
June 26, 2015
ICB Office, Springfield, IL
The meeting was called to order at 9:00am by Stella Nicholson, President.
ROLL CALL by Joe Lokaitis
PRESENT: Stella Nicholson, Dan Lustig (via phone), Robert Carty, Joe Lokaitis, Kellie Gage, Larry Dunbar,
Brian Lengfelder, John Reese, Marcia Van Natta, and Joe Troiani (via phone)
ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Jamelia Hand, Rex Alexander, Patricia Houlihan, Sue Clark, Debbie Broadfield, and
Julia Ford, Operations
Gage introduced and welcomed the new board members, Jamelia Hand, Rex Alexander, and Patricia Houlihan.
Each member shared their experience in the field and their excitement to be part of the board starting in July. The
current board members introduced themselves and provided their backgrounds as well.
Gage announced Van Natta and Troiani will be moving off the board. Van Natta shared being on the board has been
a great experience and wishes to continue her involvement with ICB by volunteering. Troiani expressed his
gratitude to ICB and plans to continue to be a strong supporter of the board. Hayes and Nicholson thanked them for
their service and expressed how they have been great assets.
Motion 1 to approve March 2015 Minutes by Robert Carty with support by John Reese
To accept minutes Y-8 N-0 A-0
Carty reviewed the financial report for month ending May 31, 2015 and it was placed on file. He highlighted that as
of this year, ICB owns the building. ICB continues to be strong and stable financially. There are some extra
expenses such as the mailing of the Ethics Code which involved printing and postage. He also highlighted the
phone expense has started to decrease due to the new phone system.
Hayes shared the issuance of three large checks for the insurance, the phone system, and the new carpet installation.
She commented the new carpet has been an undertaking and applauded Robyn McCarty for her work in this area.
The previous carpet was laid over old vents incorrectly which caused flooring issues in areas.
Nicholson reported the Executive Committee completed their evaluation of Hayes and commented on the impressive
job she has done highlighting the paying off of the building and the stability of ICB as just part of her
accomplishments. Nicholson stated she is always amazed at how much work all the staff complete.
Lustig highlighted milestones of Hayes including her involvement with IADDA, the National Council, and national
advocacy groups which has kept her up to date. He expressed the need to make a special acknowledgement because
the certification remains not just present, but now more understand why the certification is so important due to
Hayes' continued work. Lustig commented ICB has never had an Executive Director that has forged such paths
Moved into Executive Session 9:44am Motion by Joe Troiani with support by Brian Lengfelder
Moved out of Executive Session 9:51 Motion by Joe Lokaitis with support by Brian Lengfelder
Hayes shared Capitol Edge Consulting will be coming later and so the meeting will proceed until they arrive.
Hayes reported all statistics are available in the board packet. She shared she is currently Treasurer on the IADDA
Board and on the IC&RC Board. She was also nominated for President of the IC&RC Board. She reviewed a thank
you received by an attendee who received a scholarship for the Teen Institute that ICB supported.
Hayes opened the floor for the expression of concerns regarding the state budget and commented that IADDA has
been diligently working on keeping all up to date on this process. Troiani shared that while the meeting has been
going on, some contracts have come through, it appears that cuts will be more in the area of adult services and
people are discussing a need for revenue increases. Hayes expressed appreciation for updates and how ICB relies
heavily on the National Council, our lobbyists, and IADDA for information.
Hayes referenced the Calendar of Events and encouraged all to review the dates for different events. Clarifications
on times were provided as needed.
Hayes shared Theodora Binion recently lost her daughter. She reported Mark Sanders, as well as ICB, had been
trying to assist her daughter in pursuing the CADC. Hayes feels that there is an opportunity to do something for
Theodora as she deals with her loss. Hayes proposed presenting Theodora an honorary CADC for her daughter.
This would be a new precedent which could be highlighted in the newsletter.
Gage shared her experience with Theodora's daughter citing she was a woman with great compassion for the clients
she worked with and her sudden death was such a shock. The board agreed to the honorary CADC. Reese
acknowledged his support as well, however suggested the development of a simple policy to cover an honorary
Hayes discussed exploring how to get the CADC into legislation in Illinois. She shared that there are other states
that have done so and has reached out to the jurisdictions to obtain information on the process. The credential is
already in the Parity Law, but she wants to go further and try to protect our members. Legislation could ensure that
our credentialed members have to do specific jobs and can't be replaced by licensed professionals such as the
Lustig shared how this year there was a proposed legislation that stated only individuals licensed could provide
services. This was written by a treatment agency and it moved quite far in the process, one reason being that the
politicians were not well versed on addictions. It luckily did not pass as they became informed. Due to this reason,
he expressed support for Hayes' idea of the development of legislation.
Hayes shared her schedule and reported she will be out of the office frequently due to different engagements,
including IADDA conference, IC&RC conference, and ICB conferences. Hayes and Dianne Gutierrez will be
attending the NCAD conference in St. Louis. Gutierrez will be scouting for possible exhibitors for ICB's
conferences. If someone needs to reach Hayes while she is out, please contact Robyn McCarty.
Hayes shared one of her trips will be attending the National Frontier and Rural ATTC's training academy on
recovery support technologies in Kansas City. Lengfelder attended a training by the National Frontier and Rural
ATTC on technology-based clinical supervision in April. He described the event as mostly data gathering regarding
different practices from the different states represented. Hayes shared that the work at these trainings filter back to
IC&RC and allows a venue for input in what is liked and not liked.
Gage shared Seth Eisenberg with DASA along with Lokaitis and Jane Antonacci developed a rule on technology
standards and suggested Eisenberg as a possible resource. Lokaitis commented that of course face to face is the
preferred, but the standard allows people to reduce barriers to services if needed.
The meeting was adjourned for break at 10:30am.
The meeting was reconvened at 10:47am.
Upon return to meeting, Troiani shared that Mike Madigan's office was soliciting organizations to share views on
the budget and provided a contact person's information if so interested. Lustig reported there is also a possibility of
Van Natta reported IC&RC has condensed the domains from 8 into 4. Hayes reviewed that the CADC
exam has not condensed the domains like the IC&RC exams. Hayes reported in regards to updating the
CADC exam the psychometricians have recommended lowering the amount of questions to 100. The
current exam has 150 questions.
Hayes reported the Executive Committee had some questions for the psychometricians which she
forwarded and passed out for the board to review. Overall, it was found that the new updated exam is a
more solid and reliable exam. Lustig felt upon review of the psychometrician's responses he no longer had
concerns and felt confident moving forward with the reduced amount exam. Dunbar shared his experience
with item writing and verbalized how more comfortable he is with exams due to his knowledge of the type
of scrutiny each question undergoes before it is approved.
Lustig identified an area of continued concern as the lack of the ability to write a treatment plan by new
counselors. He stated it appears what is lacking is their ability to integrate material learned from their
clients into the treatment plan. Lokaitis shared inspectors are constantly struggling with this issue as well.
Hayes inquired if this was a supervision issue and some acknowledged it as such, however Lokaitis also
stated he felt it to be a staff ratio issue. Lengfelder reported George Rafeedie has conducted trainings on
this topic.
Reese stated he felt the internship is an old concept which does not reflect the world today. He recently had
an intern that was hired out of her internship by the agency who due to a lack of supervisors ended up
having her be the supervisor of one of his new interns. Lustig commented that critical thinking is an issue
and Troiani stated he sees this at the masters and doctorate levels.
Dunbar commented agencies are not getting continuity with people when some leave and are not replaced
for several months. The new person does not get the benefit of learning from the person before they leave.
The other issue is that many are hiring young people just out of school as managers.
Lustig expressed his willingness to meet via conference call with Hayes and Ford to discuss this issue.
Additionally, Lengfelder, Reese, and Dunbar all volunteered to meet before the September meeting to
examine this topic more.
With the arrival of the lobbyists, the board returned to the President/Executive Committee Report to hear
their information.
Sue Clark and Debbie Broadfield with Capitol Edge Consulting shared their backgrounds and experience with the
board. They commented on the previous discussion and stated that it is not just the AODA field experiencing this,
as the nursing field is too. Broadfield shared it has been an interesting year as the legislators adjourned on May 31st
without an agreement on the budget. June 30th is the deadline and as of yet no solutions have occurred. There is
much blaming going on and there has been no support from either side for the turnaround budget.
Clark shared contracts have been going out to some providers, but the amount of money or times could change and
if the budget does not get passed, there will not be any money to pay them. If the government shuts down, there will
be no one to write the checks.
Hayes, Broadfield, and Clark met to brainstorm how to create a tool to teach ICB members grass roots action and
also provide a CEU with this training. Hayes shared this has been reviewed with the attorney and it is okay as ICB
would just be informing. This is something that members could access through ICB's website.
Hayes thanked Broadfield and Clark for coming and for keeping ICB informed. Hayes will pass on any updates
from them to the board.
Upon the departure of the lobbyists, Van Natta continued her report citing the CRSS-E rolled out in May.
There has been interest, but no applications. For the veterans credential, Hayes provided Tom Miller with
the test blueprint and the application template. She is waiting on his seal of approval as a subject matter
expert so steps to move forward can occur. Hayes would like to do this at the national level, but is willing
to do state level. Lokaitis and Troiani will be contacting Miller to inquire about moving forward.
Hayes reported ICB is currently waiting on the NCRS exam and emphasized we will not proceed with the
NCRS without the exam. Susan Blacksher with CAARR has an exam, but they are experiencing difficulty
with getting the blueprint to Hayes. Hayes is stepping back and giving Blacksher and IAEC time to talk.
Everything is set up in-house for it already.
Reese reviewed that the Spring Conference financials, presenter evaluations, and the overall evaluations
were all available in the board packet. He expressed congratulations to staff for their hard work. Reese
cited not having soda saved money and Dianne Gutierrez's work with the increase in exhibitors helped
financially as well.
A discussion on better use of the training room ensued. A conference call for the committee to discuss this
issue will be set up by Ford.
Ford reported the preparations for the Fall Conference are underway. Contracts will be going out in the
near future. She cited there is a great line up of presenters that have already agreed verbally to conduct
Reese inquired if there was ever a supporter award given out at the conferences. He thought this might be a
great way to highlight advocates for the field, such as politicians who have expressed their support. Lustig
commented that this is a great idea. Hayes shared that this has not been done, but it could be implemented
and that perhaps starting with a senator who is also credentialed by ICB would be a good way to start with
the award.
Lengfelder reported Lewis University is now an official ATP as their initial accreditation fee has been
received. The re-accreditation invoices were sent out in April as planned and some payments have already
started to come in. Lengfelder and Ford requested feedback from coordinators on how they prepare their
students for internships and some have been received. Lincoln Correctional Center's application for CAAP
accreditation is still under review. They are nearing the end, but no site visit is scheduled as of yet since
some items are still pending. St. Francis University has submitted an application today for accreditation.
The next coordinators meeting will be in September. Hayes thanked Ford for her work with the ATPs.
Reese commented the Netsmart program has been implemented. They appear to have overcome the issue
that caused delay. He and Janet Mason of College of Lake County are collaborating to develop a training
on how to utilize it for other schools interested.
As Gage provided this information at the beginning of the meeting, no other report was needed.
Carty shared TOL would benefit from receiving some direction on its goals. TOL's recent discussions have been
around retention and they have developed a survey, but currently the discussions have led to how it will be sent and
if there are finances to do so. Carty suggested putting on the brakes with this and inquired to the board if there is a
retention problem to investigate. Hayes reviewed there is no money allocated in the budget for TOL. ICB covers
the TOL conference calls and has put the mentor list on the website, as well as provided a table in the exhibit hall for
them. Hayes shared that a group may be terminated one month, but then in the next month, ICB will receive contact
requesting reinstatement from some of them. Many may have just not updated their address information and so they
did not receive the notices due to this. Hayes is not presently concerned regarding retention of CADCs as ICB
currently has 7800 holding the credential.
Hayes inquired what the board would like to see TOL do or if it is time to revisit TOT. Lengfelder
mentioned TOTs are now being called academies and that this is something that ICB may want to consider. A
discussion on topics for presentations ensued.
Carty, Lokaitis, Hand, and Gage agreed to meet on a conference call to discuss guidance for TOL. Ford
will send out possible dates for this call. Carty reported the next TOL meeting is on July 28th and will be a face to
In regards to TOT, Hayes questioned if it was time to revisit it. The possibility of pulling it out of the
conference and using the training room was discussed. Gage mentioned the possibility of marketing TOT by the use
of testimonials of those, such as herself, that received so much through their experience with it.
In May, Lokaitis attended the Virtual Implementation Academy by SAMHSA. Some of the discussion
included improving military cultural competence, ROSC, and integrating prevention. Hayes thanked him for
attending highlighting how helpful it is to have board members such as Lokaitis and Lengfelder who are able
to assist with being at meetings she is not able to make due to other engagements.
Floor opened for discussion with none presented.
Motion 2 to adjourn by Larry Dunbar with support by John Reese
To adjourn the meeting. Y-8 N-0 A-0
The meeting was adjourned at 12:34pm
Respectfully submitted by: Joseph Lokaitis