Design of a parametric outlier detection system Project Proposal by Ronald Erickson as part of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Software Engineering University Of Colorado, Colorado Springs 1 Committee Members and Signatures: Approved by Date Advisor: Dr. Edward Chow Committee member: Dr. Xiaobo Zhou Committee member: Dr. Chuan Yue Ronald Erickson February 08, 2011 Page 1 of 6 2 Introduction Background Information In an increasingly competitive global market, microelectronics companies are designing the integrated circuit in their facility and then utilizing a fab-less manufacturing system. These companies design, manufacture, and test high reliability standard and custom integrated circuits for the aerospace, high-altitude avionics, medical, networking, and other standard consumer electronics. This type of business model the company does not own a wafer fabrication facility. Therefore the company must employ least a single wafer fab, or many wafer fabs throughout the world. Dependent on the product being manufactured and the required technology utilized within the integrated circuit design. To mitigate a portion of the risk using differing wafer fabs companies have installed standardized transistor cell structures [14]. This type of business model will design the integrated circuit, send the design to a wafer fab, perform the package assembly on the wafers, and perform the electrical and environmental testing of the integrated circuit prior to shipment to the end user. High reliability products are electrically tested multiple times prior to shipment to ensure compliance to the device specification. In some cases this testing is tailored to the specific industry for which they are designed [14]. Companies must consistently monitor large amounts of test data at pre-defined electrical test steps during the manufacturing process to ensure compliance [7]. Contained within this test data are device specific electrical parametric readings that are composed of DC and AC electrical parameters pertaining to the individual device performance. In an effort to stay product price competitive and to maintain a highly reliable reputation with the industry as the geometries continue to decrease. The importance of monitoring device parametric data has become an increasingly important tool in discovering discrete product defects [6]. However in this type of fab-less business model the microelectronic company does not own a wafer fabrication facility. Therefore the wafer parametric acceptance criteria will be based on less rigorous requirements set by the wafer fabrication facility within the contract. This less restrictive wafer acceptance criterion is geared to increase fab starts and deliverables on a statistical basis. It is certainly not geared to benefit the fab-less company because of large deviations in material parametrics. Some companies have resorted to only electrical testing at the wafer level used in consumer products [9]. Simply because it has become cheaper to replace the device than to take the time to final test the device at package level. However, high reliability devices must be tested at package level to ensure compliance Wafer fab minor deviations within doping can create very different wafer structure parametric data [12,13]. These types of deviations can be easily normalized and thus predicted if there are many parametric wafer samples. But if a wafer device lot quantities are small and have months in between starts, it becomes very difficult to a run a large sample normalized statistical analysis. This is where a better system to predict yield, and detect outliers without many samples is required to stay profitable. General Circuit Manufacturing Techniques The majority of all integrated circuit defects are discovered through the electrical test of the integrated circuit at the wafer level. The re-tested at the packaged device level to detect assembly, environmental and accelerated life-time infant mortality. Wafer fabrication defects o transistor doping, oxide breakdown, interconnect and poly stringers Ronald Erickson February 08, 2011 Page 2 of 6 o opens, shorts, resistive metals, bridging materials o metallization stability issues, dissimilar metals like aluminum and copper. Potential device assembly defects o wafer back-grind, wafer saw, die preparation o device package defects including trace length, & integrity, package leads o solder ball integrity, die attach, wire bond, hermetic lid seal Environmental defects on the package and die are caused by simulating o temperature cycle, temperature shock, mechanical vibration o centrifuge, high humidity, salt environment o accelerated and dynamic electrical burn-in causing infant mortality o total ionizing dose (TID), gamma radiation effects on gate oxides As a minimum the digital circuit DC parametric tests performed at electrical test are o Continuity, power shorts, input leakage, output tri-state leakage o quiescent power, active power, input and output thresholds o minimum voltage operation However, these digital circuit measurements usually include the AC electrical parameters o data propagation, input set-up, output/input hold o input rise, input fall, clock duty cycle 3 Design for Manufacturing Architectures Existing Tools for Discovering Manufacturing Defects All high reliability IC manufacturers must electrically test their product to ensure compliance to the product specification and save package and assembly costs. Design for manufacturing techniques (DfM) imply that device parametric data can potentially discover the mismatches between the manufacturing process of the circuit and the circuit designer intent within test structures in street locations of a die reticle [11]. Other parametric defect techniques only detect limited parameters of quiescent current device sensitivity and are limited to a very specific device function [10]. MARYL (Manufacturability Assessment and Rapid Yield Learning) minimizes the risk of starting high volume manufacturing in a waferfab. Engineers consistently study the relationships between the process parameters within the wafer fabrication facility and the electrical parameters of the integrated circuit and predict a final yield of the process [13]. Some tools utilize the circuit from a many building blocks approach. This tool takes the knowledge of smaller building block circuits in an attempt to solve a part of a larger problem. However it is only a simulation of a real world integrated circuit based upon the performance or execution time of a particular product within a product line in a specific wafer fab [6]. Standard DfM techniques work well within the commercial market because these designs do not contain radiation implanting. Essentially a mature process wafer test structure will deterministically behave as predicted without a radiation implant. However within a small fabless business model the wafer manufacturer will assume a no-liability stance to implanted wafers due to the complexity and variance from one wafer lot to another. The high reliability manufacturer includes a data pack for every testable parameter within the device specification for each serialized device. A small fab-less company needs a tool that can process relatively small amounts of individual device data and the effects of Commercial Radiation Hardened (CRH) implants. This currently unavailable tool would allow this company to make quick educated decisions and continue to provide their customers with the highest quality products for at least the next 20 years. Ronald Erickson February 08, 2011 Page 3 of 6 4 Proposed Outlier Detection Design System The current project investigates an automatic parametric outlier detection system design that will utilize multiple existing algorithms like an Anderson-Darling with Shapiro-Wilk tests in combination with affordable tools and a database into a user friendly automated system. The goal of this design is to combine various existing outlier detection techniques and make necessary improvements so that the small company outlier detection system is similar to other elaborate expensive architectures but can make better manufacturing decisions using smaller data sets. Specific software engineering approaches will be selected to aid in the implementation of the automated outlier detections solution. The design of the parametric outlier detection system will be sub-divided into four main areas: 1. Database Although this project does will not focus on database design techniques, a database is the foundation of the project because it contains the parametric device data that will be used within the automated system. The widely-used and supported database must be utilized in an effort to build a tool that will support use for the next 20 years. 2. Automatic Data Extraction The automatic data extraction tool will overlap a minimum of two techniques to view the data from more than one viewpoint. Parametric historical data based on wafer manufacturer - ON Semiconductor wafer fab 0.6u & TSMC Semiconductor wafer fab 0.25u. Parametric historical data based on product identification code (PIC) - This technique will be implemented on and individual product. SRAM (SRXX), DRAM(DRXX) 3. Automatic Statistical Modeling Automated data modeling and goodness-of-fit tests contained within a normalcy test of Anderson-Darling, or Shapiro-Wilk, or Skewness-Kurtosis All will be selected. A quartile analysis of this normalized data will then be performed on the center 50% of the data set to see if the data is pulled together or spread out. This quartile analysis will not be affected much by outliers because statistically few outliers can exist in the center 50% of the data [2]. If the data set is a bi-model or a non-normal distribution. The data set will be shown in a histogram format and require user intervention to pick the data modeling performed on the data set [3,5]. Future enhancements to the outlier detection system on non-normal data sets will utilize machine learning to track the type of data modeling that was performed by user, device type, and distribution using a learning methodology [1 ,4]. . 4. Testing and Evaluation The proposed outlier detection system design implementation will identify tests cases within a test-bed. These tests can utilize only specific a single device parameter within a predetermined datasets that is loaded into the database and used as a testing criterion for initial prototype. Ronald Erickson February 08, 2011 Page 4 of 6 5 Thesis Plan & Schedule 1. Requirement Analysis (January 15, 2010 – February 08, 2011) Identify and understand the problem domain Evaluate possible prototypes Define requirements Define thesis project plan and schedule Present proposal and obtain official approval 2. Planning (February 9, 2011 –February 10, 2011) Identify and obtain resources needed 3. Design (February 11, 2011 – February 15, 2011) Design/Prototype initial test-bed and evaluate design effectiveness Refine and finalize test-bed design using cited paper 4. Implementation & Testing (February 15, 2011 –March 15, 2011) Create initial prototype Test-bed implementation 5. Project Closure (March 15, 2011 – April 15, 2011) Present final data and obtain approval. Create all necessary documentation Project defense 6 Deliverables 1. The outlier detection test-bed, including a device parametric data-log loaded into a database and a data modeling response that resembles a real product manufacturing scenario. 2. The outlier detection engine code that implements the various techniques/improvement as mentioned in Section 4 of this proposal. The outlier detection system shall demonstrate Anderson-Darling, or Shapiro-Wilk, or Skewness-Kurtosis All tests on a provided data set contained within a data-log containing electrical device test data. 3. A project report documenting the outlier detection design and the results of implementing the data-log within the outlier detection design prototype. 4. An analysis report describing the software engineering principles selected and how the selected techniques are applied in the outlier detection implementation. Ronald Erickson February 08, 2011 Page 5 of 6 7 Bibliography [] Anil Kumar Jain, M Narasimha Murty, Patrick Joseph Flynn: Data clustering: a review. ACM Computing Surveys: Volume 31, Issue 3, Pages: 264 – 323, September 1999. [2] Ronald Holsinger, Adam Fisher, Peter Spellerberg, : Precision Estimates for AASHTO Test Method T308 and the Test Methods for Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder in AASHTO Specification M320. National Cooperative Highway Research Program, AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory, Gaithersburg, Maryland, February, 2005 [3] Joao Gama, Pedro Pereira Rodrigues, and Raquel Sebastiao: Evaluating Algorithms that Learn from Data Streams. ACM: SAC '09: Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on Applied Computing, March 2009. [4] Jennifer G. Dy, and Carla E. Brodley: Feature Selection for Unsupervised Learning. The Journal of Machine Learning Research , Volume 5, December 2004. 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