the store’s sales quota. Today ______ Desired ______ I adequately organize store contents, scheduling, records, etc. Today ______ Desired ______ I efficiently schedule employees a sufficient amount of hours. Today ______ Desired ______ I efficiently schedule employees with a sufficient amount of flexibility. Today ______ Desired ______ I understand inventory. Today ______ Desired ______ I conduct inventory frequently and efficiently. Today ______ Desired ______ I resourcefully manage the store’s profits. Today ______ Desired ______ I am able to supervise the sales reps.. Today ______ Desired ______ I am able to keep moral/satisfaction high. Today ______ Desired ______ I adequately handle customer questions and complaints in a professional manner. Today ______ Desired ______ On the back of this paper, answer the following questions. Describe your job. What is your role in the organization? What is your role in the organization? Do you simply manage? Do you have say in major decision making? What value do you bring to the business? Describe the optimal employee. c. Customer Survey Customer Survey What is most important to you as a customer in regards to a sales representative? Rank in order from 1 to 3, 1 being the most important, and 3 being the least important. ___ Listening ___ Questioning ___ Informing ___ Selling Techniques What qualities do you expect to find in a sales representative? d. Interview Questions i. Managers (head of store only) (in order) 1. What sort of knowledge and skills are required for the employee to do their job? 2. How do you measure job performance? 3. What do you look for in order to hire a new employee? 4. If you are looking for “enthusiastic, flexible, fun people who love to sell,” how do you evaluation/measure these qualities? 5. What in-store training do you provide? ii. Employees (one long-standing employee and one new hire) 1. What sort of knowledge and skills are required for you to do your job? 2. How do you measure job performance? 3. Was any in-store training provided when you first started? 4. What are your selling techniques? iii. Experts (two-three resources) 1. Statistically, what is the most successful method of selling this type of product? 2. What do you consider the most important element of the business? 3. What do most businesses lack in sale – training of this sort? 4. Additional comments. X. Methodology a. I will begin by researching the organization’s background and values, the products sold, and its target market. Then, I will observe the current procedures and processes of the organization which will be followed by conducting surveys to customers, employees, and managers. After that I will conduct interview throughout the store to gain further insight and information about the organization. After the information is collected, I will analyze the content. From here, a small group session with store managers will be held to transfer analysis. XI. Analyzing Procedures a. Flow charts b. Categorization XII. Feedback Estimation a. Analysis Chart Training Needs Survey What knowledge and skill is required? Knowledge of Product (different brands, specialties, the value of the sunglass, the process it goes through to make the glass) Competency Study General facts about UV rays and eye damage prevention Specific Job Performance is Competencies: measured by the Technical skills amount of sales. (fixing merchandise, running register, etc) What competencies are required? Broad Competencies: Observing Questioning Listening Informing Persuading Closing Task Analysis Performance Analysis What tasks are What level of job required? performance is required? Employee must sell Sales Rep must the product, know the product generally meet the well to be able to sales quota, run the sell it. Must be able cash register, fix to convince glasses and watches. customer of the quality and investment of the product. Knowledge of Generic Training: fashion (what Broad competencies frames fit what face) Register Sales Rep and Customer are the only people that must be involved to complete task. Knowledge of process (polarization, photochromic, etc) Job Element Priorities: selling product, fixing product, technical skill Training Need: How to Sell Product General facts about business Specialty Training: Fixing glasses Fixing watches If Sales Rep knows product and can convince customers of quality, he/she will inevitably make more sales. Plus, customers will keep returning. When the job is done correctly sales will rise, making the companies profit’s rise, making that salesperson’s income rise through commission. When the job is done poorly, sales will decrease as well as store income and individual income. b. Additional Comments i. Concerns 1. The company does not have an efficient way of measuring employee requirements such as “enthusiastic people who love to sell in a flexible, fun workplace” a. These statements need to be more defined and made measurable. b. Find a way to gauge or scale qualities like friendliness, persuasive, charismatic, and fast learner. 2. Advertising for new hires should be more specific in necessary qualities. (1) Gerson, Vicki. (September 9, 2002). The right salesperson.NFIB. Section 3 XIII. Introduction a. “Every business owner wants a salesperson who is friendly and personable as well as aggressive and persisted, someone who can understand the customers rater than simply qualify them.” (The Right Salesperson, Vicki Gerson) b. This training will help aid employees in selling more efficiently by mastering the arts of observing, questioning, listening, informing, persuading, and closing. XIV. Legal Issues a. Agreement between Sunglass Hut and the consultant. The rate of pay/remuneration will be at 350 per day as well as $12 an hour for preparation time. b. The consultant will provide services or products: Communication review, results, research, Training Manual. c. Three days of two and a half hour training sessions dictated by finding. d. Consultant keeps specific rights to graphics/worksheets/or like intellectual, Copyright and Product. e. Organization provides: i. Training facilities ii. Time paid for employees iii. Resources/ budget iv. Access and latitude to interview and keep information confidential as needed f. At the end of the consultation, an exit interview with assessment will be conducted collaboratively between client and consultant. g. A final report will be issued agreeing to satisfaction of work at the end of consultation. XV. Ground Rules a. Everything is confidential; what is say/done in the training sessions/surveys/interviews must say within their context. b. There are no stupid questions, only questions that go unasked. c. Participation in activities/discussion is required. Without participation, the training is useless. You get out what you put in. d. Openness is encouraged as long as it pertains to the content and it progresses the training in a positive direction. e. Common Courtesy must be exercised throughout the process. Do not interrupt people while they are talking. Do not criticize others’ opinions. Be polite. XVI. Topic Background XVII. Reading List a. Trainer workbook i. Selling tactics ii. Sunglass information XVIII. Activities a. Taken from Blooms Taxonomy i. Benjamin S. Bloom studied the cognitive development of students. In 1956 he published “Bloom’s Taxonomy” for cognitive abstraction. Abstraction is the ability of an individual to deal with concepts. Early in life we understand the “concrete” world: things we can touch, see, and even smell. We rely upon our senses to understand the world. What we cannot sense, we cannot understand. What he found was that in 95% of all learning situations, we are never challenged to go beyond regurgitation information at very basic levels. He created that taxonomical levels in order to assist those who teach to help learners mature in knowledge. (Blooms Taxonomy Training Activities) 1. Categories a. Knowledge b. Comprehension c. Application d. Analysis e. Synthesis f. Evaluation Drumheller, M. (2004). Bloom’s taxonomy training activities. Comm 4360 Training and Development. Knowledge Activity 1. Define these terms: Observing, Questioning, Listening, Informing, Persuading, Closing 2. Outline your personal selling process. What steps do you go through during any given sale? 3. Movie Clip: While watching the clip, identify the different selling elements. Comprehension Activity 1. Describe the selling elements in your own words. 2. Discussion Question: Which element is most important to you? Why? 3. Role Play: Demonstrate customer vs. sales representative relationship. Application Activity 1. Practice selling elements in actual job setting. 2. Discussion: What is the significance of the selling elements? Are they effective? 3. Problem Solving Scenario: Simply by customer observation, what do see that they are looking for? Which glass would you try to sell them? Analysis Activity 1. Movie Clip: Compare and contrast the two sale styles. 2. Role Play: Identify the motives of the sales representative and list evidence to your decision. 3. Research assignment: Look up an article on a selling trend. Write a short summary and analyze contents. Do you agree with trend? What are its weaknesses and strengths? Synthesis Activity 1. Read articles in packet. Combine ideas in the articles. 2. Guest Speaker: How does sales relate to the big picture? (Topic: Business and Economical growth) 3. Discussion: What would happen if the order of the selling elements were rearranged? Evaluation Activity 1. After applying the selling elements to an actual job setting, evaluate the effectiveness of the techniques. 2. Discussion: Do you agree with the process? What do you think about is application? Is it easy/hard to implement? 3. One-On-One Interviews: What did you learn? Evaluate the material. XIX. Agenda XX. Worksheet samples a. Refer to samples and Trainee Workbook XXI. Visual Aid Attachment XXII. Goals and Objectives Knowledge Objectives Define selling elements: Observing, questioning, listening, informing, persuading, closing. Identify and describe seven elements through observation. Draw attention to current standards of selling. Comprehension Objectives Differentiate between roles of customer and sales representative. Identify individual and corporate selling priorities. Reinforce definitions of selling elements. Application Objectives Apply selling concepts to job role. Explain importance of the process. Use appropriate observation methods to implement skills. Analysis Objectives Identify motives of sales representatives by observation. Differentiate and identify selling styles. Assess different sale techniques. Synthesis Objectives Categorize different selling styles. Combine different selling ideas. Provide feedback on training material. Evaluation Objectives Recall the strengths and weaknesses of different selling techniques. Evaluate trainer and training material. Adapt elements to personal selling style. XXIII. Environment Diagram a. Flip chart b. White board, one packet of eight basic color dry/erase markers, dry eraser c. Laptop, cd room, 3 ½ disk drive, 17” monitor d. Flip chart e. Trapezoid table f. 72” diameter skirted table g. Long rectangular table h. Long rectangular table i. 72” diameter skirted table j. 72” diameter skirted table k. Phone d a b c e f j i g k h XXIV. Time and Mood a. Time i. 9:30am -12:00pm ii. 3 consecutive ½ days b. Mood i. Casual ii. Room temperature at 70 degrees iii. Normal work attire iv. Pens provided for notes v. Snacks 1. drinks a. water b. tea c. coffee d. orange juice 2. food a. Cereal bars b. Muffins XXV. Evaluation Form Sample Training Program Evaluation Form Learning objectives were clear. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Training content was interesting. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Training content was relevant to my job. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Training Resources and Methods Workbook is organized well. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree Blooms Taxonomy learning activities were appropriate. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree There was adequate balance among lecture, activities, and group discussion. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree Trainer Presentation Skills Trainer was well prepared. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Trainer was clear and articulate. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Trainer was expressive and energetic. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Trainer answered our questions satisfactorily. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Trainer integrated our life experience into training program. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree Overall Assessment I am overall satisfied with the training. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree I would recommend this trainer to my colleagues. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree