American Revolution WebQuest

4-324’s American Revolution WebQuest
1. Hold down the Ctrl key and click at the same time to visit this first site.
a. What was the effect of the French and Indian War?
b. What was the cause of the Boston Massacre?
2. Now travel to this link.
Study the top flag on this page. It’s the 1st flag adopted by the new United States of America.
Now study the second flag. It’s the flag of Great Britain, also known as England, or the UK.
a. How are these two flags alike?
b. How are these two flags different?
3. Next step:
Scroll down to read through these important dates.
Can you believe there were battles right here in New York?
a. List two events that occurred on May 10, 1775.
b. On what date did the Battle of Long Island occur?
4. Next stop!
First, read the description of the rebus game.
Then, scroll down and try to figure out what word each of these rebus letters represents.
If you are having trouble, keep scrolling down to click for the answers.
Cover up some of the computer screen and try to solve a few of those riddles!
5. Click away!
Scroll down to “1776.” Click on the picture labeled, “The Declaration of Independence.”
Study this painting. Try to read its title below the image as it was printed on the real artwork.
Now that you know the name of this painting, study the characters and setting in the image.
Use the title of this painting, the characters, and the setting to describe what is
happening in this famous scene.
6. Please move on by clicking here.
Take some time to read through and answer several questions in this online quiz. Make sure you
read all explanations, whether or not you guessed correctly the first time. Try to answer the first
five to seven questions of the online quiz.
Type one new fact you learned from the online quiz, The Road to Revolution.
7. Click here.
Study this map of the Boston-Concord-Lexington area. This is where the first battles began.
Read the map key. This information will help you complete our next step.
With your finger on the screen, trace the path of the British troops from Boston to Charlestown.
Use the map scale to estimate the distance between the towns of Medford and
Cambridge. Type your estimate here.
You and your partner may spend the remaining time searching and exploring the following sites:
a. Try out this site to play a matching game that helps us understand all that fancy language in
the Declaration of Independence.
b. Learn about a tough summer that George Washington’s army spent at Valley Forge.
c. Learn about spies from the American Revolution!